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  1. Santander is to close 140 branches, putting 1,270 jobs at risk, the Spanish-owned bank said.The lender said the closures are in response to how customers are choosing to carry out their banking. Santander has consulted unions on the proposed changes and will seek to find alternative roles for the 1,270 staff members affected, wherever possible. The bank expects to be able to redeploy around a third of that number. Susan Allen, Santander’s head of retail and business banking, said: “The way our customers are choosing to bank with us has changed dramatically in recent years, with more and more customers using online and mobile channels. “As a result, we have had to take some very difficult decisions over our less-visited branches, and those where we have other branches in close proximity. More ...... https://uk.yahoo.com/finance/news/santander-branch-closures-spanish-owned-101010907.html
  2. Hi all, I'm struggling to manage my deceased Father's debts as the executor. I'm left with a complete mess of paperwork. There is a little bit of money left in the estate but I'm unwilling to pay up to debt collection agencies unless I know its legit having read some of the threads on here. Santander responded to my SAR request and I've traced back a debt of £2131.92 that was with Hoist, and has been sent to Philips and Cohen since he died - they've not contacted me. However I see the original debt for £3000 dates back to 1999, but the Santander info stops in 2008, 10 years ago - how can I find out what happened in between and if he ever paid anything - I assume if he didn't its now out of statutory 6 years? Any advice gratefully received as I'm currently chasing MBNA and GE money and its all v stressful! Letter/info scanned and uploaded. Thanks very much. scan0042.pdf scan0043.pdf scan0044.pdf
  3. Hi I purchased a cctv from Maplin about 8 months ago using my Santander c/card, I closed the account about 6 weeks ago and now the cctv system is broken, Maplin have liquidated of course so I ask.... Can I still claim a refund on my old card? Thanks
  4. Credit card refund by a merchant. Trouble is I no longer have the credit card account as I closed it. A merchant has agreed to refund me but says as I paid by a credit card he must refund it to that card only even though the card account no longer exists. He says the issuing bank will refund it to me if I get in touch with them. This I did but the bank said that when a credit card account has been closed, the bank will return it to the merchant. I am therefore in a limbo. I have spent enough time on the phone to them both and I am inclined to take each side to the county court. Should I do this?
  5. Hi, I just wanted some advice please. My husband passed away 2 months ago. He had an old santander card which was taken over by capquest. I wrote and told them what had happened and sent a copy of the death certificate. I received a letter from capquest today addressed to my dead husband saying they are sorry for the delay and are waiting for santander to get back to them and they will contact him soon. I am so angry and upset I just want to know who I can complain to. I am going to write to capquest and send the original letter to santander and I also though the fca? Just wanted to see if there was anyone else I should write to or if anyone has had anything similar happen. It's been a struggle to come to terms with my husband's death, it was sudden and completely unexpected. I know dca's are the lowest but this has upset me so much. Thanks H
  6. Hi To cut a long story short, looked at my credit file last week and came across a santander account, registered to an address 2.5 years ago, where my children live and where my ex is. That was odd as ive never opened an account. i phoned santander. They stopped cards and internet banking. They told me to go in branch and supply identification and address etc to recover account. I did this has been done. I now have ownership of this account as of last saturday. They also gave me a statement, The statement reads that on the 15th of june a cheque was put into the account for 1048 The following three days 300 was taken then the remaining a day later. I have sent an email to their head office to look into it. My ex denies all knowledge but realistically the account was open there. ..the card went there.. .the pin went there. Im not poirot but i mean who else. Regardless the cheque. a sum of 1048 that sounds like a calculation not someone giving it to her and so it doesnt flag up on her bank puts it in that one. I think A cheque arrived in my name someone..opened the account said person put the cheque in said person took the cash out once clear. im fairly certain from something that cheque was mine My question is how to reclaim this. The way i see it, how was an account opened on an address ive not lived for 2.5 years? Id like some clarification of how to proceed if possible. Women are devious, but £1048 is not £2 so need to reclaim that
  7. Today, 3 days before Christmas I learned that Santander had closed my account without warning. On the phone they said they are sending me a cheque with the account balance - that is my Christmas spending money for the family. I asked them what good is a cheque when I now don't have an account - open an account elsewhere was the reply - they know that will take 2-4 weeks and probably longer at this time of year. If they were decent they would give you a warning and allow you to collect your money as cash from the branch - not send a cheque which they know very well will take weeks for you to access. They have my email and phone number surely they could have advised in advance - what if I had been in a restaurant at the time they cancelled and I could not then pay the bill or worse still been abroad with a hotel bill to pay!!! Been with them for over 25 years and have never had a complaint from them about my account - it was in credit - :mad2:
  8. I switched my Bank to these clowns after suffering Fraud with very little help from my previous morons. I tried to login to my account at work a few weeks ago and it would not accept my details. I later discover that my access is locked and I need to go through some kind of satanic ritual to be allowed access again. Despite providing all of my details they could not do it. The letter is in the post with your temp password and your temp in will follow. Needless to say this has not happened and it seems completely and utterly impossible to get this simple issue resolved. I cannot get through on the phone and guess what...you cannot even make a complaint because they wont let you. Even if you get through on the phone to the complaints people...slect all the options to make a complaint I disovered yesterday that you dont actually get through to that depyt it simply routes you to customer service and they get to decide if you have a complaint or not. And even then they wont register a complaint because...The issue has been resolved. NO IT HAS NOT. All i want to do is start using my mobile app and pc login again....Jesus. I wont even mention the GUARANTEED SWITCH SERVICE.
