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  1. Hi I have a joint account with Barclays that I opened with my ex. I split up with my ex more than 18 months ago yet she is still refusing to close this account. Help please! My ex claims that she will not be closing the account as she is struggling financially and seems to think no arressment or freezes can be put on a joint account. Since we split there has been 500 loan applications made according to my credit file!!!!!!! Lost and would appreciate any guidance please. Many thanks F
  2. Hi I purchased a cctv from Maplin about 8 months ago using my Santander c/card, I closed the account about 6 weeks ago and now the cctv system is broken, Maplin have liquidated of course so I ask.... Can I still claim a refund on my old card? Thanks
  3. My wife has been employed by the local pub owner who took on the lease of the village shop three years ago. My wife was employed from the outset to work in the shop. Since day one she has consistently worked over 28 hours a week at a rate above the NMW. She has been paying tax, NI, pension etc and has received holiday pay. However, she was never given a contract of employment. The pub owner has now bought the land that the shop is on, and plans to demolish it and build houses on the land, meaning the shop will close. He is however going to open a small "shop" within the pub to sell essentials such as milk, papers, cigarettes etc. The boss has told the staff nothing more than "I am closing the shop at the end of April and you won't have a job anymore", however he has failed to put anything in writing at all. I have several questions which I hope someone can answer 1) The boss is suggesting that as he never agreed in writing to a set number of hours a week, the position was one of a "zero hours contract". However my wife has worked 28+ hours every week since she started. Am I right in assuming that the 28+ hours a week, in the absence of a contract are implied terms and those are the terms are legally binding. 2) Until as such time as he informs my wife in writing that he plans to close the store and her position is redundant, then legally she is still employed on the terms that she's worked to for the last 3 years. 3) Even without a contract of employment, my wife is still entitled to written notice of redundancy. How much notice is she entitled to, and should the shop close before that notice period expires, he then would still have to pay her in lieu of notice. 4) Unless he puts it in writing that the position is redundant, then is he legally obliged to pay her for the hours she would have been working for had he not closed the shop. Any advice and answers to the questions above would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  4. I purchased an item using Ebay and the seller did not send the item. In my haste to get my money back I opened a Paypal dispute. However upon doing so the seller phoned me to say that they needed the Paypal claim closed to refund me through Ebay and rather stupidly I did so. Since then neither Ebay nor Paypal will do anything. I am unable to reopen the dispute with Paypal and Ebay say they cannot do anything because Paypal have closed the dispute (even though they are supposed to be two entirely separate entities). Now I could go the route of doing a chargeback through my bank. But it was done on a Visa debit rather than credit card. From speaking to my bank (Santander) that could entail some risk from Paypal challenging the chargeback which worries me. The amount is only the relatively small amount of £36.49. If Paypal were to be funny about it they could challenge it and possibly I incur some kind of legal fee? I don't know. Given that there is that risk I would rather swallow the amount and admit I have been ripped off and to be very wary in the future of closing any disputes before a full refund is given. Is there any other recourse for me?
  5. I run a small limited company. I am owed just under 15K from another limited company. Lets call them ABC Design Ltd. The money due to me has only just become due, and I have emails from the director saying stuff like don't you worry me ol china you'll get your money etc. However, I have just found out that ABC Design Ltd is about to close down and another company ABC Design 2 Limited is about to open with a member of ABC Design Ltd staff as director of ABC Design 2 Ltd. In fact the director of ABC Design 2 Ltd was the person who signed the contract I have with ABC Design Ltd. I know by the time i sue them, they will have gone bust, but is there anything I can do with regards to reporting them to someone as the clearly doesn't seem right and although ABC Design 2 Ltd has a new "front runner" the company will be run by the same people as ABC Design Ltd Sorry if this is posted in the wrong section. UKD.
