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  1. From their website: "Charged to cover the administration of issuing an arrears chase letter." - Outgoing arrears letter I'm not condoning missing mortgage payments, but surely £27.50 is a lot for a one-page (presumably computerised) letter and envelope being sent out? I think this has been covered previously (in 2011) but I'm not sure of my best course of action. Or whether I have a claim at all? Can anyone help me? I have received 2 of these letters in the last fortnight alone. £55 is hard to take for 2 sheets of paper and 2 envelopes! This figure is clearly exceeding actual administrative costs, and I find them unfair and therefore unlawful. Are they well within their rights to charge such a figure? Sometimes I have had these letters without even a prior phone-call to chase/remind me to make payment.
  2. Hello, I have the following issue and was wondering if someone could help me figure out what I should do: CRS (Credit Resource Solutions) are txting me every day regarding a very old debt (but not older that 6 years) to a payday loan company Pixie Loans. They only text, never call and I never received any letters via post, I think they don't know my address as I have moved. They are threatening with court actions and CCJs. And told me that they have sent me a letter but I never received anything apart from regular texts. Is there anything they can really do, can they really take me to court if I have not received any official letters via post? I was thinking of sending them a letter and asking to do everything only in writing but at the same time if they do not know my address and my email address - I do not want to give them that information. And sending a letter without a return address doesn't seem to make sense... Not sure what to do in this case. Are these texts enough to get me a CCJ? should I reply?
  3. OK last year i set up a monthly DD to pay my car road tax. This has been paid every single month and i have never missed a payment. At the beginning of April i received a letter saying my car was not taxed the letter was dated around the middle of march. I checked my bank and found the DD for April had been paid so i assumed it must have been a mistake. I just received a second letter telling me my car was not taxed so this time i checked online and it shows my car as being not taxed. There is no reason why my car tax is not taxed. The monthly DD is still being paid and has never failed the M.O.T was renewed in March 2017 1 week before the old M.O.T was due to expire and the insurance has just been renewed a few days ago. I dont know who to contact to sort this out as all the phone numbers seem to be automated and im now worried about being finned for a mistake that is clearly the DVLA's fault. Any advice please? Thanks
  4. The following is from the BBC News today: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4057088/Car-clampings-double-tax-discs-axed.html
  5. Hello all, I am using BTHH5 and every night my broadband is dropping from 35MGB to 3-4MGB after 7pm. I am having a nightmare with BT understanding what I am trying to tell them and have an Engineer coming out tomorrow morning to look at the fault. The problem is, the broadband will be fine when they come out to look at it. Does anyone have any idea how to fix this? Ryan
  6. People moving house will be able to easily compare broadband speeds at different addresses before buying for the first time under government plans Internet firms will be ordered to hand over data on broadband speeds for individual addresses rather than just geographical areas under changes contained in the Digital Economy Bill. It is hoped the move will encourage price comparison websites to create easy to use searches of broadband speeds at different properties. Currently, if a house-hunters wants to check how quick broadband is at a property of interest they must individually approach every different internet firm. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/09/12/broadband-speeds-for-every-property-to-be-made-easily-available/
  7. Hi, I have searched the forums for a couple of hours trying to get my head around the next step to take in reference to my letter titled: "Notice of Allocation to the Small Claims Track (Hearing)". Copy of letter [ATTACH=CONFIG]59738[/ATTACH] The case is regarding a landlord who took close to 2,000GBP without a signed contract in place and refused to refund my money. I never received the room or anything in return. Question I have (Sorry if they seem obvious, I haven't been to court before and I have searched for a while trying to find the answers) 1) Is this called a "Court Bundle"? 2) Do I send EVERYTHING to Edmonton Court AND my landlord who is the defendant? (I actually send all my evidence to the defendant? Witness statements and everything?) 3) What is typically included in this scenario (Court bundle?)? Are there any templates online for any of these documents? 4) I have incurred extra fees leading up to the hearing, how do I add this to the amount of attempting to claim? Is it possible? I have so far... - I have two witness statements (They are kinda just letters stating what happened; signed by the witness, nothing special) - A copy of my bank statement and an event log (The event log is what happened in my own words with times and dates) - The original contract (It has been signed by me, but not my wife, who was the TO-BE dual tenant). This contract never changed hands back to the landlord. Should I bring it? - I opened an original MCOL claim after the landlord provided me with false information regarding his name and address. I was told I couldn't proceed and had to open a new MCOL with his correct information. I spent £80 on doing this and wasted a lot of time. Should I include this? - I also found a lot of information online regarding the landlord, very bad posts on forums of very questionable nature (Like ripping off the UK government and terrorism). Is it worth including anything like this? or just leave it alone? Sorry if this seems obvious to the training eye, but I hope the comments also help others in my situation. Thank you
