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  1. Hi, I purchased an induction cooker from a seller on eBay and the eBay listing said it had a 12 month warranty (purchased 13th December) you can no longer see the listing page but they delivered it to me and gave me an invoice with 12 months guarantee written on it and £240 paid (£190 for the cooker, £50 delivery). I was shown it working but they only showed me the front hobs. the first time I used it I noticed that one of the rear rings only works if you push down on it until it gets started and the other rear ring will only work while you push down hard on it (which makes it impossible to cook with). The rear hobs are the only boost capable hobs and boost is the reason I wanted induction hobs. I can only cook one large pan at once as the other large rear hob doesn't work. When I phoned him up about it he said don't worry you have the 12 month warranty (at one point I was told this is a parts and labour warranty, it may have been on the original eBay listing I don't know) and to call him if it got any worse. I felt sorry for him, I don't know why I'm not normally too soft but I said OK. It has got worse, the other day the ring that works normally if you push down on it at the start didn't and I had to cook on the small pan ring which doesn't heat the pan up effectively. it's sort of working again (I have to push on it) but the other rear ring still doesn't work and it means I can't cook two large pans at once. I want him to fix it. He admitted on a phone call before Christmas he doesn't know a lot about induction cookers but said he knows a guy who does and would call me back. I waited a month he never phoned back. The past couple of weeks I've phoned him 3 times and sent him two text messages and he isn't responding or answering my calls. I'd rather he fixed my cooker but if he can't or won't I don't see why I should have to accept a cooker I can only cook one pan on and want a refund. It's my plan to write to him and give him 14 days to respond then try my luck with the online court claim to get my £240 back. I'm on ESA so I think I can claim court fees back? Is this a good plan? Is there anything else I can do? His delivery guy wrote an address on my invoice but I've never been to his shop so I don't know it's correct. Can I ask eBay to give me the address they have for his company to see if it matches? Any help appreciated, I just want a working cooker.
  2. Hello, I purchased two baby pushchairs on Amazon from two separate retailers last March 2017. Both prams developed faults after 6 months, which was documented in emails to the manufacturer Cosatto, who told me each time how I could make the repairs myself. I didn´t make the repairs as, after subsequent faults appearing, I went back to the retailers on Amazon (Babyland Fife Ltd and Online4Baby, who say after 4 months they are no longer liable for the warranty or a refund, and that I have to take it up with the manufacturer. The man. (Cosatto) say explicitly, that they have nothing to do with it, it´s a transaction between me and the seller. I have been going round in circles about this between the retailer and Amazon since May 23rd. Finally, Amazon said they could do nothing as the products are older than 120 days. What is the best thing to do please?
  3. Hi We are a small block of flats managed by our own residents. One of our leaseholders ordered some post boxes from an online retailer who it was thought was reputable and could be relied upon to supply us with two banks of post boxes. The post boxes arrived on a large pallet and the lady who ordered them did not open them at the time as everything appeared to be ok from the outside,,,, A few days later she took a brief look inside the wrapping only to discover that the pallet had taken a knock somehow and the weather shields which surrounded the post boxes had been damaged,,, The lady who ordered them then contacted the supplier to tell them about the damage, and they told her that there was nothing they could do as she had not checked the delivery on arrival. She disputed this, so they then told her that she should take it up with the delivery company,,,, After considering what they had said, she then told them that she was not happy with the goods and that they should rectify the problem,,,, they eventually agreed to send new weather surrounds for both banks of letterboxes, which they said could easily be replaced as they were bolted on. But, a few days after when one of the directors decided to unpack the pallet properly to check the rest of the contents, it was discovered that there was also dents and scratches on some of the post boxes. Please can you advise what would be the next step, can we ask for a refund, as the post boxes are not in good condition and cannot be replaced individually as they are pop-riveted together,,, Any help would be gratefully received, and am I right in thinking we have 30 days in which to ask for the goods to be replaced, or a refund?
