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  1. On his site people are frequently advised to follow CRA and take errant traders to the small claims court. Success rates appear to be most encouraging. Yesterday, I took a rouge motor trader to a SCC at the local sheriff court, and because of a major error by the sheriff, my claim was reduced by over 66%. What can i do ? Scottish Law
  2. Marquis South Yorkshire Customers Beware 7th August 2018. This year we viewed a Chausson Motorhome Best of 10 (2013) at a cost of £32,995. The rear bumper was badly damaged, Marquis said they would fix this if we bought it; they really hounded us for the money. It had an electric bed but Joe the salesman said he couldn’t demonstrate it as he didn’t have the key? we finally picked it up on the 30th August 2018 the salesman was in a rush to get off on holiday so he handed it over to one of the technicians to inform us how the Van worked. He demonstrated the bed but only on Hook up. We travelled home and we tried the bed on the leisure battery. it didn’t work and the battery was showing as completely dead. On Hook up the bed only moved a short distance and stopped. We rang Marquis straight away and the technician told us to go on You Tube to reset the bed! This actually did work, (there is a secret button) but we had to operate it this way every time. By the way the toilet Cassette was filthy from the previous owner? We were expecting a follow up call from Joe, we waited 5 days, when we didn’t hear anything we rang Marquis and arranged through service to bring the vehicle back to be checked out. This couldn’t be arranged until the 1st October. We went away on holiday for a week and rang on our return but the van was not repaired. Several calls were made to Marquis between the 17th October and the 26th October with no luck. We were told that they had ordered new control panels but had been sent back to be remodified presumably from Chausson? We were told a rocker switch instead of a key would now control the bed. T he last panel was sent back to them (Chausson or supplier)? On the 1st November, expected back about the 5th November, on the 12th November we receive a Call to say the Van was now fully repaired. As we couldn’t pick up that day due to commitments we arranged it for the 15th November. The keys were handed over by service, as you would expect we tested the bed immediately as this was the main cause of concern, the key just rotated in the lock which was loose and the bed started and stopped almost straight away the battery showing as dead yet again. The response was “it was working on Friday”? Two Technicians came to talk to the Service Manager, and the Van was taken back to the Garage, 45 minutes later the problem was apparently fixed, except it wasn’t, the problem still existed. The Service Manager tried to operate it without success. We left it with Marquis and politely requested another Motorhome as this one has never worked as it should. We were offered an exchange but they wouldn’t put it in writing. The latest letter we have had 29th November 2018 tells us they have managed to repair the bed and it is ready to pick up. We have sent a rejection of their repair today by registered mail, they will now escalate this to their Head office and I expect they will back up their Manager Andy Milne. Where we go from there I will have to think about. As of today since August we have had the vehicle for two weeks. Is there anything else we can do?
  3. A family member is very "Review" conscious and checked out a garage on Autotrader Review. They visited the garage with strong hopes of buying a car advertised on Autotrader. The car was faulty despite what the advert said, the terms of the garages own warranty would not be acceptable to most people, and the price of the car was excessive considering it's mileage. Price not negotiable. Once home, they wrote an honest review of this garage on Autotrader. Autotrader refused to publish this review on their website, without giving a concise explanation. It would appear Autotrader only publish complimentary reviews, which is no good to the car buying public. The family member wasted valuable time going a fair distance to see this car which had obviously not been properly checked prior to being offered for sale-----or was it !!!!!!!
  4. Just bought a new washing machine from Appliances Direct. Advert said 10 yr parts warranty which is correct, but you must use their repairer-----£199 per call out charge !!!! This is of course avoidable if you pay a £4 / month insurance fee by DD. They also offer free washing tabs for 6 months---but try getting them. Anything that sounds too good to be true undoubtedly is.