  8. Ebay has decided in its wisdom to allow a link through advert for Ocean Finance in every UK listing. In the name of making a small amount of money they have done something that will cause insult to every catholic and moslem customer by forcing each seller to display an advert for a company that under the doctrines held by both religious groups is promoting ursury and forbidden. As this covers more than half of the world's population I really hope they have thought this one through as I cant see the benefit of upsetting that many people and breaking the law in many countries from as near as Italy and as far away as Indonesia and South America. Well done thy good and faithful servant (Matt 25.21)
  9. Used to just get an email when someone replied on a thread I posted on, and then wouldn't get any others unless I visit the thread again, and then someone posts another reply. But now, I am getting emails for every thread update regardless if I have visited it recently or not. Resulting in 8 emails within an hour just on 1 thread. Is this something changed recently?
  10. Asked if I could pay an old vets bill in three stages only to be emailed by DCA who had added another £70 but offered to take off £30 for an unposted letter. They addes £40 for the first letter. I did not think they could do this. Am I wrong?
  11. The Student Loans Company (SLC) is overcharging almost 80,000 graduates by ten per cent every year – leaving them £580 out-of-pocket each time. Automatic income contingent repayments (ICR) begin when a graduate begins to earn over a certain amount of money once they complete their studies. The repayments are collected through the UK tax system where borrowers remain in the UK. However, as the SLC only receives information from HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) about what customers have repaid once a year – after employers have finalised their annual tax returns – there is a ‘time lag’ which means thousands of people nearing the end of their repayments overpay, unless they opt for payment by direct debit. http://www.independent.co.uk/student/news/student-loans-company-is-overcharging-almost-80000-graduates-by-580-every-year-baker-tilly-finds-10431230.html
  12. Hi, Firstly, sorry if this is the wrong section. I wasn't sure if it should go in the retail forum or not. Earlier this year I (an individual) entered into an agreement with a company whereby I rent a web server from them. At the time of entering the agreement the Distance Selling Regulations (2000) were still in force. There was no minimum term to this contract, and there's no obligation for me to renew at the end of each renewal period. I make manual renewal payments each month by logging into their website, and clicking 'Renew' next to the relevant service. The expiry date of the service is listed next to the 'Renew' button and the subsequent page allows for the selection of the renewal duration (1 month, 3 months, etc). If I want to cancel a server, I do not need to contact the company. Non-payment/non-renewal is considered cancellation. An administrative mishap last month led to their systems automatically deleting one of my servers which involves wiping its hard disks to the point where data recovery is impossible. This deletion has caused inconvenience and loss of data. I still have one server with them, but I am no longer able to trust them, and am worried the same mistake may occur with this server this month. I've therefore moved all data from it to another provider. Their current contract is still worded pursuant to DSR and allows a customer to cancel within 7 days without giving reason. I contacted the company informing them that I wish to use my right under the Consumer Contracts Regulations (2013) to cancel the server, and expect a pro-rated refund for the time remaining in this renewal period. They replied stated they did not believe my rights under CCR reply as I am on a "rolling monthly contract". However, it's my contention that every time I manually renew the server, a new contract is formed (for the duration of the renewal period I select) along with all the rights and protections afforded by the CCR. What do you think? Am I within my rights to cancel this renewal? Thanks
  13. A friend's car is being fixed due to an accident that wasn't their fault. They have been told by the garage fixing the car (referred to by the other party's insurer) that they cannot have a courtesy car unless they agree to drive it every day. Further that the car has a tracker that will check this. Their own insurer has confirmed this. I can't find any info about this by internet search. It seems bizarre and unenforceable to me. The friend has been separately advised to simply hire a car from elsewhere that doesn't have this restriction. This sounds like reasonable advice. So specifically I'm curious as to whether people have experienced the weird requirement.
