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Found 3 results

  1. Ebay has decided in its wisdom to allow a link through advert for Ocean Finance in every UK listing. In the name of making a small amount of money they have done something that will cause insult to every catholic and moslem customer by forcing each seller to display an advert for a company that under the doctrines held by both religious groups is promoting ursury and forbidden. As this covers more than half of the world's population I really hope they have thought this one through as I cant see the benefit of upsetting that many people and breaking the law in many countries from as near as Italy and as far away as Indonesia and South America. Well done thy good and faithful servant (Matt 25.21)
  2. Hi I just got yet another letter from tax credits saying we owe them nearly £3k! They have already got our totals wrong and wrote back to them last week with new totals, this came today and is dated 9/6/16 It says I get over £8k a year,, wish I did, only get a state pension. The ex claimed tax credits for himself and added me but they were informed of my pension which stated last year, they have our combined income at in excess of £25k! He is on £7.20 a hour, 45 hour week,,, was on £6.50 till NMW came in, we worked it all out for the years 2015 to 2016 taking into account the NMW and new living wage, I guess have to wait for them to get the new details that were sent last week but how are we supposed to pay £3k back, we do not have it. I am shaking and upset right now and the ex is not here! Sandy xx
  3. After booking a holiday on xmas eve, i only paid the deposit. today i wanted to call up the company and pay the remainder. It was an 08444 number so i looked on the internet to find an alternative landline. I found one. yay...but then the guy on the other end gave me another number to call to pay direct.... i called it and it told me to pay online at trulyholidays dot com / pay so i did......… .then when i rang as i hadnt had a new booking confirmation, i realised i was passed pillow to post and had paid money to a company where no holiday existed ( it wasn't where i booked MY holiday ) i called this company up to be told they cant do anything and that i should call my holiday company, and see what they say. i rang the bank to try and cancel the transaction to be told it had already gone through... .but to wait 15 working days for it to clear then raise a dispute.... what does the bank mean by raise a dispute? I also contacted by email truly holidays to find out how it is they managed to let me pay for a holiday that doesnt exist on their computers, explained my situation and provided a print screen of the completed transaction....no response from truly holidays. thats 350 pounds gone and ive no idea how to get it back!!!!
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