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  1. First time poster here desperate for some advice after google has proved fruitless. This is a long ongoing story so please forgive the length and thank you in advance if you manage to read everything. I bought my first car 28/06/2018 from a car dealership in Hounslow, ATM Motor Trade. I found the car on Auto Trader, the dealer had good reviews and it was a good deal for the car that I wanted. The drive from my house was around 90 minutes each way but I was confident I was going to love the car. The saleswoman seemed knowledgable and friendly and I bought the car that day. I paid by bank transfer (stupid looking back) and drove the car home. Already on the drive home there were some minor problems with the car not wanting to change into third gear which I put down to my inexperience in driving it and figured I would learn to do it properly. I was also trying to be eternally optimistic and hoping the car was fine despite my instincts now starting to say otherwise. I got into the car the next day and the check engine light was on. This concerned me enough to get the bus to work but I also called the dealer to explain that the engine light was on. They said it was just an issue with the emissions on the vehicle, there’s nothing to worry about and it’s safe to drive. I asked for this to be put in writing for me - already losing my trust and sensing the worst - but that was declined. Having lost all faith in the dealer, I decided to take the car to a trusted mechanic for an assessment. He plugged in the diagnostics computer and also did a thorough check of the vehicle. The number of faults that came up on the computer was higher than 20 and that’s without the physical issues that were found: holes in air pipes, badly worn brake discs, a puncture, even the battery wasn’t attached properly. I took photographs of all of the evidence on the diagnostics computer and areas of the car where the faults could be seen and then the mechanic and I decided it would be best to wipe the faults from the cars internal computer to see if they would recur. I emailed the dealer that day with the evidence I had and told them I would be returning the car for a full refund under the Consumer Rights Act. Initially they tried to offer a repair or a replacement instead but as you can imagine I had no faith in them at this point. Eventually they agreed I would return the car to them. I did so on 08/07/2018. I had driven the car a total of three times - two of those being home from the dealer and back again. The saleswoman was the same person who sold me the car and after much resisting sent me a text message to say that I had returned the car and could expect a refund in 14 days. After the 14 days were up I received an email claiming that there were no faults with the car, they claimed they had driven it everyday with no issue and it was “functioning” and therefore they would not be offering me a refund. They also would not return the car to me but only offered a replacement vehicle. I declined this offer and stated once again I wanted my money back. I have not heard from the company themselves since this date. I ended up escalating the issue to MCOL. The dealer did not respond to the service of the claim, a judgment was made against them and then I finally sent a county court enforcement officer to collect on my behalf. In the meantime the company (a limited company) changed their trading as name therefore rendering my paperwork and claim invalid as the company “no longer existed”. I did not know when I made the initial claim that they were a LTD company trading under a different name. Initially the name was ATM Motor Trade which they changed to Quality Motor Trade Centre (the irony!). I made a request to the court to change the company name on my paperwork and reserve the papers. I have since discovered they have now opened up a whole new business and are trading under this name instead! I am now at a loss for what to do. They currently owe me £2500 which I borrowed in a loan from my bank. I can not afford another car as I’m repaying the initial loan and I’ve been forced to revert to public transport (which is horrendous in my area). It seems they will do anything in their power to avoid paying and are obviously skilled at avoiding the courts. Any help would be much appreciated. I once again apologise for the length of this and thank you for reading.
  2. My 27 year old son rang me today saying he has received a letter Housing benefits from when he was in a bedsit at 18 attending college He moved and they have just sent him a letter saying he owes £500 and they are taking it direct from his wages as he did not inform them he had moved on time.. . He has always worked since leaving the property and has always paid council tax at his new addresses for 9 years and been on the electoral roll. He has never received any letters of over payment and has no knowledge of this over payment. I was guarantor at the estate agents for the bedsit and i never received anything. Is this legal for them just to take from his wages, he doesn't remember dates that long ago. He is on low income and he and his partner pay the rent on their home £1,000 a month as they both work. He has not claimed housing benefits other than for the 6 months he was at the bedsit 9 years ago. They want to take an extra 25 per week from his wages, he already pays £40 a month for arrears of council tax from his previous property. I think its unfair that they can chase an over payment without contacting you when you have been legally available on electoral role and council tax, we can not prove that he did not tell them when he moved as its so long ago. Any Advise please
  3. I Phoned up to change the seats on the flight on Friday night, only to find out the hotel we'd booked into 16 months ago (and requested special assistance a few days later because they were not open when the holiday was booked) is not suitable for those with walking difficulties (nor is anywhere in cap salou apparently) I was open about my disability from the first call and that of my children but wasn't told about the resort or hotel (I'd asked for 14 nights all inclusive but left the resort open to Thomas Cook while explaning I have sever walking issues) I received a phone call back offering Furturaventura a week earlier but my wife has never flow before and is really panicked so a 4.5hr flight isn't an option, also our kids zone out with theme parks and that's how they escape, hence Salou being a good fit. I'm awaiting a call back as I then asked for a hire car to be provided to us for our stay, if Thomas Cook refuse this, there is nowhere else for us to go and we're really stuck, I can't walk more than 10 meters I use crutches and wheelchair etc, so where would I stand about getting a full refund without being deducted anything? We're under 60 days out now, not that a full refund would help with such a short amount of time left. Sorry I appreciate its long one but my head is in a spin we could only afford this holiday as a one off because of my health etc and now stand to lose everything.
