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  1. We've lived next door to them for over 18 years, they have been here since the 70's. They are an elderly couply, they are not the problem. Their 40 year old son is. He sells drugs at all hours, his Dad has to answer the door to them. The son plays loud music, games and shouts. One time, this was a few weeks ago. My mum was in the bathroom and he said to his friends 'yeah, their grandson lives sleeps in the bath'. He keeps spying on us in the bathrrom. When we reported this to the council all they said was 'He's got mental problems, he can't help it'. His mental problems are due to drugs, my nephew has learnign difficulities which he was born with. He has called my 18 year old nephew(same one mentioned above) a pervert, peado. Because he plays with his brothers and sisters. He has now got a camera which we reported today, it's pointing towards the public grass/pathway. We were told we were not allowed to record beyond our garden, not even allowed to record him if he contronts us. His dad has been to see the council, nothing. Police have been round and had a word with them, again, nothing. My brother refuses to leave the house now, he's too scared. My mum wants to move but it's hard because I have been bidding since I was 18, I'm now 31 and have gotten no where as I am on low band. My ESA (or council rent) won't cover the rent until I'm about 35. I tried to move out in 2012 but couldn't due to the council refusing me rent. I know it's a lot to take in but can anyone help us?
  2. Hello all, I am very stressed and anxious and feel I have no one to speak to about this. I would be grateful for any help anyone can offer me. I will keep it as brief as possible. Thank you for reading and taking the time out to help me. I was arrested for a very foolish issue in 2009, my assets were frozen so I received legal aid as I was unable, due to the restraint order being in place on my assets, to pay legal fees myself. In 2012, after many, many (expensive) meetings with my solicitor and barrister, I plead guilty and am sentenced to prison. I come home in 2014 and have to sell my family home to settle a large confiscation order – no issue with all this – I was a fool and it's fair and correct that I pay back what I made through my ‘crime’. House sold in 2015, confiscation settled. I am aware that I have received Legal Aid (of course) but my solicitors advise that ‘if they don’t contact you, forget about it’ essentially. Now, after selling my home and settling my confiscation order, I am left with a sum of money, certainly well over £30k. I was half expecting a letter from the LAA whilst I was in prison or at least as soon as my home was sold and the freezing order lifted – but I heard nothing. Assuming the onus is not on me to call them and pay my legal aid bill, I assume (that word again) that all is clear and I can move on with my life. The funds I had remaining are slowly spent on rent, repaying family and friends who had loaned me money and a failed business investment (it’s been a rough few years _ In December 2017, everything changes. I receive a letter from Rossendales asking for £100,000 plus in the form of a Capital Contribution Order – the first I’ve heard of it and a ruined Xmas ensues. Rossendales letter states that they think I still have all the assets from before settling the confiscation order, which I do not have anymore. I decide to engage with the LAA direct and they seem fair and I explain that I used to have the assets that Rossendales mentioned on their letter but they were sold to pay the confiscation etc.I send proof of this of course. The LAA ask for annotated bank statements covering the last few years which I send - they show that there is little money remaining and the funds, that I suppose, they feel are theirs, have been spent on 'living' by me - to repeat - I had no idea I owed this money beyond knowing I had received legal aid. My communication with the LAA has been along the lines of 'you missed your chance as all my funds have been spent since being released from prison and your letter came out of the blue etc' – I have been totally transparent and honest with them and have nothing to hide, if they had asked me for the COO upon selling my home back in 2015, I would have had the funds to pay them in full with no argument – but writing to me 2.5 years later, the funds have been spent. After various emails and receiving 3 years of annotated bank statements, the LAA appears to accept that I have spent almost all my funds but because I was left with enough funds on selling my home in 2015, the COO should remain and I ‘still have a liability to pay towards the Capital Contribution Order’. They appear willing to remove my rent payments and settlement payment to HMRC from the funds I was left with, but nothing else. I am struggling with these points: - I have a job and earn c£30k a year – but even if I agreed to pay £250-£500 a month towards the COO – this would cause me real hardship and still take me the rest of my life to repay the debt. - Was the onus on me to contact the LAA once I was free and settle this matter? - Are the LAA likely to make me bankrupt or would they rather I make a payment each month to settle my debt over many, many years / decades Perhaps you could give me some suggestions – I feel really worried and feel like giving up all together frankly. I don’t really dispute that I received legal aid, but I don’t have the money to pay this debt that has come from nowhere. Thanks for reading this far. Phillip
  3. I purchased a second hand multiyork sofa and wanted to get a new cover for it. So i paid £550 for a new cover from multiyork. I waited 8 weeks for the cover to be delivered (not a problem as it was a bespoke item). When the cover arrived it was an extremely poor fit. Obviously got in touch with them and they eventually agreed to uplift the cover and the sofa so that it could be fitted at there factory. This was a satisfactory response and so all was well. We then awaited the return of our sofa..... When it returned the cover was fitted beautifully and so we were happy. Unfortunately the feet on our sofa had been moved. When they left us they were fitted in the front corners as you would expect. they were now set in from the corners and uneven. Upon closer inspection we discovered that the feet now fitted to our sofa were not our original wheels. Got in touch with them and told them of our concerns. The customer services supervisor told us that no work had been done to our sofa apart from the cover being fine tailored. I sent some photos to show that 1. the feet had been moved from the original holes with new ones drilled 2. They were not our original feet. She responded and told me that these sofas had 2 fixing points for the front legs and they had simply been put in the wrong holes. I have since contacted 3 of there stores and all have told me that this sofa comes with only one fixing point for the front feet and even if i paid for it extra holes could not be added as the frames come in pre drilled. at this point i asked the questions was my sofa damaged in transit What work has been done to my sofa Who authorised it why have my feet been changed and moved where are my feet. i sent her pictures of the old feet and the new feet. the new feet are completely unmarked (bear in mind this sofa must be 10 plus years old) i also sent pictures proving the feet had been moved and new holes drilled. her response was that 1. she had spoken to the "craftsman" who had fitted my cover and no work had been done to my sofa 2. it was unclear whether the feet had been moved due to the angle of the pictures 3. The new feet were my original feet. i spoke to her on the phone where she told me the pictures were in front of her i pointed out the clear diffrences and she was still adamant that they were my original feet. she did say that they would send a technician to my home to repostion the feet but this would take 3 weeks for an appointment to be made. I told her that i did not want any further work doing to my sofa ubtil they could explain what had happened. i also asked to speak with her boss. Ok so now im at custmer services manager level. She gave the same response as her colleague on all counts. Neither would answer any of my original questions. I then contacted the CEO who told me that the Customer services manager would be in touch once she had completed a full investigation. So i waited for answers. Next thing