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  1. No doubt this could be mentioned in most forums on this site but chose this one as they regularly crop up with regard to both Equita and Ross & Roberts. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-43862732
  2. I hope I can explain this so you understand, My mother past away on the 30th of January 2018. Pension was originally paid to my father until his death where a part pension was then paid to my mother. She was until 20 months ago receiving the pension payment that was stopped by Capita because they didn’t receive a response to a letter they sent her. I guess it was a prove your still alive letter but that’s just a guess on my part. County Council social services department contacted Capita to inquire as to the missing payments and they advised that a family member needed to send a change of address to capita which was done on a couple of occasions. No acknowledgement or response at all to these letters. Payments have not been made for 20 months despite no change in bank details. My mother was placed into a nursing home two years ago suffering from dementia and relied on that pension payment to pay her residential care needs and was assessed by social services using her pension payment from them included in that assessment. Not receiving payments resulted in financial hardship up to the day she died. I was not made aware of any of this until my mum passed away. I intend to claim back all money not paid to her until her death. Where it can at least go somewhere to paying some of the funeral costs. Any thoughts on this from my good friends here on CAG. Cheers.
  3. Guest

    NHS and Capita

    'There is a backlog of hundreds of thousands of pieces of clinical correspondence that have not been directed to GPs as a result of NHS England's failure to resolve problems associated with their contract with Capita, Government auditors have found...'the NAO also found that attempts to resolve the issue to be 'paused'. It added: ’This followed an incident in which NHS England sent clinical correspondence containing the child protection notes of three children to a practice without showing the name of the practice in the address. The package was delivered to a supermarket with the same postcode, which then passed the package to the practice.’ Following the incident, NHS England revised its procedures...NHS England has said that it will publish a review detailing the amount of patient harm caused by the backlog of correspondence by April,' http://www.pulsetoday.co.uk/home/finance-and-practice-life-news/gp-practices-missing-400000-clinical-letters-due-to-capita-handover/20036099.article https://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/02/02/nao_probes_capita_contract_clinical_correspondence_backlog/
  4. Capita look to be in trouble, wonder where this will go, especially in view of the Capita/Equita/Ross 'n Robbers stitch up at many infested councils. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2018/jan/31/shares-in-uk-government-contractor-capita-plunge-40-after-profit-warning
  5. hi everybody , im so confused capita have asked me to go to a medical 40 miles away , especially when they know im aggraphobic . i have seen somewhere on the web that capita normally do home visits but i was sent a letter to attend this place , i cancelled once because i had a really bad panic attack , they told me i HAVE to attend the second one they booked for wednesday ? can i say anything to them ? im terrible with one to one situations the thought im going to embarrass myself makes me feel panicky , am i likely to fail by going ? and what will happen if i fail it ? really sorry for all the questions
  6. Hello all I have had an ongoing issue with Parking Eye and them issuing 2 Parking Charge Notices for me parking in a hospital where I work. The car park is free for all to use but visitor and patient parking is limited to 4 hours, for one reason and another I occasionally park in visitor spaces but usually move my car before the 4 hours is up - but with ANPR technology I have been caught short a couple of times. I have been down the usual routes, appealed - rejected by Parking Eye with no reasons mentioned. appealed to POPLA, ignored my arguments and said that I had breached a contract and therefore they too rejected the appeal, though they did concede that they could not consider the mitigating factors that I offered. I also appealed to the land owner the local health board asking they they request the notice be revoked - but to date have heard nothing from them - typical! All went quiet for about a year and now the matter has been passed onto Capita (who I realise Parking Eye a part of their umbrella group? I have exchanged a couple of letters with them, they initially told me I hadn't appealed - I have now had a letter from them again which contains the term 'Magistrates Liability Order Dated:' there is no date and it seems as though it is a bit of bluff? Are these bandits able to include these sort of threatening terms, can they indeed apply to Parking Charge Notices, the only things I am really aware for them applying to is non payment of Council Tax? Any advice appreciated... thanks Nathan
  7. Not really into conspircy theories etc but it seems strange that a decision was given against Beavis with PE winning the court case especially as PE is owned by Capita and Capita is really cosy with the government who pays judges to make decisions. I wonder if some one somewhere helped the judge to make the decision that affects consumers?
