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Found 22 results

  1. I recently went on Nat West website to inquire about a loan, I progressed it but decided not to go any further as the interest rate was too high so I didn't apply for credit. I then discovered that Nat West had placed a hard search on my file for a credit application. I disputed this with Equifax as I had not made the application, they told me to take it up with Nat West who then told me that is how they do things. surely this isnt right or is it? any guidance would be appreciated.
  2. Hi all! Bought a HP notebook/laptop end of December 2015. Early December 2017 (10 days approx before 2 years from purchase) it became slow, and "Bad Block" errors were logged in the event viewer. chkdsk and SeaTools were used to fix these initially however more occurred over the next 4-5 months. 92+ sectors have been found and reallocated so far. Files have been corrupted by this issue. After discussions with Seagate support in May, they said that I had no warranty with them (which I knew), but if it was under warranty with these errors then they would look to replace the drive. Seagates standard OEM warranty is 3 years for their drives. HP just stated the laptop was out of warranty and would not entertain any further discussion. I sent a copy of the Seagate email, a copy of the SeaTools log, and screenshot showing the first Bad Block error to PC World CS, who replied (after poking with a stick as they didn't reply to my first email) stating it would be £65 to inspect the computer as out of warranty. My concern here is conflict of interest (Paying PC World to inspect for PC World to make a decision...) Now I would not expect a hard disk to start failing at Can PC World charge this £65 fee when claiming under CRA? Any other useful tidbits re the CRA (Any important changes from the previous SOGA)? Cheers! ps: Our Sony Bravia that we were told by Currys would last only a year, after being repaired, is still going strong after the last battle, 6+ years on!
  3. With a no deal Brexit looking possible, food and drink manufacturers are taking action. Are people stockpiling at home if they can afford it? https://www.thegrocer.co.uk/finance/brexit/food-suppliers-start-stockpiling-amid-fears-of-no-deal-brexit/571634.article
  4. I bought 6 hard disks just over 2 years ago, 2 have failed just after the warranty, using the consumer rights act 2015 would I have a valid case for getting replaced or repaired? Is 2 years really an appropriate life expectancy for a HD?
  5. Hi all, I bought my Dell Inspiron for £581 in October 2014. I had two callouts in the first two months to repair motherboard and wireless connectivity issues. Today the laptop has failed on restart with blue screen message "Unmountable boot volume". I have run startup diagnostic tests which indicate hard disk failure: Error code - 2000-0142 Validation - 85842 Looking this up on Dell diagnostic services returns the message: Hard disk drive running outside normal parameters - advise replacing disk drive. I believe that under the Sale of Goods Act I have a reasonable case to ask Dell to repair or meet the cost of repair. My problem is that I am not sure how to go about this. So far I have exchanged messages on Facebook. To be fair, this is at a very early stage, but I suspect this will be an interminable exchange of scripted responses! What I want is: - Diagnostics on current HDD. Online advice suggests that HDDs with failed boot sectors can be repaired. - If HDD cannot be repaired, then I would like: - Replacement HDD - Reinstallation of Windows 10 and Office software - Retrieval of data files where possible Any advice on how I should proceed, what I should expect Dell to offer, and what I should expect to pay for myself? Many thanks, Justin
  6. Hi Lee/Vodafone rep, Ordered a Vodafone PAYG phone to be delivered to store. Never took delivery and so contacted Voda support for a refund to my debit card.However, promised refund still not received. Have chased multiple times since the beginning of October (phone & web chat) with no joy. Please assist. Thanks.
