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Found 14 results

  1. Hi guys / gals Not been around these parts for a while, hope you experts are all well ( merry xmas). Your advice has sorted me out many a time. May I add, I have had a couple of beers while typing this, so bare with me if it does not make sense. I will cut to the chase, my partner recently died. she was only 52 and was the sole signature on the council rent book. I have shown the council that I have lived in the property ( 1 bedroom flat ) for the last 2 years, and have asked to keep the flat on. She died 3 weeks ago, and I have not heard anything from them yet? do I have a chance of keeping the flat, and what sort of notice period can they give me? kind regards Mr Noughts
  2. Hi guys. Ok so I'm going to try my best to explain it all date by date below. I had some debt issues awhile ago and was put on an IVA with Payplan. November 2008, I started the IVA with PayPlan November 2013, I completed the IVA and was given the completion certificate which I have here with me 10th September 2015, I was informed by AI scheme limited (by letter) that I may have a PPI claim 21st September 2015, I received letter from Barclaycard saying my claim was sucessful and that they has sent a cheque for £3601.61 to Payplan 25th September, I called Barclaycard requesting the cheque be stopped as I haven't had any dealings with Payplan since my completion in November 2013 but was told that I had to contact Payplan. 25th September, I called Payplan but was told they are allowed to keep the money and I am only entitled to the intrest (8%). After explaining that the completion certificate says that they are only entitled to any 'pending PPI claims post closure) I was told that I am still only entitle to the 8%. The lady on the phone said "Oh we are allowed to keep it for up to 6 years after the start of your IVA" ..... However it's now been over 7 years. Her supervisor still said "You can have 8%" I did try to log on to the PayPlan site to look at any old documents but as the IVA ended in 2013 it won't let me in. Do I have a legal standing on this? I had no idea any PPI was due to be until a couple of weeks ago when AI scheme said I might have. It's been way over the 6 years since I started my IVA and I have the completion certificate to prove I finished up in Nov 2013. Any help you guys could give me would be very much appreciated. I heard about Green VS Wright in March 2015 that may be of help? Thanks.
  3. Hiya, I took out over a dozen payday loans in 2013 and got myself into considerable debt. I paid them all off with payment plans over the course of a year and was proud to have got myself out of a considerable hole. Today (3 years later) I received a letter from a collection agency saying I owe £400 to a payday loan company. Contacting me 3 yrs after the loan was taken out seemed odd to me and took me by surprise (payday loans was a stress I thought I'd buried long ago) Fortunately I kept a record of what happened to me in 2013 and so I could see it had already been paid off. This is just a note to remind people to keep record of EVERY communication with loan companies, payments, payment plans and also crucially keep a record of a confirmation email from the company when the debt is cleared (if they dont provide one, request it) If you ever find yourself with debts to these short term loan companies and their collection agencies, create a folder in your email called Debt or something, put EVERY one of the communications you have with these companies in that folder. Without that folder I would not have found the email showing I had cleared the debt, bearing in mind this loan was taken out 3 yrs ago!(could not name search as payday loan companies change names, close down, sell off the debt etc... all the time) but by creating that folder I could find an email from 2013 and see the debt was already cleared.
