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Found 10 results

  1. Any support on how to successfully prevent a neighbour cutting down an old oak tree? The houses in two streets were built in the late 50's around a long line of oak trees - the trees forming a natural boundary between the gardens of each street. One street even has the name 'Oak' in it. One house is being sold and the incoming buyer wants to buy it on the condition he/she can cut down the 60y+ old healthy tree and develop the house and garden. Neighbours up in arms about it. They want to get a preservation order on the tree. Are there any helpful hints on what can be written/ presented to the relevant council to prevent them giving permission to remove the tree? I've just been advised, but apparently the council meeting is tomorrow! Its a relative's house; but not mine. I've got google earth photos which show the long line of trees and how magnificent this specific tree is out of all the trees. Any suggestions welcome.
  2. Hello, I hope I have got the right forum for this question 6 days ago, in strong winds, a conifer tree from my neighbours garden fell into my garden. I immediately brought it to the attention of my neighbour and she said that she would notify the rental agent. As she is renting the property. I spoke to her this morning and she says that although they had promised on numerous occasions that they had spoken to someone to come and remove it, nothing has happened. If I had to take action, as is more than likely, as I know the property agent is extremely unreliable, who do I take action against? What would be your advice. I guess that I should just keep reminding the tenant? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  3. There is a tree on the side of a path runs past my house that is overgrown to the point it is coming into contact with the side of my house, the roof and is also hitting the windows of my property. I have contacted the council about this previously in 2011 when it was dealt with by way of a crown reduction, however 4 years later and its bigger than so i again reported it last summer and was advised that it would be cut back in 6/8 weeks. However 16 months have passed since my local borough council made that promise and despite several calls and emails nothing has been done about it and today i received an email from my local county council telling me that they were going to do nothing more about it. Would appreciate any advice, if there is anything i've left out that i should have included please let me know and i'll update. Thanks
  4. There is land behind my rear garden which is owned private by a company whose details I do not have and can't find. Yesterday a tree on that land has fallen over my rear garden fence - causing considerable damage. I've never made an insurance claim before - do i tell the insurer: 1. The tree was on land owned by a company and that company should pay for all damage? 2. Should I goalso go to a solicitor and ask them to find out the details of the landowner and send them a letter to ask them to pay for the repair (tree is on private land behind my rear garden fence) Attached pic of the damage [ATTACH=CONFIG]48057[/ATTACH] You can just about make out the land behind my rear garden fence and you can see the tree thats fallen over. Please help asap as i'm concerned that people will enter my rear garden that use the wasteland
  5. Ikea is sprucing up its offer by selling cheap six foot Christmas trees in a bid for more festive business as analysts claim as much as 62pc of the high street is already on sale Famed for its flat-pack beds and the meatballs in its restaurants, Ikea is branching out in the festive rush by selling real Christmas trees - for five pounds. The Swedish out of town giant yesterday revealed its tactics for trying to entice shoppers away from the high street - offering customers a £20 coupon if they forked out £25 for a real, 6 foot Nordmann fir. Ikea said rivals were selling trees for as much as £79.99 elsewhere in Britain, with the average price £48. Brigit Hartelius, deputy country manager for the UK, told the Daily Telegraph it was all part of giving customers an "affordable Christmas". But more cynical analysts said it was simply part of the cut and thrust at Christmas as competition for shoppers hots up. Last week, accountants PriceWaterhouseCoopers said 62 per cent of the high street was already on sale or running promotions amid fears hard-pressed families coping with rising energy bills will cut back this Christmas. More: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/consumertips/household-bills/10506222/Christmas-offers-best-gifts-cheap-presents-real-Christmas-trees-best-Christmas-trees-Ikea-Hawkes.html
  6. Cut and pasted from my facebook to save typing out again. chap from around the back says my tree is damaging his wall and he wants me to chop it down, I said its a mature tree and been there for years and is a benefit to everyone, it cleans the air, brings wildlife into our gardens it looks beautiful and I like it. He said it doesn't matter its under threat anyway there is a disease that is killing Ash trees, I said then its our duty to protect it. He said ok just needed to let you know, the ace I never mentioned is its not my tree its growing on his land just leaning over mine because it knows he hates it, permission to enter my land to remove it is denied and the small portion on my side has permission to remain, not sure why you would build a wall on a tree anyway, don't know how it will stand up in court and cant afford to fight or have it chopped down. The tree is on his side of the original border fence, even the original fence netting is still on my side, [ATTACH=CONFIG]46298[/ATTACH] The issue I have is if he decides to charge me for the damage to the wall I am quite happy to make him aware that the tree is on his side and he must pay for it, I would like to keep the tree because it is a beautiful tree and makes the view from my house very pleasant compared to a poorly build breeze block wall, If I refuse him access to remove the tree can I be liable for the cost of the repair of the wall, can I refuse for him to have the tree taken down because some of it is on my land without risking any penalty? haven't received an official complaint yet but just wanted to be prepared. Cheers Steve
