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  1. I Phoned up to change the seats on the flight on Friday night, only to find out the hotel we'd booked into 16 months ago (and requested special assistance a few days later because they were not open when the holiday was booked) is not suitable for those with walking difficulties (nor is anywhere in cap salou apparently) I was open about my disability from the first call and that of my children but wasn't told about the resort or hotel (I'd asked for 14 nights all inclusive but left the resort open to Thomas Cook while explaning I have sever walking issues) I received a phone call back offering Furturaventura a week earlier but my wife has never flow before and is really panicked so a 4.5hr flight isn't an option, also our kids zone out with theme parks and that's how they escape, hence Salou being a good fit. I'm awaiting a call back as I then asked for a hire car to be provided to us for our stay, if Thomas Cook refuse this, there is nowhere else for us to go and we're really stuck, I can't walk more than 10 meters I use crutches and wheelchair etc, so where would I stand about getting a full refund without being deducted anything? We're under 60 days out now, not that a full refund would help with such a short amount of time left. Sorry I appreciate its long one but my head is in a spin we could only afford this holiday as a one off because of my health etc and now stand to lose everything.
  2. Hi everyone just wanting some help and advice with pre-booked seats please for my son. He booked to go on holiday with On The Beach in September. When it came to adding extras like luggage etc all was great. He paid his deposit and the rest is due over the next 6 weeks. He has received confirmation and all the details of his holiday and information on how to book in on line. He has been given the option to pre-book his seats on the plane but at a cost of £12.50 each way and an admin cost of £30.....ridiculous price!!! We had a look on Ryan Air and it's only £7 each way......is there anyway round not booking the seats through On The Beach and going straight through to Ryan Air....Thanks.
  3. Hi, I booked early as usual my flight and holiday for xmas back in April, however surprisingly and unexpectedly my wife pregnant and the due date is around xmas... The ticket I bought says non refundable, however considering airlines will not let you fly towards the end of your pregnancy, let alone right after considering the issue of passport for the new born. I am wondering what are my options and if it is worth making a claim with my travel insurance or not. I have already written to omegaflight but do not expect a positive response from them.
  4. Hi All. I wonder if anyone has encountered a similar situation. I booked some tickets for flights with Arik airlines on the 9th Feb. Arik have since suspended all flights from the UK since they are in financial trouble. After contacting travel trolley numerous times, I have been told that i cannot get a refund until they hear back from Arik airlines. So far, all their queries to Arik have gone unattended (so they say). I booked these tickets with a visa debit card. Where do i stand in terms of a refund? The thing about this all is that i need the money back so i can re book those tickets with another airline, and i am due to travel in April. What is the best way around this??
  5. Hi all So my dad is due to fly to Sweden next month, as his brother is in his final months of live, due to cancer. He booked a flight via Norwegian air for a return trip from Gatwick to Copenhagen for £106.90 on Monday the 17th. He got the confirmation email, so everything looked normal, until Wednesday, he got a series of flight confirmation emails, which listed changes to his flight. The first email was a series of cancellation/time changes, but also included: 2 x Checked baggage (10.00 GBP) 0.00 (0%) 20.00 2 x Upgrade fee (36.00 GBP) 0.00 (0%) 72.00 2 x Namechange fee (36.00 GBP) 0.00 (0%) 72.00 2 x Checked baggage (15.00 GBP) 0.00 (0%) 30.00 Fast track 0.00 (0%) 9.00 WCHR – Wheelchair (ramp) 0.00 (0%) 0.00 2 x Hearing impairments 0.00 (0%) 0.00 2 x Vision impairments 0.00 (0%) 0.00 WCHC – Wheelchair (seat) 0.00 (0%) 0.00 For a grand total of £289.90 The second email was the same thing, but the times were back to their originals, again, the same total price. Third email was the same upgrades/changes again, but also different flight times, with stop overs in Madrid for the return flight These changes were £629.80 Fourth and final email had the same types of changes, only for a lot more money (£1191.70) and included a whole bunch of random things like golf equipment etc. Checked baggage 0.00 (0%) 25.20 4 x Upgrade fee (36.00 GBP) 0.00 (0%) 144.00 Checked baggage 0.00 (0%) 16.80 Checked baggage 0.00 (0%) 43.00 2 x Namechange fee (36.00 GBP) 0.00 (0%) 72.00 2 x Seat reservation (10.00 GBP) 0.00 (0%) 20.00 Checked baggage 0.00 (0%) 32.00 Checked baggage 0.00 (0%) 15.00 2 x Golf equipment 0.00 (0%) 56.00 4 x Ski equipment 0.00 (0%) 112.00 2 x Fast track 0.00 (0%) 9.00 11x Excess baggage 0.00 (0%) 99.00 16x Excess baggage 0.00 (0%) 144.00 Windsurfing equipment 0.00 (0%) 38.00 Kite equipment 0.00 (0%) 38.00 Total Amount 0.00 1191.70 All of these individual charges have apparently been debited from his account. So he got in touch with Norwegian Air through their chat system and they were of zero use, basically telling him it wasn't them, it must have been him, or someone else. He got the same response from their phone line, that he's been hacked, or his account has been hacked and for him to go to his bank and the police. He doesn't even have an account with norwegian air, so could he or anyone make changes? He's going down to the police station and bank tomorrow about it, but has anyone else experienced anything like this?