  4. Hello, Mods please move or delete this thread if in the wrong section? I took a company to court over 8 years ago, I won, but the company went into liquidation before paying. I understand that the fscs offer some for of help in these situations? But they do require a lot of paperwork , which I no longer have. Is there anyway I can request copies of paperwork from the court hearing? Does anyone know how I would go about it. Thanks
  5. The driver has just received a letter from a solicitor regarding a traffic violation in Italy four years ago. All the information provided seems correct, i.e dates, type of car name and address of driver. At first we thought it was a [problem], this is now looking less likely but still possible. What is the best course of action? The requested amount is €300 from waters&gate
  6. My home was repossessed following a relationship breakdown in 2008 by Birmingham Midshires. I was contacted in 2009, 2010, 2012 and 2013 by BM debt collectors chasing the shortfall and each time I did not acknowledge the debt but i did request clarification on how the shortfall came about in a letter from a solicitor I received in 2010. In all my correspondence I highlighted I was not acknowledging the debt to BM or to their representatives. Two weeks ago I received a letter out of the blue from Moorcroft chasing the same debt again and then the weekend just gone I got a chaser letter from them again threatening further action. I do not know where I stand now with this as BM or their representatives have not contacted me for over 6 years and I have lived at the same address this entire time only recently moving house. ir Do I contact them not acknowledging the debt and requesting further info on how the figure was arrived at? Or have they lost there chance to chase this debt as its been over 6 years since they last contacted me? Help!
  7. Hi all, I'm hoping someone can please advise as to whether my logic is correct. Essentially I took out a Northern rock together mortgage over 10 years ago just before the recession, this included an unsecured loan of £30k. Shortly after I was out of work for a year and built up mortgage arrears on both the secured element and unsecured element of the loan. Despite 5 attempts of NRAM trying to repossess I managed to fight them off and eventually paid of the secured mortgage arrears however because I was prioritising the secured payments the unsecured loan arrears were not being paid and eventually NRAM applied for a CCJ. However at the time they did not default the unsecured loan account so it is still showing on my credit file with just many late payments. The CCJ dropped of my account about a year ago and during the 6 years prior NRAM didn't take and forceful action to recover the debt. My understanding is that prior to making an application for a CCJ to the courts they should have set my unsecured account to default and hence it should have also dropped of my account when the CCJ did and the unsecured debt should In theory now be written off. I did contact Experian and raised this issue, they replied stating that they contacted NRAM however NRAM stated they would not be making any amendments regarding this unsecured account on my credit file. I would really appreciate any advise on this matter and if my logic is incorrect. Many thanks in advance!!!
  8. Hi, First time post here, but given the nature of what is going on I could really do with some advice. So this all relates to a refund they gave my partner and I some 2.5 to 3 years ago. At that point we were living in a one bedroom flat with a prepayment meter. Now, according to nPower, due to a mistake on their side (they said over charging) we were to be refunded £500. Upon receipt of the refund letter my partner phoned nPower customer services to ensure it was genuine and it wasn't being handed out in error. We were re-assured it was genuine and that we were definitely owed the money. Flash forward to yesterday where one of their lovely threat letters was dropped onto my doormat in our new house. This letter stated that we owe £429 due to unpaid charges (from 2.5-3 years go!), with £7 of that being a trace charge as we hadn't provided our new address to them (we left nPower about 6 months before we moved house and went with another provider and ceased to be a customer, therefore no need to inform them of anything). Now, according to nPower, the money they refunded was correct, however, as the money really should have gone into the pre-payment account and not the standard tariff account we have taken £500 from them and not paid for our gas and lecky which was used under the pre-payment account. I understand the issue they are having, but I fail to see how after 3 years they can try to claim we owe this money. It is simply their error, and their mistake, and I feel a time frame of 3 years is far to long to try and be claiming money for debts we never accrued from non-payment. We have never not paid for our electricity or gas! What should I do with this? They are now wanting to escalate it to further with the view to get the bailiffs in.
