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  1. British Airways is to make radical changes to its airmiles scheme used by millions of travellers - called Avios - which will slash by 75% the airmiles the cheapest economy class tickets will earn, while giving business and expense-account flyers more rewards. First-class and business-class customers benefit most from the new changes, with 'flexible' fare bookers earning 300% of the miles travelled in Avios points for first-class (up from 200%) and 250% for business-class (up from 200%). Non-flexible fares for first-class flyers also see an increase in points to 250% of the miles flown (up from 200%). Conversely, economy-class customers will see a drop of up to 75% in the amount of Avios points they can earn on BA flights, while flexible fares remain unchanged at 100%. The changes are being introduced on 28 April 2015, although you will continue to earn and spend at the current rates on bookings made before 28 April, even if you fly after that date. http://www.which.co.uk/news/2015/02/economy-class-customers-lose-out-under-new-airmiles-scheme-393961/
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