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  1. Hi all, just wondering if anyone can give me any advice on this situation. I bought a pram online from a company in Bristol at the end of June. It was £593 for a bundle which included the pram frame/pushchair, carrycot, and car seat which was a maxi cosi upgrade which accounted for £99 of the price. The baby was born mid July. Opened the pram to find that the frame was scratched. There were a few big scratched and a LOT of little scratches, as if someone had brushed sandpaper over the frame chrome finish frame. Before knowing this we had used the car seat to bring the baby home. The particular pram comes in black but also comes with a colour pack of the buyers choice. I contacted the company and was told that the scratches were 'manufacturing marks' and I could either take a partial refund of £50 of send the pram back to them and they would then send it to the manufacturer for investigation. I wasn't offered a replacement. I contacted the manufacturer myself and they told me that their products are not supplied with any scratches or marks as a result of manufacturing. I went back to the company I bought the pram from and explained this. After several emails which went ignored I emailed them again to say that I had been advised I am entitled to either a refund or replacement and that I would like a replacement. The gentleman at the pram shop then phoned and denied ignoring the emails and that he thought that the manufacturer was dealing with it which was obviously a lie. He arranged to pick the frame, carrycot and pushchair seat up which all had marks/ scratches and agreed to replace them. All the above so far took about 2.5/3 months. He send DPD to pick up the items about a month ago and we heard nothing. Gave it a few days and had to contact them again, same gentleman who then lied to say he sent an email re th pram after he received it which he didn't. He then said that he has looked at the other prams he has of the same model and they're all scratched/marked so would rather give a refund. He then said that he needs to send for the rest of the items. He will refund minus the price of the car seat as it had been used. Initially this was fine but I have priced it up and to buy it separately would leave me out of pocket as it was bought as a bundle. If I keep the car seat I am left unable to buy a bundle which will leave me out of pocket. In addition, the colour pack is now discontinued and cannot be purchased in a bundle, I would have to buy the colour pack separately which is almost £100. I contacted him again and was told that he would refund the cost minus 99 for the car seat. I explained about the colour pack and my inability now to buy a bundle, and asked if I might be able to keep colour pack as a good will gesture as I have been without a pram for 4 months and he said that he will do it at cost price. Can someone tell me where I stand on this. I would rather send the whole lot back including the car seat and have nothing more to do with this company. I can buy the carseat cheaper online which might allow me to break even buying everything individually. I suppose what I am asking is, do I have the right to return the carseat and have a full refund as it was purchased as a bundle and he is either unwilling/unable to supply me with the main part of the bundle in a satisfactory condition?
  2. Thought there was something fishy with my account balance on very.co.uk, I contacted customer service this morning. Turns out they've charged me again for a PS4 bundle that I returned last week, as an item was 'missing' (PlayStation Network 365 Day subscription card). Apparently it's in transit back to me and they say they're incapable of advising me until I get it back -- for whatever reason. Of course, no one from Very warned me that they'd charge me again, let alone that they'd be sending it back to me. Not a call, not even an email. Is 'Just figure it out yourself' Very's new motto? When I dealt with the return last week, I immediately sent it back upon picking it up at the Post Office. I didn't even leave the front desk, as all I had to do was affix the return label I'd already printed. I barely even opened the cardboard packaging, just a tiny slot to fit a folded up return slip in there, promptly sealed back with tape. Therefor, either the missing item was never included in the bundle to begin with (an issue people have had in the past with other Very bundles), or it was 'lost' when someone dealt with the return. CCTV at the Post Office would support this, as the package never left the front desk. Any advice on what to do next? I have already tweeted to them about it. Thanks everyone.
  3. I am really hoping someone can advise me here on the procedures for dealing with the following. I am the claimant and the respondent is disputing the majority of correspondence under S111 of Employment Rights Act. However, the Respondent does refer to this correspondence all the way through their particulars of response and is fundamental to my claim. I understand that S111 is not applicable in discrimination cases. My question is how do I go about getting this included in the trial bundle. I presume I make an application to the Judge to rule on this. I want the correspondence included as it clearly shows that the Respondent is lying in their particulars of response and is crucial to my case.
