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  1. I need some advice. My partner had an operation a week ago on his foot which went well however when they put a back slab (plaster) on his calf to support his foot, they did not put it on properly and he ended up having a deep chemical burn from the plaster. After the operation, he continually told the nurses that he felt that his calf was burning but was told, it is part of the surgery. The nurses did not bother to check his calf. As a result of this, he now needs a skin graft due to chemical burns from the plaster and the burns being so deep. I tried to contact the hospital who did the surgery which is private but the surgery was paid for by the NHS, however they do not has a Patient Advice and Liaison Service and the only way to complain is to email youropinionmatters or another email which is used for feedback mainly. We were advised by the two hospitals that he now had to attend for treatment, to take the matter further as the hospital that did the surgery were negligent. Recently the Consultant that carried out the operation called and stated that he had received notification of what had happened to him and was not aware of the burning. He asked when the burning started and my partner stated straight after surgery and he informed nurses continually. The Consultant said that no-one brought it to his attention and even when he asked if my partner was ok for discharge, the nurses said yes. My partner has a pre-scheduled appointment with him coming up and he said he would like to discuss what happened with him. I am guessing that he does not wish us to go through the medical negligence route that we were advised to take but as we have never been through this before I would like advice on next steps. Help anyone please.
  2. My energy supplier is Eon Energy. They have been very aggressive to try to provide me a smart meter. They come and visit me and want to talk to me but they never make an appointment. They call me all the time. I am most upset that they also decided to get in touch with my psychiatrist. I have no idea how they even know the name of this person and the contact details. Needless to say that I am horrified. I have sent Eon Energy a SAR request but no reply at all. I have contacted them by sending them letters and complaining about their behaviour but no reply. I have chatted with them online and I got the transcripts. All Eon Energy wants to do is to talk to me. But I don't like talking. I feel that my privacy has been violated. I don't think Eon Energy needs to contact any medical professional and get my medical records so that they could provide me a smart meter. I don't think I even need a smart meter. How would I handle this matter? Information Commissioner's Office? Energy Ombudsman? Or something else?
  3. Is the new GDPR SAR template suitable for a medical records request from a GP without any specific alterations? Thanks.
  4. It's obvious that the government is making it so difficult with benefits they are hoping that everyone will just give up claiming but I didn't know whether to laugh, cry or head butt the wall with this situation and just wondering if anyone has had similar problems because apparently the people in front and behind me in the cashiers queue had the same issue!! Had a medical appointment in London yesterday for my ongoing vertigo issue and am on UC at the moment (although haven't received anything as yet due to my last pay packet back in July!). However I can't remember where but someone told me as I am on UC I could claim back my travel expenses. The UC helpline (term used loosely) advised me that I could claim through the JCP but on contacting my Work Coach (again term used loosely) she advised me I couldn't claim through them but I could claim direct with the NHS. I called the NHS and that was correct but I had to take my proof of purchase, appointment letter and UC Reward Letter to the cashier at the hospital. Obviously I know unlike JSA where you get a letter stating you are receiving JSA you don't get the same thing with UC because the Council were complaining about that when I claimed Council Tax Benefit and the girl at the Council said it was all a bit of a shambles. So I called the UC helpline again and after half an hour trying to explain to an automated message that all I wanted was advice from and advisor I finally got through. The advisor told me that the statement on the dashboard was all I needed although all 4 pages of it seemed excessive and somewhat personal considering it states that I was awarded a massive UC total of £0 due to my wage the previous month of £xyz!! Queued for 25 minutes at the cashier’s desk at the hospital with all the documents and finally when I got to the window she wouldn't approve it stating that she needed a JSA Award Letter. I politely explained that in my part of the country and more than likely most of it by now including London there is no such thing as JSA and award letters anymore, (I may be wrong) and that the UC Office had said this statement would suffice. She wasn't for turning though and kept pointing to a clearly out of date note on the wall stating a JSA Award letter was required. I tried my best to keep calm and explained again that all is done online now and this is it, all I can offer. Eventually she took my number and said her supervisor would ring on Monday but keep my train tickets, which is fortunate I got a receipt because the machine eats the tickets once used!! As I left the guy behind said "Well we are buggered as well then" as he held up his UC Statement print out. When I got home I called the UC Helpline but was told they didn't deal with travel and I had to speak to my work coach and could only offer me an appointment next Wednesday!! I asked for a phone appointment because it seems a bit pointless taking up a walk in just for one question! I said that the previous UC advisor had informed me that a UC Statement would be ok but was curtly told that the UC advisor couldn't advise on that so didn't know why they had! I then rang the number for my Job Centre and went through merely to a switchboard who told me that my JCP was closed on Fridays. So we search for work for 35 hours a week and they work 4 days?!?! She however told me that the JCP can't help on that so I should contact UC Helpline!! I replied that the UC Helpline say they don't deal with that the JCP does and she said they didn't know why they advised me of that as they were wrong. After telling her I suspect she may be getting a few more calls from others with the same query I gave up at that point!!! So has anyone had any luck with claiming expenses of any kind with merely a UC Statement?! It seems impossible. The hospital say they need a letter that doesn't exist anymore, UC say it's down to the JCP to advise and the JCP say it's down to UC credit to advise. A system clearly created by a buffoon with no brain, sense or intelligence!!
