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  1. Evening. First I apologise for literally signing up to the forum and asking advice. I am unsure of what to do next. I am from Northern Ireland (UK), I traveled to the south of England to purchase a car off a small used car dealer on the 26/1/19. He has roughly 14 cars for sale at the minute. It is a 2010 Volvo C30 automatic/powershift. Full history with only 1 previous owner and 50k miles, cost me just over £5k. On the face of it the car it is very well presented, good bodywork, service history etc. 3 month warranty assist 'gold cover'. The first issue was on the 27/01/19. I was back in Northern Ireland at this stage. The steering would lock itself and not unlock, which would not let you start the vehicle. I had to leave the car in a petrol station forecourt and get it recovered later. Warranty company said, take it to any VAT registered garage to get assessed. I got it taken to a local Volvo franchise. I thought then 'perfect time to get the automatic gearbox serviced' as I thought the gearbox was a little jerky and noisy. I left it with Volvo to get a quote for the steering lock fault and a gearbox service that I was happily paying for. Volvo have since told me it needs a new gearbox as there is movement in some shaft that will be likely to fail at anytime. The gearbox alone is £4900 and the steering lock is £500. Warranty have refused to fix either of the faults and the dealer is saying he is only willing to replace the steering lock and the gearbox is still working ok, so it is just general wear and tear. I have not yet got any of these faults fixed as I do not want to keep the car with the gearbox that could let me down at any minute and warranty are not willing to cover it. Is this a genuine reason for rejection?
  2. Hi I am just looking for some advice. We purchased a car In October 2018 2009 tiguan with 114K miles on, we purchased from a dealer (sold from a garage) but i think hes a sole trader. Before we purchased, the dealer said the engine management light came on and went into limp mode, they plugged in and was the glo plugs and the light was now off and all fixed. Satisfied we purchased the car via bacs. On they way home the car went into limp mode - i called the dealer and he suggested carry on driving until it did it again. November 18 we had an issue with the clutch, the dealer asked us to book into a garage over 20 miles away - but it was done free of charge and i was giving a car. The car then went into limp mode just before Christmas, we called up the dealer who told us to use to the same garage (not the one the car was sold from as he didnt trust the mechanics) and it was his responsibility to fix. Booked in January (due to them not being open over Christmas) and the same i was given a car whilst mine was in. The issue was the inlet manifold has blown and cracked. something that would of happened with there being an issue with it and being driven over time has made worse. The dealer offered half the bill - the bill was £700. We refused, saying if within with first six months of purchase the dealer should repair or replace. Again he refused and offered half the money, the car was in an independent garage, so one of us had to pay. But he also said in writing he wouldn't be responsible if it went into limp mode again or wouldn't give us a refund. Im under the impression the legally needs to. So we have paid the bill and ive written to ask him to pay in full, hes refused, saying if we take him to small claims to be putting a counter claim in for a solicitor etc. Where do you think we stand with a small claims? CAB have told me he should pay the bill as if there is a fault within the first 6 months its deemed it was there when the car was purchase. Does anyone have any advice? Thanks Emma
  3. Hi I've ordered a leather apple watch strap from WSC - THE WATCH STRAP CO. The strap was faulty and I returned it back to them within a few days of receiving it and requested a refund. However they refuse a refund and only offer a replacement or a credit. They claim their terms of conditions clearly state that. I am pretty sure that I have a right to a full refund but I am not sure which is the applicable legislation. Is it the Consumer Rights Act or the Distance Selling Regulations? Where can I find the relevant sections? They also have a sticker on the straps that says that you can only return the item when the seal is not broken. I know this is valid for CDs, DVDs or software but I believe this is not applicable to watch straps. I spent an hour with them on the phone but they would not agree to a refund only stating their terms of conditions - which I think are void but I need the right paragraphs when I write a letter to them. Can anyone help me with the applicable legislation? How would you proceed? I am thinking of initially using resolver.co.uk