  9. Not sure if this is new, it's been a while since we've had to actually order a new card prior to a new one being automatically sent to us. My wife visited the bank yesterday to do some over the counter stuff. The person could not read her card so ordered a new one for her. Unknown to is this rendered her current card unusable. Called this morning thinking it would be a simple matter of unblocking an incorrectly blocked card but no. Apparently it was not an accident and she cannot use the card now until the new one comes. It's ok though according to the guy she spoke to as we have 2 cards with it being a joint account. Just got to figure how to have mine appear in 2 locations at the same time.
  10. is there any info on these forums where i can put a serious complaint about santander complaints department , i just got off the phone to the useless peoples and i questioned why they allowed a payment to go out of £237 to kwik fit insurance , 3 months after my wife cancelled with them , and stopped direct debits , and i was gonna use this money to do my food shopping , ( i was stood outside asda at the time) they said because my wife gave them card details months ago to set up the policy, it allows them to take money anytime they like , i tried to dispute it , and they said as the money has not left my account ( even though i cant access it) they cant do a dispute till after its left , so im gonna now go over xmas with no money , my wife contacted kwik fit who are claiming they sent letters ( not received 1 single letter or any phone calls) and told her we will send half back , not all of it , santander are jokes they couldnt get off the phone quick enough and for the time they were on the phone , they were brushing off any responsibility or help to solve this , is there any complaints procedures i csan go thru to get to someone in a higher role than complaints manager ?? cos they are completely useless planks !!!!
  11. At the moment like many we are struggling like most and we have help with the rent form the government at the moment , first I admit we were not good keeping a track , but the point is our help went into the bank and the bank took it in charges , can they do this without notification that they are going to , we didnt realise we had any charges , ,thank you in anticipation ........
  12. Hi, I would really appreciate some help on this. I took out a loan around October 2008 from Santander (£25K). I made regular payments till April 2010 sadly my career took a nose dive and I was unable to continue payments. I have not made payments since and I was unable to get any credit anywhere as a result s I never looked at my credit file. Since then I have had various communications from the bank as well as letters from various debt collection agencies (around 10 different ones) saying that they have taken over the loan. I was hoping that after 6 years the debt would fall off my credit file. Yesterday I got a free credit report from Noddle and it seems that every month I am defaulting on that debt. My question is, since the debt is now 6 years old, will it and the 4 years worth of defaults magically disappear, or will this follow me around for the rest of my life? The defaults are updated every month. Any help will me much appreciated. krem
  13. Hi all, I have had an arrangement in place for five months now to pay off a Santander credit card, I received a letter last week from their collections department advising me that as I am experiencing financial difficulties and therefore wouldn't be making full payments on my account, I had breached my agreement and therefore a default is to be registered. I wrote to Santander to challenge this, to which their complaints department replied (with one or two slight grammatical errors, so presumably handwritten) saying that I'd received nothing more than a standard letter which is generated every 3-6 months to inform me of the state of my account and are nothing to be concerned about. The letter goes on to confirm that I have an arrangement in place (that has been paid on time, every time, as agreed), but that a default will be placed on my account as I have an arrangement in place with Santander and that this cannot be stopped. If I am making regular, albeit reduced payments that they have agreed to, then surely it isn't right that a default should be registered? I was under the impression that defaults were for complete failure to pay. The letter I received seems to contradict itself. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  14. I have today opened a letter from a company called Phillps Cohen, addressed to the personal representative of xxxxxxx deceased, my late husband. They are trying to collect a debt they claim to be over £11k, owed to Santander. My husband died in September, after a four year battle against leukaemia, so you can imagine the stress I have been under and still am. I am not well due to all the stress of the last years and am just about coping but this letter is the last straw. They even have the nerve to express their condolences! They write as if they are solicitors but having searched the Internet, I find that they are a debt collection agency, who try to collect debts from the deceased. I think that the debt is for a loan or credit card, it's certainly not my debt. In fact, I have checked and I believe it to be statue barred, as he paid nothing on it for seven years. My husband's estate has been settled, there was no need for probate or letters of administration, as the house, monies were in joint names and have now passed to me. He did not leave a will, his death was unexpected, as he had had a successful bone marrow transplant. They are trying to claim against the estate. I do not want to write or speak to them, they disgust me and I know that further contact would cause me too much distress. I would be so grateful for any advice you may be able to give to me.
