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  1. Good afternoon, I am wondering if somebody can point me in the right direct. Last summer myself, my wife and our son (13 at the time) flew to Romania with Tarom (Heathrow to Bucharest). Our flight landed almost 6 hours late. On our return, I filed a claim for compensation for the three of us at 400 Euro’s per person. After 3 months, Tarom eventually replied to me with an apology and an offer of 450 Euro’s per person in vouchers. I refused this and insisted upon a cash alternative via bank transfer under Regulation EU261. Tarom agreed to compensate 400 Euro’s per person and asked for my bank details, which I have supplied. However, after another 3 weeks, they only paid 400 Euro’s. I have emailed them twice since to ask about the remaining 800 Euro’s. Today, I got a reply stating the following: “Under the Romanian Law (we are a Romanian Company) we can make the payment directly to the passenger. In order to make the payment for Mrs. XXXX and Mr. XXXX we need the following bank details of the passengers.” Is this information correct, or are they trying to delay payment further? I can’t imagine that an airline pays each member of a family separately e.g. a family package holiday. Our son does not have a bank account, so I can’t give them any bank details for him, although he is entitled to compensation too. Many thanks
  2. Hi, What rules apply to flight delays from pakistan to manchester flying on PIA? Flight was delayed for 7 hours, the expected departure was 3pm but delayed until 10pm. When i asked for a reason i did not get an full answer, all i was told was there were some issues from a flight from canada. Accomodation and food was provided. This was a return flight, left manchester to pakistan, and pakistan to manchester. I had no travel insurance. Am i able to claim compensation via EU regulations?
  3. Delayed flight compensation Jet2 - We have had a long and frustrating 9 months trying to get compensation from Jet2 for delayed flight LS606 from Malaga to East Midlands on Monday December 11th 2017. To jog your memory there was some snowfall on Sunday 10th December across parts of the midlands and the south of the country. LS606 was 3 hours 41 minutes late arriving at East Midlands. We put in a claim to Jet 2 by way of a letter (and two follow up letters) and it was repeatedly denied because of ‘exceptional circumstances’ which Jet2 tried to suggest was adverse weather. To cut the long version short, we issued county court proceedings in January 2018 and Jet2 responded by appointing a large London firm of solicitors to fight their defence. The defence received was laughable and was mistly wrong, inaccurate or downright offensive. One part that sticks out to me was the following: ‘The defendant does not admit nor deny that the claimants presented themselves for check-in’. In other words, although they do not deny it, they wanted us to prove that we did. Of course, by law they have to keep records of who actually boards and travels on all aircraft. For the last 9 months Jet 2 has tried to convince us that LS606 was delayed due to adverse weather but I can prove that it was not and will happily forward that proof onto anyone who also wishes to bring a compensation claim for the same flight. The PREVIOUS flight, LS605 was delayed leaving East Midlands and that it was actually made our flight delayed. But although Jet 2 will again tell you that LS605 was delayed by adverse weather, that is also untrue. The actual reason LS605 was delayed was a lack of de-icing facilities and supplies. Something confirmed on bvoard LS606 by the captain in Malaga. On the day in question I have records of every flight that landed and departed from EMA between 05:25 and 15:13. Not one aircraft was delayed from landing at EMA and of those that did land, not a single one was delayed in departing again. Only aircraft that had been parked overnight had any delay and of those only some of those. This was ultimately Jet2's downfall. Adverse weather either effects all flights atbthe airport or it doesn't. De-icing is more selective and thus the can of worms is opened. The two flights in question are LS605 and LS606 on Monday 11 December 2017, both of which used a Boeing 737 aircraft with the registration G-JZHL. This aircraft was flown EMPTY into EMA from Birmingham on Saturday 9 December and it sat fully exposed to the forecast snow conditions until it was required on the Monday morning, 36 hours later. THAT is why it needed de-icing and the lack of said de-icing is why LS605 was delayed departing and thus why LS606 was subsequently delayed. So, ANYONE who travelled on LS606 should claim compensation under EU regulation 261/2004 and I would strongly advise you to claim from Jet2 without delay. They WILL deny your claim and will most likely string you along for months also, but persevere and like us you will get your compensation. Our court