  14. I have had a sim only account with vodafone business for about 15 months now. The bills have been incorrect for at least 7 of those months. I stupidly agreed to another 12 months contract around 3 months ago, but I really cant afford to be spending 20-30 minutes on the phone each month sorting out their mess. When I signed up originally, I was given 12 months free spotify. After 6 months, I started getting charged £10 a month. Each month, I would ring up, have to explain everything again, and they would put a £10 credit on my account to cancel out the charge. Each month I was promised it would be sorted for the next month, but it never was! This caused a lot of unnecessary admin for me. This went on for at least 4 months. When I phoned to cancel a few months ago (I was out of contract), they were very apologetic, and promised me I would be billed correctly. They offered me a decent deal, which included a £50 credit, plus 6 months free spotify. The first month it was billed correctly.... but last month it was incorrect. I spent over half an hour being passed around trying to sort this out, and eventually spoke to somebody who promised he would fix it. Yesterday I received a bill, and not only does it not have the £10 credit to reverse last months incorrect bill, but I have also been charged £10 for spotify AGAIN. Also, I have been charged for 11 days eurotraveller, when I was only abroad for 8 days that month! I am sick to death of this, and do not have the time to have to sort out this mess every single month. Am I able to cancel this without any penalty? I have given them many opportunities to bill me correctly.
  15. Brighthouse targets the lower income families knowing that is a captured customer base. Because they have a captured customer base, they can make big profits by offering low weekly payments, which makes the offers look attractive and affordable, coupled with a very high interest rate. If we take just one item, a Sony PlayStation 4 with a few games, Brighthouse price on extended payment terms £1,352, elsewhere buying the PlayStation and games separately, £449 or less, a difference of £903. You can buy a nice little car for £903. Think about it.
  16. hope every body is doing alright! I am new to this webpage, after discovering it exploring the depths of Google. I hope to find a lot of new friends here and help or be helped on some tricky situations. have a good day!
  17. Long/short story. Got a new advisor, and she was awful. Putting me down, being rude so I complained. She also tried to sanction me because she said she didn't think I was trying hard enough. I have dyslexia and struggle with writing. And she said me written job search wasn't good enough. I'm not sure if I will lose my money or not. Anyway - after complaining to the manager, the manager wanted to sit in on the meeting. She did. Well because I have removed access to my universal job match they are not making me email every day showing what I am doing. Are they allowed to do this? It seems unreasonable to me.