  4. Hoping someone can help. I recently bought a car from a trade seller for my daughter after seeing an advert on FB. I went and viewed the vehicle, and I asked the seller some specific questions, one of which was "has the car ever been written off?" (I have a witness who was with me when the questions were asked). The seller said it hadn't and I also got a friend who is a car dealer to do a full HPI check, which came back clean. The seller said that he hadn't received the log book (V5) back from DVLA and that we would have to apply for it. Nothing untoward with that. I purchased the car and it's now registered in my daughter's name. However, when the log book came back from DVLA it had the dreaded this car has been salvaged having sustained structural damage and repaired, ie it's a Cat C or Cat S meaning that its value is greatly reduced. We paid £2900 for the car and it's worth around £2000. I have written to the seller and asked to cancel the contract under the misrepresentation act 1967 as I believe I had been deliberately misled when the seller stated it wasn't written off. I have given the seller 14 days to respond. The seller is leaning on the fact that when he sold be the car it was HPI clear. I have said I will take it to court. It seems there's a loophole whereby once the car is declared a write-off the insurers keep the log book but the HPI data isn't updated until the new owner applies for the log book from DVLA. I strongly suspect that he knows that the HPI doesn't get updated and therefore he can sell the car 'clean'. My question is am I taking him to court using the correct legislation? ie (Misrepresentation Act 1967. I am wondering whether I should be using Consumer Protection regulations against mis-selling but I'm not sure. Any advice is appreciated. Nick
  5. Hi, My relative attempted to book a train ticket from destination A to destination B in the EU. Instead she bought it in reverse from destination B to A, the prices are the same either way. Immediately after purchase she contacted the website to adjust the error. She was told she made a mistake and that the tickets are non-refundable entirely blaming her for the error. However, I am not sure the error on the ticket was entirely her fault. 1) She has a disability and found the website was confusing and difficult to use. There were web accessibility problems. Web accessibility problems will have a disadvantage to people with certain disabilities and it will cost them money in a situation like this one. 2) She had to keep on moving back or refreshing pages as they kept timing out. The error made in the purchase might have been the result of the poor website performance, or because she had to go back on the pages. 3) The information provided on the site was not clear enough, or was not delivered in a way that was clear enough, further increasing the possibility of the error being overlooked during the check out. 4) Despite reaching out to the seller immediately after making the purchase for a ticket for a journey that is to take place only in July, the seller refused to reverse the charge or fix the error on the ticket. 5) The seller blamed my relative for the error, when the fault could lie with the website itself. This would actually means that a seller can design a website that would deliberately lead some customers to make errors, thus making people buy two tickets instead of one, and in that way sell more tickets. It’s concerning. Do we have any rights in these situations? Or do the ticket selling sites do what they want more or less? Any views would be great. Thank you.
  6. Hi all, first time poster here, apologies if I get anything wrong! I bought the car two years ago, immediately set up a direct debit and - foolishly now it seems - thought that was that. You all know where this is going... So, last month my car got clamped outside the house, that was the first I knew that my car was untaxed. It turns out I’ve been driving for a year with no tax, I was (and still am) a broken man . I regularly check my MOT and insurance online, but tax - it just never crossed my mind, the direct debit was set up immediately, it renews, so all good? Surely there’s a major flaw in the system here? The seller didn’t send off the logbook SO the DVLA had no idea I was the registered keeper. And yes, lo and behold, I now find out about the rule that the direct debits will NOT renew unless they have the keepers details... Then when I finally get the logbook it states that ‘this does NOT prove ownership of the vehicle’ - so what the hell does??? The person who taxes and insured it??? Who then has their direct debits not renewed by the DVLA??? Adding to this is the fact that the missus is not on her logbook (I am) yet they renewed her direct debits??? Also I have two vehicles also registered with the DVLA. The police also found me within two weeks a few months back for speeding (33 in a 30...) It just seems so wrong? Is there ANYTHING I can do about this? I’m guessing not etc etc but if I start getting the fines coming through as they’ve spotted me on camera 6 times over the past year I won’t be able to afford that... All this because they didn’t renew the DD? And doesn’t the fact that they did with the missus ruin their argument? Apologies but I’m completely out of my depth here and don’t know which way to turn. Would a magistrate see common sense and see the flaw in the system here? Is it worth heading to court to argue my case? Thanks Mike
  7. Hi all, Back in May, I ordered some fabric from an online store (Tissens) in France which never arrived - the tracking info said there was an issue with the address being incomplete. I contacted Tissens' customer support at the beginning of June and they responded saying they would investigate and asked me to confirm my delivery address. I did this and heard nothing back for a further 6 weeks. When I chased it up, they eventually responded to say the shipment had been returned to them, and that if I wanted it shipped out again I would need to pay 14.5EUR. I asked for them to confirm the delivery address on the shipment, as I had ordered from them before with no issues and my details were all saved on an account with them. A further week went by with no response, so I checked the invoice and found it had the correct address, meaning the problem was at their end. I finally lost my patience and wrote: He responded that day saying he would speak to his manager and get back to me. A week went by, so I chased up for a response. A further week went by, so I asked for a response again. A further week went by, so I have (today) chased up again to say I need a response by COB tomorrow or I will take things further. I just want them to post me the fabric I ordered, as they are the only company worldwide who supply it. I'm not sure whether I can still reverse the transaction, but if I do I'm nervous that I will be black-listed and never be able to place another order. What can I do?
