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  1. First time poster here desperate for some advice after google has proved fruitless. This is a long ongoing story so please forgive the length and thank you in advance if you manage to read everything. I bought my first car 28/06/2018 from a car dealership in Hounslow, ATM Motor Trade. I found the car on Auto Trader, the dealer had good reviews and it was a good deal for the car that I wanted. The drive from my house was around 90 minutes each way but I was confident I was going to love the car. The saleswoman seemed knowledgable and friendly and I bought the car that day. I paid by bank transfer (stupid looking back) and drove the car home. Already on the drive home there were some minor problems with the car not wanting to change into third gear which I put down to my inexperience in driving it and figured I would learn to do it properly. I was also trying to be eternally optimistic and hoping the car was fine despite my instincts now starting to say otherwise. I got into the car the next day and the check engine light was on. This concerned me enough to get the bus to work but I also called the dealer to explain that the engine light was on. They said it was just an issue with the emissions on the vehicle, there’s nothing to worry about and it’s safe to drive. I asked for this to be put in writing for me - already losing my trust and sensing the worst - but that was declined. Having lost all faith in the dealer, I decided to take the car to a trusted mechanic for an assessment. He plugged in the diagnostics computer and also did a thorough check of the vehicle. The number of faults that came up on the computer was higher than 20 and that’s without the physical issues that were found: holes in air pipes, badly worn brake discs, a puncture, even the battery wasn’t attached properly. I took photographs of all of the evidence on the diagnostics computer and areas of the car where the faults could be seen and then the mechanic and I decided it would be best to wipe the faults from the cars internal computer to see if they would recur. I emailed the dealer that day with the evidence I had and told them I would be returning the car for a full refund under the Consumer Rights Act. Initially they tried to offer a repair or a replacement instead but as you can imagine I had no faith in them at this point. Eventually they agreed I would return the car to them. I did so on 08/07/2018. I had driven the car a total of three times - two of those being home from the dealer and back again. The saleswoman was the same person who sold me the car and after much resisting sent me a text message to say that I had returned the car and could expect a refund in 14 days. After the 14 days were up I received an email claiming that there were no faults with the car, they claimed they had driven it everyday with no issue and it was “functioning” and therefore they would not be offering me a refund. They also would not return the car to me but only offered a replacement vehicle. I declined this offer and stated once again I wanted my money back. I have not heard from the company themselves since this date. I ended up escalating the issue to MCOL. The dealer did not respond to the service of the claim, a judgment was made against them and then I finally sent a county court enforcement officer to collect on my behalf. In the meantime the company (a limited company) changed their trading as name therefore rendering my paperwork and claim invalid as the company “no longer existed”. I did not know when I made the initial claim that they were a LTD company trading under a different name. Initially the name was ATM Motor Trade which they changed to Quality Motor Trade Centre (the irony!). I made a request to the court to change the company name on my paperwork and reserve the papers. I have since discovered they have now opened up a whole new business and are trading under this name instead! I am now at a loss for what to do. They currently owe me £2500 which I borrowed in a loan from my bank. I can not afford another car as I’m repaying the initial loan and I’ve been forced to revert to public transport (which is horrendous in my area). It seems they will do anything in their power to avoid paying and are obviously skilled at avoiding the courts. Any help would be much appreciated. I once again apologise for the length of this and thank you for reading.