i know i receive an email from her......were there answers. NO! there was an offer for a full refund of my original order (The cover which i now had no issues with at all) i have refused the refund as this does not fix my sofa and as i am unaware what work has been done and why i cannot seek to get it fixed with anybody else. i then spoke to them and said i would allow them to send a technician to reposition the feet. I did this because the new feet have diffrent fixings from the old ones and so they do not fit into the old holes. This means that he would not be able to reposition the feet proving that they were not my original feet and they had drilled new holes to fix the new feet. They made an appointment for 27 nov. friday i received an email from CS manager telling me she had cancelled the appointment and that a refund had been authorised to be made to me. obviously i do not want a refund as this will not fix my now damaged sofa. i have written to her stating i do not want a refund and that i am happy for anybody at multiyork to come and asses my sofa. They have blocked me from there facebook page and nobody will speak to me. All i wanted from them was a sofa cover. i have ended up with a sofa with wonky feet and the people best placed to explain why and fix it will not give me any explanation or deal with my issues. I also want my original feet back as they are my property and i did not give them any permission to touch my sofa or carry out any work. It is now 4 months since i made the initial order and i am sick of the stress of dealing with them. i realise that i may not have explained things very well but would really appreciate any help as i am at the end of my tether!!!! [ATTACH]60262[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]60263[/ATTACH] These are my original feet note the wear to the castor and the fitting right on the corner of the sofa [ATTACH]60264[/ATTACH] this is the position of the feet upon its return [ATTACH]60265[/ATTACH] This picture clearly shows the old and new holes. remember they are telling me that these holes were in the sofa from new. so the staples which are shiny and silver are 10 plus years old????? you can also clearly see the nuts for the feet to fix into on the new holes are surface mounted. they are set into the old holes by about an ince this means if you try to put the new feet in the old holes they push the castor out of the bottom I have lots more pictures which proves everything i have said. i cannot see how such a simple task for them has turned into such a web of lies and again would appreciate any help. sorry its so long Thank You
  4. Hi Long story but will keep as concise as can be. I am leasing a vehicle which required some work (impossible to remove wheel nuts to replace tyres - vauxhall dealership said previous owner had used the wrong instruments previously) I contacted the company for advice (first time leasing a vehicle, wasnt sure on liability) they admitted that after just 6000 miles I should not need to replace the tyres, and as a courtesy would take the vehicle and replace them. At no time was I told they would charge for this (or I would have done it locally) It was due MOT the same week which the lease company said would put through the MOT and bill me for the cost of the MOT. This all occurred August 2013. - this was done verbally. I received my car back with damage to the rear pannel, to which I comtacted them immediately to sort out. They denied everything to do with it and tried to suggest that they had noticed the damage themselves, that it was already there. Complete lies! A week later I received an invoice (rather, my neightbour did) for £290 which included the replacement tyres, removal of old tyres and maintenance plus the MOT. I contacted the company to dispute this and to also chase up on the status of my claim regarding the vehicle damage. They tried to suggest that an email had been sent to me outlining the total cost of the work, yet when I asked for proof of this it was clear that they had the wrong email address (although I had been comunicating with them via email the entire time I had been dealing with them for the lease hire) We disputed this for weeks and in the end I accepted their offer to waive the cost of the MOT and would pay for the tyres only. I asked for a new invoice (reiterating my address - and advising that they got it wrong previously) and I shared pictures of the body damage which was requested by the CEO to look into. - For 2 years I hear nothing, I pay myself for the body repairs via a garage and assume (stupidly) that common sense had prevailed. Bare in mind that I am still a customer, the car is outside my house right now, I pay them via direct debit £159 a month, so I am not difficult to find. 2 weeks ago I had a call from a collections agency chasing up the £290 to which I disputed based upon the situation raised above. They advised they would put the claim on hold whilst they investigate. They called me back today claiming that they are willing to take this to court and that unless I pay £490 (including costs) there would be a summons against me. They then re-read my file and advised that a summons was already against me, it was raised in August of this year. I advised that I have never received any communication since 2013, how can I be expected to acknowledge the summons if I didnt know it existed..? They threatened me with bailifs unless I pay £400 today to clear the debt. I felt intimidated and did this straight away with the aim of speaking with Citizens Advice afterwards to understand my rights and how to proceed regarding the vehicle damage which was never acknowledged. I was given I reference number by the debt agency and I called the courts immediately. I was advised by the courts that the summons was sent in August 2015 and as I had not paid within 30 days that a CCJ has been listed against me. When she asked for my details it became apparent that the address Hippo Leasing had given to the court was the incorrect address that they sent the initial invoice to. . it was the neighbours address of my previous address. I am not sure where I stand in this case. The lady at the courts suggested that I have grounds to set aside the CCJ on the basis that Hippo did not provide the correct address details for me , but that I need to pay the £155 to do this. She also suggested that I may be able to get the courts to enforce the £155 on the car leasing company as it is their error...? 2nd thing is if I have any legs with the body damage thing? I wish I had escalated it further at the time, but I gave them the benefit of the doubt (that they were absorbing the cost of the repair) so I arranged to sort the rest out myself. :-x Any advice welcome!
  5. Ive received a county court claim from merligen investments for 330.00 plus interest and costs i have never dealt with them or had any Letters from them. ?? payment demands or default notices!!! Close inspection of Credit File seems it may be in connection with a shopacheck account but cant be certain. (Read a post sonewhere on here that was merlingen/shopacheck) Shopacheck account as far as i believe opened 24th December 2012 330.00 paid in full acc balance 0.00 updated 19/10/2013, old address placed on the record. looks good to me same as C-File. so checked merligen out, DCA who BUYS DEBT merlingen account opened 27/12/2012 balance on account 330.00 updated 21/4/2014 address on the record is my new address. The money claim online papers state; Balance due in full under agreement Defendant had an agreement to make monthly payments for acc xxxxxx4411 but failed to do so interest 26.40 court fee 3 LR 50.00 TL 441.40 huh what and who the hell are they??? anyone dealt with them? ????? so do i raise a dispute on Credit File and defend the claim on the basis "have not a clue who they are" dispute alledged balance. "I DO NOT OWE IT"
  6. Hi all hope you can help. I took out a paragon finance secured loan in 2006 for 63k I still owe around 43k after 10years of paying £737 pound per month. I am now struggling to pay BUT have not yet missed a payment throughout the term of the loan. Can anyone please give me some advise as this loan is killing me and putting a holt on my life. The loan was originally taken out with myself and my ex wife. She left in 2007 and has never paid a penny towards the loan. I want to stop paying the loan as I have paid circa 88k over the last 10 years way over paying loan. Any help really really really appreciated.