  15. I have a simple question ... Can a Bank do the following to me without any notice whatsoever? I did not know I was overdrawn and had a bunch of money in my other account, it would have taken me a second to transfer if I recd. a notice. All these were slapped on me on a single day. 31/01/2014 PAID TRANSACTION CARD PAYMENT TO xxxx £25.00 £1,050.33 31/01/2014 PAID TRANSACTION CARD PAYMENT TO xxxx £25.00 £1,075.33 31/01/2014 PAID TRANSACTION CARD PAYMENT TO xxxx £25.00 £1,100.33 31/01/2014 PAID TRANSACTION CARD PAYMENT TO xxxx £25.00 £1,125.33 31/01/2014 UNARRANGED OVERDRAFT USAGE FEE £20.00 £1,150.33 Thakns
  16. Hi Yesterday to my horror I discovered I was overdrawn and the reason was because Santander had made me so by giving me 3 bank charges of £25. and a £10. overdrawn fee for the privilege for failed direct debits, two of which were failed because I was overdrawn by £7. I really do try to keep my account on top of it's self and it's not always been easy but 3 charges whilst on benefits has really done me in... I have no food in the house and have had to borrow money to clear the overdrawn amount before they charge me again... I am at my whit's end and just don't know what to do for the best.. I can't approach the bank about this as a few months ago they cleared a charge for me as a favour, apparently you are allowed one a year.. Any ideas please. I really need to get shopping and soon, I have run out of food ... I am Disabled and my hubbie is my f/t carer.. Many thanks in advance.
  17. Grateful for advice: In short, I received a letter from Santander saying my application (made online) for a personal loan had been successful. The letter (dated 12/08/14, signed Pam Speed, Director of Santander Operations) said the money would be in my account within 2-4 working days if I followed "THREE EASY STEPS". 1. Read the Pre-Contract Credit Information and Pre-Contractual Explanation. 2. Sign and date the 'Signature to Agreement' section of Our Copy of the Agreement and, Step 3, Return in the envelope provided: Our Copy of the Agreement. These three things I did - 17/08/14. The 2-4 working days expired - no money in my account. I rang 26/08/14 and 27/08/14 to find out why (three times in two days). But Customer Service couldn't get through to the Applications dept. All they could tell me was my application was "pending". I persisted - but the applications dept. were unreachable by Customer Services. Then, a day later, when I called again, I was told my "application" had been cancelled - 27/08/14. I complained - Customer Services advised me to do so. But the Complaints department couldn't contact Applications either. They even said that when they did get through Applications would hang up because it was a call from the Complaints dept. Or were "rude". I am not making this up! Finally someone in Applications agreed to talk to Complaints and I was informed the reason my application had been cancelled was I hadn't responded to a letter requesting further information: proof of address, wage slips, 3 months bank statements (all of which I would have been perfectly happy to provide) if I'd received such a letter - which I didn't. When pressed, they said the letter had been sent out on 12/08/14 - the same day Pam Speed, Director of Santander Operations wrote to me saying: "I'm pleased to tell you that your application has been successful." I'm disinclined to believe any such letter was sent as 1. I didn't receive it and 2. why send two separate letters out on the same day . ..one, unequivocally, saying my application had been successful and another requesting further documentation? And 3. different members of Customer Services said the letter requested varying/different types of documentation. But, all moot in any case because I was not allowed to present the documentation due to my "application" having been irreversibly cancelled - even though I was unaware of the request, despite calling Santander three times to find out the reason for the delay in receiving the loan. My application was cancelled 27/08/14 - even though the letter I DID receive 12/08/14 said: "we can only reserve this loan for 28 days from the date your application was accepted". Even if the letter was sent, and I'd received it, was I given sufficient time to respond - 12/08/14 - date of alleged posting - and 27/08/14 - date of cancellation of "successful" application? I have now spent all this week trying to resolve matters - I simply want Santander to honour the agreement they entered into with me, and I entered into with them - in good faith. But dealing with the various Complaints depts. is a nightmare. They appear to have utter contempt for their customers, not to mention one another within the organisation! How on earth does this company stay in business, or function? And how do I get an answer from Santander about why they send at best misleading and at worst false letters to their customers? Why tell a customer in writing his loan application has been successful when this is untrue? Or are Santander sending out "holding" letters saying the loan has been approved, to buy time, when in actual fact it hasn't? Based on my experience, I would caution anyone entering into any legal contracts with Santander. To date I have not received written notice that my loan application has been cancelled, nor any letter requesting and detailing further documentation. Most grateful for advice on how I should proceed.
  18. Hi, I am having problems with Santander Cards. I received a letter a couple of months ago from Santander saying they had previously tried to speak to me about a debt of 6k that needed paid immediately. I've had no contact from them- and also have no debt with them. I phoned Santander who explained there had been an error, and I had received a letter regarding another customers debt. They confirmed over the phone I owed nothing- the card it relates to has been closed for a couple of years! I requested confirmation of this in a letter. They have sent me one, but it doesn't actually say the debt isn't mine- just apologises for a mistake and confirms the card is closed. Wescot then sent me a letter over the 6k. I have not contacted them. Drysdenfairfax Solicitors sent me a letter asking repayment of 10k- and different reference numbers. This appears to be a second 'debt'? I have phoned Santander who are confused saying there is no record of any debt on their system. Wescot have phoned a few times and today sent me a letter asking for 6k. Santander can't tell me anything about either the 6k or 10k- or even if they are the same debt. So what can I do? Santander aren't particularly helpful, but Wescot keep phoning and I am still getting letters. I do NOT owe Santander any money and this debt is NOT mine. It's an error of Santanders, but other than tell me it has been corrected in their system, they're not dping anything. I am in Northern Ireland.
  19. received a letter in august indicating that i was not entitled to receive any compensation relating to the cap margin and i should accept this in writing. i have not done so and wondered what others had done relating to this
  20. Please help my nephew paid £500 into his account on the 11/9/13 - he was given a receipt for the transaction. On Friday, 20/9/13, he received a letter from the bank, that was delivered via TNT post, stating he had not paid in £500, but £300!!!! This letter goes on the list the bank notes and how many there were of each - what they dont do is include the right number of £20 notes that were handed over. The money was sorted into groups of £100, ie 9 £10 notes and a £10 across each group. The casheir counted out the notes and sorted them according to each note. He went to the branch today and was told they will look at CCTV image. I think they will come back as say they confirm he paid in £300, as I think its a [problem]. What can he do? Can / should he report this to the police?? Can he demand to also view the CCTV images? He is only young and is saving for a car. Any advice would be much apprieciated. Thanks all V
  21. Hi, My Premium Account is being scrapped and I rely on the following features of it: 1.) The fee-free overdraft 2.) The mobile phone insurance 3.) The breakdown cover 4.) The travel insurance Now they are closing the account, I will be switched to the every day account which means I'll be charged £1/day for being in my authorised overdraft up to a maximum 20 days in any one month. Due to the way I'm currently running my account, this means I'll end up being charged £20/month for my overdraft, but get none of the "perks" For this reason I'm looking to move my account elsewhere, however due to my credit rating, I'm unable to get the overdraft matched elsewhere. I'm interested to find out if it is possible to ask Santander to freeze the charges on my overdraft while I pay it off? I'll instead have to pay another bank £10/month for similar features, but I begrudge paying Santander £20/month for nothing. I would accept paying up to £10/month until the overdraft is cleared - do you think this is something they would accept?