  2. Enforcement Undertakings accepted from United Utilities READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/enforcement-undertakings-accepted-from-united-utilities
  3. hi im after a bit of advice i recently used my local sainsburys car wash and managed to get stuck in it twice which caused quite a bit of bodywork damage so i reported it to sainsburys head office and they asked me to get 2 vat registered quotes which i done and they confirmed that the car wash was faulty and have decided to go along with the cheaper of the 2 quotes. the problem i am now having is the car has developed a fault which is far too costly and in my view not worth repairing and sainsburys want to pay the body repair shop directly to have the work done and i have benn offered a part exchange on a newer car and obviously i would have got a much better price for my car if the extra damage caused by the car wash wasnt there so shouldnt sainsburys pay me for the damage caused?? id be greatful for any help thanks in advance steve
  4. I bought a TV 12 months and 3 weeks ago. Since buying it I had an intermittent problem with the screen going off for about 10 seconds then on again. I eliminated various other pieces of equipment over time then reported it to the manufacturer about 4 months into their warranty. After following their trouble shooting procedure they accepted it was faulty and arranged an engineer repair. When the engineer rang to arrange repair and get details I was away (this was around Christmas). During the discussion I told him I was unsure how to reproduce the issue since it happened intermittently. He said he would leave the case open for the time being. The TV is not my main set so I use it very occasionally. I forgot about the problem until more recently when I was trying to use it again and the same fault occurred. I emailed the manufacturer back with my reference number but they now refuse to repair because it is 3 weeks out of warranty. I realise I could approach the retailer but I feel like the manufacturer is using a technicality to escape from an issue they have already accepted as theirs and promised to repair onsite. It is a lot of hassle for me to transport the TV back to the retailer for a repair and they do not have the original report logged, which the manufacturer does. Can anyone please advise or tell me where I stand legally?
  5. I'm new here and I'm sorry if I'm placing my question in the wrong section. I lost a civil court case and I was ordered to pay the the defendants' legal costs which are about £90,000. I appealed the case and the appeal was supposed to be heard in a month time. Recently I sent "without prejudice" letter to withdraw the appeal in an exchange of waving the cost order (£90,000) against me so basically settle the case and each party pay its own expenses. The good news is that they accepted the offer. My question is .. how should I proceed after that? .. I do not have a legal representation .. should I sent to the county court informing them about what happened or should we write and sign a contract between the parties ? I would really appreciate your help.
  6. Basically I had a hsbc business account which I shut due to the fact I slowed trading for for a while. Started to use my personal account for a bit and then a lot of business subsequently got asked to leave for breaking t&c. Left me without an account, 7 defaults and 3 arrangements on my credit history in the last 6 years. Ive put in an application with Coop for a cash minder, they seem to of lost my application in branch which is a pain. Had a look at the bank groups and basically hsbc aside I had history with all except Santander, figured I had nothing to lose by putting in an application for a business account. Went basic no overdrafts, loans etc. Had an email off them yesterday with a questionnaire which I completed honestly, emailed it back then today received this. "Thank you for choosing Santander Business Banking. We’re pleased to let you know that your Business Current Account is now open and ready for you to use. What’s next? In the next 7 – 10 days we’ll send your card, card PIN, Online Banking passcode and registration number separately (for security purposes) to the home address you gave us." Is that it?, I've been accepted?, can I have a beer to celebrate? or is there something that can go wrong from here?. Other than my credit history I have no other skeletons in my closet or anything. I know all banks are as bad as the other but I did not expect to get a highstreet account in a million years with my account history. I was thinking best case I get a cash minder and a pre pay. I had a large loan and Credit card with Abbey national which were paid in about 2007 but did reclaim a lot of ppi.