  7. Brought an item from Flea-Bay seller described in his heading as excellent condition which suited me as needed this item for a particular job, so my problem is I am not fully acquainted with this piece of kit so took the sellers word it was in tip top condition but after using it things didnt feel right. After looking up the manufacturers and contacting them they informed me 1 part that was faulty and 2 parts that was missing, having looked at the sellers photos posted on Ebay they were indeed missing although his listing says in Excellent working condition. Fired an email to this fool who informs me I am out of time to issue a dispute! here is the time line won item on the 13th Nov delivered 24th Nov used it once spent time and effort with manufacturers to get the item fixed, emailed seller on 14th Dec to give him a chance to rectify the problems he returned email 15th Dec to tell me I should have checked item before using it. The June 2014 Consumer Contracts Regulations does in fact state I have 4 weeks to issue a dispute which I have done and the Sale of Goods does state goods must of satisfactory quality and fit for purpose. Which is the best option for me or do I not stand a chance of getting a refund or at least payment towards the repairs?
  8. Vodafone has ruined my credit rating for the past seven years RE: ACCOUNT NUMBER XXXXXX On or around the 28th of November 2008, I took out a mobile phone contract with Vodafone through an intermediary agent Dial-a-Phone. At the point of sale, I asked if my existing number could be ported over from T-mobile to Vodafone. The sales agent assured me that this was possible and that I should phone up Vodafone when I received the package and this would be done. After the phone was delivered, I contacted Vodafone to request my number to be ported, but I was told that this was not possible as it should have been done at the point of sale. Vodafone advised me to get back to Dial-a-Phone and have them cancel the contract and reissue a new contract. I did as I was told and called Dial-a-Phone, but I was then told that with Vodafone, porting could not be done. I then put it to them that they had mis-sold me the contract, as their agent assured me my number could be ported. They agreed to cancel the contract on the condition that I returned the phone and accessories including a Nintendo Wii gift which was sent to me. I returned the phone, accessories and gift to Dial-a-Phone as they requested. And I got an acknowledgement letter from them stating that I should contact my bank and cancel my direct debit and that they had instructed Vodafone to cancel my contract. I have this in writing from Dial-a-Phone. I cancelled the direct debit with my bank, but not before I was charged £90 by Vodafone. I phoned Vodafone and was told by an agent named Leon that this was the norm, but that it will be recalculated pro-rata based on my call charges and my account will be credited. In February 2009, I noticed that my account had been debited by Vodafone yet again, this time to the tune of £44.04. I called Vodafone (after no success at trying to contact Dial-a-Phone) and spoke to an agent called Sam who said he was part of the NES team at Stoke. He advised me to get to my bank and re-cancel the direct debit instruction. On the 11th of March 2009, not having received any credit from Vodafone, I called the customer services and was put through to Vodafone Collections Department and spoke to an agent named Garry. I explained to him what has been going on, and he requested that I faxed him the acknowledgement letter from Dial-a-Phone on fax number 01295815344. He promised to sort it out and I will be credited any amount due to me. He warned me that I may still get bills, but to ignore them while things were being sorted out. I sent the fax on the 12th of March 2009 and it was marked for the attention of Garry Collections Department, and the transmission was OK. I kept receiving bills which I ignored as instructed, until I got a letter from Vodafone on the 16th of June 2009, stating that I had defaulted in my payments and that I was owing in excess of £500. I was shocked and immediately called Vodafone at around 19:08 hours I spoke to an agent called Steve, who proved totally unhelpful and bullish and all he said was to pay the money and that there was nothing he could do. I asked him to reference my previous communications with Vodafone as there should be notes on the system. He said there was nothing written about the case. I told him this was corporate bullying and that I was going to take the case to the consumer protection section of Daily Mail Newspapers. Only then did he try to be reasonable, and even began to listen to me. Then the phone cut off (I believe he cut the phone off) and I tried calling back, but was told the department was now closed. It was past 20:00 hours. On the 21st of June, I received another letter, this time from a debt recovery firm claiming to be acting on instructions from Vodafone, threatening legal action if I did not pay up. In frustration and on the verge of tears, I again called Vodafone and after being transferred around between three agents in three departments, I was put through to Jessica, and after being on the phone for over two hours trying to explain. She doubted the existence of the letter from Dial-a-Phone, and if it existed, the authenticity of the document. She kept insisting we should call Dial-a-Phone and do a conference call to her to sort the problem out. This was not plausible and she knew it. I asked her to give me a fax number or an email so I could send the letter to her. She refused saying that the dept had no fax and she could not give out her own or her manager’s official email address. Upon further insistence, she gave me an email address for customer service. I asked if she had access to this email, she said no. This clearly demonstrates the attitude of Vodafone staff to the travails of customers. She said the people at customer service will deal with the matter. At which point I asked her if the two hours I had been on the phone with her amounted to nothing. She replied that there was nothing she could do. I asked if she could call them and tell them all that had transpired. The answer was negative. I asked to speak with a manager, to which she replied there was a 48 hour wait if I wanted to speak with the Manager. Anyway, I sent off the email to the address she provided, only to later get an automated reply from Vodafone that the email address was no longer in use. Upon further insistence to speak to a manager, I was then told the manager Michael Watson will call me the following day. He did call at the appointed time, but unfortunately I had a patient in front of me and apologised and asked him to call back, which he promised he would. I have not spoken to him since. I have called Vodafone repeatedly and luckily on the 6th of July, I got through to Leon who said he was going to leave a message for the Manager Michael Watson to get back from me. I still have not heard from him. Since then, I have gotten letters from Capquest, also acting on behalf of Vodafone demanding for money owed to the tune of £846.87.These letters have in the least been very distressing as well as embarrassing. I got a Lawyer to write to Capquest stating the circumstances and Capquest withdrew from the case, requesting we sort things out with Vodafone. At this point, I’d like to state that I do not have an existing contract with Vodafone and have not since December,2008 when Dial-a-Phone (the agent I took out the contract with) terminated the contract on my behalf. As at 30 of July 2009, I have spent over £90 on phone calls to Vodafone on this and I will be seeking compensation for my time, money and upheaval this has caused me. Vodafone went ahead and put a default on my credit account and stopped me getting credit for the past 5 years. I spoke with Experien credit Agency explaining the circumstances and Experian contacted Vodafone, but Vodafone insisted their entry was correct. However Experian agreed to put a note on the account stating the entry on the account was in dispute. Despite this note put on my credit file by Experian, I have had credit refused me over the years and it has become very embarrassing to say the least. I need help to get this sorted and for Vodafone to pay me the monies they owe me and compensate for the trauma and pain over the last seven years
