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Found 21 results

  1. Have received a letter from MMF addressing me by my former surname (renounced in 2009). "We write further to our previous communications [blah blah] yet to receive a reply. If you have more than one account with us, you will find the breakdown enclosed." I have received no previous communications regarding the customer reference number given, there is no breakdown of the alleged debt, nor even a hint as to who the original creditor might be. The "balance" (£350.00) is also suspiciously nice and neat. I've dealt with these muppets before when they re-defaulted me for a fictitious Cash Genie default. Could do with cutting to the chase with them to avoid similar hassles.
  2. I have a tomtom satnav (2007) i went on its site to update it.However , all that happened was that it wiped off all my maps - so basically i have nothing. .They have offered me a 25% discount voucher code to use on their products.So what are my rights ?given that i had a perfectly working Sat nav turned into scrap by the maker?
  3. My vodafone account number is ........ Having returned the new iPhone 6 within 3 days of taking out the contract to cancel, over 5 months later I have yet to receive a refund for the £201 I am owed have today received a final demand letter threatening to involve a debt collection company. I have visited the store on 7 occasions, and spent countless hours on the phone and on online chat attempting to get this resolved. On 17 occasions; yes I have counted, a member of staff from either the store/phone/online have promised they will call me back. On literally NO occasions this has happened. I am at my wits end. I will be turning up at head office during my day off next week if this is not resolved soonest!! I have used the web form with the cat reference code so hoping 'lee' or whoever will finally take an interest in this. My vodafone reference number for the web form is #11420834
  4. I received a bill from our LG for £694 and so many pennies relating to 2008.. However, I set up a payment plan back over 3 years ago and paid it off with confirmation from LG and even had returned cheques due to 'overpayment' on my part.. so to all intense and purpose 12 months ago i was now free and clear of this noose around my neck.. this week i received a demand in red for the same bill and the council are denying any knowledge of payment/receipt from from myself let alone that is was cleared.. any advise.. i have already asked for all information pertaining to said bill and have been told that i would i still have to pay while disputing this issue? I have several issues with this council thank goodness for receipts..
  5. My son bought a music book as a gift from a Music Store that is a small chain of shops operating in the midlands and north-west. It was a gift but the recipient unfortunately already had that item. He returned the product within five days unopened with a receipt in the original packaging and asked for a full refund, as the item was clearly re-saleable. To his astonishment and despair, the manager of the shop made him feel like a criminal by suggesting that he could have simply bought the book to photocopy the music and return it. No refund was offered, no exchange, no credit note, nothing. Citizens Advice suggested to him that he should try to sell the book on EBay!! They also stated that the shop had every right not to refund and that they could set whatever terms and conditions they wished. Trading Standards, who are extremely difficult to get hold of nowadays, eventually suggested that the shop was also within its rights and should my son require any direct help, he should contact ...... Citizens Advice Bureau!! Once upon a time, Citizens Advice Bureau were quite useful and of service - they used to employ people who were qualified to offer legal advice. Nowadays, unfortunately, they are mostly run by 11,000 volunteers who do little more than look on-line for advice. But don't be put off. Stand up for your Statutory Rights. Who ever heard of such nonsense coming from a shop? This shop also failed to adequately display its Refund Policy, dubious as it was stating that all refunds/exchanges can only be offered at the manager's discretion if returned within 7 days. Trading Standards interested in visiting this errant shop? Absolutely not. I don't suppose this had anything to do with it being in the Intu Centre and part of a chain? No doubt Trading Standards find it easier to tackle the Corner Shop or independent restaurant etc. Martin's Money Tips helped. My son took this shop to the Small Claims Court and quoted the Sale of Goods Act 1979 (which has recently been superceded by the Consumer Rights Act 2015). The shop has been ordered to refund my son in full and pay his expenses in taking this action. Bailiffs next if they don't pay up. How ridiculous refunding or exchanging an item retailing at only £10.95 has come to this. The local newspaper are aware of this story but have so far not put it in print. No doubt keeping an eye on their reliance for advertising from the Intu Centre. That is the way the world works, isn't it?
