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Found 13 results

  1. hi Long story - bought car 13/08/2018 2 weeks later lots of warning lights - car into AC who sent to Audi who advised needs ABS computer and part on back order - roughly 2k to 3.5k to fix AC have rung to say they're deciding whether they will just give me my money back. so my questions are? do they have a right to do that? I want that car, it took me ages to find it I'm in a hire car at the moment - I'm guessing will be better for them to put me in one of their vehicles so at least hire charges arent being added to their current bill Where do I stand legally - my rights. I've paid to have the car professionally polished, paid insurance, bought mats for it etc etc They're ringing me tomorrow but would love to know what rights I have Thanks in advance Gilly5001
  2. Hello PCN issued by Smart Parking for wrong VRM a zero instead of O was entered. The alleged contravention happened at HAVEN BANKS RETAIL PARK EXETER A ticket was purchased for the time parked but a zero was entered instead of letter O PCN received 06/11/17 Date of alleged contrevetion 21/10/2017 I appealed, not realising that I had entered a zero instead of O. Not sure if I disclosed the driver ( sorry didn't realise at the time what a mistake that may have been). Sent supporting evidence of purchased tickets- I had know idea what I had done wrong. Appeal refused although they acknowledge my tickets as eveidence of tickets purchased. Appeal refused as a zero was entered instead of the letter O I'm now appealing to POPLA I'm struggling to get my head around the legal jargon and which bits apply to my case. Any help would be much apprieciated.
  3. Hi, I'm seeking some advice regarding some Council Tax arrears I have with Highland Council. I was sequestrated on 20th May 2015 and discharged a year later. I was on the understanding that all debts leading upto & including my sequestration date was included within the sequestration. However, Highland Council have informed me that it's their policy to use the 'Date of First Order' as the date for any arrears, instead of my actual sequestration date. Here's Highland councils response to my enquiry: "Dear Mr frunko, Thank you for email dated 07.04.2017. The Date of First Order is the day that a person who has applied for sequestration is cited to court. After this date, the party is given a period of time to make payment (6 weeks) but if no payment is received within that period, it is Council policy that the 'First Order Date' is the date used when dealing with a sequestrated Council Tax account. Therefore, although you were sequestrated on the 20.05.2015 we had to use the 26.04.2015, as this was the date you were first cited to court." I was wondering if this policy is in line with Scottish law regarding sequestration? The reason I'm asking is because If the Highland Council used my actual sequestration date of 20th May 2015, the whole financial year 2015 - 2016 Council Tax arrears would be included within my sequestration as they had issued a 'final notice' letter before 20th May 2015. Your knowledge or thoughts on this would be very much appreciated. Thanks - Frank
  4. I ordered "DDR4 3200MHz 32GB Vengeance Black - Red LED". When I received my delivery it was for "DDR4 3200MHz 16GB Vengeance Black - Red LED" which is half the memory size of what was advertised and actually purchased 16GB (Delivered) instead of 32GB (Ordered). I have saved a snapshot of this product listed on saverstore website listed as 32GB RAM and copy of email confirmation to prove the actual RAM was listed as 32GB not 16GB. When I contacted Saverstore by phone they said it was a genuine mistake and If I Google manufacturers part number it would show me (8GB x 2 = 16GB) RAM. I told them my understanding was Saverstore would deliver me 2 x Manufacturers item number to make it 32GB which was listed But they said they wouldn't honour my order and Refund me my money and get item collected instead. My Biggest problem is this RAM was required for a project requiring URGENT completion and even if I take Saverstore's words I have genuinely missed out on similar 32GB RAM which was on offer and which I could've bought for roughly same price. Where do I stand now? Shouldn't the seller deliver me the actual advertised item? Please advise
  5. http://www.itv.com/news/wales/2016-03-03/driver-hit-with-100-fine-after-putting-a-letter-o-instead-of-number-0-in-parking-machine/ Perfectly sums up what the PPC ' industry ' is about. And it is not managing car parking spaces...