  5. I purchased a washing machine from Appliancesdirect and it failed to work properly from day1. A few days later I read the Trouble Shooting guide in the handbook. It suggested the fault was a shortage of water getting to the machine. I reported this to AD and their advisors agreed it looked like a faulty installation problem and they would get their carrier to come and check it out. Their carrier, Arrow XL ,did the installation. After many phone calls @13p/minute, and emails, I was informed that Arrow would send someone out the next day to check the machine. This failed to happen and no phone call to advise job was cancelled. After complaining further to AD, and asking that they honour the Consumer Protection Act they still failed to respond. I formally rejected the machine and an advisor informed me they certainly would not uplift it. They now stonewall me. This firm are trading outside consumer laws of this country and there appears no fiscal organisation to tackle them. Trading Standards don't want to know. I seriously advise anyone looking to buy electronic gadgets or Air Con to thoroughly check out their intended supplier first.
  6. I have used this company in the past, at least 2 times for low value items where their £20 base compensation amount would suffice on my last experience I used them to carry an item of higher value and that is where things started unfolding. As a parcel broker, I though they are just brokers like travel agencies I was wrong because the moment you purchase a delivery slot through their company with one of the main shipping agents such as UPS, DHL, TNT, Royal Mail, Parcel Force, YODEL and many others, you cease to be the sender of the package as they are the sender/shipper so the actual shipping companies don’t want to know you and always refer you to the [removed] at Parcel2Go.com. For my most recent service request, I booked a collection through Parcel2Go via UPS late October with next day delivery on 1st November for a printer I purchased from eBay The seller kindly agreed to allow me to organise collection at my own cost through my own courier of choice. 1st November came and late in the afternoon, the UPS delivery driver arrived at the delivery address and rang the bell to state that he has a parcel for us to my surprise, moments later he stated that the parcel in question was not my one and that my parcel would follow on the next delivery. I could clearly see my parcel in the back of his van with exactly the same box, make and model of the item ready to be unloaded but the packaging appeared to have been tampered with. After the driver stated that he actually has 3 more of the same boxes in his van and that my one would be delivered on the next delivery, I took his word for it and let him go here I was wrong because that was indeed my package. (I am taking this matter with the UPS on a separate complaint and will also address this issue with the driver in question in due course) This is where things get even uglier by the day. I contacted Parcel2Go via chat after that day passed and no delivery took place the same day or the next day or the day or week after. They started a so-called investigation. During this time the tracking details for my parcel were updated to state that my parcel was incorrectly sorted and then days later it was updated to state that my parcel was now damaged. I made countless calls to UPS and made countless chat contacts with Parcel2Go.com to ensure that regardless of the damage to my parcel every effort was made to return my parcel to the address on the shipping label. Whilst the [removed] at Parcel2Go claimed that they were making call and sent emails to UPS to request that the parcel would be returned to the original delivery address, UPS was telling me to go back to Parcel2Go as they are their customer not myself and that they are the official shipper not myself even though I booked the collection and I am the recipient of the parcel. UPS was able to confirm on numerous calls that Parcel2Go was not telling the truth about the state of my parcel and that due to confidentiality reasons they urged me to go back to them they kept on apologising day after day without offering any concrete solution. UPS agents did however confirm that Parcel2Go did not make any contacts with them regarding a request to allow my parcel to continue its journey to the original delivery address. Clearly Parcel2Go agents acted dishonestly and gave me incorrect information on every occasion. I recorded all my phone conversations with UPS and have kept all the chat logs with Parcel2Go in case the matter escalates. I am now glad I did because things took another turn from bad to worse. Following many contacts with UPS and Parcel2Go, I was then told that UPS could not return my parcel to my address and that it had to go back to the sender (Parcel2Go warehouse). I was then given numerous assurances by Parcel2Go that my parcel, regardless of its state would then be returned to my address. Subsequently, I was told by UPS that the parcel was indeed sent to Parcel2Go and then during another live chat session, the agent from Parcel2Go did confirm that the parcel was at their warehouse and that it would be returned to my original delivery address as agreed. By this time, as per their claims process, my claim for damage in transit was settled with an offer of £20+shipping fees but here is when things got worse. After 2 weeks passed since my last contact and the promise of return of my parcel (as