  6. Im not sure where to post this but was looking for a bit of advice, my gas boiler started acting up last month, got onto this mybuilder network thing about trades men looking for work ,had a gas boilerman call me, said he would look at it on the Saturday, told him I wanted the boiler servicing and it wasn't working, left him to it. He said the spark initiator wasn't working right after servicing it, he went away to get it, came back twiddled around with it, got the boiler working and asked me for £165, this was for the service, the part and a years warranty. Like a mug I paid him cash, then I spent the rest of the week chasing up the receipt for the money, eventually someone came round with a receipt. The boiler worked ok that week, I went away for three weeks, switched everything off. came back last week, wasnt able to switch the boiler on, sent him a message sunday night, called him Monday morning he tells me its too late to send someone round, he sends someone round Tuesday night, bloke doesn't seem to have much of an idea, says it might be this that or the other, as hes going out the door he tells me he will call me today sometime (Wednesday), no calls at all. where does this leave me, hes got my money, warranty don't seem to be worth nothing. What can I do???
  7. Hi All Around 2015 I came in to about 10k and informed the DWP about getting the money and how I was going to depose of it... 7k CC debt and 2K on OD.....told them this when I wrote to them....they cut my benefits cause of it...£60 every month 12 months in 2016 later there writing to me about this 10K.... spoke to them and got told you didn't tell us the change in your circumstances ?, lady I spoke to asked me to send in proof of money spent ... ie bank statements and everything will be sorted...... which I did within days .....Now they come back getting the letter today 5th ... wife's income, housing cost, dependents and expecting a reply by 8th... are they dumb or something.....and this is besides they 35 mins it took to get my call answered..... Ive done what I was asked to do last month by sending them the proof..... so whats all this other crap they are diggin at... I have nothing to hide......
  8. We contacted Vetmedsdirect on the 8th Dec and ordered medication for our little dog. We supplied a copy of the presxcription to them to faciltate the order. In addition we paid £3.59 for delivery. It is now the 13th Dec and still no sign that the medication has even been shipped. Under the Consumer Contract Regulations can we request that they cancel the order which has not been shipped and also request a full refund? Very annoying as we now have to go and buy from a veterinary practice and at higher cost as we have run out of out of the tablets. It seems that these Online vets take your order although they do not have the items in stock. They then order which is why it takes a lot longer to get items from them. Are there any really reliable Online vet suppliers?
  9. A very quick initial post due to time constraints. Just had my daughter chatting via internet. She is at university and on Boxing Day 2013 bought a HP laptop in the sales While at home during the Christmas period this year (2014) she was having problems with the battery dropping charge very quickly, and a month later having returned to uni says that the battery will now only hold 23% charge. (She ran the laptop's maintenance check after getting an error message) She can still use it at home on the mains but it has become useless for her to take to uni for her studies From what I have seen of laptop batteries they normally last between 4-6 years. As she did not have an extended warranty should she make a complaint to PC World, or to HP ? And does she have any legal rights on this one ? Many thanks
  10. is there any info on these forums where i can put a serious complaint about santander complaints department , i just got off the phone to the useless peoples and i questioned why they allowed a payment to go out of £237 to kwik fit insurance , 3 months after my wife cancelled with them , and stopped direct debits , and i was gonna use this money to do my food shopping , ( i was stood outside asda at the time) they said because my wife gave them card details months ago to set up the policy, it allows them to take money anytime they like , i tried to dispute it , and they said as the money has not left my account ( even though i cant access it) they cant do a dispute till after its left , so im gonna now go over xmas with no money , my wife contacted kwik fit who are claiming they sent letters ( not received 1 single letter or any phone calls) and told her we will send half back , not all of it , santander are jokes they couldnt get off the phone quick enough and for the time they were on the phone , they were brushing off any responsibility or help to solve this , is there any complaints procedures i csan go thru to get to someone in a higher role than complaints manager ?? cos they are completely useless planks !!!!