  6. I had a smashed iPhone 6 screen for about 6 months because I couldn't afford to get it fixed and it still worked fine. However last week it began showing sign of giving up (touchscreen not working properly), so I gave in and took it to a local shop that does repairs and also sells things like cases and accessories (called Fone Care, not sure if it's a chain...) Firstly they refused to knock £5 off to price-match a different shop down the road, which is fair enough and obviously within their rights.... But we were just about to walk out, when she said she could do it now and it would only take 10 minutes; the other shop wanted me to come back and collect it some hours later, so it was simply more convenient. Went back and collected it and she showed me it was working etc, and told me I have a 14 day warranty (it's now been 7 days), and I paid the grand sum of £95! Since that day, my battery has been dreadful. I used to only charge it once in the evenings, to full charge, and it would then last until the following evening. Since having my screen replaced, it's draining rapidly and I'm having to charge it 3 times a day. Even when it's not being used:- for the third night in a row lastnight, I went to bed with 80% battery and when I woke up at 3am with my baby, it was completely dead and off. Another day I put it in my bad with 60% battery and it stayed in there all day, not being used because I was somewhere that I had no signal - and it died. I've done all the usual checks, and also absolutely nothing in my settings etc, has changed since I took it in. I already have things like location services and automatic E-Mail refresh off, I always have. A quick Google search told me that there's been quite a few people around the country with this problem at various shops, and a few suggestions I've come across is that it's because they use cheap replacement screens ('from China') which kill your battery, or that they may have swapped the original battery for a rubbish one. Can someone please advise me how to proceed with this, or indeed even if I can..?! I suffer with anxiety so don't feel I'm able to go into the shop (I couldn't even go in to get the screen replaced on my own, I had to wait until my partner could come with me). Some posts on local social media have already told me that they're not very accommodating in this particular shop (for example, someone bought a charger there and it didn't work; so she took it back, only to be refused a refund and told by the manager 'well what do you expect if you buy cheap?') Therefore I plan to approach it in writing instead if this is OK...? I just don't know what Rights/Act's I can quote in my letter to help me, if any? I'm assuming I have the right to receive my phone back in the same working condition that I gave it to them..? Not give it to them to fix a problem and end up with an even worse one? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
  7. I am very upset after reading the email from Hastings Direct Smartmiles, threatening to take £152 from my credit card and if I don't pay up, they will ruin my perfect credit history. I made the mistake of putting 8 years No Claim Bonus instead of 9 and the woman operative told me that according to the live rate this moment, I will have to pay £159.53 (£25 admin fee) on top of the £800 plus I paid last month (my son is 19). I was very shaken. I kept telling the woman that I did not inflate the figure with a view to lowering the premium. I made a genuine mistake of giving 8 years instead of 9 which is what I have. To any rational people, the common sense rule is that the more NCB years you have, the less you pay. The woman operative, a Ms Gill, kept saying that because of LIVE RATE, I actually had to pay more. Then she probably pretended to help me by running through my quote again and of course, according to her, I still have to pay. I googled the internet and found a similar amount being quoted by another person with a complaint on this site. It seems to be it is their practice to whack people with £152! My policy number : 22039TET0039072 The tone of the email is plain nasty. Please read Additional Premium £134.93 Your change caused your premium to increase Administration Fee £25.00 As stated in our Terms and Conditions Amount due £159.93 Please contact our Customer Service team. If we do not hear from you in the next 7 days we will collect this amount using your securely held card details. If we are unsuccessful your policy may be cancelled and the amount shown will be passed to a debt collection agency and your credit rating may be affected. ***** If I cancelled the policy, I would only get back £600! What a nasty company. They have no right to hit people with a genuine mistake like this - not to say I have ONE MORE YEAR OF NO CLAIM BONUS. The woman operative stuck to her gun saying that it is because of the LIVE RATE, she could not get me a lower quote! I hope anybody reading this take this as a lesson - I wish I had stayed with my previous insurer. Beware of this company. It is NO JOKE! It seems to be this company have a penchant of whacking people with £152! Would you like to deal with a nasty company like that??? Next time when you see the name, stay away or you will live to regret it!
  8. Ive recently asked my bank to provide me with the Credit Agreement relating to a loan from a while ago. The document I received back had my signature on it but instead of an authorising signature from the bank it had the name of the branch handwritten instead (in upper case). Is this still considered to be a valid signature?