  4. Please forgive the length of this post. Very stressed mother of 20, 18 and 14. 18 year old staying on foster child. All in uni, college. Husband primary carer for looked after child. We rented the same house for 13 years, initially through an agent, but the landlord took over himself for the last 3 years. He was a pain and kept increasing rent every 6 months. We should have moved, but, children, work school etc. He issued a section 21 notice at which point we started looking for somewhere to live. I lost £750 in deposit and referencing fees. I have to admit that business wasn't going well and money was very tight so our rent was not very regular but it was paid. He applied for eviction and claimed arrears of rent via a money claim. The court refused him possession saying section 21 defective and he appealed. We stopped paying rent to save up a deposit and we finally found somewhere to live and moved. In the meantime, moneyclaim came to court. Sum was increased from £5k to £16k and court gave him judgement despite no notification on increased claim before I got to court. I told judge I would have come to court to with counsel if I had known. I appealed and was denied leave to appeal, but granted an oral hearing. Meantime, landlord withdrew appeal to judgement on Section 21 and asked we make repayment proposal as we have 2 very successful businesses. He has had in his head for years that we have money just don't want to pay him. He has been telling me he will ruin my credit for years everytime I argued about rent increase, looks like he will shortly get his wish. I will have to sign on and claim HB to be have any hope of being able to pay next month's rent if I don't get a job asap. I need transcripts, but can't afford to pay as I am currently unemployed though not on job seekers, I need to send a bundle to court shortly in advance of hearing but only have a thin idea of it needs to go in. Any, all advice most gratefully received.
  5. I hope I am posting in this correct area. I will be as brief as possible (Fail). My Fiancee and I are looking to move her and her two kids to the US. Each kid has a different Father. One Father is in agreement with his son relocating, the other is not. So, we have submitted to the court to get approved to move to the US. My issue concerns this Court Bundle. So, I think I understand it for the most part, but where I am confused is that our case really is dependent on proving how her son will have a better life in the US then he currently has in the UK....The bundle seems to emphasize "chronology", but how do I put in chronological order events which have not yet happened. Yes, there are some events which have already happened (her x was abusive, so we have support showing what happened in this regards)... I want to support my case fully, and I have prepared documents showing how I will be able to financially support her son, information about my family, information about the area I live, insurance I get through work which will cover his health, dental, and vision, and many other things (character letters from my family). The way I had it organized before I came across these court bundles, was simply by section...So I had one section for financial support, and I put together a summary, and then included items which would support the position I am taking that I can financially care for my new family. Basically it is confusing to me because I want to organize the bundle properly, but based on what I am trying to use as "evidence" and support for my position in this case, it almost seems impossible to adhere to the requirements of the Bundle Preparation. I am also having trouble with how much support to include. When I read other sites, I see some which say to try and be brief because the judge has only so much time, but then I see others which say to be comprehensive. So, for example, in trying to show that the schools where I am are great, I have included course curriculums and lesson plan examples, so the judge can get an idea of what topics will be covered by our education system. The total amount of pages for this section was 90. I don't know whether to try and just summarize everything in my own words, or to include everything. Or do I include just a few examples. I then wanted to also submit proof showing how much I made, including the amounts posting to my bank (as evidence), but it seems like you are not allowed to include this type of stuff in the bundle. I don't want to have an underwhelming case by trying to be too succint, but I also don't want to waste the court's time and resources. Any advice on these court bundles, or examples of them, or guidance that goes beyond what I am finding when I try and search for help on the internet, would be greatly appreciated.
  6. ET case imminent. Judge orders disclosure one week with bundle to be agreed a week later. Due to non-compliance by the respondents we got their list of docs served less than 48 hours before the bundle is to be agreed. Acknowledged we would get back to them to agree bundle. Five hours after that they send through their witness statements - which they had purposely not included ( 6 days after receiving all of our bundle - so obviously been using our stuff to prepare them) - and a note saying they were sending the bundle out THERE AND THEN! I immediately wrote back saying we had not agreed bundle but would do so overnight. Bottom line is they sent it out anyway - a day early - without our agreement. It's now with the ET and full of irrelevant material. What next? They seem to be able to do what they like. Ignore court order one week and then ignore us the next. Are they really allowed to get away with this?
  7. We are with a home phone call provider. We were on a plan for many years where we received 1500 minutes to international destinations. This past month we received an exorbitant bill for over £500. When we called the company they said that they had sent a letter to all suscribers that the plan was being cut to 1000 minutes. I told them that we hadn't received the notification, they offered to halve the bill. Obviously we aren't happy at all as we had no notification and this is very unfair. I called consumer advice and they advised to follow the internal complaints procedure and ask for proof of postage. I did this but they just responded that they are not obliged to send post recorded delivery (they obviously misunderstood the term proof of postage). I am planning to escalate this to their 'final destination' for a deadlock letter and then take this to the ombudsman. I am afraid that they may retract their offer and we really cannot afford this. My questions are: 1. Can they withdraw their offer to discount the charge by half if I go ahead with the complaint and take this to the ombudsman? 2. Am I following the correct course of action? Many thanks.
