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Found 17 results

  1. http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/820462/Outraged-parents-Thomas-Tallis-School-suicide-notes-class-project
  2. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-39792170
  3. Hi, on the 13th August I was referred to Ingeus by my JSA Advisor and told to expect a call off them. On the 15th August I had a severe epileptic seizure caused by stress and was given a sicknote for 12 weeks by my doctor. He thinks, due to me being severely depressed and prone to more seizures, that I should be on ESA. I closed my claim for JSA on the 17th and opened my claim for ESA on the same day. Later that day I had a letter from Ingeus telling me to attend on the 27th. There were no mentions of sanctions or anything like that, but it caused me to become very agitated. I called the number on the letter (their general enquiry number I think) and the man, without asking for any details, told me I still had to attend. Is this correct? My JSA claim is now closed and my ESA claim is being processed. I've never met nor spoken to Ingeus before, so do I still need to go? I'm very ill at the moment and this might make me worse I fear. Obviously in 13 weeks if they put me in WRAG, that's a different situation but right now I am very ill. Any info on this would be very very appreciated!
  4. The following PDFs are the MOD Guidance on: Guidance notes for Service Personnel applying for a mortgage Guidance notes for Service Personnel when applying for Unsecured Credit FOI201600147_Annex_D_Guidance_Notes_for_Service_Personnel_Applying_for_a_Mortgage.pdf FOI201600147_Annex_C_Guidance_Notes_for_Service_Personnel_Applying_for_unsecured_credit.pdf
  5. Need some advice on dealing with Vodafone. I submitted a SAR request asking for all the usual (Contract Details, Pricing Structure, Allowance, statement.. the works) and eventually received less of a "Data Subject Access Request" but more a summary of screen notes: For instance I called to change my address and this is what they have given me in the SAR Now I agree, it notifys me of an address change, and could be considered screen notes however WHERE IS THE ACTUAL DATA? Changed address to what??? Now I know where I changed the address to as I have a tenancy agreement and could prove that however subsequently the following happens: So I asked for a Signed copy of my default notice from the CS Agent who sent my SAR: Now I was extremely confused because I knew that I 100% hadn't received the note at my new address however until just shortly I had lost all hope then suddenly while speaking to the new owners of my old address, they informed me that they did indeed have a pile of old mail for me in their cupboard: Incase you haven't guessed THIS WAS SENT TO MY OLD ADDRESS DESPITE ME CHANGING IT
  6. Hi all, I was given a 4 week sick note today and will be posting it tomorrow and am worried about posting it over the xmas period in case they dont get it in time and I dont get paid. In the past I used to send them recorded, but every time I did that they would not get them to the right department and they were saying they hadn't received it until I rang them to tell them I had sent it recorded, so dont know what to do, because obviously I wont know if they have received it or not as they will be shut over xmas- any ideas? Thanks x
  7. Dear All My wife works for a local authority, in a school, as a midday supervisor. It has just been half term but prior to this she was off for two days due to sickness. Also, when my wife was due to return to work, I was rushed into hospital, in an ambulance, with chest pains. Fortunatley it was not a heart attack. However due to test etc my wife was up all night at the hospital and as a result not fit to go to work. The business manager has now sent her a text saying that the need a sick note as she has been off for two days before half term then a day after. Is this correct? I feel that it is not as technically my wife was only of sick for two days prior to the half term but is not free to pick her own annual leave, so she cannot even choose to convert her holidays into sick leave as other employees are free to do, even though she was not sick. The other day should fall under a familly emergency. Am I right in thinking this? Thank you in adanvce
  8. Hi. Been on ESA since August 2014 and my current note runs out on 16th April, ironically when I have a payment being made. I have been trying to make an appointment to see a GP for ages but they are so full it is almost impossible. The receptionist asked when my note ran out and I told her and she said the doctors no longer back date so I could not see anyone until after the note had run out. Whilst I understand that gives me a 2 week period to get the note to the DWP is this pushing it a bit fine or is this now general practice? I always send recorded first class anyway and keep copies for myself. In the past I would see my GP a few weeks before note had run out and he would backdate it so cross with my last note. Many thanks
  9. Hello, I'm a new user and would be grateful of any pointers with this. I have recently been receiving cards through my door from a company Called aps? I'm not expecting any deliveries and they won't leave the 'parcel' With anybody else. Is this some sort of bailiff? Has anybody had similar experiences? Thanks