  9. Sorry new to forums so hope I have posted in the right place. I am banging my head off a wall with npower and no longer know what to do to get things resolved. No one in exec complaints seems to know how to fix it. A really long story so think best to post email I sent to ceo and exec complaints. Apologies in advance as its really long but you couldn't make it up! Any advice anyone could provide would be much appreciated. Thanks. Dear Mr Massara, I am begging you to help me, in fact just now I am pleading with you to help me resolve the 2 YEAR complaint that currently have ongoing with your company. I am sure that once you have read my e-mail you will be just as shocked, disgusted and overall disappointed with the level of service that your company has provided me with on trying to get my account rectified. It is an extremely long and I feel sad story about the way the company has treated me. I hope you have the patience to read my e-mail thoroughly and come to a resolve for us. I apologise if I get some of the timing wrong, as you would hopefully understand it has been going on for a long, long time. Let me begin....... July/August 2010. My young family and I moved into our new private rent accommodation. A small three bedroom ex council mid terrace house. The rent would be more expensive for us coming in at £450 a month but we needed the extra room as we have 3 young children. Having been customers of Scottish power previously, we thought them to be a little on the expensive side, and as we were trying to save money we decided to phone around the major energy suppliers and see who could provide us with our electricity the cheapest. We phoned up npower who told us over the phone that they could provide us with electricity for £40 per month. "Are you sure?" said we. "Yes absolutely." advised your sales agent. We even called back and spoke to another agent to make sure that this was correct. "Yes, this is correct!" Was the answer. We were delighted and signed up there and then. Very happy customers. But then.......... Appox 6 months later. We get a bill out for approx. £400. We were concerned and contacted your customer service team immediately. My husband spoke to a lovely young gentleman who advised him there was no need to worry. It was obviously wrong. He asked for our meter readings and told us everything was fine, the £40 direct debit would continue as normal. Brilliant, we thought. June/July 2013. I apologise that so much time has passed here, but you must understand we did not think there was any issue. My wife and I were both working hard full time to support our family. One day my wife was home and there was a knock on the door. It was an agent from Scottish power out to read our meter. He did so and left. But after that my wife got thinking. When was the last time anyone came out to read the meter. So, that evening she asked me when the last time I had seen one of these agents was. I told her probably about a year prior. That's a bit strange don't you think she replied. Come to think of it, when was the last time we received a bill from npower? Again, we immediately contacted npower to ask why we have not been receiving bills. Again we spoke to another lovely gentleman who advised us he would look into it and put us on hold. He came back to us and advised us that there was a major issue on the account. He did not know why, but for some reason there was a massive debt building up on the account but could see that the direct debit was in place for £40. He could also see that no bills were being sent to us. He then hit us with the bombshell that £560 was pending to come out of my bank account and advised us to cancel the direct debit immediately. There was a debt on the account that ran into thousands! My wife checked her account and noticed the payment had actually let the account. She was frantic. We don't have a lot of money and to us this was a huge amount. It left our family in hardship. We made an indemnity claim with the bank to get the money bank. It took a few days. We have a young family. I'm sure you could imagine how that felt. The gentleman advised us that he would raise this with the executive complaints team as a matter of urgency. August 2013. After we chased it up a few times, a member of the executive complaints team eventually got back in contact. I think her name was Kayleigh, but cannot be sure as I have spoken to so many agents. She advised us that she had been assigned our case. Not to worry as she would look into it and get things back to normal again. Brilliant, we thought. She told us that she would go away and look at it and she would be back in contact with us. She gave us a date and time she would contact us because as I have explained my wife and I are extremely busy people. And she contacted us exactly when she had said! In this conversation she explained that there had been issues with some accounts when npower moved to their new billing system and it looked as if we were affected. She had sent off for it to rectified. I told her I was extremely alarmed about this debt on the account as there was simply no way we could afford it, and as we were paying £40 per month direct debit without ever missing a payment that this was not our fault. She agreed. She advised that we were not to worry she would sort out the issue and the debt on the account would be wiped. The account would be reset and we would start afresh. She warned us that the direct debit might be higher going forward once the issue was resolved. We were delighted. It felt like a weight off our shoulders and the result we were looking for. We left it in what felt like her safe and capable hands. How wrong were we? After this period Kayleigh would be sporadically in contact over the phone or via email. But she offered no other information other than apologising that it was taking so long to rectify but it would be eventually resolved. We voiced our concerns over the length of time it was taking but we were assured that eventually the account would be reset for us. We would also get the occasional letter advising that the company was sorry it was taking so long to resolve and that they had passed their 8 week deadline. Then nothing. March 2014. We called up looking to speak to Kayleigh. She told us that they had activated the back billing process on the account so we would not get charged any further than 12 months prior. But we protested that she had been advising us that we debt would be wiped? She said she would look into this and that for now we should cancel the direct debit until the issue was rectified. But then we realised that the amount that was owed would mean our electricity bills would be almost £300 per month. So there was another issue. Kayleigh never did get back in contact. We contacted npower again. We couldn't get Kayleigh and explained our concerns to the new agent. She was not willing to listen to reason We asked that the issue be escalated to a manager in the executive complaints team. It was, and we were told we would receive a phone call within 2 weeks. Instead we got a letter 2 weeks later from Elizabeth Gibson, head of customer relations. A very unhelpful one that told us that the issue had been resolved and that this was a deadlock letter. The company was no longer willing to help out with the problem and viewed it as resolved. Compensation of £640 would be applied against the debt. We beyond belief! We called up your customer services and pleaded with the agent not to pass us to the executive complaints team just yet. We asked her not to look at the debt on the account for now but to focus on the new issue. As mentioned before, we live in a small 3 bedroom terraced house. We were now being told that electricity should cost us almost £300. We are hardly in during the day. We are in bed most evenings by 11. We explained that we do have white meter heaters and knew that they could be expensive, but surely not £300 a month expensive? She agreed to look over the account. It took her over an hour but we were happy to wait as finally someone agreed with us that there could issue. Not just one, but a few. She