  4. First time poster here desperate for some advice after google has proved fruitless. This is a long ongoing story so please forgive the length and thank you in advance if you manage to read everything. I bought my first car 28/06/2018 from a car dealership in Hounslow, ATM Motor Trade. I found the car on Auto Trader, the dealer had good reviews and it was a good deal for the car that I wanted. The drive from my house was around 90 minutes each way but I was confident I was going to love the car. The saleswoman seemed knowledgable and friendly and I bought the car that day. I paid by bank transfer (stupid looking back) and drove the car home. Already on the drive home there were some minor problems with the car not wanting to change into third gear which I put down to my inexperience in driving it and figured I would learn to do it properly. I was also trying to be eternally optimistic and hoping the car was fine despite my instincts now starting to say otherwise. I got into the car the next day and the check engine light was on. This concerned me enough to get the bus to work but I also called the dealer to explain that the engine light was on. They said it was just an issue with the emissions on the vehicle, there’s nothing to worry about and it’s safe to drive. I asked for this to be put in writing for me - already losing my trust and sensing the worst - but that was declined. Having lost all faith in the dealer, I decided to take the car to a trusted mechanic for an assessment. He plugged in the diagnostics computer and also did a thorough check of the vehicle. The number of faults that came up on the computer was higher than 20 and that’s without the physical issues that were found: holes in air pipes, badly worn brake discs, a puncture, even the battery wasn’t attached properly. I took photographs of all of the evidence on the diagnostics computer and areas of the car where the faults could be seen and then the mechanic and I decided it would be best to wipe the faults from the cars internal computer to see if they would recur. I emailed the dealer that day with the evidence I had and told them I would be returning the car for a full refund under the Consumer Rights Act. Initially they tried to offer a repair or a replacement instead but as you can imagine I had no faith in them at this point. Eventually they agreed I would return the car to them. I did so on 08/07/2018. I had driven the car a total of three times - two of those being home from the dealer and back again. The saleswoman was the same person who sold me the car and after much resisting sent me a text message to say that I had returned the car and could expect a refund in 14 days. After the 14 days were up I received an email claiming that there were no faults with the car, they claimed they had driven it everyday with no issue and it was “functioning” and therefore they would not be offering me a refund. They also would not return the car to me but only offered a replacement vehicle. I declined this offer and stated once again I wanted my money back. I have not heard from the company themselves since this date. I ended up escalating the issue to MCOL. The dealer did not respond to the service of the claim, a judgment was made against them and then I finally sent a county court enforcement officer to collect on my behalf. In the meantime the company (a limited company) changed their trading as name therefore rendering my paperwork and claim invalid as the company “no longer existed”. I did not know when I made the initial claim that they were a LTD company trading under a different name. Initially the name was ATM Motor Trade which they changed to Quality Motor Trade Centre (the irony!). I made a request to the court to change the company name on my paperwork and reserve the papers. I have since discovered they have now opened up a whole new business and are trading under this name instead! I am now at a loss for what to do. They currently owe me £2500 which I borrowed in a loan from my bank. I can not afford another car as I’m repaying the initial loan and I’ve been forced to revert to public transport (which is horrendous in my area). It seems they will do anything in their power to avoid paying and are obviously skilled at avoiding the courts. Any help would be much appreciated. I once again apologise for the length of this and thank you for reading.