  9. Hi, I'm new to this forum and was wondering if anyone has successfully claimed a refund for irresponsible lending, even if it was over 6 years previous? I've e-mailed a complaint to Wonga as I was taking out a loan month after month from May 2010 - June 2013. The majority of loans I had taken out were on the same day as the previous loan was repaid - usually in the region of £500. I made a spreadsheet with dates my loans were taken out, credit amount, amount repaid, total in interest/fees and dates I repaid them. There were 3 occasions I had to set up a payment plan and the day the final payment was taken, I had taken out a new loan with them. The total I had paid in interest and fees is a staggering £2563!! Around the same time I also had several other loans with other companies - one of them with Payday Express which was around the same timescale as Wonga and it was again month after month, I haven't yet worked out how much exactly but have sent them an email aswell. I'm aware the majority of cases on the forum were within the last 6 years but can anyone tell me if I have a good chance of getting some money back although it started 8 years ago? I've read a thread from a few years ago and saw some people were offering excellent advice (fkofilee being one of them) so thought I'd write a post and see what advice I would get.
  10. Hi When I was at university as a single mum, I claimed income support, which you're entitled to do. This was back in 2001-2004! The DWP have contacted me a couple of times over the years saying I fraudulently claimed and didn't declare I was a student. I absolutely did and in any case I would've still been allowed to get income support. They have now written to me to say they have asked my employer to commence deductions from my earnings. The debt is over £11,000! My understanding is that a debt becomes statute barred after 6 years so are they allowed to take this form of action? Ive appealed their decision twice over the years and they've dismissed it, the last time they didn't even look in to it, my bet is because they don't have the paperwork anymore!? I dont actually owe them anything, it clearly says in law that you can claim income support if a student and a single parent so I don't understand it! Can anyone help? Thanks
  11. Hi all, Thanks in advance for your assistance, my wife has receive a letter today with the below information: "My records show you have an outstanding balance of £279.72 in respect of ****** (address) for the period 7.1.13 to 17.2.13" My question would be ... is this enforceable and would the statute barred rule come into play for the amount of time that passed? Thank you
  12. About a month ago i received a Court Find in the post for around £350. I sent a letter asking what the fine was for. I got a letter back saying that on 26/03/2015 my car was found not to meet the insurance requirements. I have had the same insurance company since at least 2014 and it renews automatically every year since. I even phoned my insurance company and checked with them the exact date in question and they confirmed that my car was insured on that date. The letter said they are holding off on the fine until the 10th of June to give me time to contact them on the Phone number on the letter. i called them and they simply told me i have to contact the court direct that the Hearing took place. The next problem is i cant find any contact details on the internet for the Court which is the West Hertfordshire Magistrates Court. Any advice of what i can do to sort this issue would be great help i am now really stuck and really don't want to pay a fine for some thing i should have never been given in the first place. Thanks
  13. Hi Was wondering if anyone could help or point us in the right direction. My wife checked her credit file today and noticed that she had a CCJ issued on the 06th April this year at an address that we lived in over 5 years ago. It didn't give any details on the CCJ and after calling the courts she then found out that it was for a parking fine which wasn't paid about 5 years ago. We were aware of the unpaid fine but not aware of the CCJ until now. 5 years ago my wife had a job interview which didn't have onsite parking and the only result was to park in a private car park. She called me straight away to try and sort the car out. I ended up walking about 3 miles to get the car and by the time I got there it was to late. I pleaded my case to the guy who was there and offered to pay for the parking which he didn't care about and told me to email them. I sent an email and offered to pay for the parking but again didn't show any interest. that was the last we heard from them until now we saw this on her file. is there a way we get get this removed as we are saving to buy a house next year and this has just added unnecessary stress
  14. Hi all New to the forum & need a little guidance please. Have received a letter from a debt collection company "notice of enforcement". They are saying I owe over £2k from council tax from a property over 6 years ago. The liability dates were 1/4/2010 to 29/7/2011, liability order was apparently issued on 13/7/2011. Letter from debt collectors was sent on 21/08/2017, can someone please advise where I stand on this? Any help greatly appreciated Thanks in advance