  8. emmy2015

    pip capita

    i cant find anything for capita i realise this is atos but they have the same requirements so here goes,i am 63 recieving dla now im being swopped to pip i have a face to face assesment on tuesday will this make a difference to who asseses me,i am a pensioner and would feel stressed explaining my illness to a twenty year old,also has any one who is a pensioner had an assesment for pip,if so what happened
  9. Hi, my son had an assessment for his home, I was there, and there was a no show. I rang them during the allocated appointment slot and they told me there was no such appointment, even though we had the letter. They apologised and said they will send a new appointment. His appointment was meant to be at home, but they sent him one to attend Cardiff, which we are unable to do. So I rang and got my appointment for his home. We were there for that appointment, and ten minutes after the time slot, we rang Capita as the assessor hadn't turned up. A lot of people mix his address up as it's a converted flat, so I was anxious. Capita tried to phone the assessor and was unable to get through to him as our mobile signals here are poor. So we were advised to call back half an hour later. We did that. The appointment was for 12, and I rang at 10 past 12, and at 20 to 1. Both times, Capita could not reach the assessor. I was standing up looking at his pathway and front door the whole time, through his huge bay window, as I suffer anxiety and like I said, people often can't find his address. At 20 to one, Capita was still unable to reach the assessor and so he left him a voicemail to confirm we were waiting for him and to phone us if he was lost etc. We were advised to wait until 20 past 1. So that's what we did. At 4.30 pm, I rang Capita back up to find out what happened. It was then, that they told me the assessor, walked through a little wooden gate, up a white path and knocked on a white front door and there was nobody in. For a start my son has a metal gate and grey concerete path, and there are a few houses nearby with wooden gates. Secondly, I rang from his landline number, not a mobile and even asked them to phone us on it. Proof we were actually there inside the building. But Capita refuse to listen and have accused us of wasting their time and totally dismissed my sons claim. I phoned DWP crying, I was so upset, I broke down and my son had a meltdown, he is on the ASD spectrum. They told me they would try to get a reassessment booked for us. I emailed complaints at capita, and the following day, they still ignored the fact that they can make a mistake and knock the wrong door, and blamed us for wasting their time and to go through DWP. We are still waiting for a decision from DWP. I just don't know what else to do. Nobody seems to believe me even though we phoned from inside the building. I have been extremely upset over this as we have no control over it, and my son could lose his money over something we haven't done. We were there for the appointment from half 11 until half 1, (the appointment was for 12) and then when I went home, my son was still there. We had no tv on, no background noise, we were watching the door and path the whole time. Nobody believes me even though we phoned from his landline twice, and asked them to phone us which they didn't. I have been so anxious and upset over this, and I just don't know how to sort it out. Nobody knocked my sons door, and it's obvious they went to the wrong door. Thank you for listening.
  10. Today received a FAKE £50 refund cheque *apparently* from sainsburys bank regarding a debt I had way back when. They have no idea I live here now as the debt was incurred in another part of the country. The cheque appears to come from sainsburys and is a goodwill gesture because they overcharged in debt fees. Its suggest they have asked Direct Collections to credit my outstanding debt account and have themselves sent me this £50 cheque as a goodwill gesture. Its pure fabrication and no doubt highly illegal too. I have had no contact with anyone since leaving previous address. No doubt you try to cash the fake cheque and they know you exist where they think you are now when they receive notice of the failed deposit or if you use the contact details therein.