  7. Hi, I am new to this forum and new to legal terms and I am confused with what happened in court today. Someone please help me understand? Here is the story. I received an attachment of earnings order for a default judgement I knew nothing about. I enquired and found out that Lowell had applied to court a few months earlier and got the default judgement as I did not get any paperwork. Further, I had written them with CCA request but they never replied I thought that it is over and done with. I applied to local court to set aside the judgement with a witness statement and defence where I explained to court about their dirty tricks and made up evidence etc. I sent all of those documents to Lowell as well so that they could put their side of story in court. what I did not understand was that a day later, they wrote to me with a signed draft order accepting to set aside the default judgment, withdrawing their AoE order application, and paying me court fees, then asking the court for permission to reply to my defence I thought that was a trap I went to court the next day, where I thought that the case would have been heard and judge making a decision. that was not the case, and Lowell hired a local solicitor to put to court the things they said in their letter, judge said to me that was easy and struck out the judgement and AoE order, then set a date for next hearing. I am very confused have two questions; 1. Why the Lowell accepted to set aside judgement and AoE order? 2. Why the judge set another hearing to hear the case when he had already quashed the judgment? I hope someone could answer the above two question. Thanks
  8. Hi, I was pressured into accepting two CCJ's as appearing in court would have been devastating, if it got that far. Is it possible to mount a new challenge against the debt as I am sure that there is no enforceable agreement? One was a Debenhams store card and the other was a Debenhams loan. Both were taken over by CL Finance. They are a millstone around my neck, in more than one manner. Thanks,
  9. word to the wise everyone my PPI letter was rejected by Lloyds as they stated that they didnt have any details about me (car loan with Black Horse from 1999). I did not have any bank statements from then, and Santander had told me in writing that they didnt have any either. However contacted Santander customer services (IN-BRANCH TELEPHONE - important) and they managed to locate the errant statements. (Important because this line of enquiry acually worked - use a telephone in-branch if you require statements) contacted Lloyds again who confirmed the account number on the statements was correct. They sent out a ppi claim form which was completed. Then rejected. I wrote back to them asking them to reconsider, and asking for a copy of the CCA. What was interesting was that the PPI box was pre-typed in with 'GOLD'. This was the age before online applications, and I argued that the PPI was not presented as an optional extra, but rather was not discussed before I visited the sales office. This is self-evident, and Lloyds know that they cannot prove that the PPI was discussed prior to me signing the CCA. Therefore they have agreed to refund the PPI plus interest. However, as a side note, the final amount is over £1300 short of what the PPI refund should be. Make sure you analyze any offer you receive.
  10. Allo to everyone, yet another NEWBIE, have only just realised that 1st central are taking 2 direct debit payments out of my bank every month, however i cancelled the 1st one when i rang to change my vehicle details as i had sold the 1st car ( clio) & had exchanged it for a polo. it was only by chance when i was looking at my on line bank stats that 1st central were appearing more than they should & have been taking 35 quid out on the 5th of every month & 56 quid on the 28th of the same month. i back tracked the lot & they obviously had not cancelled the clio & continued taking the D/Debits but have allowed me to insure the polo which would have been on a 2nd car policy if i hadnt cancelled the clio. when i looked at my policy on line there was a big note saying i hadnt accepted their T/C for instalments on the clio & told me to do so asap well i havent accepted as i presumed they had cancelled it.when i informed them to, so from march this year i have been paying for 2 cars, one of which i dont now have, (plus i cant drive 2 at once !) will i be able to claim the clio payments back as it is no fault of mine & is an error on their part. hope this makes sense ps bit irrelevant but the pound sign on key pad int working!
  11. My Mother had completed a ppi claim and stated that my Father had passed away. She received a letter shortly afterwards confirming the application was successful and she would receive a cheque in the post which she did. Unfortunately it was made out in both my Mothers and Fathers name. When she called the bank she was asked to send my Fathers death certificate as proof which she did she received a letter back saying they had received it and she would hear from the bank within 28 days. The 28 days had come and gone she phoned only to be told they wouldn't be sending a cheque as needed more evidence such as a will or a letter of authority (??). My mother is nearly 70 and this has stressed her out a bit as it is quite a substantial claim. Can anyone give me some advice on how best to pursue this? My Mother has felt like givin up as she doesn't know what to do which is probably exactly what the bank wants.
