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  1. Hello All, I would request someone's help on how to proceed my case in the court. I have made overseas funds transfer from my HSBC account to one of my Indian friend account on Sep 1st 2016. I have received the confirmation from HSBC about my debits to my address but the transfer did not happen from their end. I understand there are some processes they have to follow it, but I feel which is not properly streamlined and it’s really putting the customer into frustration. It was an emergency situation that I need to support financially through this fund, but because of the issue and delay made by HSBC bank, I was pushed into very worst situation. I had come across lots of confusions and lost my reputation around my family and friends in my native place. The beneficiary did not receive my payment for more than a week, wherein I have received the confirmation papers from HSBC about my debits. I thought it’s a problem with beneficiary account and was in confusion. I waited for few more days but the situation was same, beneficiary lost the trust on me which I promised them to help on his emergency. They thought I did not do any transfer and I am just saying. I thought they have received the payment and they are kidding me. Later the situation went worst with multiple arguments between us. And I was really ****ed off and called HSBC on 8th September and I got to know my payment was kept on hold for some review. And I was completely upset and disappointed because of the bank issue it had created lots of problem in my personnel life. I explained them the situation, also I have questioned them why it was not informed to the customer when they keep their transaction on hold and there was no proper response from them for my queries. The customer executive promised me someone will call from payments team within 24 hours as this is an emergency transfer. But nobody had called me within 24 hours from the time I called them. I hope they tried to reach me after the timelines that they have promised to me but I couldn’t pick that call. Later no call back from them and emails from them. By this time I have lost my peace and my reputation was already spoiled with my people, as I couldn’t help the emergency situation; I couldn’t keep up my words and promise, Moreover my relationship bond with the beneficiary was broke because of this. I was completely upset, mentally stressed and hurt. Even after a week later there was no update from bank, I called them again on 13th Sep the situation was still the same, and they collected some information to proceed with the transfer. I have given all the information they wanted from me. That time my only intension is to prove the beneficiary that I really tried helping them. After providing all the information to the bank I requested them to release the funds as quick as possible. But no luck with that calls as well. I have called the bank again on 16th Sep (not sure on this date) to check the status and it was told by them the information’s that they collected from me was not good enough to release the funds, which made me mad. I questioned them then why did they collect those and when they feel it’s not good enough why can’t they collect the required information, but again no response. Later I told them to cancel the fund and put the money back into HSBC Advance account which got credited on 20th September. In between I launched a complaint also in HSBC around 13th Sep and I got a response for that complaint on 6th October 2016 almost a month later… Meanwhile I have arranged the funds in India through different source by paying the extra excess interest. And for almost a month I was mentally stressed because of the problems I had with the beneficiary as they are very close relation with me. I was fully upset and couldn’t concentrate on work or anything, which could have led me to life damaging event. And to solve these issues I have travelled to India on November by taking leaves.. And I have filed complaint with Ombudsman in November regarding this. After collecting all these information and multiple reviews they have come up with saying 250 GBP can be paid as compensation. But before even filing with Ombudsman, HSBC staff called me and tried to convince me with the compensation of 30GBP, for the situation that I have been put through because of their mistake. I detailed him because of the bank mistake what all issues I have faced and moreover I have arranged the fund in my native to help the beneficiary by paying extra interest money along with the principal fund. Then he tried to convince me by increasing the compensation by equalising with the extra interest I paid in my native, which is 120 GBP. I did not accept. But Ombudsman Took almost 9 months to drive and finalised 250 GBP, which is not fair. Here no body has considered because of bank mistake how much it impacted one personnel and professional life which has put them on mental stress, loss of relationship, loss of reputation, more I have spent extra amount on arranging funds in India, I have travelled to India on my own cost, I have used my vacation leaves for this purpose, I feel all the above factors to be considered for compensation. I have spent almost 350 pounds for my air tickets, 242 pounds as extra interest in India, ten days of salary 1000 GBP, so total of 1592 Pounds I have spent for fixing the issue, But the pain I went through for that duration, which damaged my life with loss of reputation, loss in relation, mental stress, all these are to be considered. Please advice on this
  2. I have been invaded. This keeps interrupting my business in the Bear Garden. There is this Essex or somewhere in the south east smug little man who is telling me how to make millions in the next few months. A smug little varmit that needs sorting out if you ask me.He and his chums. All sorts of adverts pop up,some asking some rather interesting questions when you are viewing anything. Blocking your computer and seems to sneak in. Any tech minded ones who know or had dealings with these infiltrators before. And of course the easiest way to get rid of them for people with limited technical knowledge such as myself. Free if possible. I cannot see them on my programs.So struggling to wipe them out. Thanks. Tawnyowl.
