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  1. Hi as part of our research on outstanding debt to put together an income and expenditure form for StepChange, we requested a Noodle report and on it there was a CCJ which we have now discovered id Moriarty law for an Uncle Buck debt. In the letter it states that an instalment plan had been offered to us which it hadn't and i assume that before a CCJ gets registered we should have received some communication from the court which we didn't. Don't really know where to go from here as we are trying to pull together a plan but it's going to be blown out of the water if we are forced to make a lump sum repayment. any advice would help.
  2. Interest rate increases without informing the customer CONC rules i.e customer not informed:- ? surely there is a time limit before they introduce increase, and the customer given a chance to disagree and state no further use will be made of the facility and just pay off outstanding under original interest Rate????
  3. Hi, I run a small retail operation, bricks and locks building..., I am disputing the bill Britisg Gas have sent me, they said it's a smart meter and up to date, it still doesn;t seem right.. One of the last letters have threatened with bailiff or coming in to change the meter, how heavy are they on this stuff? Need I worry till I can try sort it out with them? How long do they normally take to take action?
  4. Good day to all Following the very supportive exchanges I read today within this forum I straight away joined the forum With regard to our {Owned} 1st floor flat, it was essential to sell since my physical abilities deteriorated, we fortunately obtained a local council ground floor flat suitable for disabled people, which we had to move to previous to the sale of the 1st floor flat, since if not occupied within a two-week period it would be awarded to a different couple, we forfeited £10.000 to the Inland Revenue since the 1st floor-flat was not classed to be our main residence {On sale since Oct 2010, Sold: May 2011} On January 2011, the DWP telephoned concerning the selling of the property moreover why I had not informed them of the sale, I certainly did via letter, likewise I keep copies of all my correspondences. They were to forward me a form to complete, all I received being an A4 envelope with a DWP self-addressed envelope, however within being no form of any description to complete On 11th April 2014, I received yet another telephone call via the DWP on the identical topic, the sale of the 1st floor flat, and “where” did the profit of sale go? I replied informing the DWP of the true situation of all monies we had paid out, allowable payments to our three adult children, our grandchildren, two ISAS, a Life Assurance Policy, refurbishing the new ground-floor flat {it really was bare} etc On 22nd November 2017 I attended an interview with the local Job Centre with a rather haughty interviewer, in which I explained equal details regarding “where” did the profit of sale go? I informed the interviewer of the “money-trail” as it were Nevertheless to the main topic: My Pension Credit ceased on 27th November 2017, this, I considered to be a temporary glitch, furthermore all would soon be resolved, how foolish of me Subsequently on 18th December 2017 I telephoned the necessary DWP Department to be informed the lady had no information as to why the payments were “stopped” On 19th December 2017 my wife contacted the DWP, my wife was informed that the Pension Credit was, it appears, suspended and was being “sent upstairs” to be dealt with by a Decision Maker On 31st May 2018 another summons to the local job centre with the same rather smug interviewer, however I maintained a composed demeanour and informed the individual of the circumstances surrounding the 1st floor-flat sale, I mentioned why the Pension Credit Suspended situation, to which there was no detailed answer forthcoming. I received a letter dated 1st June 2018 from this person concerning the 31st May 2018 interview along with a letter explaining the following: “A doubt has arisen about your continued entitlement to pension credit. This means we are not sure if you should still get your benefit payment and it will stop”...Yet this was dated 6th December 2017, for which he extremely thoughtfully apologised with regard to the “delay” in my receiving it On June 4th 2018 I wrote to DWP {and local job centre} requesting a Subject Access and Audit Trail information, nevertheless ought I to, at present, request a Mandatory Reconsideration given that the late letter presented to me mentioning Pension Credit Suspended was dated 6th December 2017 furthermore I maintain no trust with the local job centre interviewer, I have without a doubt, an apprehension that the data he will forward to DWP will not include the entire relevant details I apologise concerning the, in all probability, protracted, rambling post, however I would appreciate assistance Kind Regards Skhane
