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  1. Hi Guys, I am currently on long term sick and I am in receipt of ESA. I had to fight a DWP tribunal last year and thankfully won it. I am therefore in the support group and received council tax reduction. However, as I had to move recently and although I notified DWP there has been a gap with registering for council tax reduction. Now the council want the full amount for the last 3 months and I do not have the £600 they are demanding. I have been warned by the council to expect a summons. I am very worried. What can they do? I have told them my financial reason but they won't stop the process. Is there anything at all I can do? I do not really want to have to go to the Magistrates Court and plead my case, but of course if I have to do that then I will. If I have to go to court can someone please tell me what to expect and how best to respond in court? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Jake
  2. Ban fossil fuel companies from sponsoring, donating or having any involvement in schools and other activities that are aimed at or could influence children under 18. Why is this important? We all know that climate change is a real threat to everyone and everything on this planet, and that the fossil fuel industry is the biggest cause of pollution, the increase of greenhouse gases, and of creating global warming. The industry is responsible for poisoning our waterways, oceans, air, and land. Also, a lot of the chemicals the fossil fuel companies extract are used for making plastics. Plastics are choking our oceans, killing our sea life, and contaminating the sea salt, which in turn will contaminate users of sea salt. Much more on the link.And have your say,say how you feel.Whatever your views are. Thanks. Tawnyowl. https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/keep-fossil-fuel-companies-away-from-our-children?bucket&source=facebook-share
  3. I had builder coming in to do extension work Cut long story to short we agreed on price they came and worked 8 hours in 2 days and one of them asked me for some payment i paid £500 and they didn't come for 2 days turned up on 3rd day and made an excuse that they cant find the required doorframe i called them they promised to come after a week as one is sick and other one on holiday When the week finished i ask them what are you guys up to they start making excuses like they needed a skip so they could clear rubbish in the garden i told them that's not the priority, do the interior work and by the the time you finish i would have ordered the skip as it take upto a week to order They went funny they are not coming until i get the skip which made me angry and told them not to come i asked them to give me my money back and i refused to let them take their tools they have left at my property It escalated to them accusing me of robbing them of their own tools they turned up at my property they called the police police told them they will not get involved which they did not like After that incident they saw me at one of the guys building, i didn't know they were working in there they saw me and got physical and snached my phone i reported this to the police they asked me to leave the site and see them in the police station for an interview which i did i was told by police they will not get involved in this as it is civil matter but the police officer said that he will call the builders and warn them that physical behavior is not acceptable if they acted like again the police will get involved . After this i have received the letter below from the builder which i ignored them . Today i have police visiting me asking for the tools and telling me that i cant keep their tools as it is theft of tools which really got me angry i said ok fine you get my money back from them and take the tools they said this is a civil matter well then if you take tools and wont give them back to them that is the leverage i got on to them to get my money back so you are more welcome to take them but take they wont take responsibility for the money back they then said are you happy for us to hold the tools until you guys resolve the matter i said fine as long you promise not to give them back its fine they looked at the tools and kind of backed down holding on the tools saying there is too many they admitted they only came because they were told by the builder that i sold the tool i said look they all here they're no good to me they then took pictures of the tools to show them and ask me not sell them as that is not legal and will get back to me and they left . What is the best way i can deal with them now thanks letter prior to court action.pdf
  4. Hello, Long time lurker here looking for some help please. Thanks to the advice to others I have read here I have learned sooooo much! I defaulted on three credit cards in 2008 and have been paying £1 per month to each since then. They have all been sold on multiple times. Current situation: MBNA £17000 now with Capquest HSBC £3000 now with Robinson Way MORGAN STANLEY £8000 now with Cabot. I know I've been an idiot and it's all my own doing. I sent all three Cca requests on monday, unsigned with POs. What happens now? My token payments are due on 17th - do I keep paying? Thanks so much for any advice. This site is brilliant! Gettingmyselftogether (I'm giving it a shot anyway!)
