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  1. Hi all, Back in May, I ordered some fabric from an online store (Tissens) in France which never arrived - the tracking info said there was an issue with the address being incomplete. I contacted Tissens' customer support at the beginning of June and they responded saying they would investigate and asked me to confirm my delivery address. I did this and heard nothing back for a further 6 weeks. When I chased it up, they eventually responded to say the shipment had been returned to them, and that if I wanted it shipped out again I would need to pay 14.5EUR. I asked for them to confirm the delivery address on the shipment, as I had ordered from them before with no issues and my details were all saved on an account with them. A further week went by with no response, so I checked the invoice and found it had the correct address, meaning the problem was at their end. I finally lost my patience and wrote: He responded that day saying he would speak to his manager and get back to me. A week went by, so I chased up for a response. A further week went by, so I asked for a response again. A further week went by, so I have (today) chased up again to say I need a response by COB tomorrow or I will take things further. I just want them to post me the fabric I ordered, as they are the only company worldwide who supply it. I'm not sure whether I can still reverse the transaction, but if I do I'm nervous that I will be black-listed and never be able to place another order. What can I do?
  2. I have been received loads of emails that say Amazon orders have been canceled, which is funny as i have not ordered anything from Amazon for ages. Thought it was SPAM, but checked online for reports just in case. http://www.hoax-slayer.net/amazon-canceled-order-spam-emails/
  3. Hi-a company has essentially not paid £300 of mine. I recently sent a final demand letter via tracked post and i can see that it was not sign for at the other end, it is actually being sent back to me. They are also not responding to emails although they were responding before. Can someone please tell me how i would go about suing the company. thanks!
  4. I have purchased curtains from a company called Avis Nets in the past, so when I received an email claiming to be from them a couple of days ago, I wasnt too concerned. The email was as follows:- As it didnt appeal to me, I ignored it and just deleted it. But when I received a 2nd email today I contacted Avis nets using the link that I have for their website and using one of their contact forms. The company responded very swiftly - nothing to do with them, advising me as follows.. "MY CUSTOMER DATABASE HAS BEEN COMPROMISED ALONG WITH CUSTOMER DETAILS FROM OTHER WEBSITES AND BEING SENT OUT WITH MY LOGO" I logged onto Action Fraud and followed the instructions, forwarding the emails on to whomever will not deal with them. Is there anything else I need to do?
  5. Hi everybody, Does anyone please use Amazon Workmail email services? I use outlook right now with a simple @ hotmail address but I want to use my business name as domain email and so need to purchase an email management provider to do that. I am not a techie person at all and need some help please! I have so far bought my web hosting with 1&1 and my domain name is with hostpapa (who used to be my host for website but I hated working with them so cancelled it.) For that reason I do not wish for my email management to be linked in any way to my hosting providers and have researched Amazon Workmail against Outlook Essentials and G Suite and think I will go with Amazon Workmail instead. How easy is it to set up please? It's also showing in dollars and not pounds on the Amazon Web Services account and support have said that it's a user managed service (I guess like giff gaff?) and so I want to know how easy it will be to install, how to actually install in my outlook web app since I access my emails via hotmail/ outlook internet/ web app and not a desktop app (don't have the storage space for that!). Please can anyone help or advise on this? Also I am about to set up my website (basic) using 1&1 click builder for wordpress, if anyone has experience of that please let me know as I only wish to have a simple website at this point but finding it hard to get started! Many thanks.
  6. Hello, we have a car loan with a company and in the last 12 months we've received two email both containing a lot of attached letters that contain personal information on a significant number of people. They contain name, address, bank details, car reg details and so on. I'm a bit concerned about this as I worry that our details have gone flying around to others! I also feel sorry for the people whose details I'm seeing! I've alerted the company each time and just received an email back saying "sorry about that, just delete", very offhand about this! Is there anything else I should be doing? I'm concerned that I've received this info but more so that they're doing this and not bothered about it. Thanks for any advice.
