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Found 19 results

  1. Hello, I wonder if anyone may be able to help me please. I bought a flight in Dec 16 from Citi Flights, flying from London to Thailand. I flew out on the outbound flight but the airline cancelled my flight home. They left me stranded in Thailand with no other option but to purchase a new ticket home. I have been battling with them ever since and they have said that Citi Flights had no authorisation to sell me the ticket in the first place and it was a fraudulent transaction. Citi Flights have said that the issue is with Turkish Airlines and not them and if they weren't allowed to sell me the ticket how could I have travelled on the outbound flight. I spoke to the CAB consumer helpline and I have issued a claim online for breach of contract and damages under common law against both parties (as I have no idea who is telling the truth). However I have just received a letter to say that Turkish Airlines intend to defend the claim. Does anyone have any knowledge or experience to offer me please? Lauren
  2. I have been invited to a wedding in Poland next year. I have booked around 9 months in advance, flight out 31/08/18 and return 03/09/18. Other guests a few weeks later had trouble finding the flight on Wizz Air's website and asked if they were given the correct details. After calling Wizz Air, they assumed the call was in relation to a different flight to Hungary, but after a little more clarification advised me that the flight out is now a day earlier on 30/08/18 and the return is now a day later on 04/09/18. Whilst I have no doubt that somewhere in the small print they are able to shuffle things around, it doesn't change the fact that it would increase my time there an extra 2 nights which I don't want. What can I do? Can I cancel and obtain a full refund? Can I change flights/airports to keep my original dates? Is there anything else I should know or be asking them for? Any help will be gratefully received,
  3. Hi, back in January 2017 i booked online flights to go to Florida from London. When I purchased the flights i thought that i was booking :- - Direct flight from London to Florida - Indirect flight from Florida to London via JFK. When it finally came to the holiday i arrived at LHR to check in only to find that not only was my flight not direct, but, it had a 7 hour stop at Detroit! Clearly i was very unhappy, and want a full refund of my flights. Fortunately at the time of booking the flights online i took a screen shot of the booking (attached image) you can clearly see on the image the the outbound flight appears to be direct, and the inbound flight clearly shows a stop. I have raised a complaint with the travel company who refute my claim. They say that the stop a detroit was a hidden stop for refeuling and that passengers were not supposed to disembark the plane, therefore it was a direct flight. The airline 24hours before the actual flight the changed the schedule, thus my tough luck at 7 hours. My complaint was that the outbound flight should have clearly shown the stop, thereby giving me the opportunity to not book it. I feel that this flight was miss sold and miss represented as i would not have booked 2 indirect flights. The travel company say they sent me the e ticket in july and it was my responsibility to check all was good. I dont agree with this, as in my opinion, i would not have booked the flights in the first place. I did not realise anything was wrong until check in, at which point it was too late to not go ahead. And as i got on the plane, they state i have accepted the goods as sold. Do I have a legitimate court case to claim misselling? Document_001.pdf
  4. Dear All, I purchased 4 x return tickets (London Heathrow to Istanbul) from BA in August 2016. The tickets were for July 2017. At the time food and drinks were included with my ticket. In January 2017 BA ditched free food on board and started charging for M & S meals. Is there anything I can do to take action against BA? Many Thanks for your replies in advance. Sam
  5. Hi, I purchased two hot air balloon flights in 2015. Due to weather conditions the flights I booked and subsequently booked were cancelled - this happened 4 times. The person I purchased the tickets for is now pregnant so cannot fly so I have asked for a refund. I have been refused any refund and it is in the t&c's that the vouchers are non refundable. Would I have any chance of success challenging this in county court citing the consumer rights act 2015 - unfair terms in a consumer contract provision? I have paid £204.00 and not received a service. Thanks
  6. after 12 months of trying to book our balloon flight - it was booked, on my calendar for tomorrow. With all the stress and disruption the last few weeks have brought - I had put the wrong date down! It should have been today! The weather was awful this morning, extremely cold and freezing and guess what - the flight actually happened! All the beautiful days we had it booked on and it didn't go -- Paul even taking time off work on a couple of occasions. Rang VirginBalloons this morning to be told to ring back after mid-day - to be told tough - you missed it! You can pay another £80 each to book another date! disgusted Virgin Balloons no heart! and guess what - even Tom at Virgin said he was surprised the flight went ahead as most others had been cancelled. Sums up everything! * to expand a little further - my mother has just had two heart attacks since the beginning of October and with my sister, I am helping with her care, This has been extremely stressful - as she has been in hospital twice and sent home quite unwell. Normally I am very good with administration and keeping records of appointment/meetings/important dates.