  5. Hi, ive been reading a few forums and cant seem to find the answer to this question. I have an account on my CRA for Lowells marked as defaulted at an old address. Now my fear is they will try to obtain a CCJ at my old address at it is nearing the 6year mark since I have made any payments or had any contact with them. Is there anyway I can update my address with lowells with out resetting the 6 year clock? Thanks in advance Sorry should of mentioned this is for a Orange mobile account so as far as im aware I cant CCA them either
  6. I have recently applied for a job where I needed a credit check. And was shocked to find I have had CCJ to my name for about a year. I have been at my home address for 20 years. I have had NO notification from the court and no conformation of intent from the person pursuing me. How can someone issue a a CCJ yet I have no knowledge of. Also when I applied to the court regarding this they only had one letter from the third party and there was no letter from the court to me/ Can I remove this CCj as it seems unfair that this judgement has been behind my back and I was not aware of anything to represent myself can someone help
  7. hello... i've just been reading this thread http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?472401-Euro-car-parks-PCN-Trinity-Street-Bolton-BL3-6DH.&p=5050117#post5050117 have also been hit with a parking charge notice from the bandits at the same car park (Bolton Shopping Park). How did this case end up? I am wondering if it's worth challenging it or not. thank you!
  8. Hi, I have been receiving letters from a debt collection agency on the back of a parking violation in braehead retail park Scotland. I have been given a last opportunity before court proceedings. I have never replied or disclosed myself as the driver. What can I write to make them go away before they raise any court action. Would appreciate latest advice and a letter template. Kind regards Followufollowme
  9. Please bare with me as this is a long transcript. I owe my council £378.29, but I couldn't make any payment as I recently lost my job. My local council referred the case to the Equita who sent me a "Notice of enforcement" stating that I need to pay 453.29 (Incl. compliance stage fee £75) before 20/02/2017 or contact them to arrange a payment plan else the case will be passed onto bailiffs. I called them on 16/02/2017 and told them that I could pay the money by the end of this month as I recently got a job and so will be paid at the end of this month. I thought we had an agreement as the agent gave me her direct phone number. When I called the agent on 27/02/2017 to make the payment as agreed, she said the case had been passed to a bailiff agent as I'm too late. She put me through to the bailiff agent without letting me explain to her. The bailiff agent stated that he had not received the case yet so asked me to call him in the evening and gave me his number. I called him in the evening, and he stated that he still has not received the case but told me that he would call me tomorrow. I did not get any call from him on 28/02/2017. I called him on 01/03/2017, and he said the case has been assigned to him but busy to talk so he would call me back later, but I did not get any call. I sent him a text on 02/03/2017 asking him to call me when he is ready to talk but no response. On Monday 06/03/2017 he appeared at my house and demanded me to pay. I told him that I called him many times to resolve this issue over the phone to prevent paying the additional "Enforcement stage" fee of £235, but he did not let me speak and demanded the payment else he will take away the goods. I had no other choice but to pay £688.29. I called him today 08/03/2017 to understand why he did not call me back when I was offering to pay the money. He was implying that he did not receive any call from me, but the case is resolved. I also asked why he did not notify me by a call or a letter that he will be visiting my house but did not give me a straight answer. I had recorded all the calls I made to him including when he said that he had not received the case yet and will call me back to implying that he did not receive my calls. Can I make a formal complaint and request a refund of the fees added by the Equita? Please advice.
  10. Most days we see a number of complaints on CAG, where DVLA have not received notifications sent to them in the post. This leads to letters, court claims and sometimes bailiff visits. Can CAG please publicise what DVLA notifications can be done online, as it might save people having problems, after notifications e.g vehicles sold, get lost in the post. https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/driver-and-vehicle-licensing-agency The link above confirms what can be done online. Personally, i would not send anything in the post to DVLA unless i had to and then i would keep a copy, plus get proof of posting at post office. Most people can access the internet, either at home or locally. Most libraries that are still open have free internet access.
