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  1. Hi, I have done something wrong today , I was try steal something from Sainsburys which was cost £9 I don’t know why... they recognise. Ask me to pay for that , which I have done , they give me a ban and leave shop, they take my address date of birth, and full name . I can’t pop this story - which I not think to back again.. I feel like bad..now , What’s can be happen next ? Do I can use any different Sainsbury’s or they everywhere will have my picture from CCTV? What should I do now, I say sorry , I don’t know what I was thinking... please can someone help!!?? I had this done first time I fell:-x
  2. Car parts boss banned after failing to deliver customers’ orders READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/car-parts-boss-banned-after-failing-to-deliver-customers-orders
  3. im near the back end of my ban and have started driving to work, not ideal but found work and the only way to get there was by car, I thought for the last 5 month of my ban it would go by quick with no problems, however I have had an accident, my fault. so ive had an accident while banned from driving. whats likely to happen ?
  4. Hello, peeps. Long story short - 3 years ago I got banned in Latvia from driving (4 years total). I was wondering - am I allowed to drive in the UK if Latvia's ban is still in force? I tried to find some info on this subject but found nothing. Cheers. P.S. I know, I know, I'm an idiot for losing my licence in the first place
  5. Hi , this is my first post. Yesterday I went through a horrible situation. I was in London designer outlet I have been caught of shoplifting after I left gap. The manager of gap and the security of the outer took me in the back . They asked me to open my bag , I tooked everything out . ( I had 2 items from gap, 1 from Nike and one from next ) they didn't call the police , they took my name , my address and my pictures. After and other security came to take my id and my picture . I never felt so bad in my all life. today I m even feeling worse . I m scared about the consequences . They said I will receive a letter but they did not specify which kind . I was in a total panic , 3 man asking me question made it even worse . I never had any criminal record . I never did this before . I really would like to know if with the ban from all gaps and from the outlet which they gave me I will also have a criminal record . I work in a shop and I'm really scared they will enter my dates in the database and from my work place they will see it . They didn't ask mr to pay , they banned me for 24 months . I m in a total panic . I m feeling really bad about myself and really bad about my future . Which consequences all of this will bring up ? I would really appreciate your responses . Many thanks
  6. Valproate banned without the pregnancy prevention programme READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/valproate-banned-without-the-pregnancy-prevention-programme
  7. Just spotted this on the Pranksters website. http://tinyurl.com/jvzl7dp Hopefully this will take ages for the DVLA to investigate and ensuring that UKPC go broke
  8. Debt management bosses banned after transferring half-a-million from own companies READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/debt-management-bosses-banned-after-transferring-half-a-million-from-own-companies
  9. Hi, one and all! On 4th August 2018 my husband was shopping in your [local] store. He hadbeen a regular and loyal customer for many years. He was approached by a security guard who we were actually quite friendly with when he was about to pay for 4 items, and handed a “letter”. Security guard then simply stated “you're excluded from this store, it's all explained in the letter”. It was NOT explained in the letter and no explanation was given. All that was written was an incident number and a date. As I have said, he has been a loyal customer. As a qualified St. JAmbulance member and also Community First Responder, he even savedthe life of a customer whilst shopping in the store, which hereceived an award for in 2016 and it was covered by the local press. We were both shocked and disgusted – having no explanation. I, myself, continued to occasionally enter the store – to collect myfather's prescription and whilst there buy one or two items. The security for G* witnessed me enter the store on numerous times, asdid many other members of staff. On December 8th2018 I entered the store to purchase three items. It wasn't busy. I purchased the items and left the store. When I was in the carpark I looked behind me as I heard voices and sawthat the same security guard (always the same man) and (personel manager) were following me. I looked at them but they didn't make eyecontact. I got into my car where my husband and my little boy were waiting and(security guard) knocked on the window. I wound down the window andhe said “*my name*, this is a notice of exclusion from this store”.I asked why and he just said “It's explained in the letter” andwalked off with *personel*. I called to them but they very quicklyhurried off. Now. I have the receipt from the alleged “incident”. I remember that day well. A week before hand I complained to the head office about a product (a bottle of wine being hard to open because the cuff was sealed) and Inamed a member of staff in that store who was very unwilling to help.Who also happens to be my ex husband's friend. My husband also has dark skin and I am very unsure as to whether thiswasn't a racial discrimination. We're in Mid Wales. By the way – we live in a very small community and everyone knows everyone – the security guard in question even once gave us someseedlings from his garden. But the “letter” didn't even have ournames and address on them – just our “known as” *(for example,if your name is Margaret but you're known as Peggy”). As my husband is a first responder and regularly gets calls to this establishment, this exact location, is he to say - “No, I can'tattend, I'm not allowed” - and potentially let someone die? Now the incident in question. On that day - we were having a gathering to celebrate a friend's baby being born. We bought some drinks and it amounted to about 8 bottles. We are frugaland don't buy bags so we always use boxes as we were also having abonfire that evening. We put the box on the self servicecheckout, and a checkout assistant was present, watching. As we put bottles in the box on the self service till, the bottles randown towards the edge and tipped the box so I remember my husbandpropping the box up with another box. This triggered the self serviceto alert a member of staff to come and check the items - You know howit goes - "Unexpected item in bagging area" She checked it. She also had the security guard witness it. Yes, the SAME security guard. I double checked it was all OK. The security guard said "See ya, guys, have a good evening" as we left. About three days later I went into the store todo my shopping with my kids and the same security guard said helloand chatted to me. Where do we stand? I realise that stores have the right to ban anyone without reason - I think there is more to it than this. Anyone remember the Chocolateraisin incident? I sued them and won.