  4. http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/winterhealth/Pages/KeepWarmKeepWell.aspx#close
  5. Hi there, first time poster so not sure if this is the right place for this question. I am dealing with a claim through my mobile phone insurance company, the claim has been accepted and I am more than likely going to receive a replacement handset. My question is can they keep my other handset or can I request it be returned to me? I was hoping to recycle the damaged one and recoup some of my costs Hopefully someone can help, thanks in advance
  6. Hi all This is the first time I have posted on this forum but desperately need some advice. In early March this year, I decided to buy a new car and after much research, I purchased a second hand vehicle from a local garage. I paid £6500 for the car - £3000 cash plus £3500 part exchange for my existing vehicle, and as part of the deal I negotiated with the garage, they also threw in 6 months road tax. I picked up my car on the day arranged, exchanged the funds, checked the tax disc was in the car as arranged and left. I was happily driving around in my car for a few months believing all to be ok when on 22nd May I returned to my car after a day at work to find it clamped with stickers all over it stating the car was not taxed. I was horrified, particularly as the tax disc was showing quite clearly in the window of my car as being valid until Sept 2013! On investigation it transpired that someone had cashed the tax disc in online and that the tax disc showing in my car was not actually valid...I have no idea how someone was able to do this and it was something I was not aware of. The clamping company, VEAS, were very sympathetic to my plight as they could tell I was genuinely unaware that the tax disc was not valid, but as the car had already been clamped there was nothing they could do for me - I had to pay the clampers £260 there and then to have my car released and then go straight to the tax office the next morning and buy 6 mths road tax for my car. So in total I had to pay out £382, although I was refunded £160 back onto my card when it was confirmed I had paid for my tax. I rang the garage I bought the car from and they were shocked. They insisted they knew nothing about it and after investigation they discovered the people they had bought the car from had cashed in the tax disc and had then sold the car to the garage 2 days later as still having 9 months road tax on it. The garage had acted in good faith by accepting this and then passing the car onto myself, but they immediately agreed to refund the money I had had to pay as they knew I was at no way to blame for what had happened and I received a cheque within a few days. At that stage I thought the matter was over and done with - all fines had been paid, my car was now taxed etc etc. Imagine my surprise and concern this morning when I received a letter in the post from the DVLA stating that I had committed an offence under section 29 and that I have to pay £139 asap to stop me being taken to court!!! I will of course pay this, and then contact the garage I bought the car from to advise they will be reimbursing this further expense to me (which I have no doubt they will do with no fuss) but I work in the courts and am not allowed to have a criminal record in any way shape or form, and I am now very concerned incase this leaves me with some sort of record. I would appreciate it if anyone could offer me any words of advice on a) If I will end up with a criminal record because of this and b) how I would go about appealing such a record. Thanking you all in advance. NB - I work in the courts but am not a member of legal staff and therefore have no idea about criminal records etc just that I'm not allowed to have one so please excuse my naivety with my questions!
  7. hi guys im trying to resolve a provident issue heres the chronology 2009 took out the loan with my ex (only my name one the book) 2009 left the ex she stayed in the house so took over payment 2010 joined credit expert and check my file (no provident information at all) 2010 - 2012 checked regularly cra's no default from provident no information at all October 2012 suddenly a provident default with full account history appears on my file now my question is are they allowed to not show details of my account until its way too late to stop the default ie if I had seen late payments id have contacted them way before default as it is now even though I said id pay in full they will not agree that they should have updated my credit file and remove the default also I didn't get a default notice although I understand this sint applicable if I had moved any help ?
  8. I'm not sure if there's a more appropriate forum for this. Please move if there is. I, with the help of some friends, have just set up a small group. I asked if we were going to charge people (this would be for things like buying a printer, paper, ink, etc) and someone said that it would be too complicated to keep accounts. But is it? Or am I being too naive and it's not just a case of having tables with incoming money, outgoing money and stating where the money has come from and where it's gone to?
  9. Hi there, Just new to the site but would appreciate any advice on my situation. I have a provident loan for which I am supposed to repay £75 per week. I have fallen 3 weeks behind with this and even when I do get paid next week, if I pay the arrears by the end of next month I will be behind again. This is due to prioritising my payments ie rent, car insurance etc. Do any of you know if they can reduce payments or write off missed payments and add them on to the rest of the balance? I don't usually meet the agent, I just call to pay every few weeks. Cheers Craig
  10. I sent an Account in Dispute letter (12+2+30) to MKDP in February and heard nothing since then until today. It may be a small detail but they have transposed the last 2 digits of the reference number they have used. They write: “At the current time we must apologise as we are still unable to resolve your query. We are however currently liasing with their client [the bank], and as stated previously MKDP LLP take great care to ensure that such matters are dealt with in a professional manner and apologise for the delay in resolving your query.” I was under the impression that a DCA could not continue to hold data for this length of time, any advice? are they acting unlawfully and is this harassment?