recorded on chat logs), during one live chat where I queried what was happening, this time I was told that my parcel is now lost in transit. I challenged them but they kept on giving me scripted excuses, apologies but no concrete response. I was very shocked and complained to their claims department but they kept on stating that as my original claim for the damage in transit was settled there was nothing else they could do. [Removed] Because they have non-disclosure agreement with the courier company, the customer is always sent back to Parcel2Go and the courier does not accept any liability. [Removed] I am giving you a brief account of my experience here [Removed] as well as false promises about the actions they would take to resolve my issue. In the end I wrote to their CEO and every other email address I could find because they don’t have a dedicated customer service call centre and all I get was a bunch of staff with fake aliases or accounts of what they will do to resolve my issue but no honest action on the problem. As a result, I demanded for them to at least refund me the declared value of the item plus compensation for the stress and inconvenience caused for more than a month they even failed to realise and acknowledge their underhanded practices aside from scripted apology lines. I am now convinced that if I had taken insurance for my parcel , I am sure they would have jumped upside down to get my parcel back to me and to find excuses to pay less or no compensation. Just because I did not take insurance, they are trying to take advantage of the situation like they have done with many other people. I am very disgusted, angry and disappointed with authorities for allowing such a dishonest company to trade. They are [Removed] with disgusting ways of dealing with customer complaints and have no regard for customer service. They should be banned from trading. I gave up on dealing with them directly, so here is what I am planning to do with immediate effect; 1. I will publish my story on every forum, website where there is concerns raised about [Removed] so that others don’t fall into the same trap that I did. 2. I will report this matter to the local trading standards in Bolton, {removed] 3. I will use social media to highlight the dangers of dealing with these dishonest companies and will name and shame each of their employees that are involved. 4. I will log a complaint with ActionFraud to get the police involved in investigating [Removed] 5. I will initiate a Small Claims Court action to recover my losses. I have sufficient evidence to sue them thanks to their chat logs and the UPS call records as well as emails but what will they have to defend themselves. Hope justice will be done to prevent them from trading any longer. More importantly eBay and other responsible companies should not allow the services/lack of Parcel2Go and the likes ever. Stay clear of this company at all costs. If you have been a victim then do not wait and put up with their crap, take the matter further and report to the relevant authorities and take action to recover your losses. Don’t be an easy target.
  7. Yesterday in the House of Commons, Sir Greg Knight's Private Members Bill entitled: Parking (Code of Practice) Bill received its 2nd reading. The support that he received was overwhelming (and thoroughly deserved) and the Bill now passes to the Committee stage. Rougue private parking operators have cause for concern. Yesterdays debate is worthy of reading: https://www.theyworkforyou.com/debat...ailiff#g1160.0
  8. Door2Tour.com are what is known as a holiday portal company and only offered holidays they booked through other companies. They Limit their liabilities to only £50 in their hidden Terms and Conditions on their website when they make a mistake leaving the customer with no where to go as they did us as well as never sending the £50 promised!! We booked and paid for a 7 day coach holiday to the rhine valley in Germany last Sept with Crusader coach holidays we thought. However when we rejoined our coach after crossing on the ferry our coach driver announced please put your passports away now as you won't need them again until thursday? Us and another couple we later found out thought he had made a mistake as we will return on Saturday. It transpired we were both on only a 5 day holiday so would be returning on Thursday. I rang Door2Tour back in the UK and was told just enjoy your holiday I will look into it and call you back tomorrow which she did and admitted they had made a mistake and it was only a 5 day holiday and they will discuss us losing 2 days holiday on our return. After the holiday the trouble started and the attitude of Door2Tour.com. We were told by the other couple to complain to Crusader coach holidays as their paperwork for the holiday was not clearly written which is why they had thought they were on a 7 day holiday also. We both discussed this with the coach driver, but were told he was a free lance driver so could do very little as he didn't work directly for the company. I made a complaint to Crusader Coach holidays as our itinerary stated we could see the barges going up and down the Rhine which was impossible without a 10 minute walk to the bank of the Rhine. Worst still the hotel was right next to the local main line railway station and freight trains run all night so all complained of not getting much sleep! I have since found out they have a different holiday hotel next to the Rhine this year? But guess what mine