  10. Hi all. I am on ESA (first time on it) and my sick note runs out on October 28th (12 weeks) I have sent my ATOS form back recorded post and obviously now playing the waiting game for an appointment. When is the best time to renew my sick note so that my claim/pay is not affected? I have heard that it is best to get this in to the DWP around a month before expiry of the old one so around the end of this month to see my GP? Also, will my GP be able to issue one early as the old one would not have expired? I want to ensure I have no problems with payments and getting the information to DWP for processing in good time. Many thanks
  11. My wife, has been threatened with gross misconduct, suspended and has a pending disciplinary hearing/meeting. She has been informed verbally (not written yet), that this was regarding an incident where her manager saw her writing private notes at work (in a work document, which they said was her deliberately hiding it), her manager then screamed at her humiliating her in front of her colleagues, and warned her doing it again would be her out. She has possibly written personal notes prior to this, never altogether more than 2 pages, her notebook was once found by her manager which she had left in the office after lunch (a result of writing in lunchtimes), and was left on her desk by her manager without any warning or questions. My wife sent her an apology email. Next day she was called into a meeting with her managers manager, where she was informed that her machine was being investigated, due to this incident, they didn’t know what the decision would be from here but he has declared this to be a gross misconduct. He even stated that he was happy with her performance in her role, and couldn’t believe she’d written personal notes in hours, that he was disappointed and that it was gross misconduct. I’m yet to know what the staff handbook contains. She is yet to be told what the outcome of this is, she hasn’t been dismissed for gross misconduct yet. There have been no warnings about this, she has never been caught doing it before etc. Her performance is immaculate, she was one of the only people to have her pay increased this year and get employee of the month, she has numerous emails reflecting this and has worked with the company for 4 years. This has never hindered her performance; she out-performs everyone that works there. This was literally her manager seeing her write something personal, screaming at her in front of everyone, and then being informed this WAS gross misconduct. Even on that day (provable), she worked 30minutes extra to what she has been paid and this was essentially done in that time. It’s a moderately small company, my wife is of ethnic decent, female and married a year ago, her manager made reference the management (manager’s manager) to her not getting more responsibilities since she might get pregnant (non provable, all verbal) in her appraisal... He’s made some horrible comments in the past (the managers manager, which I wont go into right now unless you’d like to hear them) again verbal, non provable (even one, a couple of years ago regarding them sponsoring her visa, when my wife requested to know whether they would sponsor her visa for the next year, that she needed to know, he responded that, “if she told him what to do he’d send her home” (paraphrased). It’s also important to note that mid 2012, another employee was discovered to have stolen company property, his training records. This employee was perhaps disciplined (unknown) but left of his own accord Jan 2013. Also, importantly one year ago, my wife was publicly bullied in the office by a colleague (in front of her colleagues), this was recorded officially, and the person may have been disciplined (unknown), but they continue to work there even now, and was not grounds for gross misconduct. There was a warning from HR on behalf of her managers manager, stating that there was a high internet usage in office hours by employees and this was not acceptable and if anyone was found to be using the net in excess would be liable for a penalty (financial). There has been no warning about not making personal notes. People continue to use the internet for personal use, managers manager acknowledged this in the meeting and said “that’s different..” Would this constitute gross misconduct? She no longer feels she can work at this place, she’s emotionally fragile and has been humiliated on several occasions. Is this constructive dismissal. Is this proportionate and consistent when they have excused bullying (the bullying was recorded against my wife, and the person still works there…) and theft in the past? How can I collect evidence? Do we have a right to access her emails etc.? At the disciplinary meeting, what can I do (I plan to attend..) what rights do I have to request information? Can I request any? Can I record the meeting? Can I request a similar investigation to be done on a colleague machine (to detect whether this is discriminatory?). Should I declare I intend to take this to employment tribunal? Thanks in advance for any responses. Help would be wildly appreciated. Kind regards Nathan
  12. Can anyone help me? I have been dismissed from work and appealed against the decision. During my appeal interview I presented additional evidence that was supposedly investigated. However when I received the appeal decision letter copies of the interview notes were not included even though the interviews are referred to in the letter. Am I entitled to these notes?