  3. My wife works as a nurse at a G.P practice. She suffers with arthritis and lately has started to suffer severe pain and is limited with her movement. A medical assessment shows problems with both her legs and her back she spoke to her superior about a slight reduction to her working hours, After a meeting she was told that they were willing to consider a job share which would significantly reduce her income and working hours but the reduction which my wife suggested was unworkable. Having read through various bits of legislation it is unclear what my wife's rights are . Could anyone enlighten us please.
  4. My wife as psoriatic arthritis and is on numerous medications including methotrexate which I inject her with every week. About six months ago her consultant left taking with him his clinical nurse specialist and a number of other staff by the sound of it. The only reason we found out about this was when my wife rang and asked why she had not been sent an appointment. Whos my new consultant?" We cannot give you one because everyone is full and not taking on anymore patients. What about my blood tests? " The nurse will keep an eye on them". What about my pain? "see your GP". My wife went to see her GP due to increasing severe pain. "What do you normally do when the pain gets this bad"? The consultant gives me this treatment said my wife! MMMMMmm, said the Doctor I cannot give you that. Only consultants can authorise that! I will refer you to a consultant. Received a telephone call, "I got an appointment for you in ................" but that is about a 90 mile round trip. That's the best we can do! Will he be my consultant. No She is not one of our consultants. The story goes on and on. Today I have put in a formal complaint. It breaks my heart to do it. I worked in the NHS for many years and I tried every way I could to avoid doing it but I have come to the end of my patience.
  5. Hi All, I called several times HSBC (UK) and asked them from where could I obtain file request for doing direct debit so debited funds arrive to HSBC account. I was asking where could I get this file so I could know which info (columns?) must exist, which info is mandatory and which recommended or even not needed/required. I also wanted to ask where could I upload/transfer such file to the bank since HSBC clearly has nothing like this in online banking? Not even ONE single representative was able to help. Everyone told me they never heard about such activity (see title of the post), e.g. ISO20022 or excel files. Could someone tell me step by step instructions about this please?
  6. I'm having severe problems with o2 at the minute, I signed up for a business contract in February 2013, I've been in the contract for a year now, but from the start of the contract I was being overcharged every month for calls that I didn't make when I was supposed to be on business unlimited. In September 2013 I started having problems with my signal, my calls were dropping, I couldn't access the internet or send text messages for hours at a time, from September until now I've phoned up multiple times about this problem, I've changed my Sim card twice and every time I changed the card it took 3 days both times to activate the new Sim cards, I also took the phone to the apple shop on so many occasions that every person in the apple store knows me by name and why I'm constantly there, there was nothing and has never been anything wrong with my iPhone, and when I explained this to o2 they didn't care, they tried to replace my black 16gb iPhone 4s with an 8gb white iPhone 4s to see if that would rectify the problem, no matter how many times I phone o2 to complain, they call me a liar saying that I constantly use my phone and that there's nothing they can do, I have emailed the complaints department numerous of times and they keep telling of com that they have never received any of my emails, its unacceptable I'm constantly paying over 42.00 for a phone that does not work and hasn't worked properly in 6 months, they tell me if I want out of the contract I must pay over 300 pound to have the contract ended early, which is outrageous, why should I pay off the rest of the contract for a faulty service they are providing but denying there is anything wrong. What should I do?