  10. Hi, I have just been banned from all Tesco stores for life and had my key fob taken off of me. I was using the click and scan device and had not realised an item had not scanned. The security guard stopped me as i was leaving the store (in a panic as I thought my phone was sitting in the centre console of my car). I was taken through to the back room and had my photo taken (without me knowing), had my driving license copied and my key fob removed from my possession. The lady said she was about to finish her shift and she didn't really want to call the police. I explained that I had not realised it hadn't scanned. The outcome was that she told me I was banned and that I would receive a Civil recovery fine. My questions are 1) how much would the fine be and do I have to pay it? 2) what happens if I don't pay it? 3) how would they stop me from visiting other stores? do they get in touch with all my local ones? 4) really silly but due to having saved all my vouchers for years will I know lose them as I no longer have a key fob?
  11. Lettings agents in England will be banned from charging fees to tenants "as soon as possible" under plans announced in the Autumn Statement. Tenants can be charged fees for a range of administration, including reference, credit and immigration checks. Chancellor Philip Hammond said shifting the cost to landlords will save 4.3 million households hundreds of pounds. The move could spur competition as landlords, unlike tenants, can shop around for the cheapest agent. In Scotland, lettings agency fees to tenants have already been banned. In England and Wales since last year, lettings and managing agents have been legally obliged to clearly publicise their fees. Fees vary widely, with costs in some big cities much higher than elsewhere. Tenants face charges when agents draw up tenancy agreements along with the possibility of a non-refundable holding deposit paid before signing up to the deal. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-38065249
  12. Hi all, Can i please ask why when someone has been banned from the forum, All their previous comments on posts have to disappear As someone who reads a lot of the older threads, it often feels like some of the continuity of the thread is missing Other forums i am a member of do ban people that do things wrong, But their old comments and posts can still be read I guess my question is, Do their posts/comments really have to be removed with them, Im sure that some banned members must have given some good advice at some point Colin
  13. Hi My partner has been banned from our local Tesco but has done nothing. Let me explain. He started going yellow sticker shopping in Oct/Nov last year as we were pulling our belts in due to a financial issue. He went to purchase something and was told it wasn't reduced, so the woman took it away and he paid for what he had. Next time he went in, his card was banned. The woman told him she thinks she made a mistake banning his card as she did a batch of them and thinks she got the number wrong. They told him to change the card by phoning up and get a new one. He did. He then went back in this week and picked up a bunch of flowers and some bananas on yellow sticker. The bananas wouldn't go through and someone had to do it manually. All was ok. Today he's gone in to buy a birthday cake and his card has been banned again. This time some woman said that not only was his card banned but he was banned. He asked her why and she said someone has been changing the stickers around but she didn't have proof it was him. He hasn't done it, so it's obviously someone else has, but because he bought yellow stickered items the other day she says that it's him. YET she admits she has no proof. Defamation of character?? If he's not done it and they've no CCTV proof, how can they ban him? It's our local store and with me being disabled is the nearest store for me to use but obviously now we can't. What can we do about it if anything?
  14. Hi. My 15y old child is banned from an M&S store for swearing at a member of staff. Is the company allowed to throw us out of the store 6 months later when I decide to go in there together with my child to buy clothes? Thank you
  15. From todays rulings from the ASA http://tinyurl.com/q2cwmk7 Shucks
  16. Dear all, I am 19 years old and was apprehended by security officials whilst leaving this department store a day ago. I know shoplifting is wrong, this is my first offence, and I want to keep it that way. They took me into a side room when they told me that this was due to shoplifting a month ago. One security guard said he remembered my face. When I asked if I could be shown the tape they said only the police could access that, and if I didn’t comply the police would be called and they would see/would be able to show me the tape. They asked me my details (name, DOB, address), which I gave them, and also to empty the contents of my pocket/bag. I showed them what was in my bag and my pockets. They saw my ID via my buspass as I had no other ID with me and took photos of it and of me. I told them I am ill, with epileptic fits and some forgetfulness which is true. I paid via bank transfer but DIDN’T admit to the crime – I said I couldn’t recall being in the store at the time. After paying I was given a letter saying I was banned from the store and that my details would be passed onto the police to say the matter has been resolved. I want to know if you guys think I did the right thing by complying. Do you think they were lying about having it on tape? Also they said the matter wouldn’t be on a criminal record or anything, so I assume I didn’t this won’t appear on any background checks even extended ones? Thank you for your replies!!!