  13. Hi all. Maybe I am being a bit over concerned here. A while back someone advised that I should seek a referral to Occi Health. Given that I have been on anti-D's for over 3 years now. I spoke to the employers nurse a few days later and mentioned this to her. She said she would mention it and asked for my permission to contact my gp for my notes, which I granted. Turns out my gp hasn't been contacted by my employer. On Monday I had a disciplinary for missing 3 days since January. In 2012 I missed 18 days in total (sick certificates have no bearing on whether or not you get a warning). Firstly they don't seem interested in helping to try reduce your absence, only reminding you that you need to turn up for work. Secondly, at the end of the meeting I mentioned the issue of my notes from the gp to the HR officer present. Her reply was, "You want us to see your notes?" Sounded to me like she was trying to make out I was doing something wrong. My concern is that by trying to avoid recognising that I am being treated for depression and therefore have a disability. Then they don't have to treat me as such. Whether that would mean more leniancy in regards discipline or whatever. Does this also mean that the duty of care they are so keen to talk about doesn't really exist! That is the impression I get. Thanks in advance for any help. Even if it's only to say I have nothing to be concerned about.
  14. Blame some of the guys posting on the Ingeus thread for this one... On the whatdotheyknow.com web site, a FoI request was made to the DWP in respect to mandation notices & sanctions issued by WP providers. Of particular interest is one of the attachments in the DWP response. The original request: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/threats_of_saction_issued_by_wor The pdf of interest: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/152662/response/376951/attach/5/WP%20JR%20Assurance%20letter%20v%20final%203.pdf Well worth reading, and I'd suggest printing out copies to use in an appeal if the WP provider's notice does not contain the Annex A wording in full.
  15. I have council tax arrears, amount is in dispute as some of them relate to a time when I was made redundant and had claimed council tax benefit for a few months. I now have a job however I have been harrassed by Jacobs bailiffs, one pulled up in van outside my home at 6:30 left the engine running for ages and then posted a letter through my door. Last week I had a frantic call from my son while I was at work -they had put a letter with the amount I owe in large red writing, with no envelope. I have written and complained and asked that they send the debt back to the council, I have quoted their responsibility towards vulnerable clients- I have heart valve problems. I have had a letter from them saying that they want to see a note from my doctor confirming my medical details. Are these clowns entitled to see such sensitive information about my medical history? I feel very anxious and depressed and to be honest I am finding it difficult to concentrate at work, as I am worrying about them being at my house. Can anyone help or suggest a template letter? Thanks you
  16. We'll who would have believed it? Just looking for ESA 2012 rates when I came across this little gem on the new government portal website. https://www.gov.uk/employment-support-allowance/what-youll-get Now I know the DWP and ministers want it to be JSA light but as far as I'm aware preparation and looking for are two separate and fundamentally different things? You can complain highlight errors on the site by going to the home page, scroll down and select contact us.
  17. I have today received my cunningly worded invitation to 'migrate' from IB to ESA and they are going to telephone me to talk to me about how the change is going to affect me and to answer any questions I may have...I have a million but wont hold my breath that they will be answered... once they have spoken to me they are going to send me the wonderful catch all questionairre which i should return as soon as possible or otherwise and this is in capitals so will reproduce here...IF YOU DONT YOUR BENEFIT MAY BE AFFECTED....why the shouting? oh of course it is for the people who are hard of hearing....I love the MAY BE AFFECTED...as we all know if you dont return it they will immediatly stop the pittance that they currently give you to live on..it goes on that I may have to atttend a work capability assessment...otherwise known as an ATOS nightmare...we are now on page 3 of this drivel and this one really gave me a laugh...headed WHY IS IT CHANGING... ESA is a new way of helping people with an illness or disability move into work. the governemt wants everyone who has an illness or disability to have this opportunity...so guys we have got this ATOS thing all wrong....this is not a cost cutting exercise it is... and altogether now AN OPPORTUNITY...wont it be fun when they have finally moved everyone off IB and ESA and unemployment figures are then 5 million....but hey we are all in this together and dont forget this is AN OPPORTUNITY... DOES THIS CHANGE AFFECT EVERYONE? yes but at different times, but our highly trained advisors have decided you are next for the chop...or as they put it Customers will be considered and assessed for ESA between 2010 and 2014 we have written to you because you are our next victim...since when did I become a customer..i certainly dont remember buying anything from them....though i do remember having to open my heart soul, and bank account, my medical records and everything else personal in order to qualify for the money that I now get that I have worked and paid into for 35 years, before becoming to ill to support myself and my family...I am wondering whether it is worth contacting my known local dealers in order to become a drug addicted drink addled **** soaked sack o **** not having showered or washed for a month before I have to attend this bloody nightmare....oh and by the way HAPPY XMAS TO ALL OUR CUSTOMERS
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