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  1. I used parcels2go to send a loaded guitar body, it went with hermes, the order was placed on the 6th Jan it never arrived at its destination which was no later than the 14th Jan, i paid extra for insurance and it was insured for £70, when i enquired its whereabouts some one at parcels2go said they would look into it and get back to me within two days which they didn’t, so i contacted them again, they then opened an enquiry to find out where my parcel was which they then said they would contact me by the 30th, again they didn’t do that either so i contacted them again and was told they are still waiting for contact from hermes, i get the distinct feeling i am being given the run around here, i already refunded the customer when i realised his parcel had gone missing at the hermes London depot, is there anything i can do about this or do i sit around and just wait, i think i have waited long enough myself.
  2. My Mother is 96 and has had a M&S CC for many years, used for phone and online shopping which also gave her a feeling of independence as she rarely left the house. She began displaying signs of dementia late last year following a stroke, then fell at Christmas suffering a v serious head injury and was not expected to survive. She was eventually stabilised, though only after two scary doubt-filled relapses. It was then immediately clear that her dementia had deepened v substantially, and to make a long and very evil story short my Mother has in just a few weeks been replaced by someone who looks like her but has no memories, doesn't retain anything she is told conversationally for longer than 30-60 seconds, has no retained awareness therefore of her circumstances or where she is, who never has a yesterday to help her understand today, is confused on a good day and distressed on a bad one, doesn't recognise friends/some-family, and only occasionally recognises me when I tell her who I am. She is now in permanent residential dementia care where we continue to visit a very frail stranger unable to look after herself and needing help with all aspects of daily life, and that we love very much but can do nothing to help, only ... observe. Anyway ... I am dealing with her personal affairs. I would like to know please whether a card-issuer - M&S in this case - has legitimate recourse to family if the card-holder is neither competent nor capable and is unable to settle an outstanding balance, in this case just under £2K. Today the State takes all of Mum's pension and benefits to offset some of the £900+ p.w. cost of her Care, with the exception of a few pounds as so-called pocket-money to provide "personal treats" like toothpaste and replacement clothes/undies etc. Treats? There is no longer any possibility of the outstanding balance being settled by Mum from any source at all, she has no assets and had been getting by just okay on her State Pension+ small benefits whilst in a sheltered-housing bungalow since my Father died. I have been far too preoccupied to bother with the M&S reminder-letters over the past three months, but should take control before things escalate. I don't have any problem ignoring DCs if M&S moves it along, however I'd rather put the brakes on with M&S before that stage. So, to repeat my question ... I assume that in Law M&S would have recourse to income or assets, however there are none and I am wanting to know if In Law there is then permitted-recourse to family for the debt? If they try to make noise instead of writing the balance off, I am perfectly capable of berating M&S very robustly about pursuing a 96 year old woman in residential care with dementia! However, before then I want to be clear in my mind about the legitimacy of any other channels they may claim to be entitled to pursue for recovery. In reality they would actually be unsuccessful that way also as I am 71, retired with no assets and only state pension income, and with debts and obligations of my own already after a past business-collapse. I'm not concerned with that just now however, just in knowing whether M&S would be on solid ground if they should respond by saying that in these circumstances the debt becomes the responsibility of someone's family to settle if their assets/estate isn't able to cover it. So can someone advise on that one point please? Thanks! Howard
  3. Hi there CAG Community! So relieved there is hope out there - CAG!! In a nutshell, I have lived in Abu Dhabi, UAE, for many, many years.. I had a credit card and a loan, of those in the know, is a must if you are in need of renting any property as x2 payments up-front are needed..Anyways, long story short, I have always paid my loans/CC's on time, every time. In Dec 2017, I was unfairly dismissed, (part of the emiritization restructuring) and was given 3-hours notice to leave. Contravened Labor Law, thus was unlawful (which didn't make a difference) desperately tried to fight for my End of Service benefits, notice monies etc... which all went down the 'inshallah' road. Time and money ran out, I have had to leave Abu Dhabi as could no longer stay live there with my wife/kids as had no income.. Had to return to the UK in Feb 2018. Thus defaulting on monthly payments. Total debt; in the region of AED123k, approx £22k excluding the ungoverned interest rates Right, to the point; I have received an email from a collections agency couple days ago. The email is as follows: Dear xxxxx, First Abu Dhabi Bank (PJSC), Unique Identification Number xxxxxx We have been instructed by First Abu Dhabi Bank (PJSC) (the merger of First Gulf Bank and National Bank of Abu Dhabi) in the Middle East to deal with a number of liabilities owed by individuals resident here in the UK. All of our work in this respect is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in the UK (under FCA licence number 737367). A liability in your name features on a portfolio which we have been instructed to manage. We have been provided with this email address for you, so our intention is for all communications to be directed to this address. That said, we know and are sensitive to the fact that debt is a serious and very worrying issue for many people - so we do not want to increase that burden by communicating with you through inconvenient channels. Accordingly, if you do not want to be contacted via this email address, please let us have an alternative means of communication, within the next 7 days; either a telephone number, another email address or a residential postal address. If you do not take up this opportunity to direct us down a particular communication path (or paths) then we will assume that the continued use of this email address for communication is acceptable to you going forward. Please telephone us on 01494 911099 within the next 7 days. Our operators are here to help you Monday to Friday between 9am and 5.30pm. Please quote the above Unique Identification Number when you call. Please note that there is free debt advice available for anybody in the UK who needs it. This resource is available from the following organisations, amongst others: citizensadvise and moneyadviceservice