  5. Hi, Ive read a few of the posts on the forum before registering and after seeing the sound advice given out I was hoping I could just pinch some knowledge off whoever maybe helpful enough to assist my situation. So I’m submitting my small claims court document online tomorrow, it’s all filled out ready to go but I wanted some advice on what I can claim for and to what amounts. I’ll try to keep this brief. I purchased a car in October for £2000. The car had high mileage at 130k but seemed a good vehicle for me to get to work and back. It had a full service history, lots of receipts and drove fine so was happy to transfer the cash. The very following day on way to work it went into limp mode but on restart it would come out of it, I contacted the dealer who said I could bring it in and he would sort it. I took the car to him and the faults were cleared from the diagnostics and he said hopefully that will be the end of that and sent me on my way (I know, he fobbed me off). A full month later, whilst driving, the car made an almighty sound and grounded to a halt. Again the garage said to send it down and he would sort it. I got it sent to him and had very poor contact from him for the next week. When he eventually told me the issue that the cambelt had snapped, his previous helpful self went as well. Cue a month of going back and forth, him wanting me to pay money towards the fix and me taking advice from citizens advice giving him all the options I was entitled to. He refused all options and when I told him I was seeking legal advice, he totally shut down and asked for it all in writing to which I duly obliged. So tomorrow is 28 days since I sent my letter to him advising him that I was taking him to small claims and I haven’t received anything at all from him. He has my car, my money and I’ve offered him every option but he’s completely refused. My question is, I have put in the price of the car at £2000 and the towing price at £70 but in the meantime he created hell for me without my vehicle, should I be claiming for more? The main thing is I’ve had to go and finance another vehicle, I’ve had to keep paying the tax and insurance as the car is parked outside his garage. Also the amount of personal things like hospital appointments, school runs etc I had to re arrange in that time was a right pain in the backside. I don’t want to put too much in, in all honesty if I got my money back I’d be over the moon but I feel like I should be entitled to more after how he’s handled this and what I’ve had to deal with. Sorry for such a long message and thanks in advance to anyone who chooses to help.
  6. Hi, I purchased an induction cooker from a seller on eBay and the eBay listing said it had a 12 month warranty (purchased 13th December) you can no longer see the listing page but they delivered it to me and gave me an invoice with 12 months guarantee written on it and £240 paid (£190 for the cooker, £50 delivery). I was shown it working but they only showed me the front hobs. the first time I used it I noticed that one of the rear rings only works if you push down on it until it gets started and the other rear ring will only work while you push down hard on it (which makes it impossible to cook with). The rear hobs are the only boost capable hobs and boost is the reason I wanted induction hobs. I can only cook one large pan at once as the other large rear hob doesn't work. When I phoned him up about it he said don't worry you have the 12 month warranty (at one point I was told this is a parts and labour warranty, it may have been on the original eBay listing I don't know) and to call him if it got any worse. I felt sorry for him, I don't know why I'm not normally too soft but I said OK. It has got worse, the other day the ring that works normally if you push down on it at the start didn't and I had to cook on the small pan ring which doesn't heat the pan up effectively. it's sort of working again (I have to push on it) but the other rear ring still doesn't work and it means I can't cook two large pans at once. I want him to fix it. He admitted on a phone call before Christmas he doesn't know a lot about induction cookers but said he knows a guy who does and would call me back. I waited a month he never phoned back. The past couple of weeks I've phoned him 3 times and sent him two text messages and he isn't responding or answering my calls. I'd rather he fixed my cooker but if he can't or won't I don't see why I should have to accept a cooker I can only cook one pan on and want a refund. It's my plan to write to him and give him 14 days to respond then try my luck with the online court claim to get my £240 back. I'm on ESA so I think I can claim court fees back? Is this a good plan? Is there anything else I can do? His delivery guy wrote an address on my invoice but I've never been to his shop so I don't know it's correct. Can I ask eBay to give me the address they have for his company to see if it matches? Any help appreciated, I just want a working cooker.
