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  1. Hello all and hope this is in the right area for posting this...if not I can remove and repost if directed, thanks. Ok here we go...the sob story....I have had my head in the sand about all my debts for years, mostly from losing my job in 2009, family loss before and after and some health issues since but none of that really matters as the ball keeps rolling...so to now! Where having had Land Registry contact me (a second time) with regards to both a RESTRICTION & an AGREED NOTICE (for 2 separate debts), it is clear that this cannot continue so I have to do something about it, so if anyone can give me some advice or point me in the right direction of what I can/should do then I would greatly appreciate it! Not sure about how much info you need but will provide as much as possible, in as concise a way I can (I am able to scan any of the documents I refer to herein if needed). Debt 1: £3018.44 (inc. costs/interest/fines) Original Creditor: Halifax Original Loan Date: This was a bank account and monies owed is overdraft Original Loan Amount: £2000 (overdraft limit) Debt Company(s): Cabot Solicitor(s): Mortimer & Clarke Date of Land Registry contact: 27/06/18 Action of Land Registry: Document B132 ‐ ENTRY OF AN AGREED NOTICE Notes: I have no old bank account documents from Halifax but can always request them? Not sure if that is possible... Have previously made payments (of £1 & £10 an agreed payment plan) but no payments made for over 6/7 years Debt 2: £8501.21 (inc. costs/interest/fines) Original Creditor: Northern Rock Original Loan Date: 2007/2008 Original Loan Amount: £7000 Debt Company(s): HPH2 EX SANDTANDER UK PLC, Robinsons, Hoist Portfolio (which is also the same company as HPH2...I think) Solicitor(s): Howard Cohen Date of Land Registry contact: 24/08/17 Action of Land Registry: Document B136 (CO) ‐ AN APPLICATION TO REGISTER A RESTRICTION AGAINST THE LAND Notes: The original creditor loan was taken out with Northern Rock but I do not have any of the old documents Not sure of the exact date that I took out this loan but think it was at the end of 2007 early 2008 I have not made payments to them for over 6/7 years but their documentation states £0 paid at all ‐ I would have to request old bank statements to confirm Guess the question is can I do anything about having these removed? Are the debts still enforceable? Should I ask the Debt Companies for the date of the original loans? I think they got the charging orders in before the end of the 6 year period for collection (not that I was playing it that way just from what I have read recently. Can I still ask them to provide proof of debt? i understand that it is a horse bolted situation but even if it is to go back and work out a payment plan etc then so be it and I am not sure I am even asking the right questions. Ideally I just want to get this straight and cut the worry about losing my house and find a way to become debt free! Really, any advice given is sorely needed. If you need more info about the situation or about me then please ask. Thank you, Bob
  2. Hi everyone . I want to thank everyone in advance and also apologise in advance - as I realise my questions are probably very common here, but I have very little time left and I am overwhelmed with so much info on internet , while trying to do my duties at work and as a father. Summary : 1.My debts are in the region of 4,000 for a loan, credit card, overdraft and phone account. I started missing payments in 2010 due to family separation and depression, stopped making payments and stopped contact with lenders in 2011. Meantime paid some sums, made some agreements, paid some money on those agreements, on some haven't, don't have good recollection , don't know if i owe some of the debts, if they are for correct amount, if some of them are statue barred, unfair charges etc. 2.All of debts are now being owned by various debt collecting agencies, sometimes changing hands more than once. some already started offering me full and final settlements of 50-60 %. 3. For one of the debts(Cabot, original overdraft from Halifax in region of 1000, now 1400) a court proceeding has started december 2016) -claim form has been sent to Northampton county court. Currently I haven't sent any form back to court, as i called the solicitors representing Cabot - Mortimer Clarke Solicitors LTD and they agreed to give me time until 31.01.2017 to prepare my expenditure form and make offer for repayment and/or full and final settlement upon which they said won't continue with court proceedings as it is up to them to request them. Unfortunately they refused to give me written confirmation of that (twice) which leaves me in a situation where they can decide anytime to request court decision and court won't even know I am in contact and agreement with them while issuing the order. 4. My credit report has inaccuracies- default dates are years more recent than they should be and one of the debt collecting agencies (Cabot) opened a new account with same default date and amount of original debt, but no markers that this is debt bought from original lender, which might lead to confusion this is different debt imo while accessing my credit report. What would you advise me in this situation? My first aim is to get relevant and accurate information on debts, so i know where i stand. Do I have the right to ask the dca for all the info or need to contact the original lender ? Does the dca has the right to redirect me to request the needed info from original lender or they are obliged to provide it as the new owner of the debt. Also templates I found so far are just for one issue or used long time ago. I need a template which requests original agreement, payments, any voluntary arrangements we had, so I know if i owe anything, different amount or if it is already statue barred. What should be the fee i have to pay ? What will happen if they cannot provide the requested inf o- will debt become unenforceable until they do ? Can I use that also to correct my credit report ? I am not sure what template to use for debt for which there is already a started court case - I am afraid that when i send that request to the dca in question they might instruct their solicitors to request immediate judgment. Thanks again