  4. Hello all. So todayI received a “CONTROL OF GOODS” letter at my house from Newlyn. It was for a PCN which I had received, whilst the car was registered in my mum’s name. Since this January, the car has been registered in my name. Also, the house is in my name, but the car has always been registered at my home address. Cut a long story short, my folks split their time between our house in Spain and the UK. When in the UK, they are based at my address. They wanted £248 paid by the 11/07, but the letter wasn’t received by them until the 22/07, as my folks were away until then. Upon seeing the letter, I paid £98 on the 24/07 and paid the remaining £75 yesterday. My plan was to have it paid by the end of the month. In total, I paid £173 for the PCN. This did not include the £75 compliance charge which I wasn’t going to pay. Although, I was going to send Newlyn a letter asking them to justify their compliance fee. The ticket was from Ealing council and wasn’t the first one I’ve had from them, so I don’t have a problem paying the actual ticket. That was £175. My concern with that is that Ealing council never sent through any notifications that I had forgotten to pay the original PCN. If they had done, it would have been with any post addressed to my mum. And having had tickets in her name before due to my parking, I’d have heard about it  When my folks came back, the first they’d heard about it was when a letter from Newlyn arrived. This is something I need to deal with after as my main concern is Newlyn returning to my house. I believe I need to get my mum to send off a TE7 form to the Traffic Enforcement Centre as at the time, the car was in her name. Am I correct in this ? I’m not contesting the PCN. I received the ticket and never paid for it.However, it seemed to go straight to the enforcement stage. This morning, I received an unsealed, hand delivered letter through my letterbox. It was dated the 17/07/18, which already got alarm bells ringing for me. It was the “control of goods letter” saying to either pay £826 straight away, or have goods removed. I haven’t contacted them yet, as I wanted to get some advice on the matter first. Can my car be clamped, or removed if it’s now in my name and on my drive? I’m self-employed too and use the car for work purposes. Also, can they enter my house forcefully? By that, I mean can they force locks open to get in and remove goods? And if they do turn up, what should I be saying and asking? My plan was to contact the person who left me the letter this morning, as they left a contact number.Also, to contact Newlyn. As far as I’m concerned, the £173 for the PCN has been paid. Anything else is just Newlyn trying to get money from me. What really concerns me is the two-week discrepancy from the date on the letter, to when they posted it through my letterbox. Like I said, I had no problem paying the PCN but £656 in “fees” is just robbery. I’ve been looking over various parts of the forum today to see if others have had similar situations. Seems I’m not alone  I hope that all made sense.
  5. Hermes Courier broke window stay shoving a parcel through my porch window. The parcel wasnt for me but of 6 doors up and they didnt try delivering there or ringing my doorbell. Made a complaint and that is where it all went wrong. they mixed my name up with the intended recipient of the parcel. The manager who I spoke to and agreed that I would get a mate to replace the catch and he would send something nice as a gesture of goodwill. Well it didnt arrive and after a total of 12 more calls it turns out that the idiot didnt know what gesture of goodwill meant and so didnt do anything about it. No wonder he showed a lack of imagination when I asked him to think of something appropriate for the circumstance as people usually send flowers or chocolates. When i get the notes read back to me he had noted that as I hadnt sent them an invoice number for the flowers to he couldnt pay for it and left it at that. The customer services team cant read the complaints teams notes and vice versa so they have to email each other, the managers dont return calls in the promised time and make their junior staff appear to be incompetent at best and liars at worst and no-one would take control of the mess even the company chief exec denying he was the complaints dept overall boss but wouldnt say who was actually between him and them for "Data Protection". Just the job title would have done but not just the word "manager" as that could be anyone or no-one. They refused to send out stuff under a SAR as I wouldnt supply them with an email address ( they actually had it and I told them to stop being lazy and look at the notes but of course it was a different department that had that info). They said they dont send things in the post - THEY ARE A POSTAL SERVICE how the hell do they think they deliver all of the other stuff broken by them, by teleporting it? If they have any sense they would order a nice bottle of wine from Ocado and let them deliver it as they can manage to dispatch an order the same day (Hermes originally said it would take at least 3 days to deliver my GOGW as they are not a next day service and had seemingly never heard of Tesco online or Ocado) and not lose it or break it. We will see what the end of the day brings as They will be using RM to deliver their AOS to the County Court should I decide enough is enough. Truly they are the worst company to deal with I have come across as far as CS goesn and TalkTalk try to hold on to that crown with some pretty bad teams in the Phillipines and SA to navigate where Hermes all live in the same building in Leeds. Only posting this becasue they have hidden under a stone on Facebook and their livechat has gone dumb as well. Funny coincidence?