advised us that she wasn't 100% sure but when the original agent way back in 2010 took our meter readings and entered them in to the new system that he put them in the wrong way round. She also said she felt there could be an issue with the meter as we were using lower than average during the day but more than 3 times the national average at night time. Plus there was also the issue with the system not generating bills. She advised that she would speak to the executive complaints team and raise her concerns. She said she would arrange for a test meter to be put in place to monitor ours. Finally, someone has cracked it. Or so we thought. Our case was assigned to another agent on the executive complaints team. They confirmed that someone would be out to fit a test meter. It took forever but eventually we got an appointment. But they failed to mention that they would need access to our neighbours house. Engineer came out. I took time off my work to be there. Couldn't get access to my neighbour's property. Wasted day. Back on the phone to the executive complaints team. We were advised that they would request another date. They also advised that this time a letter would be sent to my neighbour. Approx a month passed. I took time off work. Engineer came. No letter had been sent to my neighbour and she denied access. Another wasted day. Phoned executive complaints team again. They said that they would guarantee a letter would be sent for the next time, which thankfully turned out it was. It took months to get an appointment again, and the engineer felt like an old friend, and again I took more time off my work.Test meter was installed. We also decided to contact a local charity called I-heat. He said it was worst case he had ever seen. Sheer and utter negligence were his words. He looked at our meter and noticed that the time was wrong. It was showing it was 6 in the morning when in actual fact it was 2 in the afternoon. He contacted npower on our behalf and raised his concerns. He spoke to Michael in the executive complaints team and asked him to take note of what he was telling him. Michael advised that he would look into the account and take over it. You guessed it, Michael was never to be heard from again. Time passed and the test meter was taken out. Another day off of work. Engineer advised us that he had updated his system with the results and this would be passed on to npower. He also changed the time on the clock as we had pointed it out to him. We sat back and waited for contact. And waited, and waited. Yes, you guessed it! No one contacted us. We contacted executive complaints for an update but were told that npower never had the results. Unknown to us npower had been e-mailing us. But we hadn't been checking our e-mails. A bill is then sent out to us for thousands again. We are at the end of our tether. We contact npower executive complaints again. This time we get a call back from Simone. Simone advised us that they didn't have the meter readings back and that they would chase it up. She told us that she would see that it gets resolved and would make sure that contact going forward would be in the form of a phone call or a letter. She also advised us that she would contact us every two weeks with an update. Then we receive a bill today for £3,243.76 for the last 12 months usage. Correct me if I'm wrong but this works out a £270.31 per month for electricity in a small three bedroom mid terraced house. I invite you to come and see if you need proof? During the winter we have only been running two heaters as we are frightened that we are going to be charged a fortune for it. That bill is covering the period 13th June 2012 - 7th January 2015. It has been reduced from £6,646.18. At this point I would also like to highlight we were paying £40 direct debit without fail right up until March 2014 when we were told to cancel it until the issue is rectified by your agent. We contacted you again this evening but the executive complaints team is closed and we are now facing a bleak and anxious weekend until we can speak to them. Our personal projection for the next 12 months is £4009.79. That works out as £334.17 per month for our humble home plus we are being asked to pay back £3243.76. My wife has now left work and is a student and we struggle by on my call centre wage bringing up three children. We would struggle to pay £334.17 a month, our monthly rent isn't much more, never mind paying back such a large debt that we were not to blame for on top of it. So now I hope you can understand, why I am pleading with you to please get this sorted out. We are at the end of our tether. We have been patient but can take no more. I'm sure that you would agree on reading this that npower has failed us as a company and has not carried out it duty of care that it has towards us. I feel this is my last resort before highlighting our plight with the media and warning other potential customers not to fall for you like we did. I certainly can understand why you have been voted the worst energy provider. I hope that you can change my mind and bring an end to our absolute misery. Yours desperately,
  10. Hi Please can somebody help me with this. My mum had an ebay debt, which has been paid in full and cleared with ebay. Their dodgy collector 'Akinika' has been harassing her on a daily basis with phonecalls and letters demanding payment. She has contacted ebay who have confirmed the debt was cleared and that she should not be receiving these calls. We have tried emailing the AKINIKA complaints email address but get delivery failure as it does not seem to exist. This also happens with their enquiries email. She has explained the situation on the phone and been told she is lying and that bailiffs will be sent. What the hell do we do.
  11. Have a look at these video clips on YouTube. They say everything about Countryside Properties. Simply brilliant! Has anyone had similar problems with them?
  12. End of June -July Around the end of June my contract with Virgin expired and after a another shoddy year of service, and an insurance claim made really awkward... I decided to change ServiceProvider to EE, (out of the frying pan...) i hadn't tried any recent flagship handsets so went to my local CarPhone Warehouse a stones throw from my house to give them a go.... while I was there they snagged me with a £120 cashback on my old handset on the then new Sony Xperia Z2! happy days! or so I thought on porting from virgin to keep me old number ...the regular will take 72 hours scenario ...went to work only to find virgin had cancelled my contract instantly without being asked?? so 72 hours on the temporary sim number? well not ideal but oh well! SIM number 1 72 hours come and go ... to no avail ... visit cpw they say another 48-72 hours after chasing EE up... I managed to wangle £15 topup as it is my primary work number!! although they needed to issue a new sim for it SIM number 2 can you see where this is going?? another 72 hours pass ...back to cpw they say porting issues from EE side has made automatic porting bugged and a new manual ported contract will need to be setup...ok? unfortunately my last contract included trade in and other deals that would be a check through cpw to allow them to cover the 700 pound odd for a new handset and cashback to be credited and transferred to a new contract!? this would take 24 hours.....48 hours later im back at CPW signing a new contract and manually porting over to EE also I swaped my handset as the old one kept overheating till it would power down I was thus given SIM number 3 and the all familiar 72 hours is offered yay by which Im starting to believe my number has been lost.... maybe EE dont like me..... No! keep the faith! To my disbelief my phone sucessfully ports! I get my old number back once ive figured out what sim it is WOOT! trouble over YES!? NOOO!!! I get My first bill! for the active accounts of SIM1 and SIM2 neither of which im using namely SIM3! and then THE last week in July with my shiny z2 in pocket listening to music to music overheats and not until I get in the shower do I realise how bad, 2nd degree contact burn!!!! :violin: after the clinic treated and bandaged me up i had to take 5 days off work! Im self employed no work =no pay!! what a month!!!!!