  7. Hi I bought a Garmin Vivoactive fitness watch for £189.99 17 months ago from a company on Ebay. The watch has now developed numerous faults and when I complained to Garmin directly, this is what they told me: Dear Paul, If you believe that your device is not fit for purpose this would relate to the Sales of Goods Act 1979 legislation or the Consumer Rights Act 2015, depending on when you purchased your device. This is a contract between yourself and the retailer where you purchased your device and it states that if goods aren’t able to carry out their normal functions for any reason, they are not fit for purpose. Due to Garmin being a manufacturer the Sales of Goods Act/ Consumer Rights Act 2015 applies between the buyer and the seller of the goods, this means that if you wish to pursue any further action in regards to this legislation then you will need to contact the retailer where you purchased your device. I sent this reply to the retailer (Handtec) and this is what they said in reply: Thank you for contacting us. I am sorry to know about this and at the time of purchase we advertised that it comes with manufacturer warranty and has 12-months warranty. We as a retailer cannot assist in this matter because the manufacturer warranty has expired and only Garmin can and should help you by either repairing it or replacing it at a reasonable price. Handtec Customer Care I would expect a watch for nearly £200 to last longer than 17 months. Can anyone tell me where I can go from here. Kind regards Paul
  8. Hi all! Bought a HP notebook/laptop end of December 2015. Early December 2017 (10 days approx before 2 years from purchase) it became slow, and "Bad Block" errors were logged in the event viewer. chkdsk and SeaTools were used to fix these initially however more occurred over the next 4-5 months. 92+ sectors have been found and reallocated so far. Files have been corrupted by this issue. After discussions with Seagate support in May, they said that I had no warranty with them (which I knew), but if it was under warranty with these errors then they would look to replace the drive. Seagates standard OEM warranty is 3 years for their drives. HP just stated the laptop was out of warranty and would not entertain any further discussion. I sent a copy of the Seagate email, a copy of the SeaTools log, and screenshot showing the first Bad Block error to PC World CS, who replied (after poking with a stick as they didn't reply to my first email) stating it would be £65 to inspect the computer as out of warranty. My concern here is conflict of interest (Paying PC World to inspect for PC World to make a decision...) Now I would not expect a hard disk to start failing at Can PC World charge this £65 fee when claiming under CRA? Any other useful tidbits re the CRA (Any important changes from the previous SOGA)? Cheers! ps: Our Sony Bravia that we were told by Currys would last only a year, after being repaired, is still going strong after the last battle, 6+ years on!
  9. Hello, I purchased two baby pushchairs on Amazon from two separate retailers last March 2017. Both prams developed faults after 6 months, which was documented in emails to the manufacturer Cosatto, who told me each time how I could make the repairs myself. I didn´t make the repairs as, after subsequent faults appearing, I went back to the retailers on Amazon (Babyland Fife Ltd and Online4Baby, who say after 4 months they are no longer liable for the warranty or a refund, and that I have to take it up with the manufacturer. The man. (Cosatto) say explicitly, that they have nothing to do with it, it´s a transaction between me and the seller. I have been going round in circles about this between the retailer and Amazon since May 23rd. Finally, Amazon said they could do nothing as the products are older than 120 days. What is the best thing to do please?
  10. Hi I purchased a washing machine for the Very catalogue in October last year, February I noticed a number of my clothing items had pulls in them but put it down to wear and tear Last week I put 5 x under armour tshirts in there and its ripped them to shreds. I phoned hotpoint who sent and engineer out, a few days before he arrived he phoned me to say it probably needed a new drum so would I change the appointment until the drum had arrived, I had no problem with this so the appointment was changed. The day the engineer turned out he said he was just going to change the paddles I asked where the drum was and he said he did not have one!!, he had no idea what I was talking about when I told him of the phonecall I received but he said it was not a problem as it was the paddles ripping the clothes, I was happy with his explanation so he changed the paddles and left. The next day I put a wash on and as you have probably guessed it ripped my clothes to shreds again! I have contacted them and they want to send another engineer out I have told them no I want a new machine, its caused 100s pounds worth of damage and I am not willing to have it fixed again. I am currently waiting a response from them I guess I just want to know where I stand with asking for a new machine, the machine is only 8 months old I am really not happy having it repaired again
  11. Hi This is my first post so please forgive me if I'm asking a question with a pretty simple answer! I recently (2 weeks ago) bought a car from a trader which after taking it to a garage has been diagnosed with a few problems. Notably, front and rear springs on the drivers side are broken and the washer tank has a crack in it. The only reason I took it to a garage was to have an oil and filter change and a general health check of the vehicle as it isn't running great at all. Now my question is, where do I stand with the trader? I have been given different bits of advice, typically the advice contradict one another. The quote I have received for the remedial work is just short of £300, 'should' the trader pay this for me as it was obviously like it when he sold it. If someone could just advice me of where I stand and how to proceed it would be greatly appreciated. thanks Mike
  12. My daughter purchased a new washing machine in Dec 17 form a major high street retailer. It has stopped working. She reported it for repair 11 days ago and they are still not sure when they are going to get the parts and affect the repair. I have checked the T&Cs of both the retailer and manufacturer, both explain that she is entitled to repair in a reasonable time frame but neither explain what that length of time is. My daughter has a household of 5 and is really struggling. The closest launderette is 7 miles away and it is costing her a lot in both petrol and launderette costs. Can anyone explain what a "reasonable time frame" is. And what my daughter should do once that time has elapsed.