case was due to be heard in the next couple of weeks and out of the blue Jet 2 decided to offer the full claim amount (including the court fee) last week. This morning we received the full claim amount into our bank. Jet2 tried to incorporate a ‘confidential’ clause into their offer, but I pointed out that they were not in a position to demand anything from us. They dropped that part in agreement of us accepting the full settlement offer. We did that specifically so we could tell you. So, if you were on LS606 make a claim. You are entitled to 400 Euros per passenger. I also advise anyone on LS605 to also claim because your flight was also NOT delayed due to adverse weather, but a lack of de-icing facilities. EU court cases have ruled that de-icing is not a reason to deny claims. I think it is outrageous that companies such as Jet2 will try this. They know they must pay but WILL deny your perfectly valid claim. They are simply hoping you will just not bother, or if you do bother will accept their rejection, or if you do issue a court claim will be put off by their big London firm and their 20 page defence, or that you will just give up. Be like us and stand up to them. Amount settled: £780.72 being 400 Euros each plus the £60 court summons fee. In case anyone from Jet2 wishes to contest what I have said above, I have the full documentation of the entire matter from letter 1 to bank payment today.
  4. My transatlantic flight form USA back to UK was cancelled by airline 4 hrs after the flight was due to depart . I was not put on another flight for 48 hrs. Can I claim from both the airline and on the insurance which i took out or am i only permitted to claim from one or the other. Thanks
  5. I have recently returned from Cuba, it was a fantastic holiday that was only spoilt by a loss of 2 days. When we booked it we was due to fly to Havana, Spend a couple of nights there, then fly on to Cayo coco, using an internal flight. Spend 14 nights then fly back to Havana for an overnight stay then Havana to Gatwick.. The internal flight time was 45 mins. 3 days before our holiday we were contacted by our holiday company stating that because of a recent airplane crash at Havana they would not be using any internal flights.? Which is fine, safety first etc.! The holiday company said that they would be giving us a private car and we will be driven to our destination. It was a taxi. I asked how long this would take to which they replied ' oh about 4 hour's.? There was no other alternative offered. The journey from Havana to cayo coco took 8 hours...! With the same again on the return. We basically lost 2 days due to travelling. Have I got a case for some compensation?
  6. Hi all, New here and after some advice. I booked a package holiday through Olympic Holidays in April with flights operated by TUI. Our (2 of us) return flight (Corfu-Gatwick) was delayed due to a faulty aircraft having been sent back to Gatwick on it's way out to Corfu. This resulted in a 13 hour delay. Due to work commitments, we needed to be back home much earlier than this so unfortunately had to pay for new flights that were operated by Thomas Cook, plus €110 in baggage charges. The total came to around £400 after conversion (flights were £155 each). Before I start the long compensation process and so that I go about this in the correct way, I was looking for advice on: 1) Do I claim through Olympic or TUI? 2)Am I entitled to the standardised compensation package, or 3)Because I didn't take the scheduled flight, do TUI/Olympic have to pay me for the flights that I bought due to their delay, or: 4) Are they liable to pay for the flight that we didn't take due to the delay? I have a feeling Olympic/TUI will try passing me on like a hot potato so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Jacob
  7. Hello All, My flight from Barbados to London was delayed over 3 hours. When I put my claim in they stated it was denied stating the flight was delayed by arrival in UK 2 hours and 51 minutes. Are these claims not based on the time the flight departs also?
  8. Last year I booked a transatlantic return flight from Madrid with Iberia, on behalf of a friend of mine who moved to Madrid years ago. It was an expensive flight to start with and the email from Iberia stated that date changes would incur a penalty of between US $195 and $325. She changed the return date and was told over the phone that she had to pay over $500 to change the date. She argued about it but was given some stock answer by the local Iberia office so she had to pay the amount using her card. This is clearly not in accordance with what was stated on their booking confirmation email that stated: "Change Allowed with a penalty between 190-325 USD for departures from America, 150-250 € for departures from Europe" I believe BA and Iberia have merged https://www.britishairways.com/en-gb/information/about-ba/iag Is there anything that can be done?
