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Found 4 results

  1. Why are people jumping up and down about what he said.. http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/jan/27/david-cameron-bunch-of-migrants-jibe-pmqs-callous-dehumanising
  2. is there any info on these forums where i can put a serious complaint about santander complaints department , i just got off the phone to the useless peoples and i questioned why they allowed a payment to go out of £237 to kwik fit insurance , 3 months after my wife cancelled with them , and stopped direct debits , and i was gonna use this money to do my food shopping , ( i was stood outside asda at the time) they said because my wife gave them card details months ago to set up the policy, it allows them to take money anytime they like , i tried to dispute it , and they said as the money has not left my account ( even though i cant access it) they cant do a dispute till after its left , so im gonna now go over xmas with no money , my wife contacted kwik fit who are claiming they sent letters ( not received 1 single letter or any phone calls) and told her we will send half back , not all of it , santander are jokes they couldnt get off the phone quick enough and for the time they were on the phone , they were brushing off any responsibility or help to solve this , is there any complaints procedures i csan go thru to get to someone in a higher role than complaints manager ?? cos they are completely useless planks !!!!
  3. I'm with PlusNet (which I can't fault) but like most ISP's they have to use the useless, incompetent Openreach. To cut a long story short, an idiot engineer turned up to sort our line which had been cut somehow, he didn't use protective footwear and has made a mess of our light coloured carpets (I have photo evidence). Had to report it to PlusNet who passed it on to Openreach (for the purposes of this post I'll rename them OpenNumpties). That was a month ago - NOTHING from OpenNumpties. I've requested £50 to have the carpets cleaned due to their negligence. I now have to put this in writing to make a formal complaint and make it "Letter Before Action". Has anyone had any success getting a complaint resolved with OpenNumpties? I spotted them on Watchdog again this week, yet again another abysmal BT company.
  4. Hi all I decided to make a complaint to the Office of fair trade as I have learning difficulties and was constantly getting hounded by mmf asking for payment on a payday loan which I do not remember taking out so I told them I wished to see information re this so called loan including the original application and they have so far failed to provide it or information on the account it went in to I was then hounded with regular emails asking me to phone them which I told them no that they should make all contact with me by email as per oft guidance and that till I got this information I was not going to accept or acknowledge any responsobility for the debt and that it remained in legal dispute after a while they kept threatening me with a door step agent the first call I got was from an automated caller stating that the agent was in my area today and hoped to visit me in the next two hours should this not be convient for me or to save embarrasment I should press 1 to speak to someone in the office to re arrange appointment times. I then sent vback a rather angry email telling them that I told them in my last email if they continued to insist on sending someone to visit my home I would send them packing as oft rules state they may only visit my home if I wish to make an appointment for them to do so and reminded them that I had no wish to do so I also reminded them again asking them if they cannot read that if they send someone to my home or text my mobile or email me about sending someone to visit me this would be harrasment well they ignored it again This time I was told to save the embarrasment of the doorstep collector coming to my home please phone them on an 0844 number to arrange an alternative time to visit if I did not they would visit my home anyway. I then fired back an email to them informing them I had had enough and was making a formal and full complaint against them to the oft which I did I also reminded them thart I had asked them to provide me with information and what it was and that they failed to do so and until they provide me with this information and I am able to look at it and see if this is a debt I owed that the account remains in default I also fired of to them a Delicit of tresspass notice warning them if they send a debt collector to my door they will be commiting an offence of delicit of trespass under scottish law which is a case I can persue to prosecute the in the civil court for after this the company seems to have given up sending doorstep collection notices and the oft now has the details of my complaint on file I recieved a letter from the oft stating that if they get anymore complaints then they would need to look at these and assess this company for fitness to practise. As a resut I would ask anyone who has had a bad experience of MMF to make a formal complaint to the oft with the heading complaint and what the complaint might be about ie in my case harrasment complaints can be made directly to the oft at the following email address [email protected] the more complaints they get the more likely they will be to take action so please do send them complaints about mmf and then maybe we can teach mmf a lesson about abiding by the law. Robert
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