  3. Hello and thank you for reading my post. Any help, advice and suggestions will be very much appreciated. I am sorry in advance for the long and complicated post. I have 4 debts all defaulted in 2010 for £20+K. Most of the information I have provided below is from Noddle as I don’t have much paper documentation. The debts are a personal unsecured loan and 4 credit cards all used on an unsuccessful business plus I have got very ill and went for urgent treatment abroad (2010) which lead to defaulting the accounts. 1. Barclays – unsecured loan (applied online) originally for £20K taken in 2007,currently owing just under £13K I have been paying £1 each month since 2013 agreed with them (CDCS/Barclays) over the phone. I have a letter from them confirming that they agree to receive £1 a month. The debt shows as ‘Barclays unsecured loan’ on Noddle and no mentioning of CDCS. I have a current account with Barclays (debit card visa) which I only use to pay £1 to Barclays and 3 debt collection agencies (£4 each month has been transferred to this account). The loan is visible on my online banking but shows only the total amount owed before the default in 2010 I think... I have not got any paperwork regarding terms & conditions, statements etc... I was paying £385 a month for around 2 years but once I stopped paying for a few months they kept adding fines and interest even after I was begging them to stop fines explaining that I was at hospital abroad and unable to organise any payment for few months. Fines continued even after I started paying them again but reduced monthly amount as much as I could afford (£100-£200). Then after 2-3 months the account defaulted and I continued paying them reduced amounts (finally agreed by them) until I was advised to offer a token payment which was agreed without problems in 2013. 2. Credit card- Citi with Cabot Financial Europe. I pay to Clarity (online payment via their website) which I guess has been employed by Cabot to take the payments of £1 since 2013. Noddle is updated by Cabot on regular basis showing –£1 each month. Information on Noddle: Account start date 07/2007, opening balance £1436, default balance £1436, date of default 06/2010. Between 2010 and 2013 I was paying more than £1 a month so the current balance is down to £590. The last letter I have is a confirmation of arrangement for £1 a month with Clarity. I called Citi years ago to ask them for more information regarding the debt and about Clarity. They could not find anything in my name with their bank and explained they do not have credit card department anymore as they no longer offer any credit cards and as far as they are aware I don’t owe them anything. They could not give me any information about PPI either... They never wrote to me to explain that they ‘sold’ my debt as far as I remember. 3. Credit Card-HSBC Bank. After defaulted in 2010 Metropolitan Collection Service Limited contacted me and demanded high monthly payments while I was in the hospital. In the end reduced payments were agreed. I was paying them reduced payments (£10 or £20 I don’t remember exactly) on monthly basis until 2013. They agreed in writing in 2013 a monthly £1 payment : Commencing Date 29/06/13 Finishing date 28/08/2096! A few months after the agreement I was contacted by Marlin (Cabot Financial) advising me to start paying them the £1 monthly and providing me with their details. Noddle shows that I opened this account in January 2007 and defaulted in June 2010 at £2770. Noddle currently shows owing of £2400. I was contacted by Marlin over the phone recently for a review -I explained that my financial situation is even worse than it was in 2013. They were fine-still happy to receive the £1. They also mentioned that a full and final settlement can be arranged at 65% discount but they would consider a lower offer if I go to them with one- they said. 4. Credit Card-MBNA -Account start date 05/2006, defaulted -06/2010 at £6550. Noddle currently shows that I owe : £5250. I found a letter dated 01/09/2010 from Experto Credite advising me that Varde Investments(Ireland) Limited has bought the interest of MBNA Europe Banks Limited and they are legal owner of my account. ‘Under the terms of assignment Experto Credite Ltd has been appointed by Varde to recover any and all outstanding sums.’ I paid Experto Credite £20 on monthly basis until Aktiv Capital contacted me to inform me that they have taken over my account. They agreed to the £1 monthly payment in 2013 (which was agreed with Experto Credite already I think) and since then I have been paying it. I noticed just recently that on my Noddle report instead of Activ Capital, PRA Group UK has taken place as a lender. I don’t have much memory about any of the credit card debts - especially the amounts I originally owed. I found most of the above information on Noddle but I am not really confident how correct it is. Some of the debts also show payment history for the last couple of years only. I have the impression that the DCAs who contacted me in 2010 insisted that I owe at least a few hundred more than I thought but being recovering from an illness and ‘scared’ of unwanted visits and fed up with aggressive telephone calls demanding money which I could not really afford I did not argue with what they asked me to do and kept paying as much as I can. I am no longer at the address the above creditors have for me and none of them have been in touch with me via telephone in the last 2 years except Marlin. I am currently staying at friends address which address I don’t have the permission to use for my financial affairs as this is my friends work place as well as their home address and it is just down the road from the office of one of the lenders and they worry that they may come in person to look for me and cause problems (as the friend has valuable items at the address- including extremely expensive car kept by the owner of the house who does not live at the address)) I am thinking of renting a Personal Post Box in the town for communication with the lenders. Do you think this is acceptable as an option? If/When I get PO Box address would you suggest to contact the lenders for CCA or SAR or another request or just to inform them for my new correspondence address and wait for them to approach me or just try to change the address at Noddle and the rest of the credit agencies if that is possible at all? I don’t really care much about my credit rating but I want to avoid CCJ if possible. If I don’t provide them with an address I would not even know about any CCJs until I see it on my credit report and I guess it will be too late for me to defend myself or do anything.. . I mostly worry that when I eventually have a permanent address the bailiffs will turn up at my door unexpected asking me to pay immediately plus extra charges. Would you suggest to discuss full and final settlements (a friend may be able to help with money) if the paperwork of the debts is good? I think I might be able to claim miss sold PPI (at the time of taking the credit cards I was self employed) and unfair penalty charges. .. I would consider F&F as an option if there is no better option to resolve debts as I feel the whole situation with DCAs and Barclays very stressful. I am also hoping on starting a job I have been promised in some point next year working for a high profile individual where my working place address will be the same as my living address (same address where my boss will be living as well) and if DCAs or bailiffs approach me in person asking for money or belongings this might cause a big trouble. For these reasons I wish to resolve these debt issues before accepting any job position of this kind. I want to thank you for reading my story. I am not experienced at all with the above situation and I realise that I have already made some mistakes. For example not asking any debt collectors for proof in first place before start paying them. Please anyone help me sort this unpleasant situation out and guide me where to start from and what to do? I really need to sort these debts out ASAP so when I start my new job next year I don’t need to worry and live in fear about debt collectors turning up at my boss door asking to collect my belongings etc.. . and causing trouble.
  4. Dear forum members, I'm looking for some advice on the next steps I need to take with two companies, Robinson Way and Capquest. I have three debts, two with Robinson Way and one with Capquest. The two with Robinson Way are Welcome Finance and Barclaycard and the one with Capquest is Royal Bank of Scotland. All three of the debts have been ongoing for approximately six years and some payments have been made to all three. They have been passed around several DCA's during their existence. And, regrettably, I have often ignored them. However, after the recent letters I have received concerning them I want to do something about them. I know it should have been something I should have tackled earlier but I can't change that now so I hope I can get some advice here. I have been reading around some articles but I am a little overwhelmed by the amount of information on the forums. I'm not sure if some or all of the advice applies to me. I am happy to provide further information and know that I will need to do so in order to receive help from people but I am unsure what to provide at this early stage. I have read about an SOA (Statement of Affairs?) but I would appreciate any help an experienced forum member might be able to offer. Thanks for taking the time to read this! And this is also a copy and paste of a message I put on moneysavingexpert but I wanted to 'reach out' to as many knowledgeable people as possible, so sorry if some people are reading this twice.
  5. Saw this story on the news this morning - http://www.credittoday.co.uk/article/17947/online-news/dcas-in-crackdown-on-foreign-driver-parking-fines But the news piece didn't really give much of an explanation and nor does the above story. So currently, councils cant access foreign car data (unlike our UK DVLA system), but they are going to employ DCAs (who we all know have zero powers even in the UK) to track down these foreign car owners (how ??), and ask them nicely to pay ? I cant see the success rate being very how, surely it will only end up costing councils ?