  5. Hi there, heres the story, I paid for an early upgrade online with ee. the cost was £251 including the early upgrade fee to buy out the rest of my contract and the upfront cost of the new handset. Now I ordered this the same day my new bill was generated, however my payment date for this bill is the 10th of each month, it was not due for another week so I didnt see a problem. in the after morning after ordering I checked the ee tracker to find news of my delivery only to find it `timed out` it couldnt find any record of the order number in other words. I phoned ee to find out what was going on, the rep told me for some reason the system had taken my upgrade fee but then straight away refunded it and it was on its way back to my account, she apologised and said if I wanted it back quicker I could get an indemnity on the direct debit with my bank asking them to cancel it and I should recieve payment that same day. Since then I found a better deal with another provider on the same handset (vodafones 32gb of data v 8gb ee were offering for the same price as I was paying now monthly!) I decided id use the refund to pay off my contract with EE and go with that one instead of upgrading. I contacted the livesupport on the ee website just to ensure the upgrade hadnt been put through again and to make sure it was indeed cancelled before going with the other network. I was then told that I was not being issued with a refund, the funds instead had been put towards my account balance and it was now in credit (this was presented as something I was apparently meant to be happen with) Now I wanted the refund, my bills not due till the next week and I didnt want to pay it till my next payday which falls before my payment date anyway. I was told I couldnt be refunded as the payment had already been put towards my bill and id just have to get a refund of the credit after paying my bill the next week. My issue is I never authorised this, the payment was sent as part of the early upgrade service it was payment for the early upgrade fee and the handset it was never authorised by me to be used as payment for my bill. EE have just gone ahead and done this without my permission then used that as a reason for not refunding me, I dont see how this is legal to use a payment in a way it wasnt intended without asking esp when the payment is taken as payment for a specific. product and service such as an upgrade. Not happy as not only was my payment used for something not intended by me and without my permission but the woman on the phone in the morning was obviously utterly using me. What I think has happened is ee have sneakily used the fact I made a payment for this upgrade as a way to have me pay my bill off early and just cancelled the upgrade so they can use the payment for this. Obviously very dodgy practise if so! Im just wondering if my misusing my payment in this way ee may have broken any part of their contract, id love to get a bit of revenge by using it as a reason to tear it up. Latest update got in touch with my bank, they say I cant get an indemnity anyway as the payment was by card (so the ee rep was totally using me this morning it appears!) but that the payment is still pending so it shouldnt take any time at all for EE to refund as they can just cancel it.....lets see if they choose to or see if they choose to `keep the money` on my account balance against my will......what they do will decide if I take further action im guessing, EE rep claiming they dont have the ability to cancel a pending payment......utter rubbish! I will be taking this further! luckly ive saved the chat transcripts. anyone else experienced this kind of thing?
  6. Hi, Just after some clarification that I am perfectly entitled to follow my current path over this issue. I sold an IPad on eBay for £95 back in February, the buyer then told me it was damaged when it arrived. It was in perfect condition when I sent it, so I could only suggest that was damaged in transit. I asked the buyer to return it to me, so I could claim against Royal Mail for the damage & I would issue a refund, all pretty straightforward so far. The buyer contacted me saying the Ipad was packed & ready to be returned & would I issue a refund, seeing as PayPal had prevented me from taking the funds anyway, I issued the refund & asked the buyer to return the item straight away. A week passed & nothing arrived, when I contacted the buyer again he said he didn't have the IPad, he had 'given it away to a charity shop', as ebay sent him an email saying he could keep it! Naturally, I was incredulous at his behaviour, I issued a Letter Before Action & logged a claim against him on MCOL for £125. He has refused to admit responsibility, has refused to settle & will not give me the name of the 'charity shop' he 'donated' my IPad to. I am now taking this matter to court, but he is now claiming I will be liable for his transport costs as he lives in Spain! I am quite prepared to see this through to the bitter end, but I just wanted some assurance that I don't end up on the wrong side of a hefty bill. Thanks in advance for any help & advice. Chris
  7. With warmer weather coming along, I thought I'd remind people of a method that works well and doesn't cost much. If you have a fan that can be used on a table or on the floor, you just need a plastic water bottle, maybe more than one, of about 1 litre capacity. Freeze the bottle of water and when you need to cool down, put one in front of the fan so the air blows towards you and is cooled by the frozen bottle. Make sure you put the bottle in something that will catch the condensation or you'll end up with a pool of water underneath. It works and it's cheap. HB
  8. Hi, I have joined the forum in the hope that somebody has useful information for me in my aim to shake Cabot Financial off, who are chasing a debt which becomes statute barred in September 2018. A brief outline of the debt I am being chased for: Type of debt: Credit debt - Santander Current account Outstanding balance: £590 (consisting £150 overdraft + £440 charges) Account closed: September 2012 After speaking with a helpful advisor at the National Debtline and explaining my situation, I was told it was a difficult one which needed careful consideration of my next steps. I was presented with three options: 1. Wait the seven months and risk court action 2. Set up a payment plan, which would reset the limitation act 3. As it was a disputed debt with Santander, present evidence to Cabot for them to investigate - but this would reset the statute barred clock. I have email records of a complaint I had made to Santander about charges on my account late in 2011. Santander acknowledged receiving my complaint, they even followed up with an email apology for the delay in responding to the complaint - but this was to be the last correspondence with no further follow up and the issue remained unresolved from their side. I have records of this correspondence. I stopped using the account and the charges continued until the bank decided to close it in September 2012. I really don't have the money to pay this debt. I would really like to avoid paying it especially as it was disputed with Santander in the first place, I can't afford a CCJ as it will stop me getting a mortgage which I hope to be in a position to go for within the next few years. I am looking for delay tactics without acknowledging the debt to get me into the statute barred date when I can confidently answer a Cabot phone call and tell them to do one! Any wisdom would be greatly appreciated!