  7. British Airways is to make radical changes to its airmiles scheme used by millions of travellers - called Avios - which will slash by 75% the airmiles the cheapest economy class tickets will earn, while giving business and expense-account flyers more rewards. First-class and business-class customers benefit most from the new changes, with 'flexible' fare bookers earning 300% of the miles travelled in Avios points for first-class (up from 200%) and 250% for business-class (up from 200%). Non-flexible fares for first-class flyers also see an increase in points to 250% of the miles flown (up from 200%). Conversely, economy-class customers will see a drop of up to 75% in the amount of Avios points they can earn on BA flights, while flexible fares remain unchanged at 100%. The changes are being introduced on 28 April 2015, although you will continue to earn and spend at the current rates on bookings made before 28 April, even if you fly after that date. http://www.which.co.uk/news/2015/02/economy-class-customers-lose-out-under-new-airmiles-scheme-393961/
  8. Appears some airlines are offering to refund Child APD on flights already booked & paid for from May 2015. http://support.easyjet.com/apd http://www.virgin-atlantic.com/gb/en/travel-information/customer-service/latest-news.html
  9. Advice please. We are due to fly to the states on Monday 6th April We return and have a stop off of 3 hours in Washington. We had planned to see our daughter who lives in the states (We have done this before as you dont need your baggage as it goes to the plane for you) We paid £75 more to go this way than Chicago so we could do this. The agents acknowledge this. On the 20th February the airline changed the connections but we were not told until today. I am livid as I cant now see my daughter the agents have known about this for a month. I believe this is a significant change in our holiday as it was purposely done to go too Washington. Where do I stand?
  10. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2815718/Delayed-passengers-set-receive-compensation-worth-4BILLION-Supreme-Court-rejects-airline-appeals-against-two-landmark-cases.html
  11. Hi There Wonder if anyone can help please. We were on holiday with the family in Mallorka and whilst in Mallorka tried to book our flights back home to East Mids Airport. Towards the end of the holiday we decided to start looking for various flight options with different airlines and used ryanair, jet2 and thompson websites to compare flight times and prices. Thompson has shown available flight in the day on the 24/08/2014 and we decided to book it and stay a bit longer. Bare in mind we have tried booking Thompson on a few occasions for a couple of days however they were showing flights one minute and then once the page is refreshed they would disappear. We thought it was due to their own holidays not sold last minute they would sell flight seats to general public at a reduced price, but they would disappear because it would have been sold or something. Anyway, we we happy with the flight time and date and proceeded to booking it. Booked and paid. Thompson booking process took only a few minutes - we have paid with the credit card and it didnt even ask for the security letters or numbers. As we were supposed to flight out in 2 days we thought we would check in at the same time and this is when we have realised that the booking was made for the 24/05/2015!!! Somehow , somewhere in the computer world the dates changed during the booking itself. We have selected correct dates in the original search, selected correct time and date for the flight and booked. Confirmation came however for the date in future! We checked and Thompson is non refundable airline. We called credit card company and advised them of the incident. When tried to go back and rebook the correct flight ( Thompson customer service line was permanently engaged) - they were no longer available!! We had to pay for another tickets with Jet2 in the end. Once were came back home we have raised this issue with Thompson - however they did not want to know and not even interested in giving us a credit note or vouchers to change for another date or flight or location. We are raising complaint with the credit card under s75 of CCA1974 Ironic thing is - we cannot fly out of Mallorka on the 24/05/2015 at 12pm as we are getting married here in the UK at 2pm! So its not like we have made a mistake in dates or anything. We are desperate to get the money back or credit towards another flight or a refund as not really interested in Thompson flights at all at the moment. Can anyone help with any suggestions please? thank you in advance
  12. Help Please - Advice for best recovering losses in the following situation from 23rd August 2013 Overview Flight from Bristol to Dublin (EI3285) eventually cancelled due to technical issue with aircraft after a 4 hour delay. Technical issue was a dent in the nose of the plane. Suspected bird-strike! Alternative routes where provided on first come 1st serve basis during period of delay. This involved a bus trip to Gatwick then an onward flight to Dublin. Apparently this bus got mixed up in traffic and missed the connecting flight. £3 each for refreshments was issued after 3 hours delay Alternative arrangements offered on cancellation of flight @ 17.45 the next day. Not accepted as wedding over by then. Details Travellers - My mother & I. Reason for travel - friend’s wedding. I Booked flights for 23rd August from Bristol coming back Sunday 25th