  12. Hi there, I registered for a 30 day trial with eFax as I needed the ability to fax some PDF Documents to the HMRC. I had alot of trouble with the program and instead tried another online product which worked instantly. Consquently I dropped eFax an email stating my desire to cease the trial with immediate effect and close down the account (I was still on the 3rd day by this point) I had an email back from eFax which was a rather obnoxious marketing email with various offers, a very weak apology and the insistence that I phone them to cancel. Rather bemused by this I sent a rather snotty email back stating that I wished to keep the matter in writing, wouldn't be phoning them and purely so there was no margin for dispute on the cancellation (I've been stung on that before) Anyway I received an email back saying my written cancellation was unacceptable as I needed to verify security details with them (Considering the offensive sales pitch in the first email I have fears that should I phone I'll get a sales pitch down my throat for half an hour, something I don't particularly have the time for) The last email I sent to them I confirmed all the details I had given them on the initial signup forms and the last 4 digits of the card number used. I also stated that I was removing their authority to charge my credit card and any attempts to do so would be deemed unauthorised and chargebacks would be made etc. Finally I stated I would not be making verbal contact over the account, that I had a right to keep things in writing and that they 'will' honor the request. Since then I have had no return correspondence and I have yet to receive my MasterCard Statement. My question overall is would you say I've acted correctly? (Open to constructive criticism of course) and am I correct in everything I've explained. Should they card my Credit Card it would be good to know where I stand after the Chargeback has been made. Thanks for your time! Nuke
  13. Had these lovely people send me an application through the post. Never really interested in a credit card but i filled it in anyway. On friday i receeived a text message to phone a number with a reference number. The lady who answered said she was from the applications dept at Vanquish. After confirming a few things she stated the credit card will be with me in 7-10 days. Looking into this now i see that Vanquish (Provident) are a doorstep loan company with very high APR ETC. What are the positive and negatives on using this card. Will it be better i just cut the card in half when i receive it. To be honest i am more than happy with my own bank debit card
  14. I accepted an offer from HFC on a PPI policy a couple of years ago. At the time I assumed that the process involved the bank calculating what I was owed and paying me that amount. I am now much wiser and believe that they just refunded the premiums and did not add any interest. There was no details of the calculations, not even a breakdown re the 8%. Can I go back and ask them to show me the calculations and question if they were correct?
  15. Hi all, my first post on here. Not a good one sadly. Looking for a little advice in regards to my insurance paying out on a claim made agaisnt me. Basically on 11/11/13 i was stopped at a set of red lights, handbrake on and car in front rolled back into me at no more than 0.5mph. No damage whatsoever on close inspection. Just took number plates etc and that was that as far as im concerned. Then on approx 20/12/13 recieved an hand writen note posted through my door from insurance investigators asking my to contact them. So i thought i would ring my insurance company first. They said the other party has put a clakm for whiplash in, no damage just whiplash! Said that im not accepting liabilty so they could respond to the other party. Arranged to me the independant investigator working on behalf of my insurers. Met with the investigator today 08/01/13, gave my statement, along with photos showing no damage. Stated how could there be a whiplash claim with no damage? And that if i had hit him his tow bar would have made a mess of the front of my car. Everything sorted, statement was to be typed up, posted to me to agree its correct, sign and return. 4 hours later my insurers rang babbling away, so i stopped them in there tracks and said so your going to settle? They said yes. How can my insurer agree to liabilty whithout seeing any statements or any evidence from either party? They just said that because both have admitted that there was contact we are going to admit liability! All they know is that his is claiming whiplash. Can they do this? They are saying that the accepted liability based on percentages and statistics. My case should have been looked at on a individual basis. Or at least waited for both parties statements. Its a absolute joke! I have again spoken to my insurance again tonight (08/01/14), customer service for claims department. Even they agree that they cant understand why or how its been settled with the very little information given and no investigation taking place. They are not sure if they can retract the admission now. Its has been referred to someone higher up and will be in touch with me within 48hrs. I said to them that when this originally started that i would stand up in court. Now that since they are so keen to pay they can, but i do not want to lose my ncb due to them basically doing nothing and just agreeing. Rang them again this morning (09/01/14), basically asking if they are still going to settle. Of course they said yes. I can not comprehend how they can settle when all they have had is photos from me showing no damage. The other party only took one photo of the front of my car, I know this because I watched. surely if I crashed into him he be interested in at least taking a photo of his own car. I have also seen the other party in his taxi working since the date of the incident, several times. so how can he taxi the public around with his fake claim of whiplash?. Hasting are supposed to look after my best interests. when in fact they have just looked after there own interests. Its cheaper for them to admit fault rather than fight it. I'm the original victim and I'm the victim in this whiplash fraud so why am I being bent over for it? Hope this makes sense Any advise would be greatly appreciated Thanks Pete