  13. Hi all, Hope someone can advise me what to do here. To cut a [very] long story short, I left my Samsung PC monitor at Currys in Lincoln at the beginning of June. They sent it off to the repair centre and it came back about a week later. Due to ill health I couldn't get to pick it up until last Thursday. When I did it was wrapped up in bubble wrap and I didn't have the time to unwrap and check it in store (BIG mistake!). I unwrapped it Monday evening and, to my absolute horror, it was covered in scratches! The whole of the bezel is just full of them; it looks like it's been laid on its front and then moved up and down on a desk, which is impressive as it's a curved screen! Now, I'm old-fashioned and like to keep my items in mint condition and this was no exception. The chap at Currys did a thorough check and confirmed there were no scratches on it before I left the store. There's a whole back story to this that I won't go into unless anyone really wants me to, but basically I'd been having a to and fro with Samsung Customer Services since before Christmas, so I emailed them Monday saying how angry I was and that this was not the monitor I sent them. They've fobbed me off and are now telling me it arrived with them with "general wear". How the hell does a monitor, which sits on a desk for it's entire life, get "general wear" over the entire bezel?! Not possible. They've told me they're not going to do anything about it and I should contact Currys. But Currys have record of it being in mint condition with no scratches! I should point out that, once I'd taken the bubble wrap off, I noticed that the bezel was covered in tape, you know, the stuff they put around new TVs for transit? I only took the top and half of the right side off, the rest is still attached, so the tape was applied after the scratches happened. So, before I lug it back to Lincoln I thought I'd ask here what the best course of action is? Take it back to Currys? Have it out with Samsung? I really don't know what to do. Thanks in advance, Fen.
  14. Hi, hoping for some good advice. I bought a prom dress for my daughter from an independent dress shop it cost £400 and had a value of £450. The agreement with the shop is that it would be ordered, I would collect it and take it to a seamstress to be shortened (they are made to standard length so this is common practice) I would then return to the shop with the dress to have it steamed by them ready for the prom. The dress was perfect on collection and it was agreed it was perfect when I dropped it back to the shop for steaming. However when I collected the dress it had water marks on the chiffon. The owner contacted the manufacturer who gave instructions for resteaming. I was asked to collect the dress the next day with promises it would 'be perfect'. When I returned the next day the dress was actually worse. I left the dress for a further day and the next day which was the day of the prom returned to collect it but it still had marks. The marks were not so bad that the dress couldn't be worn - I had no other option of outfit for my daughter. But it did have marks that could be seen when closely inspected and I have photo evidence of this. I reluctantly took the dress and my daughter wore it agreeing with the retailer that we would speak after prom. She requested I return the dress to her which I did. She has now sent it back to me with a letter saying neither she or the manufacturer take responsibility because the dress was independtly altered and I accepted the dress. I had been required to pay the full balance on original collection of the dress. Do I have a claim???? Hope someone can help. The fault definitely occurred as a result of the steaming.
  15. Hi all! So I purchased an air purifier from Amazon, it's a Fellowes AeraMax DX95, it cost me around £199 in total. It was bought in October 2016. I've had the device replaced 2 times now, due to ongoing issues that I and others have, which make the device unusable. The main faults that I and others have noticed, is there's a capacitor inside which eventually blows after 6 months+, rendering the device unusable. This happened on both devices I received and now I'm on my third one, it's got the same symptoms as the first two Namely at random there will be a beep, as if someone has pressed the fan button, the speed will then increase to the next level, requiring you to reset it back. It's doing it roughly twice a day now so at some point it's just going to switch off and not work like the last 2. There seems little point in sending it back, as the next one will more than likely do the same thing and I think the odds of it being a manufacturing defect or fault, are reasonably high. But I'm left wondering if it's even worth trying to fight for a refund, or even a partial one with Amazon?
