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Found 6 results

  1. The CAA have intervened now, I hope they make Ryanair help passengers now. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2017/sep/27/ryanair-cancel-flights-passengers-stansted-edinburgh?utm_source=esp&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=GU+Today+main+NEW+H+categories&utm_term=245544&subid=7192694&CMP=EMCNEWEML6619I2
  2. I joined xercise4less 25/9/14 - 1st payment £9.99 for 12 month contract. I visited appox 6 times over 2 years. Last payment made 25/05/16 and membership & direct debit cancelled on 26/5/16. I was on a 30 day rolling contract. Membership cancelled due to ill health HHT I was advised no strenuous activity. Overall I was happy with the gym provisions but occasionally I was put off by a male cleaner in the women's only area, though I just managed this. 1st letter from Harlands - 3/6/16 unable to collect June instalment due to DD being cancelled; will charge £25:00 admin fee = £34.99 owed due to not contacting them. I had tried on 6/6 & 13 & 14/6/16 but line constantly busy. Eventually I spoke with someone at Harlands and they said they couldn't help as they are a third party and to speak with the Manager to say I was misinformed about the process! I contacted the Manager at Xercise4less who informed me that my membership had not been cancelled and I needed a W number. I told him that I received an e-mail on 26/5/16 confirming that my request to cancel was submitted to Harlands and it included my W number that had been provided to me by the gym who advised me to cancel. He passed me on to the helpline who told me I owed for several months and administration fees because I cancelled my DD and I shouldn't have. The membership cancellation form would not submit to Xercise4less without me ticking that I shouldn't cancel my DD not must not. Letters received from CRS - Credit Resolutions Services - I contacted them and apparently they have nothing to do with cancellations and that I need to go through Harlands. I contacted MRP Cancellations in August who, thanked me for my e-mail and said they were looking into my enquiry. However could not locate my membership at first and requested further details, which I forwarded! When they finally did I received an e-mail from ICS Customer Service saying we have no input onto cancellations, it is not our fault your membership is not cancelled . I've now received a letter from CRS threatening 2 courses of action 1. Legal Action and 2. Outsourcing the debt to another company. Apparently I owe £171.47. What do I do? I've contacted head office for xercise4less, Harlands, the support ine, head of cancellations, CRS. I am so confused. I've spent so much time on this I feel I should be charging them as its time away from working on gaining another work contract. Any help or advice would be much appreciated. Thanks
  3. Hi, in December last year, I began a 12 month contract with Xercise4Less on their £9.99 a month promotion. When I began this contract I was 16 years old, and since then I've only been to the gym about three times. I'm 17 now, and on the 16th November, I paid them for the 12th time. In May/June this year I missed a payment and paid their £25 admin fee. I really want to cancel my membership, and wanted to earlier but I knew they are very funny with that, and did try once, and was told I was still within my contract. I waited until I'd fulfilled the 12 month contract, which, since the first payment was in December, should have been in November, if that's correct? Last night, I tried to sign in on their website and discovered that they cannot even find my email address on their system, despite them withdrawing £9.99 from my debit card each month. Worrying about cancelling and how Harlands goes after people for months afterwards has been causing me a lot of stress for the last 6 months and I really want to cancel my membership as soon as possible. What should I do to cancel my membership, now that I should be out of the contract and am still 17? Thanks for any help regarding this issue, Ulysses EDIT: I should also mention that I signed up myself, and my parents were not involved whatsoever.
  4. An interesting one that could end up with severe consequences if found out to be true.
  5. Morning all.. Im after a bit of advice. I took out car insurance on 7th november 2012, and had to cancel it on the 28th november 2012 due to the engine on the car blowing up! Never made any claim in that time, and paid in full when i took the policy out. Rang sheilas wheels on the 28th to cancel, and they told me i would have to pay them a cancellation fee of £35, which is fine, i understand that. What i cant understand is i ALSO have to pay a cancellation fee to Esure who are the people actually insuring me. So i get no ploicy at all from sheilas wheels..but i have to pay them £35 to cancel, AND £55 to Esure for cancelling! Is this right, im completly confused?
  6. Having decided on a 3 week family holiday to Egypt this February and booked it through Travel Counsellors we were disappointed to find the 1 week cruise up the Nile and the 3 days in Cairo cancelled because of the unrest. However in an effort to salvage the last 2 weeks which were to be spent relaxing in Hurghada on the Red Sea where there were no problems, and as our return flight from Hurghada to the UK was booked with Jet 2, we decided in consultation with Travel Counsellors to fly out direct to Hurghada with Jet2 and enjoy the remaining 2 weeks of our holiday. Two days after booking this flight Jet2 cancelled our return incoming flight to the UK and all remaining flights from that date, without any explanation. This meant in effect that we had no means of return from Egypt and we had to cancel our holiday, Despite the fact that they had ruined our holiday by cancelling our return flight they also refused to refund us the cost of our outgoing flight, some £800.00. Travel Counsellors have been most helpful throughout these problems in Egypt and have fought and succeeded in getting us refunds on all the costs incurred with the exception of Jet2 who despite Travel Counsellors fighting our cause at Director level and even offering to take a credit note, refuse to budge on their decision. I personally emailed Jet2 twice but have received no response or even acknowledgment of my email, I also emailed Dart Group their parent company twice explaining our problem but again totally ignored. How can this offhand approach to customers be acceptable? Incidentally those people who suggest that any losses should be covered by holiday insurance are incorrect because insurance companies will not pay out where cancellations are caused by political unrest. There must be many people out there who have experienced similar problems with Jet2 and the apparent contempt with which they treat their customers, if so I would be very pleased to hear from you. Perhaps if enough people got together we could make our voices heard. The conclusion to this story is that we were able to arrange a last minute holiday in Lanzarote flying with - guess who – and both outgoing and incoming flights were delayed.
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