  22. Hey guys, I took a 1 year loan out with them last year and I also hold a bank account with them. The loan was paid into my Santander bank account and repayments were made via Direct Debit from that account. Some time last month I had a letter off them which showed what amounts of my loan has been paid off. Repayment date was always the 13th and I think I had this letter before the 13th March. I had a quick read through it and it said all had been repaid, no missed payments. I checked on my credit report which updates every 30 days (last update was 9th April) and it shows Santander loan, all payments up to date this year, no missed or late payments. I had enough in my bank to cover March's repayment but due to the letter saying all was clear and paid I took that money out and bought myself some things. On the 13th march it showed in my bank account that they tried to take the direct debit out but due to no funds it was "unpaid". Santander have put a £25 charge on that unpaid direct debit. I checked again on that letter I had off them, checked the months and noticed the last payment was due in March, however this letter was received before the repayment date and it shows that March's payment was paid off. I think this is down to their computer systems. What I think happened was March 13th was indeed the final repayment date. Their systems detected I hadnt missed a payment of my loan and assumed I wouldnt miss March's repayment. They sent the letter before the repayment date which at a glance showed no outstanding payments due and showed the loan as cleared. Then I took the money out and bought things thinking I didnt owe anything but a few days later on March 13th the final repayment did come out and it bounced so theres that "unpaid direct debit" £25 fee (which I was only made aware of today via pre notification of charges that their ebanking system gives) Since the 13th March they have made no attempts to contact me. It seems that due to their system they are probably not even aware that I have 1 outstanding payment or otherwise I guess they would of tried to phone me or sent a letter saying the payment was missed and so theres a charge + extra interest to be added on. At very least it should have shown up on my credit report as a "missed payment" rather than showing as paid and up to date. The worry now is that it's the 13th again today so no doubt their systems will automatically try and take that payment again + interest and their charges (no idea what the amount will even be) and since I don't get anymore money in my bank until the end of the month its obviously going to be another £25 "unpaid direct debit" charge and also they will add another missed payment charge and interest onto the loan amount. A complete shambles because had I not received that letter saying all loan repayment amounts had been paid, I would have left the money in my bank in March and the loan would of been cleared back then.
  23. Hello Here goes first time using this... I am in desperate need of some advice and help. I have taken this matter to the Ombudsman however it seems like their not able to do anything either. Can any one help I have copied the letter to ombudsman below and if you wish to see their reply i can also share that. In 2007 I took out a credit card with Abbey and I used it and made regular on time payments, however in the March 2008 I started to receive double statements. One statement was the usual red and white A5 statement with the normal re-payment method and the other was an A4 black and white statement informing me to pay into a different account. I went in to my Oxford branch and showed these statements to them. The adviser said to me there must be some error and I should not have received them. He took these statements and said he would destroy them and make an entry on my file. The next week I received another Black and White statement asking me to make payment, the statement I received was accurate as it knew my details and it showed how much I had spent and how much I needed to repay. I contacted Abbey and they put me through to the fraud department explaining me that I must not use my card, hand in the statements to my local branch and that they were going to freeze my account so they could investigate the issue. I did as instructed. In December 2010 I received a letter from a third party debt collector demanding full repayment of my outstanding balance. I explained that Abbey was investigating the problem they said to me to take it up with Abbey, so I did. I called abbey they said that the case was forwarded to the agency. I asked if my issue had been resolved and the outcome of the investigation. They informed me somebody from the fraud department would call me. I called the agency and paid the outstanding balance, however to this date I have not received a call from the frauds team. In Jan 2013 I applied for a mortgage; however I was declined due to a default on my credit history. I was advised by my financial adviser to ring Abbey and inquire why there was this default from them. On Tuesday 29 Jan 2013 12:45pm approximately, I called Abbey customer services and explained to them my situation and what had happened. The lady informed me that due to the account being closed there was no way to confirm who I was, so I must take identification into my nearest branch and call back once they have confirmed my identity. I did so and called from Nottingham city centre branch. The lady I spoke to understood my issue, confirmed with her Manager and informed me that they would to remove the default; however this would take up to 10 working days. She assured me that she had spoken to her manager and he has confirmed he would do this as soon as he can. I explained that I was in an urgent situation as I had found a house that I wanted to buy, however