  9. The CAA have intervened now, I hope they make Ryanair help passengers now. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2017/sep/27/ryanair-cancel-flights-passengers-stansted-edinburgh?utm_source=esp&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=GU+Today+main+NEW+H+categories&utm_term=245544&subid=7192694&CMP=EMCNEWEML6619I2
  10. Hi This is from earlier this year but after seeing a lot of press around refunds I thought it was worth pursuing. My daughter had booked a flight with Flybe from our local airport Newquay to Gatwick to connect with a Malaysian airlines flight back to Australia. I dropped her off and she checked in. Her connecting flight was 1.35pm, so plenty of time to connect with the flight. The flight was meant to take off at 7.25am, but took off at 8.35am. It landed in Exeter as Gatwick airport was shut down due to fog. They sat around for 2 hours until they informed them that they had cancelled the flight and they would take them to Gatwick by coach. This journey took 5 hours. I called Malaysian airlines but I had to buy another flight. Flybe knew that Gatwick was closed and had they said that they couldn't get there we could have driven my daughter to Gatwick - it would have been a close call time wise but we could have made it. Can we get any compensation for this, any help much appreciated
  11. My first foray into independent travel with my new powerchair didn't end that well! Outward flight was spot on, all promised help was provided, cheerful assistance staff at both airports and a seamless journey from end to end. Return flight was cancelled with no notice. I have had conflicting reports as to why including weather (at the destination, not the departure airport), earlier delays due to weather at the destination meaning the aircraft was not in the right place and earlier delays due to bad weather in Ireland causing a knock-on effect on other flights. At the time my flight was due to depart there were no issues with weather at either end. Assistance at the airport was non-existent - no Flybe staff at all. Eventually directed to the Swissport desk who just shrugged. Eventually they said that all passengers would be taken by bus to an hotel. After some argument I persuaded them that I really couldn't drive the chair up the bus steps and they sent me to the taxi rank with a voucher. I was absolutely refused any further assistance with locating a suitable taxi or with my luggage but was assured that an accessible room had been reserved for me. I was given nothing about my rights nor any contact details or information about when to return to the airport. An extremely helpful Spanish taxi driver phoned for an accessible taxi for me and also translated the hotel name scribbled on the voucher. The taxi itself had a ramp, full stop. No means of securing the chair or me, and every time he went round a corner, the chair tipped sideways. Scary. After 45 minutes or so I was literally deposited in the middle of a junction outside a building which I presumed was the hotel but could equally have been a posh office, but not a dropped kerb in sight. I did eventually locate one round the back of the building next to the disabled access, relief! Or not. The receptionist took one look at me and said they didn't accept wheelchair users (so why a wheelchair entrance?) even though they did have a lift. By this time the bus had also arrived and was offloading 65 other passengers several of whom tried to intervene. About an hour later another taxi arrived (this one did at least have a strap that the driver wrapped around the chair a bit) and took me to another hotel, though I had to pay. Neither I nor the hotel were able to obtain any information (or even a reply) from Flybe or the airport next morning, I opted to take myself back (another dodgy taxi, another fare) to find out what was happening. In the meantime, I'd asked my sister in the UK to keep trying Flybe and get them to ring me, which they did just as I arrived. Unfortunately 45 minutes later and we were no further forward - according to Flybe there