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Found 15 results

  1. Having moved my home phone & broadband recently - without any problems, I thought I would take advantage of the pricing offered - Vodafone - and move my business account to them as well - different address. After making contact they tried at first to say they could not help as my business does not show on their Postcode lookup - yet on Royal Mail PAF it comes up straight away as it does with many others - could it be VF use an out of date system, would have to be years old as have traded from here for the last 10+ years. Eventually overcame the Postcode issues as they input things manually but they now tell me I may have to fork out for a new phone number as the one I have is not recognised. I have suggested they contact my present provider who will tell them otherwise. In this day & age it seems to me as if those connected to the IT industry have the worst values. The bigger the company the worse they are.
  2. We learned yesterday that our entire catering team are to be made redundant as the contract we are working under has been terminated. But we also know that the new building owner has every intention of providing catering when they take over in a few months! This cannot be fair and surely that is what the TUPE regulations are designed for - does anyone have any advice?
  3. Hello, here another horror story about dvla, we moved house and changed car, sent all the papers, setup direct debit account, it all worked for 11 months, after which nothing went through, no communications from dvla, and we received a fine from them cos we did not pay one missing month (August 2017), no explanations, no warning why the debit stopped (we never changed bank or been in overdraft ). Now we realized our landlord trashed or sent back our V5C form, and we are in the middle of trying to get a new one and update our direct debit position with them, but nothing works, basically the address we give them (which is 100% accurate, we get letters from council, hmrc, bills, bank,..etc) does not go through. So at this point time is ticking , we'll get another fine , maybe forced to do a sorn, and who knows what, whenever we call them, they super rude and say they thought we wrote our address wrong(!!) and so they decided to eyeball it using google (!!!!!!)... needless to say we wont probably get a new logbook either..this is becoming a nightmare.. anyone in similar situation? Thank you Walt
  4. I'll try to be brief and not ramble. My daughter and her family came to stay with me early last year after selling their family home and were waiting for their new family home. For one reason and another myself and my daughter's long term partner didn't get on, it ended up much to my embarrassment that he ended up staying elsewhere, his friends, his car, hotels etc. This caused issues between myself and my daughter He was sent a few items of mail from Asset Collections I called them and explained that he didn't actually live here, he had for a brief time and had moved on but I didn't have a forwarding address. They said they would amend their records. A few months later another letter was sent - I called them again, they apologised and again said they would amend their records. My daughter and her children officially left here in March and it wasn't on the best of terms. I am slowly trying to build my relationship back with her. I don't know why I have done it (probably because I am too nosey for my own good) but I opened some mail of my son in laws yesterday and it was a CCJ Claim form from the company I have previously told twice that he isn't a resident here. What can I do? I just cannot tell my daughter - she will be so mad at me. Iv done some terrible things over the last 18 months - 2 years and I don't want to lose my daughter again. He doesn't live here and I honestly don't have an address for him and the company had been told he didn't live here what should I do? I have read that the courts won't believe this?
  5. I have been sacked one and a half weeks into a two-week trial period. The employer says that, because I only worked for a short period, he doesn't have to deduct tax and Ni from my wages. I was working a 37-hour week for which my pay (due at the end of March) was £7.50 per hour. My employer confirmed this in an email to me before I started work. I was directly employed (not through an agency) and was not self-employed. My questions is this: Is the employer legally obliged to deduct tax and NI after such a short period and does he have to give me a P45? Also, what can I do if he doesn't do any of this? I am from Eastern Europe and feel that the employer is deliberately attempting to recruit EU citizens for a short period and avoiding his legal obligations to pay tax and NI. There was nothing wrong with my work. I believe that it was all along his intention to sack me and that this is ongoing company policy towards temporary employees. Your help on this would be much appreciated.
  6. Ofgem's proposals to shake up the energy market put "too much onus" on the customer and "do not go far enough", says one energy company boss. The energy regulator said four million pre-pay customers would be protected by an interim price cap from next April. It added it would work with suppliers to help "disengaged" customers to search for cheaper deals. But First Utility's managing director, Ed Kamm, told the BBC the plans were in danger of helping the wrong people. "Ofgem itself admits that consumers who are already engaged in the market will see the first benefits," he said. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-36961798
  7. Hi all Not sure which sub category this should go in so here I am in the general retail area. I bought a replacement seal for my oven door. This was direct via the Hotpoint spare parts department, bought over the phone. I gave the oven model number to the operator who advised the correct part and took payment. On receipt of the item I've found that it is very similar to the original part (but not the same) but does not fit the oven. I've called Hotpoint four times to try and resolve the issue, they are excruciatingly difficult to deal with. They are refusing to refund because the 'correct' part has been sent, have accused me of being incapable of fitting the part (seriously, fitment couldn't be more straightforward!), and have three times told me that they must check with their technical team and call back but have not called back. I have tried to escalate the issue but their operators refuse to let me speak to a supervisor and there is no number for complaints. A refund isn't really what I want (but will settle for this). I can't use the oven without a seal. This oven is only three years old! I'm a bit stuck and would be grateful for any helpful advice. TIA VB
  8. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/business/what-the-middle-class-doesnt-understand-about-rich-people-a7158851.html Well now you know, the Wealthy/Rich people are misunderstood ! However, there are some interesting points in the article - not least of which - being wealthy gives you freedom.
  9. Parents in private rented property were given s21 notice as landlord wanted to sell. Daughter has been trying to get a mortgage to buy the property and in the meantime the parents have stayed put with the landlord's permission. Notice expired over 2 months ago. The sale is taking longer than the landlord would like and they are threatening to pull out. If they do, will they have to issue a new s21 notice? Am I right in advising that the parents are under no obligation to allow access for viewings etc whilst they are still living there?
