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  1. I am due to road tax refund but received this message on my phone. It seems a bit suspect. Has anyone else had this message. Many thanks for any adivce! LT
  2. Hi, Me & my brother are swapping cars, both cars are the same year & relatively the same value. We are simply swapping as his car is an estate and better for my large dog and my car better for him as his daughter (my niece) can only drive automatics and mine happens to be an auto. I'm just confirming the taxation side of things. I pay DD monthly on my car (so kind of runs from month to month) whereas my brother has paid for the full year upfront on his car. His car tax is paid up till May 2019 I'm planning on doing the transfer of ownership/sale online via DVLA website while I am at my brothers (he lives 30 miles away). I am assuming when I do the transfer online for both cars it will automatically cancel my tax DD with respect to my vehicle and as for my brothers car he will be refunded for his car tax for each clear month by the dvla ? We will then need to both re-tax the cars again from kinda scratch? Is this the correct procedure? To be honest I've never sold a car since the new car tax system. Obviously we will update our respective car insurance's at that time too. Thanks in advance ;-)
  3. Hi. I have just received a letter from DVLA requesting I fill in the fitness to drive from. The form itself is all to do with seizures ect. I don't suffer any? It's very hard to fill in. It was a third party (my ex ) as he has been arrested for malicious and harassing communications ect. My health is this: high blood pressure : two slipped spinal discs and wear and tear in spine: tachyicadia.This is what my doctor has orescribed: Lisinipril for bp . Citalapram for heart speed : baclofen for muscles : tramadol as and when required. Based upon all this information are DVLA likely to revoke my licence? I'm 44 and have had my license since 17years if age. In addition I just left a deposit on car as my 12yr is disabled and we can't get about. Now I either purchase the car even though DVLA have 6 weeks to respond with their desicion or I loose the big deposit . I'm so depressed and stressed right now I can't even think clear... at my sits end ((
  4. Hi guys sorry if this is the wrong place but hopefully someone can help me I sold a car on ebay to a dealer who picked the car up and filled in all the paperwork and handed me the yellow slip of the logbook telling me they were a trader so i had to send that part off. This i did via first class mail I also cancelled my D/D for the road tax and all was good until i received a letter to say my D/D had failed and as my car was no longer taxed i was being fined £80. So i wrote back telling the DVLA i had infact informed them as above, next i get a letter to say the fine stands unless i appeal which i did. I appealed on the grounds i sent away the log book and cancelled my D/D and included the receipt for the sale of the car, also proof that i changed my insurance over to my new car and the receipt for the new road tax on my new car. My appeal was rejected on the grounds that while i considered that i had fulfilled my legal obligation by course of post under section 7 of the interpretations act 1978 DVLA consider it is not enough for a registered keeper to just state that they are compliant. They then go on to say there is no legal liability for me to chase up an acknowledgement letter and they accept that however its a legal requirement that i ensure the car is taxed. So they have given me 5 days to pay the fine or take further action and they consider the matter closed. So is there anything i can do ?? thanks
  5. Having lost a few registration marks to DVLA over the years. I wondered if anyone has ever lost a registration mark which made their car worthless as the DVLA did not affix another. This was a valuable classic car some years ago. I am also looking at the legal power of the DVLA. What they can and can't do legally. Thank you
  6. Hi, I find myself in a difficult situation. I was diagnosed with sleep apnea 10 years ago and then issued with a cpap device. I was never told at the time by my Gp who referred me or by the hospital consultant that I had to report this directly to dvla. I assumed as it was controlled everything was ok. Recently I had an issue with sleep apnea being uncontrolled. my machine had a problem which has been replaced with one that wirelessly reports data to the hospital. They say sleep apnea is now controlled again. So far so good, again no mention of Dvla. Recently though going through a complaint with my GP (different matter) who referred me to the sleep clinic, its been said about reporting my condition to DVLA. Im now worried after 10 years of not reporting I'm in deep hot water. Any advice on how to tackle this? Im hearing horror stories of DVLA revoking licences etc. I will be ringing the sleep clinic at my hospital tomorrow to get some kind of evidence of my current machine readings to prove the condition is controlled.