  8. Please offer me some advice if any body has any experience or expertise. My problem is that I bought a chandelier from Chinese seller on ebay on 4/12/17. I received message soon after I would receive parcel between 4-11 January 18 but was not given any tracking number. Parcel did not arrive by 11th January. I assumed because of new year there would be delivery delays. By 20th still no parcel. On 21/1/18 I raised an issue with the seller. He sent me a message that supposedly Parcel Force had attempted to deliver four times, the last time being on 20/1/18. There was no delivery note ever. On 22/1/18 i contacted Parcel Force by phone and they told me there was no evidence of any delivery attempt to my post code. However seller insisted, and supplied a tracking number which effectively showed one attempted delivery before parcel being sent back to china. At that stage seller wanted to refund my money £167 ( minus postage fee £57). I did not agree intially and raised a complaint at ebay resolution centre. After many emails between me and Ebay, the latter stuck to their guns that the seller had supposedly kept to their part of the baragin and therefore Ebay could not compel the seller to refund anything at all. That effectively meant the seller gets to keep their chandelier which they confirmed that they received back and the whole of my money. Ebay finds this 'reasonable' apparently. Since then I have contacted seller again to accept their intiall offer of some refund but now they are ignsoring my emails. I am disgusted by Ebay. Kindly help me recover my money. Abdel
  9. I bought an item on Ebay, which the seller claimed had only been used 1 time and was in excellent condition, the only reason why i bought the item. The item arrived damaged, i requested a return as item not as decribed and arrived damaged. Seller refused to accept a return, instead she blamed me for the damage, saying i had caused the damaged and had swapped item and the pictures I had shown of the damage were fake. Seller claimed she has a witness who saw her send the item in mint condition, but i told her it arrived damaged with a dent/chipped, with scratches etc and obviously not used the 1 time as seller claimed. Anway the seller then made a threat take me to smalls court (when she had my money and sent me a damaged item) and is still refusing to take the item back and still blaming me and now claims she can get a witness statement to say she sent the item in mint condition - if thats the case as seller claims, why it did arrived damaged!! In the email exchange with the seller, she is trying to make herself look the victim in all of this. The item is of over £250 Raised return request on Ebay, but seller is blaming me for the damage, how crazy is that, she sent an item not as described, anway time to escalate to Ebay and get Ebay involved because the seller is not admitting the item i received is damaged, even after showing pictures and still blaming me, what do I tell Ebay when I escalate item not as decribed, arrived damaged, seller not accepting responsibility, blaming me for the damage? As for the sellers witness statement to say she sent the item in mint condition, that doesn't count because my pictures show the damage, please please help
  10. I bought an item from Etsy about a month ago and since I have been going back and forth with the seller because it never showed up. They showed me a proof of postage with my postcode that they had generated from the post office (no tracking) and this sufficed for them to win the non delivery case. The seller and Etsy are telling me it is my responsibility since they can show they shipped it. I am new to Etsy but this is a stark contrast to eBay who hold the seller responsible until they can show proof of delivery. I do not know what to do but file a chargeback which I am feeling isn't worth the hassle for £25 but I am furious! They didn't even try to help or contact Royal Mail or file a lost item case at all. I have asked at the delivery office and nothing is being held for me there or misdelivered to neighbours. Non-delivery can only occur when a seller receives payment and fails to ship the buyer's order. It seems that this purchase has, in fact, been shipped by the seller. If the shipment hasn't been received, it may have been lost or delayed in the mail. We realize this type of situation can be difficult for all parties involved. However, Etsy is unable to hold a seller responsible for shipping delays or errors, as long as the seller is able to prove that they shipped the order. As the seller has provided sufficient proof of shipment, we must close this case. Although the case is closed, you're welcome to work together to resolve this transaction outside of the case system. We recommend that you contact the shipping service for assistance with locating the package.