  6. Hi, I have been paying off an old debt to original creditor at £10/month for the past 9yrs. I recently got a letter from Nolans Solicitors telling me that Marlin have appointed them to request payment of the full amount which is over £9k, a way load more than original debt. I have noticed the original debt is no longer on my credit file I have still kept paying the £10/month to the original debtor. Can anyone advise what I should do? It was taken out about 12yrs ago. Thanks
  7. Name of the Claimant ? Lowell Portfolio 1 Ltd Date of issue – What is the claim for – 1.The Claimant's claim is for the amount of £800 being monies due from the Defendant to the Claimant, under a Store Cards, Credit Cards agreement regulated by the Consumer Credit Act 1974 between the Defendant and Vanquis Bank Plc under account reference xxxxxxx and assigned to the Claimant on 14/04/14 notice of which has been given to the Defendant. 2. The Defendant has failed to maintain the contractual payment under the terms of the agreement and a default notice has been served and not complied with. 3. The claim also includes the statutory interest pursuant to section 69 of the County Courts Act 1984 at a rate of 8% per annum (a daily rate of £0.16p from the date of assignment of the agreement to 14/04/14 being an amount of £60). What is the value of the claim? £950 Is the claim for - a Bank Account (Overdraft) or credit card or loan or catalogue or mobile phone account? Credit card When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? After Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. Debt collector Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? The account was opened at a different address to mine. I lived at this address about 20 years ago but have moved twice since then. I received a debt collector letter in 2013 for this and I wrote and said they have the wrong person but I did not hear a thing until March this year when I got a County Court summons. Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? No Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? No Why did you cease payments? I have never made any payments (neither has the person who opened this account) What was the date of your last payment? None Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? Yes, its not my account Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management? No Hi, I am looking for any advice that I can get. TIA. I have copied the bit from the sticky and put my information in and posted it below. I have filed the defence and done all that I can. The case will be in court in a couple of weeks time. I am not nervous about the court bit, I wanted to check to see if anyone has any advice as it is a fraudulent account. I have reported it to the police via action fraud website and told BW Legal about this, but they are not listening. I have proof that the address the account was started out is not mine etc but they are not responding to any of the points that I am making. The main question that I have is: the account was started by someone using my maiden name. The account was started in 2012. I got married in 2003. Should I tell BW Legal that they are using my name wrong?
  8. Hello everyone, Yesterday I received a Penalty charge note for a parking offence in Budapest in month of August 2016. It is about 6 month ago. The company which is representing the charge is called Euro Parking Collection Plc or epcplc.com I do remember visiting Budapest and staying for few days but I did always paid for my parking but unfortunately I do not have the parking pay and display proof after 6 months of time. They also send me a link for viewing pictures of my caddy parked in the street and had a penalty charge note placed under my wiper which I never found it. My question is if they are are any legal to present parking ticket 6 month old from a different state of Europe. The pictures they sent me does not show anywhere if I had parked there illegally. In one of the picture does show a parking pay and display ticked but up side down or printed side was turned by an accident. As I mentioned that I did went to Budapest but I paid parking where it was required and I also paid the motorway vignette. Shall I pay them, ignore them or file an appeal mentioning the pictures does not show if I was parked illegally. Please help as I really do not want to pay for something I believe is wrong. I have also noticed that the pictures are not on their website anymore.