  7. I had a payday loan about 4.5 years ago when I was in a bit of a rut and didnt end up paying it back. The past few months they have bombarded me with emails to pay it back, around 61 emails to be precise - I have emailed them 3 times advising they are no longer to send me emails but they continue to do so and even replied to my email saying they will email for as long as the money is owed. I am sure I read somewhere that if you request a stop to call or any emails they have to by law comply - Is this right? I have even put them on notice that should they continue to send emails that I will charge then £15 for every email they have sent me - They has since sent me another 7 emails since that warning Where do I stand on this?
  8. Hello, I'm new to the forums, but if this is in the wrong place then could you let me know and I will re-create the thread. I was living in Australia for 16 years(I was born in the UK and moved to Aus when I was 6). I had a rough time and didn't have a job until I was 20. I never had credit before. I opened a bank account in Australia and got offered a credit card, which I accepted. I then applied for a online course, which was a monthly payment of 60 AUD. Once signed up I had realised this course that this company heavily advertised was a [problem]. It was the same course a student in a free study College could do in his spare time on the internet. I had disputed with them about leaving, however they said that I would have to pay the outstanding amount of 4695.00 AUD. From that point I had stopped communication with them. My father passed away in February last 2014 and my mother and I moved back to the UK. I had left an outstanding balance of 500(Maxed out) credit card from the bank and I also did not pay the company who was chasing me for 4695.00 AUD. I've received plenty of emails from this company recently, I had no communication or emails from them since July 2014 and in the last two weeks I've had 24 emails and unfortunately a phone call. They tracked me down. Apparently this company AusDebt has been in contact with me(They have not). I first received an email 2 weeks ago stating that "As per the request of Open Colleges we have come to a conclusion and you are now only required to pay 1408.63". I then received the same email 2 times a day for a week, I will attach this with the post. It states that "As per my request" they are willing to settle with the amount mentioned above, which I think is being used as their tactics? because I haven't been in contact with them at all I assume as I've read online after 5 years the debt gets statue barred? I received a phone call yesterday asking for me, I said no I don't know anyone by that name that lives here and the lady said "That's funny since we've checked records and it seems only yesterday you applied for a loan and we also know who you bank with and that you drive a ford focus". How are they getting this info? She then went on to say "We will be getting that money back off you very soon, my associates look forward to seeing you in person have a nice day" and hung up. Does this mean that they have transferred the debt to a UK company? can they actually do that ? Any advice on this? More facts about the account, I had only logged into the online portal twice, and not even attempted the work because I had found out I could of just went to a local free college and got the course for free. Yet when trying to cancel they blocked access to the online portal and demanded payment off me.. s there any way I can fight this? Thanks P.s I am living in the UK now.
  9. Action Fraud has received a surge in calls and reports from concerned members of the public who have received debt collection and council tax [problem] emails. Outstanding debt In the past couple of days the Action Fraud contact centre has received thousands of calls and reports from the public who have received this clever spear phishing email below. These have worried recipients because they use detailed personal information such as full name, address and postcode. The emails claim to act on behalf of a legitimate company called Optex (Europe) Ltd and contain a link which could infect your computer with Cryptolocker or Maktub ransomware. This spear phishing campaign could constantly evolve, so look out for company variations and remember that is easy for fraudsters to adapt information. To prevent your personal information ending up in the hands of fraudsters; follow our advice on how to protect it. Your council tax bill This email has been spammed out over the past couple of weeks and could catch residents off guard. It uses a realistic domain name and claims there is a new service up and running to make it easier for you to pay your council tax bill online. If you are in doubt about any service your council provides, contact them directly. http://www.actionfraud.police.uk/news/alert-fake-debt-collection-and-council-tax-emails-apr16
  10. Hi, I have just had to delete over 50 emails from CAG but I ticked the option not to get any and nor have I subscribed to anything! Please can someone help/advise me how to stop this? TIA, love Sandy xx
  11. Used to just get an email when someone replied on a thread I posted on, and then wouldn't get any others unless I visit the thread again, and then someone posts another reply. But now, I am getting emails for every thread update regardless if I have visited it recently or not. Resulting in 8 emails within an hour just on 1 thread. Is this something changed recently?