  11. Hello and thank you for reading my post. Any help, advice and suggestions will be very much appreciated. I am sorry in advance for the long and complicated post. I have 4 debts all defaulted in 2010 for £20+K. Most of the information I have provided below is from Noddle as I don’t have much paper documentation. The debts are a personal unsecured loan and 4 credit cards all used on an unsuccessful business plus I have got very ill and went for urgent treatment abroad (2010) which lead to defaulting the accounts. 1. Barclays – unsecured loan (applied online) originally for £20K taken in 2007,currently owing just under £13K I have been paying £1 each month since 2013 agreed with them (CDCS/Barclays) over the phone. I have a letter from them confirming that they agree to receive £1 a month. The debt shows as ‘Barclays unsecured loan’ on Noddle and no mentioning of CDCS. I have a current account with Barclays (debit card visa) which I only use to pay £1 to Barclays and 3 debt collection agencies (£4 each month has been transferred to this account). The loan is visible on my online banking but shows only the total amount owed before the default in 2010 I think... I have not got any paperwork regarding terms & conditions, statements etc... I was paying £385 a month for around 2 years but once I stopped paying for a few months they kept adding fines and interest even after I was begging them to stop fines explaining that I was at hospital abroad and unable to organise any payment for few months. Fines continued even after I started paying them again but reduced monthly amount as much as I could afford (£100-£200). Then after 2-3 months the account defaulted and I continued paying them reduced amounts (finally agreed by them) until I was advised to offer a token payment which was agreed without problems in 2013. 2. Credit card- Citi with Cabot Financial Europe. I pay to Clarity (online payment via their website) which I guess has been employed by Cabot to take the payments of £1 since 2013. Noddle is updated by Cabot on regular basis showing –£1 each month. Information on Noddle: Account start date 07/2007, opening balance £1436, default balance £1436, date of default 06/2010. Between 2010 and 2013 I was paying more than £1 a month so the current balance is down to £590. The last letter I have is a confirmation of arrangement for £1 a month with Clarity. I called Citi years ago to ask them for more information regarding the debt and about Clarity. They could not find anything in my name with their bank and explained they do not have credit card department anymore as they no longer offer any credit cards and as far as they are aware I don’t owe them anything. They could not give me any information about PPI either... They never wrote to me to explain that they ‘sold’ my debt as far as I remember. 3. Credit Card-HSBC Bank. After defaulted in 2010 Metropolitan Collection Service Limited contacted me and demanded high monthly payments while I was in the hospital. In the end reduced payments were agreed. I was paying them reduced payments (£10 or £20 I don’t remember exactly) on monthly basis until 2013. They agreed in writing in 2013 a monthly £1 payment : Commencing Date 29/06/13 Finishing date 28/08/2096! A few months after the agreement I was contacted by Marlin (Cabot Financial) advising me to start paying them the £1 monthly and providing me with their details. Noddle shows that I opened this account in January 2007 and defaulted in June 2010 at £2770. Noddle currently shows owing of £2400. I was contacted by Marlin over the phone recently for a review -I explained that my financial situation is even worse than it was in 2013. They were fine-still happy to receive the £1. They also mentioned that a full and final settlement can be arranged at 65% discount but they would consider a lower offer if I go to them with one- they said. 4. Credit Card-MBNA -Account start date 05/2006, defaulted -06/2010 at £6550. Noddle currently shows that I owe : £5250. I found a letter dated 01/09/2010 from Experto Credite advising me that Varde Investments(Ireland) Limited has bought the interest of MBNA Europe Banks Limited and they are legal owner of my account. ‘Under the terms of assignment Experto Credite Ltd has been appointed by Varde to recover any and all outstanding sums.’ I paid Experto Credite £20 on monthly basis until Aktiv Capital contacted me to inform me that they have taken over my account. They agreed to the £1 monthly payment in 2013 (which was agreed with Experto Credite already I think) and since then I have been paying it. I noticed just recently that on my Noddle report instead of Activ Capital, PRA Group UK has taken place as a lender. I don’t have much memory about any of the credit card debts - especially the amounts I originally owed. I found most of the above information on Noddle but I am not really confident how correct it is. Some of the debts also show payment history for the last couple of years only. I have the impression that the DCAs who contacted me in 2010 insisted that I owe at least a few hundred more than I thought but being recovering from an illness and ‘scared’ of unwanted visits and fed up with aggressive telephone calls demanding money which I could not really afford I did not argue with what they asked me to do and kept paying as much as I can. I am no longer at the address the above creditors have for