  18. I own a Vauxhall corsa vxr nurburgring edition. Vauxhalls flagship. the car is 2 years old on a 62reg the mileage is 4000 car cost is £18k I started to notice a clunk from the gearbox I went to my local Vauxhall dealership in July .Penfolds Lewisham South East. and Left My Car In Penfolds Repair Garage to be Diagnosed. I got a call the same day from Chris the service desk at penfolds and he told mey car has low compression cylinder 4 and a Vauxhall engineer has to be send out to inspect my car. and penfolds was sure is was due to engine remapping - decided to Void my warranty on my Standard Car. I decided to call Vauxhall customer care department/ Vauxhalls head office in Luton and spoke to a representative I Explained the problem my car has and the dealership voiding the warranty and they could not help me and stop the dealership from voiding my warranty I decided to call them again the following day and I managed to speak with the regional manager Vauxhall Luton. he told me my car's warranty should not be voided on a car with such low millage and with no signs of modifications he assigned a engineer to inspect my car and told penfolds to continue diagnosing the problem. 3 weeks later no engineer showed up and Vauxhall customer care representative called me and said iv got to sign a disclaimer for Vauxhall to send off my ECU Unit To Germany to Be Inspected and can take 2 weeks to come back with results to see if the ECU is standard and not remapped. this is outrageous because all Vauxhall wanted to do is find excuses not to fix my car because im a young lad with a vxr and the dealership automatically say the problem is due to the way I drive or that I have remapped my engine. it is terrible the way Vauxhall have dealt with me and the time It has taken to get things moving is just not good enough. 5 weeks later my Ecu Arrived at the dealership from Germany when it should of only been 2 weeks and the test results was CLEAR ECU STANDERD Vauxhall was very embarrassed and assured me my car will be fixed but they have still not accepted the warranty claim and fix my car and they have to send a engineer out to inspect my car what I would say they mean find more excuses to not fix my car. now after 7 weeks my car being in Vauxhalls dealership I had a phone call from Vauxhalls customer care and she said I have to sign another disclaimer for the dealership to strip my engine and they will send a engineer to inspect my car. now its the end of September my cars been in the dealership near enough 3 months and Vauxhall do not have a clue what is wrong with my car and they have rejected my warranty claim to fix my car. and have put me aside now because of all the steering reclaims Vauxhall. are to busy to talk to me let alone fix my car. after 11weeks I have had nothing but Vauxhall to tell me false lies and excuses to get out of paying to rectify the problems and fix my car avoid this company with all means my car is 100% standard with 4000 genuine miles and still in manufactures warranty and still Vauxhall will not fix a common problem of cylinder 4 low compression/misfire also engine oil is leaking from engine head and Vauxhall do not have no clue what is wrong with my car and refuse to honour my warranty please email me for any questions on this and I will be happy to help [removed]
  19. Peter and Judith Lewis were left humiliated when they tried to switch to a better current account deal as Nationwide turned them down, due to a bad debt, despite the pair never having had any money troubles. I rang the credit reference company and said: “You’ve libelled me.” We were so angry with them. Read More
  20. Hi, When I moved into this property, I had to pay $45 for a credit check and referral check to start the residency. Since then, every 6 months, to renew the tenancy (6 month fixed AST) they charge me the same over and over again for credit checks and reference checks. Can they keep on doing this? 1) THere is no evidence on my credit report that any checks were carried out 2) The references I gave them confirmed that they've never been spoken to about the tenancy at all I'm just getting prepared to argue this, as I'm almost certain that they will come back and tell me, 'its an admin fee'. THis time, its in the order of £60. In terms of the admin fee, they pretty much print off the same MS Word Document, which luckily I have a copy of too, and send it to me. SOme advice would be greatly appreciated as I'm in a bit of a rutt. I dont sign and I risk rent increases every 6 months, which has been happening (April and Oct/Nov each year) or I sign and get docked anyway. APril the contractual 4% admin increase and Oct/Nov the %10 greedy LL increase. Cheers, A
  21. I have a long standing agreement with a company called Rockwell over a credit card debt to HSBC. I have made every agreed payment which is only £1.00 per month. This agreement has been periodically reviewed and as my circumstances have not changed the agreed payments have continued. In the last three weeks I have received a letter every day (except Sunday) from them requesting a financial statement these letters have become more and more threatening with legal costs, court etc etc. I remember reading on this site a while ago that a financial statement can only be requested by a court. Is this correct? I have told Rockwell that my circumstances have not changed but they are not having any of it. Many Thanks in advance
  22. According to a report following FOI requests to 71 councils. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/cars/article-2149731/A-parking-fine-handed-4-6-seconds.html
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