  7. Details of our complaint with HSBC are explained below; HSBS COLLECTIONS DEPT ARE CALLING UP TO 7 TIMES A DAY FOR PAYMENT. SHE IS 8 MONTHS PREGNANT, IN A WHEELCHAIR AND CRUTCHES. CONSTANTLY IN PAIN. WHEN RESTING IS CONSTANTLY BEING DISTURB BY HSBC BABARDMENT OF CALLS. MY SON ILL WITH WORRY EFFECTED HIS CREDIT RATING I AM DESPERATE I DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO NEXT TO HELP IT’S A LIVING NIGHTMARE. PLEASE IF THERE IS A SOLICITOR OUT THEIR CAN YOU HELP US. My daughter in law, has had a current account with HSBC for 20yrs. She took out a loan from HSBC 5yrs ago and was repaying the loan at a rate of £260.31 per month; the loan is due to finish September 2016. She has not missed one payment whilst paying back the loan over the last 5yrs. MARCH 2013 I suggested she try and reduce her loan repayments, and at the same time perhaps she could release some more money by re-structuring the original loan and she would be able to perhaps gain a better interest rate. APRIL 2013 She was made redundant from her job. She immediately rang up HSBC in April and asked them for advice through their Finance Department as she knew she would have difficulty paying her loan repayment of £260 31 in May without going over her agreed overdraft limit. She informed them she would be able to continue with the repayments the following month in June as per usual as she had already found new employment (she is a Paramedic) however, there would be two weeks during which she would be without employment and therefore earnings. The result of this was that she would be missing ONE Month DD payment in May with agreement. She specifically asked if this would affect her credit rating and was assured that up to 7 payments could be missed or deferred before any action would be taken. At no point during the conversation was she advised that this would be registered as a default on her credit rating file. In the meantime, to reduce payments she stated to the financial team that she would stop using her credit card but she also stated that she did not wish to cancel the card. HSBC informed her “that was absolutely fine” and the May payment could be paid back at the end of the loan time or earlier if she were able to. HSBC did in fact take the May payment from her account but immediately refunded the payment into her current account. She was then expecting the loan payment to be taken from her account in June as normal, as agreed in the telephone conversation to HSBC in April. Loan payments continued to be paid as normal and as agreed. AUGUST 2013 She an her partner made an evening appointment with the local HSBC customer service manager in Solihull during the week commencing 12th August, now knowing that they were expecting a baby and sensibly planning ahead for the additional financial pressure this would put them under. They asked the customer service representative, if they could re-structure the loan, hoping to be able to get a better interest rate and another loan. He took some details, and started the process of entering information, saying that he was hopeful she could consolidate the loan with her credit card, borrow some more money to help with the baby and still reduce her monthly payments. The application was refused, much to everyone’s surprise, so he investigated why that should be. It transpired that HSBC had without consent or any contact with her cancelled the direct debits paying back her HSBC gold credit card. As a result of this there was a note on the file cancelling the credit card and registering a default. At no time was she informed that the DD payments had NOT been taken from her account. She at no time received any correspondence from HSBC informing her that she was behind with the repayments of the Credit Card. The Customer service manager telephoned Head Office to find out why the Direct Debits had not been taken from her account. He also tried to contact the assessing agency to see if they would change their mind, pointing out that she had been a loyal customer since December 1993, and had never, in all that time, defaulted on any payment. As it was now around 5.30 pm in the evening, head office informed him that it would be looked into immediately the next morning and they would telephone first thing the following day, but for now they could progress no further. She was totally unaware that the JUNE, JULY and now AUGUST Direct Debit had NOT been taken from her current account until this appointment with the local HSBC Branch. The HSBC customer service manager informed her that “had it not been for the Direct Debit mistake there would not have been a problem for her obtaining further credit.” The following morning HSBC head office listened to the tape of the telephone conversation which she had made in April. As agreed, the customer services manager telephoned her to advise her as to the results of the investigation. The Customer Services Manager stated the following: The telephone conversation confirmed that she was not advised about the default. The telephone conversation confirmed that she was not advised that the direct debits would be stopped on her credit card. The policy of the bank was to automatically cancel all direct debits associated with borrowing through the bank (loans, credit cards) but again she had not been advised of this. The member of staff she spoke to had been “spoken to” and would undergo retraining. Payment of £142.00, the amount accrued by the bank cancelling the DD would be taken from her current account on 2nd September. HSBC person apologised for the error but stated that they could not “undo” the effect their error had had on her credit status. Later that week she returned home to find a letter from HSBC dated after her meeting with Customer services manager Solihull branch informing her that her credit card was in arrears and would be cancelled if she didn’t make a payment. This was a direct contradiction of the information that the Solihull Branch had found on her file, which showed that the account had already been closed. This is a further example of the mis-management of Paula’s account. 2nd September 2013 The direct debit was NOT reinstated, and the credit card payment was not taken despite having been promised as resolved by the customer services manager. She had to make a manual payment to rectify this. 5th September 2013 She noticed that the loan repayment had not been taken from her account either, for the first time. She had not asked for this to be cancelled, delayed, deferred or anything else. At this point she was under immense stress, upset, and had a complete lack of faith in HSBC and its staff. 