me and none of them have been in touch with me via telephone in the last 2 years except Marlin. I am currently staying at friends address which address I don’t have the permission to use for my financial affairs as this is my friends work place as well as their home address and it is just down the road from the office of one of the lenders and they worry that they may come in person to look for me and cause problems (as the friend has valuable items at the address- including extremely expensive car kept by the owner of the house who does not live at the address)) I am thinking of renting a Personal Post Box in the town for communication with the lenders. Do you think this is acceptable as an option? If/When I get PO Box address would you suggest to contact the lenders for CCA or SAR or another request or just to inform them for my new correspondence address and wait for them to approach me or just try to change the address at Noddle and the rest of the credit agencies if that is possible at all? I don’t really care much about my credit rating but I want to avoid CCJ if possible. If I don’t provide them with an address I would not even know about any CCJs until I see it on my credit report and I guess it will be too late for me to defend myself or do anything.. . I mostly worry that when I eventually have a permanent address the bailiffs will turn up at my door unexpected asking me to pay immediately plus extra charges. Would you suggest to discuss full and final settlements (a friend may be able to help with money) if the paperwork of the debts is good? I think I might be able to claim miss sold PPI (at the time of taking the credit cards I was self employed) and unfair penalty charges. .. I would consider F&F as an option if there is no better option to resolve debts as I feel the whole situation with DCAs and Barclays very stressful. I am also hoping on starting a job I have been promised in some point next year working for a high profile individual where my working place address will be the same as my living address (same address where my boss will be living as well) and if DCAs or bailiffs approach me in person asking for money or belongings this might cause a big trouble. For these reasons I wish to resolve these debt issues before accepting any job position of this kind. I want to thank you for reading my story. I am not experienced at all with the above situation and I realise that I have already made some mistakes. For example not asking any debt collectors for proof in first place before start paying them. Please anyone help me sort this unpleasant situation out and guide me where to start from and what to do? I really need to sort these debts out ASAP so when I start my new job next year I don’t need to worry and live in fear about debt collectors turning up at my boss door asking to collect my belongings etc.. . and causing trouble.
  12. Afternoon all. Just a quicky.... Just had a notification regarding the above. The notification arrived at least one month after the alleged offence. Out of interest, how long do the Police have to notify please? I think Ive read somewhere there is a set time limit? Have searched on here but cant seem to find any info on this. Cheers!
  13. Hi hope you can help About a year ago I discovered that SWALEC had increased the price of electric and gas on my bill without notifying me of this change. When I discovered this I contacted them and the representative said he was going to refund me the amount i had overpaid and put me back on a lower tariff. This didn't happen. In the meantime i've been dealing with a personal tragedy and have only just found the guts to face them again as I have gone from paying £30.00 per month to £105.00 in the last two years. :mad2: I live alone in a small house that has a very efficient heating system (underfloor heating downstairs) two radiators upstairs. I don't have a dryer or a bath (just a shower). I pay more for my little set up than my friend who runs a big four bedroom house, two bathrooms, dishwasher etc! I contacted SWALEC recently and made a complaint, they told me this : " We have investigated your concerns, I understand that you tariff wasn’t changed on 23rd October 2014 because the advisor you spoke to has noted that you were given a projection on prices however were going to consider your options and then call back. Since then we hadn’t had any records that you had called to change your tariff however I understand you had thought on the call on 23/10 that in fact you had changed tariff on this date. When changing a tariff we do have to go through terms and conditions however this was detailed in the note. Douglas has looked at the difference between the tariffs and I can confirm that if you had changed on 23/10/2014 you would have saved £23.90 on the gas and £29.20 on the electric, however we have offered £100 goodwill instead due to the fact your tariff wasn’t changed and you advised you were never informed of any price changes since your account opened. Please advise if you wish for me to add the £100 goodwill payment? Dougie will call you on Monday 14th December 2015 to progress your complaint". I am totally confused And feel completely overwhelmed and victimised by this company According to SWALEC I am in debt to them by so much that the £100 goodwill payment will leave with about £20.00 Is there anything I can do Thank you for your time.
