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Found 13 results

  1. I have never hired a lawyer before, except when buying a house, so I have no idea where to start. Recently, I received an opposition to a trademark application, so it looks like I need to get some legal advice. So I have a few questions! 1. Is it best to get a local lawyer, or are most meetings done by phone or Skype? 2. How do I evaluate if the lawyer is any good? 3. When you are making initial enquiries, do they charge you when you speak with them? Or do you tend to speak with their assistants on initial enquiry? 4. Should I speak to a couple of different lawyers first? 5. Do most lawyers charge by the minute? Anything else I should be aware of? Thanks, Jon
  2. Hi. A family member would like to know of how to find a good local(ish) employment lawyer to speak to about an employment issue. He is not in a union. Also, a good idea of cost for some initial advice would be good? Thank you in advance.
  3. Wasting the time of consumers is a method seemingly being employed in the litigation process, by which time the consumer with the claim runs out of energy and capital. Had a claim for an event against a utility company, a specialist charity informed me that I had one of the best cases they had seen. Hired a lawyer, spent a large amount of time writing the claim and making sure the facts were correct, it was sent to them via the correct legal channels. Then the corporate passed it to a loss adjusters who 'sat' on it for 95% of the time they were allowed, sending back a response which made absolutely no sense. Simply, they lied about maintenance that the utility company performed along with some other very strange facts. Decided that you cannot fight stupidity so put the case on hold. Then, many months later, a family member contacted the loss adjusters mentioning myself, even though they were told directly not to, and the response was something truly unimaginable. You could not make it up, then I started to piece together how the legal system works. As a consumer, most will need to go through the process of a lawyer to write the claim and send it via the correct process, however the corporate can hire a representative that has no legal training and is not part of any professional institute. It means that you have to spend both time and money 'training' their representative to 'see sense', with them adding more irregularities that you need to unravel each time. Simply, the corporate can hire a company with the intelligence of an amoeba following an approach of incremental double-binds, and there is very little you can do to unwind it. I went to both country lawyers and the best London lawyers -not one- noticed that the loss adjusters were -not- legal representatives. They did however, without fail, always ask for a retainer. This begs the question, is it part of the legal system that the consumer pays for trying to coerce sense out of other parties representatives. It is a very successful tactic if you are trying to make the claim ‘go away’. The only solution which seems to neutralise this problem is to fight fire with fire, which would explain why the simpler 'no win no fee' lawyers appear to have a higher success rate. Any settlement would be much lower, however when taken in the overall context of fighting ‘folly’ is that the least worst!
  4. Does anyone know of any genuine employment lawyers that will do a FREE assessment for no win no fee. All the websites offering this always want an assessment fee which totally goes against the principle of no win no fee! I do however need help as I have a five day final hearing coming up in February.
  5. This is regarding my house sale which was sold at the end of April. I looked for an online conveyancing quote to keep costs to a minimum. I came across http://www.hbcconveyancing.co.uk/ i got a quick quote of £644. When i went ahead with my order i phoned up and asked about any other fees and if the coal report was included. I was told that price included all fees and its unlikely there will be any other charges. after the sale the total my lawyer took was just over £1200. £108 was for 2 chaps transfers, my request, so i got my money quicker. Its a long way off from the quote i got. What do you guys think here, does these charges seem normal or excessive. http://www.aaenpeach.com/ Aaen Peach Law are the solicitors linked to this online conveyancing mob, is there anything i can do apart from phone them up and moan at them? here is the quick quote i got here is a list below of the charges and fees legal fee ---------- £384 legal fee £54 chaps fee £54 payment of mandates and invoices on your behalf £54 £60 expidited completion, post and incidents £90 fee for acting on your behalf of your mortgage lender.... ------------------------------------------------- £12 transfre charge £60 Registration of Dischage of Standard Security £64 Registration of Advance Notice £108 completion and submission of registration documentation £170 property and legal entity multisearch £45 coal report £55 legal report £9 electronic identification verification per legal entity ------------------------------------------------- £54 transfer of redemption funds and charges and remittance
  6. The horrible truth, the whole horrible truth and nothing but the whole horrible truth:- http://www.lawgazette.co.uk/5049010.article?utm_source=dispatch&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=GAZ260515
  7. hi all, i need some help with solicitors fees. i took my civil claim for a used car i purchased to a solicitor as i was not getting anywhere with the car dealer i purchased from. long story short, the solicitor had my file for 3 years, ran the case into the ground, i paid £17k in costs, the solicitor then came off file when i refused to pay any further money. now the solicitors firm want another £8000. in the end the solicitor did absolutely nothing for me, i didn't win the case nor did i lose it. the dealer in the end repaired the car and gave it back to me, for the privilege i paid a solicitor £17k. what i don't understand is, if my case had no prospect of winning why did they pursue it down the fast track route, instead of offering me legal advice, i was always asked, what i want to do, it was extremely reactive in nature. there would have been a better chance to pursue the defendant for costs in relation to make the car road worthy, the repair would have cost between £2000-£3000 maximum and we could have pursued it smalls claims. they are threatening court action if i don't pay and i really need to know what i can do?? i have been bled dry and dont have any more money to pay another solicitor. really hope someone can help me
  8. I’m a carer to a wheelchair user with whom I attended court with as a witness two weeks ago. Whilst at court, I witnessed the claimant’s barrister and solicitor withhold new evidence before and during a high court hearing and The evidence was then handed to the court after judgment was given. I have no doubt this led to an unsafe judgment against the Defendant. I believe that the claimant’s representatives misled the court and interfered with the administration of justice. How do I go about reporting this and to whom?