  9. Hi, I'm hoping someone can give me some advice. I have an old MBNA debt which I defaulted on in 2010. Since then I have religiously been making pro-rata payments up to and including this month. MBNA sold the debt to Aktiv Kapital who in turn sold it to PRA in 2014. I know that PRA have been receiving my payments because they sent me a letter towards the end of last year saying "...thank you for your ongoing commitment to the payment arrangement on your account". It goes on to say "....We would therefore like to make you aware that if it suits your current financial situation, you could settle your agreement by paying a discounted amount which is detailed below" The letter ends with " If you feel you are unable to pay the settlement amount then please continue with your arrangement as normal." Which I have done! However, on the claim form they state "..Payments of £307 received up to 16/6/16" and are now claiming sum owed plus 8% interest + court fee + legal costs. I know I have not missed any payments because my bank statements tell me so I know they have been receiving them because they wrote and thanked me for my continued commitment 4 months after the date that they claim they received last payment. To say I was shocked and confused to receive the claim form from the court is an understatement. What's going on? and how to tackle this? Any help would be appreciated.
  10. Seems a bit surreal have just been denied a breakdown because the car was within 1/4 mile of my home despite being 0.4 miles by road. If I want to claim I have to pay £60 now + add £6 a month to my policy. Ive had a look at the policy and it states within 1/4 mile. Nothing about it being measured in pigeon miles. I'd go as far as to say the whole things crazy. I guess what i'm wondering is do I have any grounds for complaint?, luckily my dad has been able to recover on his but its still a major inconvenience and I just cant get the logic other than them deliberately trying to get out of a recovery. They are a road company that even offer navigation services yet measure through the sky when it suits. Rant over.
  11. Hi I purchased a sofa on eBay from an actual company, as opposed to a private seller. I paid using a credit card, but as it was on eBay, it went through PayPal. I entered my card number directly, rather than using it as a funding source, if that makes sense. I.e. it was a direct purchase with my card rather than PayPal being used as a staged wallet. I make this distinction because I wanted to know whether this gives me any section 75 rights. So anyway the sofa broke after 3 months. The wood supporting the legs broke so the legs went up inside the base.. Although it was only £150, an item should be fit for purpose and not break so soon, especially as the item description said 'high quality materials used'. I contacted the seller but they wanted nothing to do with it, insisting that I should have noticed the defect earlier. As it was over 30 days, they claim I had accepted the item and could not return it. I supplied photographic evidence but they said that someone must have exerted excessive force on it. This is untrue, we have only sat on it normally and not even used it as a sofa bed which it does convert to. So I opened a dispute with PayPal. They heard my side of the story and I asked if they required either the photographs or the correspondence between myself and the seller as proof, but they said not yet, they would request it if they needed it. The next thing that happened is the seller responded to the case (I didn't get to see their response) then PayPal ruled in their favour without me being able to offer any counter argument or evidence. I need to know what I can do next. Should I contact my credit card company? Info on MoneySavingExpert suggests that using PayPal prevents you from claiming under section 75 but it doesn't draw any distinction between PayPal as a wallet and PayPal as a gateway service. I was hoping that using my card directly may help. What other options are available? My wife was successful in using the government Money Claim service so I may do that if the credit card avenue is not viable. The eBay returns process doesn't seem to cover any scenario after 30 days. The company is Furniture In Fashion if that helps or rings any bells with anyone. Any advice welcome! Thanks Burton
  12. Hello All, I would request someone's help on how to proceed my case in the court. I have made overseas funds transfer from my HSBC account to one of my Indian friend account on Sep 1st 2016. I have received the confirmation from HSBC about my debits to my address but the transfer did not happen from their end. I understand there are some processes they have to follow it, but I feel which is not properly streamlined and it’s really putting the customer into frustration. It was an emergency situation that I need to support financially through this fund, but because of the issue and delay made by HSBC bank, I was pushed into very worst situation. I had come across lots of confusions and lost my reputation around my family and friends in my native place. The beneficiary did not receive my payment for more than a week, wherein I have received the confirmation papers from HSBC about my debits. I thought it’s a problem with beneficiary account and was in confusion. I waited for few more days but the situation was same, beneficiary lost the trust on me which I promised them to help on his emergency. They thought I did not do any transfer and I am just saying. I thought they have received the payment and they are kidding me. Later the situation went worst with multiple arguments between us. And I was really ****ed off and called HSBC on 8th September and I got to know my payment was kept on hold for some review. And I was completely upset and disappointed because of the bank issue it had created lots of problem in my personnel life. I explained them the situation, also I have questioned them why it was not informed to the customer when they keep their transaction on hold and there was no proper response from them for my queries. The