  11. Hi, Ive just come across a thread about BH selling on to Skye, so have started my own.. . I only have 4 months left on the loan after 5 years. I had an agreement with BH that I have in writing, that if I continued to pay the monthly repayments on time (2 years ago) that the added interest, due to a few missed payments and an added 6 months to the term of my loan, without my knowledge, (even they could not see who had done it or why just that the dates had changed ??) that they would remove everything.. they had already removed over £1600 of wrongful charges, plus the payments they say they have received are not the same as the payments to them from my bank, they has less paid, I had asked for a SAR but not recieved this as of yet and the account went to Skye Loans with a different account number etc on 1st June ..worried now that the above will not stand , how do I best deal with this, will Skye loans have to honour the agreement I have in writing ??
  12. Hi can anyone please help me find out or know if the contract between Capita and DWP mean they have to use medically trained personnel or at least be GMC registered at minimum as they are asking me to go for a medical assessment for pip which i applied for in november 2013, yes long time to wait hey ........ I have sent in a complaint to Capita as i asked them if they provide GMC registered people for this and they said no , when i questioned about the contract some other person rang me said they did not have to be medically trained in any way or registered with GMC for medical assessment, I asked them for that in writing and they sent my case back to DWP saying i refused to co operate, have put a complaint in waiting for reply and their stance on the situation. If anyone knows anything about this then please let me know as i remember that with ATOS they did have to use GMC at a minimum. Also while i remember they also refused a recorded interview and said they do not have to agree with that also........... Anyone also have any idea of whom in the DWP i send a complaint in writing to thgem as they ignored my phone effort of starting a complaint and some case manager or succh rang me and said they would not take the complaint any further so i am going to put it in writing as im guessing they dont want the time frame my aplication has taken being put into them as a complaint..... Thanks in advance people......
  13. Every time I look at a newspaper, it appears that the government have sold something to Capita. The latest is a food safety agency that was actually profitable in government hands. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/capita-and-the-great-british-food-safety-selloff-10134275.html In 20 years time, will the Prime Minister of the UK be the CEO of Capita ? I seriously worry that one political party sees no limit on what they would privatise. There are already private companies that provide laboratory services in regard to food safety. What the government have privatised is the body that looks after safety on behalf of the public. Capita already have commercial partnership with the companies in the food sector and this may lead to a conflict of interest.
  14. Quick History, Wife has had DLA Mobility high rate for over 10 years (Osteoporosis, IBS, + other ailments) 2 Years ago we needed to replace our own car so used DLAMob to get one via Motability. I have been on JSA for a long time and had been on WPS and was on PWPS. My personal advisor (or whatever they are called now) kept on going on and on about me applying for DLA Care practically everytime we meet. I kept saying we had looked into it but did not want to run the risk of losing the DLAMob we already had. My advisor seemed like she turned "hard" when I told her we would not be putting in for it and I found she was looking for any excuse to make it difficult for me to meet the JSA requirements concerning looking for work etc..... In the end we decided that we should try for DLACare (Now PIP) because of the extra pressure that was being put on me vis the advisor. So on 18th December 2013 we contacted DWP to ask for the PIP papers. We were not aware or told at the time that just by asking for the papers we were in fact making a claim for PIP. Anyway 31st December is when the PIP papers showed up and as it was New Year and the Doctors were closed we did not look at the papers until about 5th January 2014. Having looked at the questions it was our opinion that we would not get the entitlement for the PIP Care so we choose to leave it. End of January 2014 we get a letter saying that my wife's Life DLAMob was now cancelled because we had not proceeded with the PIP claim. Of course I get on the phone to DWP and ask them why and it turns out it's because simply by asking for the papers and not returning them within a set period (one month) it is automatically taken that you no longer need the DLAMob that we had. Anyway I said that that's unfair because we were not aware we would lose the DLAMob just by asking for the PIP papers and after some further discussions we were told to get the papers in quick and that the DLAMob would be reinstated. So by February 3rd they had the PIP papers and we were in contact with Motability over the situation as well and they said it was all good. Fast forward 3.5 months and we receive a letter form Motability saying they were coming to take the car we had due to the DLAMob not being paid since February 18th. We of course contacted the Mota people and ask why they have not been