  6. Hi, It's a bit of a complicated issue, but I'll try to keep it concise. It's relating to my partners BC account, for which he put his head in the sand until 2014 as he assumed PayPlan had 'sorted it all out', since starting a DMP in mid 2006. I took over the issue in 2015, helping him, as we discovered BC failed to default the account in 2006 (and where still trashing his CRA files). The journey since has been frustrating to say the least.... ...I use 'I' in this context as I have been writing the letters etc on his behalf to try to get this sorted. I have a complaint with FOS, re Barclaycard failing to default a CC account in 2006 and adding interest between 2007-2016, at times as much as 17.9% whilst on a DMP. I raised complaint with BC in Early 2016, raising with FOS 6 months later (in time), BC refused to default account, and referred me to the FOS. FOS have now stated its both out of time, ie more than 6 years ago (only by BC using this as an excuse to stop the FOS investigation), and secondly the FOS adjudicator has stated it is fair, and in BC T&C that interest can be charged after the account is cancelled, as per T&C. ...my problem is that in 2 CCA requests no terms have ever been provided, the one copy I did receive with my DSAR does not reference interest under the section number the FOS states, oh and the FOS has actually failed to include a copy of the terms they are referencing! I intend to escalate to an Ombudsman, but need a little advice beforehand. My Q is: When a credit card is cancelled, by the creditor for the cause of 'my failure to meet minimum contractual repayments' (for 5 months), does this deem the contract to be terminated and thus no longer valid. Ie can BC legally charge interest if they have withdrawn credit facilities and 'cancelled' the account? (There are internal BC notes from DSAR which state account is closed in 2006) I always thought that when closing the account, withdrawing the card and stopping PPI etc then he contract was finished and interest could not be charged. (Oh and defaulted which is my main complaint to BC, the interest being charged is the second part of the complaint as I think this falls also under unfair treatment). History below: In summary, in 2006 default notice, not complied with (was in considerable financial difficulty), received a letter from BC stopping PPI as the account was cancelled. All credit facilities were revoked. DMP with Payplan started FIVE weeks after account cancelled. Then a 2nd default notice issued, after the first DMP payment, but before DMP accepted by BC . This too expired before BC accepted DMP. For one year interest was stopped, but then failed on 2 DMP payments , only managing a partial payment for both, in 2007. (DMP temporarily failed due to bullying from another creditor to make more payments to them outside of DMP!). Interest was restarted and never stopped despite numerous letters from PayPlan request that it is stopped - all letters were ignored. Between 2007 - 2016 made regular payments, and in Sept 2016 managed to pay off the remaining balance with a small PPI Claim received from another company. Between 2006-2014 buried head in the sand assuming PayPlan were working in best interests. Also assumed BC account was defaulted, all the others out of 13 creditors were defaulted between 2006-2009. In 2014/2015 realised both that BC was not defaulted and that wouldn't be getting the interest 'refunded' upon completion of DMP ( as promised by PayPlan - unfortunately only verbally!). This is when I intervened eventually leading to this Formal complaint to BC. any advice before I reject the ajudicators decision would be great. Me_too
  7. Hello I applied for a role and was told would know in two weeks; the closing date was 29 September they saw me 16th just before end of the day 1) Does day of being seen be included in the two weeks 2) Would two weeks be from the 16th or 29th Thanks
  8. Hi Over the Christmas period I was charged by Santander £25 for DD failure, 2x £25 for two standing order failures and £20 for an unarranged overdraft request (which I didnt request or receive). I have spoken to the bank who refuse to withdraw the charges so I have withdrawn my money and arranged for my pay to go into another bank prior to the charges being applied. Now they have applied charges to the empty account and written to me saying I can write to the Ombudsman etc and that the Supreme Court ruled charges fair. Any positive advice? Thanks