  15. It's an odd case. Mostly because I have autism and I struggle to communicate. I am sometimes catatonic for months. In March 2016 I bought a refurbished laptop with 1yr warranty from SKUNKWURX LTD (they use many names, line svx-online, and others). The laptop failed (motherboard burnt) and I returned it for repair under warranty. The laptop failed again and I demanded a full refund. Unfortunately for me, I was using the advice of Citizens Advice and Money Saving Expert, which are quite inadequate, to be honest. (Since then, I've had the luxury to discuss with YOU my Ford problems, which YOU helped me resolve and I was happy to donate to your cause) They said to return the laptop to them "for inspection". I decided to do so and sent them the laptop with a letter of final rejection. I really had nothing to do with a burnt laptop anyway. I had sent the laptop on September 2016. A year has gone and I neither have a message from them, nor a fixed laptop or my money back. I've sent them a reminder 6 months ago. All correspondence done tracked and signed. They received my letter. They are still an active company. Can I do anything about it? Much Obliged Oh, it dissolved on 25 July 2017... I guess that's it... ? The director has 6 more companies, with similar names and same address. The ebay account is still alive and selling (of course, ebay and PayPal are long out of the equation for me) delete this reply please Sorry for the spam but I must update that the ebay seller address is: Hamid Taqui, ServiceX LTD, 4a Redgate Lane, Manchester, UK, Lancashire, M12 4RY This company is still active. I've sent the laptop to the PayPal payment address, which is: Hamid Taqui, Skunkwurx LTD, 4a Redgate Lane, Manchester, UK, Lancashire, M12 4RY - that's the dissolved one
  16. Hi all. A friend has been to see an employment solicitor (he is nearing the end of a 12 month 'career break') and was told that events prior to 3 months ago will not be relevant when it comes to an employment tribunal. Is this correct? I don't want to doubt the solicitor but it just sounds so surprising. Thank you all.
  17. HI I sent CCA to Lowells for 3 different accounts. I had no response this was in 2014. I have now received pre-legal assessment letters. I have kept the post office recipts as I sent recoreded with 1 pound postal order. I also sent to Bryan Carter as well. (he respoded was on hold until could get info) never heard back from any of the creditors until now??? How do I prove I sent CCA if it goes to court? and do I need to send another CCA as its been 2 years?? Any help thanks
  18. Hi guys. Simply put. Parking fine - £82 Forgot to pay it. Went to a Debt Collector, who added their £75 on top. As soon as I got the letter and remembered the debt, I paid Stockport Council via their website The £82. I have an email proving so. This was October 3rd Just had a letter placed through the door tonight for.... The original debt £82 Compliance fee £75 1st visit £235 Total: £392. Am I missing something here? Clearly a lack of comms between the council and the bailiff. According to the law, do I have to pay the bailiffs' fees for a debt I paid 2 months ago? Thank you so much in advance
  19. I moved away from the UK some years ago, I've obtained a new driving licence in my new country but it's not an EU one or one from a country that can be converted directly into a UK licence. The date on my UK driving licence ran out in 2014 - I made attempts to try to renew it so I could at least keep it up to date but it appears you must use a UK address to update it and it is an offence to have an address on your driving licence where you are not resident. I do plan on returning to the UK at some point and as my new driving licence is not from a reciprocal country that can convert directly into a new UK licence - it would be an awful pain to have to return and do a new theory and practical driving test to get a new UK licence. I heard from some places that if you leave it more than 2 years to renew your UK licence they can require you to take the test again, other places say no such thing and that the licence is valid until you're 70 it's just the photo that needs updating. Can anybody give me a solid answer? Assuming I haven't reached the age of 70 when I return to the UK, if say the last date on my UK licence was 10 years ago will I have no problems renewing it with an updated photo for the usual renewal fee, no re-test required?
  20. Hi, Hope someone can give me some advice. I received a letter from DWP saying that they were going to start stopping money from my ESA to pay back a loan of £345. I rang them and told them I have not had a loan or applied for one, they told me it is for a loan I had in 2007 (9 years ago), I told them I am sure it was paid back as it is stopped automatically. He was adamant it was not paid back, and they will be stopping the money. I said surely after 6 years it is statute barred but he said this does not apply to them. Does anyone know if this is correct please.
  21. HI Hopefully someone can help me, i really don't know what to do next. i admit a few years ago i ran into a few problems and didn't keep up to date with outstanding credit accounts, the old bury my head in the sand. I have being trying to get things in order and recently got my clear score credit report, to my shock i had a CCJ for an outstanding overdraft which was being chased by Lowell. As far as i remember i had a £1400 overdraft which i left unpaid. That was in 2009. i moved house in 2011 and never heard any more about it, although i have had other lowell communications over the last few years . I contacted lowell to ask for details and they informed me the CCJ was taken out in 2012 although the credit report says 2014. They informed me i have arrears on the agreement of £1000 and must start paying £50 per month right away or they would take further action. My main question is do i have any rights to have this set aside , Lowell have obviously had my latest addresses over the the last few years why is the first I've heard about it when i got a credit report. And also the overdraft was £1400 but the debt they are claiming i owe is £2605, is there any way i can challenge this?
