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Found 9 results

  1. This very recent Local Government Ombudsman's decision (released 10 days ago) is another one of importance. In this particular case, a motorist had incurred a penalty charge notice from London Borough of Haringey for wrongful parking. As the contravention was for parking as opposed to a CCTV contravention, she received a Penalty Charge Notice on her car advising that the charge was £130 but if she made payment within 14 days, she would be entitled to a 50% discount bringing the penalty down to £65. She told the council that she could not pay and offered to clear the debt over a 15 month period at £5 per month; the Council refused but offered here a further 14 days to pay at the reduced rate. She refused to pay. A warrant of control has been issued and passed to bailiffs to enforce and the debt has risen from £65 to £513 (to include bailiff fees of £310). PS: Please see the next post for a copy of the decision.
  2. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-39792170
  3. The old paper £5 is being replaced with a plastic note on September 13. The new note will be phased in so that by May 2017 it will have replaced the old fiver altogether – shops will then stop accepting paper £5 notes as legal tender. The Bank of England claims the new plastic pounds are: Resistant to dirt and moisture so stay cleaner for longer than paper banknotes More secure so will provide enhanced counterfeit resilience More durable so will increase the quality of banknotes in circulation Read more: http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/news/article-3761394/As-Royal-Mint-goes-plastic-early-banknotes-set-rise-fiver-s-new-flexible-friend.html#ixzz4IilD7DHL
  4. Ikea is sprucing up its offer by selling cheap six foot Christmas trees in a bid for more festive business as analysts claim as much as 62pc of the high street is already on sale Famed for its flat-pack beds and the meatballs in its restaurants, Ikea is branching out in the festive rush by selling real Christmas trees - for five pounds. The Swedish out of town giant yesterday revealed its tactics for trying to entice shoppers away from the high street - offering customers a £20 coupon if they forked out £25 for a real, 6 foot Nordmann fir. Ikea said rivals were selling trees for as much as £79.99 elsewhere in Britain, with the average price £48. Brigit Hartelius, deputy country manager for the UK, told the Daily Telegraph it was all part of giving customers an "affordable Christmas". But more cynical analysts said it was simply part of the cut and thrust at Christmas as competition for shoppers hots up. Last week, accountants PriceWaterhouseCoopers said 62 per cent of the high street was already on sale or running promotions amid fears hard-pressed families coping with rising energy bills will cut back this Christmas. More: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/consumertips/household-bills/10506222/Christmas-offers-best-gifts-cheap-presents-real-Christmas-trees-best-Christmas-trees-Ikea-Hawkes.html
  5. I am in nearly £5,000 worth of debt with 8 different collection agencies. Some of them being Lowell, Marlin, Quikcbridge BCW, Capquest. I honestly don't know where to turn to for advice, so I am hoping someone on here could help?!?! I have set up payment plans with a few of the companies but many of them keep hounding me to up the payment and even though I have sent them forms and proof or incoming and outgoing they wont let up. I have heard about asking them for my contract, can I do this? If so how ? What is the best course of action to take with them ?
  6. Hello all During the tax years of 2010 and 2011, I claimed Working Tax Credit as I was self-employed, on a low income and worked the required amount of hours. Last year HMRC decided to review my case, and as I was not being paid an hourly rate, and being paid a lump sum per invoice, I was no longer entitled to WTC, even though I could easily show I was working the required number of hours weekly. I did not have the stomach, nor the time, to keep arguing the toss with them so allowed my WTC to stop. Just yesterday a bill from HMRC for just shy of £5,000 landed on my mat, asking for immediate payback or debt collection! Being self-employed they all my address details and this is the first bit of correspondence I've had asking for payback to something I was genuinely entitled to!! They have not given me the option to contest this on the letter, but I darn well will. I didn't steal this money - I needed it when business was waning and I have worked bloody hard to improve my business in challenging times. Hopefully, one of you lovely people can offer some advice of where to begin...
  7. Hello Keeping it short and sweet. Someone i know who is also unemployed has been overdrawn the last three months, his bank the Natwest is charging £5.00 per day + other charges at the start. Can anyone tell me the best plan of action to start off with? Is there anyway to stop these charges. Also get the previous £5.00 per day charges taken off. I'd be so grateful for any advice given. Thanks
  8. hi am new to site and could do with advice. have several debts but are all due to drop of by october latest, have noticed on my credit file that on one of my debts its showing a payment of £5 made in 02/11. this is with activ kapital. i have not acknowleged or communicated with these people, what i want to know is this some underhand trick to get sb clock ticking again thanks and would appreciate help from you guys
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