  6. From my favourite Consumer site in the whole world... Look carefully.... [ATTACH=CONFIG]58202[/ATTACH]
  7. Hi guys, looking for some advice. I signed up with Spectrum Financial Protection after getting into about £25k worth of debt 12 years ago. They charged me about a grand to set up with them and have taken a percentage of the repayments every month for the duration (I know, I know) and despite the long time frame my debt has barely gone down, due to the token payments of between £1 and £10 a month to each account. Spectrum are now Money Village, and after years of them not doing a lot (Spectrum originally told me I'd be debt free after 5 years) I gave up speaking to them or giving them annual statements of affairs. I still received regular letters from them, telling me the latest DCA has accepted my offer etc etc, but it's the most recent one that I want advice about. They (Money Village) say that as I haven't done a SoA since 2010, and therefore they can't give me the best advice (Lol is all I can say to that). They also say that they are obliged to tell me about free options with other DMPs, and that if I don't respond within 60 days they will stop making payments to the DCAs on my behalf (there are 5, who change every so often). I'm at a crossroads. The debts were defaulted by the banks in 2003, and are long off my credit file - I've had loans since and have managed them well as I was just a silly teenager when I took most of the original debts on. What can I expect if they stop paying my DCAs from August? I don't particularly want to keep on with Money Village anyway, as they've had enough out of me over the years, but at the moment the DCAs don't contact me and accept the payments, so it's been 'out of sight, out of mind' for ages, but this is looking like it's going to change, and I want to be prepared! Any advice would be massively appreciated!
  8. For 2yrs and 5months have been getting calls from SWEL and 3 DCAs trying to recover circa £1200. for some sort of service to a property in Portsmouth. Tracing by SWEL, EOS Solutions UK Plc, UK Search Ltd, and Ruthbridge Ltd. My wife was unlucky to marry into the same Mrs Firstname Lastname as a Miss Firstname Lastname (I believe a widow) and from what I can deduce same DoB. SWEL was notified by email and replied that they would remove our address from the account. There should therefore have been no need to respond when DCAs sent bills, as SWEL will have provided them with correct information wouldnt they? Lol. A month trial of Experian in 2013 showed no alias information on credit report so that was not worth the paper it was written on. My telephone number is listed in my name and whilst I don't answer witheld CLI calls, nor unrecognised callers; the calls are still logged and made available by my provider. The typical behaviour is to call weekdays and Saturday mornings witheldCLI chain dialed up to about 35 calls in a day, plus 1 or 2 calls with a false CLI number such as '678965' or '0000000000' which surprisingly weren't answered or went to voicemail with or without message. The harrassement therefore also creates the extra work collecting the logs, and any voicemails together. The DCAs send out letters and bills threatening to send someone to visit, but sadly they never seem to get around to any action that could have counterclaim. FOI Information from SWEL reveals that SWEL do not check customers identity prior to providing credit for services. This means that they do not actually know which firstname lastname was provided with services. The question therefore arises why pay their bill if you are moving anyway. I spent half a day in 2013 tracing the actual debtor. This took a little time but was quite easy; and I would be prepared to sell the information for decent fee. It became clear that the tracing done on behalf of SWEL amounts to nothing more than searching the CRA databases. In view of the above I am looking to blacklist the calling numbers but there are difficulties - not least is that their numbers benefit from the privacy settings of CLI system which rightly protects the x-directory numbers of individuals; but these companies and Telemarketers should forfeit by the nature of what they are doing. Using Asterisk software, - "If there is no Caller ID received, then the LookupBlacklist has no effect." and to blacklist a false number would be to little avail as the target is moving. Calls having witheld CLI can be normally rejected. We need laws against the presentation of false CLI numbers. We need to allow access to phone numbers used by DCAs and Telemarketers, and Telesurvey companies. We need to be able to communicate with the CRAs without fear of providing ANY information which might be used to add to their collected database. We need legislation that DCA bills or threats MUST be followed up by court action within 1 month or be withdrawn. == Oz
  9. Asked if I could pay an old vets bill in three stages only to be emailed by DCA who had added another £70 but offered to take off £30 for an unposted letter. They addes £40 for the first letter. I did not think they could do this. Am I wrong?