customer executive promised me someone will call from payments team within 24 hours as this is an emergency transfer. But nobody had called me within 24 hours from the time I called them. I hope they tried to reach me after the timelines that they have promised to me but I couldn’t pick that call. Later no call back from them and emails from them. By this time I have lost my peace and my reputation was already spoiled with my people, as I couldn’t help the emergency situation; I couldn’t keep up my words and promise, Moreover my relationship bond with the beneficiary was broke because of this. I was completely upset, mentally stressed and hurt. Even after a week later there was no update from bank, I called them again on 13th Sep the situation was still the same, and they collected some information to proceed with the transfer. I have given all the information they wanted from me. That time my only intension is to prove the beneficiary that I really tried helping them. After providing all the information to the bank I requested them to release the funds as quick as possible. But no luck with that calls as well. I have called the bank again on 16th Sep (not sure on this date) to check the status and it was told by them the information’s that they collected from me was not good enough to release the funds, which made me mad. I questioned them then why did they collect those and when they feel it’s not good enough why can’t they collect the required information, but again no response. Later I told them to cancel the fund and put the money back into HSBC Advance account which got credited on 20th September. In between I launched a complaint also in HSBC around 13th Sep and I got a response for that complaint on 6th October 2016 almost a month later… Meanwhile I have arranged the funds in India through different source by paying the extra excess interest. And for almost a month I was mentally stressed because of the problems I had with the beneficiary as they are very close relation with me. I was fully upset and couldn’t concentrate on work or anything, which could have led me to life damaging event. And to solve these issues I have travelled to India on November by taking leaves.. And I have filed complaint with Ombudsman in November regarding this. After collecting all these information and multiple reviews they have come up with saying 250 GBP can be paid as compensation. But before even filing with Ombudsman, HSBC staff called me and tried to convince me with the compensation of 30GBP, for the situation that I have been put through because of their mistake. I detailed him because of the bank mistake what all issues I have faced and moreover I have arranged the fund in my native to help the beneficiary by paying extra interest money along with the principal fund. Then he tried to convince me by increasing the compensation by equalising with the extra interest I paid in my native, which is 120 GBP. I did not accept. But Ombudsman Took almost 9 months to drive and finalised 250 GBP, which is not fair. Here no body has considered because of bank mistake how much it impacted one personnel and professional life which has put them on mental stress, loss of relationship, loss of reputation, more I have spent extra amount on arranging funds in India, I have travelled to India on my own cost, I have used my vacation leaves for this purpose, I feel all the above factors to be considered for compensation. I have spent almost 350 pounds for my air tickets, 242 pounds as extra interest in India, ten days of salary 1000 GBP, so total of 1592 Pounds I have spent for fixing the issue, But the pain I went through for that duration, which damaged my life with loss of reputation, loss in relation, mental stress, all these are to be considered. Please advice on this
  13. First of all, thanks all for contributing to this forum, your time and efforts are highly appreciated! I have received a Final Decision (rejection) from my employer's Group Income Protection insurance (UNUM) I have asked my employer to appeal UNUM's decision through the FOS (as I am not the policyholder) but they have declined to do so and refused to send me a copy of their T&C with UNUM. I am still off sick with bipolar and anxiety disorder and my claim is roughly around 16k£ Any suggestions? I feel like my only recourse at this point is against my employer
  14. What information is required by an Agency if someone wants to rent a flat/property ? My niece was asked for : Passport Driving Licence 6 months pay slips Employers Reference 6 months bank statements Utility Bills She was then charged £400.00 for the agency not showing anyone round the flat she was interested in whilst they were doing credit checks? Surely these take no time at all now? She was also advised that should the credit check not be satisfactory - then she would lose the £400.00 anyway? All this was aside from the 2 months rent in advance. She was not however, asked for a reference from the Landlady she had rented from for the past 4 years and who wanted the property back because she was going to live in it herself.
  15. Ryanair has told lawyers acting for a woman claiming compensation that it will no longer accept the jurisdiction of the English courts, in a case that has raised concerns over air passenger delay rights. The claims management company acting for a woman known only as Ms Menditta, who claimed against the Dublin-based Ryanair after a delay in 2015, have been told by the airline that a clause in the airline’s terms and conditions requires disputes to be decided by the Irish courts. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2016/dec/09/ryanair-says-womans-delay-claim-must-go-through-irish-courts Clause 2.4 of Ryanair's terms and conditions states that contract disputes will normally be subject to the jurisdiction of Irish courts, but until now has rarely invoked that clause. Ryanair has now declared it WILL recognise the jurisdiction of British courts in flight delay compensation cases, but only if customers shun third-party claims firms and approach the airline directly.
