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  1. Rogue pension and finance companies closed down after abusing millions of pounds READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/rogue-pension-and-finance-companies-closed-down-after-abusing-millions-of-pounds
  2. New boost to rogue landlord crackdown READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-boost-to-rogue-landlord-crackdown
  3. Crackdown on rogue bailiffs READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/crackdown-on-rogue-bailiffs
  4. New crackdown on rogue agents to protect renters and leasehold homeowners READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-crackdown-on-rogue-agents-to-protect-renters-and-leasehold-homeowners
  5. My 89 mother invited a company to quote for a reclining chair after seeing advert in National Press. The company is Orchid Mobility and not the company recently featured on tv’s rogue traders. She ordered a chair and unfortunately paid by cheque as they wouldn’t accept a card. They said she would get priority delivery if she paid in full which she did (£1395). I was on holiday by the way and was unaware of this. The order was placed on 19th Feb with a 4 week delivery promised. The chair has yet to be delivered and now we are in May. Numerous phone calls have resulted in blatant lies telling us the chair is finished but too busy to deliver. Delivery dates given but never met etc. I have sent recorded delivery letters giving ultimatums but they have never responded or returned calls. They are still answering their phone and hence still taking orders from old disabled people. I rang citizens advice and they said police not interested and they said after the recorded letters follow up with small claims court. I have traced the company directors name from Companies House but can’t find his residential address or I would ring his home. Cannot definitely find him on Facebook but I think I know who the culprit is. Any advice welcome to get the money back and get this lowlife stopped.
  6. Yesterday in the House of Commons, Sir Greg Knight's Private Members Bill entitled: Parking (Code of Practice) Bill received its 2nd reading. The support that he received was overwhelming (and thoroughly deserved) and the Bill now passes to the Committee stage. Rougue private parking operators have cause for concern. Yesterdays debate is worthy of reading: https://www.theyworkforyou.com/debat...ailiff#g1160.0
  7. Interesting article, but will it really make any difference: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-42849443 https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?484535-Rogue-parking-companies-face-government-crackdown
  8. On 5/6/2017 I bought a Lexus LS430 from NW car sales, Heywood. I paid £200 deposit by bank transfer and the balance of £3700 by Barclaycard. After 400 yards on the journey home after purchase a warning light appeared on the dashboard. I checked the manual and found it was safe to drive but needed checking by a dealer ASAP. I returned (mid-afternoon) to find the dealer's office was closed. Telephone calls were unanswered. As I was over 80 miles from home I returned using the car. I immediately sent the dealer an Email to say there was a problem and I would be taking the car to a Lexus dealer for checking. The Lexus dealer found many faults and indicated the cost of repairs would be over £4500. It was shown that the advertisement belied the condition of the vehicle. e.g. full Lexus service history, two keys........ ... One key is "dead" the Lexus service ends over 5000 miles ago The rear suspension failed on my return home. I immediately advised the dealer on 6/6/2017 that I did not want the vehicle and wanted an immediate refund in accordance with the Consumer Rights Act 2015 using a template letter from Citizens Advice Bureau. The dealer indicated that this was "fair wear and tear" and on the basis of "goodwill" I was offered a refund minus £300 for preparation and expenses etc. I rejected this and in subsequent Emails it was agreed that I would have a full refund when I returned the car. I pointed out that the car - minus rear suspension - was not fit to drive and would need collection. The dealer responded that I would need to pay £1.50 per mile to return the vehicle. As I had paid by Barclaycard I also advised them of the situation and sent appropriate documents. Presently they are delaying action although my statement shows this debt in red. I believe I am entitled to a full refund immediately although the dealer has now passed this to their "legal representatives" - Lawgistics. I have researched this organisation to find that it represents the interests of retailers and its behaviour is questionable. I am a 77 year old disabled pensioner and I bought this car to support a 95 year old handicapped friend to take her on comfortable outings. I have a disability scooter and I am now without suitable transport. I paid for 6 months vehicle road tax and transferred the vehicle to my insurance at a cost of £25. I journeyed by train to buy this car and filled the tank with £50 of petrol in order to return home. I paid the Lexus dealer £59 to inspect the car and provide a report which I have sent to the dealer and Barclaycard. There is also the question of distress, inconvenience etc. I have made two hospital visits since then minus appropriate transport. What claims can I make and what should I do next?