  14. My daughter was involved in a "bump" some time ago when she was hit by another car at a roundabout. Their fault not my daughter's. Neither cars nor people were damaged but insurance company details were exchanged. On my advice she notified her company just in case a claim was made, they agreed it was in no way her fault. No claims were made by either side. However, my daughter's company has deemed it to be a "claim", lasting for 2 years instead of just a notification. This is now stopping her getting insurance from any firm for her new car, even though her No-Claims bonus was not affected. Is this normal practice and what can she do about it so she can insure her new car?
  15. No doubt this is one of hundreds of similar cases. I part exchanged my car on 25th August 2015 to a car dealer. Completed the log book properly and handed in the V5C over the post office counter at the same time as purchasing tax for the new vehicle on the day of purchase. The post office gave me a receipt which states V5C handed in. I cancelled the Direct Debit for the tax a couple of days later for the vehicle that I was no longer the registered keeper. Fast forward to January - I get a letter from a debt collection agency saying I owe £80 for an outstanding late licencing penalty which, I would like to point out never received any communication from the DVLA about this directly. This was the first time I was aware of it. I sent a letter to the DVLA explaining I was no longer the registered keeper and was not the registered keeper on the date of the alleged offence (1st September 2015). I provided the bill of sale and the receipt from the post office as evidence. Unfortunately, I had no longer got the acknowledgement letter they sent to me as I disposed of it, thinking once I had received it, all was well. I have had two letters from different depts. at the DVLA - one stating that they have updated my records and the other, to say that the original decision that I am liable still stands. Anyone got any ideas about what I should do - I don't see why I should pay for something I am not responsible for. If I had not cancelled the direct debit the DVLA would have refunded the payments anyway so surely the fact I have evidence to show I was no longer the registered keeper and that I handed the V5C to the post office on the day of exchange of vehicles prove that I am not responsible for the payment of tax on a vehicle I no longer owned!
  16. Please help! I'm very new to benifits, this is the first time ever I have made a claim for Income Support. I have been in receipt of IS since the end of May this year (2015). Yesterday I received a letter asking me to attend the above interview. I tried to ring the number on the letter today, to maybe get some idea of what it was for. However I got the answer phone of the man conducting the interview. The answer phone message made me feel even worse, as he said 'you have reached the answer phone of ****** fraud and error complience officer! FRAUD! Jesus I'm totally at my wits end. I really can't deal with this stress, I have a 16 month old daughter to look after. I'm thinking of ending my claim, and getting a job. That was my plan, and i do have a job to go back to if I want, but I really wanted to be with daughter for a little while longer. I spent yesterday frantically getting together as much paper work to support my case as possible. But is £92.00 a fortnight really worth all this stress? I'm thinking NO.