  16. Hi all, my first post on here. Not a good one sadly. Looking for a little advice in regards to my insurance paying out on a claim made agaisnt me. Basically on 11/11/13 i was stopped at a set of red lights, handbrake on and car in front rolled back into me at no more than 0.5mph. No damage whatsoever on close inspection. Just took number plates etc and that was that as far as im concerned. Then on approx 20/12/13 recieved an hand writen note posted through my door from insurance investigators asking my to contact them. So i thought i would ring my insurance company first. They said the other party has put a clakm for whiplash in, no damage just whiplash! Said that im not accepting liabilty so they could respond to the other party. Arranged to me the independant investigator working on behalf of my insurers. Met with the investigator today, gave my statement, along with photos shown no damage. Stated how could there be a whip lash claim with no damage? And that if i had hit him his tow bar would have made a mess of the front of my car. Everything sorted, statement was to be types up, posted to me to agree its correct, sign and return. 4 hours later my insurers rang babbling away, so i stopped them in there tracks and said so your going to settle? They said yes. Right my questions 1: How can my insurer agree to liabilty whithout seeing any statements or any evidence from either party? They just said that because both have admitted that there was contact we are going to admit liability! All they know is that his is claiming whiplash. Can they do this? 2: Who can i complain to? I have again spoken to my insurance tonight, customer service for claims department. Even they agree that they cant understand why or how its been settled with the very little information given and no investigation taking place. They are not sure if they can retract the admission now. Its has been referred to someone higher up and will be in touch with me within 48hrs. I said to them that when this originally started that i would stand up in court. Now that since they are so keen to pay they can, but i do not want to lose my ncb due to them basically doing nothing and just agreeing. Hope this makes sense Any advise would be greatly appreciated Thanks Pete
  17. Please accept my apology if this is not in the right forum. 2 weeks ago I applied for a vanquis credit card online and on 30th of December last month I got a call from vanquis asking my details and setting up direct debit, also adviser asked me if I would like a transfer to my bank and I said no, then he said congratulations I have been accepted and will receive my credit card with 7 working days (I am shocked at this as my credit rating is not that good) but just wondering if anyone can answer these questions for me. 1. Does all this mean I 100% been accepted? or can they change the minds and cancel/block my card? 2. How long does it take to receive card and pin? 3. I understand Vanquis is owned by provident? however when I was living with parents 3 years ago, I got a loan from provident but couldn't pay them back as I was sanctioned by Job centre, would this go against my application so they could cancel it straight away? or has anyone got a debt with provident and still got accepted/card? 4. do I need to pay my bill when my statement is produced straight away to avoid late charges/intrest ete? Any help would be great, I got this card to build my credit rating and also not buying any expensive things on the card, just a few items like a dvds from amazon, and shopping at tesco. I also going to look after this card and make payments on time. So any advice would be brilliant, thank you.
  18. Hi, I'm just starting to get a handle on my finances after a sudden change of circumstances. I'm in around £8,000 of unsecured debt to various loans/overdrafts/credit cards/catalogues, and now my landlord (I'm a leaseholder) as such saddled me with an additional £2,500 debt which has tipped me over the edge. I'm in the process of opening a new Current Account and Saving Account with a Building Society and am now trying to rework my SoA so I can comfortably afford to repay these debts but also not have to get into further debt when the excrement next hits the fan. Up till now I've budget quiet tightly to keep up with at least minimum payments but when the car breaks, as it did over Christmas, I end up loading up the credit cards again and am back to square one. So I want to budget properly this time and save a little for such occurrences. I've been searching around both this site and various others (many linked to from here) and reading a lot of quality information, but I can't find the answer to one specific question...Just what is regarded to be the industry accepted allowances in a SoA? How much is reasonable for things like Sky TV, Hobbies or Holidays? What is acceptable to save for, like a new car in 4 years time, and what would be taking the proverbial? I want to make sure the figures I use are both realistic and acceptable. Thanks in advance for any advice offered.