  12. In September 2013 BT negligently deleted 9 years of my emails, the emails contained information and evidence on a project that I had been working on, there were also attachments to emails and details of contacts that were also lost/deleted. I duly complained to BT and followed the requirements set out in their complaints procedure, unfortunately BT did not. Subsequent to which I reported the loss of emails to the Information Commissioner in the hope they would take an interest, the breach of the Data Protection Act as defined on their website seemed to have been satisfied. I was at all times told by BT that my telephone conversation was recorded which gave me some comfort, short lived when I found out this was untrue. At the end of the 'in house' procedure I was offered £100 as a 'good will' gesture, this I declined and reported my complaint to the Ombudsman Service-Communications(OSC) which meant my complaint was now Negligence and Maladministration against BT, I had spoken to the OSC at some considerable length to ensure that the nature of my complaint was within their remit and established that it was. The OSC, outside their suggested time scale, issued their 'adjudication' which was/is flawed in many respects in that they claim that my contract for telephone and Broadband services with BT did not include email, which it does/did. The report also blamed the 'negligent acts of BT on a 'system failure' which would/could not have been possible. The maladministration of the OSC that I have been obliged to deal with was/is worse than that suffered during my dealings with BT. I obtained a copy of the BT 'call log' that contains 135 entries and refers to failed 'call backs', in fact there were 27 failed call backs which resulted in 54 telephone calls from me to BT, each call took 40 minutes to get through to a person and even than not the right person. Subsequent events required that I must now issue a further complaint this time to the Independent Assessor who reviews action of the OSC, he found in my favour on a number of issues concerning Maladministration although he cannot review the findings of the OSC or their methodology. The conclusion now is that the service available for complaining about negligence of your Internet Service Provider(ISP) is not fit for purpose, a further complaint now lodged with my MP for progress through the Parliamentary & Health Service Ombudsman whilst still attempting to obtain a meaningful reply from the OSC regarding the false and misleading assertions contained in their adjudication, so far only the 'system failure' has been dropped and false reference to evidence that did not exist also seems to be admitted. Clearly I now need some help and any suggestions would be welcome. As to the value of my claim, this has yet to be discussed or assessed but the 9 years work was done whilst I became disabled and now suffer with COPD (respiratory dis-function) and the work can never be replicated or replaced.
  13. Hi all. A very good friend of mine has had to resign from his job at the local council department (planning) due to the extreme stress he was put under. He raised this isuue many times with the department running up to his resignation but they did not offer any help at all. My question is if he were to send them an SAR, would this cover internal memos/emails about him? If so, please can someone help tailor one to cover this as I only have a standard SAR letter for bank charges era from years ago. Thank you in advance for any help offered, Buel10
  14. Hi All, I have recently been getting emails from MMF to my works email address, No Phone Calls or Texts and then yesterday I got two letters yesterday from them dated 12th and 15th of this month threatening a doorstep visit. I have read the various threads on here and have no worry's whatsoever that they will turn up on my doorstep. They state they are trying to collect for a PaydayUK loan I had out sometime in 2008 which I never repaid as I lost my job and spent about 6 months on Jobseekers Allowance prior to finding work again. I have checked Noddle and there is no mention of PaydayUK or MMF so I'm guessing the debt is now Statute Barred. My Question is do I just ignore them (They do not appear to have my phone number) and it seems to have taken them a couple of months to find my address) or do I send them the Statute Barred Letter? I have no way of knowing if the 6 year period has passed as I no longer have access to my bank records from that period but the fact it is not my my CRA makes me feel confident the 6 years have passed.