  7. You go to the cinema and get offered a pensioner ticket I'm only 54 The poor girl was mortified when I told her!
  8. I have been a customer of Vodafone for many many years now, last year I decided to move my Vodafone contract number from contract when it came to the end of the contract to Vodafone PAYG, a simple task I thought, oh no, people could phone me and txt me but I couldn't reply, all I could do was use the data allowance, many times I contacted Vodafone and each time I was assured it would be fixed within 24 hours, it never was, so I decided to stop going around in circles and take out a new monthly contract as I had better luck with that. So here I am now with a PAYG that receives but cannot send and a new contract SIM with of course new number which I don't want, so I complete the online form to port the PAYG over to the new contract SIM, again I think this will be simple, many people each day do this, no it fails, the number leaves PAYG and enters some sort of black hole, never reaching the contract, a days go by and still no action, I am still on the new unwanted number, during this time it is my birthday, nobody can call me to wish me happy birthday , I contact customer services via the 'chat' I give up after ages being passed from one call centre person to the next, I get dizzy. A further 2 weeks go by, and still I don't have my old number back, I complete the online form again, this time I get an email saying the old number is no longer active Again I contact Vodafone via 'chat', again I passed around 4 times, before they give up this time and tell me to dial 191 as they have more access to the system than they do, so I do this, 36 minutes I am on the phone, I get passed around a bit, I lost count how many people I spoke to but it was a lot, I am told the 'back office' team messed up with the port and it will have to go back to them to sort out, it coule take 48 hours. I dont hold out much hope. Anybody else had nightmare times porting numbers over with Vodafone
  9. Why am i putting this on. Well as i walk about and chat to different people,some who work for councils there is fear and worry and many stressed out people out there.Worried about their security,families,mortgages,rents. And also people in their local communities.Things like that if things go pear shaped. Is this if true anyway to live in these modern times. Now it is a bit late for me to look about,do a little research.But will as time goes on.A little tired.Soft,i know. And if you have a view and are looking in and want to have your say how you are feeling about things. Austerity State: how has your council’s budget changed? Between 2009/10 and 2014/15 spending by England’s local authorities was cut by a fifth — more than twice the rate of spending cuts to the rest of the UK public sector. Our Local Cuts Checker database brings together a myriad of data to allow readers to explore the impact of those cuts in their areas. Check it out.Take a look at the link. http://ig.ft.com/sites/2015/local-cuts-checker/#E06000009ZZE06000009 And if you are outside looking in and want your say,a link,we are a friendly lot. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/register.php
  10. I've signed up to Virgin Media at my new address. I've gone for Broadband only, no phone line, no TV, so no possibility of calls or pay per view. My bills will of course be for services in advance. So, I'm struggling to see how there can be any aspect of "Credit" here. Yet, they've hard searched me. In fact, according to Clearscore, they have performed two hard searches, one at my new address and one at my old address (I'd think this would count as one, yet apparently Equifax/Clearscore count it as two searches). Is this normal? Can I argue the point with VM as there is no credit facility?
  11. I have never tried this before so I have no idea if it will work. I live in a sheltered housing complex with a communal lounge. In this lounge is a PC and a Fibre Optic internet with router. That is part one. The flats within this complex are being fitted with smart meters incorporated within a new fuse box and instead of being wireless, they are all being hard wired to this router via a box in the loft that connects 18 cables in and one to the router. My thinking is to utilise the Broadband connection within my home using: Two of these: http://tinyurl.com/hxl6wad (or similar)One to be placed nearwhere the cable enters my flat then use a long ethernet cable to the cupboard where I have my existing router but instead of using the router, use the second ethernet switching box My questions are Would this work? Would all the connections lead to a significant drop in signal? I did think of connecting the two routers together but it looks very confusing adjusting the settings of the router in my cupboard
  12. Buy now, pay-through-the-nose later. Full rip-off story:- http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2858753/Littlewoods-accused-ripping-hard-customers-free-Christmas-gift-payment-plans-charge-TWICE-stores.html
  13. Hi Everybody, Certificate of Completion received March 2014 but dated 04/02/2014, a little bit annoyed as we agreed a full and final settlement figure in January 2013 (our final year) and paid the amount in full in February 2013. Which really annoyed me but one assumes goes with the territory??? would like some advice regarding cleaning up my credit record, have only applied to Equifax at the moment and have a couple of queries regarding a couple of entries, if one of you kindly moderators could point me in the right direction I would be extremely grateful. Kindest Regards
  14. Hi please can someone advise me about my job. I've been working on a farm for a year and a half. To start with I was paid hourly and worked less than 40 hours a week on a temporary basis. I've never signed a contract but I then made a verbal agreement with the farmer that I would be paid monthly for a 45 hour average week with the actual hours usually being 60 a week and sometimes 80 for about 6 weeks at a time. To begin with I took the job (manual, dirty, dusty) as a challenge but lately I have had a fall out with the manager which makes the job harder and I now have personal issues with a terminally ill father as well. I am getting exhausted with it and would just like to know if people think I'm being taken for a mug and what I should do about it if anything.
  15. Good morning two months ago I got an e mail from scotcall saying that I owed 3 mobile £375 , I have been a customer of 3 for about ten yrs and to my knowledge I owe them nothing , I sent off my CCA request and my postal order and have not had a reply for six weeks , today I have received an e mail from scotcall Saying "in response to your request for a copy of the singed credit agreement , we have been advised by 3 they they are not available" how would I like to proceed, as I cant find a template letter in the library could someone perhaps give me a hand to word a reply, thnk,s
  16. I don't understand why CAG don't have a dedicated system for uploading images. It seems that the people that need to upload images the most are new users. New users face restrictions on posting attachments and links. It seems that they have to download some software to turn them into PDF's and then upload them to the site. Why not have a CAG image uploader where it is possible for the user / mods to modify the images to black out sections? This wouldn't be too hard to do for a PHP developer.