  9. Hi, I am having major issues with my bank Accounts. Here are the accounts I hold at the moment. 1. Personal Bank (currently have £8000 in it) 2. Personal Saving Account (which doesn’t get use) 3. Business account for one of Convenience store business, which is a LTD company. 4. Business saving account for the store above (which does not get used) 5. Business account for the two properties that I let out 6. Business account which got opened by mistake by my business manager which got opened with the business account for my properties 7. Business account for another convenience store, which is a LTD company but it’s a different LTD company from my other store. 8. I was also a signaturee for my parents buy to let business account. On the 6th June 16, I went into a branch to deposit money into my business account. The cashier at the desk was all confused, as she could not put money into the account. She had to phone the business team. Once she got off the phone she told me that my account is getting closed and cannot give me any more information. She gave me a number to call and discuss this further. Straight away I called the number they gave me and it was the fraud and account closure team. They have closed all the accounts above. They told me then to wait for a letter that I will get into the post. All the accounts above are frozen. Including LTD company accounts and my parents business account . Total balances of the accounts are £34,000 The letter arrived on 8th June. The letter stated that due to activity on the account they have closed the account. All Direct debits and payments coming in will be rejected. I have to go into branch with this letter and ID to take all the money from my accounts. I went into branch, the cashier took the letter and phoned to get authorisation to clear the account but as she got off the phone . She told me to phone the number on the letter, which again was the fraud and account closure team. They told me that my account and the funds are frozen. They are investigating and could not tell me anything else. Just told me to keep contacting them for an update I called today to get an update but no luck. This time they told me they hold the funds for 30 days and I should call after 30 days. I use to transfer funds from other business into my personal account and transfer from there to my Convince store business account to get by direct debits. I have done this for a year once a week at least. The convenience store sales are £35000 per week. I use cash plus account at a post office as cash deposit account and then transfer the funds to my business account, which equates to £30,000 per week. Last week on Tuesday I deposited cash into my cash plus account but forgot to make the transfer before 4pm for same day transfer so the transfer was made on Wednesday. When Wednesday came I had 20k worth direct debits to pay but the money never came into the account by 3.30pm. The cut off for direct debits is 2.30pm I went into the bank and did a cash deposit for £18,000 before the cut off time and transferred £2000 form my parents business account to my personal account and from there I transferred the £2000 into the business account to get by the direct debits. I have not done a cash Deposit of a large amount into this account for a year as I have been using cash plus Before this I was depositing cash directly into my business account for the 2 years before I moved to my cash deposit to cash plus as cash plus charges is a lot less than the bank charges I don’t know whether the large cash deposit or loads of transfer caused suspicions. On Friday I applied to open a secondary account for Paypoint Services. Just wanted this DD to be kept separate so I can ensure the money for paypoint is kept separate and the DD is paid. Money for the other store were banked into directly into that business account, as it’s a new business and have 2 years free banking. The bank is not giving me any information and is saying we are investigating the account and can take up 30 days before funds are released. I am stressed about this, as I need the funds for both my business to pay suppliers and bills. All the business are legitimate. I have never had any intentions to do money laundering or fraud. Any advice will be appreciated Thanks
  10. I want my name removed from a joint bank account or the account closed. It is with TSB and has a £0 balance. Despite it being that either one of us can close it I have been told today that it can't be done in the usual way as there is a 'restriction' on it and it will need both signatures. Can anyone explain what that means? I have a sole account with TSB that is in credit and have no other debts or loans with them. Could it be that my ex has another account or loan with them that is in debt? That's what the customer advisor seemed to think was the reason but wasn't sure. I am not in contact with my ex and have no desire to be, plus I know they would not sign anything. Is there any other way around it as I don't see why I should be put in this position. Thanks in advance. Just thinking.. .could my ex have changed it to needing both signatures without me knowing? At the time is was the only bank account I would have been able to use after we split up . Instead I opened my own account. Could he have been hoping that I would be unable to open an account of my own and had to use that one so he could monitor what I was doing and have access to it? I know it sounds far fetched but you couldn't make up the things he has done and I've found out about them. It was a 25 year long abusive relationship and he controlled and manipulated everything.
  11. I raised a fos complaint against Bongaloans (BB Credit ltd) for irresponsible lending. They found in my favour and ordered that interest and charges be refunded on around 10 loans I took out with them. They also informed that Bongaloans have gone into liquidation. Does this mean that I can forget about getting anything back from them? Is there any others out there in the same boat?