  5. I will do my best to ask my question without making it too complicated. I have 14 separate diagnosis. I live currently in the home I raised my children in, which was recently transferred from the council to a housing association. All my children have left home. I have carers coming in to help with personal care and domestic tasks and taking me out into the community, i.e. shopping, coffee out, for 7 hrs per week, the remainder of the time I am at home, in doors and extremely lonely. It is having a real impact on some of my diagnosis. I have a friend that is returning from outside the UK after 14 years and they are hoping to return to their home town in Yorkshire. I live in the south east and I would like to be able to share a 2 bedroom flat or house with him in Yorkshire for companionship. There is no relationship other than friends between myself and this person who happens to be male. We have known each other for 33 years. At home I feel as if I am just waiting for the inevitable....I have social services involvement but what I want to know is this....Is it possible to move to Yorkshire and move in with a friend that would for my benefit reduce the amount of care I would require, reduce and potentially stop some conditions from occurring and have a normal happy life as much as possible, without being accused as him being my partner? Thanks
  6. Aquilon Medical Nebulisers: people urged to stop use immediately READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/aquilon-medical-nebulisers-people-urged-to-stop-use-immediately
  7. Any legal guys here need help In January I needed to be fitted with a pacemaker. My surgeon told me that I must inform the DVLA but to also tell them that I had fully recovered due to the procedure and me bionic heart. Soon after I told them by phone and they said I would get a questionnaire to fill in. The facts ----- Due to the questionnaire not being returned in time my driving license has been revoked. Following a telephone call today I was informed that My license will not be reinstated even though they have the said questionnaire in their possession. I have informed them that it will cause severe hardship and distress to me as a registered disabled person who needs a vehicle at all times. Even asking them what I should do they said to go to the post office and apply for a driving license. I told them that I couldn't because I am on my own and can't get there because of my disability. Not their problem basically! They did not get the questionnaire in time but can't tell me what law/guidelines they have in place and what grounds there are to have the license reinstated even temporarily until the whole thing is investigated. It is actually a paper exercise for their records because when I rang them the medical condition did not exist. You can legally drive with a pacemaker all you have to do is inform the DVLA. I also asked them how they can impose a punishment as harsh as revoking a license of a disabled person who is deemed fit to drive and why they can't come to a compromise now that they have the questionnaire. They told me that the time limit is 14 days from the date they send me the letter and I told them that I got the letter today dated 16/03/2018 informing me that it had been revoked?? I asked them how they could impose a time limit on something that they cannot prove I got never mind got late like the letter i got today? Does anyone know how I can fight this? Can they impose what is deemed a punishment on a time limit that is instigated on a letter that they cannot prove was received by me on time? Common sense would dictate that it be reinstated on a temporary basis now that the information has been received and is, in fact, a paper exercise. I cannot find anything in writing on the net stating when the time limit is imposed? Should it not be sent recorded if there is a punishment attached? Like they have the form but won't do anything because it was late and the letter i got today informing that my license was revoked was dated 16th March hence why I rang them??? PLZ Help
  8. my doctor will be sent a form from the DVLA to fill in re my medical fitness to drive. In the past 3, 4 or 5 months my mental health has been excellent no problems. BUT earlier this year like 7 months ago I (voluntarily) admitted myself to a psychiatric ward and was there for 3 weeks. I know the doctor will have a question to answer along the lines of "has the person been admitted to a hospital in the past 12 months for psychiatric treatement?" Does this mean I won't be allowed to drive until a year has passed since my admission date, even though I have been fine in recent months? Or does it depend on each circumstance? I'm worried about this, I need my driving licence and my life is on hold until I get it back.