  11. Howdy, folks! I bought a photo frame off Amazon for £13.99. It's pretty nice, and intended as one of my dad's Christmas presents. it's turned up with broken glass. Fine. I emailed the seller asking for an exchange, the seller asked if it was usable and if so they'd give me a 35% refund. Fair enough. I looked into how much it would cost me to replace the glass with either glass or Perspex. Turns out I can get Perspex for around £13, I told them that 35% wouldn't work for me, I'd rather have either an exchange or a full refund. The seller came back offering a 50% refund, I explained that receiving that kind of refund doesn't cover me for replacing the glass, and again asked for an exchange or a refund. They're current saying 60%. What they said was this: I understand your concern. the item is not any use for us now as it cannot sold ahead as brand new. It would also save you the hassle of returning and then waiting for the return to received in warehouse and then send you another one. I would prefer you to accept the offer for partial refund of 60%. I hope you would understand i'm not really tempted to accept this offer, but it's winding me up that because the defective item is no use to the client, they think I should pay them to keep it. How would you respond to this? I'm going to ask for a full refund, but I'm wondering if they're going to just come back to me with "How about 70%?
  12. Feb 2016 a purchase was made following a telephone call to the seller for advice and to confirm the correct parts were ordered for my vehicle registration on eBay with PayPal for £289.97. Shortly after fitting the clutch, it failed. The seller refused a refund or to cover mechanics costs, instead charged me to return the kit for warranty replacement. The replacement parts actually consisted of one new flywheel and other used parts with visible contamination rendering them unusable in several mechanics views, and missing all fitting bolts. The seller told me to get bolts and he would refund costs, but in trying to do this I discovered that the supplied item was not actually as described but a cheaper model for a lesser powered vehicle, hence its premature failure. I re contacted the seller to request the collection of the kit and delivery of the correct kit as originally ordered. The seller refused to do this, even asking for more money to correct their supply mistake. Failing to get satisfaction I raised a PayPal dispute. They were great all be it a little slow, fully investigated the case, looked at pictures of the part supplied compared with the actual part advertised (confirmed with two independent suppliers) and found my case worthy of a refund under Buyer Protection. This happened Jul 2016 after everything had been returned to the seller at my expense. Last week (Jul 2017) I get served a county court claim, addressed incorrectly, for £489.97 plus court fees, claiming the warranty replacement to have been damaged beyond use (a solid flywheel, returned as supplied) and assigning a £200 value to what they even describe as a free of charge item in the particulars. They also listed the person that fitted the clutch as a co-defendant, claiming he trades as a Limited MOT company, that is totally wrong. I have acknowledged receipt and now have a few weeks to present an online defence. PayPal say he doesn't have a case as we both agreed to their T&Cs and to abide by their mediation should a dispute accour. They also say the seller had the chance to contest and ruling from PayPal under Seller Protection which if won/agreed would have seen a fully reimbursement from PayPal. Obviously I am not privy to the facts of this. Doing research into other buyers being taken to court by this seller (there are many), it seems that there is a pattern of providing evidence inconsistent with the truth and trying to evade CRA2015 by claiming a trade sale not private at distance. Is there any precedent case I can quote to help defend myself? Has anyone had similar experience and won? Thanks
  13. I need some help. I was very foolish back in November buying an item off Ebay. The item was a supposedly haunted piece of jewellery from a magickal seller. The item cost me £160. Needless to say I am not happy with the purchase and want to return the item, but because its gone over 90 days I cannot open a dispute with Ebay. The seller is refusing to respond to my messages I have sent. Can anyone please advise what I can do to reclaim my money back over an item which is clearly not as described.