  12. Hi, My father made a claim last week, everything went as expected and they told him the amount he can expect to receive(which wasn't much) and that my father can expect a home visit. He thought about it over the weekend and decided the amount wasn't worth the hassle and he didn't want anyone coming to his door anyway..... As he hadn't actually received any money I thought it would be simple to close the claim with a telephone call, but apparently not. They've asked him to send them a letter instructing them that he no longer wants it. Is this normal practice? Seems like a long winded way to go about things
  13. http://m.bbc.com/news/uk-31545417 If the forthcoming Court of Appeal case goes against the Bounty Hunting industry then people should start getting their claims in fast. If the Bounty Hunters are obliged to start refunding all of their victims, then they won't have enough money to do it. The result could be that they start closing themselves down pre-emptively. People should consider issuing small claims for refunds without hanging around too long
  14. Hi all, been reading the forums to see I'm not the only one with this problem with Barclays. On the 3rd of Jan, Barclays removed £9.6k from my account to "TO RECONCILE", reading the forums shows that this was an AML check, but I got a call on the 9th to say that the money is back in my account, and no we aren't going to tell you why it happened. I asked if there were any issues on my account that I should know about, and was told everything is fine, carry on as normal. Then the 13th comes along, and all access to my account gets cut. I call up and find out that my account is under investigation, and the now £21k in my account is frozen in there until they finish investigating. I am also told they sent a letter on the 9th to inform me that they are closing my account, and I get that letter a few hours later. So I go through the complaints system, and ask why was my account being closed, and what is being doing about the money in there, seeing as I can no long run my business until this is sorted. I get a letter telling me that they can close accounts for any reason and they don't have to tell me, but they seem to ignore the question of the money, the main point of the complaint. So I complain again saying it hasn't been dealt with, and 2 days later, it gets closed as a duplicate complaint, and that I have to go to the Ombudsman, which I since have. But I end up speaking to someone on the 29th who says that if i can prove the money is mine, then I should be able to remove the money from my account, and that i need to take this proof to my branch who will fax it over. So I print out all the transaction logs (PoS Business, so no invoices), and take it to the bank. The branch manager takes it, and disappears for an hour, comes back and tells me that head office is happy with the proof, and I can take my money out now, although they will need to order the money in. I asked if they can do a bank transfer, not wanting to walk out of the bank with £21k in my pockets, and they were more than happy with that. So, here I am, thinking this will have a happy ending, right? Nope, I go to transfer the money out, and i'm told that i can't remove the money due to the block on my account (a T2 block). I have sent the paperwork off to the Ombudsman today, after calling them saying it's an urgent case due to the fact my business is my only form of income. The only saving grace is the standing order I set up on my account is still paying me into my personal account, so I can at least pay my bills, up until they close the account in March. Does anyone have any advice on what I can do to speed this up, I don't fancy having to walk into the job center in 2 months stating i'm unemployed due to the bank holding £21k for an undisclosed amount of time. The fact they said it was an investigation makes me think that it isn't an AML check, as i would have thought this would be classed as a tip off, but who knows. Thanks for your help .
  15. I have a compulsive gambling problem. I took out a 8k loan in Sept to pay off two credit cards MBNA and Barclaycard. After I cleared these two cards off, I took what I felt was responsible actions to close both of these credit lines and to remove temptation. I contacted both MBNA and Barclaycard through their online messaging consoles. MBNA cancelled and closed my account within 24 hours of contact. Barlcaycard I received this response about 30 mins later However I never heard from Barclaycard as per my simple request to close down the account ASAP. The account remained opened and about 12 days later I started to gamble using a card I had requested in writing to close. I gambled about 4.6k on this card. I take full responsablity for my compulsive problems/illness, however I feel that Barclaycard should have took action when I contacted them (like MBNA did), they were quick enough to respond, so why didn't they just close down the account? The balance was 0 is was an easy action surely. If they looked at my previous statements they would see the problems I have. I think I took reasonable steps to close the account, and would like an explanation as to why it was left open despite my request. I have now lodged a complaint with them, because despite my admission to gambling problems, if the account had been closed on my instruction I would not have been in a position to **** away more funds.
  16. Hi can anyone shed some light - I recently received two letters from Lloyds TSB out of the blue stating that after a review of my account they can no longer run a bank account for me. I have been with them for nearly 20 years, never had any problems, always in credit etc. Cannot find anyone to speak to to find out why, on what basis they made this decision etc. Just get told the banks can do this without having to give a reason. Surely there's a criteria on which they make their decisions??
  17. Hi I got a Vanquis card a few years ago, and (I say this reluctantly) I've been largely happy with it. For the most part, I used it only when necessary and paid of the balance each month or as soon as possible. I recently started a business and used my card a lot in the initial period to help with start up expenses. I reached near my max of £3000 and stayed there for a couple of months. I've just paid off my balance in full and asked to close the account but have discovered that I am being charged interest on my last months balance, even though it was paid before the due date, and I won't be billed for that until the end of next month. I then have to wait a further month to make sure I have a zero balance before the account is finally closed. I've never come across this before, I closed a cap1 card a while ago, paid off balance and that was that so what are Vanquis playing at? Just had a thought, if I wait for them to bill me will they charge me interest on the interest the following month?
