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  1. Rogue pension and finance companies closed down after abusing millions of pounds READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/rogue-pension-and-finance-companies-closed-down-after-abusing-millions-of-pounds
  2. Hello everyone What an absolute brilliant forum this is - so much information and can also be a little overwhelming, well for me anyway. I have a question about SARs with Energy companies if I may, well I guess it applies to any SAR but mine is with an Energy company. Q- if i raise a SAR they have to give all the information they hold about me - this i understand. BUT does this include any discussion the company has with its legal people be they in house or an external 3rd party, where I am mentioned? Hoping for an easy to understand answer! Best BH
  3. Ban fossil fuel companies from sponsoring, donating or having any involvement in schools and other activities that are aimed at or could influence children under 18. Why is this important? We all know that climate change is a real threat to everyone and everything on this planet, and that the fossil fuel industry is the biggest cause of pollution, the increase of greenhouse gases, and of creating global warming. The industry is responsible for poisoning our waterways, oceans, air, and land. Also, a lot of the chemicals the fossil fuel companies extract are used for making plastics. Plastics are choking our oceans, killing our sea life, and contaminating the sea salt, which in turn will contaminate users of sea salt. Much more on the link.And have your say,say how you feel.Whatever your views are. Thanks. Tawnyowl. https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/keep-fossil-fuel-companies-away-from-our-children?bucket&source=facebook-share
  4. Debt management bosses banned after transferring half-a-million from own companies READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/debt-management-bosses-banned-after-transferring-half-a-million-from-own-companies
  5. A new wall rendering and other exterior building works company FISHER RANDALL LTD is now trading. I sincerely hope that they are a good company and that customers who use their services get a good deal and that everyone benefits out of it. However, potential customers should realise that the director of this company is Micah Shaw who is the son of Harvill Shaw who has run a succession of wall rendering companies whose business model seems to have been to go into liquidation every two or three years leaving a lot of very unhappy customers behind with no redress. Harvill Shaw has been the subject of various pieces in the press and recently did some time in prison – probably because of his activities. The sole director of the new company FISHER RANDALL LTD , Micah Shaw was the director of one of Harvill's previous companies – but we aren't sure whether that was a genuine directorship or simply some kind of shield. As I have said, maybe this new company is under the genuine leadership Micah Shaw and hopefully it will trade properly, provide a good service, stand by its product, make good honest profits for its owners and its employees – as well as building up a reputation for high quality service and satisfied customers. However, we think it's important to bring this to people's attention. There were too many innocent victims of the previous operations. The repA_10639694_515-091524-14078366_1.pdf https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/investigate-caught-in-a-web-of-lies-510928 http://www.worcsregservices.gov.uk/news/2015/guilty-conman-jailed-for-two-years.aspx http://committee.cityofworcester.gov.uk/documents/g3966/Public%20reports%20pack%2022nd-Jun-2016%2016.30%20Worcestershire%20Regulatory%20Services%20Board.pdf?T=10 Thanks to Cagger: Chrisy for this information Pages from Public reports pack 22062016 1630 Worcestershire Regulatory Services Board.pdf
  6. Hi, Is there a law where companies have to give you the option of storing credit/debit/bank account details on their systems? Some companies think if you buy from them once and create an account they want to store your details for use next time, however some companies give you an option like Tesco, Asda I usually decline, however I have a dispute with a company and they took the money without the dispute being resolved. I did not consent to them taking money. Thanks.
  7. 6 pension and finance companies placed in provisional liquidation READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/6-pension-and-finance-companies-placed-in-provisional-liquidation
  8. Interesting article, but will it really make any difference: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-42849443 https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?484535-Rogue-parking-companies-face-government-crackdown
  9. Hi I am not sure if i am in the right group. Basically I asked a PPI company to check if there was any PPI outstanding. They took my details and wrote to other companies. I have received an offer of £50 from a bank and the claim company has asked for their fee. My question is, if I am not happy with their service and want to take the bank to the financial Ombudsman, can I do that myself and just pay the PPI company their fee without any further involvment from them? Thanks for looking and reading and any help would be gratefully appreciated.
  10. I am a little puzzled - a month or so prior to Christmas and up until about now, Furniture companies have had 'end of stock' sales, 'Black Friday' and 'Black Friday week' Sales. Prior To Christmas they had 'mid season' sales, 'Bank Holiday' sales ... and now they are having "new stock introductory" sales ! When exactly does anyone actually pay the recommended retail price for these items ??
  11. I have had several payday loans in the past some of which I shouldn't have been given. Can you tell me how to start a claim and what the process is?