were no other flights from anywhere in Spain to anywhere in the UK for 48 hours, which was an absolute lie as there were seats on several other flights from that airport that day. Having given up on Flybe I joined the other passengers who'd decided to take matters into their own hands at the Swissport desk. Once again the first reaction was not promising, but once I made them (and everyone within earshot) aware that Flybe would have to reroute us with a different carrier if they couldn't get us home that attitude changed somewhat, perhaps because I was also handing out slips of paper with CAG's web address. They were in the process of getting authorisation from Flybe to route us through Barcelona and Paris when I was told to go to check-in as they'd miraculously found a seat for me on the next flight, leaving in 20 minutes. I've let things fester for a few days, mostly because by the time I got to the UK I was wiped out, I've just received a generic letter from Flybe offering everyone a £75 voucher. My first response wouldn't get past the CAGbot, my second is to seek opinions from the forum. 1. Flybe are claiming 'extraordinary circumstances' so no automatic compensation. Are they right as there was no problem with the weather at either end by the time our flight was due to depart. 2. I know I can claim the taxi fares, would it be reasonable to hold Flybe responsible for the humilation of being refused a room in the hotel they picked and the stress of being carted around a strange city at night and on my own? I wouldn't normally consider travelling alone at night other than with a taxi firm known to me. I was genuinely quite terrified by the whole experience. 3. When booking special assistance, Flybe promise that should there be any issue with your flight they will notify you direct as soon as possible to discuss with you how to proceed. This obviously didn't happen, and in fact other than reluctantly sending me by taxi, they made absolutely no allowance for my disability. Had they spoken to me earlier I'd have told them the best option would be for me to stay where I was where I not only had accessible facilities but also several people on hand to help me use them. Is this breach of contract? Very sorry for the long post but I hate when people give bits of information piecemeal.
  12. Hi, I was recently on a flight from Vienna to Gatwick. The distance is 1250km (775 miles). The delay was exactly 3 hours, 4 minutes (184 minutes). Under Flight Regulation EC 261/2004 I am entitled to compensation of 250€ per passenger (2 of us) for flight delays longer than 3 hours. The delay was due to a technical fault. I contacted BA via email for compensation. They responded stating that 175 minutes was due to technical fault, and the remaining 9 minutes was due to ATC as they had to wait for a slot to take off, therefore since less than 180 minutes was their fault, they reject the claim for compensation. My friend, on a different BA flight had exactly the same issue - his flight delayed by 200 minutes, and BA claimed 175 due to technical fault, and 25 due to waiting for ATC to let them go. Suspicious. From my point of view, if there was no technical fault, the flight would have taken off in the allocated time and the delay would have been 0 minutes. The technical fault caused the ATC delay, and therefore the delay is entirely BA fault, all 184 minutes of it. So they should pay me compensation. Also, does "ATC waiting for a takeoff slot" count as "extraordinary circumstances" ? I know an ATC strike, or ATC staff shortages may do, but there is nothing improper or out of the ordinary about the operation of ATC at this time - it is entirely correct operation, they are just waiting for the next free slot because obviously they cant just let a plane go immediately when its ready, so there will always be some kind of delay here, so how can it be classed extraordinary? It seems there is a grey area on the Air Traffic Control and airlines can use it to get out of paying compensation. Please can someone give me advice on this? Thanks, Ryan.