  13. I am totally fed up with Hastings Direct. I had an accident at the begining of Nov which was not my fault. It took until Feb to get my car fixed, after numerous phone calls. I was told that I had to pay my excess and that I would get it back when the other company admitted liability. My car came back fine and to be fair Nationwide was fine and helpful. My main problem is Hastings NEVER call you back, and when you do get someone in the right dept they just use delay tactics. The latest is that after 2 months they still haven't paid for my car to be fixed so they can't chase the claim!!!!!!! Will I ever get my money back......???
  14. Gareth Pierce-Jones changed his name and has resorted to court action after he was linked to a serial debt defaulter with the same first name, surname and identical date of birth. His case highlights the intractable difficulties people face trying to rectify errors on their credit files, which are checked by lenders every time a customer applies for credit cards, mortgages or mobile phone contracts. Mr Pierce-Jones, 35, has been repeatedly hounded for another person’s debts since 2010. He changed his surname from Jones to Pierce-Jones in August 2012 to try to solve the problem, but the other individual’s debts remained recorded on his credit file. The debts were listed automatically on his credit file, and Mr Pierce-Jones had to contact the agencies and the debt collectors each time to request that they were taken down. Mr Pierce-Jones has been turned down repeatedly for credit cards as a result of these issues. “It has completely crushed my credit score,” he said. “I am due to renew my mortgage this summer and I want to make sure this is completely cleared up.” One particular debt collection agency, Motormile, began sending letters in 2012 claiming that Mr Pierce-Jones had defaulted on more than £1,000 of payday loans. Despite acknowledging Mr Pierce-Jones was a victim of mistaken identity, the letters continued to be sent to his home in Bracknell, Berkshire. He is now taking Motormile to a small claims court for compensation. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/borrowing/10787200/Changing-my-name-was-only-way-to-escape-debt-hell.html
  15. Hi Everyone, Just trying to get some advice really. I bought a second hand car on the 22/03/2014 for £995. I was also asked to sign a 'Sold as Seen' piece of paper which I did. One question I forgot to ask while I was there was 'when was it last serviced?'. I decided to the decent thing and book the car in for a service as the MOT is due in May so I wanted to know if there was anything that needed doing to the car as the previous MOT had no advisories on it so if anything were to go wrong then it would have to be something that has gone wrong in the last 12 months. Am I right?? Well I took it in for a service today (27/03/2014) only to be told that the car is unroadworthy and is only good for one place......THE SCRAPYARD! My question is this: Am I within my rights to contact the dealer I got it from to ask for a refund of my money or do they have me over the barrel with this 'Sold as Seen' crap! as the car can be sold as seen but even the advert that I saw on the AutoTrader website has a few things in it that are questionable. In the advert the dealer states that 'MOT WARRANTY AND FREE SERVICE INCLUDED' I can say that the car was sold with no Warranty, no mention of a free service or an MOT. The MOT certificate that was produced was one that was obtained when the car was last MOT'd in May 2013. I checked this on the .gov website to check if the two matched up and that there was actually no advisories. In the advert the dealer also states that the interior is unmarked (yet one of the photos' clearly shows a stain on the passenger side door upholstory) and also there was cigarette butts and ash still in the ash tray. LOW MILEAGE 4X4 PART EXCHANGE TO CLEAR FANTASTIC CONDITION - here is a list of what the garage found: 3 tyres need changing, 2 x Rear cylinders Leaking, Pads/Discs (Discs badly corroded), Fuel Tank Leaking, Gear box leaking, Transfer box leaking, Play in steering box, play in both front bearings, rear spring broken, all break pipes corroded (except one over back axle), Front D-Bushes badly worn, No O/S/F/R Indicator, exhaust leaking from manifold, exhaust dropped off and alternator not charging. Not all that fantastic condition in my eyes. What do you think??? If i had known all this I would not have touched the car with a 10ft barge pole. The 'Sold as seen' clause is good for bodywork, paintwork etc but unless you have it up on ramps etc to look underneath you have to take their word that it is mechanically sound which in this case it is far from it. You thoughts are welcome. Regards, Brett Rogers
  16. Hi all... I'm told you guys are good for advice so here goes... I have been a pay as you go customer for nearly two years, I am on the text plan and am provided with 500mb of internet access and unlimited texts to use the following month if I top up £15 a month. In April this year I contacted T Mobile as my account balance appeared to be going down extremely quickly and I found I’d had to top up in excess of £30.00 over the month which was far in excess of my usage. The lady who took my call advised that I’d been charged for data usage and after looking into the matter advised that this was due to a technical issue. She apologised for the situation and provided me with a month’s free internet access and applied a £10.00 credit to my account by way of compensation. On the 30th April 2014 I received a call from T Mobile, the lady started off by further apologising for the problems I had experienced with the overcharging for data and went on to advise that T Mobiles pay as you go plans had been revised. She asked if I wished to change onto a new pay as you go plan that would cost £9.50 a month and provide so many hundred minutes of free minutes, so many hundred free texts and an amount of internet access, I apologise for not having the exact amounts but I did not write down the offer for reasons I will explain shortly. I asked the lady how this new plan would work and she explained that I would simply receive a text each month asking me to ensure I topped up at least £9.50 before a certain date. We ended the call with the lady advising that I would receive a text confirming the new pay as you go plan and that she would also send me a letter that I would receive the following day further detailing the plan. By the 6th May I had not received either a text or letter confirming the new plan, and my T mobile account showed no change, so I once again called T Mobile. The first gentle man I spoke to could provide no help what so ever and my call was then transferred to a department in the North East. This chap advised that a credit check had been performed on me on the 30th April but was showing as having been declined, he advised that the lady who had called me on the 30th April had in fact tried moving me on to a monthly contract. To sum up this complaint and to try and provide some background, in 2012 I was made redundant and went through a difficult financial period. I am fully aware that at present I would not pass a credit check as I am still in the process of repairing the harm that was done to my credit rating during this difficult financial period. The lady who contacted me on the 30th April did not advise or inform me that the plan she was suggesting was a monthly contract and she also did not seek my permission to perform a credit check on me. As you will appreciate not only did T Mobile attempt to move me onto a contract agreement without informing me or seeking my permission, they also performed a credit check on me without my knowledge or authorisation which will now appear on my credit file. I phoned tmobile and was advised a manager would call me back.... never happened. I sent an email to tmobiles listed fraud email address... it bounced back twice saying server error. I sent a complaint letter to their head office... not had an acknowledgement or response. Called again yesterday and was again advised a manager would call back (even gave them two contact numbers)... no call back recieved. Finally got through to a manager in India today, lots of apologies but couldn't deal with the compliant, she said she'd escalate it and i would receive a call back in three weeks!??!!? then she advised that the fraud department don't have an email address anymore and tried providing me with a fax number?!?!? y es, a huge telecommunications and all they can provide is a fax number!?!?!? Has anyone got a way of contacting tmobile in the uk? Thanks
