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  1. Hi Just a quick one.....bought a ticket for what i thought was 2.5 hours parking (on tariff paid for two hours and added extra 50p in case I went just over two hours, but next tariff was 3 hours and more than I paid) but if I now pay the fine can I take off the £2.50 I have already paid? Thanks in advance! Sam
  2. Hey CAG, Posting on behalf of a friend. In short she doesn't have a tv licence as doesn't watch live tv only netflix. However her young daughter downloaded BBC iplayer on her tablet and signed up and gave her mums post code etc and obviously must of said she had a TV licence. Fast forward a few weeks and my friend gets an email that says "Our records show you've used BBC iplayer on a number of occasions in recent weeks. As your no licence need status is now invalid you need to buy a TV licence" and gives her a link to buy. Does she need to buy one, her daughter being on early teens did not know her mum needed a TV licence. Anything she can do?
  3. Does anyone have experience of challenging the 20% discount repayment for Right to Buy terms with a local council in the final six months of the five year no move rule. There is a proviso written in the contract that says in exceptional circumstances they will waive this. Would anyone know what these exceptional circumstances might be, or if there has been a successful challenge. I have been told it would be too costly to ask and I would be unsuccessful if I engaged a solicitor to do this hence my post to clarify this would be the case. Thanks in advance.
  4. what is the best pre paid credit card/debit card you can buy for online shopping for amounts less than £200 so to keep your finances in order and a limit on your online shopping? something you can buy from a newsagent without all the falaffle of appying online, whats good/bad?
  5. hi Long story - bought car 13/08/2018 2 weeks later lots of warning lights - car into AC who sent to Audi who advised needs ABS computer and part on back order - roughly 2k to 3.5k to fix AC have rung to say they're deciding whether they will just give me my money back. so my questions are? do they have a right to do that? I want that car, it took me ages to find it I'm in a hire car at the moment - I'm guessing will be better for them to put me in one of their vehicles so at least hire charges arent being added to their current bill Where do I stand legally - my rights. I've paid to have the car professionally polished, paid insurance, bought mats for it etc etc They're ringing me tomorrow but would love to know what rights I have Thanks in advance Gilly5001
  6. Hi all hope you can offer some advice. My wife signed up for a 6 month rent to buy scheme for a piano, after the 6 months we kept the payments going to cover the total cost of the piano, in fact we've paid over the total amount. This was agreed with the company. Were now getting calls, after 7pm mainly! asking for money, last call the guy even hung up on my wife, accusing us of not contacting them after the 6 months, which is completely untrue, we were always told they'll get this person to ring back. we have bank statements to prove payments but this seems to be falling on deaf ears. We have yet to get any kind of paperwork from these guys, apart from the initial rental agreement. Where do we stand? Thanks in advance.
  7. Hi This is from earlier this year but after seeing a lot of press around refunds I thought it was worth pursuing. My daughter had booked a flight with Flybe from our local airport Newquay to Gatwick to connect with a Malaysian airlines flight back to Australia. I dropped her off and she checked in. Her connecting flight was 1.35pm, so plenty of time to connect with the flight. The flight was meant to take off at 7.25am, but took off at 8.35am. It landed in Exeter as Gatwick airport was shut down due to fog. They sat around for 2 hours until they informed them that they had cancelled the flight and they would take them to Gatwick by coach. This journey took 5 hours. I called Malaysian airlines but I had to buy another flight. Flybe knew that Gatwick was closed and had they said that they couldn't get there we could have driven my daughter to Gatwick - it would have been a close call time wise but we could have made it. Can we get any compensation for this, any help much appreciated
  8. The amount that CFO were claiming was £940 - Motormile are now claiming £32.67. I probably will pay this to bring the matter to a close. OUR REFERENCE: M4591793 CURRENT OUTSTANDING BALANCE: £32.67 Welcome to Motormile Finance UK Limited (MMF). Dear xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx We write to inform you the CFO Lending Limited was placed into administration on the 6th of April 2017. Paul Boyle and David Clements of Harrisons Business Recovery and Insolvency Limited, were appointed joint administrators and your CFO account 223644 has now been sold to Motormile Finance UK Limited (MMF). Click here to download your goodbye letter from CFO Lending, please note you will need to enter your date of birth. Whilst the conditions of your account will not change we are pleased to advise that, upon purchasing your account, we have removed any remaining interest, fees and charges from the original