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Found 4 results

  1. Rogue pension and finance companies closed down after abusing millions of pounds READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/rogue-pension-and-finance-companies-closed-down-after-abusing-millions-of-pounds
  2. I have contacted the credit reference agency Noddle (CallCredit) twice about credit card lenders incorrectly placing a Minimum Payment Marker on my credit report with them. The lenders are Co-op Bank and Aqua. I have made payments that were marginally above (e.g. £1) the minimum payment with both lenders. I filed a dispute with Noddle. Both lenders have refused to correct the data. When contacting both, they both deny responsibility and say that they have no control over how Noddle displays the data. Co-op Bank even said that this means that I didn't make a full payment but made at least the minimum, which I know is untrue. I have since paid off Aqua in full so there's no longer a problem, but with Co-op Bank, it still displays. This could affect my credit rating, which they also deny. It appears that lenders are abusing the Minimum Payment Marker in breach of the Data Protection Act and punishing those who pay £1 or less over the minimum payment. Some MoneySavingExpert (MSE) users recommend paying £1 or even 1p above the minimum payment to avoid this marker. Other websites also recommend this. However, in my experience, this does not work. One user on MSE did mention paying 1% more to avoid this, but how do lenders get away with this? Under the Data Protection Act, the data that lenders give to the credit reference agencies has to be accurate. If a minimum payment is £10 and a payment of £11 is made on or before the due date, then it shouldn't be marked as the minimum payment made. I have searched for guidance on when lenders can place the Minimum Payment Marker but couldn't find anything. Credit Card Lenders that currently report the Minimum Payment Marker (that I am aware of) are: Co-op Bank Aqua Capital One Lloyds Bank Barclaycard MBNA GE Money HBOS This measure was announced on 24 November 2008 on the APACS website. The link has now been removed. Originally, five lenders agreed to share this information with the Credit Reference Agencies and has since increased. I have also had problems with other card issuers in the past (e.g. Capital One and Lloyds Bank) who also place a Minimum Payment marker if I paid £1 above the minimum payment, and not just with Noddle. Experian and Equifax are also reporting this.
  3. I've got some issues at work, for months now i've been experiencing problems with various other employees causing hassle for me, spreading lies, giving me the cold shoulder and encouraging others to do the same, as well as certain individuals sabotaging work and generally trying to make me and 3 others look like we're not doing our jobs. I'm not one to stand by and let someone do that to me or my colleagues, so I took a stand, I made some noise, nobody wanted to know, nobody wanted to upset the apple cart. On several occasions i've told my direct supervisor about how this is affecting me in a negative way and undoubtedly affecting my work too. The last time I spoke to my supervisor (on a Monday), the very same day my manager went digging into weeks/months worth of my work and picking out faults, resulting in a disciplinary action made up of dozens of small errors. He claims he found a single fault on that Monday, BUT instead of bringing this fault to my attention, having a quiet word and sorting it out, he let me make the same mistake again several times over the course of 3 days, before putting together a huge report and taking it straight into a disciplinary action. All the time knowing full well that I'd already made it clear that I was under a lot of stress. Then we get a pre-disciplinary where i'm told what to expect, i'm told to bring supporting evidence, I questioned that I can't get any evidence because i'm not allowed to access that area of the database, he explicitly tells me that "you know you can, we all know you can and you could if you wanted to". Disciplinary day, I get a whole load of stupid little issues thrown at me, I discount more than half of them with my evidence, but it's clear the whole thing is biased and that whatever I say wasn't going to make a difference. He then starts questioning me on how I got my evidence, the meeting ends and now i'm being investigated for misusing the database.......... This is utterly ridiculous, it's clearly a personal matter, he's mad that I was making noise and standing up for myself, etc. He knows i've been under a lot of stress and he's wasted company time and resources by turning this into a witch hunt when he could have resolved it on day one. It's really p!ssing me off, this guy was investigated for bullying another colleague before he was promoted years ago, i'm sure everyone can see what he's doing, HR, his own manager, etc. I don't know how these people can sleep at night and I don't understand how they can think someone like that is good for the business! So now im in a situation where I know he's watching every move, I can afford to make a mistake, but i'm so stressed by all this that I can barely think straight and it's taking me nearly twice as long to do anything!
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