  6. Good morning all, Been a member some time - not usually one to post for the hell of it but I have been really racking my brains over this one and hitting brick walls wherever I go... Long story short - had booked a holiday for myself over Xmas and when I arrived they told me the hotel was overbooked. They then put me in a cab and sent me from my nice *chosen* serene resort, and dumped me in a completely different resort, right in the heart of the shops / nightclubs etc The accommodation was a lower grade, fewer facilities and I wouldn't have chosen it in a million years. I called Love Holidays there and then as I just wanted to come home. I took loads of pictures and on their advice, decided to try and make the best of a bad situation and raised a complaint when I got back. They forwarded this to Hotel Beds (who my contract is with, apparently) who agreed I'd been let down, totally unacceptable etc and offered "compensation" of 25% of the accommodation which clearly wasn't going to cut it. I'd paid over £500 total and they were offering me £64 back. After a bit of follow-up this was raised to 40% and £103 compensation. How can anyone in this day and age pay for one product and receive something totally different? Anyway - ABTA didn't want to know because Hotel Beds are based in Spain and are obviously not ABTA affiliated (that's handy isn't it?) which begs the question - why are Love Holidays if nothing you ever book with them is never their responsibility? If you ask me, it's more of a selling point "look at us, we're ABTA affiliated!" - indeed, but that endorsement is about as much use as a condom machine in the Vatican. I digress... So I send my complaint (along with photographs, screenshots etc) directly to Hotel Beds - and despite their pledges on their website to "guarantee" to answer emails within 24 hours and resolve complaints within 7 working days - I've not heard a peep out of them. Unfortunately booked with debit card and although the bank are part of the Visa voluntary chargeback scheme, their hands are tied because Hotel Beds are "willing to provide assistance" in offering me a laughable amount of compensation for ruining my Christmas with lack of sleep, stress, and putting me in 1960s style accommodation when I paid for so much more. I'm not sure what to do now. I'd offer to drive over to their HQ and bend over - but they're based in Spain (I think) which would involve me booking and paying for more travel... Any wise words would be greatly appreciated! Thanks for reading.
  7. My Sister booked a flight on 11 July to fly out on tues 28th july and return on tuesday 11th aug. She fortuitously took a picture of the booking confirmation screen that came up after she paid. But when the conf email arrived (which she did not check) it was for return on the 12th Aug Unfortunately she only discovered this at the airport on the 11th aug when she tried to check in for her return flight.. So flybe being what they are I feel that even if she had checked on the day of booking and discovered this error they would have fobbed her off anyway. The T&C's are no changes after booking. So how to sort this out. I believe she is due compensation or something, she had the screenshot saved and used it as her flight ref to check in, and to organise all her taxis transport etc. I can see why she did not feel the need to check the confirmation email.