  17. Hi All I am being chased for a defaulted vodaphone bill from 2008 that defaulted in 2009 and is obviously affecting my credit score. I only had the phone for roughly 2 months before it was lost which I reported to Vodaphone. It seems that due to carelessness details of my account are no longer available or details are not appearing on my account. I am being chased for £464 which I would like to be written off and the default removed from my account. I have read some of the threads on here and have sent an email to Vodaphone with the subject line as suggested so hopefully I shall get a response from Lee soon
  18. There is land behind my rear garden which is owned private by a company whose details I do not have and can't find. Yesterday a tree on that land has fallen over my rear garden fence - causing considerable damage. I've never made an insurance claim before - do i tell the insurer: 1. The tree was on land owned by a company and that company should pay for all damage? 2. Should I goalso go to a solicitor and ask them to find out the details of the landowner and send them a letter to ask them to pay for the repair (tree is on private land behind my rear garden fence) Attached pic of the damage [ATTACH=CONFIG]48057[/ATTACH] You can just about make out the land behind my rear garden fence and you can see the tree thats fallen over. Please help asap as i'm concerned that people will enter my rear garden that use the wasteland
  19. Hi, Currently I am in the situation of having a loan of £1000 with the Cheque Centre, as I cannot afford to pay this off they debit my account for £1275 per month interest and I go back to them each time for a loan of a £1000. This has been going on for a while now. The situation has me depressed and there is no way out of this situation I can see. I plan to bite the bullet this month before they take the money of me and cancel my card and email them to see if they will agree to a repayment proposal. I am not too confident however as I have read horror stores concerning this company issuing arrest of earnings, ccj's and not to mention multiple calls to work which I am terrified about. Can anyone assist please? any advice would be appreciated. Thank you
  20. Hi, My boyfriend and I had decided to move in together and had found an ideal property for us and our 3 children that we have between us. Upon finding the property, we were very upfront with the lettings agent and disclosed to them that my boyfriend had been discharged from bankruptcy in July 2012. They relayed this to the landlord who said he was happy to still proceed with all the referencing checks necessary. When my boyfriends credit check came back, the letting agent informed us that there were some problems with it. We signed up and downloaded the credit report that they used and noticed things on there that due to his previous bankruptcy should not have been on the report. (They do not appear on more reputable credit checking agency reports). We informed the letting agent and proved to them that they should not have appeared. The letting agent knowingly passed on this false information to the landlord who has subsequently refused us the property (even though he knew about the bankruptcy prior to referencing) We have "failed" their credit checks and so our money goes to the landlord. Forgetting about the legalities off knowingly passing on false information that has been used discriminatorily, this whole situation has left us severely out of pocket hence hindering us from finding another property and quite frankly has upset me to no end. Does anyone have any advice on where we stand legally regarding getting our money back. The agents say we need to seek it from the credit check agency, but at the end of the day they employed that service.....if I find a hole in a jumper I take it back to the shop, not the factory it came from! Many thanks
  21. Hello I wonder id someone could help me with a situation I have been put in by Virgin Mobile, I have an HTC ONE X 24month contract with Virgin Mobile at £42pm unlimited. I am 10months into the contract at the moment and the HTC ONE X has been playing up for the past couple of months, it then started to reboot itself all the time, so I contacted Virgin and sent it in to be fixed, they then sent me a second hand HTC ONE X that had the same problems, I was vey annoyed at this and contacted Virgin again and said this was unacceptable as the replacement phone had the same issues as the first. I explained that I was a disabled graphic designer and that I have to work from home and the mobile was an essential part of my work, I had lost some work with the disruption this caused the first time around and was extremely unhappy the way they were treating me, they sent me a email saying this was their final answer on the matter, I emailed the CEO’S and one of their Androids phoned me to explain that they don’t replace for new only refurnished phones, I was not very happy about this and demanded a new replacement phone the answer was NO, I asked if they could it change the phone for another model there answer was NO,I asked if I could sell the phone they said that was okay as it was my phone, and I did not get much further with that particular Android model. Anyway after various emails and phone calls I was only given the option of another replacement refurb phone, I refused this and asked if my contract could be cancelled as I had a £42pm sim and no phone to work with the answer was NO, but the lady said if this had problems then they would replace it with a new phone, I waited the usual 4 days or more to receive the phone and when it arrived to my utter amazement it had screen damage inside the phone some LCD type of mark like you have when you put your finger on a LCD tv, I was absolutely furious and bombarded the CEO'S with emails venting my frustration, I asked for a new phone was told NO, asked to have an equivalent priced phone as a replacement and the answer was NO, I told them I could not even sell the phone as the last Virgin guy said I could do because of the damage, they did not care at all, anyway I was out at a doctors appointment with my wife and she had a call from Virgin wanting to speak to me about the problem, I went through the same scenario again and asked if they could exchange it for a Samsung galaxy s3 new or second hand thinking it as to be better than the HTC ONE X and he said he will call me back in ten minutes ,he phoned me back and said they were prepared to give me a new Samsung galaxy s3 mini I told him this was disgraceful as the reason I took the contract out in the first place was because of the HTC ONE X and for virgin to offer a smaller downsized phone as a replacement was totally unacceptable , he said he could do no more and I told him I am going to cancel the direct debit to virgin and put the phone down. When I got home I was seething and sent the CEO’S tem emails venting my anger and stupidly said I would bombard them with more everyday, an hour later I had a phone call from Virgin Internet security team saying they would cut me off because of my constant emails to the CEO’S had broken some sort of rules regarding my broadband, I explained my situation to the fellow and told him if they did cut me off I would continue to bombard them with emails from other internet sources plus they wont get paid for my broadband also as I will cancel the direct debits to them also, I told him I was Computer savvy and the best thing Virgin could do for me was to end all my contracts with Virgin completely and I would be rid of this despicable company , anyway I agreed not to email them all the time but would like a solution to this problem as I wont go away, I also told him that I was going to email the CEO’S one more time in a civil manner and hope for a agreement to end this nightmare, I am still waiting on this!!! Sorry for my long-winded rant but I don not know where I stand and would love some advice on this matter. Thank you very much for listening Rom