  9. I'm looking for clarification on the law regarding Signs on a private fence. I recently nailed a proprietary "Private Land Keep Out" sign to a private garden fence after neighbours were filmed trespassing. The said neighbours quickly removed the sign and kept it, despite a letter asking for its return. When the police eventually confronted the neighbour three days later she admitted taking the sign off the fence (which involved prising it off with an edged tool) and returned it. The police have said no offence has been committed by her removing the sign "because she did not want to look at it" What's more, they have even suggested that to put the sign back up on the fence (which is NOT a shared boundary but is wholly private) may constitute an aggressive act!!! I cannot believe this is correct in law. They have suggested to me that to put the sign back up would need a solicitor to pursue civil action, not that for her to have the sign taken down would need the same! Before making a complaint about the police officers' handling of this matter, I would like clarification, if possible. The whole thing sounds preposterous - that you can remove a sign you don't like from someone else's property and the property owner can potentially face prosecution for replacing it!
  10. Hello, I have been renting an apartment for the past year with a previous friend. We each paid a £500 deposit to cover a month's worth of rent (£1000 in total) . Long story short, my flatmate failed to make two of her rent payments so the landlord is trying to claim back the whole deposit to cover each of the £500 she failed to give him. We are on a joint tenancy so I understand the landlord has the right to do this as technically we were both liable for the rent even though I paid all of my 'half', however the question I have is do I have any chance of seeing my £500 again? The deposit is currently in the deposit protection scheme where my landlord has requested the full amount back. Should I go into a dispute even though I know I would probably loose? The only small thing I have on my side is that my landlord was not a very good one and we had issues with the flat when we moved in that were never resolved even though I emailed him several times that I have records of (the shower leaked so badly it caused a damp patch on the ceiling of the apartment below, the drains smelled of sewage, the blinds in the bathroom were mouldy). Would this give me any leg to stand on in claiming a bit of the money back or is this not worthy to get some of the deposit back? In terms of my flatmate we are no longer in contact however I have messaged her several times asking her to pay at least one month of the rent so I could get my deposit back at least, to no avail. She already has a lot of debt against her name (unpaid loans, unpaid phone bills ect.) so is there any chance I could claim my lost £500 from her another way or would going through the courts be a waste of time due to her previous unpaid debts she hasn't repaid. I know I was silly signing a joint tenancy with her but hindsight is a beautiful thing and now I'm just trying to look for a way to resolve it and get a part, if not all of my money back!
  11. https://www.theguardian.com/money/2017/jan/24/link-atms-proposals-tabled-in-bid-to-keep-cash-machines-free It will be those of us that live in rural areas where banks are closing down that will suffer - if we cannot get into a branch then we have to use the ATMs.
  12. http://www.smh.com.au/lifestyle/health-and-wellbeing/fitness/chubby-older-fathers-are-more-attractive-to-women-and-live-longer-scientists-say-20161102-gsgnm7.html According to research, older chubby Men are more attractive to Women and live longer. I have been saying this for years, that having a beer belly is a real chick magnate and what makes you happy helps you live longer.