  14. Hi I purchased a sofa on eBay from an actual company, as opposed to a private seller. I paid using a credit card, but as it was on eBay, it went through PayPal. I entered my card number directly, rather than using it as a funding source, if that makes sense. I.e. it was a direct purchase with my card rather than PayPal being used as a staged wallet. I make this distinction because I wanted to know whether this gives me any section 75 rights. So anyway the sofa broke after 3 months. The wood supporting the legs broke so the legs went up inside the base.. Although it was only £150, an item should be fit for purpose and not break so soon, especially as the item description said 'high quality materials used'. I contacted the seller but they wanted nothing to do with it, insisting that I should have noticed the defect earlier. As it was over 30 days, they claim I had accepted the item and could not return it. I supplied photographic evidence but they said that someone must have exerted excessive force on it. This is untrue, we have only sat on it normally and not even used it as a sofa bed which it does convert to. So I opened a dispute with PayPal. They heard my side of the story and I asked if they required either the photographs or the correspondence between myself and the seller as proof, but they said not yet, they would request it if they needed it. The next thing that happened is the seller responded to the case (I didn't get to see their response) then PayPal ruled in their favour without me being able to offer any counter argument or evidence. I need to know what I can do next. Should I contact my credit card company? Info on MoneySavingExpert suggests that using PayPal prevents you from claiming under section 75 but it doesn't draw any distinction between PayPal as a wallet and PayPal as a gateway service. I was hoping that using my card directly may help. What other options are available? My wife was successful in using the government Money Claim service so I may do that if the credit card avenue is not viable. The eBay returns process doesn't seem to cover any scenario after 30 days. The company is Furniture In Fashion if that helps or rings any bells with anyone. Any advice welcome! Thanks Burton
  15. It's an odd case. Mostly because I have autism and I struggle to communicate. I am sometimes catatonic for months. In March 2016 I bought a refurbished laptop with 1yr warranty from SKUNKWURX LTD (they use many names, line svx-online, and others). The laptop failed (motherboard burnt) and I returned it for repair under warranty. The laptop failed again and I demanded a full refund. Unfortunately for me, I was using the advice of Citizens Advice and Money Saving Expert, which are quite inadequate, to be honest. (Since then, I've had the luxury to discuss with YOU my Ford problems, which YOU helped me resolve and I was happy to donate to your cause) They said to return the laptop to them "for inspection". I decided to do so and sent them the laptop with a letter of final rejection. I really had nothing to do with a burnt laptop anyway. I had sent the laptop on September 2016. A year has gone and I neither have a message from them, nor a fixed laptop or my money back. I've sent them a reminder 6 months ago. All correspondence done tracked and signed. They received my letter. They are still an active company. Can I do anything about it? Much Obliged Oh, it dissolved on 25 July 2017... I guess that's it... ? The director has 6 more companies, with similar names and same address. The ebay account is still alive and selling (of course, ebay and PayPal are long out of the equation for me) delete this reply please Sorry for the spam but I must update that the ebay seller address is: Hamid Taqui, ServiceX LTD, 4a Redgate Lane, Manchester, UK, Lancashire, M12 4RY This company is still active. I've sent the laptop to the PayPal payment address, which is: Hamid Taqui, Skunkwurx LTD, 4a Redgate Lane, Manchester, UK, Lancashire, M12 4RY - that's the dissolved one
  16. I purchased an item using Ebay and the seller did not send the item. In my haste to get my money back I opened a Paypal dispute. However upon doing so the seller phoned me to say that they needed the Paypal claim closed to refund me through Ebay and rather stupidly I did so. Since then neither Ebay nor Paypal will do anything. I am unable to reopen the dispute with Paypal and Ebay say they cannot do anything because Paypal have closed the dispute (even though they are supposed to be two entirely separate entities). Now I could go the route of doing a chargeback through my bank. But it was done on a Visa debit rather than credit card. From speaking to my bank (Santander) that could entail some risk from Paypal challenging the chargeback which worries me. The amount is only the relatively small amount of £36.49. If Paypal were to be funny about it they could challenge it and possibly I incur some kind of legal fee? I don't know. Given that there is that risk I would rather swallow the amount and admit I have been ripped off and to be very wary in the future of closing any disputes before a full refund is given. Is there any other recourse for me?