  9. My brother has worked as a car valeter for a firm for seven years. His firm has now made him and one other member of staff have a medical. Both these have diabetes. Neither of them wanted or felt they needed to have a medical and be singled out. The firm said it was regarding getting cheaper car insurance. The other person works as an accountant and never drives for the firm at all. Is this legal to force members of staff to have to undergo a medical they don't want to undergo.
  10. I have an as yet diagnosed medical issue which limits my capacity to work, I cant get benefits yet but may only be able to work on a reduced basis going forward. I have £34k of credit card debt and £8k of other debt and can no longer service it - does anyone know the new medical criteria they have talked about for debt forgiveness please? Thank you
  11. Does anyone know anything about medical negligence? My family is at the beginning of a possible negligence case. My brother was taken by ambulance to hospital because he was taken very ill with a violent headache and vomiting. He was kept in the A&E department overnight and diagnosed with migraine. No CT scan was given. Only blood test and pain killers. Even though it was obvious he was very ill, we were called to take him home. I argued with the staff he wasn't fit to go. However I was told he has been cleared to leave. So he has to leave. He was unable to walk to the car park. He couldn't even manage to negotiate from the chair to a wheelchair. He was in a very confused state. He was violently sick throughout the journey and collapsed as soon as he got out of the cab. I called his GP who told me to call another ambulance. This time he was taken to a different hospital. A CT scan found he had suffered a stroke. Result is he has lost almost all of his eyesight. And has been left with weakness down his left side. I made a complaint to the hospital and have just received the completed investigation report. It clearly states mistakes were made and guidelines were not followed. I am awaiting direction from a solicitor as to what can be done. Has anyone any experience with things like this? How hard was it? I have been told it is selfish to think of making a negligence claim against the NHS because of the state it's in. However my brother's life has been left in shreds. This is not something he is going to be able to recover from and put behind him. Sadly for him, this is now his life. We hear often how time matters where strokes are concerned. And many vital hours were lost while he was sitting in A&E untreated. Any advice you could give would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  12. Good morning, A friend of mine has a personal injury case against a bus company after driver took wrong route and hit a bollard whilst reversing to get back on route. - Bus company have admitted liability. The solicitor (well legal executive) acting for my friend requested a rheumatologist assess my friend because she suffers from a condition called hypermobile ehlers-danlos syndrome (hEDS) which causes constant debilitating pain and can cause small injuries or trauma to last for ages Anyway, this "expert" appeared not to know too much about her condition and has referred to out of date materials when talking about the hEDS, and also fibromyalgia, calling the fibro "neuropsychiatric not rheumatic" He has focused on the childhood depression and previous work problems (bullying but not mentioned this is why she left) and my friend feels like he is focusing on irrelevant issues and wonders if she can disagree to this being put in. The whole report practically makes her look mentally unstable, even though depression and anxiety are a symptom of hEDS from a very young age. I have helped her find current criteria on both hEDS, fibro, and also widespread chronic pain, which she also dx with at same time but not mentioned once in his report. Her solicitor is harder than a slippery pig to get hold of and my friend is looking to change representation, but I think she really needs to address this report before making any decision. So, my question is this please experts, Does the medical report need to include this information about her past job and depression which she feels doesn't really have a bearing on her case because she is claiming for the pain and inconvenience she has suffered since the accident. I have said that in my opinion it would need to be added because she has since had to leave her job. But I have promised to help her so will try to find out for sure. I know the info I have written is scanty, but this is the best I can do without disclosing too much. Many thanks guys.
  13. good evening. I look after my mum and she had a medical this past week and my question is for if she fails her medical and am caring for even though she has PIP and she is on ESA I think it is also am I still Entitled to be her carer and still be my job and still get my Carer Allowance if they had sense when looking at her issues and problems that she will never be fit for work and she won't get any better simple as that. if anyone can respond to my question would be great thanks.