  7. I have had a bonfire site at the end of my garden for as long as I have lived in my house, 20 years+. In that time my neighbour has planted a tree which has grown and now partially overhangs the bonfire such that when it flares up to a reasonable height it scorches some of the leaves and branches. The best sort of bonfire is the fiery sort which doesn't smoulder and produce nasty fumes. He is now complaining that I am damaging his tree and wants me to move my bonfire. The site is the only one in the garden which is not used for vegetables and at this time of year the rest of the patch is full. I have agreed that when there is another patch available I will use it, but if there is not then I feel entirely free to use the regular site and just try to minimise the damage. After all, the fire came first! I have said that it is better to damage a few branches than exercise my rights and cut them all off where they overhang. As part of a larger dispute he is threatening action against me for damage to his tree. Am I right? Where do I satnd?
  8. Hello I am not sure if I am posting in the right forum but hope someone can help I have been in an ongoing battle with the Wates Group for 2 years. They own a small piece of land that sits behind my garden. There is a tree on their land that is pushing my fence down and also an eyesore and has huge reeds that have wound around my fence and into my garden. I have contacted wates so many times and they sent a contractor last year to assess the damage, the contractor agreed that the fence needs replacing and the tree removing but said that wates is useless when it comes to this kind of think and wished me luck. I have contacted wates and they replied 4 months ago saying they will replace the fence etc but have heard nothing since. My daughter is disabled and I cannot let her anywhere near that part of the garden in case the fence falls on her as she wouldnt be able to move away quickly enough. I have even emailed the company director and didnt get a reply. Who can i contact about this issue as its clearly a health and safety issue and I cant afford to replace the fence myself. I really need some help, this is driving me mad!!!! Thanks
  9. Hi, received a ticket from a muppet working for ANPR-Ltd in November, reason for ticket, "not displaying my clock with my blue badge" something I`ve never done at this car park since I was told I didn`t have to by a warden years ago, I always display my valid Blue Badge correctly though, I have of course ignored/recycled any correspondence I receive from them, then today I am in the same car park unloading my wife's wheelchair and I was parked right by the sign in the picture, it was the red writing that got me "Penalty Charges Apply For" so I read through them and came across number 4) Parking In A Disabled Bay Without Displaying A Valid Badge On the day in question I was parked in a disabled bay with my valid blue badge on display, so I had not done anything to receive this Penalty had I? It doesn't mention a penalty for not displaying a clock with a blue badge anywhere. I will just carry on the Ignore/Recycle routine, I would love them to take it to court though, I would have it thrown out in a second. I will let you all know what happens. Mal
  10. Hi all, Can I just run the following past the experts here regarding whether or not it is possible to claim on my neighbour insurance... Two days ago, a tree on the local farmers land fell across a stream and road before falling onto my wife's car. Damage is relatively minor but the front windscreen is smashed and the bonnet will need replacing. My understanding is that this is normal covered under an "act of god" such that it will be necessary to claim from my wife's car insurance. However, there is additional facts which may enable us to claim of his insurance. First, the tree was obviously dead and in poor condition. Secondly, this isn't the first tree to fall - it is the third tree in six months to fall down. Thirdly, a few years ago I had a verbal conversation with him stating that I thought that the trees were unsafe and something needed to be done about them - unfortunately I don't remember the exact details of what was said. Finally, my neighbour (who received the unwanted attentions of the first two trees) also verbally stated that additional trees were in a poor condition and something needed to be done about them. Would these additional facts give us a good case to claim off the farmers insurance? If so, how difficult is it to do and is it worth it? The downside of going down this route is that we have good relations with the farmer in question at the moment and don't want to lose this if possible for a relatively small loss. It would have been nice for him to knock on the door or leave a note though - we have had nothing. Thanks for any comments.
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