  8. In Sept 2014 I booked a Thomson (TUI) holiday in Turkey for July 2015 through Directline Holidays (Broadway Travels) for 10 people including 2 children under 6. In Autumn Statement 2014, the Government announced that from 1 May 2015, APD would be scrapped for children under 12 for both new and existing economy-class bookings. In January 2015 Directline informed me that Thomson had changed the airline from ONUR Airways to Thomas Cook. When the full and final payment was due in April 2015 I questioned Directline about refund of APD and was told that Thomson had many advance bookings to review, and that refund would be forth coming at a later date. After returning from the holiday and waiting for so long I emailed Directline to claim a refund and got the following reply: Thank you for your email, we have reviewed your booking, however, no refunds have been applied. The airlines were doing these refunds automatically and we would therefore assume that no refunds are due on this occasion. Please be assured should we receive any refund from the airline in respect of your booking we will contact you. Yours sincerely on behalf of the Broadway Travel Group Ltd Libby Clarke Customer Relations Department Tel : 0871 716 1004(option 1 & 6)
  9. It was with some annoyance that I discovered that Cirque Du Soleil's head office is in Luxembourg. After having our show (Amaluna at Royal Albert Hall) ruined by double-booking of my seats at Valentine's Day (of all days - myself and my date were appalled) I have decided to go after them for a full refund of the £150 I paid under the Goods and Services Act 1982. We basically missed the first 15-20 minutes due to their bungling of our tickets and jilting us into inferior side seats. I emailed them at their 'customer services' email (info@ ....) and have not had a reply. Like as if that's an actual customer service email address. there is no other contact for customer services. Another sneaky way to get out of dealing with annoyed customers. Mainly it's the principle. They think they can go and create some dummy office in Luxembourg and try and sneak people out of their consumer rights here in the UK, well they can think again. I have never claimed refunds from businesses based outside the UK but I imagine the process is similar, send letter asking for refund...wait 3 weeks, send final warning (however on this occasion I have already emailed them so they don't get another warning)....apply for European Payment Order....send bailiffs into the London venue if they do not pay with possible shut down of show due to health and safety because the bailiff took the show props and show equipment to recover costs. Anyway, I have written them a letter as of today which will be posted to their Luxembourg address: 16 Avenue Pasteur L-2310 Luxembourg Grand Duchy of Luxembourg I will give them 3 weeks from today before making my application for a European Payment Order and then possibly get to send the bailiffs in to Royal Albert Hall. Does this sound reasonable?!
  10. Hi guys, I desperately need an advice regarding a flight I booked from the travel agent called Tripsta UK. It was CSA (Czech Airlines) flight operated by Smartwings, departure on 28/6/2016. The flight was cancelled on 24/5/2016 but nobody let me know about it and nobody wants to pay me any form of compensation. Tripsta said that they sent me an email on 21/6 but I haven't received anything. I checked my email box throughout. They sent me a print screen of the email and the email said to contact them back by 24/6/2016 to confirm the change but I didn't contact them back so I didn't confirm anything. They rescheduled the fight automatically on 28/6/2016 at 21:20pm so we had 14 hours gap! Even if they sent me the email on 21/6/2016, they still didn't act according to the regulations issued by EU (Regulation 261/2004) which says that they have to inform me 2 weeks prior to the departure. Therefore I believe that the compensation should be paid to me. I contacted the airline and they said they can't take any responsibility for that because the flight was purchased through travel agent and not through them. They also informed me about Resolution 830 D, paragraph 5 issued by association IATA which says that if the flight was purchased through travel agent, the travel agent should inform me regarding the change.. It says:"“the Agent shall notify the customer of the reservations status of all segments and associated services and of any changes thereto. “ The problem is that Tripsta says that according to their terms and conditions they take no responsibility for any changes regarding the changes of the flight schedule. To be more specific, their terms and conditions says the following: In addition, according to our terms and conditions Changes to flight schedules " "In case of re-timing of flight time schedule, if you provide us with contact information, we will endeavour to notify you of any such changes. However, it is your responsibility to check with the airline that the flight (and any onward flights) you have confirmed is operating as booked. We strongly recommend that you contact your airline at least 72 hours before the scheduled departure of each flight to do this. Please note that for some airlines it is mandatory to confirm with them your intention to fly. We have no control over airline schedule changes and accept no liability for costs which may arise as a result of such changes." But I still think that despite of their terms and conditions, they should follow the laws issued by EU as the laws issued by EU has higher precedence than their terms and conditions. Am I right? The point is that nobody informed 2 WEEKS prior to the departure regarding the cancellation and according to the EU law I should have been informed. I'm in the positions when both sides blame each other or they blame me and nobody wants to pay me the compensation. I was travelling with my mum, we didn't sleep 24 hours because of this and it caused us lots of stress and it cost us lots of money to get home because we had to pay lots of money for taxi to get to our hometown at night. It was horrendous experience and I strongly believe it was the fault of the travel agent and the airline. Could you PLEASE advise me what to do and how to get some money back? Thank you so much. Raduska