  8. Hi, I'm preparing everything for a disability discrimination tribunal and I wondered what should normally be in the bundle. Is it all the evidence to help prove my case or is it something standardised? Thanks for any help.
  9. Disability discrimination claim. The Respondent is producing the bundle. I have sent them my index of documents with each document very efficiently named and dated for clarity, relevancy and easy navigation. The Respondent completely renamed all of my documents within the index to make themselves sound good and to make my documents difficult to find seem extremely confusing, sound irrelevant and also to contain repetitive document names for less clarity and greater confusion. Some of the names of documents they’ve renamed do not reflect the contents of the documents in any way whatsoever and even I can’t navigate between the documents due to misleading names in the index – it will be even worse for the judge who will not be as familiar with my documents as I am. The Respondent also changed some of the dates, merged separate unrelated documents to reduce impact and deliberately put them in an incorrect order, which does not accurately reflect events. For instance, if I quickly need to find my x-ray taken at A&E I would not be able to do so with the way they altered the bundle as the Respondent merged my x-ray with a different document and this particular x-ray is not even listed on the Index of documents. This is wrong. You would really have to hop around the bundle. Most important documents have been put to the back of the bundle, some have been removed. The Respondent went out of their way to make it impossible to get to my documents while left their own very well named and easy to navigate between. The Respondent even renamed documents to make themselves look good and the Claimant look bad. They even changed words like “Medicines” to “Drugs”. The Respondent totally skewed it. Is the Respondent allowed to rename the documents listed in the Index of Documents I submitted and make such changes for deliberate misrepresentation? Also, is the Respondent allowed to remove documents? The Respondent has missed the deadline for the bundle by several weeks now, added additional documents as to what was on their list of documents and also presented the bundle to me (Claimant) by email (in digital form). Can they do this? – The order says it has to be binded. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Best regards x
  10. Have to compile this and have been reading about this in various places. However, my confusion is, how comprehensive should it be? Apologies if this sounds like a complete rookie question and I would imagine it's been answered here before, but I cannot find what I'm looking for. So question is, should it include anything past what I intend to use as evidence for my case and argument i.e. short witness statements (or is that truly part of the witness statment aspect?), costs in seeking employment, medical evidence (was mentally and physically unwell during my disciplinary for GM). etc? Any thoughts would be much appreciated.
  11. Can anyone help..... i have a small claims court date of 26th july 2013 against BPF, I have been through the FOS and they partly upheld my case. it was for a training course through HIT/PROPERTY PROFESSIONALS which went into administration in 2010. I cant afford legal representation and am seriously concerned about my ability to produce a satisfactory bundle. My claim is on the grounds of misrepresentation, section 75, and possibly " non- est factum. Could anyone help as the more i try and produce this bundle the harder it becomes thanks in advance
  12. I just wanted to get an understanding if anything could be done about this.... I have a claim that I raised in dispute against a large company in Jan 2011. This went back and forth for exchange of letters on liability for a while. In the end they told me to jog on...so I issued a claim against them. It was defended and is set to go to court in December. This claim is for around £300 Two things happened, I had a telephone allocation hearing at which point the judge slightly chastised the solicitor for not engaging in mediation or trying to resolve the issue. Secondly the Defendant wanted an entire day to hear the claim, judge wasn't best pleased and gave him 90 mins, and stated that the hearing is only to determine whether or not the item in question met the legal requirement (not all the other issues that are being clouded by the Defendant). An order come through around 10 days later and within that order both sides had to file and serve all documents they wanted to rely on at the hearing, this was set at end of October. Subsequently today I received another document from the Defendant simply saying: Please find enclosed supplementary bundle documents which the Defendant intends to rely on at the hearing. Is this allowed? I don't really want them to be sending documents left right and centre, even though the court set a date.
