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Found 9 results

  1. Hi all, Apologies if this post is in the wrong forum, had a look and wasn't sure where to put it. Back in 2015 I obtained a referral to a specialist consultant for a health issue via my health insurer Pru/Vitality. I was issued with a claim number, claim was allowed, saw the consultant and that was that. I had previously seen him under the same process. In 2016 I started to get letters from the consultant's office demanding payment for my 2015 visit. I explained that I had a valid claim via my insurer and told them to take it up with them. A few months later, same thing. In Jan 2017 I had enough, so I called the consultant's office and explained that it is between them and Pru - not me. They claimed that Pru had no record of the claim. In the interim Pru changed to a new claim system, so my claim was under the old system. I explained this to the consultant's office person and they came back saying that Pru won't pay their invoice, as they only receive via email within a certain period of time after vist etc. In other words, it sounds like they filed their invoice too late and Pru aren't paying out. I also called Pru to complain of this hassle, and they basically said the same thing, however the consultant's office won't stop hassling me for payment. How on earth can I get them to stop and leave me alone? This is clearly an issue between them and the consultant, not me!
  2. I have had bad right flank pain for 10 weeks, moderate right flank on and off for 10 months Monday I had my cholecystectomy apologies for longish text, just need to get full detail down I met with two consultants on private medical recently. The 2nd doctor (Dr A.) took swift action and with issue of HIDA scan, established I had diseased gallbladder with 12% ejection fraction Now, the first consultant I met with (who I had seen previously on two occasions this year for liver check ups), took the attitude and I quote 'I am a thorn in his side', his exact words to me when examining me for my chronic right flank pains, nausea etc at the time because I was so spaced out I did not think too much about it, but then he seemed to get frustrated, not bothered to do anything about my diagnosis. He said 'we can do a thousand tests, but...' he then stopped himself in sentence, kind of put his head in his hands. I did not want to to do a 1000 tests, only one would have sufficed essentially the vibe of the consultation was strained, he seemed to get very stressed and annoyed with me. Like I was just this pain in the rear, and I got the feeling he would have been happy if I just left him alone with hindsight I should have demanded a HIDA scan there and then. cutting long story short I side stepped this 1st doctor, found a specialist in gallbladders (Dr A.) at same private hospital who took immediate action. Trouble is I was referred to first doctor (Dr S.) from my surgeon who took polyp out from my colon last December this first doctor's attitude cost me 4 weeks delay in getting diagnosis, operation. I realise in NHS world this time scale is nothing, but this is private medicine that I am paying for 1st doctors bills have arrived in now. I feel like writing to him and saying look, your inaction cost me weeks of delays, and 100s of extra pounds. I want to say to him he can have his money, say half first, but does not get rest until I get an apology from him for his attitude toward me. This doctor is on 200k per annum, no problem with that, but his attitude was at the time unacceptable and referring to me as a thorn in his side was totally unwarranted in my opinion if you were in my situation would you write to him as I want to and complain? ok, we all have bad days, but this is private medicine. I had only seen him twice before for different reasons, routine MRI on liver. I did present all my symptoms to him clearly for right side pains, and my GP conducted a positive Murphy's sign test on my gallbladder which this first doctor totally ignored. This was put in writing to him from my GP, asking for swift action. I was losing weight terribly fast too, nausea, headaches, right shoulder pains, right back pains. Nausea after eating fatty foods. This Dr S.'s response was to suggest it was some kind of muscular/skeletal problem His impertinence and lack of willingness to carry out tests I think would have bothered most people I have no need to see this Dr S. ever again. I would not trust him now with a knife and fork, let alone a scalpel if you say don't bother, move on, then that is fine advice, but please no heavy negative replies, I only had operation Monday, I am already very bruised
  3. I recently bumped into some random guy at 2300hrs , I didn't know who he was, he asked me to move my car , i said no and he threatened to slash my tyres I quickly went into my friends car, there was no ticket on my car when I came back , 3 weeks later I'm getting letters saying I owe £160 , this firm is a joke , does any body have a template letter where I can get them off my back
  4. Hi, I am new here and hope to find somebody who can help me. I had an EU driving licence which expired last month. when I applied for the UK driving licence I had to declare a medical condition which I had six year ago but that it is no longer something I suffer from, infact I have been off medication for a couple of years and I am not under the supervision of any doctors. the NHS consultant I saw for driving licence wrote a letter summarising the history of the problem and attesting that I met all the criteria for fitness to drive, and discharged me with no further appointments or care required. After 5 weeks since I applied for the UK license the DVLA had received the medical questionnaire and the letter from the consultant (which starts by saying "I see no reason why she should not drive a vehicle), and have said that my case has been referred to a DVLA doctor who has to check that my condition meets the criteria above. and that this is not going to happen before January next year, which seems like a very long time to not have a license. I have tried to get more information but they are just rude, robotic call centre people who wind you up, and repeat that they have to deal with cases from all the UK. I wanted to try the complaint procedure or possibly to look at getting professional legal advice. I can't understand why when an NHS specialist consultant has written to the DVLA to say I can drive, it should have to go to their doctor who can't respond until January. I can drive under the law section 88 road traffic act 1988 but I do not feel confident without the driving licence. plus I cannot go to visit family abroad with my baby as is illegal there going around without driving licence with you. has anyone had any similar experiences? any advice would be much appreciated. thanks
  5. My wife as psoriatic arthritis and is on numerous medications including methotrexate which I inject her with every week. About six months ago her consultant left taking with him his clinical nurse specialist and a number of other staff by the sound of it. The only reason we found out about this was when my wife rang and asked why she had not been sent an appointment. Whos my new consultant?" We cannot give you one because everyone is full and not taking on anymore patients. What about my blood tests? " The nurse will keep an eye on them". What about my pain? "see your GP". My wife went to see her GP due to increasing severe pain. "What do you normally do when the pain gets this bad"? The consultant gives me this treatment said my wife! MMMMMmm, said the Doctor I cannot give you that. Only consultants can authorise that! I will refer you to a consultant. Received a telephone call, "I got an appointment for you in ................" but that is about a 90 mile round trip. That's the best we can do! Will he be my consultant. No She is not one of our consultants. The story goes on and on. Today I have put in a formal complaint. It breaks my heart to do it. I worked in the NHS for many years and I tried every way I could to avoid doing it but I have come to the end of my patience.