receiving payments as they had been reinstated and they said they had no idea or that they had had any information from DWP(DLA) concerning this. So getting on phone to DLA(PIP)(DWP) concerning this they told us it had not been reinstated and that they had no information concerning my calls to them on the matter. Now I log all my calls concerning matters like this and was able to tell them the exact time, day and person I spoke to which made them a little uneasy and they suggested I contacted the PIP dept directly even gave me the phone number. So onto PIP and it was much the same run around as with the other DWP dept's and basically I got nowhere other than they would put in a "urgent" request for a reassessment of the situation. (their idea regarding "URGENT" means anything up to 5 weeks apparently). They also arranged for a call back which should have taken 5 working days but ended up taking 8 and that probably only happened after I contacted them again after 7 working days had past. Net result was they would look into it. (still looking I think) Anyway we had a bit of family bad luck in that my wife's mother died about 2 weeks ago and the motability people were kind enough to change the deadline for the car going back so we could use for another 17 days to get through the Funeral etc. It goes back on Monday 14th July. This Friday (11th July 2014) I decided to chase up what was happening with the PIP claim. We had had a Home assessment done by Capita several weeks ago. Called DWP(PIP) and they told us that they had had the electronic part of the information concerning the assessment from Capita but not the hard-copy information. I call Capita and they told me that the Electronic part had been sent on the 4th June and the hard-copy would have been sent within 10 working days of the elec forms being sent. We worked it out that the DWP(PIP) would have had both parts by 25th June at the absolute latest. So back to DWP(PIP) and they confirmed they had had the electronic form part but had not received the hard-copy part (implying it was lost in the post). They suggested that I should get Captia to reissue the hard-copy again. So back to Capita and they said they would send the DWP(PIP) the hard-copy again but also told me that they cannot see how the DWP(PIP) had not received the hard-copy as they send all their important information via courier and in batches so could not see how the DWP(PIP) had not received the forms. Back to DWP(PIP) and I told them that Capita said that they cannot see how they had NOT got the hard-copy forms to which the DWP(PIP) person said that they are now going to find out just what has happened. Net result of this "lost in the post" is that the claim is now going to take around 5 more weeks and not be completed as it should of by now. So I am now totally frustrated by the fact that it looks like the DWP(PIP) are in fact giving out either false information or are in fact telling blatant lies just to get claimants so totally fed up with the situation that they will in fact give-up. We have already come to turns with the fact the car is going back to motability and will in fact give them praise for having been very professional and thoughtful throughout this whole situation. Also praise to Capita as it does appear they are getting to grips with their part in this PIP claim procedure. As for the DWP(PIP) ____________________ Just thought I would post this so that people could have some idea as to what the DWP(PIP) could be doing to make things worse for claimants. Good Luck to anyone claiming PIP.
  15. We all know that Capita are involved in so much with this in mind I went Googling, and found this, I think this will put a smile on so many peoples face's so much so I wanted to share this with everyone, I hope Admin do not mind please watch this here https://tinyurl.com/y94td3dq
  16. Hi folks, After the episode I recently had with Lowells (got the SD set aside) a smaller, but equally niggling issue has come about which I would appreciate some guidance. It relates to a car insurance policy I had for a project. The policy was with Lancaster Insurance and the annual premium was for around £85, the premiums were around £7 a month. Earlier in the year I sold the car due to a lack of time, and there were around 3 instalments left on the policy (around £25 in total). Perhaps very foolishly on my part, I cancelled the direct debit but Lancaster came back trying to hit me with a £50 cancellation fee. The matter went quiet for a while whilst I furnished proof of the date of sale, and Lancaster (very generously) have reduced the final balance by around £4. The problem is that Capita are now trying to extract nearly £130 out of me. I have asked them for a breakdown and told them that the sum is disputed and amounts to nothing more than exploitation. Now having the benefit of hindsight I should have just left the policy to run its course and simply not renewed but is there any way of fighting this? Thanks NC
  17. OPPOSITION councillors have expressed fears over a potential conflict of interest at the heart of one of the controversial One Barnet contracts. Just weeks after the £320million customer and support group contract with outsourcing firm Capita came into force, lawyers acting on behalf of bailiff firms Newlyn Collections Services Ltd and Phoenix Commercial Collections Ltd – which have been carrying out services for the council since 2005 – said they were considering seeking a court order against the authority and Capita....