  7. I recently ended a relationship with my girlfriend of 4 years. When we broke up i let her borrow my car for a few months. Everything was fine during this time and i was getting to see my son. All of a sudden i was not allowed to see my son and my ex is refusing to return my car to me. I am currently going through the court process to gain access to my son. In regards to my car, i recently learned that the v5 of the car was tranaferred to my ex name. I made a complaint to the DVLA and i was told that i was sent a letter notifying me the change of name, but i did not receive this letter. The DVLA have also stated that there is nothing they can do and it is now a civil matter. They stated once i gain the car in my possession to notify them. DVLA also sent me a copy of the letter that was sent to me, i am sure they stamp these letters? This letter has no stamp, i would have never have agreed to the name change if i knew about it. The police will not do anything as well. I took out a personal car loan to purchase the car for which i am currently making monthly payments for, the loan is against my name and not the vehicle. I really need some advice and help on what my options are and i would really appreciate it if someone can help.
  8. Hi all, first time poster here, apologies if I get anything wrong! I bought the car two years ago, immediately set up a direct debit and - foolishly now it seems - thought that was that. You all know where this is going... So, last month my car got clamped outside the house, that was the first I knew that my car was untaxed. It turns out I’ve been driving for a year with no tax, I was (and still am) a broken man . I regularly check my MOT and insurance online, but tax - it just never crossed my mind, the direct debit was set up immediately, it renews, so all good? Surely there’s a major flaw in the system here? The seller didn’t send off the logbook SO the DVLA had no idea I was the registered keeper. And yes, lo and behold, I now find out about the rule that the direct debits will NOT renew unless they have the keepers details... Then when I finally get the logbook it states that ‘this does NOT prove ownership of the vehicle’ - so what the hell does??? The person who taxes and insured it??? Who then has their direct debits not renewed by the DVLA??? Adding to this is the fact that the missus is not on her logbook (I am) yet they renewed her direct debits??? Also I have two vehicles also registered with the DVLA. The police also found me within two weeks a few months back for speeding (33 in a 30...) It just seems so wrong? Is there ANYTHING I can do about this? I’m guessing not etc etc but if I start getting the fines coming through as they’ve spotted me on camera 6 times over the past year I won’t be able to afford that... All this because they didn’t renew the DD? And doesn’t the fact that they did with the missus ruin their argument? Apologies but I’m completely out of my depth here and don’t know which way to turn. Would a magistrate see common sense and see the flaw in the system here? Is it worth heading to court to argue my case? Thanks Mike
  9. Important information for DVLA customers: DVLA services READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/important-information-for-dvla-customers-online-services
  10. Done loads of googling, read loads of threads, still no definitive answer, clutching at straws DVLA claim to have no record of me passing my HGV 2, with the Army, back in ´76. As such, they refuse to give me a licence with Cat C on it. I worked for three firms in Lancaster over a period of ten years, they have all disappeared so no records available from them. After that I moved on to other things and didn´t drive HGV any more. This was back in the day when the HGV licence was separate from car licence in that it was a separate booklet. I recently came back from Spain after 13 years and decided to reapply for my HGV 2. Duly sent off the correct forms and DVLA sent back a provisional Cat C! I mean, WTF? Phoned em up and DVLA has passed the buck to me saying that it´s up to me to prove I had a licence, not for them to find it for me. I have a form to send off to the Army seeing if I can get info but not holding out much hope tbh. Others have tried and failed. I have a 42k a year job waiting for me, DCPC and digcard, but no licence, dammit. Have any others found a way to sort this out? It´s put a huge downer on, well, everything really. Thanks
  11. Hi. I've sold a car almost 2 years ago, it was my first one and didn't know to I should send log book so I gave it to new owner which said that is going to do this but didn't. Now I recived a letter from debt collector which says that I'm still the owner and have to pay £80. I already made it straight but my question is : - What's happening with a car now? - The car has new M.O.T so is still in use - Is there anything that is going to affect "new" owner that have been using car without being owner?
  12. Would the DVLA have records of everything against a registration? For instance, would they know about NIPs, police records etc.?