August I booked flights on credit card. Mum booked hotel and paid deposit. I will be invoiced the balance. I booked car hire on the morning of the 23rd. I have tried to cancel this with rentalcars.com they have said within 48 hours they take 3 days hire off!! I booked for 2 days. I am insured with greatcover ‘supercover’ Mum did not have travel insurance. We incurred a number of expenses. We have been promised a (full) refund from Aer Lingus for the flights. Aer Lingus, on questioning said that no compensation would be paid as it was a technical issue which supposedly counts as ‘extraordinary circumstances’ Questions 1. Broadly the best way to approach the situation a. All through Insurance company? b. Through all avenues? i.e i. Insurance ii. Aer lingus complaints iii. Credit card 2. The expenses I can legitimately claim as related to the flight/holiday and from whom!? a. Flights b. Hotel c. Car hire d. Clothes brought for the wedding e. Pay as you go sim to use abroad f. Airport refreshment expenses g. Travel expenses to and from airport h. Phone costs cancelling and making other arrangements i. Time completing all these calims!! j. Other? 3. Position relating to compensation – is Aer lingus claim of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ valid? 4. Can I claim for the cost of the flights from my insurance? 5. Can you claim for delay & cancellation? Many many thanks for any help/advice Julian
  13. Hi all, would really appreciate some advice on this. We booked some flights with a company a couple of weeks ago. Whilst getting quotes from them through email they made a few mistakes (wrong flight dates/times/flight numbers etc) but we persevered as they were cheapest but also as they came highly recommended. We paid a £100 deposit each and got a confirmation email from them confirming our flight details, which we checked carefully and was correct. A week or so later we supplied them with our numbers for the airline's reward scheme, which they linked to the flight booking for us. It was at this point we realised something was wrong. We got an email from the airline confirming the booking which had the itinerary on - the return flight was wrong. We'd booked a late evening flight with a 6 hour transfer half way home. They've booked us onto a flight leaving early morning with a 19 hour transfer. We also noticed that the email account this airline mail went to wasn't the one supplied to the company, when linking it they had made a mistake and swapped two digits round in the email address. It's absolutely pure chance that we also own this email address, otherwise we'd be none the wiser that our flights are wrong. We got in touch with the company straight away and told them that they'd booked us onto the wrong flight. They spent a few hours looking into it and got back to us saying that at the final page of the booking process, the airline is changing the flights but not alerting the booker to this - basically passing the blame to the airline. They're also saying that the price of the flights that we asked for has now gone up and so we will have to pay over £100 extra per person to change to those. Our arguments are that: a) the onus is clearly on them to check every page of the booking process (especially the all important final one!) and this problem is fully down to their lack of care; b) had we not (through complete and utter chance/luck) also owned the incorrect email address, we would be completely oblivious for months yet to the mistake; and c) the fact that prices have gone up since the original booking is not our concern, they should be covering this cost. We have tried to be as flexible as possible, even down to changing our holiday dates which would mean rearranging the accommodation and annual leave at work etc, but the owner of the company is completely unwilling to meet us half way - he is offering us flights on alternative dates which we've said we'll accept as long as the company is willing to cover the extra £15 per person cost of this, but he is flat out refusing. He's only willing to refund us our deposit (we'd then have to pay substantially more to rebook elsewhere) or transfer our flights at entirely our own cost. I have managed to find their terms and conditions online and I believe they have contravened quite a few of these (and that them cancelling our booking would also contravene these on their part). Where do we stand on this? I know that £30 doesn't sound a lot in the grand scheme of things but it's a lot of money to us and it's the principal now! Thank you
  14. Hi Don't know if anyone can advise me,but, in Jan I bought & fully paid for a holiday which was flying with Thomson air from Birmingham. then flight was changed to Manchester - swallowed that. Booked hire car, parking etc .Paid for extra legroom seats - another £100 Yesterday got email saying Thomson flight cancelled but they had booked us with Easyjet! I have refused to fly with them and now booked flight & paid for Monarch flight from Birmingham !, extended holiday 3 extra days - more hotel expense, cancelled parking - booked new parking - £40 more, extra days on car hire £100! Travel agents - supposed to be experts have been most unhelpful! Appreciate my choice to extend holiday etc but surely they owe me for extra legroom seats cost plus the Thomson flight part of holiday costs? Any advice appreciated
  15. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/holidays/article-2157178/Summer-airline-rip-How-checking-suitcase-end-costing-260-bag.html