  13. My wife and a friend went to Corfu for a week long soul festival (music not heart and soul). The flights and transfers only were booked through Thomas Cook Airlines, the return flight was at 19.00 with the transfer collection time at 15.45. So they got the transfer to the airport at 15.45 as arranged but when they got to the airport the flight time had been changed to 15.15 so they missed their flight. They spoke to the TC rep who said it was their fault for not checking flight times and they had been sent an Email in Dec 2006 changing the flight times, On returning home she checked her emails and had not had one changing times and also the transfer to the airport had not been notified either. We know of at least 2 other groups with the same problems. They had to pay again for flights at 03.00 and for meals and train tickets back in uk ,also had to miss a days work due to being up all night. Thomas Cook airlines are denying all responsibility and saying it was our job to check they are doing there job as promised by them. What should be my next steps and do they have a leg to stand on?? Tony
  14. Hi all I'm having a problem getting my point through to Omega Flight Store. Late December, I was planning a family vacation. I attempted to book 4 flights via https://book.omegaflightstore.com. The during payment, the site started to suffer errors and would not complete. I took screenshots of the site errors during my attempts. Eventually I got an email declining the booking from Omega. Therefore, I ended up going to a competitor (and paying more for the flight). Once that flight was booked, I suddenly and unexpectedly got an email from Omega that the booking has been confirmed. At no point during the booking process did the site ever complete the payment process. It literally just errored out every time. I went ahead and contacted Omega online to explain the situation, provided the screenshots as evidence in order to get a refund. As it was the website that was at fault, was expecting some fair play. Instead, the support staff just do seem to read the notes that I put in the case. A phone call later (on the same day as the booking) I managed to get the tickets voided. I only ever got a partial refund from them. They claim that according to the T&Cs I must pay £30 per ticket to void the booking. As the booking was made on Boxing day, Support could not escalate to management until a working day, but was promised a phone call will be made to discuss the matter. I'm yet to receive this phone call. Attempts to get management to call me have been futile. The support staff don't seem to read the comments that I had previously made (they even included that it is my responsibility to void the tickets on the same day as the booking....which I had already done). They wont escalate to management nor will the forward me to the complaints department. Can anyone offer any advise?
  15. I would be most grateful if anyone can help us with this. My wife and I flew from Malaga to East Midlands airport on flight LS606 on 11 December. The flight was 4 hours late arriving into Malaga and we ended up being 3 hours 15 minutes late into East Midlands. Whilst there was some minor snow on 10 December that tenmpoarirly closed the airport, flights fully resumed in the afternoon on 10th. Our aircraft first flew out from East Midlands, due to leave at 11am but actually left at 3:15pm, thus was late arriving in Malaga. The excuse the airling want to fob me off with is 'adverse weather'. But I was flying from Malaga where the weather was fine and into East Midlands where there were no problems landing or taxiing. On investigation, it seems as through there were mechanical problems and delays with teh de-icing euqipment and thus is a ground operations delay and not a weather delay that effected the outbounf aicraft. In any event, as siad we were not flying from East Midlands but into. So, my question is this. Would faulty/ill prepared de-icing equipemt used for the outbound flight to Malaga be justification for the airline citing adverse weather for our inbound flight, albeit the same aircraft. They could have used another aircraft, or chartered one but obviously that would cost them. I am not in the slightest happy to be told that I cannot claim under EC204 regs for the 3hours+ delay because they want to wave the banner of 'adverse weather' when as said, there was no adverse weather that actually effected OUR flight, but the one before. Any help or guidance would be very welcome.
  16. Ryanair has told lawyers acting for a woman claiming compensation that it will no longer accept the jurisdiction of the English courts, in a case that has raised concerns over air passenger delay rights. The claims management company acting for a woman known only as Ms Menditta, who claimed against the Dublin-based Ryanair after a delay in 2015, have been told by the airline that a clause in the airline’s terms and conditions requires disputes to be decided by the Irish courts. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2016/dec/09/ryanair-says-womans-delay-claim-must-go-through-irish-courts Clause 2.4 of Ryanair's terms and conditions states that contract disputes will normally be subject to the jurisdiction of Irish courts, but until now has rarely invoked that clause. Ryanair has now declared it WILL recognise the jurisdiction of British courts in flight delay compensation cases, but only if customers shun third-party claims firms and approach the airline directly.