  13. At the beginning of August my Citreon Relay broke down on the Motorway, and as the vehicle was 12 years old i decided to scrap it instead of getting it repaired, so the very next day i called a scrap dealership and they came out and took my vehicle away and i signed the appropriate form. However weeks later i received a letter from West Lothian council telling me i had illegally abandoned my vehicle on a public road, and then i realised that obviously the van was in my name, so i called the scrap yard who told me there must be some error as the road the council say the van is abandoned is the same road that the scrap yard is based, and therefore there must be an error on DVLA's side. I then went on to the DVLA website to cancel the tax but was unable to proceed when they asked me for the appropriate form which of course i did not have as this had been handed to the scrap yard. I then phoned up the DVLA to let them know of this error, and also to not take anymore payments from my bank account but they said this was not a matter that could be dealt with via phone, so i said i would send an email just to be told this matter could not be resolved via email either and that i would need to write to them. Feeling pretty annoyed that the DVLA were making it so difficult for me to cancel my direct debits on a vehicles tax that i no longer owned i got on to my bank and felt under the circumstances i was well within my rights to cancel the direct debits to DVLA, especially given that any error was either committed by the scrap yard or DVLA themselves, and no way should i be paying tax on a vehicle i no longer own while this matter gets sorted. Within days i received a letter from the DVLA and wrote in extremely large blue letters was "DIRECT DEBIT ILLEGAL CANCELLATION" and they told me as a matter of urgency i had to make my payments or face prosecution, although in the back of the form they did provide a small slip to fill in should i not own the vehicle anymore, so i filled it in giving them all the details they required including the name of the scrap yard and i sent it off. However 1 month later i now receive through the post a final warning. They want nearly £300 and i have seven days to pay it or else i face enforcement procedures and will lose my vehicle. They also say that even in the event that i can prove that the vehicle has been transferred over to someone else they still want the money for the period between then and now unless i can provide proof that i tried to contact them previously, and the only proof they will accept is an acknowledgement letter from them. This is rather silly considering i tried contacting them a number of times and i did not receive any acknowledgement from them, so i have no acknowledgement letter to send them. It seems they are denying having ever received anything from me for some reason. Now the DVLA are can come along and take my vehicle anytime they like, they will have a hard time, as i do not own the vehicle anymore, but they will not accept this and just keep sending me letters requesting more and more money. Soon i will have to get the Police in to go to the scrap yard and find out why the vehicle is still in my name, or why DVLA seem incapable of accepting i no longer own the vehicle and therefore rightfully should not be paying tax on it. How do i make the DVLA go away? they seem to make it so difficult.
  14. Just spotted this on the Pranksters website. http://tinyurl.com/jvzl7dp Hopefully this will take ages for the DVLA to investigate and ensuring that UKPC go broke
  15. HI All, After a bit of advice please. some background. - In March 2017 I had a car that had a 2nd engine failure on it - after the garage inspected the car, and advised on costs to fix, I decided not to go ahead with it. The garage agreed to take the car in lieu of any costs incurred as part of them diagnosing the issue. I should add that the garage is run by my next door neighbour and has a very good reputation in the area. I left the V5 with them (though stupidly didn't do the whole transferred to trader/dealer section) Roll on to the start of March this year when I recieve notice of a £350 fine for "being the registered keeper of a vehicle that does not meet insurance requirements". The offence was committed in July 17This was dealt with under the single justice procedure in Bristol. All correspondence related to this were sent to my old address where the V5 was logged to, they must have done a search at some point to get my current address. I have now been to Portsmouth Magistrates court to do a Statutory declaration which was accepted. I now have a new court date in Southampton on May 1st which I have already stated I will be pleading not guilty. On speaking to my neighbour, the car was taken on by their auto electrician who has since fixed the car and is back on the road. He has said he didn't get the car back on the road to August 17, after the date of the offence. The garage have stated that the car was always kept off the public highway.Just to throw something else into the mix, I didn't realise until looking at Bank statements recently that I was still paying Tax monthly on the vehicle (so at least SORN Doesn't come into this I guess) I have a letter from the garage stating that I left the vehicle with them, can also provide proof of insurance on my new vehicle etc too. Just had a letter come through today re: the new hearing date. This letter states all the various legislation etc, and that I can settle this for £100 fixed penalty notice to avoid court. Can I get advice on what to do here please? I am certainly guilty of naivety here in not getting the V5 properly filled in etc. I have been driving for 18 years, never had a time of driving without tax/insurance etc - I drive 700 - 900 miles per week as I have a long commute so rely on my car a great deal. your thoughts are greatly appreciated. Thanks
  16. Hi, I recently discovered that the Direct Debit I set up to pay my Car Tax got cancelled after only one payment. Unfortunately this payment was in March 2015, never had any contact from the DVLA to the best of my knowledge either about this or that they were "first payment was marked for refund" Contacted the DVLA to query this (that quote was what the guy on the phone said) and it turned out that the dealer I bought the van off had been a bit slower than me in sending back his section of the V5. So when mine was processed it was quickly nullified by his, hence the cancelling of the direct debit. I have continued my life thinking that I don't have to worry about my tax as if anything changed I would be contacted about it. Until I checked my tax status and it said I was untaxed. The letter from the DVLA enforcement department arrived today and says they cancelled the direct debit in error and that I owe £655 in tax arrears, which I am happy to pay, however the letter also says they are unable to accept installments. I have gone from starting a direct debit to spread the payments of my car tax, to having to pay almost 3 years of tax in a single lump sum. Due in part to my slack attitude to checking my finances, but due in a large part to the DVLA cancelling my DD and not telling me. Interestingly, during the period I was 'not the registered keeper' I received a speeding fine from the constabulary the letter arriving in the same delivery as my housemate who was caught by the same camera on the same day! So I was obviously registered on someone's list. Anyone got any advice on how I should proceed? I cannot afford £655 in a lump sum without going into debt which I have just about crawled out of by working 2 jobs.