agreement. The balance noted above is therefore now your original loan amount less any payment you have already made to CFO Lending. We have allocated a new reference number (shown above). If you have more than one account with us, the customer reference number should now be used in all future correspondence or contact with us for all of your accounts. Please find a breakdown of the accounts you hold with us below: Original Lender Name Reference Amount Outstanding CFO Lending 223644 £32.67 The transfer assigns all of CFO's rights as the owner to Motormile Finance UK Limited. Your legal rights will not be affected by this transfer and future contact should be made directly to MMF. The effect of the legal assignment is that MMF now own the debt and perform all obligations as stated in your agreement, this includes the collection of any outstanding balance. We wish to ensure the smooth transition of your account to us and using our expertise, our intention is to understand your current financial position and agree a suitable repayment plan that is affordable based on your circumstances. You can securely manage your account online by visiting and follow our simple registration process. Alternatively, you can complete a payment mandate here and return to or to discuss your payment options please contact us on 0113 887 6876. If for any reason you believe any of the information we hold for you is incorrect, you should let us know immediately. Your statement of account will follow shortly, we look forward to hearing from you within the next 7 days. Yours sincerely Motormile Finance UK Limited (MMF) Please note: if you choose to communicate with MMF by email, unless otherwise advised by you, we will accept this as your consent to use your personal details to contact you by electronic means (email) with information about your account(s) which may include collections activity, negotiations and other services and products. We are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in respect of consumer credit regulated agreements. MMF is the trading name of Motormile Finance UK Limited, a company registered in England and Wales with company number 06637307. Our registered office is Protection House, 83 Bradford Road, Leeds LS28 6AT. EmailID:[3055189]
  9. In Paris they sell celery by weight. Not by the stick/bunch but by kilo. So what this means is that when people go to their supermarket, they break the ribbon holding the celery together, take out the nice succulent heart of the celery – you know, the bit that we all want and then take that to the till. The supermarket cashier simply weighs it and charges for the amount that has been taken. If you come along later on in the day, then all you have left is the big ugly green bits and the worms. This is how Parisians do it. Don't you wish you had one for a neighbour?
  10. Hi, I received my CCA from Aqua some time ago. For a while I thought that the CCA I received was actually for another account that I had also requested a CCA from. ...sometimes it gets confusing as you're no longer dealing with the familiar name but now various debt collection companies and the solicitors with unfamiliar refs! after realizing my mistake I sent in an offer of payment via email with my income/expenditure I was obviously too late two days later I received a court claim. I put in an acknowledgement to try to get a bit more time and see if I could arrange a payment plan with them. They replied to my email a few weeks later asking for my dob (which l then emailed back to them) as a security question to then proceed with email communication but I haven't heard back from them. Today is the last filing day for my defence but I really don't have one and as they've not responded to my last email what shall I do? Thanks PB
  11. I bought an Aqualisa electric shower and paid a lot to have it professionally fitted . Almost immediately, when switched on, water began gushing out of the back and down the wall. I looked online and found several postings, including one which explained this was due to a pressure relief valve opening and described how to fix it. Basically, you switch off the electricity, take off the cover, unscrew the valve (difficult) and push a plastic ball back into its tube and then reassemble. OK for a month then it happened again. I phoned Aqualisa customer services and asked for a fitter to repair it under the 2 year guarantee, which they did. Six weeks later same problem. This time customer services said they will make a total of 2 repair visits and thereafter, until the 2 year guarantee has expired, they will post you a new valve which you will have to fit yourself. So what happens after 2 years? You have to buy them and keep changing them yourself or you don't have a shower. It is clearly a design fault, but customer services say it isn't, and "it isn't part of the shower because it's a safety feature", even though it is inside the shower under the cover. What utter nonsense ! I now have a shower that fails every six weeks and the manufacturer won't honour the guarantee. I want my money back but don't know how to get it without spending even more money There are quite a lot of internet postings on Aqualisa electric showers describing exactly the same fault - take a look. Don't buy Aqualisa showers.