  9. My family at times have used Provident and son had a letter to say he was behind with payments. He's paid monthly so paid 4 weeks at a time. She used to take books away when updating loans and conveniently forgot to bring back. As never used them before andhow things ran thought it was just an oversight. Agent was suspended and then left. She'd become a friend. The week she was suspended for 2 weeks she phoned me to come round and chat cos she did. During the visit she asked me to take out a loan for her as she had no money and she had checked to see if was able to and it would be £37 a week. I rang the office to do it, but when she had gone cancelled the visit. Luck had it was that I had someone staying and witnessed it all Is what she did against the law with Data Protection? If its a breach can I report them BTW have put a complaint in to Provident and they are not taking it seriously so now have gone to paper. This was Beginning of August.
  10. Just saw this on youtube. HCEO with High Court Writ Tells the video poster that if he refuses to allow him access then he will be arrested for obstruction! Suggest this guy needs serious retraining. Got to love the copper too "well... your known to the Police...probably" And erm, are the Police allowed to use the PNC to check identities of people for HCEO's? Misuse of the PNC surely. The victim, who isn't the person the HCEO was after seriously needs to do some formal complaints, and I have advised him to do so. Surely a criminal offence has been committed, threatening arrest for not allowing peaceful entry? The HCEO is outright lying about his powers, threatening arrest, and the Cops just backing him up.
  11. I'll try to condense this. Last year I contracted a Gas Heating Engineer (registered) to fit a new boiler in my daughters flat. Unbeknown to me and my daughter, he In fact, he sent an unregistered unqualified plumber (his friend) in his place as he was 'hung over' from the night before..as was this plumber, but not as bad as the Gas Heating Engineer and apparently 'drew the short straw'. Only registered engineers are legally allowed to work on the gas. The plumber made a complete hash of the work that he did, did not complete all the work, caused damage to my daughters property, and then used the Gas Heating Engineers reg number to fill in the paperwork, filled in his own name, but signed it as the G Engineers name??. When I found out, I called Gas Safe and reported an illegal gas fitter. Gas Safe inspector came round and said the job was poor and to get a 'proper' Gas Safe Heating engineer to come and complete the job and rectify all the mistakes so that building regs could be applied for and the boiler to be register for a guarantee. The boiler manufacturer refused to give a guarantee until this was done. The Inspector gave us a list of reputable people. The Gas Safe Heating engineer told the inspector that he did not send anyone else in his place, but he came himself. The inspector showed my daughter some photo's of the engineer, my daughter said it was not him. He then found a photo of the guy that did the job..daughter confirmed that he was the guy and the inspector said that he was not registered, the installation was illegal as this guy had been struck off. The Inspector then said in an aside to me, that I had a contract with the heating engineer who had not done the work, not a contract with this rogue plumber..I hope you have not paid him! The Gas Safe Heating engineer then sent me an invoice for full payment which I questioned and also asked why vat had not been added as he was a Vat reg company, and was told that it was a private job so not collecting the Vat. I phone HMRC and questioned this and was told he had to collect the vat or be responsible for it himself. I was also asked to pay this invoice to a third party..a plumbers merchants that he had bought goods from. HMRC said this was probably money laundering? Anyway, I paid the bill in part, in 'full and final payment' which he accepted at the time (last Feb). I deducted from the invoice the cost of finishing and rectifying the job and to put right the damage that was caused to my daughter property. Have the invoices to prove these amounts. Yesterday, dropped through my daughters door, a summons for her..who had no contract with him. He is now claiming for the money that I had deducted from his invoice. There was also a summons for me, to her address. I have never lived at her address. I have no financial connection to her address, so why send a summons to her address and not mine? Now for the questions: (1) She had no contract with him at all. I was the one who contracted him..how is she liable? (2) My summons is to her address with which I have no connection...is this legally served? (3) My contract was with him, not his friend..he did not fullfil his contract with me but sent an illegal worker who should not have set foot in my daughters property. I am legally responsible to pay him? (4) The summons is being brought in the name of the Gas engineers "company," not privately. This company is now 'Dissolved', so how can a summons be brought by a company that no longer exists? We are not sure how to respond to these summonses. If anyone can help, it would be appreciated.