  12. A major crackdown on the abuse of county court judgments is announced today following a Daily Mail investigation. Ministers are pledging to block banks, debt firms and parking companies from sending court claims to old addresses. The move would halt the scandal that leaves thousands of families financially crippled because of debt judgements passed against them without them knowing, or having a chance to defend themselves. The pledge is made today by the Ministry of Justice as it launches a public consultation on the judgments, known as CCJs. It follows an investigation by the Mail, which found firms are obtaining hundreds of thousands of CCJs every year over alleged debts of as little as a penny. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4060508/Victory-Mail-debt-rulings-cripple-families-Ministers-block-companies-fro-sending-court-claims-old-addresses.html#ixzz4Te39AKtE
  13. Did I read tha companies now must offer a email contact address? Some ruling by Ofcom or some similar body. if in the wrong forum please correct thanks
  14. eon are using LCS ( debt collector) to chase for Limited company debt, company no longer trading - Dissolved in February 2016 eon have changed the name on correspondence from "XXX Limited co" to ( Directors name T/A XXX ) i wrote back to LCS stating LTD company is separate legal entity - and that they cannot simply assign the debt to the previous director. I also asked for copy of any agreements, signed documents, copies of any bills etc as i believe the bills will have xxx ltd ( Not TA) Is this Practice legal - surely there is an illegal re-assignment attempt here - what about VAT ?? they cant retrospectively go back and change names on invoices and reassign the vat .... Now i have a CCBC claim form for the above I have filed an AOS stating i will defend complete claim. Any help or advice welcome
  15. My partner made a claim for missold PPI to several companies in 2011. All of the companies paid up apart from Mint which went to the Ombudsman. He heard nothing further from them until early this year when he received a letter telling him that they had made a payment of £1336 which had been paid off the balance remaining on the credit card account meaning he would not receive any actual cash payment. He queried this and it was referred back to the Ombudsman. He has now been told that this is their final offer and the Ombudsman feels it is fair. Due to the fact that there were a lot of companies involved and he had defaulted on some of the accounts he used a claims company (!) and they have sent him an invoice for £399 for their fee, even though he has not actually received any money, leaving him out of pocket, he queried the fee but was told that he had to pay it. I am posting this as a further warning to people to avoid these companies as you advise on your site. DO NOT USE THESE COMPANIES THEY ONLY WANT YOUR MONEY!
  16. Over the past 2-3 years I have reported on this forum about the risks that debtors face when taking 'legal advice' from the internet and in being encouraged by the relevant sites to issue proceedings against a bailiff company/and or a local authority. In order to warn debtors of the dangers involved I have provided details of the cases together with copies of the Judgments (when available). I cannot stress the importance of this information given that debtors need to be fully aware that if a claim is instigated against either the company (either by way of an Interpleader, Injunction or Small Claims action) or against the individual bailiff (by way of an EAC2 Complaint) that the enforcement company will always ensure that they provide a solicitor (and many times a Barrister) to represent them at a hearing. So far, that have been no reported cases of a debtor winning a court action. Instead, there are many cases where significant cost order have been imposed against debtors. Unfortunately, yesterday it was being reported that yet ANOTHER two legal legal cases had failed in court and in both cases, the individuals (a lady and a gentleman) had been encouraged to pursue hopeless legal cases by a highly unqualified individual with an utterly appalling history of court failures.
  17. Barry Beavis has just asked me to post up this petition for him. https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/111925 Barry Beavis
  18. A friend of mine has recently bought a used car for 7500 pounds for his company from a used car dealer. 9 days after collecting the car it broke down and has been diagnosed as having head gasket failure, the dealer took the car back and appeared as if he was going to sort it but now has given my friend a estimate of 700 pounds to repair the vehicle. Can anyone advise on what rights my friend has as he bought it in his company name is he high and dry or does he have some possible route for getting the dealer to sort it. Thanks
  19. Hi guys, firstly sorry if this is the wrong section but im a bit lost! I have been attempting to deal with my defaults on my own but seem to continuously hit brick walls so i was hoping for some help. I have some large defaults on my credit file. A company called Mkdp LLP currently own them according to my file. One is an HSBC credit card for a little over £5k, this appears twice. Once for HSBC and then again for Mkdp in a slightly higher amount which i assume is due to the addition of their fees. To me it seems obvious that one or the other of these should be removed as they refer to the same original debt? The HSBC record shows agreement date in 2003 and a default date in May 2011. The Mkdp record shows the same original date of agreement but lists the default as in October 2011. The next debt was originally a Barclaycard which I owed just under £8k to when I defaulted. The record shows that the agreement date was February 2005 and the default was November 2011. It states the original balance was for £11,905. Much much more than I owed prior to defaulting. The final thing on my file is for £1513. It is for a bank account but im unsure if its HSBC or Santander as I had trouble with both back then. It shows an agreement date of April 2007 and default date of January 2012. I have had many letters from Mkdp and other DCA's regarding these amounts over the years. I attempted to have HSBC either take the debt back or remove their default to no avail. I also pointed out to Mkdp that they could not provide me with the correct notices for assignment of the debts but to be quite honest I gave up after a while. I just thought if i ignored it for long enough they would all become statute barred. I have today received a letter from Hoist Portfolio Holding 2 Limited (Ex HSBC) regarding the fact that they are collecting a debt of £5968.70 (the exact amount of the Mkdp debt) stating they have bought the debt rights title interest etc from Mkdp. So i guess my question is how do I get the double entry on my file removed. Second question how do I go about dealing with them or do I just tell them the debts are statute barred and ignore them for another few months? Thanks a lot for any help you guys can provide
  20. hi, any advice on clarifying a small matter would be helpful. we bought a bed for our son from an online store. the bed was hardly used as was in spare room just before the one year warranty it broke. they sent him a part to fix it but it broke again, same fault as before . he got in touch with the retailer and after some back and fourth they have said not their problem and have given us the manufacturers details. are they right or should the retailer sort this out as we believe the bed is not fit for purpose any advice would be appreciated.