  18. Well well what a surprise !!!! . For a full copy of the article...please see the link at the end of this post...... COUNCIL bosses are under pressure to investigate a possible conflict of interest after it emerged the company that hands out council tax benefit is also in charge of bailiffs that chase unpaid rates. Capita Group have an £11.5million annual contract to manage various services on behalf of Westminster, including collecting council tax and providing advice to residents who apply for reduced rates. When residents fall behind on council tax, private bailiffs are employed to pursue the debt. But unbeknown to them, Equita Ltd, one of the bailiff companies used by Westminster, are owned by Capita Group. It has led to claims of a “pincer movement” against residents as those who are unable to pay full council tax or think they qualify for an exemption have to contact Capita to put their case. If people are unsuccessful, and fail to keep up payments, their debt will pursued by bailiffs who include Equita. Capita say there is no conflict because both contracts were secured after a “rigorous and competitive tender process”. http://www.westendextra.com/news/2013/aug/call-probe-%E2%80%98bailiffs-and-tax-collector%E2%80%99-link
  19. Need advise please on what I can do next with the issue I have with an insurance company, BDML which seems to have been taken over by Capita. Quick run through: I had house insurance with BDML in 2010/2011, for a year. When renewal came about I cancelled this policy as I was moving. Heard nothing from them, no sorry you are leaving or any acknowledgment for anything else. Didnt think anything of it until I noticed in the May/June when I was sorting out my 6 monthly accounts that money had been taken from my bank account from BDML. Immediately I contacted my bank and requested that they cancel this payment, I enquired why this had happened as this policy had been cancelled. They did check and said that no DD was renewed for this company and advised to contact them to have the money put back in my account. Unfortunately at this time I became quite ill and had a short stay in hospital. Then sadly lost my mother later that year, which I hope people can understand, all thoughts about BDML were furthest from my mind. However in the December of 2012 I received a debt letter with regards to a cancellation fee and admin cost's for cancelling the DD for this insurance. as BDML was not mentioned I had no idea what they were referring to. I contacted them, to be honest I cannot recollect what was said, but Capita who have now taken over stated that I said BDML had canceled. If I did say this then I must have been quite confused at what this was about. Again I hadnt long come out of hospital. Any way I had heard nothing from them until two weeks ago asking me again to pay xx amount that I owed. Didnt say what it was for etc so this time I emailed them requesting the policy and other information. They came back with a copy of a renewal letter from BDML !!??!! Certainly not what I requested. It states on the renewal letter that If I had not contacted them in an allotted time scale, they would automatically renew my policy. This is where the penny drops and I now know why this company had been taking out money from my account after I had contacted them to cancel. I distinctively remember cancelling the policy when my year was up because they tried to persuade me to carry on with the policy for the new property and were quite forceful about it and I got a bit cross with them. So basically they didnt cancel the policy as requested. The email goes on and states that as a good will gesture they will take off the admin charges and all I have to pay is £42 for the cancellation fee, which is the rest of the years payments. They took 5 months of £8.80 which they shouldnt of had. I have emailed back to Capita explaining the above, however does any one know where I stand in all this? Should I pursue BDML for the unauthorised DD they took or have I to pay the 40 odd pounds cancellation fee. I really dont know where I stand in this situation. I just dont want to pay out more money for a service I didnt get even after cancelling. Thanks in advance guys