  17. mrk1

    Dvla fine no tax

    Hi there... I have received a letter from ADVANTIS. It says I owe monet for a LATE LICENSE PENALTY to the lovely sum of £80... Am I right in believing that they ahve no power here and I need to call DVLA to either pay or sort out?
  18. Hello, Help required!! Does the OP have an update on this situation as similar thing just happened to me (without the disabled spot) My situation is my car had been having another engine fitted, while it was in the local garage the MoT and Road Tax ran out so I declared it SORN (but kept it insured). fast forward 3 months and car is delivered back to me on breakdown truck due to no tax etc. but covering my driveway (dropped kerb, official driveway BUT council owned property) Car was dropped off 07/03 Wednesday night, I booked it in for MoT immediately but earliest booked appointment was for following Monday (12/03). On Friday morning I was clamped by DVLA for no tax, release fee £260. ... then on Monday morning drove car for MoT when I returned home I had received a letter off DVLA stating that my car had been seen on the road on 2 occasions and had 2 fines totalling £847. now they have been kind and given me an extension of a further 2 weeks to pay the out of court settlement. So my questions are? is this worth attending court to explain in more detail? or could that all end in tears. Is a fine of over £1000 correct when I thought I had done everything legally. surely if I was actually driving around with no tax then fair enough but I had even paid for a recovery truck to bring it back from having the engine work done. just to be law abiding. I cant afford the fine at all, and I just feel like this is extremely unfair, as i'm typing this 2 little noisy motorbikes have just been speeding down my road with no helmets on.... I assume they will get huge fine as well?!?! any help, advice or even criticism will be welcome because I honestly cant see what I did wrong.
  19. Hi there. I have recently had a letter from the HM Courts Historic Debt team about a fine in 2014 that was for £930!!!! I called the Magistrates court today about this having read about statutory declarations etc and found out a bit more about the case. The offence was that i had used a car on the 16th September 2013 without tax on the A5 through milton keynes. I bought the car in November 2011 and sold it in April 2012, shortly before moving to a new house. Luckily I have a photocopy of the receipt myself and the buyer signed when she took the car, so I am confident that in the case of driving the unlicensed vehicle I have proof it was not mine. However my concern is that will the DVLA automatically come at me with a failure to notify charge. I have been involved in assisting a friend with one of these charges a long time ago and am aware that I fulfilled my obligations under the interpretations act 1978 by posting this. Can they do that there and then at court, enter a new charge, or would they need to separately summons me for that. Likewise should i prepare a defence for that possible charge anyway or should I ignore that as even being an issue until it is mentioned. I am preparing a covering letter to the DVLA/Court explaining the above (that I had sold the car, and sent off the V5 before moving out of the rented property, and I had never heard any more on this until Saturday when the letter dropped through my letterbox from the Historic Debt team. All advice would be appreciated Thankyou
  20. Hi guys I will try to simply this A letter was sent to DVLA to try get unclaimed tax fine squashed. DVLA sent 3 letters to an address I've never been known at and my license was never registered at that address. No response means my license was revoked. After filling in a D1 and M1 forms and sending them off, they wrote to my doctor found out I had used diazepam illicitly for three weeks, I've never had a drug or alcohol I didn't even realise the word illicit existed. They are saying that I will not get my license back for a year, not only did they mess the paper work at the beginning their doctor is making false aligations about me stating I undertook a supervised drug withdrawal I was dependant on diazepam what is a lie, the whole statement and the way DVLA handled it from the start shows they have not delt with my matter properly My doctor wrote to them saying there's no concerns she's happy for me to drive my local mp agrees that I should have my license back Any reviews on this matter?