  17. I wanted to know what the new rules are with regards to withdrawing consent for the WP to share your info/contact people on your behalf/claim their fat payment for my hard work when I get a job .. as I am sure I read it had changed since last year, also coincidentally each time I attend a review meeting I get loads of spammy job/credit emails in the weeks after which seems a little timely!! Am getting increasingly fed up with the WP provider, by and large I have had a year of having to attend weekly job clubs with slow computers and the like but since I hit the year mark it seems to have ramped up big time, I have a good work history with good companies and a degree and the minute my latest advisor saw it his eyes lit up and I have been pestered left right and centre. I was upped to two job clubs a week and also appointments/training sessions/interview techniques etc on one or more additional days a week and it was getting silly and made me ill so I had two weeks off with stress symptoms. I then had more blinking appointments and changes to my job clubs and was told a few weeks back at 1pm on a Monday that I was to stay after job club that day for extra sessions looking into agencies and applying for more jobs for 2 hours each day that week (mysteriously my letter had 'got lost in the post' telling me this), I kicked up a bit of a stink as I am a single parent and said I had to pick my son up from school at 3 so those times were unsuitable, so with a bit of looking at bus timetables he relented to sessions from 1-2.30 each afternoon that week which was still pushing it as am reliant on public transport which is never the best, I attended the first and then had enough, got upset (I am on antidepressants and suffering severe anxiety at the moment relating to a thyroid condition I have just been diagnosed with) and I decided to get another doctors note for 2 weeks. During this two weeks I had a letter from them saying I had to come in during that time and I politely told him NO, the day my sick period ended there arrived a letter saying I had to attend a review appointment in 2 days time and I just knew he was going to mess me about, sure enough on the Friday afternoon at the appt he says I need to up my attendance to daily sessions of 4 hours, which means dropping my son at school, a 45 min bus journey there, then getting back in just enough time to pick him up, I protested that I had a PC at home and why did I need to do all this on their premises and he said I might 'get distracted' at home (as opposed to their noisy office of course!!), that I had appts to arrange and so on which were being neglected due to them calling me in all the time willy nilly saying they are mandatory and have to attend, and he said as I was a jobseeker I should jobseek during those hours, I have no prob doing this, my JSA agreement says 5 jobs a week and they say 10 which I do easily and have never not done, he is also pressurising me to do full time work/get a better off calculation for FT work, which my JSA flexibilities say I don't have to pursue due to being a lone parent, there is no mention of any beneficial training, and any suggestions for that or clothing for interviews have been shot down in flames, its just flaming jobsearching in their offices every day, presumably so I can't attend any interviews without them knowing and that I get fed up with the arrangement. Its not as if I am not trying to get a job, I have had about 6 interviews in the last few months but none successful, am really fed up with the situation with the WP and its making me feel worse, we are reviewing the situation tomorrow after my session and I know he is prob going to suggest the same again next week when I have 2 inset days at my sons school, I really just resent the fact that they think they can pressure me like this and assume I have no plans for the week or anything else to do, and then get a nice big payment for MY efforts at the end of it all so want to know what my rights are, unfortunately at the beginning I signed all their docs as I was being too blinking nice!! PS. Sorry this is a bit of a rant having looked at it, but felt good to vent!!
  18. Hi fellow Caggers I'm not sure if others on here have any thoughts into this, but I'm hoping to get some help to clarify the situation on something i have come across recently, having read this as part of the lending code. 232. Customers should be advised BEFORE their debt is passed or sold to a third party by a subscriber. The intended outcome of this provision is that a customer SHOULD NOT receive any contact from the party to whom the debt has been passed or sold without having received prior notification from the subscriber of the transfer. what if the OC (subscriber) has NOT given prior notification to the debtor of the sale of the debt to a third party? if a customer received a letter from a DCA stating 'i am now the owner of this debt' and in the same envelope was a supposed NOA from an OC, would this count as the OC having met 232? thanks Thanks
  19. Hi, I received a very unexpected letter from my local council just recently regarding council tax. I am a single father living in private rented property who has MS. I am on ESA (support group) & PiP (Enhanced mobility & Daily living component). The letter stated that as of now, due to council budgeting, the council could no longer afford to subsidize the council tax & I was henceforth required to pay approx £200.00 (with offer of installments) to cover my council tax & presumably each year that follows. Now, I am not disputing the money here, what I am curious about is if this has happened in other council districts, whereby the council tax has wavered/paid the tax for people & also why I wasn't aware that this was the case previously. The thing is, for the last few years, they always sent out a council tax bill showing lots of figures then an 'amount you owe=ZERO' at the bottom so I always assumed I was somehow exempt due to my circumstances. If they have been paying it for the public for some years, then well yes this is very generous &, most certainly, one would think would attract voters so a win win for the council. I really do not wish to stir up any problems with my local council who, to be very fair, are very 'automated' in keeping the housing benefit coming & I hardly hear from them at all, sometimes for years at a time. I am just curious as to if anybody else has come across this recent state of affairs, whereby the council was subsidizing fully the tax, then perhaps the notification that alas they cannot do that anymore for economical reasons. One other question, is the £200.00 figure per year correct for a single person living alone such as I am in a privately rented accommodation? thanks in advance, i always appreciate this site, it's very existence is like a permanent weight off my mind, you guys do a remarkable job.