  14. Hi, Last year in May I badly hurt my ankle. It was massively swollen and bruised (I can upload a picture if required). I had damaged my right ligaments in the past and had gone to the hospital and been told just to rest it for a few days. With this in mind, I did not go to hospital for 4 days assuming it was just ligament damage. However, after 4 days the pain was much greater than previous + was much more swollen and bruised. I decided I would go to hospital. Note, I was able to limp on it, but not put much weight at all on it. I went to Accident and Emergency and because it had been 4 days, I was subjected to 'Triage' and a Nurse gave me a lookover. I told her I believed I had fractured it as well as ligament damage. She claimed because I could put some weight on it, it was very unlikely to be a fracture and decided that I did not need an X-Ray. She advised me to go home and rest it. Over the next few months my ankle was in agony daily, I struggled to put proper weight on it for about 4 months and could not do any sport for 7 months. Even after this, I could not properly participate in sports and stopped after a few weeks. I still had pain in the ankle (even when lying still and sleeping, it would be sore after walking for 5 minutes etc) After 11 months of pain, I decided to go private to get the issue fixed. I was given a procedure to repair the ligaments and during this procedure, there was 5mm of bone snapped off in my ankle (the fracture I had suspected). Now, if I had been given the X-Ray when I went to A&E this fracture would have been spotted and I could have received the correct treatment at the time and would not have had to have a year of agony and being unable to enjoy sports. Does anyone think that I have a case? This is my ankle at the time I went to hospital I'm not sure the photo has worked, I do not have enough posts to post a link to it either. Hopefully this has attached now Ankle.pdf
  15. Hello all I get ESA CB Support group and recently posted my ESA50 reassesment. I am worried that if I am asked to attend or even if I manage to get a F2F at my home and due to my Bowel issues I am unable to attend or even if its at my house and I am stuck in the bathroom and I am unable to answer the door and he or she leaves. Now what happens then? I know they will send me a letter and asks me for good reason I did not attend, but then what if the same thing happens again if they make a new appointment? and again? Will they eventually end my ESA claim? and then would I have to appeal to have my ESA reinstated? and if I win my appeal to have my ESA reinstated would I immediately be requested to attend another ESA assessment? OK well if that doesnt happen what if I was being assessed and was unable to continue after even a few seconds, would the assessor class that as non attendance? or how would that work? and how would I appeal if this happened and I was removed from ESA? what would be the process? Thanks all in advance"
  16. Told today I have failed my ESA medical all benefits stopped and told to reapply for JSA. I am 61 suffer with depression, border line personality disorder, high blood pressure (MH problems documented by a psychiatrist). At my medical my MH was not really considered. I was asked if I was violent and how did my depression anxiety affect me. I was told today I failed because I did not seem panicky or sweating (I took my coat off on one of the coldest days at the medical because I was sweating) the examiner even commented on how cold it was) I said it felt tropial to me, none of this mentioned. I have asked for a reconsideration, so awaiting paperwork, what can I do in the meantime. If I appy for JSA I have been told my new benefit will be UC, (I was sort of told to wait before I apply to see if my reconsideration is successful, because if it is I will stay on ESA and money lost will be backdated). I am scared to death, I have no family so no help with money, I was receiving SMI so that will stop, what is my best action. Any help as I really do not know where to turn I am totally alone in this.
  17. Hi, Looking for some advice. I had a medical assessment now I got 0 points. I understand I can claim JSA and do a mandatory reconsideration, however the JSA claim online states you must not have received ESA within 1 calendar month? So, must I wait 1 whole month before applying? Thanks.
  18. Hi everyone!!! Hoping some of you might be able to help. Will try and keep this to the point as I know there are other posts that I have spent a long time reading but everyone's situation is different. I have been convicted of DD twice now and on the first time I served 14 months with doing the DD course. Second time was 2 years later and was given a ban of 4 years, 150 hours community service, thinking skills and another programme. I have now served half my ban and have hired a specialist motoring solicitor and a barrister (not cheap) to hopefully get my license back early. Due to go to court on the 8th September 2017. I know I am just taking a chance but have to try. As I will be classed as a HRO I will be required to do the medical and know as I have had an alcohol problem in the past things might not be quite as they should due to the amounts I used to consume. in theory if I am granted my license back by the time I do my medical I should be totally abstinent for about 9-10 weeks, does anyone know if this would be enough or if you have any thoughts or comments regarding the process? Just looking for help please, no hated comments, know I have done wrong (partly wasn't my fault) but yes I was driving. Been the worst time of my life and looking to get back on track to find employment and by knowing I will never go back to the way things were. Thank you all for reading my post! Best Regards,
  19. Hi Members, I have come back to this forum as I’ve been given some great advice a few years ago. Unfortunately for all the wrong reasons i now require some expert minds, over the next few days this story will unfold but for the mean time I would like to ask a question. My current contract states that quote: 8. OTHER BENEFITS You shall be entitled to participate in the Company's private medical insurance scheme subject to: a. the terms of that scheme, as amended from time to time; b. the rules or insurance policy of the relevant insurance provider, as amended from time to time; and c. you and your family (only children under the age of 18 years) satisfying the normal underwriting requirements of the relevant insurance provider and the premium being at a rate which the Company considers reasonable. I have found out My company have not been paying for any medical healthcare, are they breaking any employment law by doing this? I have come to understanding this as a fellow employee told me of a discussion he had with the FD, the FD told him to find a quote. However, I have not been informed of this since my contract started back in January. Thanks Guys
  20. Can anyone help. Due to depression and anxiety i was on esa, i was in the support group and allowed to do permitted work. I failed my assessment and have been taken off ESA. on all other occasions i have been told that permitted work will have to stop so that is what i did this time. I am now being refused full jsa because i stopped the permitted work. I did ask what i should do about permitted work when they told me i could not claim esa anymore but no one seemed to know so that is why i finished as that had been the case before.