  20. . . From the posts on the forum and enquiries that we receive there is little doubt that bailiffs (many times with the agreement of the local authorities) are charging fees that are frankly illegal. Almost always...debtors are forced to pay either because of threatening behaviour by the bailiffs or more often....ignorance of the fee scale. The public really ought to be aware of the scale of the abuse to the fees scale and worryingly, the way in which this is frequented by bailiffs working on behalf of local authorities that contract out their council tax enforcement to "back office" providers such as CAPITA Ltd. As most frequent posters to this forum will know....in almost all cases where CAPITA Ltd are the "back office" providers...the Contract to provide bailiff services is strangely awarded to EQUITA Ltd. This is a very common scenario and in fact, affects two of the largest local authorities in the Country.....Birmingham City Council and Westminster Council. For anyone new to this forum......Equita Ltd are owned by Capita Ltd. Approx 10 days ago we received an enquiry from a sole trader who has a small office in Westminster and a Liability Order had been issued against his business for arrears of Non Domestic Rates in late Feb 2013 March and payment required by 6th March. He contacted Westminster approx 4 days late and and was told that the account had been referred to EQUITA Ltd. Strangely, he was even given the name and contact details for the bailiff !! As mentioned above, he was just a few days late in making payment !! He contacted the bailiff on the telephone to make the payment in full of approx £3,000 and was staggered to be told that there must have been an error and the amount needed to clear the debt was £750 more that he thought. It was at this stage that the debtor spoke with me and I advised him to speak with the bailiff to ask whether any visits had been made. The bailiff confirmed.....no visit had yet been made. My advice.....was to make payment of the full amount to Westminster Council and to write a letter of complaint. Predictably of course...the complaint to Westminster was answered by Capita Ltd and the following is taken from their reply: Equita Ltd is indeed part of the Capita Group however both areas of the business have separate Contracts with the City of Westminster which are monitored. To date, no evidence of a conflict of interest has arisen. I note your comments with regards to Mr xxx and the bailiff fees (of £750). Equita Ltd has advised me that the amount quoted to you was the POTENTIAL figure that WOULD have been due IF THE BAILIFF HAD ATTENDED and Levied on goods with the intention to remove if payment was not made. The case has now been returned by Equita Ltd and the balance is now nil. How many other small businesses and individuals have paid this fee without question !!!! If this is how local authorities are treating small companies is it any wonder that we have businesses closing at such a rapid rate......
  21. Can't see any mention of this anywhere, but of course may have missed it - it's an age thing. http://www.credittoday.co.uk/article/14891/online-news/capita-snaps-up-dca-in-42m-deal
  22. Hi Guys, In July 2010 I was moving out of my old property due to illness (Skin Cancer surgery etc) and moving back to my parents to recoup orate. Anyway on Saturday while I was uploading the car full of my personal stuff I was visited by one of the TV Licensing "salesmen" who asked if I had a license. I pointed out o him that there is no TV in the property and that I was selling the house, hence the two For Sale signs he was looking at, my front door was wide open so I said to him that he could go in and have a look for a TV as I knew there wasnt one in there The guy declined as he could see that I was actually moving premises hence the nearly full cars. He asked if I knew who was moving in, I advised that it would be empty until the estate agents had sold it. He then said he would notify the TVL that the property is empty and that I had moved. He then asked my to sign a sheet to prove that he had been at the premises. I was never cautioned and the sheet had written on it that the property was to be left empty due to relocation. last week I received an arrest warrant for non payment of fines and was summonsed to attend a court hearing this morning at 10am. To my astonishment when I arrived I was told that it was for non payment of a TVL and I had been fined £175+£60 costs, apparently the case was heard in November 2010. I explained that I had vacated the property in July 2010 and had no knowledge of the hearing or fine The case has been adjourned until 13th Sept as the wish to obtain further info from TVL about the fine, I have been advised that I may have to do a statutory deceleration. I am absolutely livid and embarrassed about this as clearly this TVL "salesman" hasn't said what he said he would do and is clearly working on a commission or bonus scheme. I have sent the TVL an email advising the of the incident and advising that I hadn't lived at the property since July 2010. Is there anything else that I can do, I am crapping myself about this don't want to be sent to prison!!!! Please help
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