  9. Can someone with good knowledge please help me to rectify a problem at work.There have been at least 4 times where employees who were on holiday but not going away have been rang by the office and asked if they can work part or all of their holidays.The union at work disagree with this practice saying it is unlawful....The management(or more the directors) disagree saying there is no law on selling your holidays..I got this info. from a u.k. website, Can you ‘buy back’ holiday from your staff? It is not lawful ( not permitted or recognised by law), to pay employees instead of letting them take holiday (except in limited circumstances upon termination of employment), even if the employee would be happy to agree it. However, there is nothing to stop an employer and employee coming to an agreement to “buy back” any contractual holiday that you offer OVER AND ABOVE THE STATUTORY MINIMUM.For example if you offer staff 30 days leave, you could legitimately buy back two days, although the employee could not oblige you to do so. Am I therefore correct in saying the office/management/directors etc, cannot allow staff to continue working instead of taking their holidays unless it is any days over and above the statutory 28 days?. I looked on Gov.co.uk but found nothing to suggest staff can or cannot sell their holidays back.I need some clarification on this issue please.
  10. Hi All, I'm currently with Bank of Scotland, well for the next 56 days anyway. I'll start at the beginning: I received 3 payments amounting to over 5k split between my current account AND ISA account. I was not expecting these payments (initially thought possibly sent by family - unfortunately this was not the case) and so contacted Bank of Scotland to notify them of this. I was told to either move the money into another account as to ensure that I wouldn't spend the money or leave it where it was (which I did) and wait for a letter notifying me the money would be taken out and paid back to the original sender. The next day or so I went to the bank to withdraw money, card was swallowed by cash machine I then went into branch to discuss this - was asked to bring in more ID, did this and was then told my account had been frozen. Turns out the payments were not made in error but rather fraudulently - They were FPI payments so I assume they were paid from the other party's online account. I was told I would receive further information the next day on the issue. The next day I am told my accounts will be closed as they believe I am behind the fraud. At this stage I did try to discuss why they thought this and how could I prove otherwise etc but was met with only the phrase (along the lines): "The account will be closed and no more offered" I did also ask if I would have any type of markers against my name now which would affect me and was told no initially and then when I probed further was given a "maybe" Doing some research on my own I see that in these situations bank will apply for a CIFAS which is very serious as it can affect employment and access to other accounts from different banks. I am of course extremely worried by this whole mess as I fear it could now affect my current job which is in Insurance - who of course will be unlikely to keep someone on with a fraud marker; as well as any future employment I may seek. To the best of my knowledge none of my account information has been stolen or compromised - It seems to me from my conversations with several Bank of Scotland staff If I was to have lied and said my card was lost etc I probably wouldn't be in this situation of being blamed. I accept it may be possible my online account was hacked or card details copied/cloned but as I said to the best of my knowledge this is not the case. Any advice on this whole situation would be greatly appreciated, as well as any information you may have on CIFAS and how long it lasts - If it is applied for I will of course appeal this and if anyone else has any experience of this Id like to hear from you also. Thank you all for reading this rather long post. -Sofail P.s before anyone asks, NO I am not a fraudster. I am innocent and another victim of this fraud in this whole situation.
  11. Hello all, I have a bit of a complicated one here… 3 years ago I moved into a property as a tenant..tried to contact npower numerous times without any success of them admiting they are my supplier. After 3 years they came up with this huge bill charged for a business account (and meter registered at the wrong address). I do not have any idea how and why they opened a business account. It is not in my name but in the name of the property owners. They have agreed to recalculate all the bills using domestic rates and VAT, but it still comes out big. I have asked them to apply the back billing policy, but they said that because the account was opened (not by me) as business they can only apply back billing for 2 years and not for 1 year as for domestic accounts. Is there any reasonable solution to this and any way I can be back billed for 1 year back? I do not want to wash my hands clean of this and let the property owners pay it, but I do not want to pay the unfair huge bill. Thanks!
  12. I did a really stupid thing today, i put petrol by mistake in a diesel car hired from enterprise. I was surprised after filling up i continued to drive for 70 miles, pulled over for a coffee and the car failed to start after i had finished AA towed me to a local ford garage where they took the car, i was taken to the nearest enterprise and given another vehicle. I realize petrol in diesel is not to bad compared to diesel in petrol. No doubt all that the ford main dealer will do is just pump out the fuel and replace with diesel Anybody got any idea on what this is going to cost me, An hours labour at least and a gallon of fuel no doubt
  13. This is a very good move. The rules which required payments to be made in 10 installments have never been fair. http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/news/article-2255514/Council-tax-bills-paid-12-months-10-rules-overhaul.html
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