  10. The press are reporting a crackdown on nuisance calls with ever larger fines for the transgressors, such as PPI, onlime marketing etc. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2967040/Will-FINALLY-end-nightmare-nuisance-calls-New-law-make-easier-hit-firms-500-000-fines.html https://www.politicshome.com/home-affairs/articles/story/crackdown-nuisance-calls http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/news/article-2865158/Britain-s-one-billion-nuisance-calls-face-crackdown-task-force-warns.html As DCAs engage in constant calls and texts even after being told in writing only, by letter I wonder if they can be snared in this trap, Arrow, Lowell, Muckhall Snotcall are you worried? No I thought not.
  11. Hi everyone. Please sign this petition, #share it, #retweet it everywhere. I appreciate for a petition to be valid, you need to give your personal details to be counted, but that should remain restricted viewing. This is a properly set up Govt. E-Petition to try to get them to look at the Law Of Property Act, where Debt purchasing relies upon this loophole to take your data, your unsecured debts, pay a small price for the info and chase you for the full amount, it is pure greed and the very fact it CAN stand up in a courtroom, assuming they have enough data (re. your debt/paperwork etc) and they CAN take your homes and property, it is about time this was stopped. Can't guarantee this will succeed...it needs 100,000 valid and true signatures to get this to be looked at. It has been tried before and if people won't sign, it won't go anywhere....but hey, let's try again! Some of you will likely prefer your debts to be bought cheap by these greedy grabbing DCAs, but the point is, they are heavy handed, they make people more stressed, more ill and the original banks/creditors as yet don't maliciously go after people's homes simply because they can. Obviously if there is a CCJ and that is not paid, there is that chance of losing home, property, becoming bankrupt, but we need to take away the one Law or loophole that makes it so easy for debt buying companies to manipulate say 900% profit or more (where applicable), if they succeed, but more so we need to STOP them bullying people that are in a financial mess and already unable to cope with the pressure, let alone the harassment. http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/60324
  12. Had a good job, career, home, money, etc. Then had a prolonged period of inactivity, debts piled up, not opening letters, spiral of anxiety and stress. blah, blah. Now, for past year or so, been earning, and getting back on feet. Looking to start paying back, and deal with all my debts. Have done as much due diligence as I can, and need some pointers. I have a number of creditors, with debts totalling around 45K. Have been paying token payments of £1 to most, some more. Looking to get StepChange advice and help. But also need some idea of full and final offers to really motor down the debts. So, as a starter, here are some of my most pressing questions: 1: I am having difficulty filling in my Income and Expenditure, as my income fluctuates. (I am working freelance, as am probably too old to be employed by a company.) I am wary of entering payment schedule and failing. Prefer to keep paying token amounts, then offer surplus every 6 months or so. Would creditors go for this? 2: I understand the first step may be to get CCAs from my creditors. Are there any downsides to asking for CCAs? Would creditors sense that I am trying to wriggle out, and go for asking for more, or get heavy-handed? 3: Are CCAs only for debt companies, or even the Originating creditor? (some of my debts have been off-loaded to debt-companies.) 4: What is the purpose of SARs? How does that help me? I understand they might be for finding penalty fees, etc? I know I accrued a lot when I couldn't pay any amounts when I started my downhill slide. 5: When offering Full and Finals, do I go for the biggest first? 6: I have been sold from one debt-company to another on some debts, I dont know what I am paying for on some of the payments!! Can I just phone them up and ask where the original debt comes from? (I have signed up with noddle, and got my list of creditors and credit file, so I have a starting point. I have been reading this forum for a few days, and have built up some knowledge, and seen how helpful this site can be. I would like to ask for some help in taking the first steps for an eventual bright future. PS: would it be ok to list my debts (with some fudging to protect myself) as a starting point?