  17. I purchased a PC off a private seller via Gumtree on the 7th August 2016, the machine was custom built by the seller and I was advised that the machine was brand new and that parts had a warranty which could be checked online. Yesterday (11th Sept 2016) the PC stopped working other than a suspicious red light which came on when the PC was switched on. Contracted the seller to ask for any warranty details and explained there was a fault however my request was ignored. I went to local PC world today and spoke to their onsite tech team who looked the machine and proceeded to take out all parts out in order to try and identify the possibly problem the machine. After checking everything it because apparent that the problem was with either the power supply unit or the motherboard. All other parts were fine. After checking the power supply it appears it was actually a problem with the motherboard however the machine suddenly caught fire in the store. The "expert" quickly switched the machine off and commented on how the machine was very poorly assembled and cable managements was poor. The seller was contacted again to ask what their advice was and they dismissed my issue completely, they now say that contrary to what they initially said - they didn’t build the machine - someone else did but no indication of who. This seller clearly doesn’t want to know or help me so I am left with no alternative but to seek external help. I would like a refund of this machine as I don’t believe it was fit for purpose - the seller said they have built it but now claim to not have nor does the machine have any form of warranty which again I was led to believe before the sale took place. The total cost was £475 paid via bank transfer directly into the seller’s bank account whilst collecting the machine in his home. is there anything that I can do ?
  18. This is a longish post but bear with me as it involves consumer safety and the fact that a few Chinese companies are trying to sell goods in the UK whilst supplying fake plugs and fuses. I recently bought this item: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B01NCMF1XJ/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 On looking at the 'kettle lead' that came with it, the Earth pin is partially insulated when it should be solid with no insulation. On checking the fuse, it is also fake. These fake fuses have no sand within to absorb the shock when the fuse blows. For example. http://tinyurl.com/j7oycpv What follows is my email exchange with the seller. ME: Their first response: Not quite the answer I was expecting so I replied with: I did contact Amazon expecting them to take action. All they did was to take the product away from their 'Fulfilled By Amazon' tag so as to distance themselves from sending out shoddy products. Anyway, it has been over a week since my last email to the seller so I was surprised to find this in my inbox today and these are their word in full. I just couldn't believe that any company could say the bit in red. Yes, sure, I will give it to someone else so that they have the problem of fake plugs and fuses instead of me. The saying, "You couldn't make this up." is so apt in this situation. As it happens, I have a spare kettle lead so it doesn't matter to me one iota.
  19. if i sell an item on ebay do i have a contract with the buyer or with ebay? in a nutshell i sold an item, it was damaged following collection ion person. the buyer requested a refund and ebay have given a full refund. the only explanation given by ebay re the item was it was not as described!
  20. Does anyone have experience of dealing with Greatelm - also Norman Starr Owner, Springwater (Great Elm) Ltd. Bournemouth, United KingdomUtilities I have had a very much less than satisfactory ebay transaction with him which has left me badly out of pocket.