  16. Hello Agaain In November 2017 I bought a commercial freezer online from a so called reputable comapny. The freezer was faulty and they made 4 enginer callouts to repair the freezer eventually giving up and sending me a replacment of the same make and model which suited me fine as long as i have a working freezer. Ever time the tempature goes up i loose stock and end up going through the whole hassle of calling the company up and complaining. I have proof of all the call outs and that the item was replaced. My problem is it has only been 5 days since the replacement and i already have had the enginer round becouse the moment the freezer arrived we noticed the temperature setting was faulty and now on the 5th day the actually freezer is not working properly as it has gone up to -7* this should be between -18 and -22 as the manual and description states. i am about to contact the company but this time demand a refund rather then repair or refund as i believer the make or model is faulty and we have tried those options before. im preparing a letter/email to send mentioning "consumer rights act 2015" i just wanted to clarify as this is a business to business transaction would it still be covered by the act. i been told it is covered but ive also been told otherwise. can anyone give me any advice on how i should go about this or any laws that would help me in this situation. just to mention, Any mention of a refund is absolutly refused going from previous conversation and they act as if i dont even have a choice in the matter.
  17. Hey, Mid January I bought a laptop from Aliexpress worth $890 around £670 at the time. The laptop arrived faulty I contacted the seller and returned it. After the seller received it they claimed the laptop wasn't inside the parcel. I opened a case with Aliexpress and uploaded all the evidence from the courier proving the weight etc but they still keep asking me for the same info. Long story short they are quite incompetent and don't understand English well. My question was can I apply for a charge back from Natwest? I paid via my Visa debit card. If so, how would I carry it out. Thank you
  18. I purchased a phone case from the company Spigen through their eBay store on 6 November 2017. Over a month ago, I discovered there were cracks on the back of the case. Neither the phone or case have had any form of impact since purchase. I contacted Spigen and asked if they are able to help. They refused because I was outside of their three-month warranty, and offered me a 'slight discount' from any new purchase. I explained that I am covered under the Consumer Rights Act 2015, but they continued to reiterate that they cannot help. The company has also refused to use an ADR scheme. They also said that when I purchase an item with them, I automatically agree to their terms and conditions which entails THEIR returns/refunds process. What are my options????
  19. Hi to all. At the end of October we had some Perfect Fit double pleated blinds fitted by a local company. 7 small windows and 9 large. A couple of weeks later I noticed one of the large ones was written on in biro along the top outside - lots of measurements! - which they took back and rectified. We paid extra for these type because each pleat forms a diamond shaped pocket when viewed from the side. The idea being it traps air inside for insulation from heat and cold. Last week I noticed that, on the outside, 5 of the 9 large blinds were coming away from the end fittings. I also noticed that on the outside of ALL the large blinds the pleats were flat, as if pulled tight, along two thirds of their length, forming 'half a diamond'. On the inside they were all fine? The 7 small blinds are fine inside and out. I took photos and went to show them. They arranged to take the 5 blinds for repair. I pointed out the pleats being flat outside but not inside and was told, 'That's how they all are. Mine are the same.' Today, their fitter came and took the 5 back. I pointed out the flat pleats. I said they'd see for themselves when he got them to the shop. I said not only were they inefficient at insulation because they were mostly flat, but they also looked terrible. I copied this from a site explaining the purpose of these type of blinds - Double pleated fabric - Honeycomb, cellular and double pleated are all names for blinds that have pockets of air. These air pockets help to insulate your windows, keeping warm air in and cold air out. They rang later to say they'll refit tomorrow. No mention of them all being flat. I won't be there tomorrow when they come, but my wife will. I have no doubt they will try and fob her off saying there's nothing wrong with them. We paid almost £1000 for them. Not cheap! We didn't notice the faults earlier because when it gets dusk we close the blinds. They're opened again when we get up so it's not something that we see every day. So... do I write to them, rejecting the blinds unless they remedy the flat pleats problem. When that gets me nowhere, do I write giving them 14 days to refund my money? Then... the small claims court? Thanks in advance for any advice you can give. Paul PS I'd be interested to know if anyone else has this problem, or if your blinds are 'Perfect' inside and out.