  6. I got a message for LCS today regarding my account with Scottish power. I than contacted Scottish power to ask if everything is ok with my account they said everything is fine and they have not set LCS for my account the representative lined me to the LCS to check why they send me this msg and there the lady took all my information details like where name, address, birth date I asked why u want them she said just want to verify with what they got from Scottish power. She said I have around £120 outstanding amount to pay and that she will send me a mail with the break through but I never got the mail and now I am worried that is it a [problem] or something and what can they do with my personal details. Please advice.
  7. A friend of mine was prescribed with an overdose of a drug by a Private consultant in a Harley Street clinic. It has led to complications as one might imagine. Can anyone tell me if she would be able to get copies of ALL her medical notes and whatever they hold in the clinic by issuing a Subject Access Request or any other method as she's not getting straight answers from the clinic? She may have been having the consultation via her medical Insurance (not sure)although I know they pay the fee, but she does have Insurance I do know. She was not referred by her GP though. Thanks A1
  8. Hi All I am looking for a little advice. To cut a very long story short,,, My fiancee has been suffering with daily migraines for the past 3 or 4 years, (along with the severe depression and anxiety possibly brought on by this),,,Has just received yet another admission at a hospital!! YAY you may say!!! BUT,, This original appointment with this particular specialist was carried out, back in NOV 2012! Below is a basic sequence of events... 12/11/12 saw Consultant 'B' when he advised of DHE treatment due to intensity (rebound headaches) 10/01/13 saw Consultant 'A' who knew nothing about what was happening and said he would find out whats going on During this time we asked Doctor 'C' to chase it up as I was constantly leaving messages. 28/03/13 nothing 03/13 saw Dr 'C' who received a letter from the hospital detailing what had been said at appointment on 12/11/12. This letter advised that the visit to the clinic was 31/01/13??? 15/04/13 still nothing 04-05/13 Got call from secretary after I called to ask about complaint procedure, and was told by her that I would receive a call back during the following week,, (Never did) 02/05/13 Was told by secretary that consultant 'B' had told her to put Fiancee on waiting list as Urgent 02/05/13 Dr 'C' wrote to hospital, after receving letter from Consultant 'B' to say Fiancee was going on the waiting list to be seen as soon as possible (We thought that we already were?). The letter also stated that if she doesn't get seen soon, Consultant 'B' will meet with her in the interim. It was agreed between Dr 'C' and Fiancee that there was no point going to appointment at the end of May as this SHOULD have been a follow up, and as no treatment had been given, there was nothing to follow up! 03/05/13 Got letter stating that the appointment for the end of May had been cancelled and rescheduled for October. 17/5/13 Told Dr 'C' about cancelled appointment who was not happy and drafted a letter to Consultant 'B' there and then. 05/13 got letter giving admission date 22/05 End of May, I got through to secretary who told me that Fiancee had admission date set for 22/05 and the letter was sent out 24/04/12? This does not quite fit in with actual events. This also said that you had to confirm attendance within three days of the receipt of the letter, or the appointment will be given to someone else. Which if this was the case, the appoinment would have already been given away? Also when I spoke to the secretary at the around this time she would have told me that we had an admission, but, instead, she said Fiancee was going on waiting list. 22/23 No beds, 24th,,, due to bank holiday weekend, Admissions advised that a Consultant said, because it was bank holiday weekend there was no point going in. this was then cancelled and rebooked for 02/06 02/06 Could not go due to dry socket,, was told to call when pain stopped but didnt know who to call, said (Maybe outpatients?) 1st week July got call from admissions to book the date for the 10th July! 10/07/13 No beds 11/07/13 No beds Now is this me expecting too much of our health system or is this time to complain? Could anyone tell me the best course of action? Many Thanks Fred
  9. Ok, trying to keep things clear here is the problem I am facing. Got referred to local MHT , spent some time with the OT there and at end I said didn't deal with the problems I was experiencing and had a referral back to the MHT. This was later declined, not a word to me. After around 6 months I asked to be re referred back to MHT as problems were still happening. Around 6 weeks later I got a letter from my GP saying MHT said they couldn't help. Id had problems with this consultant before , they like to work of written records and not what is presenting to them in front of their eyes. I previously had to ask for a second opinion and saw a different consultant and he had set me up with the OT and recognised their was a problem. Getting a second opinion is a problem for my area isn't straightforward or easy...the GP wasn't sure at first if it was possible because of the way the MH is set up. *rant* Seems this consultant has the talent of knowing why a referral is being made and owns a crystal ball to see what I am going to say and what / how its affecting me. *end rant* Seems I am going to be stuck in a cycle of 2nd opinions needed. Is there anything that can help me to avoid this?
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