and many other complaints got nowhere I know from the Managing director of Motts travel who Crusader coach holidays are owned by confirming by email I had to address my complaint direct to Door2Tour and not Crusader and I also heard no one had any luck either. i was told by Door2Tour as a good will gesture I would receive a discount on booking another holiday through them but as per their T&Cs we are not entitled to any more compensation over and above this £50! When protested we had lost two days of our holiday I was told sorry that is it the cheque will be in the post. To this day it has never arrived so I thought I would write this post so others realise what a holiday internet portal only company can do by writing it into their T&Cs and there is nothing you can do about it if you don't have the money to sue. Thanks for reading Soundguy
  9. I love Vodafone, although a lot of society has had a fair few issues with them as a Service Provider and even I sometimes query why I am with them. Somewhat now, we need to take a closer look at one of their products and how it affects you. Yesterday I attended store and picked up a shiny new device but something that caught my eye on the paperwork I'd signed was Vodafone Securenet... So what is it? Its a security product designed to protect you against threats while using Vodafone's network. Its built into the network already and doesnt require an app to download it. . So whats the deal and why have CAG reported this...? This is terrible for many reasons. Vodafone are auto signing people up to this with Upgrades and some people are being signed up automatically without their consent. Sure its £1 per month per device... But remember that Vodafone has 19 and a half million customers in the UK. If everyone is paying a £1 for this then thats a fine turnover moneymaking scheme. More about it? They are free alternatives for Antivirus which will protect your phone locally anot need a requirement for Vodafone to do this for you. Not only that but this doesnt work on Wifi unless you have an app installed and it has to the master handset that has it on! Vodafone should be offering this for FREE as part of their NDS (Network Development Scheme) - Not charging people for it! Not only that but both Android and IOs have built in security features to disable your phone remotely. Are We Being Charged? I would say check your bill. Vodafone have already applied this to a fair few customers through Upgrades and Tariff Changes. If you are paying for it whether in free trial or not, then consider the alternatives - Lookout AV etc... If you are not using it - Complain for your money back if it has been added without your consent!
  10. Hi all Just wanted to make people aware of an underhanded way the EA tries to make you default. History I finally took the general advice from BA and Dodgeball, and come to an arrangement with the EA company dealing with the 3 historic LO's. Which in the main is advice After alot of barriers put in my way, I was passed to the welfare department. I sent in an I & E with at the time a surplus income of £12.00 per week. Rossendales in there wisdom wanted £16.00 per week. Again speaking to the welfare and in turn them speaking to the council , it was agreed that I would pay the minimum £3.75, on one and the others put on hold. I was informed that the arrangement would be reviewed in 12 months, quite happy with this. Moving forward to today Today I received, two letters stating that they have not received my latest payment under the previously agreed arrangement. Checked the bank statement online and money has been paid as agreed. I have since found out that without any communication to myself, from either the council or Rossendales that they had lifted the hold on the other two accounts. They could not have taken any extra as on Standing Order, so they could not have collected any more without informing me. When speaking to one of there operators, I was lectured in a demeaning way, and after explaining the agreement that had been put in place, finally he spoke to the welfare department, and the operator explained the above. Then threatened me with enforcement if I did not come to an arrangement. If I had been away I would not have known and further fees would have been added. I have now come to the agreement that I will send in another I & E, and the account is now on hold until 6 september. So Please Be aware of this tactic to make you default. Leakie
  11. I recently had problems with a B&B booked through Bookings.com. The accommodation was paid up front to Bookings.com. Once back home I complained to the company, who initially were most apologetic but informed me they had nothing to do with my complaint as they only act as intermediaries. They advised I take the matter up with the accommodation owners. The internet advert on Bookings site was misleading and just plain wrong. It is my understanding that once money changes hands that a contract is said to exist. This is between buyer and person /s who originally receives the money. Although bookings.com are HQ in Netherlands, they have an office in England, so I maintain that they are subject to SOGA & Consumer Protection Rules. They don't even think I am allowed to try & sue them in a Small Claims Court. In other words, like a well known major cut price retailer, they think they are not subject to UK law. They have now stopped corresponding and say the matter is now closed. Even although I said we are waiting for medical evidence.