  21. Are secured loans all bad? I am currently on a DMP with Payplan end date 2020 (dependent on charges & int) and am looking into ways of clearing this quicker. I have posted on the DMP forum and am currently looking into sending out CCA requests but have also been looking into secured loans. If I can borrow a lump sump I can try and offer full and final settlements to my creditors this will reduce the debts and I will have a definate end date. My main issue with secured loans (apart from the obvious being secured on my home) is the interest rate, are there any good companies out there that offer fixed rates and can be trusted! Many Thanks (be nice lol)
  22. just wanted to give a shout out to Mr Lender and Swift Sterling ive quite a few debts and rather than going pop im trying my hand at sorting a payment plan. both the above companies have frozen my debt and to reduced payments, BRILLIANT and a massive help. i'm awaiting a few replies but these guys did all this with 12 hours of my initial email. SO DON'T GIVE UP HOPE IF YOU TREAT THEM FAIRLY TOO THEY DO TRY TO HELP
  23. It is now being reported that Mitsubishi offices have been raided, after the company admitted that some of its vehicle performance statistics produced were not true. This follows on from the VW scandal, the latest of which is that apparently VW might have to buy back vehicles sold in the US at a cost of approx. $7 billion. Can we presume that most vehicle performance stats produced by a company or on their behalf are unlikely to be true ? The stats are likely to be manipulated so they compare favourably with similar vehicles and have nothing to do with the performance drivers will experience. In regard to totally different products, it has been widely reported in the media that many household appliances are now so poorly made, that they will not work for the lifetime expectancies previously experienced. And in the worst cases, some appliances now represent a serious fire hazard, as seen by the number of household fires caused by washing machines, tumble driers etc around the country. Are some products now being made with very cheap parts, as companies look to sell them at a cheaper price, but maintain profit margins ? The products might pass any safety tests conducted after production, but can consumers trust that they are buying a safe product, that will last for a reasonable amount of time ?
  24. Hi, this is one for people who really know their contract law, specifically the consumer credit act. This is the scenario: I have a builder do me an extension. Our contract states the work will cost £100k. In order to get s75 CCA protection, I get the builder to give me 4 invoices. Invoice 1- foundations, £25k (price shown on the contract) Invoice 2- Roof, £25k (price shown on the contract) Invoice 3- Walls, £25k (price shown on the contract) Invoice 4, decorations £25k (price shown on the contract). £100 was paid for each invoice using a credit card. The transaction I made on each card was for the invoices, not for the contract. Each invoice takes the pricing from the contract. Does anyone, who has a legal mind with a speciality in contract law, know if I can expect cover under s75 CCA in this situation? thanks
  25. http://www.autoexpress.co.uk/car-news/65567/best-car-insurance-companies-2013 I'll add my own experiences with swiftcover through and beyond this period start 2013 - start 2015 It was initially very difficult to contact them if you had doubts or problems with 'self management' at the start, but by the end of my time with them, the email contact had improved massively and the responses were good rather than just a response referring you to the premium rate number as it was at the start. The self management online changing of features/cars was effective and penalty/charge free and gave no shocking increases in charges as a result, and in one of the cases resulted in a reduced premium with the difference speedily paid back into my account. I did not need to make any claim, so cannot comment on that side of their service. I left due to increases in basic renewal premiums/cost, parhaps due to the increased cost in customer service. No issues at all with leaving. and the 17 years NC was on the renewal offer and confirmation available for download from myspace on swiftcover. They also apparently confirm to other companies on request - per Hastings Direct.
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