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Found 9 results

  1. The following is taken from the Law Gazette website: https://www.lawgazette.co.uk/news/supreme-court-ruling-on-litigants-in-person-could-redraw-cpr/5063855.article
  2. Dear all I am in a real mess and would like to seek some honest advice / feedback. Currently we live in a shared ownership home (100% in my wife's name. Currently just paying rent to the housing company). Over the past years, due to some mental health problems ( anxiety and depression ) and this has have a marked effect on the family and my ability to work, there are now some £20,000 of debts (Gas, Electric, Water and Council tax). All of these are in my name ONLY and I am considering a debt reduction order or alike, but I have been led to believe that even if I do this, the debts will still 'exist' in my wife's liability? I do not really understand this as I thought if I 'owned' the debt, it would go after I have it written off? I am in a real mess and would be grateful for any advice that can be given. Thank you all in advance David
  3. hi everybody , im so confused capita have asked me to go to a medical 40 miles away , especially when they know im aggraphobic . i have seen somewhere on the web that capita normally do home visits but i was sent a letter to attend this place , i cancelled once because i had a really bad panic attack , they told me i HAVE to attend the second one they booked for wednesday ? can i say anything to them ? im terrible with one to one situations the thought im going to embarrass myself makes me feel panicky , am i likely to fail by going ? and what will happen if i fail it ? really sorry for all the questions
  4. A/ Why are hover boards sold if you can't use them on the pavement or road. B/ why do people text while crossing the road. C/ Why do some young people wear there trousers half way down. D/ Why do some people shout at someone if they are next to them. Any ideas of the above would be welcome and perhaps some of your own..
  5. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/business/what-the-middle-class-doesnt-understand-about-rich-people-a7158851.html Well now you know, the Wealthy/Rich people are misunderstood ! However, there are some interesting points in the article - not least of which - being wealthy gives you freedom.
  6. Good afternoon, hopefully this will be a 'quick' one. I've had an e-mail from my landline provider (BT) about the changes coming into effect on 1st July about charges to 08.. numbers etc. I use an 0844 number to make international calls on a regular basis. This is currently charged at 1p per minute. (is that what is called an 'override service'?). From what I understand from the e-mail, if I use this service after 1st July, I will be charged by BT a minimum of 9.58p per minute, despite the 'provider' (I think it's justcall) advertising it as 1p per minute. I'm confused. Can someone help me out please?
  7. Im trying to understand our PPI payment success. I have received £1150.00 repayment from Halifax bank but it doesn't add up. I took out a loan in 1992 for £15k loan with 13.50 monthly ppi premium monthly cost. They have only given a return from the premium monthly cost, plus interest. The loan was repaid well within the planned 10 year scope, it was actually paid in 4 years. Here is the breakdown of the repayment. What I paid - How much paid in montly premiums 674.33 -Refund Total 674.33 Refund including interest -Refund due 337.17 -Gross 8% 297.35 -Less basic rate 59.47 -Net Refund Total 575.05 Adding the two total gives 1249.38 but the payment total is 1150. The monthly premium refund is about right but the main question here is why was only the PPI monthly premium returned and not the whole loan. Surely offering any form of return admits guilt and therefore the whole loan should in fact be voided. This is what should happen from other people I know that have been successful and received complete PPI loan repayment. Shall I accept or decline the money. ..Calling all other PPI successes of partial successes.
  8. Hello I have been enduring jacobes for many months now and it has ruined my quality of life every moment of the day I cannot stop thinking about what they are doing to me and my health,and now my major concern is that I don't work many hours well 2hrs a week cleaning and leaflet delivery round combining them both gives me around £150.00 per month £90 of which jacobs insist is paid every month in fact forced me to pay otherwise they would clear me out now my situation is such I have to go without food and drink for up to three or four days sometimes and I have even resulted in eating cat food because I so hungry I live in house on my own family moved away along time ago and they cannot help also I have many days without electricityas I,m on pre-payment with this I,m concerned about the coming winter as I just won't have the money to keep warm it has really terrified me the thought of this even to the degree of ending it all no Jacobs just dont want to listern to my situation what so ever every time I try to reason with them they just pile on the threats and misery well I just cannot cope with it anymore I want to end it all but I feel in the back of my mind there may be a way to recieve some help, I even tried signing on but I was told I would not recieve anything due to the lack of contributions this has also added to this dire situation which has also made me very ill with my nerves I,m weak throught and don't have any fight left in me anymore I cannot even buy myself nice things anymore its so depressing somebody PLEASE HELP I NEED SOME POSITIVE ADVICE BEFORE ITS TIME TO CALL IT A DAY. Now surely Jacobs cannot get awawy with this type of foreceful action I just don't know what to do anymore I,m convinced they wont be happy until they recieve notification of my death beleave me I,m feeling pretty close to making that descision if I cannot get some compassion from them to understand how serious my financial situation really is SOMEBODY HELP ME FIND A BETTER SOLUTION.
  9. Hi there, Just looking for some advise really. I took my Peugeot 1007 into the garage as the Air bag light was on. The garage ran a diagnostic on the car and told me that there was a fault with the actual Air bag and it needed to be replaced which apparently is a big job. They told me the diagnostic said 'Permanent fault left side modules and left side curtain airbag' When they looked at the wiring under the passenger seat they found a fault which they have fixed. They then replaced the airbag but the module is apparently still registering a fault. 'left side module'. They have now told me that I need a new module panel as they they can't reset it . The most recent diagnostic says 'permanent fault. left side module triggers and left side curtain airbag in production. open circuit.' It just sound like the same problem we had the beginning and i can't help thinking that maybe the module was the problem all along and the airbag didn't need replacing. I don't want to make assumptions though because i really don't understand it enough. Can anyone advise me? I have attached the garage paperwork which they emailed me if this helps!
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