  20. Hi I am not sure I am posting in the right section so apologies in advance. I bought a humanoid robot, ordered in May (2017), received June. It developed a fault in July after general setup. Contacted the reseller I bought it from and he advised me to send the robot back to the manufacturer in Paris. I logged a support call with the manufacturer they went through the process of checking, asking me to do various things including sending them videos of the fault which they eventually confirmed that it needed to be returned for repair. I thought nothing of it (I now realise, I should have requested a refund or replacement -as it was within 30 days). I paid the courier service to return the robot to Paris after nearly a month the robot was returned, with nothing to indicate what had been done to it or what the problem was with it. I sent an email asking this question had no response from the support department. Please note that the robot is an essential part of my work as I teach robotics and run workshops during that time I had to cancel my bookings and shift things around a bit until I got it back. Since the robot's return in September, I have had a number of deaths in my family so had not spent much time using the robot. I used it to create a programme which I could not finish because of the family issues. Everything seemed ok when I did use it although a couple of occasions displayed the same issue it had gone for repair for. As it wasn't significant I had ignored it. A couple of weeks ago I was at a meeting with a large company who offered me some consultancy work where they were interested in running a project with my robot, I decided to create a programme to use as a demonstration for them. In doing so the robot started demonstrating the original fault this time worse than before (problem with the motors which caused it to constantly crash). I videoed this as best as I could whilst holding it so as not to damage it. I contacted the reseller and demanded from him to sort out the issue between him and the manufacturer as my contract was with him and not the manufacturer. He agreed to sort things out on my behalf. He did this ensuring that I was copied into all emails. I had explained the problem and requested a replacement, sent the videos I had recorded. The manufacturer wanted details of the previous return, which I supplied, only for them to respond saying that when the robot went for repair, I had not supplied them with detailed information of the problem (which I had) they had only checked the robot and it was fine so sent it back. They also refused my request of a replacement robot however, offered to collect and repair at their expense. I responded to their email explaining as above and the fact that I was not happy about not being offered a replacement and gave them details as to when they can collect the robot for repair. my anger, I decided to search online for my legal position and realised that the reseller is the one who should be offering me a replacement or full or partial refund. The reseller has simply said to me in an email that I should deal with the manufacturer direct and he will help me where he can. I realise that I should have had this info when the first fault occurred, then I would have been able to demand the refund or replacement. We are now approaching 6 months since I received the goods following my order. Please can someone help me deal with the reseller as I believe that he is responsible as he was paid for the robot and not the manufacturer. I stated in my last email both of them that I was not happy with them refusing to replace the robot and that I did not feel confident that the matter would be properly resolved since they didn't repair it despite me clearly indicating what the fault was. Are there any strongly worded letter templates I could use, or is this a matter for the small claims court against the reseller? I have also asked who is going to pay for my loss of earnings since the robot has not been fit for me to use as I should? Any help would be greatly received! Thanks JS Sorry for such a long post.
  21. Hi, I bought a Mercedes GLA 2014 reg from car giant for 18k, a few days the car's engine light has come on and the car's drive does not seem to be very smooth. It seems to go straight from D1 to D4 etc. I am very upset as I feel the car has been missold and should have been checked as it is a substantial value. I would really appreciate any help regards to my rights. I would like a full refund as I have no confidence in the car as well as Car Giant. I was only allowed to test drive it a short drive around the industrial estate which would never have flagged those problems at the point of sale. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you..