  15. Hi all, Been a while since I posted, seems you forget so much if your not on here So today I get an alert from Equifax that there is a new account on my credit file, when I go to have a look at this new account I find its Motormile. I had no recollection of ever having anything from these or dealing with them, so I have done a little digging and oh dear I seem to have a bit of a problem on my hands. I had a payday loan with Pounds Till Payday probably over 6 years ago, I reckon it's most likely statute barred but anyway, Motormile have been emailing my old email address which only by fluke I looked at and the emails have been going into my spam folder. As for any mail, well I moved house over a year ago and even then I had no mail from Pounds Till Payday or Motormile, so no contact whatsoever. As much as I hate to admit it, I don't even think I ever made a payment to them either, this was a long time ago and my mindset is a lot different now to what it was then. I certainly don't advocate taking out any kind of loan without paying it back. Looking back through the emails I couldn't say how long I have been getting them for as my junk empties after so long and there is so much other rubbish in there if I hadn't recognised the name I'd have ignored them. There is a plethora of Legal threats, Door Step Visits, Ones asking me to set an appointment time etc What is the first step I should take here, I do reckon it's SB'd so should I fire off the SB letter? Looking at a few other threads its seems these guys don't respond to emails, so is there an address I can send the letter to? Cheers Steve
  16. I have received several phishing emails recently that are supposed to have been from my banks credit card people. I have never given them my email address and I don't have an online account with them. You can spot them often because they don't actually mention your name in the emails at all, but you should not touch them even if they do. Banks/credit card companies generally don't send emails asking for information. The point of this post is to make people aware of such phishing emails and that they should never open the emails or reply to them. If you open the emails attachments you will end up with malware on your computers and if you reply to them with any information, you may then suffer from fraud. Can people receiving these emails, forward them to their banks phishing/fraud reporting email addresses and then delete them from their email accounts.
  17. I have received several phishing emails recently that are supposed to have been from my banks credit card people. I have never given them my email address and I don't have an online account with them. You can spot them often because they don't actually mention your name in the emails at all, but you should not touch them even if they do. Banks/credit card companies generally don't send emails asking for information. The point of this post is to make people aware of such phishing emails and that they should never open the emails or reply to them. If you open the emails attachments you will end up with malware on your computers and if you reply to them with any information, you may then suffer from fraud. Can people receiving these emails, forward them to their banks phishing/[problem] reporting email addresses and then delete them from their email accounts.
  18. Hi all, apologies if I'm in the wrong place. I'll try and make this as short as possible. I have an account with Ace Catalogue, and at the moment I'm paying the minimum each month which is £40.00 but my wages have been reduced at work so I'm unable to pay £40.00 a month. I contacted ace as soon as possible so we could sort out some sort of reduced payment plan. At first I received an email off them quite quickly, I explained my situation and they replied with "yes sure we can do a reduced payment plan, how much would you like to pay a month?" So I sent an email back stating how much I could pay (£25.00). And this was on the 31st January. I haven't heard anything back since. I keep emailing them but they're ignoring me. My bill due date is coming up soon, the 12th February, I checked my Ace account online and they still want £40.00 on the 12th February. I can't pay this, and I'm worrying because no one has got back to me, I have to pay this in 2 days! What should I do?? I can only pay £25.00... All answers appreciated, thank you in advance.