  19. Hello, after some negotiation I have come to an agreement with my DCA over a full and final settlement. In the body of the letter it states 'your offer of £xxx.xx as a discounted full and final settlement has been accepted, to release your personal liability on the above mentioned account' 'Following receipt of your payment the remainder of the balance will be written off and recorded as a partial settlement with the Credit Reference Agencies. We must inform you that this may have an adverse effect on your client credit rating and will remain on record for six years. If you wish to avoid this then you must pay the full balance outstanding' Does this seem to be a bit of a mean action?, they have received 75% of the full balance as an F&F btw.
  20. I have a masetro cards, and I am finding it very hard to shop on line with it, as websites will not accept it. I complained to the Danske Bank, and they said apply for a credit card, which I don't want any more credit and wouldn't get it anyway, as my credit rating is so bad Thompson & Morgan dont take it, QVC, Equifax, Noodle dont accept it. What does anyone do? Suggestions:mad2:
  21. Hello Had a very nice conversation with a young man from Barclaycard this evening because he informed me that my old Barclaycard had PPI and was mis-sold. He mentioned that the offer letter had been sent to my old address, and now he will send the letter to my correct address. The only problem is, he states a figure of about £600-onwards in PPI payments and totals to about £1500 with interest. I know its absolute rubbish offer as I have too many statements with PPI £25 approx Exceeded Limit £20 Late Payment Charge £20 My question is should I be contesting two of the above charges with this with my PPI claim, or is court claim, Note SAR sent awaiting all details before anyone mentions. Thanks in advance for any helpful response PS Will be making donation to site as promised when cheque received
  22. So, I bought 5KG of protein powder from myprotein, which usually sells for around £50. Due to a pricing glitch, it was going through for £1-something. I fully expected my order to be cancelled, however, it went through, and was dispatched. I received a despatch confirmation, was given a delivery time and the money was taken from my account. Now, the delivery time came and went, so I tracked it, and it said it was being sent back to consignor. I phoned them, to see why it had been returned, and was told that due to the pricing error, it was being returned to them. Now, my understanding was that as soon as the despatch confirmation had been sent out, and the cash had been taken, the contract was accepted, and could only be cancelled by myself. Am I wrong? Obviously, arguing my case that the error should have been noticed before dispatch fell on deaf ears. I have had a look around the net, but nothing definitive sticks out.
  23. Hi, I have received a response from 1 of my card companies in F and F settlement (all others refused or diddnt reply) Am I safe to pay this on the basis of this letter attached?. Im always a believer if it sounds to good to be true..... It most likely is Is this legit will they seriously accept 1/5 of the outstanding balance? any help much appreciated
  24. Has anyone in the UK been successful at completing accepted for value for anything? and can it be done for a BT Bill? would be very helpful as i'm trying to help an elderly neighbour that's being bullied with extortionate bill from these corperation bullies Many Thank in advance.
  25. Hi everyone, Thanks to all your help I have received an offer from Barclaycard in acceptance of my PPI claim. I requested a SAR and got loads of documents that confirmed that I did not take out a PPI policy until 2 years into my card. By the contact details in the SAR it was also clear that no contact had been made with me anywhere near the time that I took out the policy. I do not recollect taking it out and their details would appear to show that no contact was made and so I think that it was applied to my account without my knowledge (and Barclaycard seem to agree). The offer consists of a refund of payments made + interest charged + 8% of simple interest per annum. Whilst this would seem to quite good I was annoyed when I looked through all the SAR statements that I was put over my credit limit on a very large number of occasions by an amount less than the premiums. I was basically charged £20 a time for many months. I realise that I do not have to accept the offer but would like to know what happens in the offer process. Would it take a long time to process (I do need this money and it would make a big difference so if it would take a long time then I will just accept). Also, do you think that I should be pushing for more due to the questionable circumstances of the PPI policy being added to my account. Many thanks for all your help in getting me to this position.
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