  10. Getting married soon and ordered a personalised cake topper. When it came it was not really the same style as the photo example. Specifically, the "Mr" and "Mrs" are not at different levels and the first letter of our surname is not overly large as in the example (see below) The example pictured is as so: The one we got looks like this (click for bigger): [ATTACH=CONFIG]54567[/ATTACH] Emailed the seller the asking if she could make one with the above features, reply was: Thank you for getting in touch, I apologise for the long delay in getting back to you. We are sorry to hear you are unhappy with your order. I have had a look at the photograph you have sent to us, and can see that the way the & has been placed is due to the letters included in your name. Because of the L we are unable to have the exact same design as Mr and Mrs Smith. We are always happy to send a proof before processing an order if this is requested. Unfortunately we are unable to send a replacement free of charge as this item is not faulty or damaged. However we would be happy to include 25% discount on a new order. I replied with: I understand that each design will be different due to the different letters in various surnames and it is unfortunate that ours didn't allow for the usual style to be applied. What really attracted us to your design was that it had multiple levels of words (The "Mr" high up, stylish large "&" followed by a lower level "Mrs". The surname also had a large Capital which balances out/matches the large "&" sign). I'm sure you can understand why we are slightly disappointed with the end result, as it has very few of the advertised example's features. If it is not possible, as you have said, to create a topper with a similar concept to the example using our surname; then can I regretfully request a refund. I don't like to ask, and I am more than happy to cover the original postage costs. She said: Thank you for getting back to me, unfortunately as this item is a personalised item we are unable to offer a refund or exchange. However as a gesture of goodwill I can either refund you 25% of the order or we can offer a 25% discount on a new order with another design. So, It is a personalised item, but it doesn't really match the example. Am I entitled to my money back? or is the 25% off actually more than generous? I'm just interested more than anything, as to whether she's right or not.
  11. Hi, I had a previous bank account (but not old enough to be SB) with HSBC which was overdrawn by a large amount. Negotiations to sort things out with HSBC broke down and I've not heard anything from them for 3 years, and have since moved. I came home yesterday to a claim form (dated 29th August) from MKDP LLP who now appear to own the account. I presume they have traced me, but I have had no prior correspondence from them. The amount claimed is a lot higher than the overdraft was, so will doubtless include countless fees. The particulars of claim are 'The Claimant claims the sum of being monies due from the defendant(s) to under a bank account facility regulated by the Consumer Credit Act 1974 and assigned to the claimant on . The defendant(s) account number was . It was a term of the bank account that any debit balance would be repayable in full on demand. The defendant(s) has failed to make payment as required by the demand for payment sent by . The claimant claims the sum of and costs. The claimant has complied, as far as is necessary, with the pre-action conduct practice direction'. No other supporting documents are included, which I suspect is because there aren't any - the overdraft was originally agreed back in 2001 entirely over the phone and I never signed anything or was sent any specific terms before having it. I'm think defend is the way forward as I definitely do not owe the figure claimed, but I don't know what the actual figure should be so I can't really claim partial admission since I don't know how much to admit, which leaves full defence as the only option, and if they don't back down, a full & final settlement offer to try and avoid a CCJ being issued. I understand that section 77 requests are not relevant to an overdraft, but do I have any other rights under the CCA to demand supporting documentation for the claim and would I be able to use failure to supply this as a defence as you can with a failed section 77 request? Some advice on the best way to approach this would be appreciated!
  12. Several weeks ago a recruitement agency offerred me a couple of days' painting and decorating job. We agreed I would be paid 13 pounds per hour. The job was done in two days' time. The forman sent the timesheet to the agency. There were 16 hours in total. The payment arrived into my account later than they promised. But that is not a big deal. The amount was just several pounds less than it should have been after 20% tax. So I asked them to give me full break up of the payment and I asked them to send me a timesheet. Since then they stopped all correspondence with me.. I sent them around 5 messages, but received no reply. Can anyone please give me an advice what to do with them?
  13. Hi everyone, Would be grateful for any advice... An alleged debt was sold to a DCA by a mobile phone company (went via a few DCAs actually). Anyway, as far as I'm aware the debt has never existed and (despite writing and asking repeatedly) have never received any written evidence of the debt. The DCA have placed a default on my credit file and won't remove it until I 'provide proof of payment'. The CRA contacted them and they replied with the same proof of payment request so CRA won't do anymore but the debt doesn't exist. The phone company won't discuss it and the DCA say any discussion must be with the phone company. I know technically they must prove it exists but this isn't helping me in getting the default removed. I was so close to getting my debt sorted but this in conjunction with another complete farce (made worse by me insisting upon my rights being upheld apparently) has left me completed gutted and frustrated. Will save that for another thread when I can think about it without banging my head against a wall Thanks for any help or advice
  14. Evening, Is it true that letting agencies cannot do a thorough check like a bank and only see CCJ's and other similar marks on your report? Or Do they only look for those? I read somewhere they cannot access the defaults on an account. Looking to rent but have a few defaults. Hopefully I'll find somewhere.
  15. When I recieved my p60 it showed that I had earned £450 more than my basic salary. I dont earn any bonus so I questioned my employer about this. I was told that 2011/2012 was a 53 week year, this still doesn't make any sense to me as I earn much less than £450 per week so how can this be right? I get paid the last friday in the month so sometimes its 4 weeks pay a month and occasionally 5 weeks pay but still only 12 monthly payments in the year. Confused!
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