  18. Hi i wasn't sure if i had the right section to post this but here goes my problem at hand. i opened a barclays basic account back in june this year as we all know we all need direct debit facilities as standard for everyday living/bill payments ect, with the basic account you don't get that feature so after afew weeks i went back into my nearest branch to inspect to see if i'm able to get any kind of direct debit card/facility placed on my account luckily i was able to have visa electron added to my account, now with that said my card came through a few days later with visa debit facility placed on my account instead which in my opinion was a bonus, so heres were my problem occurs, 3months later - 3 days ago now i receive a letter saying - we are writing to inform you that following a review of your account with us, we are unable to continue as your bankers, your account with us will be closed in line with our contract with you on 10/11/2013. i'm really angry with this letter as i've not done anything out of the odd with my account i've used it strictly for bills and normal money in and out methods for everyday life bills/shopping stuff like that, i've taken a look at my credit report and i cant see anything that would allow this/cause this to happen????? i don't have a good credit score but if it was the problem why open it in the 1st place. now with all this said and done i had this same issue 5 months ago with nationwide except they closed the account after opening it within the same month, back in april. any ideas or theories would be helpful.
  19. Paypal have been closing and freezing accounts in the UK and EU citing US laws and regulations which it is trying to impose here in the UK and EU. This I believe is illegal. I have located what I believe are two pieces of legislation to back this up: THE PROTECTION OF TRADING INTERESTS ACT Link: http://www.law.stetson.edu/lawreview/media/u-s-secondary-sanctions-the-u-k-and-e-u-response.pdf and the following EU legislation: Council Regulation (EC) No 2271/96 of 22 November 1996 protecting against the effects of the extra-territorial application of legislation adopted by a third country, and actions based thereon or resulting therefrom Link: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CELEX:31996R2271:EN:HTML My question is can I use both pieces of legislation in making a claim against Paypal for the closure of an account in the UK when no UK law has been broken in the use of the account? This being in a small claims action for damages caused by such a closure and asking for the reinstatement with no penalties of the account closed? Also does anyone know of any other legislation that can be used in regard to unfair business practice in what Paypal are doing in trying to enforce foreign law in the UK where such law has IMHO no jurisdiction? All comments and input are welcome whether positive or negative.
  20. Hello I am taking an Estate Agent/Builder to court because he owes me approx £2.5K. I am told that he has opened and closed a number of businesses and is likely to to close the business that owes me money to avoid paying me. This person committed a criminal act in order to get this business and has already been investigated by Trading Standards. TS decided not to take action against him for cost reasons. I am wondering if I can take out a personal claim against the owner of this business if he does decide to close the business that owes me money. What do you think thanks for taking the time to read this. Any advice you can give me would be welcome.
  21. I have a Nationwide Flex account which I hardly use but it is set up to pay my PayPal payments. Last week I bought 4 items off ebay totalling £2.97 but didn't realise I had a 0 balance at Nationwide. The payments bounced and the wonderful people at Nationwide have informed me I will be charged £60. I've printed form off to close account but I am wondering what will happen about the £60 charges? Been into my local branch and they were has much use has a chocolate teapot. Any advice please ? Thanks in advance.
  22. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-20372036
  23. Ok, first I'm not really back, just doing Lex a favour as he's swamped (well, he said hammered, but I think he meant swamped, lol) so put the pitchforks away! Second, THIS is far too important not to spread around, but I have no idea where it should go, so "Rural communities" it is for now, mods feel free to move elsewhere if required. I cannot stress enough the importance of the Coastguards. As I read elsewhere, they are the 4th emergency service and this is so reckless it takes my breath away. If you live near the sea (and in the UK, none of us are very far from a coast!) then this concerns you too. Bookie
  24. Hey everyone, Just looking for some advice etc, hopefully someone can help me I have a credit card account with Lloyds, but now i would like to just close the account. The only problem i have is that i still need to pay back atleast £5000 (unfortunatly it spiralled out of control about half a year ago and i'm finding it very hard to keep up!). Does anyone know if i am still able to close the account and just pay off what i owe, or do i have to keep it open until its all cleared? I've been trying to find an address to write to Lloyds, but as its a credit card enquiry all they will give me is a phone number....which no one ever answers cheers x
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