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Found 5 results

  1. Ban fossil fuel companies from sponsoring, donating or having any involvement in schools and other activities that are aimed at or could influence children under 18. Why is this important? We all know that climate change is a real threat to everyone and everything on this planet, and that the fossil fuel industry is the biggest cause of pollution, the increase of greenhouse gases, and of creating global warming. The industry is responsible for poisoning our waterways, oceans, air, and land. Also, a lot of the chemicals the fossil fuel companies extract are used for making plastics. Plastics are choking our oceans, killing our sea life, and contaminating the sea salt, which in turn will contaminate users of sea salt. Much more on the link.And have your say,say how you feel.Whatever your views are. Thanks. Tawnyowl. https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/keep-fossil-fuel-companies-away-from-our-children?bucket&source=facebook-share
  2. Schools issue Snapchat Map warning READ MORE HERE: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-40509281
  3. My son was recently caught using his phone in school. He wasn't in a class full of stdents and im all for disapline in schools and i a gree he should not have been using it in school.they. took the phone from him and confiscated it. the only thing is that when I went uo to the school to ask for the phone at the end of the day they refused to let me have it back. they said they were allowed to confiscate it from us all . now does anyone else know of this its not a band weapon noer a danger to student safety. she said that when we agreed to my son coming to this school we agreed to this law. not that i know of and i agree to the confiscation in scool but not to them confiscating it for 24hours solid is this right anyone are the Gorse acadamy teachers allowed to play this part in our society. Best part of this hypocritical lot the teacher who found him on the phone was actually on the phone at the time.
  4. 19th October - Father wins court fight over fine for taking his daughter out of school during term time http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?454163-School-fines!&highlight=School+Fines http://www.itv.com/news/meridian/2015-10-19/man-wins-court-fight-over-120-fine-for-taking-daughter-on-holiday-in-term-time/ Then the Supreme Court are involved and overrules the decision Yet, Primary schools across the country are begging parents to contribute basic supplies (including toilet paper) because the schools are not managing their budgets ! Other schools are asking parents to contribute to other basic costs such as school trips, gym equipment, etc ! Fining Parents is not really the way to go about getting their budgets subsidised is it ?
  5. despite coming from a poor background, i went to a grammer school and believe in the streaming system. If properly implemented it can help all kids get to the best they are capable of being. Admittedly the current system should be able to do better than it does, but striving for mediocrity targets seems to be the way with the current system rather than striving for each to be the best they can be. the grammer school streaming system did have its faults, but putting the best together, and giving targeted help to the lower achievers has simply got to be the best approach.
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