  21. I got a decision for my pip yesterday, 0 points. I phoned today and asked for mandatory reconsideration. They need a medical report from my doctor. The thing is the dr doesn't know how i live day to day, they only know my diagnosis's I have and medication i take. Will the dr only list my conditions and medications, treatment etc...?
  22. I am a detained paitent in a hospital and I am eeding to get access to my medical notes. The hospital wrote to me and said the DPA request I sent was valid and that it would tae them 40 days to respomd. But the hospital wrote to me again and said they wouldnt be able to meet the deadline . They gave no excuse at all. I would like a copy of one of my reports Please can you help me?
  23. Hi, I am new here and hope to find somebody who can help me. I had an EU driving licence which expired last month. when I applied for the UK driving licence I had to declare a medical condition which I had six year ago but that it is no longer something I suffer from, infact I have been off medication for a couple of years and I am not under the supervision of any doctors. the NHS consultant I saw for driving licence wrote a letter summarising the history of the problem and attesting that I met all the criteria for fitness to drive, and discharged me with no further appointments or care required. After 5 weeks since I applied for the UK license the DVLA had received the medical questionnaire and the letter from the consultant (which starts by saying "I see no reason why she should not drive a vehicle), and have said that my case has been referred to a DVLA doctor who has to check that my condition meets the criteria above. and that this is not going to happen before January next year, which seems like a very long time to not have a license. I have tried to get more information but they are just rude, robotic call centre people who wind you up, and repeat that they have to deal with cases from all the UK. I wanted to try the complaint procedure or possibly to look at getting professional legal advice. I can't understand why when an NHS specialist consultant has written to the DVLA to say I can drive, it should have to go to their doctor who can't respond until January. I can drive under the law section 88 road traffic act 1988 but I do not feel confident without the driving licence. plus I cannot go to visit family abroad with my baby as is illegal there going around without driving licence with you. has anyone had any similar experiences? any advice would be much appreciated. thanks
  24. hi everybody , im so confused capita have asked me to go to a medical 40 miles away , especially when they know im aggraphobic . i have seen somewhere on the web that capita normally do home visits but i was sent a letter to attend this place , i cancelled once because i had a really bad panic attack , they told me i HAVE to attend the second one they booked for wednesday ? can i say anything to them ? im terrible with one to one situations the thought im going to embarrass myself makes me feel panicky , am i likely to fail by going ? and what will happen if i fail it ? really sorry for all the questions
  25. Up at 4am talking to a friend on facebook, her situation is that she is the sole carer for her 61 year old Husband who has early onset dementia, she has had problems with the 'authorities' when her husband was in hospital, first of all there was a deprivation of liberty order put on him and then a DNR so she has total mistrust of medical professionals. Now he is out of hospital she has district nurses in once a week, only one of them decided to report her to social services because her house was 'dirty' even though the nurse KNEW that two days before she had broken 2 ribs and could hardly move let alone sweep the @@@@@@ floor buts that's another story. Now she has had visits from SS and has been worried they are looking for an excuse to put him into a home and again they seem to be more interested in the state of her house then her well being and her husbands condition. Talking to her today its clear that she is suffering from depression ( I don't blame her) the catalyst is Christmas as her family don't support her and she is dreading spending the day looking at 4 walls with no celebration I, alas am too far away to get to her on Christmas day and strangers actually cause her Husband extreme distress so my being there will only make things worse. I have suggested she sees her GP, but she wont as she believes that if she does so and is put on medication her GP will inform SS and that she will not be deemed fit to look after her Husband So I need to know the process, would her GP actually give medical information to SS as a matter of course or would her GP have to ask her permission or ask her to sign a confidentiality waiver before they did so. I have suggested respite care, but again she is scared that once he goes into a home he will be kept there.
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