  17. Well I'm hard of hearing. My bank insisted on telephoning me on numerous occasions despite being told of this and being asked to stop. As a result of this I raised a complain against them using the complaint procedure. The first letter I received in response to this, an acknowledgement finished with the line "if you need to speak to someone in the meantime, please call us on the above number." I'm hard of hearing and supposed to do this how? I went into the branch to complain further and they apologised and told me I'd have to come into the branch. Not sure how this is equal provision of services??? Second letter from the bank apologising for not dealing with my complaint in a timely fashion again mentioned telephoning them quoting the number at the top of the page, or alternatively writing to them (which would take days to be read). Finally I received a call which left a message on my voicemail. I couldn't hear this. As it happens I was visiting my parents so my father listened to it later and then it turned out it was the bank. I went into the branch near my parents who were unable to tell me what the call was about. They did however put a note next to my account for me to NOT be called. The following day I received another call from the bank leaving a voicemail. I was still with my parents so my dad ended up calling them, which given I'm a 36 year old male is a humiliating thing to have happen. It turned out it was the complaint department wanting to speak to me on the phone about my complaint of being hard of hearing and unable to speak on the phone. They insisted on speaking to me, and my father kept telling them how stupid they were. In the end they suggested that they ring his landline as I would be able to understand them on that phone. They then spoke to my father more, insisting over and over again to speak to me as it was the only way to handle my complaint. After ten minutes of this my father finally persuaded them to send me a letter instead. This letter which I have offers me £50 compensation and suggests I pay for a typetalk system (although typetalk lacks full access). At the bottom of the letter it says "I will be very pleased if you call me personally on one of the telephone numbers followed by my identity code... " I can do this how. I am hard of hearing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So anyway I now intend to begin proceedings against my bank for breaching the laws with regards to disabilities and equality. Beyond any advice people can offer (I'm fully up to speed on the law but would welcome experiences people have), my main question is pretty simple - just what sort of level of damages should I claim. Is there any case law someone can point me to on this? It goes without saying it's completely unacceptable to insist a hard of hearing person uses a telephone, which the bank has done throughout my complaint and this is what I will be taking them to court over.
  18. I bought the ext Seagate 1TB hard Disk in November 2011 so no warranty according to Seagate. It has its own power supply. The Hard Disk has been working fine up to Monday this week when without warning it packed up. The green light is on solid and I can hear the disc whirring, but Win 7 does not recognise or detect the disk. I tried it on another computer, but the same thing. I replaced the USB cord, but still no difference. I have some data on it, but not a lot that I need to recover. Is it possible for this to be done without being ripped off? Thanks.
  19. I have a faulty hard drive that is eligible to be replaced under warranty. The company no longer has the exact hard drive in stock and so they say they need to get a replacement sent from the manufacturer which could take up to 2 weeks. In their terms and conditions they say that with warranty replacements, the replacement will be of equal value and performance, or superior value and performance, dependent on current stock levels. They do currently have the 750gb version of my hard drive (I have the 500gb one) but said they couldn't offer a part exchange on that, but i could have it for £95 if I wanted. Should they be offering this drive as the replacement or are they right in offering the direct manufacturers replacement at a time delay of 2 weeks? Any advice would be great!
  20. Does anybody know wy there is a clicking noise coming from my wetern digital caviar 640gb hard drive ? Pc is not recognising it. When i boot up windows its freezes at the windows start up screen ? When the drive is connected everything seems to be very slow. As soon as the drive is disconnected everything speeds up ?
  21. I'm not sure if there's a more appropriate forum for this. Please move if there is. I, with the help of some friends, have just set up a small group. I asked if we were going to charge people (this would be for things like buying a printer, paper, ink, etc) and someone said that it would be too complicated to keep accounts. But is it? Or am I being too naive and it's not just a case of having tables with incoming money, outgoing money and stating where the money has come from and where it's gone to?
  22. Does anybody here get direst payments and how did you go about getting them? I already get a support package from social services totalling 25 hours a week but I'm unhappy with the staff the care company provide so if I went with direst payments I could choose my own staff. Do you find it more beneficial getting them? I suffer from bipolar so one of the things is I'm reckless with money, do you think they;ll let me have DP? Thanks.
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