  22. Hi I recently returned an item to a small online retailer due to the item being faulty/ incompatible with another item it was designed for. I made it clear in their support ticket that I wished to return the item for a full refund. Their support rep responded with "If the item is faulty we will replace it for you from our stock." The attitude of the customer service rep and part of their Terms of Service has me concerned: "Where items are returned as faulty and no fault is found by [RETAILER] a charge of £19.99 plus return postage is payable to cover the engineer's time." Also the return document sent for me to include with the item had the following paragraph: "Nb. Returns which are tested and found to be without fault, or where damage is found to have been caused by misuse, are liable to a £19.99 engineer's fee, plus return postage. By returning goods to us you are confirming that you understand and accept this." I left this unsigned. The item was returned in its original packaging. Would the seller have any recourse the levy a "engineer's fee" if they find no fault? If the item was returned fixed/replaced against my instructions what would be my next option (payment was through paypal)? Thank you in advance.
  23. I have purchased an LG tv from Very and it is faulty. I ordered the tv on the 29th October and it was delivered from the manufacturer on the 11th November. It started being faulty a week or so later by the sound going off and then a few days later the screen went blue, no picture but had sound. I rang Very on the 5th December who said it was outside the 4 weeks window to send it back because they count the warranty start date as the order date (29th Oct) not the delivery date (7thNov) and I had to ring the manufacture LG to sort it out which I did and they picked it up on the 13th December. Today 19th December LG have phoned me to say thet it is the screen that is faulty and they are waiting for a price of the part. Then I receiced a phone call from an LG engineer saying that it is the mother board that is faulty and he also is waiting for a price. This T.V is less than 3 weeks old with 2 major faults and I cannot return it or ask for a replacement because Very are saying the order date is the start of the warranty. I am going to email Very tonight to state all these facts and that I am extremely upset and annoyed but I would like to know if there is anything I can add to strenthen my case in insisting on a new TV as I am not happy about keeping the original one as it would be a refurbished tv with a new tv price tag. Regards Alamand
  24. Hi all Not sure if this is the right place to put this but I will try and explain my problem. I got a Laptop from BH about 4 Months ago and it has developed a fault, it keeps freezing and it wont let me factory reset it, keeps saying unable to reset and unable to diagnose any problems. We use it for my Partners business (DJ) and only have the software on it nothing else. We took it in to the Newcastle store today and I think it was the Manager we dealt with. she was very very off with us. She said (about 10 times) that because we didnt take out some Care thing they have to send it away for up to 10 days. We asked can we return it and get a replacement she very arroganty said No, because its all these new contracts now and we didn't take out this care thing they cant do anything. We then asked if we still have to pay for something we haven't got, and she said yes of course its the new contract and we didn't take out this care thing, thats all she kept repeating, he was smirking all the time too as if she was enjoying it. Now all I am after is some info regarding the Legalities of this, Can I ask for a replacement under the Sale of Goods Act and do their contracts trump UK and EU Law? I am prepared to go down the Legal route with this and the press to and give them some more bad publicity. All I want is for something that is 4 Months old to work. I know it's not their fault that it doesn't work but it's not mine either and I was under the impression that the onus is on the Retailer to sort it out. Oh she also said I done something to the Laptop which is why it doesn't work which is borderline slander, and I have a witness. I even asked if we could return it and then take out a new agreement for a different model, she took great delight in telling us no as we didnt take out this care, lol she must have said this a million times. Anyway thanks in advance for your help.
  25. I bought a Valor gas cooker just before Christmas. A part from the grill fell off almost immediately, the grill takes upto 20 minutes on high to toast crumpets the oven has an intermittent fault of the gas just going out. We have had an engineer look at it. He adjusted the grill, put the part back on and adjusted the oven. The day after the oven just went out again. The shop we bought it from wont take it back until an engineer declares it as faulty. But the oven being intermittent there is no chance it will go out while an engineer watches it! Can anyone of you lovely people tell me what I can do? I dont even want my money back from the shop, I am willing to pay more for a cooker that works and is reliable. Many thanks.
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