  11. Hi all, Sorry I know there are load of these queries at the moment - but I fear I have royally messed up and am going to at best end up with a huge overpayment, at worst end up being prosecuted. I'm 15 weeks pregnant and obviously the stress is not great right now. So, 2011-2012 was the first year I claimed tax credits using income from the previous tax year 2010-2011. I'm self employed and my partner is too and he actually made a loss so our total income for the year was 6500 give or take. We have one child who is 18 months now. I made the claim last April and we were awarded the full amount, however my partner and I seperated in the June (money worries ironically) and I changed to a single claim. He managed to get regular self employment work in the July and we moved back in together in August. I called the tax credits office and told them all the updates, that he was working regularly and we were now claiming as a couple again. Not once did they ask about his income. I did think this was a little odd but when I put last year's income into the credits calculator etc, it said we were getting the correct payments so I didn't worry. Anyway, now someone has told me that because our income for 2011-2012 was over 10,000 more than it was for 2010-2011 that we were not entitled to any of the money and have to pay it back?? Is this right? I don't have all of it as I checked on the calculator and was told it was correct. Obviously I should have phoned them but I checked forums etc and it seemed that it was always based on your previous year. I did my renewal earlier this month (using estimates as we were both self employed) and now am waiting for a horrible overpayment letter. I know we have been overpaid since April 2012 and I have not touched this money as I knew it would have to go back - but now I'm terrified about the previous year. Can anyone shed any light/reassure me that they're not going to cart me off to prison. It was an oversight on my part not to flag it up, I know, but I honestly just didn't think! Terrified here, been awake since 3am.
  12. Sorry for the long explanation. On the 06/09/12 I lost my job. On 07/09/12 I made an online claim for JSA(C+IB) and for Housing/Council Tax Benefit. On 07/09/2012 my wife went to the Peak Valley Housing Association office to tell them I was out of work, of the above and that we will be paying rent of £250.97 on 29/09/12 to bring our rent account to a nil balance. My wife was told that any overpaid rent would be refunded once the housing benefit was awarded. Full housing and council tax benefit was awarded from W/C 10/09/12 and this created a rent credit of £239.85. We had a letter saying that we had overpaid our council tax by £143.00 and this was to be refunded to us. So my wife went to the housing office to ask how we got our overpaid rent refunded. This is where the problems start. She was told it's not that simple. First our account would have to be looked into, then referred to their finance section who would then make a decision on if we could get the money refunded. We would then have to wait for someone to send us a form to complete. My wife spoke to the same person yesterday 01/11/12 at the housing office and was told a different story. Although our account is now in credit, they will be keeping a week of the rent we had overpaid. This wasn't mentioned on 07/09/12. They accept that housing benefit is paid in arrears, but because our account was in credit they are keeping a weeks rent. Also to get any of the money back we had to request a form in writing, which we did yesterday. Can they do this? How can they keep rent for a week that Housing Benefit has been paid?:mad2: We had no problem getting the council tax refunded, all that took was one phone call to give them bank details to pay the money to.