  13. I have been reading the threads here. I was caught swapping price tag in a big store, I have never done this before, there is no reason or excuse, I have been going throught depression and anxiety for the last year,, I was feeling very low decided to go to town to pass some time,, while in the store I felt I was being watched, then I saw a man behind the counter watching me, while I knew he was watching me, I changed the labels, went to the till and paid £20 less,, the item was no interest to me, I give over £100 every month to charity so £20 was nothing,, but I made this mistake now I'm loosing my sleep, my confidence, I have revieved 3 letter from RLP which I have ignored, but I'm getting panic attacks,, I know I'm due another letter, I have been reading your threads,,, that have been helping me,,, I'm worried just in case my employer finds out I will get sacked,, I'm scared in case im on tv in the criminal programmes,, im petrified,,, I work with vunrable pple I'm scared my next crb will show this,,, as police were called and I got a fine £90 from the police and photo was taken by the police,,, I don't want to go out .. I'm embarrassed ,,,, ashamed to be seen with friends and family ..... In case I get spotted by the store assistance ,,, my life feels ruined,,,, RLP stress me when they write to me I'm crying all the time I don't want my friends or family knowing
  14. Hi all, This is my first post on the consumer forum. The error that Vodafone is continuously failing to correct causes me great distress and badly affects my health. I have tried to sort this issue personally through Vodafone Customer Service making endless phone calls but it got nowhere. I was going to take the mortgage in March but Vodafone INCORRECTLY has placed a Default Account on my Credit Rating which prevents me from getting a mortgage. I have written formal complaint to Vodafone Customer Service that was posted to them on 14/10/2015 but the letter was never acknowledged and I have never received a response from Vodafone. To cut the long story short: I had Vodafone account opened in September 2013. I have systematically paid monthly payments of £39.50 up until December 2014 (shown on my bank statements). I then accidentally stopped the Direct Debit to Vodafone and I had accumulated some unpaid months to them. I have paid all those unpaid months on 29.05.2015 plus all the future monthly payments up until September 2015 (I had minimum 2 years contract) in one payment of £380.40. The reason I paid all the future payments on that day is because I asked the Vodafone Customer Service to close my account during the same phone call on the 29.05.2015. 1. Vodafone has failed to acknowledge internally in their automated system my payment to them on 29.05.2015 of £380.40 2. Due to Vodafone failing to acknowledge my payment they employed the Debt Collection Agency to retrieve the payment from me and more importantly they incorrectly put a default account on my Credit File in August 2015. I'm in the process of applying for the mortgage and imagine what impact this incorrect Vodafone default account has on my chances of being approved. 3. After the Debt Agency started to chase me for the payment I have brought a proof of the missing payment to the Vodafone store first in August 2015 and then I was asked to do that again in September 2015 and the store manager made a note on my Vodafone account about witnessing the payment. I then had spoken straight away to Vodafone customer service on the phone and they said that they will be processing a Missing Payment Form and once done the information of payment clearance will be passed on to the Debt Agency and my Credit File will be cleared. I note that this was done in September 2015. 4. After giving 7 working days (in September 2015) for the Missing Payment Form being processed I have spoken to Debt Collection agency and they said that they still haven't received any instructions from Vodafone to close the issue. I have spoken to Vodafone Customer Service again and they again confirmed that they have submitted Missing Payment Form. I have spoken to the Debt Collection agency a week later and they said the issue has been put on hold for further clarification. I think they realised that I don't owe the money to Vodafone because I've sent to them the copy of my bank statement but they were not receiving instructions from Vodafone to close the issue of this debt. 5. I now checked my Credit File for the first time on 23.02.2016 as I'm just about to apply for the mortgage and it still shows Default Vodafone Account! Bearing in mind that Vodafone confirmed processing Missing Payment Form back in September 2015 they had 4 months to clear my Credit File from the default account, however, this still hasn't been done. 6. I have called to Vodafone again yesterday (23.02.2016) about the issue. Vodafone Customer Service yet again acknowledged over the phone the note from Vodafone store manager on my file made in September 2015 about witnessing the evidence of payment. They said that they had submitted the Missing Payment Form AGAIN and he said it will take 3 (three) months! to clear my Credit File from default. But I was reassured previously by Vodafone Customer Service that the Missing Payment Form on that payment was processed back in September 2015 and they had 4 months since then to clear the Credit File but this hasn't been done! (I mentioned this to Customer Service). How can I allow another 3 months of empty promises to find out in May 2016 that nothing has been done. I have read on the Internet an Experian expert saying that changes to the Credit File can be done overnight. The house prices are rising every month and I have been waiting since September 2015 