  13. Hi Guys, I am new to the forum but I have read a huge amount of information of which I am very grateful for. I used to work offshore in the Isle of Man and initially when I moved over with work, I used my UK number. After see my direct debit sky rocket, I changed to a local provider. The bill is around the £1000 mark, of which I wasn't able to pay. Majority of the bill was data roaming charges and after investigating on their (Orange) website, I found out that there are data bundles which can be applied to your account prior to leaving. However, I wasn't aware of this and asked Orange if they could retrospectively apply the necessary bundle to my account. So far, I have not received a single response as to why they are not willing to apply the travel bundle to my bill. I have been emailing the executive office and they just reply back as if i didn't ask the question. Anyway, my bill is with Moorncroft now and I understand that they have no authority and Orange have confirmed that the debt is still with them. So I am going to send £40 p/m into Orange's bank account with my account number as a reference. In the meantime, I am going to send a SAR to Orange and request everything, including a transcript of my calls to Orange. I do remember one agent stating that the Isle of Man was in the UK so I wouldn't be charged. Can anyone who has successfully had data bundles applied to their Orange account retrospectively please post below and say how much the bill was reduced by, please?? I understand that some people on this forum have had their bills reduced because a travel bundle has been applied retrospective. I don't know why they are treating me differently and once I receive everything back from the SAR, I am going to send everything to Watchdog! Thanks Vincent
  14. Hi, I am (unfortunately) having to go to through an employment tribunal process against my present employer. I had an initial case management discussion meeting (CMD) a few months ago. At that meeting my employer's legal representative stated that my employer intended to call several witnesses. The names of these witnesses were not listed in the CMD agenda - even though I had openly listed the names and number of my potential witnesses - and I had expected the employer's side to do the same thing for the CMD meeting. My employer's legal representative stated at the CMD that they (the employer's legal rep) didn't know the names of witnesses, just the number to be called. I have since emailed my employer's internal Legal section several times requesting a list of witnesses names. My employer's Legal section has not even acknowledged receipt of my email requests let alone supply me with the list of names. This refusal to name their witnesses has the potential to weaken my case. Indeed one or two employees which I have sounded out as potential witnesses on my side have instead bailed out (which is unfortunately somewhat understandable in these days of job cuts) explaining that they were doing so because they might actually be called as witnesses on behalf of my employer (which is a lot less easier to forgive I must say!). I'm not interested in recriminations against any of my co-workers who may actually stand as a witness for the employer (I really don't have the enery left for it apart from anything else). However I do feel that I should be entitled to know who may have been 'bagged' for the other side! Does anyone know if I do have a right to know who these employer-side witnesses are and if so, can I make my employer disclose this list of witnesses asap? Any advice would be most welcome.
  15. Hi all, I received my reply from the ICO saying that my previous employer was "unlikely to have complied with the DPA due to them not supplying the information requested within the 40 day statutory period." also that the amount of time they took to request the fee, was excessive. When I requested my details, they had no clue what I was requesting. They sent me my "personnel file" when I queried this (I had worked there for 16 years so it was quite substantial!) and told them it was everything that they had on me, I received another package with some other bits. But I am still convinced that there are other documents that I do not have. With the ICO coming down on my side I am contemplating my next steps. Is it: I send my ex employer a letter again requesting the information and requesting compensation? Or Go straight to the small claims court seeking damages and distress caused? There is conflicting information to do one or the other and just looking for some advice Thanks
  16. Experts of CAG, I hope you can assist ... I'm embroiled in a ET claim against a former employer for unfair dismissal. But, I'm encountering significant resistance from the Respondent's representatives. Their solicitors were ordered by the ET to prepare the Bundle. However every piece of incriminating evidence I have against their client that I want included, they challenge the relevance over. Even after I explain the relevance, they still reject the explanations and refuse to include them. Plus, their male solicitor has been incredibly condescending to me as well, making me feel a proper fool almost every step of the way! Even though, I *KNOW* I have a strong case, and I think tat is why he is giving me such a hard time and pushing back. As the Claimant, I am 100% positive these documents are relevant and critical to my case!! I think their solicitor is intentionally dragging this out, wasting my time and trying to bully me. I really have few options now, and I thought I'd come to the good people of CAG for some help. I know there are some very smart people on here who might, in the interest of the holidays, help me out. I really will be grateful for any, any, ANY time you can offer! It the solicitor and I cannot agree on the Bundle, what recourse do I have? Can I take over responsibility for putting the Bundle together myself, so I will be in control? The ET Order stipulated the Respondent should put it together since it appeared they had most of the original documents. Over time, however, that has not been true; I actually wound up being in possession of most of the original documents. If I did that, other than costs, what other risks are there? Will their solicitor be ale to make demands of me now in an attempt to start driving up my costs? I think most of the documents have already been exchanged - disclosure has been ongoing since 12/09 - so I think we're at the end. I just want to ensure the documents I want are included. Should I apply to the ET for a Case Management Discussion (CMD) to have the Tribunal decide what should go in or not? What would that request look like? Lastly, if I have been sent documents which the solicitor later claimed were covered by privilege, but I feel that these documents demonstrate that the Respondent is intentionally violating the law, how can I get those considered for inclusion by the ET? I would be eternally grateful to anyone out there who could assist this poor woman in distress!! Happy Christmas and Holdiays to you all, and thank you, thank you, thank you for whatever hep you can provide! Ever Yours, Emma P
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