  16. Hi everyone, I'm new here I was involved in a lorry crash in early October and the lorry driver admitted full liability, so this is not in dispute. The original arrangement to sort out the mess to my car (he squashed the side of it) was to deal with it all privately through his own company. I was given details of who I should contact to arrange this. I thought this was a good idea becuase I thought if I went through my own insurance to sort it out with their insurance company, I would probably end up with a premium hike. I was keen to avoid that, so I just reported the accident instead and decided to do it all privately. I was contacted shortly after the accident by a claims management company who asked to do their own assessment on my car to ascertain the extent of damage. I had already done one of my own, got a quote for the damage. The quote itself cost £30. I told the claims management company that I needed my own garage to do the work because I was on a PCP Agreement and the terms stipulated that my own garage should do any repairs, preferably, to ensure original parts were used for replacements. I had to agree to the claims management company to do their own too. I was quite cross to see the Agent looking over my car in the forecourt of my house without having first knocked on my door. I noticed him out of the window. After he came and went, I had first told him about the Quote I already had paid for from my own garage - making it clear to him that those repairs would need to be done, not any revised work they might consider necessary instead. He said he would contact my garage for a copy of that. A few weeks later I got a call from another guy from the same claims management company who virtually accused me of having diddled the quote, asking for more work than was necessary - a complete re-spray - which was not necessary. I told him in no uncertain terms that the garage I got the quote from was bona fide and had a duty of care not to over-stipulate the work required by law when I checked it later, after the call, a re-spray wasn't even listed on it. I rang him again and told him that what was on that quote was the work I needed doing and they THEY would be paying for it. That was all there was to it, as far as I was concerned. He then told me that when he had contacted my garage for the quote, my garage had since refused to do this work for me - even though they had not told me personally about that decision. I rang them myself and they told me that they had said nothing of the kind but they did need a work repairs number to authorise payment from this claims management company or they could not begin work without it. I rang back the claim management guy what the outcome was at the claims management company and he agreed to go ahead with it all. I then put all this in writing this time, asking him specifically to reassure me that they would provide a works repair number to my garage to do the repairs, as per the quote they had originally given me. I also said in my email that the work may not be in full and final settlement if they discovered more needed to be done down the line and to confirm that they understood this. I did not get this, just a go ahead to book the garage. Since then I have done nothing at all to get the car repaired. I have been borrowing cars in my job lent to me by other clients, so my car has not been used much. However, I have been thinking about all of this and feel distinctly uneasy about going through this claims management company who are billing the company direct and leaving their own insurance company out of it. I feel now, given the messing about, the implied accusations, that the claims management company and my garage could easily cook up a deal behind my back to do less than was on the quote - so that the company pays less, but I don't get a comparable car back to what it was like before the crash. I now feel I want to chuck in all these behind the scenes arrangements, get in touch with their own insurance company and get them to instigate the repairs. I still don't intend to get my own insurance company involved though. Do you think I am being paranoid or do you think I am being set up for a fall? The works quote my garage compiled for the £30 charge is around £4300 worth of damage with a list of work to be carried out (and says nothing about a re-spray). My car is quite new and was not written off by the claim's management guy that looked over the car, even though it was officially worth £6800 at the time of the accident. The claims management company who are dealing with this on behalf of the lorry driver's company has issued a 'retail' works reference (not an insurance one). NB: Another thing I do not like about this private arrangement is that there are too many parties involved - the lorry driver's company, a company they speak to about repairs, the repair's department claim's management company (who also apparently work for the insurance company who they are not involving). It all seems too complicated to me. The last thing I want is to be taken for a ride and shafted in some way. Any advice from those who might be able to offer sound, constructive advice about this please?
  17. Hi all, I'm about to enter into an IVA. I have several thousand pounds of debt owed on my Virgin credit card and as a customer of Virgin Media, I am concerned that they may try to recover the debt through that account somehow (e.g increasing the direct debit) Does anybody have any thoughts / experience / advice on this? Thanks in advance.
  18. Hi all, I bought a car through a private sale a couple of months ago, (£1750) it was advertised as in Good Condition. It was test driven and all okay. Bought the car and within a couple of weeks there was an issue with starting and the lights on one side of the vehicle failed, as well as no reversing lights. I have just picked up the car from my local garage and they have fixed the light problem, broken wiring (£159) I had also asked them to check out the starting problem. and they have advised the following. 2 x diesel injectors found to be leaking fuel back to tank cost of £900 to fit including labour. There are also fault codes appearing EGR Valve signal and Camshaft Sensor Signal. (no costs given yet) I know this was a private purchase, but I am wondering that as these are mechanical and would not have been seen at time of purchase, where would I stand with claiming some of the costs back for repairs.bearing in mind the advert was Good Condition and I still have a copy of the advert. Is it down to the seller to prove they were working at the time, I spoke to the mechanic and he advised that the injector issue happens over a period of time so its not an over night problem. any thoughts welcome, I would be happy to just get some money back from the seller.