  12. Elderly parents cold called by British Gas and talked into having Smart Meters fitted with the promise that they could then choose to have free energy either on Saturday or Sunday. Meters duly fitted, told by engineer to call to pick their day, only then are they told they can't have the free energy until they set up an online account. Had they been told that from the outset they wouldn't have bothered as they don't have wifi, don't trust online stuff and are probably beyond learning how to do it now anyway. BG have given them £30 for their failure to mention the online requirement, but they're still disappointed.
  13. Be careful when Googling for Barclays. If you click on it, it looks, at first glance, like Barclays. But it is actually Barccays It's a sca mmers site, where you are asked to submit all your usual on-line banking details. Your account would be emptied before you were any the wiser. Always double check the address bar before entering any details
  14. Reddit user FalloutBoS has posted a salutary warning to others thinking of upgrading to Windows 10: be careful it doesn't result in your wife finding out about your porn collection. FalloutBoS says that he installed at the end of last week. When his wife got up the following morning, the computer was merrily rotating through his carefully curated collection of x-rated images, using the hardcore pics as a screensaver: Loaded up WIN 10 last night and left it on to do its thing. Woke up to wife asking why I set it to rotate all my porn images right on the desk top view. I have no idea how to shut that feature off and that computer is staying shut down until I do. Free windows and a free trip to the doghouse. Thanks Microsoft!!! Edit: Don't make my mistake, keep your private pictures out of My Pictures, no matter how deep you hide them in sub folders. My wife is very happy I admitted my mistake on this sub. She said I took my medicine and she now finds it quite funny. 'Ain't love grand? I guess it's a good thing Aunty Hilda wasn't staying with them over the weekend... If you have content on your computer which you don't want other users to see, it might be worth creating an encrypted archive and ensuring that you haven't placed any (ahem) compromising content in the My Pictures folder. You have been warned. Source: Reddit.
  15. Just to advise drivers to be aware of the BP 5p/litre saving on fuel. To achieve this reduction you have to purchase two food items from a small list. MAKE SURE THE COST OF THE TWO ITEMS IS NOT MORE THAN YOUR FUEL SAVINGS.
  16. I recently transferred from DLA to PIP. On my award letter it stated that any carer's allowance in payment wouldn't be affected by the change. However, as you can guess there is a glitch in the DWP system which meant that son's carer's allowance was stopped without warning. Easy enough to resolve with a phone call, but for anyone transferring it's as well to be aware that there could be a problem. In son's case as this happened over Xmas it was actually 3 weeks before he realised and in the meantime had incurred £54 in bank charges which DWP have agreed to refund.