  13. :oops:Hi, I've lived 6 months in Stevenage and had to leave the flat without receiving my deposit of £550 from my Estate Agents and having to pay a debt of £690 to the energy company. I paid £140 to the energy company and told the estate agents to pay the £550 with the deposit, so they will be sure that everything has been paid and I can be sure that they give my money (the flat was in perfect state after leaving). After almost 3 months of phone calls and emails to both the agents (who acted very vaguely and ignored me) and the energy company, which acted very kindly telling me that I will receive more letters remembering my debt to them until I pay but nothing more. The problem is the 21st of August of this year I received one letter from Debt Managers (Services) Ltd. with my energy company's account number their name, and my £550 debt. One curious fact is that the address the energy company has have some error due to my pronounciation over the phone. And the letter from Debt Managers has the same spelling error in the address so I first thought they were sent by the energy company to solve their debts but I couldn't confirm this. The 16th of September I won my dispute for my deposit of £550 and I was about to pay the energy company when I see that someone had paid my £550 debt the 4th of September and I don't know (nor the energy company) who was because it was paid by cheque. I haven't received any phone call from my estate agents or landlord, so I doubt they have paid the amount and then lost the deposit (£1100?) so I looked for some info about the debt managers having paid the debt, which could be but seems totally illegal/unfair to me, specially when I wasn't even informed of that from the energy company. So I tried to phone the energy company and sent them 2 emails which they haven't answered yet. Yesterday, I received another letter, this time from Russel+Aitken (Russel and Aitken) LLP's Solicitors Debt Recovery, stating the same details: the energy company as Creditor, my client reference number, a reference number from Debt Managers and the same £550 as balance due, which were paid since the 4th of September. The letter advised that their clients, Debt Managers are considering proceeding with Court Action against me in respect of my account with my creditor (the energy company? why is the energy company a creditor if I haven't asked them to lend me money?). They continue telling me to pay Debt Managers and if I do NOT respond to this letter and they do NOT proceed with Court Action, my file MAY BE passed to Debt Managers' Investigation Bureau or doorstep agents. Well, I'm living in Spain right now, receiving all these letters and are they going to send doorstep agents to my house? At least some holidays for them... I've read in this forum that in these cases, you have to send a CCA request letter by Recorded Delivery with £1 as posting costs? Is this correct? But from Spain, I don't now if the proceedings are the same and if I have to include £1 (here we have €). Also, I would like to know if failing to respond them would carry problems for me in Spain, in the UK, in the rest of Europe or with my english bank account: as I have read, debt is not a crime in the UK, so bailiffs or the inability to obtain a VISA are not to be dreaded. As long as I see it, if anybody pays my fees and doesn't even worry to tell me, why do I owe him that money? He paid with his money for free and I wasn't informed or asked if I wanted to accept that change in conditions. In addition, today I have (definitely) contacted the energy company and asked for a written confirmation that my account balance is £0 and my account closed. After that, I told them the story and they told me to pay nothing to them, they confirmed that the £550 payment was made by cheque or similar and not by credit card, because they don't have the account number of the payer and that I'm not going to receive any more letters from them in the future. Hope it's true... Sorry for the 7 paragraph letter but I wanted to be the most accurate as possible. Also, I'm not sure if this thread goes here nor if there is any other similar thread as my case. In any case, thank you very much for bothering to read and any help you could provide. And congratulations for the Consumer Forums!!
  14. Hi guys, I have been attempting to deal with this but getting nowhere fast! I'm sure that these DCAs drag their feet deliberately, hoping people will pay up to clean their records up. There are two issues here but I figured they're so similar that I may as well keep them in one thread. Since I got my credit files for the first time ever in May, there has been a default registered in my name by Cabot Financial at a previous address. The account was opened after I left the address and it's for around £250 for a JD Williams group debt. I've sent address history proof back in May and have brought this up with Equifax and Experian more than once (Cabot just come back and say it's correct). I've written several letters, getting nowhere. They've written to me this week asking for my address history so they can complete their investigation (AGAIN). They've also moved the default from my previous address to my current address. I know for a fact that they have no CCA as I never signed one (obvs). - Are they allowed to move the default to my current address? - What are the implications of them doing so? - What next steps would folk advise? - Does anyone have experience of reaching a satisfactory resolution in a similar instance? Secondly, three weeks ago, another default appeared on my credit files for the first time. Its for £300 to Littlewoods and is held by Arrow Global. This is in a slightly different name to mine and has a different date of birth. Weirdly, the address is a uni hall of residence that I lived in in 2005/2006 and the date is 2008! I've sent a copy of my driving licence and proof that I lived elsewhere in 2008 but they're dragging their feet too! - Any advice on this one? - Surely they're breaking some law by reporting this as mine? I've sent off a CCA request to both of these this week, and have demanded the removal of both accounts. I'm not hopeful though. Any thoughts?
  15. If you move home, and don't give DCAs your address, but carry on paying £10 a month on accounts where interest is frozen, I wonder whether that parks the issue and eventually pays down the debt? If you don't need or apply for credit, will your credit file still show your new address if you give your new address to the bank where you hold your current account?