  21. Hi all, looking for a bit of advice if you dont mind - serves me right for trying to help someone! Last November, an acquaintance of mine was literally almost destitute. No job, no car and on the verge of eviction because of late payments by DWP towards his rent. He was offered a job but needed a car. I had a spare car so I loaned it to him while he got back on his feet and offered to sell it to him at a later date for £200 - car is worth about a grand. It was too late to stop the eviction but everything else worked out ok for him and subsequently he moved around my area between a couple of addresses. This morning I got a PCN from Dart Charge regarding a crossing he made over the Dartford Tunnel. Because it was a first offence, they said if I pay it within the 28 days period they would only charge me the £2.50 fee but if it happens again it will be £37.50 rising to £70 then rising further to £105 if not paid within certain time scales. Ive paid the £2.50. Now, I live in Yorkshire, as he did, but it now transpires that hes gone back to his family in London. Thanks for letting me know eh? I need to get my name off the logbook but I dont know any address for him - I would rather lose the car than have him run irresponsibly around London racking charges up as he may seem fit. It turns out that he owes money to a few people up here so that may be his reason for disappearing! (I know - hindsight is a wonderful thing!). Does anyone know how I can do this? I cant report it stolen because really it isnt - I did, after all, lend him the car. I know his name but not his address anymore. I dont fancy ringing the DVLA and asking for advice as all they will be interested in are any fines that could be imposed. So any advice? Thanks all.
  22. It was reported in the papers yesterday the DVLA gave out the keeper details of 1.5 million vehicles in the months Oct-Dec 2017. 500,000 of those access requests were from Parking Eye. This equates to 6 million requests a year in total so assuming the majority of people do pay up the amount the parking co's get for this is over the £300 million reported for a couple of years ago. An MP is introducing a private members bill to force the parking co's to use an independent adjudicator for all appeals. The BPA say they already do but that isnt actually true when you compare their system with the proposed new one. No comment printed from the IPC, Will and John are no doubt so certain of their own brilliance in all parking matters they dont need to consider the law at all and commenting is beneath them. The papers also commented on the finances of Capita, the parent company of PE having debts of £1.9 billion including pension defecit and their shares dropped by 40%. Capita do nearly all of the money counting for London boroughs when it comes to parking meters etc and when analysing their figures from a FOI request they seem to lose some of the cash in transit and no monies from forced overpayments of parking meters not giving change ever reaches the councils in the period covered by my FOI request. Perhaps this assumption was wrong on my part and every cash meter on that day was faulty and allowed a certain level of free parking and generously gave out more change than was actually tendered on occasion. Capita are going to sell of £700 million worth of business assets and shut down loss making divisions.
  23. Hi all, I have received a notice 01/09/17 about driving with 35mph in the 30 zone on 14/07/17 ,taken by camera. I confirmed it was me and was just about to book the speed awareness course. On 21/10/17 I received another one taken at the same place,by same camera saying I drove 36mph.The date of the offence is 06/07/17!!!!!I accept the fact I drove that fast probably as it's a tricky place after a hill. But...they are sending it 14 weeks after the offence!!!Even if I did not update DVLA when changed address,they have found me with the other notice 8 weeks ago which took place later than this one. Can I contest both or one of them on the basis of late notificitation.They are way out of the 14 day time frame.Or not updating DVLA means it's my fault and I couldn't contest? I am running out of time as the course should be booked very soon. These fines mean I will struggle immensely with Christmas,so looking forward to your wise advice!Thanks
  24. I had a seizure a couple of weeks ago, first one ever, and the hospital told me to speak to the DVLA, who told me I had to complete a declaration (FEP1 form) so they could assess my fitness to drive. According to the guidelines it could be a 6 month ban. However the form says "you must not drive if your doctor says you cannot drive". Neither my doctor or the consultant at the hospital will give me a decision - they say that's for the DVLA to decide. So, while the form is being processed etc - am I OK to drive, since no one has said I can't?
  25. my doctor will be sent a form from the DVLA to fill in re my medical fitness to drive. In the past 3, 4 or 5 months my mental health has been excellent no problems. BUT earlier this year like 7 months ago I (voluntarily) admitted myself to a psychiatric ward and was there for 3 weeks. I know the doctor will have a question to answer along the lines of "has the person been admitted to a hospital in the past 12 months for psychiatric treatement?" Does this mean I won't be allowed to drive until a year has passed since my admission date, even though I have been fine in recent months? Or does it depend on each circumstance? I'm worried about this, I need my driving licence and my life is on hold until I get it back.
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