for Vodafone to clear my Credit File from the default account that they had put in their error. I have no idea what to do anymore and who to speak to about resolving the issue and clearing my Credit File from the wrong default. Vodafone is promising to clear the error since September 2015. Since September 2015 they endlessly saying to me that the Missing Payment Form has been submitted and that I should wait for the Credit File to be cleared of the default. I'm worried that Vodafone will incorrectly make changes to the Credit File simply by showing that I have paid the default money. But I need the fact of default removed from my Credit File because all of the due payments were made by me in May 2015. The default was put incorrectly in August 2015 when I in fact didn't owe any money to Vodafone by then. I'm also worried that Vodafone will reactivate my account once they acknowledge the missing payment when in fact I have asked to close my account in May 2015 and paid all the due payments then. I've asked the Vodafone Customer Service many times to send me the letter confirming that my account has been closed in May 2015 but they have never sent it to me. Any advice on how to resolve the issue with removing the Default Account History from my Credit File and getting the Vodafone to confirm that my account has been closed in May 2015 would be greatly appreciated. Kind regards, Natalya
  15. Hi, myself and my partner just put a deposit down on an apartment which isn't available until the 7th of July. The letting agent has just sent us through the holding deposit T&C which states the following.. " Should the applicant withdraw the application or fail their referencing, which is at the landlords discretion and in this event be unable to provide a guarantor suitable to the landlord, the deposit will not be returned" Is this common practice? Surely that's a HUGE gamble with money?? I don't mind losing the fees but the entire deposit as well? Shouldn't they usually take this AFTER the checks have been carried out? Any help would be much appreciated before I sign these forms! Many thanks!
  16. READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/mod-and-royal-mail-sign-new-agreement-to-keep-personnel-connected
  17. OK so here is a issue. I sold a mobile phone on eBay, been selling them for years with no issues until now. I have 200 positive feedback. Few weeks later the guy tells me the phone isn't working and opens a case. He writes. "The phone was working fine with the supplied sim card, as my sim card is the older type I had to cut my sim card down to fit the micro sim slot, now the phone will not read my sim card or the supplied sim card, I got a new micro sim card from my provider and it does not work either" So he says the phone was working fine with the supplied sim card, he cuts his to fit rather than use the correct sim and now it doesn't read any sim cards. He escalated this to eBay, few days later ebay decide in his favor and refund him. I contact ebay to enquire why has he not returned the phone to be told basically he gets to keep the phone as I did not refund him time, I stated I was arguing my case and was awaiting a reply only to be told tough, case closed. So to sum up I now owe eBay £97 for refunding him, he gets to keep the phone and I owe £9.70 in eBay fees for this transaction. I have appealed but case is closed apparently. I have cancelled my reimbursement method. What can I do? This is blatant theft assisted by eBay.
  18. There are posts on forums that Experto Credite are about to go belly up. If you search "Experto in trouble" in google you will find the posts. Posters are saying that Experto Credite can't pay some government department (HMRC/VAT?) and they have stopped paying staff. I have plans with them for debt they have bought from MBNA (Varde?). Should I keep paying them? I am worried that my payments will go missing or be frozen if they go bust. Anyone else here have payment plans with them?
  19. I am having nothing but trouble with Hastings Premier on behalf of my Stepson regarding a false claim made against him in August 2014. Hastings wrote to my stepson in Early September 2014 stating there had been a claim made against him. No details of where it happened or the times. My stepson then telephoned Hastings where they took a statement for him over the phone. He stated his car had been left (15 miles away from home) where he works as an apprentice. His employer loaned him a car to allow him to get home. Hastings then wrote back in January asking how the Third Party had got his details and also requested proof that his car was left at his work placement. My stepson's employer very kindly wrote a letter stating that the car was left overnight at his premises. This was sent to Hastings by recorded delivery in February 2015. I then telephoned Hastings myself (my stepson gave authorization for them to speak to me) asking if they had received the letter which they confirmed they had and I plugged them for information about where the incident happened and the time which they finally gave me (this was 5 months after they first wrote to us). I have had to continually chase them up by telephoning twice a month asking for updates. I ended up giving them my email address and told them to contact me. I received an email yesterday stating that they have recorded the date of the alleged claim as incorrect and have now given another date. They have given us 14 days to provide evidence that my stepson was not involved or they are going to pay out the claim. So after 9 months of claiming that it happened on a certain date they have now changed the date. I think it is ridiculous that they now expect my stepson to remember what happened 9 months ago.