  16. After joining CAG I realise DCAs have cash cowed me for years. I'm about to CCA them. Can I claim back payments I've made if they can't produce an original CCA?
  17. Hello, all, I'm asking for a good friend who doesn't have internet access. Due to a series of misfortunes (she is a decent person who works hard) my friend got into debt. Her young child is disabled and they have recently been awarded DLA. As the DLA has been awarded for the child, I thought that dcas have no right to make a claim (almost wrote 'clam' - Freudian thinking? ) on the DLA. That she can offer token payments as other than the DLA she is skint. I've also told her that if any of them come knocking not to answer the door, as only the postman and someone asking for directions are allowed on her property. Many thanks for any assistance. Cheers, Rhys
  18. Having lurked here for some time and I am currently discussing (by letter) an alleged debt with Arrow & Fredrickson I am interested in precisely what they must supply to comply with a CCA request. Do they have to supply statements going back to the beginning of the credit agreement? If not how far back - is the last issued statement sufficient. Must there be some documentary evidence of the last payment made? Do they have to prove who made that payment. ( I have read that some unscrupulous DCAs make payments to keep alive debts that would otherwise be Statute Barred). If the debt has been 'bought' do they have to provide anything other than a statement of fact. I believe the actual transfer deed showing the price paid is confidential but must they supply a copy of it (wuth the appropriate parts redacted) I hope this is not a too detailed request for a first post.
  19. Shocking stories of bullying following their incompetence in correct billing. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/news/article-2232395/EDF-bullies-threatened-debt-collectors.html
  20. I have 3 outstanding debts on which I can only pay about £5 per month each - due to being made redundant and no success finding another job yet. Debts are with Barclaycard, Nationwide and MBNA. I agreed with these people a minimum payment. But then I started getting letters from DCAs - I had to stop payments for several months due to circumstances. I have received letters from 3 more different DCAs. Should I write to them stating I can only afford £5 a month until my financial circumstances change? Or should I ignore them? I've read on different forums that I have no contract with these DCAs. I would really appreciate some help on what letter I should send to them.
  21. Hello, I would appreciate some advice on this one.. I've had two letters now from different DCAs (Rockwell and now Transcom Worldwide UK) who are both supposedly working for Arrow Global Limited.. Going way back to when I received the first letter from Rockwell, I telephoned them and actually managed to gleen out of them more information about this debt than they got from me.. They have a completely different address (somewhere I've never lived although they have my current address which is fine by me) and a different date of birth - by the way, I refused to give them anything other than my name which they have on the letter and confirmed that my DOB was not what they had, which it isn't lol!! I wasn't born in 1977 and I told them so.. Rockwell said they'd look into and call me back within the hour - that was 6 months ago now.. Anyway, fast forward to today, I get a letter from Transcom Worldwide (UK) with the same debt notification - again I call them and again manage to get out of them they have the same details as Rockwell did.. An address I've never lived at and the wrong date of birth to me, it's not me they are after or I'd put my hands up.. The best advice the TWUK rep said was to report the thing as fraud but not sure how that would help me in this situation as it isn't my debt!.. I can't find out what Arrow Global collect for which is a bit annoying and sadly neither DCA was that daft to tell me that juicy niblet lol.. My question is, do I take this further with Arrow Global and phone/write to them about this?.. I don't want to keep having threats from DCAs.. What can I do??.. Thanks for any advice..
  22. Hi I'm new to this site and was wondering if anyone has experience of either Merrils Ede solicitors, Cardiff or Blair, Oliver and Scott Ltd PO box 66 Rosyth. They are both trying to recover a debt for shortfall in mortgage repayment. Our property was re-possessed two years ago by HBOS and out of the blue we have been traced to our current address by both these DCAs. Interestingly, Merril Ede are requesting a figure around 75% more than Blair, Oliver and Scott. Both have presented demands without any breakdown or statement of affairs. Both have taken a fairly robust and threatening attitude with a demand I should telephone them. Merril Ede threaten bankruptcy proceedings. Surely bankruptcy would mean non-recovery of the debt - or are they merely being vindictive? Does anyone have any light they could shine on these affairs before I tell them where they can go?
  23. Hi I had a recoreded Letter deleivered today..I wasnt in to sign for it!! It has no name .just Ower/occupier..Im thinking this could be a SD Have DCA sent letters with owner/occupier before to catch ppl out ??
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