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Found 6 results

  1. One of the most dangerous pieces of advice being given on the web, is to remove clamps on cars which have been taken under control. intentionally interfering with goods which have been taken into control is a criminal offence under Paragraph 68(2) of Schedule 12 of the Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007. Punishable summarily by a prison sentence of up to 51 weeks, and/or a Level 4 fine (currently £2,500 on a guilty judgement. This is in addition to other actions that the EA make take under common or civil law. There is much talk of debtors interpretation of the law in this area. This is irrelevant. The EA will interpret the law and make the decision regarding taking control of goods. He should take all actions needed to ensure he is acting within the law, but he is empowered by the law to do as he sees fit. If the debtor feels the EA has acted illegally in taking a third party or exempt goods there is legal recourse in CPR 85. This is a free procedure.
  2. I have a continuing issue with my 2005 Ford Mondeo TDCI continually losing power and cutting out completely under "load" - under acceleration. This is clearly a VERY dangerous situation especially if attempting overtaking on a busy motorway. The vehicle engine cuts out but can be immediately restarted by turning the ignition on and off and restarting the car - even while still moving. What alarms me is that FORD must obviously know there is a problem with this happening - a short investigation on various web "forums" shows this problem to be widespread.......the additional worrying aspect is that NO-ONE appears to have the definitive solution to this! even Ford garages do not seem to have a cure or knowledge of the cause of this dangerous occurrence. Does ANYONE have the answer???? Without ' try this / try that/ and if it's not that it could be this !!!!!! All expensive attempts!
  3. Some banks have been hacking away at the worth of your savings, making 171 cuts in 6 years.Some people are getting screwed out of £178.50 a year! According to Which?, some banks are considerably worse than others, as they crunched the numbers on 212 instant-access cash ISAs from 21 banks and building societies. Which? said NatWest had the largest amount of cuts per account, with eight across two accounts over six years. The bank's e-ISA used to earn savers 2%, but for those who haven't moved their money will now be getting a paltry 0.25%. Which? also saw that Tesco Bank had made three rate cuts on one account, and at RBS, they'd made two cuts on one account, and Barclays made 13 cuts across seven accounts. The worst banks for cutting ISA rates are, in order: NatWest Tesco Bank RBS Barclays M&S Bank HSBC http://www.bitterwallet.com/banking/which-banks-are-cutting-your-isa-savings-92417
  4. last week my husband lost his one and only key so phoned mobile locksmith,they wanted 25 pounds to get the code and 40 pounds for the key.he paid 25 pounds by debit card they cut the key and he expected them to come round with it.but they are to busy and turns out they are 30 miles away but cover our location.so my husband paid 40 pounds on his debit card and they posted him the key,but it dosnt fit.theyhave told him the locks must have been changed but its a 2 owner car and hes spoke to the last owner and he never changed the locks. hes also been told to file the key as it might be to sharp as the lock could be worn as its a 12 year old car but he dosnt feel confident doing that. the company don't seam to want to come out so what can we do? ask for a refund under the sale of goods act/distance selling regs?can we do a charge back on a debit card?
  5. Since February 2013 Lloyds Banking Group has been cutting the compensation it pays to payment protection insurance (PPI) claimants, on the basis that customers could have bought PPI cheaper somewhere else, so they only have to pay the difference between the two. Well surprise, surprise other banks have been doing the same. Barclays, Lloyds Banking Group and RBS confirmed they used comparative redress during the following periods: Barclays offered comparative redress between October 2012 and October 2013. Lloyds Banking Group has offered comparative redress since February 2013. The RBS Group has offered comparative redress since early 2013. http://www.moneysavingexpert.com/news/reclaim/2014/04/reclaimed-ppi-some-banks-have-underpaid-borrowers-100s
  6. Ikea is sprucing up its offer by selling cheap six foot Christmas trees in a bid for more festive business as analysts claim as much as 62pc of the high street is already on sale Famed for its flat-pack beds and the meatballs in its restaurants, Ikea is branching out in the festive rush by selling real Christmas trees - for five pounds. The Swedish out of town giant yesterday revealed its tactics for trying to entice shoppers away from the high street - offering customers a £20 coupon if they forked out £25 for a real, 6 foot Nordmann fir. Ikea said rivals were selling trees for as much as £79.99 elsewhere in Britain, with the average price £48. Brigit Hartelius, deputy country manager for the UK, told the Daily Telegraph it was all part of giving customers an "affordable Christmas". But more cynical analysts said it was simply part of the cut and thrust at Christmas as competition for shoppers hots up. Last week, accountants PriceWaterhouseCoopers said 62 per cent of the high street was already on sale or running promotions amid fears hard-pressed families coping with rising energy bills will cut back this Christmas. More: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/consumertips/household-bills/10506222/Christmas-offers-best-gifts-cheap-presents-real-Christmas-trees-best-Christmas-trees-Ikea-Hawkes.html
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