  12. Hi When my Dad's boiler broke, he called a company from the phone book and the engineer they sent told him he needed a complete replacement of the boiler and quoted him £2600. He charged him £1000 deposit and said he'd be back the next morning to replace the boiler. The same evening, we found another gas fitter who came over that evening and found the problem was with one part and replaced it and serviced the boiler for £370 in total. So the original engineer mislead my father into believing the boiler needed replacing and he didn't do any work. I'm not sure what the best approach is to get the deposit back from the original engineer. The Consumer Contract Regulations stated there should be a 14 day cooling off period where services can be cancelled. There's a template letter for this over on the which website. There is also the The Consumer Protection Regulations which gives consumers 90 days to "unwind" a contract and claim the money back. This seems to be the better option as it is specific to traders misleading their customers. Does anyone have experience of claiming back from traders using this method? Is there a template to use for this? Many thanks
  13. https://www.publicpolicyexchange.co.uk/events/GA28-PPE BA would you know if anything of interest resulted from the above conference? More haste less speed......I meant to post this in the discussion forum, perhaps a moderator would be kind enough to move it over for me? Thanks WD
  14. I made the mistake of ordering a sewing machine online without checking the company's credentials beforehand. Got carried away with a bargain (more fool me). It turns out they've been on BBC Watchdog and Rogue Traders in the past and haven't changed their ways since. I immediately cancelled my order - same day and my request went ignored. They sent me an email saying they were processing my order. I reiterated that I wished to cancel. They sent me a dispatch notification saying they'll deliver the item Exress delivery. They did email me back when I stated that I refuse to be liable for delivery charges or admin charges as I cancelled 2 days before they sent it out. They said they had upgraded the machine from an ex-showroom model to a brand new one but they'd try and cancel the delivery and get back to me shortly. I have no doubt they said that to try and get me to accept the delivery and from what I've read on other reviews/forum posts that would be a big mistake! I refused the delivery and now they won't engage with me at all. All of my 'Support Forum' posts have been closed without response. I've opened a dispute with the credit card company but I'm not sure it falls within their remit - I didn't take delivery, they did try to deliver, the item wasn't damaged, they didn't charge my card fraudulently ... So where do I stand? It's been 12 days since I placed and cancelled the order. 7 days since I refused delivery and 3 days since they received the item back at their premises. (I have tracking proof). Any advice would be much appreciated. Thank you!!
  15. I was sold an un-roadworthy vehicle by a trader masquerading as a private seller. I've sought to contact the trader by email, phone and mail but he has failed to respond to any communication. The car trader is based in Scotland, while I reside in England. As the sale took place in Scotland, does anyone know if am I obliged to proceed through the Scottish sheriff court system? The England and Wales system is available online, while in Scotland one physically has to file papers in the sheriff court as I understand. Thanks in advance for any thoughts
  16. The rogue landlord database below lists every prosecution under the Housing Act 2004 between 2006 and 2014 - although only half of the landlords are named . It is compiled by English and Welsh courts for the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) but there is a considerable amount of missing data. Just click here check out your landlord
  17. BES Customers Gas and Electricity I will try and be as brief as possible with my long winded case. In March of 2013 we purchased a cafe and on takeover decided to stay with the then suppliers "Utility Warehouse". Within 5 days of taking over I took a call from someone who said they were reviewing our gas and electricity prices, I asked if he was from utility warehouse and he replied yes I thought no more of it and duly answered all his questions and stupidly gave all our details ( he knew the previous owners details ). After a run down of costs and not being aware that the deal I already had was better somehow I agreed to a new contract and I thought it was with Utility warehouse. About 3 or 4 days later Barry from Commercial Energy called me again and said we needed to go over a few things, I duly obliged at the end of the call I thought hey I've been duped, I called BES once I'd received an email from them and they explained what I had agreed to. I asked who the agent was and I was told they didn't know. I called again a few days later after a call from Utility warehouse and the young man I spoke to gave me the details but told me