  21. Evening All, Can i ask for your input in this. Its a minimal amount but it would help. purchased a laptop charger for approx £7 about 3 months ago. Its started hissing at me so cant use it. I contacted Amazon who contacted the seller advising. - vid of whats happening the seller initially said to send it back and they would refund me. I advised i would rather just have a replacement. Now the sellers responded saying that if i send it back they will send me £3 and i do not return it as ive had use of the charger for 3 months. Surely should be covered for a year? like i said minimal amount so not too fussed if dont get it back but would be ncie to know for future. This is what was sent Red Amazon, Green Seller, Me blue Hello, We've been contacted by one of our mutual customers regarding an order placed with you. Below is the information provided by the customer: Order number: 202-4574190-2221913 Item: 19.5V for Dell Inspiron N5010 Laptop AC Charger Power Adapter + LEAD POWER CORD CABLE Reason for contact: Damaged, Defective or Incorrect Item Details: The item has arrived, but it starts hissing randomly and becomes dangerous, kindly replace the item. Please research the issue and contact the customer. To respond to this customer, please reply to this e-mail or visit your seller account at the following link: https://sellercentral.amazon.co.uk/gp/communication-manager/inbox.html We hope you're able to work this out with this customer. Sincerely, Customer Service Department Amazon.co.uk http://www.amazon.co.uk] Dear customer, Thanks for your reply. We can refund you after you return the item. Please send it back via the cheapest way of MyHermes and keep the postage within 3GBP. Here is the return address: Hi EpC I don't want a refund, is it possible to have the item replaced please as I'm lost without my laptop. Hopefully you have seen the YouTube video of what's happening. Kind regards Dear customer, Thanks for your message. As resend a new one will take several days to deliver. Also, though we have tested the item before sending out, and all the items can work well before shipping. We cannot sure each one will work excellent after the delivery, since it has some uncertain factors we cannot control. We consider these issues for you. So we would like to arrange a full refund after you return the original product and you can purchase it from other near sellers. Would you accept this? Looking forward your reply. Have a nice day. Best regards Hi sorry for the delay in responding.I would ideally like to have it exchanged rather than refunding. As you were very good shipping and the charger has worked really good until the fault recently.What's easier for you? I can wait till you send another that's no problem. If you can send another i can then return the broken one in the packaging of the replacement.Thanks Steve Dear customer, Thanks for contacting us. As you have already used it for 3 months at such a cheap price, returning will also cost extra postage fee. We consider these issues for you. How about we refund you £3 without returning? Looking forward to your reply. Just seems a bit crappy to me.
  22. I know. The title says an EBay seller gets it right which in some cases can be a rarity however, a recent experience has left me extremely impressed. Now, I am no fashion victim so I don't care what I buy so long as it works. In this case, a smart phone. I bought a Chinese knock off called a Timmy M7 but after a month the internal speaker went wrong(I couldn't here callers although they could hear me) I started the returns process through Ebay and the next day got a message offering me a refund of £15 to get the phone repaired. They also asked me to close the returns process as it 'affected their standing with Ebay'? I replied stating that I wouldn't close the process whilst the case was ongoing and to supply me with a returns label or an agreement to repay me my postage costs. The next message I got left me gobsmacked. They said they would send me out a new phone and I didn't need to return the old one so long as I closed the returns process which I agreed to on condition that they fulfil their promise. Yesterday, a brand new phone turned up. I couldn't be more happy with this seller. Sometimes things do go right. The only thing I would say to Ebay sellers from China. Stop pretending you are English. You may have a warehouse in England but the format of the letters and the time difference between replies suggests posts are sent to China and I haven't yet heard of a Chines person with the name Malcolm
  23. I contacted an ebay seller before Christmas regarding the purchase of FIFA coins for my son. He promised me that he would be online on Christmas Day so that he could email me the details. I spent £79.99 and seller has not responded. My son has not received his much anticipated FIFA coins and the seller has ignored all my emails. I contacted both ebay and paypal to be told that they do not cover electronic downloads as part of their buyer protection scheme. I have been left in limbo. The money has left my account and I have nothing to show for it. I have emailed the seller stating that I would like a refund as my son has bought FIFA points elsewhere. What can I do? I would appreciate any help you can give me. Thank you.
  24. Greetings, Back in Feb 2014 I puchased a dash cam for £320. (Credit card) It has now failed with an intermittent but frequent power problem. I have contacted the seller but have been informed that they only offer a 12 month warranty. I have replied quoting SOGA. Do you think this has got legs or should I count my losses? I expect a point blank refusal to be assiseted so what to do next? Many thanks, Stevetheboy.