  17. Regulator the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), which no longer deals with complaints flight delays and cancellations, has announced that a total of 20 airlines have now signed up to approved 'Alternative Dispute Resolution' (ADR) bodies. Customers with complaints aginst those airlines who have signed up with the Retail Ombudsman will have thier case dealt with free of charge. But British Airways, easyjet and Thomas Cook have signed with CEDR which charges customers a £25 fee for unsuccessful claims for compensation https://www.caa.co.uk/Passengers/Resolving-travel-problems/How-the-CAA-can-help/Alternative-dispute-resolution/ Retail Ombudsman Air Astana, Air Canada and Air Canada Rouge,Asiana Airlines EgyptAir , Flybe, Ryanair, SkyWorks Airlines AG, South African Airways TAP Portugal Turkish Airlines, Wizz Air Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR) British Airways, easyJet, Thomas Cook, Thomson (TUI)
  18. I hope i have posted this in the correct forum. We were booked to fly with Monarch from Gibraltar to Luton. Due to weather conditions our flight was diverted from Gibraltar to Malaga. We were due to take off from Gibraltar at 7.30 pm Spanish time and arrive at Luton at 9.30pm English time. We left Gibraltar airport on a bus(provided by Monarch) at11pm Spanish time destination Malaga airport. We arrived at Malaga airport and finally took off from there at 3.00am Spanish time and arrived back at Luton at 5.00am English time. So, basically, we were delayed by 7.5 hours. We were given a carrier bag by Monarch whilst waiting at Malaga airport containing a packet of crisps, chocolate bar and a small bottle of water. We incurred extra costs due to our late arrival back, lifts, taxis,work missed etc. Monarch diverted to Malaga two incoming flights(one of which was ours) that were both due to land at Gibraltar at roughly the same time. It later transpired that Monarch had a broken down plane at Malaga that evening that was due to fly back to the UK. The passengers that were due to fly on that plane were placed on the two diverted planes, one of which was ours. I hope i have explained the situation clearly. Anyone advice on our chance of a compensation claim please? Thank you.
  19. Hi! I have been a cagger since 2008 but have had to create a new account so technically this isn't my first post In August my wife and flew from Gatwick to Toronto, when we checked in (three hours in advance) we were advised the flight had been delayed by four hours and were given food vouchers as compensation. Going to be honest, we have flown as far afield as Australia and Hawaii and never had as much as a 30 minute delay in 15 years of holidaying abrade so didn't mind too much HOWEVER it did mess our plans up significantly. AirTransat have been approached as i feel we have grounds to claim compensation for the delayed flight, however they have point blankly refused. What are your thoughts?
  20. My wife and I booked a flight to Vietnam, with Vietnam Airlines (through a broker). Less than 24 hours before, we were telephoned by the broker to say the flight would be delayed by around 8 hours as was the incoming flight from Vietnam by their Airline, upon which we would be departing. This threw pre flight and post flight travel arrangements into chaos, at such short notice, but there was nothing to be done to prevent that, so we just got on with it. As our arrival was delayed by just shy of 9 hours, I understand we can claim compensation. Vietnam Airlines have a London office so I emailed my claim to them but they have not replied. Accordingly, I've decided to post them a hard copy of my complaint and compensation claim. Do I need a "Proof of Delivery" or is a "Proof of Posting" slip sufficient, please? Thank you.
  21. Hello, I recently got back from a holiday in Portugal where our flight was delayed by 3 hours going out there. I submitted the claims form and this is the rubbish I get back; Dear XXXXX Flight No. XXXXX Gatwick to Faro 25th June 2017 Further to your claim for delay compensation, we are writing to advise the outcome of our investigation into your case. Monarch Airlines aims as its first priority to provide its passengers with a safe and efficient service. We are sorry for the delay you experienced that has led to your claim for compensation. We would like to reassure you that every reasonable effort is made to ensure that our flights depart on time and in the unlikely event we are unable to do so through disruption, we aim to provide a solution at the earliest opportunity. As previously advised, in some circumstances passengers may be entitled to compensation for delay arising from such disruption under European Union laws. However, any monetary payments are subject to certain criteria being satisfied. Under these laws where the disruption is caused by an ‘extraordinary circumstance’ which the airline was reasonably unable to prevent, the carrier is not obliged to pay compensation. The Civil Aviation Authority and European National Enforcement Bodies have published guidelines regarding what can and cannot be considered as extraordinary circumstances and we base our decision on these guidelines. Our records show that due to high winds three of our