he wasn't meant to and I would have trouble getting the contract scrubbed. My husband I were very stressed with the start of a new venture but did try to get out of it to no avail. It was a case of hey ho we will just have to get on with it. When I received the first bill I realised we were tied into a contract until 2017 once again I called them . I was told tough. The bills started coming in and were considerably higher than the previous owners which was strange as we had changed all of the major cooking equipment to gas so no high usage electric griddle etc. I called BES and queried this and they said there could be a fault on the meter and we would have to pay to have it checked. We were not in a position financially to pay anyone to do anything so we just let things continue. By July of 2014 we were getting bills of over £500 per month I cancelled the direct debit because it would have bounced and thought I will pay the bills as and when they come in ( huge mistake the extra costs have just about seen us skint) . In October of last year I started paying them £60.00 a week by standing order as this is roughly what the bills should be. We have ended up paying thousands and eventually put the electricity back on direct debit to try and save ourselves money. It was in Feb the bill went back onto direct debit and we continued to pay the £60 per week to try and clear the debt. We also had a smart meter installed ( which never sent a reading until 3 weeks ago) On our next bill they billed us for 13 days on direct debit at the lower rate and 17 days at the higher rate but they said we had used far more electricity in the off direct debit days, I queried this as I know they couldn't get a reading from our smart meter and I was told its impossible that we have the same usage on a daily basis so I had to pay it. We became so obsessed with the usage we took readings every hour we were open and I emailed them the info. We are open 7 days a week but keep the same opening hours and on monitoring the usage is usually mirrored from week to week. I had a visit one day and we paid BES £1000 over the phone courtesy of my parents and then a week later another £1000. We have continued paying the bills and they did ask for £200 per week on top of our bill at first we managed this but in fairness we've nearly lost our home down to this i had to bring the payments up to date. We have never stopped paying the £60 a week on top of our bill. We have been hounded with up to 10 calls a day on the cafe phone and my mobile, text messages and emails. I eventually asked the staff to say I wasn't in and in fact for a couple of months I was busy with outside catering to try and boost our funds so wasn't available they were called liars they have been given the state of play regarding our bills ( breech of data protection) . We have a great team working for us and even they became afraid to answer the phone, their latest tactic is drop calling and many of the calls are directed through a local exchange to try and trick you into answering. Just when we thought the bill was about clear 3 blokes arrived about 3 weeks ago and informed us they'd come to switch the electricity off and they had a warrant from the local magistrates. We should have been in court on the 5/09/2014, apparently they sent us a letter informing us of the date and time, I can honestly say we wouldn't have missed it for the world if we'd known. Luckily the bailiff was half decent and even he was flabbergasted because disconnection was granted on the grounds we had not paid anything and they'd had no contact with us. Luckily the bailiff was willing to look at all the email we had sent and was annoyed he'd been told that we'd not been paying ( We have bank statements to prove otherwise) We eventually gave him £600 and agreed to pay the remaining amount which we were lead to believe was about £400 ( we have never been given a break down from the court, BES or the bailiff) we have since paid another £180 and another bill and when I asked yesterday for the balance its back to £1400 est. The day they came to disconnect G4S had to change the sim on the meter because they couldn't remotely disconnect or get a reading!!!! For over a year I have asked for recordings of the initial phone calls this has been ignored repeatedly, we eventually received a recording last weekend and funnily enough its for the second conversation with a little bit of clever editing. I have asked for the first recording and I was told they don't have it. The recording I have leaves no doubt that there was a previous phone call so someone has to be able to produce it. I have kept all emails, text messages etc etc. Today we received another letter regarding the gas account demanding £1500, we are refusing to pay this on the grounds our gas bill used to be £80 to £100 per month and could probably accept up to £150 per month we are currently paying £278 per month with no clue as to how they work this out. I have compiled a whole dossier on this corrupt company and all the other companies run by Andy Pilley friends and former employees.