  13. Can anybody offer me advice on how to handle this. I am being evicted on 13 Jan 2013. I am likely to struggle to find another place because a) fewer letting opportunities over Christmas and b) Leaders the letting agents will probably not provide a good reference. I am also worried about my deposit. Having waited for months for a completion date on the sale of my home I had to move quickly when it was finally agreed or risk losing the sale. A family member was seriously ill with a heart attack and we were very stressed. We found a property with Leaders - it was expensive but we had less than a week and so had to take it. We signed the rental agreement five minutes before they were due to close the branch on a Saturday evening. There was an error in the amount of rent - £1295/month instead of £1275/month - but I didn't query it at the time because I wasn't fully aware of the discrepancy; it was a niggling doubt. It was only when I got home and checked it to the advert etc that I noticed. The agreement stated that Leaders would notify in advance of a visit to inspect. It also agreed that no pets without permission from the Landlord, and no smoking in the property. The day we moved in we noticed that the shower attachment in the bathroom wasn't working, the alarm kept 'beeping' and the blind in the bathroom fell down. We also noticed a pipe protruding from the centre of the small garden. We notified Leaders about the pipe and the alarm, but nothing was done. A week later the front door starting getting stuck, but they did not send anyone round. Recently a friend of ours had to go and visit her sick mother up north (we are in the south) and she asked if we would look after her cats for a few weeks - it was urgent, so we said we would. She had given us the cat food and the Frontline flea treatment etc. One day, Leaders let themselves into the property without any prior notice. I was asleep in bed and didn't even realise they had visited until I was sent the visit report (I had been up all the previous night, by the way). Their report mentioned the cats and evidence of smoking. I had friends round the previous night and they were smoking, but on the patio not in the house, and I brought the ashtrays in afterwards. The report also said the property was clean and in good order and there was no damage from the cats. Two days later I received a letter from Leaders inviting us to renew for another six months. A day after that I received a notice to quit because of cats and smoking! I have not been sleeping and still trying to find a house to buy with the little money I have, and find work since being made redundant, and now I have to move a week or so after Christmas. I should also add that I had no TV signal in the area (now using Freesat) and no phone/internet for six weeks. Leaders must have known this and did nothing to warn us before we moved in. I don't think there's much point fighting the eviction notice, but I feel violated knowing that they walked around my home while I was asleep - what if I'd been naked for crying out loud (which I wasn't, but what if.....). This is causing me a lot of distress. The cats aren't a big deal but Leaders are using them as an excuse to remove us. The fact that all the three documents were written and signed by the same person makes me think that she wasn't too bothered by the moggies but someone above her has pushed this. The lady over the road is also being evicted because she wouldn't agree to a large rent increase. All the houses are owned by a local housebuilder who I believe is trying to sell them. Any thoughts anyone? I know I breached my tenancy agreement and probably don't have a leg to stand on, but I'm a nice tenant and look after their property, and I pay my rent six months in advance because I have a poor credit rating. This could make it very difficult for me to get another rental. I've only been here three months. The landlord did not make right any of the damage (stains on carpet, marks on walls) caused by the previous tenants, but we have to have all the carpets professionally cleaned and the house 'de-flea'd' and have certificates to confirm this. They haven't given me the option to do this myself - not that there are any fleas or stains left by us, but I was going to clean the carpets myself and I could always spray a cat flea killer as a precaution. I'm so scared that I and my daughter will end up homeless. Letting agents have to look out for the landlords, I understand, but I think they lose sight of the people paying the rents - ridiculously high rents in some cases, and they force the rents up all the time. Eve
  14. Hi, I am (unfortunately) having to go to through an employment tribunal process against my present employer. I had an initial case management discussion meeting (CMD) a few months ago. At that meeting my employer's legal representative stated that my employer intended to call several witnesses. The names of these witnesses were not listed in the CMD agenda - even though I had openly listed the names and number of my potential witnesses - and I had expected the employer's side to do the same thing for the CMD meeting. My employer's legal representative stated at the CMD that they (the employer's legal rep) didn't know the names of witnesses, just the number to be called. I have since emailed my employer's internal Legal section several times requesting a list of witnesses names. My employer's Legal section has not even acknowledged receipt of my email requests let alone supply me with the list of names. This refusal to name their witnesses has the potential to weaken my case. Indeed one or two employees which I have sounded out as potential witnesses on my side have instead bailed out (which is unfortunately somewhat understandable in these days of job cuts) explaining that they were doing so because they might actually be called as witnesses on behalf of my employer (which is a lot less easier to forgive I must say!). I'm not interested in recriminations against any of my co-workers who may actually stand as a witness for the employer (I really don't have the enery left for it apart from anything else). However I do feel that I should be entitled to know who may have been 'bagged' for the other side! Does anyone know if I do have a right to know who these employer-side witnesses are and if so, can I make my employer disclose this list of witnesses asap? Any advice would be most welcome.
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