  17. Here is a possible pensions [problem] for you to be wary of, as reported to me by Independent reader Derek Croft. He recently received two letters. The first was from the Pension Service about the upcoming winter fuel payment. In the same post but in a separate envelope was a second letter apparently from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). "Although the address of the two organisations was exactly the same, the second letter had a standard landline telephone number beginning 01282," Derek said. The number stood out because he had noticed that most official departments use an 0845 or 0345 number. But there was another reason for Derek suspecting not all was right with the second letter. "It was on cheaper paper, the logo was badly printed and, more importantly, it was requesting information I would never willingly release such as bank sort codes and account numbers, partner's date of birth and the first two and last three digits of both our national insurance numbers." The DWP letter also claimed: "We are contacting you to confirm the information we hold. It is important that you reply within fourteen days". It's a good job Derek was so observant and on his guard. He did call the 01282 number, only to hear a rather badly recorded message asking for his phone number and advising him to await a call back. When he told the Pension Service, it told him to ignore the second letter. It was undoubtedly a [problem]. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/pension-[problem]s-letter-from-dwp-turned-out-fake-simon-read
  18. This doesn't apply to all sellers, but be careful on what you buy from who. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/272064192743 I bought some Xmas lights which were advertised as "new". Unfortunately this seller has sold almost all of them, so the people that bought them are at risk from fire or injury if they use them. The last picture is when I opened the box. No screws holding it together, it too easily just fell apart. You can see the wires from the 240v supply are almost touching. http://imglnk.uk/img?i=VvcBvb http://imglnk.uk/img?i=QyxTFy http://imglnk.uk/img?i=uxBMeL http://imglnk.uk/img?i=jZSgIw http://imglnk.uk/img?i=CIBPAO http://imglnk.uk/img?i=WpEyvI http://imglnk.uk/img?i=gjefYV http://imglnk.uk/img?i=gdWFBg The control box has been used before, it is damaged and scratched all over. It doesn't conform to IP44 since water can get in though the button hole at the top.As well as objects and tools 1mm could get into an unprotected wire hole. The control box even has the logo for double insulated electronics, however, there is only 1 protective cover that falls off between peoples hands and the 240v power supply. Someone has wired in a 10A fused plug which is completely wrong. 10Amp isn t going to do anything when used with this product and is unsafe. The 240V cable that has been wired to it has the outer protective cover cut too far back. The soldering to the control board is terrible, there is no strain relief on the power cord what so ever. One of the LED light cables hasn't been put in place properly and is caught on the edge of this box. This is highly dangerous and actually illegal to sell in the UK due to how unsafe it is.
  19. Today received a FAKE £50 refund cheque *apparently* from sainsburys bank regarding a debt I had way back when. They have no idea I live here now as the debt was incurred in another part of the country. The cheque appears to come from sainsburys and is a goodwill gesture because they overcharged in debt fees. Its suggest they have asked Direct Collections to credit my outstanding debt account and have themselves sent me this £50 cheque as a goodwill gesture. Its pure fabrication and no doubt highly illegal too. I have had no contact with anyone since leaving previous address. No doubt you try to cash the fake cheque and they know you exist where they think you are now when they receive notice of the failed deposit or if you use the contact details therein.
  20. Howdo All I come today to prewarn you about a new card being supplied by NewDay Cards Ltd / TA Aqua... I decided to have a look at it and as it shows 49.9% Representative, decided as I havent applied for any credit products in a while, I would take the plunge. After some time of repairing my credit history I am better off then where i used to be about a year ago. When applying and going through the setup it instantly stuck a 69.95% interest rate on the card... I have spoken to quite a few people who have had the same issue. Please be careful with these Interest rates. They are eye wateringly high. I have declined my current application from going forward because of the rate. I have a Vanquis card that is 29% which is still high but nothing compared to this... So lesson learnt, be weary of what you are signing up for. [ATTACH=CONFIG]55251[/ATTACH]
  21. I can only tell you all about my experience with Carpetright and you can reach your own conclusions. When I moved, the carpets needed replacing so I ordered a carpet from the samples in a Carpet right store on one of their 'crazy prices' promotions. The house was empty when it was fitted. When I saw it I know that it was not the carpet that I saw in the store and went straight in to tell them. The sample was no longer available and it had been discontinued. My complaint has been going on for over a year now. I ordered a plain beige carpet and have one that is beige with lots of dark brown splodges. Dark threads are continuing to come through as it wears. It looks permanently dirty. Carpetright do not care about customer satisfaction and seem to get a buzz out of making customers upset and frustrated. They sent an 'expert' who was employed by the carpet manufacturer who decided that there was no fault with the carpet, ignoring my complaint that it was not the one I ordered. Eventually the head of complaints a Mr Renouf listened to this aspect. After some deliberation, he simply said that it was the carpet named on the invoice and showed me a photo of a 'sample board.' I did not choose from this board. More peculiarly he maintains that the colours in the carpet are due to variations in the colours of the sheep! I put it to him that is he chose a beige wool mix suit from a shop from a swatch, then returned the suit because it had dark threads randomly in the fabric, he would not be satisfied with this response! I have not received a response from him. Apparently I do not have a case because I cannot prove that this was not the carpet I chose. Of course I can't. They destroyed the evidence. On one of these forums I read a similar story of a customer going into Carpetright and the manager shouted across to him ' you DID get the carpet you ordered.' . ..before he had even raised the subject. It seems I am not alone. I tried to take the case through my credit card protection. I was told that I had no evidence so they could not progress my complaint. I have put it to them that the invoice says 'beige' not 'beige with dark brown/ black speckles.' I have not had a response. So I am just very unlucky that a few black sheep were in the flock used for my carpet!