  18. An interesting read today as follows "As a landlord, agent or solicitor, if you have used a High Court Enforcement Officer who did not follow the proper process, you could find that you’re liable for a significant claim for damages. In recent years, there has been a large increase in the use of High Court Enforcement Officers (HCEO) to evict residential tenants, which is no great surprise, as HCEOs can frequently enforce far more quickly than a County Court Bailiff (CCB) can. How could the eviction be illegal? At present, HCEOs can only use a standard writ of possession to evict trespassers, i.e. “persons unknown” such as squatters. For an HCEO to evict a tenant who remains in a property after a possession date, they MUST obtain permission from the County Court under Section 42 of the County Court Act 1984 to transfer enforcement of the order for possession to the High Court. Without this permission, any writ of possession enforced is invalid and any action taken under it will be illegal. Are illegal evictions taking place? In the last 18 months the High Court enforcement sector has seen a quantity of small ‘franchise’ bailiff firms, many operating under the authority of a single authorised High Court Enforcement Officer. Some of these firms are offering guaranteed seven day evictions of residential tenants, which does not allow time to obtain court permission to transfer up. It is our understanding that some of these firms may be applying for the writ of possession, without having previously obtained permission from the County Court to transfer up the order for possession to the High Court for enforcement, perhaps because they are not aware of this legal requirement. If any of these firms are evicting tenants under a writ of possession but without court permission to transfer up, then those evictions will have been conducted illegally. Exposure to claims for damages Whilst it is understandable that every landlord wants possession of their property without the lengthy delays regularly quoted by the County Court Bailiffs, the potential cost implications for a landlord for incorrectly evicting a tenant can be huge - claims for damages might come from both the tenants, as well as the local authority that had to rehouse them in emergency accommodation. As well as claiming for considerable damages from the landlord, the tenant may also make a claim against the bailiff company that evicted them and the authorised HCEO personally. If you think you may be affected If you have used the services of one of these ‘franchise’ HCEO firms, it would be prudent to now demand to see the court order allowing the HCEO to undertake the eviction. Be advised that this is NOT the writ of possession, but is a separate standard court order. If the HCEO cannot produce this, you could be looking at a claim for damages landing on your doormat any day soon. It would also be prudent to ask the HCEO company for details of their insurers." Story from Scoop today here http://www.scoop.it/t/lacef-news Info in full from here http://thesheriffsoffice.com/articles/are-you-evicting-tenants-illegally
  19. A new website launched today will provide an easy to use and single information point for people to find a registered, competent electrician in their area, or to check that a company they are planning on using is registered. Similar to the ‘Gas Safe Register’ for boiler engineers the ‘Competent Person Electrical Register’ lists electricians who meet core technical standards required by government. The www.electricalcompetentperson.co.uk website is being unveiled today by Minister for Communities Stephen Williams and has been developed by electrical competent person scheme operators with support from the government. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-website-helps-people-steer-clear-of-rogue-electricians
  20. Rogue claims companies that provide bad service and bombard people with nuisance calls face fines totalling hundreds of thousands of pounds under new plans. Those who use information gathered by unlawful unsolicited calls and texts, waste people's time and money by making spurious claims or use misleading marketing could be fined up to 20% of annual turnover, justice minister Lord Faulks said. Fines will be based on the turnover of the company and the nature of the offences, meaning they could potentially stretch to millions of pounds in some cases. Lord Faulks said: "No longer should claims companies be able to plague hardworking people and waste everyone's time. "The scale of these fines shows just how serious we are about stopping them. "This is also good news for the reputable firms in this industry, as it will boost confidence in the services provided by the sector." The fines, due to be introduced later this year, will be brought against companies which break rules set by the Claims Management Regulation (CMR) unit at the Ministry of Justice (MoJ). CMR head Kevin Rousell said: "Again and again we have seen examples of bad practice from claims management companies (CMCs) that continue to plague the claims industry and bother the public. "We already take tough action against companies which break the rules, but now these fines will help to drive malpractice out of the industry and improve the reputation for those who do follow the correct procedures." The unit already has powers to vary, suspend or cancel any firm's licence to operate in the claims management sector. In April last year, a ban was introduced on referral fees in personal injury cases. Latest figures show that the number of CMCs registered to handle personal injury claims has fallen from around 2,300 at the start of last year to 1,200 at the end of May, the MoJ said. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/rogue-claims-firms-face-fines-232355951.html#XuEncTV dx