  19. Hello, just wondering if anyone can answer this for me? I have decided to create a new email address after having my current 1 for almost 3 years and decided to have a change. However, my new email address is: gay_guy1986 (yahoo), do you think my Job Centre advisor will have a problem with this email? if so how? I thought in the work place, its equal opportunities? what if he states, I need to change it because an employer might be homophobic and might not want to employ me, could this be the reason why he might have a problem with it? if an employer don't want to employ me based on my sexuality then surely he is in the wrong? Just looking for help on this matter, thanks
  20. Hi Had an old mables card. .Been all round the houses , ,Capquest had it last . .Sent a Recon CCA with an account number that wasnt at the time I took out the card, so def not the correct CCA . .The last letter from CQ was telling me they are still in talks with Marbles about the CCA that was 2012 ..Now received out the blue letter from CQ saying they have passed it to Drydens fairfax. .When Drydens finally write is there any point in CCAing them .. Or just tell them its still in dispute with CQ and quoting what CQ have said in letter ,,Or do I just ignore..? Thanks
  21. Hi and thanks for any who can help. I raised grievance for bullying, and periodic aggressive attacks on me by secretary (relation to owner). last straw was when the owners "secretary" said she was giving my admin work of home office stuff and staff files to senior care assistant. she is studying her NVQ sorry now QCF level 5. my roles are admin and Activities as per my contact. I have had attacks on me since 2011 but was unable to do grievance until now as 1. did not have employee handbook until 2012. 2. because of aggression 3. changed of matrons' who did not want to deal with my concerns or who were being bullied their selves. The care assistant has been gradually taking over most of my admin work , i have had all good feed back in the past and now, so apart from care assistant just starting her QCF, i dont know why, she relabeling, she's auditing "my" staff files' and even tried to publicly critise.even nurses are asking care staff member to do forms for them, so am unsure what they have been told too. Anyway i raised grievance, yesterday the owner asked to speak to me, she said it;s informal chat , then started asking me questions which relate to the grievance, said i would like you to focus more on activities and anyone can do admin, then said she did not know anything about the grievance/ meeting due next day today... the person who wanted to take the notes is also related but yesterday denied any knowledge of the arranged grievance hearing* when last week he called me over and said the grievance letter it.s no biggee we can sort out, perhaps we can have meeting next thursday or friday i will do a letter I said next friday would be better for me, whilst he walked passed meyesterday he told a staff member that he would not be in tomorrow. So in the end the owner said she would be coming in to the initial hearing. Today 1 hour at 1pm ish before hearing she had bad head and headed off to hospital, i was asked to put meeting back later to 3pm. at 2.46pm she rang , said she was at hospital having blood tests, i asked about our grievance hearing as the home manager who was to take the meeting was on annual leave after today. she said are you in on monday i said yes, she said it's only a grievance , i can do it on monday without the home manager.. so now im worried. firstly she tried to have informal chat in the middle of process, she is the owner and she would be the person who i would need to appeal to after the home manager has done his investigation. Now she wants to hold herself without the home manager being present..she's broke our own employee handbook policies and procedures with regard to grievances. she did ask me if i wanted to do an NVQ, i feel she's trying to sweep under the carpet. what do i do when she calls for an informal chat to deal with a formal grievance monday. grateful for advice, thanks so very much all.
  22. Hi all I have had several emails from MMile, and have responded to all, yet they have failed to respond to my emails. It has now got to the point where they have sent an email, saying next action will be county court. However obviously I have saved all emails I have sent them responding to their emails, as proof I have responded, when they have claimed I havent. I have emailed the directors (or so called) from google who have also failed to respond. Any suggestions?
  23. A very basic question here (hopefully): I am considering legal action (small claims) against a company.Yesterday,I received an email from them, the contents of which will be very helpful to my case.A minute later,I received another email entitled "Recall" & the message said that they would like to recall the original message. I do not understand what this means.Can I: 1) Respond to the message asking explanation of its contents? 2)Use the message in any future court proceedings Any advice will be appreciated-I've not had any experience with emailing on a professional level.
  24. We are getting reports of people receiving spam emails to their email addresses whcih they have used to sign up to the CAG. We are checking but it seems that our email database may have been hacked. We are very sorry for any inconvenience this may cause to you. You should always be very careful when opening emails - and especially be careful about clicking links contained in them. We'll report back here as we find out any more.
  25. Hi Everyone, I'm new to this area of the forum but have received invaluable help from the debt section. I think I need some professional advice. Can anyone recommend a reasonably priced employment lawyer? I have been off sick for around 6 months. Work's policy is to provide 2 years sick pay. However they have now started discussing my 'capabilities' and have mooted the idea that my contract could be terminated. I'm fairly confident that my condition (CFS) is covered by DDA, and I could pursue them for discrimination, wrongful dismissal and unfair dismissal. However I want to get some professional insight and discuss my options before proceeding. Thanks for any recommendations you can provide!
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