  22. I purchased a 57 plate Mondeo form Fowlers motors in Stoke on trent 8 days ago, funding was provided by Advantage Finance. I got the car home everything was OK until Wednesday of last week when I lost all water in the cooling system. On closer inspection there was a big water leak coming from the water pump and radiator. After phoning Fowlers who supplied the car and not getting any joy I got in touch with Advantage who supplied the finance, they told me to take it to a garage for an independent inspection. Off I go to a garage for a independent inspection and get a report, it was quite shocking, £4,000 worth of repairs wanted to bring the vehicle upto standard. I faxed the inspection report over to Advantage Yesterday a recovery truck turned up on the order of Advantage saying the vehicle was being repossessed :-x:-x:-x I phoned Avantage up who said the vehicle has been repossed because of a fraud on the account, I said fraud what are you on about? He said, that inspection certificate you provided us was fake. I was like "WHAT"? He said the vehicle is being repossessed end of story, you will be billed for any outstanding monies good bye. Anyone had any trouble with Advantage
  23. Hello, if i anybody could help i would be most grateful. In approx 2007 my current partners ex wife claimed income support and was made to claim CSA from my partner, he was already at this time and has never stopped paying her direct weekly. Due to us moving alot, the CSA lost contact with us and nothing else was heard. until in about 2010 when a lady visited our house from criminal investgations at the CSA. Now my boyfriend has kept every reciept from the payments he has made into her account, but he didnt give them to the CSA for fear that she would get in trouble because she had claimed benefits for spells during the time the CSA were requesting payment so he didnt tell them and foolishly hoped it would go away. He has always and will always pay for his children but he quite rightly didnt want to pay twice. So it got to the point where he was interviewed under caution and he had to show the reciepts proving he had paid, so that was fine, his ex wife spoke to them and told them that she was happy for the money to be classed as payment for that period and then accept direct payments thereafter. BUT the CSA are still pursuing us for payments that shouldve been taken before the money reached her due to the fact that she was claiming benefits for some of the time. so the CSA are now calling me and my partner up to 30 times a day asking for payment of nearly £1000 by card!!! i dont see this as fair as this isnt going to his kids but to the secretary of state and hes already paid what he shouldve paid anyway. could anybody advise me on where to go from here. if anything i think it should be his ex wifes debt.
  24. The words 'responsible lending' I find a con. I know the amount of debt I am in is my own fault but the last year I have started up payment plans with them and tried to get myself back on track. I have 3 that I use still, WDA which this month I paid off in full and then had to reapply because it is a huge amount. Now I am having trouble with Quid Market. They gave me a PDL when I probably shouldn't have been accepted but it was a massive help none the less. Last month, I was going to pay off my loan in full so I didn't respond to any of the defferal messages and thought it would be dealt with. As I thought it had been dealt with and as I recieved a tiny bonus as well last month, I splashed out on my boyfriends birthday present before realising I may have over spent so I would apply for my QM loan due to me. When I went on my account area, it looked like it was saying my account was outstanding but I owed nothing, so I emailed their customer services and said you've made an error and I wish to reapply. They then said ohh no there was a fault so we didn't take the payment but out fault we will hold off and take payment at the end of the month. one hour later, I had my banks fraud squad on the phone for all these attempts to take money off my card. They told me the name of the company and because they were authorised card payments, there was little they could do. Fuming, I called QM to ask what they were playing at as they had admitted it was their fault. They refunded my money, which sat in uncleared funds for over a day until I called and demanded it back right now as i would probably get penalised and it was them who emptied my account. The end of the month comes along and with me starting a new job soon, I thought i should defer this loan and save a bit. I didn't get an email from them, so i emailed customer services and got no response. Payday comes around and they take full payment, bang on time. I thought OK, I'll just have to reapply for one, and as my WDA loan had been wiped by that one, I went to apply for it there and then. I sent through my details, as per, and they asked if they could have my new work details as I had explained I needed to change my paydate, I said I hadn't had them confirmed but I was still at my current place for the time being. Then I got a decline from them. Wasn't too panicked at first because, they had done this before and someone had 'ticked' the wrong box apparently. Anyway, I called and got through to possibly one of the most condescending idiots ever. He said they have a system and apparently the amount I pay out now is over that and therefore it would be irresponsible for them to lend to me. I said I've never not paid them back on time, where he then said I had last month, I said I could send them every email I had which they took all the blame. I said you didnt even send me a note that it was due, he said we did, we sent 5 and then ratteled off dates in July, I said I got those, I mean where were the ones in August. He then kept saying because you defaulted and we didn't charge you...I had to keep reminding him that I didn't default it was their fault. He said no no no, they were nice enough not t charge me, I said you admitted it was your fault. Anyway he gpes on to say he doesn't like turning customers away but they have to be responsible. It is my own fault but now, with 3 weeks until payday, I have nothing. Last year, I admitted to my mum I was in trouble and she helped me but we fell out massively and didn't speak for 3 months. I've just got a new job, I get to finally move up in the world and now I'm in a horrible position so I can't be happy about it. If I go to my mum again, it will be 100th handout probably and shes a single woman, 2 kids, I am an adult, who is useless. I am trying and I know it is my fault, but I have a new boyfriend who I'm scared will chuck me if he knows about this and also run the risk of falling out with my mum again. I've no one else to turn to and of course, the lure of applying for more PDL's to try and get myself back on track is failing as no one is willing to lend to me. I doubt there is anything else I can do besides see the dissapointment in my mums eyes again. My niece is having her first birthday party this weekend and I can't afford to get there let along buy her a present. I hate that everytime I think something is going right, something like this happens and it never seems to end. Advice or just understanding would be really welcome. I feel so alone when it comes to debt and no one understands. S
  25. Hi, like many others I have had to use the services of a Payday loan company to help with my finances. I used Minicredit for a small loan of £100. I rolled over the loan for the first month hoping to pay it all off the following. Unfortunately this was not possible so I applied to roll over again and was refused. I phoned to ask why and they said it was due to my credit file. Having recently checked my credit file there were no changes since taking out the initial loan. They were having none of this and demanded the full balance of £134, I offered to pay that months interest of £47 to which they accepted but even with that payment they would not roll over the loan, they still wanted the outstanding balance. I asked them kindly if they would reconsider but was told no. I sent a formal complaint and get the standard reply back, once again refusing and stating sections of my contract detailing my obligations to pay back the loan in full. Since then I have sent them a further letter to make a complaint, asking for interest to be frozen and a payment plan to be set-up, and again this was refused. The balance is now £880 and they are threatening legal action through the courts. I thinking this might be the best route as I can then highlight their ridiculous charges and lack of assistance with the matter. Really need some advice on where to go next, do I try FOS? or is there a better route to take?
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