  19. Hi guys. The other night I had the misfortune to have bailiffs from Marston's attend my property. I was asleep on the sofa my partner went outside to see what the noise was as we live on a partly industrial site and we have locked gates to the shared access. My partner came in frantic and woke me up to tell me that men who identified themselves as Law Enforcement Officers were here to see me.. I went out to greet them and instructed my partner to lock the door behind me. Stupidly neither of us had the good sense to video any of this because if we did then the following events may not have happened. I asked them what their business was they said they were there to exercise a warrant for unpaid fines. I replied that this was fine and I offered myself for arrest as they had led us to believe that they were Court Bailiffs and not Private Bailiffs. Whilst I was talking to them, one of them said they had the power to force entry yet never showed me any warrant.. .whilst I was being distracted by one Bailiff the other opened my rear gate and the next thing I hear is my partner screaming that the other Bailiff is forcing the French Doors open. Anyone that knows French doors will know that unless you have very thick bolts top and bottom that they are fairly easy for a 14 stone thug to push open regardless of how good your Chubb lock is on the handle assembly. Unfortunately I just have 2 little bolt locks at the bottom of the doors and they are only attached by half inch screws. I immediately rang 999 and asked for Police to report a case of breaking and entering.. .but once I told the operator that they were Bailiffs she said there was nothing they could do??? is that the case? All you need to burgle a house is a uniform and a bundle of lies. Now that they are both in the house they start just going through our things saying that they would be taking everything unless they received full payment of £700. To try and settle with them I offered them either of 2 cars, a 1 ounce gold chain or my Rolex watch left to me by my Grandfather.. .and they refused each of them and instead began to dismantle my computer and the 7 year old plasma TV I use as a monitor for it. My partner and I at this stage were terrified as the Police had turned their back on us, the Bailiffs didn't really seem to want to take goods.. .more like create a sense of fear, disruption and panic in our house. I told them I would happily surrender what I owned. ..gold chain, Rolex watch and 2 cars but as it was my partner's rented (furnished) house and not a joint tenancy nearly everything else belonged to either my landlord or my partner and I offered receipts to prove. They then said that they would be taking everything anyway and we could use the receipts that I had just offered to show them to claim what they had taken by applying to the Court. Then we get to the what they really want. .I said I had just given up my job through illness before Christmas and we simply didn't have that kind of money but I could get £300. They said "You must know someone who will lend it to you" and my partner then rang her Mum who paid it on her Credit Card. Now what this fine related to was a car I sold over a year ago to a car dismantler who was supposed to have applied for a new logbook informing the DVLA he was the new keeper but clearly he didn't. Now because the vehicle was neither SORN nor taxed apparently the DVLA can now 'do' you for no insurance. Now here is my guilt...I foolishly ignored their letters thinking that eventually the DVLA would be updated eventually. I then exacerbated things by ignoring the Court letters too. In my defence I suffer from PTSD and other mental health issues not to mention physical ongoing Pancreatic problems so I know it's bad but I do bury my head in the sand and hope everything will all go away. Not the actions of a perfectly mentally sound individual. Now what I have done so far to try and remedy the situation is send the DVLA a copy of the bill of sale for the car.. .and naturally they say it's not their problem now. ..so my next step is to deal with the Court. I also reported it this morning to the Police as a crime and let me tell you that is no easy task as the operator this time said she would pass it along to their crime team who would get back to me within a few days....no crime number or reference of any kind. I fully intend to help my partner's mother instigate a chargeback on her Credit Card although it seems to be ill advised on this site. ..as this payment was obtained solely under duress. Any advice or imput would be gratefully received. Thanks so much in advance
  20. We had a quote for some wedding decor at a wedding by an events organiser. A formal quote of £2,000 was agreed and this was emailed to us. We agreed to this and sent a £300 non-refundable deposit by bank transfer. The organiser then decided to raise the agreed price to £3,000. We then requested that we weren't going ahead any more as the agreement had been broken. Initially the contact agreed to refund the deposit but is now refusing. We have made alternative arrangements and our argument is simple. She broke the original agreement by demanding a higher price after we had paid the deposit. She then agreed to refund the deposit. The agreement had ended. She is now saying that the agreement is still in place and she can either deliver what we want for £2,000 or not go ahead but the deposit is non-refundable. We say that the deposit is only non-refundable if we had broken the agreement. We are not using her as we have made alternative arrangements. All of these discussions are on text messages. I now want to send a formal letter before court action demanding that the deposit is refunded as our agreement ended when she raised the price after we paid it and later agreed to refund the deposit. One thing I'm not sure about is who I would claim against in the small claims court if it went that far. The events organisation isn't a company. Can we still issue the claim against the organisation or will I have to sue the individual we are dealing with (the payment was made to an account in her name)? If we have to target the individual can we use the business address as we obviously don't know her personal address?