  16. I would like to know if anyone can help. I purchased 2 flight tickets over a month ago for £150 with Ryanair. When i bought them the prices were rising therefore i grabbed them so they didnt go to high. Since then i have checked and the exact same flights are costing £50. Is there any law which i can use to get the diff refunded of a credit or something as i think that this is ridiculous that prices can be rising at one moment to intice people to buy early, then they drop so low with still 3 weeks to the flight date. thanks Angry ripped off consumer
  17. Having decided on a 3 week family holiday to Egypt this February and booked it through Travel Counsellors we were disappointed to find the 1 week cruise up the Nile and the 3 days in Cairo cancelled because of the unrest. However in an effort to salvage the last 2 weeks which were to be spent relaxing in Hurghada on the Red Sea where there were no problems, and as our return flight from Hurghada to the UK was booked with Jet 2, we decided in consultation with Travel Counsellors to fly out direct to Hurghada with Jet2 and enjoy the remaining 2 weeks of our holiday. Two days after booking this flight Jet2 cancelled our return incoming flight to the UK and all remaining flights from that date, without any explanation. This meant in effect that we had no means of return from Egypt and we had to cancel our holiday, Despite the fact that they had ruined our holiday by cancelling our return flight they also refused to refund us the cost of our outgoing flight, some £800.00. Travel Counsellors have been most helpful throughout these problems in Egypt and have fought and succeeded in getting us refunds on all the costs incurred with the exception of Jet2 who despite Travel Counsellors fighting our cause at Director level and even offering to take a credit note, refuse to budge on their decision. I personally emailed Jet2 twice but have received no response or even acknowledgment of my email, I also emailed Dart Group their parent company twice explaining our problem but again totally ignored. How can this offhand approach to customers be acceptable? Incidentally those people who suggest that any losses should be covered by holiday insurance are incorrect because insurance companies will not pay out where cancellations are caused by political unrest. There must be many people out there who have experienced similar problems with Jet2 and the apparent contempt with which they treat their customers, if so I would be very pleased to hear from you. Perhaps if enough people got together we could make our voices heard. The conclusion to this story is that we were able to arrange a last minute holiday in Lanzarote flying with - guess who – and both outgoing and incoming flights were delayed.
  18. Can anyone help me with a problem I'm having with Virgin and the poor service I've received from them? I read lillboy's previous thread about them in the hunt for information and my situation is similar but there's a difference which I think may be important. I did not purchase the vouchers from Virgin, I bought them in CostCo in September 2009 (just under 18 months ago). I think this is important as I did not agree to any terms and conditions as you would be subjected to if you bought them from their site? As I have come to find out by myself and other upset customers, booking a flight is difficult at best, and is troublesome for us as we also have to arrange childcare for our son and arrange time off work, etc. Every time I tried to book a flight there were no slots available or available slots were at inconvenient times for us. Since I bought the tickets we have got engaged and will be married in May this year. I thought it would be a great idea to try to use the vouchers while we are on our honeymoon which we are taking in the UK. This is where my troubles begin... As I understood it when I bought the tickets they were valid for 18 months from the date of purchase (as opposed to 12 months for the vouchers purchased on the site) and this was confirmed to me by a guy I spoke to at their call centre. However there is an expiry date printed on the ticket which I did not notice which says the 1st of February 2011. I questioned how they could justify an expiry date on a service which is still running and he told me it was so they could keep track of how busy they are likely to be. I asked him about the 18 month validity period further and he advised me to write to the customer services manager, which I did by email. I received a reply stating there was nothing she could do and if I wanted to I could take them up on their 'generous offer' of buying two more tickets at a fantastic discounted rate of £80 each. Given that I didn't specifically accept their terms and conditions and I am still within 18 months of purchase, do I have a leg to stand on, or have I wasted the best part of £250? Thanks in advance for any advice!
  19. I want to cancel my forthcoming flight ticket that I booked through a travel agency (traveloworld). The agency have claimed that I am not due any refund whatsoever. I challenged them on the tax element of my booking which I thought I would be able to claim back as taxes are only payable when a ticket is used but they refuse to pay this back. I spoke to Virgin (I am flying with them) and Virgin said that they would refund the tax back to the Travel Agent to pass it back to me. Clearly the agent wants to pocket this amount. What are my legal rights on fligh ticket taxes?
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