aircraft were unable to return from Spain and were forced to remain overnight in Arrecife on 24th June. As a consequence of these aircraft being unavailable for their planned flights as a result of the weather, there was severe disruption across the entire flying programme. This led to a number of flights being cancelled leaving many passengers unable to travel to their intended destinations. However, and in order to avoid cancelling your flight, our operations team were able to implement changes to the flying programme and utilise our standby aircraft. Unfortunately and despite our best efforts this did lead to the unavoidable delay to the departure of your flight. Having considered the factual background of this case in accordance with the published guidelines and applicable case law, we are satisfied that the disruption was caused by an extraordinary circumstance that could not have reasonably been prevented by Monarch Airlines. We are, therefore, unable to accept your claim for compensation for the reasons given. All flight delays are fully documented in accordance with the requirements of our regulator and the relevant legislation in place. Please note that this documentation cannot be disclosed to passengers nonetheless we actively supply this to the Civil Aviation Authority and National Enforcement Bodies upon request. Yours sincerely XXXX XXXXX EU Claims Advisor Monarch I find this unacceptable as the delay was caused by flights the day before! Also if it was caused 24 hours before they had ample time to inform us. This also lead to us missing the first day of our villa as we didn't arrive until the early hours of the 26th June. I would appreciate your input on this and advice as to whether I am being unreasonable and I am not entitled to compensation. Or the best way to proceed in getting compensation that might be due. Kind Regards, tissot
  22. Holidaymakers trying to get compensation for flight delays have been promised better support from three airlines. Thanks to pressure from the CAA regulator, Jet2 and Wizz Air are paying out when passengers are stranded due to ordinary technical faults. Jet2 has agreed to look at claims as far back as six years, rather than limiting cases to two years. But Wizz Air is keeping its two-year limit, a decision that has been referred to the consumer regulator in Hungary, where it's based. Aer Lingus and Jet2 have also promised to improve passenger information when there are flight disruptions. Read more: http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/news/article-3202787/Airlines-forced-pay-flight-delays-thanks-pressure-CAA-regulator.html#ixzz3jGlnFWEK
  23. Hi Folks… Some advice please, in October wife and two daughters flew from Manchester to New York JFK, flight was with American Airlines booked with British airways. Outward bound flight delayed for 3 hours and 40 minutes, I understand we may be entitled to compensation and so I submitted a claim to American Airlines. After a month they have replied saying that I must send a power of attorney in order that they can deal with me. I fully expect that American Airlines will try their best to avoid paying any compensation and my concern is as they have provided no pro forma for the power of attorney will they simply sit on this for a few more weeks and then say it is not in the correct format or something similar. Would I simply be better to submit new claims from my wife and elder daughter and if so what should I do regarding my younger daughter who is a minor? Thanks in advance Nosnibor
  24. I am hoping that you well-versed guys can help me. My wife and I were married in Italy in May 2015. However, the outbound flight (07/05/2015) from Manchester was delayed for around 3 hours, then ultimately cancelled due to a fire at the destination airport (Roma Fiumicino). We were given a full refund (around £175) and the Jet2 staff were amazing in trying to help us find alternative flights. Eventually we found the last two seats on a RyanAir flight leaving the next morning from Gatwick. We hired a car (£30 +£25 fuel), a hotel (£90) and the flights (£490). I also incurred around £15 in telephone costs. I telephoned the travel insurer immediately on finding out about the cancellation, as per the terms and conditions. Upon returning to the UK we were refused any sort of compensation due to the extraordinary nature of the cancellation. I sent a forceful reply citing their lack of meaning description regarding the 'extraordinary conditions' section of their terms and conditions. Eventually, they paid up £140 as a gesture of good will under a delayed flight rather than a cancellation. However, they would not pay out on the extra costs we had to fork out just to get out of the country. It is these that were most costly and I would like to get the money back. Any thoughts?
  25. Seems the Travel Agents sites for flights etc are not quoting for Children under the new pricing structure on Airport Duty especially long distant flights for children? ABTA site have no complaint area for this to question them on the subject, as they only want to know a specific Travel agent near where you live/use, nothing on line quotes even comparison sites.
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