  25. Hi Group, Below I am describing events on how I ended up buying a faulty used car from a private seller (claimed in the Ad), Buying Stage: 1. I have bought a used car (80k miles) posted on autotrader as private sale for 3200 GBP in October 2015. This is my first car in UK. Advert description on autotrader said the car is in excellent condition and described vehicle features in general. 2. I went too the seller location and tested it. It was driving a bit slow pick up and jerking on reverse but otherwise car interiors and external view looked good and well maintained. 3. Seller said it is semi-automatic and it drives differently and the drive feeling is normal in this type. I have never driven semi-automatic earlier so I felt he may be right and trusted him (big mistake). 4. Seller also told me that he is actually a dealer and doing it for part exchange. He does not have an office as it requires an office space and some 100 cars to be dealt with. ( Again I made mistake of not asking on why he is selling this car as private) 5. I did my research on the vehicle history and even got HPI clear check. Everything was good. Seller mentioned that car is in very good condition and no need for any further inspection as he has done the inspection himself. He did mention that I need to replace tyres and I did ask him about warranty and he said no. 6. I bought the vehicle and received a sale receipt and transferred amount via bank online. First week: 1. I wanted to still get the vehicle verified by Toyota and booked for vehicle safety and visual check. They told me to replace the brakes and break pads immediately. I knew something like this might pop up but was ready for such things as I did not get it inspected by garage prior to buying. I got them replaced and couple of tyres as well. 2. When driving back home vehicle started displaying 'N' symbol on dashboard while the gear was in drive position. I got confused and thought I must have done something wrong. I switched off and restarted the vehicle and then it was normal drive. ( Very big mistake of not reporting back to garage). I just sent SMS info to the seller that I have replaced breakes and tyres. He did not respond to that though. I did not wanted to bother him too much either. Nov to end of Dec 2015: 1. Vehicle was driving ok and I kept reading reviews on my vehicle model online and found so many issues around the 'N' flashing and other issues. Started feeling bad about my transaction. 2. During Christmas holidays took my family out to visit a family friend. After driving 20 miles on M25, vehicle started 'N' flashing again in the middle of lane ( quite scary one with everyone inside car). Somehow after 5 mins I was able to get the vehicle moving and in that confusion still went ahead and after a mile N flashing came back. Vehicle did not move for 15 to 20 minutes on M25. 3. Got the vehicle towed back home without taking any further risk. Towed it again to Toyota next day. 4. Toyota confirmed me to replace clutch and actuator at 2029 GBP. I had no words. They cleared the error in car log and said I can still drive it but cannot guarantee anything. 5. Tried calling the seller. His number is no more in use. Felt cheated. 6. Somehow I got to know from Toyota that same error was seen in an inspection in Sep 15 before I bought it. I got it in writing from them in my diagnosis report. Jan 2016 to Till now: 1. Reached out to citizenadvice. They recommended to send letter to seller. Found his address by googling which is different from what he put in the sale invoice (different flat number only). 2. I sent 4 letters over Jan month and seller did not respond. I then created money claims request with small claims court saying he did not inform me about the fault with transmission. I claimed for 2029GBP plus the breaks expenses as it is also a critical component. 3. Seller defended it saying that he also not versed with semi-automatic and in his inspection some error was found by Garage and it was cleared and then vehicle is driving normal and he does not know any N flashing issue. He claimed garage told him that the issue could be anything and they need to take the vehicle to investigate further. 3. He also mentioned that I have driven almost 2 months and now I am reporting this issue. When I tested it no such issue was seen. He said it is a private sale and sold as seen. I am looking for some clarifications on below, 1. Sellers name is not in the V5C document. Which means he is not the owner and was trying to sell it for some reason. If he is not the owner then can he claim to be a private seller? Is he right in any of the sale aspect? 2. He claimed that he did found some error code in his inspection but did not tell me about it. Doesn't it amount to incorrect vehicle description to me? 3. Unless the error code gets registered in the log no inspection can find the actual problem. So even if I had done inspection I would not have come across the problem. I am I still at fault of not inspecting? 4. Do I stand any chance of winning the case? Appreciate your advices. Thanks Dragon76
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