  11. Hi All, We had booked with my wife on Wednesday night a taxi to drive us from Putney to Southend airport on Thursday morning. My wife said on the phone that we had a plane to catch at 11:15 and that we wanted to have plenty of time (because we are travelling with a little 8 months old baby) so we asked to be there at 10am for safety. The taxi company told us to be ready at 8am, the fare would be 75£ The driver picked us on time and got stuck in a lot of traffic in london area At some point we asked him if his GPS was right, stating that we would approximatively be at the airport around 11am He said in an unclear manner that it was impossible to do this drive in 2hours time in the morning, that the taxi company must have got it wrong,that usually it costs more than 75£ for such a drive so we get what we are paying for ???? And finally that he is not the one to schedule pickup times After discovering that we would miss our flight and there was no other flights that day in Southend we had to tell him to stop and told him to stop us by Liverpool street instead to take a train to Standsted airport to catch another plane He did the change, charged us 20£ for the drive (cancelling the 75£ for the initial drive which never happened) and we booked new plane tickets for the family Result: one holliday lost + 340£ for the new tickets I have tried to call the taxi company many times these last days, they always say that the manager will call me back but he never does...I guess they just think I will firget about it but we feel we have lost a lot of money unfairly. We don't drive in London and have no idea of the time it takes to go to Southend airport,why did the company which makes a business out of these airport drives didn't tell us to leave earlier ?? Another strange thing: when I first called the company to say there was a problem , they said that the pickup time on their system was 7:10 am which would have been fine ! Do you think I can claim for a compensation or bring the case to court? Thanks for the help! ; ) Jerome
  12. last June we booked out holiday for this year in May and we told partners supervisor/boss at time and he said it was to early and to tell him in January this year. we just told him and he said no, I and another lad have booked ours to go away together, we told him this had been booked since last june and that he knew about it, and that we cant alter holiday as it the half term, and he knew this and he has no children an knows we cant re book or cancel it without losing money. Im so upset by this, we have all been very excited over this holiday for a long time. we have 4 children and 2 are disabled this holiday is a break for them as much as us. His boss/superviosr has refused it and if my partner now takes the time off he sacked I'm crying typing this I've got proof we booked it back and June 2014
  13. Appears some airlines are offering to refund Child APD on flights already booked & paid for from May 2015. http://support.easyjet.com/apd http://www.virgin-atlantic.com/gb/en/travel-information/customer-service/latest-news.html
  14. Hi Many months ago I booked a holiday to Crete with Directline Holdays. At the time of booking I asked that flights ( with Monarch) include special assistance for me.I later increased holiday length from 7 to 10 days,paid extra , confirmed with Monarch special assistance booked as I could not walk distances or use stairs ( this was shown on tickets). When I arrived in Crete ( 10pm at night) at hotel there were approx 40 steps to reception. It was built on a hillside with steep paths to car parking area etc. No way could I cope with that.I have COPD among other problems Booked into another hotel and stayed there which cost me 200 euros a night and had a perfect holiday. I contacted Direct Line by email and was sent a copy of my booking tape which they said showed I didn't specify I was disabled, and the Resolution Coordinator - good title!said it was my problem and she had made notes on the file. I asked that notes and copies of all paperwork be sent to me ready for my return. I have received nothing yet.I returned last week. What are my options? I haven't asked for anything yet, but feel that I should pursue this matter to aviod the same thing happening to someone else who is more severely disabled than I am. Many thanks Benji
  15. Found out today that the bus route I drive is going to another company in 30 days time. The drivers on the route are being TUPE'd to the new company. The rest day pattern that I am on gives me thurs/fri/sat/sun off every 4 weeks. I have 4 long weekends booked as holiday, do the new company have to honour these?
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