  21. It seems there’s an issue for owners of Kindles to be aware of, and take appropriate steps to avoid. A security researcher has discovered that malicious code could potentially be injected – and cookies stolen – via a stored cross site scripting attack on the Manage your Kindle page located on the Amazon website. According to the researcher, malicious code can be injected via e-book metadata such as the book title. Once the book is added to the victim’s library, the rogue code will trigger once they open their Kindle library web page, leading to the cookies being accessed by – and transferred to – the creator of the e-book in question. Here’s a writeup by someone demonstrating the researcher’s proof of concept test on themselves, passing with flying colours. The advice given is to be very wary of pirated e-books and other shady looking downloads – especially if you’re going to make use of the Send to Kindle feature, as this is the most likely way you’ll end up placing an e-book from outside the Kindle store into your Amazon Kindle page. We’ve taken a look at the Kindle before, and here’s some things you should be aware of: * Kindle Apps: Look before you leap Unfortunately apps which aren’t all they claim to be do appear on the Kindle Apps store, and buyers of apps should always check the reviews before committing to a purchase. Here’s some advice from the above blog entry to steer you in the right direction: Tips for Avoiding Kindle App Shenanigans 1) Read the reviews. While these apps are in circulation, the only real chance you have of avoiding a stinker is to see what horrors have befallen those brave souls who have gone before you. 2) Check the developer name. If it’s a horrible mashup of words associated with various titles, there’s a good chance some alarm bells may be ringing. 3) Take a good look at the “screenshots”. The majority of the 100% fake apps – the ones which claim to be amazing, mindblowing games and disclose nowhere that they’re just some terrible tile sliding effort – use lots of pre-renders / promotional art from real games. Google Image Search will probably come in handy here. * Sideloading apps is a dangerous game On a similar note, many titles in the gaming realm tend to show up on the Amazon Kindle store a while after they’ve already appeared on Android (Google Play) and the iOS stores. For many impatient individuals, this means a quick treasure hunt in a search engine for unofficial copies, quickly followed by lots of “Aargh what have I done” type complaints once dubious app x has been installed on unsupported device y. As per the advice in that particular blog: Looking for that Movie you really like but don’t want to pay for? Malware. Looking for an album you really wanted to listen to but out of cash? Malware. Looking for that new game that all your friends are playing but you can’t afford? Malware. It spans from the Desktop to the Mobile space and any device that might fall in between. Misleading E-Book advertisements install PUPs The above blog isn’t so much a threat to your E-Book reader or Amazon account as it is to your PC in general, with popular lists of E-Book titles used as a front for PUP (Potentially Unwanted Program) installs. On the other hand, it is a useful example when talking about how there is no subject a [EDIT] won’t touch to make some money in the side. E-Books? Sure, why not. And you can bet your finest digital copy of 1984 that somebody, somewhere would happily set up a wide range of booby trapped E-Books to swipe some Amazon accounts – or any other accounts they can get their hands on, for that matter. E-Book readers are wonderful things, but as with all the bits and pieces of tech we carry around with us on a daily basis they can provide an inroad for people harbouring bad intentions – and the occasional rogue E-Book. Christopher Boyd
  22. Nine million private tenants in the UK could be given extra protection from landlords who try to evict them. The government has decided to back a private member's bill, which would make it illegal to evict tenants who make justifiable complaints. It would mean that people who complain about faulty boilers, leaky roofs or dangerous electrical items would no longer have to fear eviction. However it is uncertain whether it will become law before next year's election. Nevertheless the news was welcomed by campaign groups, including Shelter and Crisis. According to Shelter, more than 200,000 people suffered from so-called "revenge" evictions last year. The government said it would back the private member's bill from Sarah Teather, a Liberal Democrat MP, providing it only targets bad landlords - and does not stop legitimate evictions. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-29156186
  23. For the full story : - http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/thousands-of-barclays-customers-data-stolen-and-sold-to-on-rogue-traders-9117329.html
  24. A company has debited a payment from my account - presumably it's an honest mistake - and now it's overdrawn and I am unable to pay for some time sensitive things that I need to pay for immediately. If I don't buy them this weekend I can't buy them at all. Basically I'm furious. Sorting it is going to cost me, and already has cost me, a lot of time that I don't have to spare just now. Plus there's no overdraft on this account either so I'm gonna have penalty charges applied also. I am so angry right now. Does any one have any advice re my rights here?
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