it was my mortgage that was on hold due to this default. She assured me after I asked her several times that would the default be removed so I can continue with my mortgage application she again reassured me that her manager has said he would do it but the change comes into effect after 10 days. On Friday 8th Feb 1pm I called and spoke to Shaks. I told him about my issue and about my previous conversation and what they promised to do. He could not find any record of my conversation despite the fact that an entry was made that I was asked to visit a branch and show identification. He emailed his manager explaining the situation and took my number and email address so he could call back and email me. Within an hour he called back with good news saying he has had an email from his manager saying that they would work to solve this problem and would remove the default and would send me a confirming email and this would be done in 5 working days. On Friday 15th of Feb I called back and asked if there was any progress, there was no record of my conversation and no notes on the system I again explained my situation and the lady assured me that she would have this matter resolved and after speaking to her manager she said that it would change by the end of the month. I asked that my complain be logged and I requested top have a copy of all my conversations with abbey, which she said she would send. I am still waiting for those transcripts and the complain department to call me back. Since then I have rang several times and I have a list of these times also. I am utterly disappointed and frustrated with the service provided the lack of fulfilling agreements and promises. I am in the process of seeking legal advice, however I want to know what you intend to do to resolve this issue. Satander replied in writing saying they were right in Defaulting account and even suggested I was aggressive towards a clerk whilst calling - I am a minister I don't do aggressive- I forwarded complaint to ombudsman and they said that Santander were justified as I had not been making on time payments - when I was under the impression that the account was frozen - didn't address the phone calls that I had made and advisers telling me that it would be done. I asked for these phone call conversations but they didn't send. What should I do. My kids have out grown our rented accommodation and I am in a position to buy, Abbey/santander have already caused me to loose one that was perfectly ideal for us. Thank you
  24. I have a small debt of around £150.00 with CL Finance currently, it used to be a Santander Card. I have only recently started looking into the debts properly. In doing so I sent a CAR request to CL Finance Today I got the response that they do not have the original credit agreement but have requested it. Please can you confirm as to what my next step here is please?
  25. Hi, I am new here. Decided to post my problem because I cannot find any info' at Santander or answers elsewhere. So by posting on here and including words & phrases like characters, symbols, what can I include in my password, what characters are allowed not allowed, how do I create a good Santander password, it may lead others searching to this page. The create / change Password & Security number page at Santander on-line banking does not explain what can be used to create a password of 6 - 20 'Characters'. It says characters but I believe it means letters & numbers. I found their help / FAQ that talked about Passcodes of 8 - 16 characters & Registration number that I presume was the intended info'. Why don't Santander clearly explain this critical process? I have included the email I sent to their customer services below. Dear Sir, I am writing to you because I am finding it difficult to create my on-line account. I was sent 2 letters. The first had my ID number and a temporary Password, the second had a temporary Security Number. I attempted to set up my account by following the steps on your web site. It would not accept the password I wanted to use and gave no explanation as to what characters were allowed. I had used some characters like * or $. I then searched your site to see if there was a clear description of what characters could not be used. No where on the choosing new password page, did it say to use letters & numbers only. The term character is described as 'A mark or symbol used in a writing system' in the dictionary and your page says 'use (6 - 20 characters)'. After much googling the web & searching your site I only found this page with any reference to my problem - (not allowed to post link due to forum rules) it was in Online Banking Commitment. Under section Changing your security details It referred to changing Passcode & Registration number. It said 'A personal Passcode made up only of letters and digits. It must be between 8 and 16 characters long'. (I hope this doesn't indicate that you store these numbers a 'Plain Text' which could be a security problem) So what does it all mean? My letters & your sign in page refer to' Password' & 'Security' numbers. What is a Passcode ? - do you mean Password or is this a different account? What is a Registration Number ? - do you mean Security Number? What is a Character ? - do you mean letters & numbers/digits. Why does it say 8 - 16 characters? - sign in page says 6 - 20 characters. (see definition of the word character above) All this lack of clarity, use of differing words and length of password in your descriptions is very confusing. It is important that descriptions are consistent and well explained on professional security sites, something that is not apparent at Santander. Please can you explain in plain English which of the above is correct and how passwords should be constructed.
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