  12. hi i have had bayv for about 3 years now i rung them the other day to ask to return some furniture i have as i am moving and i dont need it at my new house, i just assmed because i had been paying it off for so long there would be no problems, well i was wrong they have refused to take them back because a fault i had reported to them and they were currenty trying to order the parts (i have been waiting for them to fix this for nearly a month) had not ben sorted and said they could not take them back unless they were in the condition they were sent in i am now stuck as i move in a few days and i literaly can not take them with me does anyone no what i can do thank you
  13. Hi there, A year ago I took out a product with Buy as you view. I have had no problems and have paid religiously by DD every week. This week I returned from holiday to a letter saying the DD had been cancelled (my fault I was cancelling several DDs at once online before i went away). this means that the payments have mounted up to £89 owed. Due to the holiday and not realising they hadn't gone out I rang Buy as you view to advise them I could meet the back log in payments on my next payday but would continue to pay the weekly amount every Friday until then so I don't owe more. they said to do this I had to arrange for the area manager to come out (which I did for next Thursday) to reset my direct debit up rather than by phone. this evening having got home from a long day, feeling unwell and with a small child in the house and one on the way a Buy as you view rep bangs on my door. I didn't answer as I hadn't been expecting him; we had made an appointment for next week. It states on the website they can only visit by appointment. Can anybody advise me where I stand on this please? Do I have to let them in at all? Can I make the payments by phone. What has put me off answering and dealing with them in person is now that they have come round uninvited when I have specifically set an appointment. I tried to ring them but was on hold for 56 minutes then told phone lines have closed Best wishes and thanks in advance Emma
  14. Hi apologies if this is the wrong part of forum im posting in. i bought 45000 indian rupees in 500 and 1000 rupee denominations on ) Oct 13th last month. for my holiday in feb 2017 From TravelFX by Bank transfer (wish i'd paid by credit card now but they only accepted Bank transfers) then beginning of this month indian prime minister declares all 500 and 1000 in effect null and void. its nearly £550.00 worth and TravelFX wont buy them back. even though though they have a buy back policy. and now wont communicate with me any further even though i have been polite at all stages in communications with them. i stated to them that i should get a refund as a consumer under the sale of goods act, but they replied bureau de change transactions are not covered by the act. is this true im shocked if it is. ive explored all avenues in the uk with indian banks etc but nobody will take them so i believe my hope is to get the currency exchange to take them back and refund me. surely my purchase must be covered under some sort of consumer law. Any Help would be much appreciated and as with all help i've received in the past i will be making a donation to the forum
  15. READ MORE HERE: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2016/jul/31/right-to-buy-policy-scrapped-scotland-social-housing
  16. Hi, I purchased a period return ticket from Oxford to Manchester last week. I didn't have a problem on the way up, but I had an issue with using the return ticket on my back. I don't remember which stop it was after but, somewhere between Manchester and Birmingham New Street, the guard came through and stamped the return half of my ticket. When I reached Birmingham New Street, a new guard replaced the previous one. When he came through to check the tickets, he told me that I had already used my ticket and I could only use it once. I explained to him that the ticket had been stamped by the other guard, who he had replaced, on the same train, but he didn't believe me. He told me that I would have to purchase another ticket. As he was threatening to get the police involved and being intimidating, I begrudgingly paid up. Is it possible to get my money back for this ticket? I shouldn't have had to purchase it. Unfortunately the second guard confiscated both halves of my ticket, so I have no proof that I already had a ticket.
  17. Hi everyone My dad is over 55 now and wants to move as much money as he can out of his pensions and into UK government gilts. He's sending off his application to join the approved group of investors soon but needs help with withdrawing the money. He believes he'll make more interest and that the gilts are a safer bet with the way the market currently is. He was thinking of buying a 5 year and 10 year gilt but doesn't want to pay the tax to withdraw the money from the pension pots. He's got three pension pots, I know you can take 25% without tax but does that apply to all pots or just overall? and would there be a way to take the rest out tax free or with low tax applied? Thanks Andrew
  18. Hi all, Just give you a quick run down of the operation of the local station and route to hopefully clear up any confusion before any advice can be given. Our local station is an unmanned station, as are all the stations on the branch line, apart from the two terminals, in this case Strood and Paddock Wood, and the middle main station being Maidstone West. All the stations have a machine placed at each entrance in which to purchase a Permit to Travel ticket which can then be exchanged for a travel ticket by either the issuing ticket office at Strood, Maidstone West or Paddock Wood, or by buying a ticket from the conductor/guard on board the train. However, in the last month, the types of trains used have changed from a 3 coach class 377 with a driver and conductor/guard, to a 2 coach class 466 driver only. The Permit to Travel machine at our local station always appears to be broken, either it is jammed with coins where it won't accept anything, or the coins just slip through to the rejected coin collector, although there is a time displayed on the machine to indicate that it is turned on. Over the last two weeks, my daughter has twice been issued with a £20 penalty fare by Revenue Protection as she wasn't in possession of a valid permit to travel or travel ticket, although she wasn't able to purchase one in the first place. Revenue Protection were at the first station she would have been able to purchase a ticket from, and before the ticket office, therefore stopping her from purchasing a ticket as she has done on numerous occasions before. She did state that the Permit to Travel machine wasn't working, but they said it was, even though they weren't at the station. She paid the first Penalty instantly, but she want's to appeal this second and any subsequent penalties that she may occur if the opportunity to purchase a Permit to Travel isn't available. Hoping that some of you good guys and girls on here can offer some advice and ammunition so she can win her appeal. Many thanks, Bloke 199
  19. Hi all, is there a section where I can ask buy to let questions? I don't really see anything suitable except for maybe the banking section.