  20. New here, parked my car in a private retail park. Allowed three hours parking. However first of all we left the site to go for a look at a nearby new build. Returned about 1 hour later by a different entrance to the retail park and had a look around some shops. Returned to the car within the three hours. There was a ticket on my windscreen stating we had " been seen leaving the car park" at xxxx o clock and had not returned by xxxx o'clock which was only 90 minutes later. The company is UKCPS Ltd. any thoughts on whether I should pay up, appeal or be prepared to ignore. Thanks
  21. My scheduled date for me appeal to be considered was midweek last week, however I have not yet been notified of an outcome. The parking operator hasn't submitted any evidence for the ticket either. How long do I normally have to wait? and can the operator still submit their paperwork?
  22. Hi, can anyone help? I've been with Swalec for a couple of years, my bill was worked out based on previous usage and I paid it on a monthly basis. I discovered recently that my tariff became almost double about 6 months ago. I was not informed by Swalec that their electricity and gas tariff had gone up. Is there anything I can do about this? Thanks
  23. Hi, Some time back I noted on some Council paperwork that there was a new "£50 fine if you don't notify us of changes" which I can understand i.e. to stop dodgers. But does/can this apply both ways? I noticed some changes on my CT bill which I wasn't notified about and only found out by a pretty rude letter in the post. IMHO What's good for the goose, is good for the gander
  24. Hello all, May I ask has anyone ever been experienced that Judgement Order Listings has issued court proceedings against you? My case with them is as follows: - I had paid up the whole year of car insurance (no claim and no cancellation) - when I moved home, I changed my address online with their website - I was charged £40 or so on my credit card without any invoice or notification - I told my credit card company I did not authorize the payment and they used the old credits card number (which was changed after bought the insurance) - credit card company refunded me - One Call Insurance requested £40 and when I refused to pay they cancelled my insurance - then a few months later, One Call kept asking for the £40 - then they passed it to Judgement who is now asking for the money - I have just received the "Court Action Notification" asking for £130 or so Not sure if this is worth fighting for, and whether they would actually go to court. I don't have time to play game with Judgement who is full-time chasing people for money. I think I have a case: as they charged me without any notification and they cancelled the insurance about one or two month before the 12 month term. Any advice? Any similar experience? Thanks, R
  25. Good evening I hope someone can give me some advice on what to do next. I was due to complete the sale of my house yesterday, however 3 days ago (Friday) I was told by my solicitors that the house couldn't be sold due to 2 restrictions on it against my ex partner. I have explained that all they need to do is to notify the creditors that the house is to be sold, and have proof to show that they have given said written notification, as this is what the LR will need to see before registering the transfer of the new owners and the restriction being removed as the interest of the new owners overreaches the interest of the creditors. I have confirmed this with the LR and have asked my solicitors to do the same in 3 separate emails, however they have come back every time to say that the money to the creditors need to be paid before the sale can complete and have not confirmed that they have spoken to the LR. I am banging my head against a brick wall stating to them that this is not the case. There will be no funds in my ex-partners share to pay any of the creditors as I have a court order for sale of the house that states how the proceeds shall be divided. After discharge of the mortgage, sellers and legal fees, all mortgage payments that I have made against the property for the past 2 years and the amount of the arrears that have been accrued, (which is more than his half of the share) is due to myself. I feel like my solicitors are not acting correctly, and are telling me pack of rubbish, and I am at a loss as to what to do next. Can I instruct another solicitor that knows what they are talking about to act on my behalf in the sale? I am really worried that the sale will fall through due to their incompetence.:mad2: Any advice is appreciated.
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