  9. Hello Folks, I engage a solicitor for a service and i have an outstanding payment. As at 17/06/2011, the outstanding fee is £1031.65. i have made a number of payment but the lawyer felt i can afford more than what i was paying which i cannot. This is the particulars of the claim; 1) ...Outstanding payment was £1031.65. (2) Payments by the defendant since then have been made on 15/07/11(#100), 02/12/11(#100), 23/03/12(#100), 15/06/12(#100), 06/02/13 (#40) and 22/03/13(#40). Claimant began charging interestfrom 17/06/11. (3) Attempts to resolve this without action have failed. (4) The defendant claims to only be able to pay #40 per month, but no attempts have been made by him to set up a payment agreement. (5) The claimant claims interest under section 69 of the county courts act 1984 at the rate of 8% a year from 17/06/2011 to 11/04/2013 on £541.65 and also interest at the same rate up to date of judgement or earlier payment at a daily rate of #0.12 He is claiming #655.633 plus court fee of #60. Additional info: I did sign agreement for the 8% interest but i dont understand the daily rate. Secondly, the lawyer wrote me ealier that i am owing over 800. Is the total claim right? Please advice!
  10. Hi Everyone, I'm new to this area of the forum but have received invaluable help from the debt section. I think I need some professional advice. Can anyone recommend a reasonably priced employment lawyer? I have been off sick for around 6 months. Work's policy is to provide 2 years sick pay. However they have now started discussing my 'capabilities' and have mooted the idea that my contract could be terminated. I'm fairly confident that my condition (CFS) is covered by DDA, and I could pursue them for discrimination, wrongful dismissal and unfair dismissal. However I want to get some professional insight and discuss my options before proceeding. Thanks for any recommendations you can provide!
  11. Claim4personalinjury is a lawsuit firm, helping to those peoples injured in an accident without their fault and facing severe setbacks on a mental, physical and financial situation. Solicitors at claim4personalinjury have an extensive experience in helping to those peoples and works to avail your compensation you deserve on no-win, no-fee basis.
  12. Hi guys, I need your help. I am having a difficult time to seek for solictiors in my local as many of them have declined to take my case on a legal aid due to over 3 years limitation. I'm still trying to sue the hospital for taking responsibility for caused my father's death by leaving the missing needle inside his body during his heart surgery bypass. They had left him trouble with his breathing after the surgery when they transferred him to high dependency unit which they was supposed to transfer him to intensive care unit, but they left it 3 days later. He kept being ill and getting better which it had occured 3 times already. His face went grey and they should have transfer him to the theatre surgery straight away but they didn't. They had put the room on his own where it was really dirty and filthy. He caught the MRSA infections and c.difficult. He had sepsis and pneumonia, they was not be able to keep up with him and they had gave up on him. They had switched off his life support machine to allowed him to die in peace without our permission when we was outside in the waiting room and we was not being allowed to be in the room with him. They was being negligent to give him poor care and treatment when they did not acting quickly enough to save him. I can't be able to get legal action against them, because the hospital postponded their response to preventing us taking legal action. I have tried to find my local solicitors everywhere after the incident, but none of them want to take it due to three years limitation when I was under the limitation. I wrote a letter to my local MP to get support with solicitors. I received a letter from my MP as he said that I should try to get advice through my local citizens advice bureau which I already did it. I responded his letter and i said that i have already done it when my local citizens advice bureau adviced me what to do to seek for solicitors. I got his responded and he said that he was not aware about the time limitation, so he said that he cannot help. I am very upset, angry and frustrated the way we have been treated. I don't really know what I am suppose to do. Can you please advice me what I would need to do to get advice with solicitors or if I need to see a lawyer on a legal aid? If it is not possible, do I need to write a letter to british medical association to get legal advice or what other way I need to do? Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance
  13. Benefit fraud - do i need a lawyer? I have to go to court at the beginning of february charghed with benefit fraud. In the IUC I admitted there has been an overpayment of £16,000 income support and said I would pay it back. I have already put in place direct debits to pay it all back... My mitigating circustances are that I have been deeply in depression and on long term heavy medications (11 years) and I just did not give a damn about what happened to my life, i was living with rats, never washing myself or cleaning my home, etc... for a period of 3 years. I have not used this overpayment for anything or to buy anything or lead a glamorous lifestyle at all. I was just too ill/irrespsonisble to tell them to stop paying me... I will not be getting legal aid - because of an inheritance - (not much but above the limit) so I wonder if it is worth hiring a lawyer for me to just plead guilty and say the above to the court in mitigation as I was asked £4,000 by one lawyer. If I had to hire a lawyer should I hire him to take up the whole case or just to come to court with me? I'd be grateful for any suggestions, especially if they were ASAP.
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