  22. Hi all, I reclaimed my PPI from a number of lenders a few years ago using the great advice and letters etc on here, eternally grateful for that! But.... I've had a few calls from claim companies over the last few months and they claim that a lot of lenders knowingly underpaid on PPI claims and that more is owed. I was wondering if there's any truth to that and, if so, would it be a case of following the same process as previously to claim the extra owed? Thanks, Nick
  23. I've received the following letter from DCBL Certificated Bailiffs & High Court Enforcement saying that my overdue debt of £180 to New Generation Parking Management (NGPM) has been assigned to them to recover. The letter is printed on really poor paper and looks like it's been printed on a teenagers printer in their bedroom where the ink is almost running out. The letter is titled "Notice of Debt Assignment" :- I have this letter on my Flickr account but this website won't let me put links in any posts. This was for a parking charge notice (PCN) from back in early summer 2014. I ignored the first ever letter saying I had to pay this and I never received anymore letters. Then over 18 months later, today this letter in the link above arrived on my doorstep. So now what do I do? I read other posts etc. And they all seem to say that once it gets to the debt collectors stage to totally ignore everything and not to contact them in any way. But is this at that stage now? Or further on. Is this a further scare tactic or actually serious? Their website on this new letter shows that they were on the TV program "don't pay, we take it away". Any advice would be great appreciated.
  24. Hi all, I've looked through and tried to find a similar case, and was wondering if someone could help shed some light on the issue I detail below: 1 - my wife received a letter stating a £65 private parking charge from NGP (New Generation Parking) for supposedly parking in an unauthorised area of Capital Retail Park (Cardiff) in October/November 2012.......subsequently ignored the letter as per instructions elsewhere on the web. This letter had been sent to an old address for my wife. 2 - received a letter from DCBL saying they had been instructed to claim the 'debt' by NGP, and had added charges so the new sum 'owed' was £180. This letter had been sent to an old address for my wife. 3 - as my wife had not received the letter in point 2, we were not aware of the charges/actions, and have recently been sent another letter stating (something along the lines of) ''as all attempts of contact have been ignored, more charges, now totalling £340 are payable immediately to DCBL, or they shall instruct their client to file for a CCJ. If possible, could someone please advise on the following points? 1 - What right do NGP have to chase the debt and what proof do they need to provide? 2 - My wife's name is spelt incorrectly (2 letters different) on all correspondence, is this a 'strike out' and therefore unenforceable? 3 - My wife has changed her name, as we got married in the 2 years during the time where there was no contact from NGP/DCBL. Should either/both parties have conducted any relevant identity/address checks? Again, can this be struck out and therefore unenforceable? 4 - My wife sold the car around 18 months ago, therefore she is no longer the registered keeper, is the 'debt' therefore enforceable? 5 - Are DCBL legally allowed to add on £275 in charges if they are now returning to NGP and advising them to try and obtain a CCJ? 6 - Would NGP/DCBL be successful in obtaining a CCJ if (as per above) my wife has changed name, address and sold the vehicle? Sorry for all the questions, am hoping that I've covered all the points and some of you experienced people will be able to help! Thanks
  25. ... in August 2015 BT hoovered £50 out of my bank account. I had cancelled BT sport in 2014 when my team were relegated and now out of the blue without any authorization from me they take my money. A year after cancellation! Their phone system is a joke. I was on the phone for half an hour (I timed it) just to cancel a contract I had NOT taken out. Later a guy from BT Billing rang me back who refused to listen to anything I was saying. Not least that I had cancelled the service in September 2014, that I had not been having the service since September 2014 nor been paying for the service since then. All he kept saying was that I hadn’t cancelled until today! Whenever I tried to point out the previous points he just talked across me. Why have you not been charging me then? I kept asked him. He refused to give me any address to complain to but did give me an address which will provide a recording of the phone call for £10! As soon as I get it I will stick it on Youtube. Offcom will not involve themselves in matters of billing and BT have no means of discussing the issue. Nice one. They are answerable to no one. My advice to all is to stay away from a bunch of rogues who will flush money out of your account a year after cancellation. Steven
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