  17. Are UKPC still unable to retrieve driver details from DVLA due to their fraudulent actions?
  18. They really are a curse! I have posted a couple of times regarding the nightmare I have had with one of these companies. With all the claims being made regarding Payday loan companies, I can't see any difference with these loans. I really hope we get some sort of compensation for all we have gone through. As with all these type of loans, once you've borrowed from them, it can be a vicious cycle, but in my case, when I first started until I finished not one credit check was made. They did an affordability check but how does that prove one's ability to pay. The desperateness of someones situation may mean they forget some debts or elevate their income etc. Easily done in the heat of the moment. Great day when they are banned or compensation awaits!
  19. AN AMAZON customer who returned 37 items over 15 years has been banned from the site and had his gift card balance taken away. He insists there was a genuine reason for all his returns over the past two years – the goods were either faulty, damaged or not as described. However, Amazon has refused to let him continue buying from the site without giving him, in his words, a “proper explanation”. Amazon told Nelson that the money held on his account as a gift card balance is lost to him, as gift vouchers can only be used on the site and have no transferable value. http://www.theguardian.com/money/2016/mar/18/banned-by-amazon-returning-faulty-goods-blocked-credit-balance
  20. Hi, Well my mother was banned from sainsburys for stealing a toilet roll. We had just finished doing our shopping and then my mother decided to go into the bathroom , i was fixing my hair in the mirror and i thought it was weird that their were two cleaning ladies hanging around, getting in my face and i guess trying to see what my mother was doing in the stall. We then left walking in the parking lot when two security guards and a cleaning lady ran up to us demanding where the toilet roll was and then threatened to call the police. My mother was then led away asked about her address (she gave a fake one) and asked why she did it and then told she was banned from all stores. And she gave back the toilet roll. I would like to ask: What would have happened if i had been caught because i'm still technically a minor? How are they able to ban someone from all stores ? Thank you
  21. The horrible truth, the whole horrible truth and nothing but the whole horrible truth:- http://www.lawgazette.co.uk/5049010.article?utm_source=dispatch&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=GAZ260515
  22. A London banker who regularly avoided buying a train ticket on his commute to the City has been banned from working in the financial services industry. BlackRock director Jonathan Paul Burrows was caught by inspectors at Cannon Street station last year and admitted to avoiding the £21.50 fare from Stonegate in East Sussex. In total, Mr Burrows is believed to have dodged £42,550 in fares. The City watchdog said he "demonstrated a lack of honesty and integrity". "Mr Burrows has admitted that, on a number of occasions, he deliberately and knowingly failed to purchase a valid ticket to cover his entire journey," the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) said. "As Mr Burrows held a senior position within the financial services industry and was an approved person, he should have been a role model for others and his conduct has fallen short of the standard expected for someone in his position," the organisation added. Mr Burrows boarded trains at Stonegate in East Sussex, where there are no ticket barriers Mr Burrows avoided paying the full fare by boarding the London-bound train at Stonegate - a rural station with no barriers - without purchasing a ticket. On arriving in London, he went through the barriers at Cannon Street Station using an Oyster travel card, incurring a maximum fare of £7.20. 'I was foolish' Mr Burrows, who is now banned for life from working in any regulated financial industries, has since paid back the £42,550, plus £450 in legal costs. Reacting to the FCA's decision, he said: "I have always recognised that what I did was foolish. I have apologised to all concerned and reiterate that apology publicly." However he added that "the size of the settlement [with Southeastern] could be said to have led to a distorted perception of the scale of my wrongdoing". "While I respect the FCA's decision today, I also regret it, coming as it did after a 20-year career in the City that was without blemish. "I recognise that the FCA has on its plate more profound wrongdoing than mine in the financial services sector, and I am sorry that my case has taken up its time at this critical juncture for the future of the City and its reputation."
  23. I know this has been posted on Local authority & Traffic offences thread but big implications for private land enforcement - CCTV cameras who catch and send out automatic tickets to 'offenders' are to be banned. Interesting. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2981794/10-minute-let-avoid-parking-ticket-month-new-law-let-overstay-meter-without-fine.html People power works!!!!
  24. According to the Telegraph councils are having their wings clipped to prevent overzealous collection and issue of PCNs including possible banning of collection by bailiffs. Sadly it won't prevent Parking Eye, now part of Capita, et.al from ripping people off http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/road-and-rail-transport/11453090/Motorists-will-be-given-10-minute-grace-period-when-parking-tickets-run-out.html
  25. Can someone please help me, i got into a spot of bother I visited my local branch of B&Q yesterday, As i was walking around, i entered the garden center A guy in a brown coat walked over, introduced himself, and ask if i wanted decking So i got the first punch in :-)
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