  22. Hello Not sure if this is common knowledge but Step Change appear to be doing a settlement scheme for debts. I will use hypothetical figures. Lets say you owe a combined amount of 11,000 they will confirm a minimum requirement for them to work with you say 7,000 (approx could be slightly less) Now the reason I would consider using a Debt Management company would be that they say on their blurb they have all their best experts in this department and have contacts, negotiating skills etc so it might be a bit over the odds but may be more successful reaching a settlement. and here's the rub..... They say you would need to send them the 7,000 and they would forward it to the creditors pro rata BEFORE any negotiations have started! If the creditors decide they do not want to accept it as a final settlement, then they can just keep it! So can you tell me if given a lump sum of 7,000 a debt agency would say "That ok mate its not what you owe, but I will let you off anyway and I really don't want't you to keep paying the 100.00 dmp you have been paying anymore....or is there a likelihood that the debt collection agency might just say "Thank's for the 7,000 we reject your offer and by the way, can you keep paying the 100.00 a month on your dmp. Step change were upfront about the fact they hand over the money regardless but I find it hard to get my mind round the fact that for me they should be negotiating a settlement and only sending the money if it's a guaranteed agreement. Of course go direct and offer. Just thought this might be of interest
  23. Shoppers have been warned to beware of counterfeit olive oil – as criminal gangs exploit a disastrous Italian harvest by selling potentially dangerous bootleg bottles. Consumers should be particularly wary of olive oil that appears “too cheap to be true”, experts said. Fake oil produced in unhygienic conditions could put Britons at increased risk of E.coli and salmonella. The incentive for fraud has increased because the woeful olive harvest has left a shortage of the fruit required to make genuine oil – while the resulting rising price has increased the profits that can be made from selling fake bottles. The best way for consumers and restaurant buyers to determine whether olive oil is counterfeit is to look at the price. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/food-fans-are-told-to-prepare-for-a-flood-of-dangerous-counterfeit-olive-oil-10124249.html
  24. The following important news item appears on the Action Fraud website today: http://actionfraud.police.uk/news/[problem]mer-derek-jones-calling-victims-claiming-they-have-to-pay-a-debt-nov14 Action Fraud has received reports of a fraudster cold calling members of the public claiming they must pay a debt or face having a bailiff sent round. The caller is purporting to be from a legitimate company called Jacobs, which is a traditional enforcement and debt recovery company based in Birkenhead. The fraudster calling himself “Derek Jones” claims that victims owe a debt and as a result are expected to appear in court in the next two days. The [problem]mer with a Scottish accent is also threatening to send the bailiffs round if the debt is not paid. Interestingly Jacobs do have an employee called Derek Jones – but the company has confirmed that he is an office worker and not Scottish like the fraudster calling victims.
  25. http://www.cash4phone.co.uk/ http://www.nominet.org.uk/whois/lookup?query=cash4phone.co.uk
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