  20. Compensation is to be paid to 59,000 customers of Buy as You View, which rents out furniture, TVs and other electronic goods on hire purchase. The City watchdog, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), raised concerns about the clarity of fees and the treatment of customers in arrears. It also questioned the way customers were given payment meters to restrict access to TVs. Dunraven Finance will pay £939,000 in compensation. The company, which uses the trading name Buy as You View, will pay an average of nearly £16 per customer, by adjusting bills or in cash payments. It will contact customers directly. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-35871214
  21. Someone went into the side of my work van a couple of weeks ago whilst he was pulling out of a junction. It was his fault. There was some cosmetic damage, scratches etc. and the passenger door wouldn’t open. So I decided to put a claim in through his insurance company. I was given a courtesy van whilst mine was taken off to be assessed. A couple weeks later I received a telephone call to say my vehicle had been written off Cat C. I was offered a settlement and the option to buy my van back. However the offer was way below what it would have cost me to either repair or replace the vehicle so I declined it. I have now been told that as I declined the offer my claim has now been transferred back to my insurance company Hastings and the other drivers insurance company would no longer be dealing with it. I would no longer be able to buy my van back. The rental vehicle will need to be returned and I will lose my no claims. At no point was I told by Albany the implications of me declining the first offer. Otherwise I may have reconsidered taking the offer. Now I’m going to lose out. I have 3 options: · Withdraw my claim, keep my van and pay for the door to be repaired myself. · Settle the claim for below market value and buy my own van back from auction and hope that the settlement cost will cover the cost to buy it back and do the repair work. · Or Settle the claim for below market value and having to get some sort of finance to replace the vehicle. My van is sign written and has been fully fitted out for my work needs with a reversing camera so the cost of replacing all of this will be well in excess of what I will receive. And most of this would be removed before it is auctioned off. All I want is my van back and some money towards the repair cost. I don’t understand how this was an option when I got my first offer but Hastings are now saying I can’t get my van back. Poor customer service all round and the accident wasn’t even my fault.
  22. Hi all ... Hope this is the right place to post this. Having lost everything in the recession I then suffered a major breakdown and now have Complex PTSD and fibromalgia amongst other illnesses which are all getting worse. After two years of being homeless myself and my partner were given a council flat. Our neighbours are the local drug dealers and generally bad things happen daily. I now won't go out of the flat at all. I have a pension which I could cash in in 18 months and I wanted to do this and buy a small cheap house. I currently get PIP and my partner gets carers allowance and we get income support which I apparently claim for us both. I don't really understand it all as the CAB sorted it out for us. If I did cash in my pension and buy a house would our income support stop. Also would this affect my state pension when I get to retirement age. Someone told me that we wouldn't be entitled to pension credits. Thanking you in advance for any advice you can give.
  23. Could somebody help with this My daughter wants to buy her council house and has lived in it for about 9 years so does qualify for the right to buy discount but she was told she could not have the new help to buy ISA as well as that would mean two discounts is this correct as I was under the impression that you could have a help to buy ISA as well as the council right to buy discount thanks for any help
  24. Hello. Apologies if this is in the wrong place so feel free to move it. We gained the Right to Buy 16 years ago via a Deed of Assignment with my mother. She was informed that she would lose the Right to Buy and that we would gain it. We have the Deed of Assignment, the tenancy 'General Terms and Conditions' that confrim the above and in 2004 we began the process of buying our house. We received a from from the landlord confirming that we had the Right to Buy and they even evaulated the property. Although at the time we discovered that we could not get a mortgage so everything stopped. In 2007 we moved house. Same Housing Association. Another Deed of Assignment, this time with my father-in-law. He had the Right to Buy and so did we. We were inform that we would still retain the Right to Buy when we moved. Four weeks ago we began the process of purchasing our house again. The landlord is now stating that we do not have the Right to Buy as we were not tenants in 1998. They also quoted s171B of the Housing (Preservation of the Right to Buy) Regulation 1993. So, we sent in a complaint with all of the documents that we have confirming that we have the Right to Buy and reffered to this from said regulations: ‘Extent of preserved right: qualifying persons and dwelling-houses: 171B. (4) The following are qualifying successors for this purpose - (aa) where the former secure tenancy was not a joint tenancy, a member of the former secure tenant’s family to whom the former secure tenant assigned his assured tenancy of a dwelling-house in relation to which, immediately before the assignment, he had the preserved right to buy. ’ Following a phone conversation this morning I have been informed that even though they have this new information they still belive that we have no Right to Buy. They are stating that it was all a mistake and that the Housing Regulations can be interpreted in different ways. Any advice will help a lot? Regards, The Lion.
  25. I was looking to where to buy a book called 'the truth of the lie' by Goncalo Amaral which I couldn't seem to find for sale on Amazon. Any ideas ?..
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