  21. On the 6th of November my son ordered a moped online from a company called thescooterbox.com. He received an email asking him to do a direct bank transfer to a Lloyds bank account. Unfortunately it did not occur to him that this was not a normal process when ordering goods online. He was then informed that delivery would be three to five working days. A week later he had still not received his order when he tried to contact the company there was nobody answering phone calls or responding to emails. Now the website is down and I feel that he has been [problem]med for a total of £650.00. I have logged this with the police fraud department and was wondering if there is anything else that can be done to try and get his money back. Any advice would be much appreciated. Regards Kim
  22. Hi all, I've just received a PCN from the council so its an official ticket. It states its for parking in a taxi rank and I'm not sure if its contestable. On the day in question I was the passenger in the car and yes it did pull over on a taxi rank so I could jump out and go to a shop and then pulled up again so I could get back in. At no time was the car un-occupied, engines turned off or as far as I'm concerned "parked" in the taxi rank. The ticket states that a warden attempted to put a ticket on the car but from what my friend who was driving said, no-one attempted to issue a ticket or even walk up to the car to ask him to move. Also just noticed the car colour says "other". Is it worth contesting? Thanks Mick
  23. Hello folks, please can you advise me. I have helped an Indian lady complete her ESA50 Income Based Form as she was migrating from Incapacity Benefit around October last year (2015). She lives in a bungalow owned by her mother in law (the daughter in law has separated from her husband - the mother in law's son). The bungalow is owned outright by the mother in law - no mortgage. Now the mother in law, no joking is aged between 90-100 years, she is not in the best of health as you can imagine, she claims her pension and income based pension credit. She also lives at the same property but spends quite a few number of weeks at different family members houses as she needs 24 hour care. When I helped her daughter in law with the ESA50 migration, I completely forgot that she 'lives' with her mother in law, as the mother in law is hardly there. I have since discovered that the mother in law does claim Council Tax Benefit and has done for many years (before her daughter in law moved in with her around 4-5 years ago) and receives a 25% discount. This very elderly lady has alzheimers and does not speak English. The other day a card was posted through their letter box from the Revenues Department. The daughter in law's son asked me what it could be as neither his mother or grandmother claim Housing Benefit, but that his nan does claim Council Tax and gets 25% single person discount. I said it's probably due to the migration of the ESA50 and the 25% Council Tax discount. Can someone throw some light on how the Council will deal with this. The nan is very old, has alzheimers and stays for a few weeks at one relatives house, comes back home, then is cared for by her grandson and his wife together with her daughter in law, then she is taken to another relatives house. I did not give the Council Tax a thought when I helped her apply for her migration to ESA as I knew she was not claiming Housing Benefit, and I completely forgot about the elderly lady who only lives in the property part time. Will either of these ladies get into trouble and how do we go forward with this? Any help would be gratefully received.
  24. If you are looking for an energy supplier, you would be a fool to choose Npower. If you are with Npower, you would be a fool to stay with them.
  25. brought our caravan on finance through evergreen finance ltd in august 2014, have paid on time no problem every month, but its starting to get a bit much, as our situation has changed, my health has changed my benefits have changed yet and we are struggling. have spoken to evergreen and they say no way can they help other than to defer payment for up to three months then for the next three will have to pay double to catch up. they refuse to let us pay less and over a longer time saying you signed the agreement that's it. that if I want out of the agreement I will have to stop payments then they will write to me give me 16 days to pay then they will contact the courts as we will have paid over £12,000 (we paid £6,000 deposit) and have been paying £358.07 every month since august 2014 they say that they can repossess then we will have a poor credit rating, and you wont get any credit anywhere.... they also said that we could sell through the park but that the park would want to take a percentage so we would have to sell above the outstanding amount....but then we've still lost £11,000+ really don't want to give it up, any ideas about what we can do to get out of this situation, we have looked at refinancing but because we rent our house we are stuck, no one will take over the finance as we have no other collateral. we are at the end of our tether no knowing where to turn next, any advice will be gratefully accepted thanks in advance
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