  20. Another lender has just informed me that they have sold the account to MMF, they already owned 2 accounts which are still outstanding and now this is the 3rd! Is there any limit to the amount of accounts they will buy belonging to a single person? Do they believe I'm easy to get money out of so they keep buying my accounts? Do they do bundle deals to clear all accounts? Anyone been in the same situation, or able to shed some light on the situation and the best course of action. I dont want a company buying up all my old debts but could be some benefit if they do deals to settle them all cheaply.
  21. I rented a property in Aberdeen via Northwood Aberdeen and I want to share my experiences of when I left the property. I am not looking for any legal advice because I accepted the amount they kept even though it was totally unjustifiable and perhaps i was a little impatient but hey ho! I needed the money and they dragged it on for a whole month right until the end of the deadline from deposit protection. when I handed in my notice a full 2 months in advance (as per contract) they try keeping extra months rent (by saying I have to give notice from same date i moved in of current month) apparently they try this with other tenants as i read on a review site called allagents. is this even legal i mean 2 month notice means 2 month notice why does it have to be same date you moved in?. I eventually got a call when i disputed this and was told landlord said he wont charge (trying to pull a fast one i think, most certainly they would have pocketed this extra rent) Another way of conning ex tenant extra months rent despite given 2months to find another then of course they will get new tenant in by then. It didn't end there they always get you on minor things it's like they have a rule they have to get something out of you regardless. ..I was given a lengthy list of defects in the flat despite having a review and letters/emails saying thanks for keeping flat immaculate on regular inspections. I contested every last point some which were easier than others as had noted them in itinerary or emails. eventually they would just not listen and claimed on such a minor minor issue that it was laughable and of course they charged £40+ as part of the admin fee on top for arranging the work on such a minor issue (apparently) which i do not believe they would even carry out. I disagreed but as they dragged it on so much I simply agreed eventually to letting them keep a small amount just to get my deposit back (or most of it). I do not understand as I have heard from other people as well that they just like to keep something, maybe it pays for the staff coffee (I do not know) but this is totally unfair and was wondering if people could share there experiences on here. oh and they also troll the web and some how manage to remove bad comments about them on yell and other review sites so no doubt this one will also be hijacked by there fake accounts and removed. My dealings with them suggest they are dishonest when it comes to handling other peoples money, I feel for the landlords as during my tenancy on at least one occasion they sent out cow boy workmen who they referred to as "engineers" to fix a simple shower hose, they broke the rest of shower in process and when I informed them it took them a few weeks to put a new one as apparently they had to get permission of the landlord and no doubt put it on his bill. the issue here was not about the money, it was the principle and even though initially I was going to contest it all the way as I believe I had enough proof and photographs in the end the brain dead email replies I was getting just showed the letting manager had no intellect and I just gave in.
  22. Hello, I'm a new user and would be grateful of any pointers with this. I have recently been receiving cards through my door from a company Called aps? I'm not expecting any deliveries and they won't leave the 'parcel' With anybody else. Is this some sort of bailiff? Has anybody had similar experiences? Thanks
  23. The types of fees taken shown here http://www.which.co.uk/campaigns/insurance-bank-card-fees/ It's made easy here to email your MP and get Mr Osborne to tackle the issue this Wednesday https://whichcouk.bsd.net/page/speakout/2014-11-mortgage-fees
  24. Hey guys, I have a payday loan with Quidmarket which I defaulted on several months ago. I've recently started a DMP with Payplan and have done the following: I've informed QuidMarket about the DMP I've requested in writing, via email, that they do not call me at work I've advised them on several occassions that everything must be in writing as I have learning disabilities and struggle to remember things However they are constantly calling me at work....today for example they have tried 3 times in the past hour despite me repeatedly saying that they cannot contact me at work as personal calls are not allowed. Can someone please help as I'm going to lose my job if this continues Thanks Katpuss
  25. My mate was transferred to another company, but being on a monthly salary was still due money from the original firm, received a letter saying they obtained a quote for damage to the vehicle he was driving when employed by them. They went on to say that they would just keep the money due to him to go towards the repairs to the vehicle, bearing in mind that it was three years old by this time and very high mileage, due to the nature of the work the damage would be described as fair wear and tear, considering the vehicle was not designed to go off road etc, but that was the nature of the work. Question is can they keep the money due to him??
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