21st September 2013 She and her partner made another appointment with Solihull HSBC branch Manager, to discuss the effect this had had on them, and requesting her help. The stress of the catalogue of errors was by this point causing her to suffer blood pressure problems which are especially dangerous in pregnancy. She explained that the DD had still not been taken from her account for the HSBC Credit Card and in addition HSBC had cancelled the Direct Debit for the LOAN without informing my daughter in law Ms Bond agreed immediately to refund any late payment charges she had incurred as she agreed that the defaults were not her fault. However, the default would still remain on her credit file. Ms Bond informed them that Branch Managers do not have any authority to remove defaults from credit files, and despite previous requests with two employers at HSBC head office to have the default removed not one individual within HSBC company says that they have the authority to do so. Ms Bond stated she wanted to further investigate and although she would be going on holiday she would make sure that daughter in law would be contacted personally by herself on the Wednesday and after that her colleague would deal with it. Ms Bond contacted her on the Thursday and stated that she could confirm everything she had told her – however, a loan default would permanently stay on her file with regard to the agreed deferment because in actual fact their policy is that you cannot defer payments and settle the loan a month later than agreed. Again, a direct contradiction of what Paula was told originally. While they were with her, Ms Bond initiated a new standing order mandate for the personal loan and credit card which would go out around 5nd October 2013. Since she initiated this, payments have been taken correctly. However, daughter in law is still not able to get any credit due to the default placed on her credit file by HSBC, and is unable to restructure her loan to gain a better interest rate. She is now 7months pregnant and has had to start her maternity leave earlier than anticipated because she has developed a serious medical condition associated with the pregnancy which has means she must now be on a wheelchair. It is more necessary than ever that she consolidate her loan and card, and despite the fact that Ms Bond confirmed her credit rating within the bank was “very good”, they will not assist Paula further. Ms Bond assured her that she would receive a letter detailing the results of investigation and offering a full unreserved apology in writing regarding their error. This letter has still not been written, now nearly 3 months after meeting with Ms Bond. My daughter in law and my son are extremely distressed and she is suffering severe anxiety attacks as a result of the financial stress. Both her midwife and obstetric registrar have cautioned against further stress as it has the potential to be detrimental to her unborn child. IT IS AN ABSOLUTE NIGHTMARE FOR US ALL. I am so sorry this explanation is long and drawn out. I wanted you to have the facts that I/we am aware off. I/we would be so grateful if you can help us to get the default removed from her credit file. It would make such a difference to their situation as they are feeling quite desperate with life at the moment. We are all incredulous at the ineptitude of HSBC and the lack of logic and common sense in refusing to consider her for a consolidation loan which would reduce her repayments – a refusal directly caused by HSBC own error!
  8. We have been leasing this property since beginning of oct.. so nearly 12 weeks.. since then we have needed our hot water tanks and dishwasher replaced.. which was done in about 2/3 weeks... we also have the front screen door that is broken.. and we have been asking to get this fixed since the start.. i was told that i needed to urgently send in the user manuals in.. as it is a just before christmas and i have a 4 month old im very busy so i told them i would drop off at my own convince or if it was that urgent she could come pick up.. because of my response i got hit with an inspection the last monday.. my door still isnt fixed.. and i get an email today telling me someone would be round to fix today.. no time?? also in the email is the landlord asking us to not park on the front grass.. and to weed the gardens.. The garden had weeds in it before we moved in!! i dont have time to fix up there garden... what are my wrights??? can we park on the grass in our yard that we rent?? i am more than happy to keep the property yard at the standard it was when we moved in... The landlord seems to be just being just being a pain in my ass because i asked for a few repairs to the property so it would be suitable to live in.. we are not the tenants from hell... quiet the opposite... just want to live in peace!! Please any Advice would be good..
  9. So this company is chasing me for a loan I had with City Financial, maybe around 2005 (not 100% sure of the date). At the moment I am unemployed and not able to claim JSA due to my wife working part time so offered £5. Most of my creditors have accepted this without question - but not these. I've completed a financial statement but only put my details on there. It was just easier because I assume as it's in my name alone then my wife's income is none of their business. That and the fact that if I did include her income then I would have to mess around showing where the money goes and still come to the same conclusion - that being I can only afford £5. They are now demanding that I prove I am unable to recieve JSA by sending in a letter from the DWP. The only problem is that the letter I got from them states that I can't recieve JSA because I don't wan't it lol. This couldn't be any further from the truth as recently we've had to start a new claim for Tax Credit and they had a back-log of around 6 weeks meaning that although they paid the back-log we still had very little money whilst it was sorted out. Believe me, I could have done with the money so why would I apply for JSA, go to town and wait around for an hour and then walk in and say I don't want the money. I've even had to sell loads of things to make ends meet until they finished the new claim. Anyways - I'm not sure what to do now. Do the DWP send these letters out on request and what if they still claiim I don't want the JSA as opposed to not actually being entitled to it? Also - as the debt is in my name am I allowed to keep mine and my wife's finances seperate? Thanks for reading - Lee.
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