  11. Hi everyone, I've been trying to contact Sunny to arrange a repayment plan for the past 3 months. Each attempt to contact them has been ignored and on occasion my emails have been deleted without being read (I get 'read' confirmations automatically, which also tell me if the email is deleted without being opened). Yesterday I received an email telling me that my account had been passed to MMF, which is a shock when you consider that I have been making repayment offers for the past three months. So today I have sent them a further email raising a formal complaint regarding their conduct during this period of time and requesting a response to my complaint so that I can escalate it to the FOS and forward all info to the FCA and guess what? That email was deleted without being read too! the only email address that I can find for them is help (at) sunny (dot) co (dot) uk, where I'm having no luck at all. Does anyone know of any alternative email addresses that I can send my email to? Thanks in advance, any help gratefully received. Cheers, MB78.
  12. In Feb 2014 I transferred from First Utility to Scottish Power, having been told by "The Big London Energy Switch" that SP could handle readings from my electricity Smart Meter. It quickly became clear that they could not, we switched back to First Utility. Scottish Power had garbled our meter number, claiming we did not have the electricity Smart Meter! They also failed to agree transfer readings, resulting in a 74kWh overcharge where both companies charged for that block of electricity. They know what the correct meter readings were. After numerous complaints, which never get dealt with, a nd my wife spending several hours on the phone over the past four months, I am considering Court action. What is a reasonable amount to expect as compensation for the ongoing delay and incompetence?
  13. Hi All. Apologies if this has already been covered. Last year I signed up with BT Infinity, using their Homehub 3. The wireless was appalling, with all of our devices having bandwith and connection problems. It was obvious that this was not a fault, just that the home hub 3 is useless. I raised several cases with BT but of course there was no way they could fix the issue. I asked to try a Homehub 4 but they wanted to charge me extra. Out of principal I refused. As they couldn't fix the problem I moved provider. Since then my wireless has been seamless. So, BT are trying to charge me for coming out of my contract, so far the money owed has been racked up to be around £450 with debt collection fees. But I refuse to pay out of principal, I will not pay for a service they did not provide. We reached deadlock and I went to the ombudsmen, and surprise surprise they gave the old chestnut "BT do not guarantee a wireless service" etc... my argument is that their advertising, on TV and on their website, strongly suggest that the wireless service provided by their home hub 3 is strong and robust, which its not. Is anyone else in a similar position ? What further steps can I take now that the Ombudsman Services have made their decision ?
  14. On the 5th September two men from Currys delivered a new fridge freezer and took away the old one. We keep our appliance on quite a high shelf to make it easier for us to reach in as it is meant to be an under counter fridge. In lifting the appliance on to the shelf they have damaged the shelf and it now looks unsightly. As we are going to be letting this apartment, the shelf will need to be replaced. After chasing them up following my initial complaint they called back and offered £50 to replace the shelf. The cost of the replacement shelf is fine as far as it goes, but both my wife and I are too old to be able to lift the fridge up, replace the shelf , then lift the fridge back up. The shelf on its own is not enough. Currys said that as they were paying for the replacement shelf that was the extent of their remit and they would not come and swap the shelves over. We live in the centre of London and any odd job such as this would mean a minimum call out fee -usually £60 plus parking fees [around here £6 per hour] plus the time in doing the job-which would require two men to lift the firdge. I have rung Currys several times thereafter, each time to be told that they will contact us within 48 hours to sort the matter out as we rejected the £50 offer. How do we get Currys to make good the damage they caused plus move the fridge to enable the shelf to be changed please?
  15. Hello Guys, Sorry for this post if it drags on. Basically, I am 21 years old and have a current account with Barclays. I have never been overdrawn, or taken any loans from the bank. My bank was used for transferring money between my bank accounts, and receiving payments. I buy and sell items online - which means that I can receive several payments a day through my online banking. I had £7,000 cash in my account and a £3,500 ISA account in my name with Barclays until last week. I withdrew £5500 from my current account, and all of my ISA account - as my father needed some funds to help buy a new car. This left me with around £1500. On Tuesday this week - I tried to login to my online banking and received an error message. So I rang the number listed. They told me my account has been closed as per pending "investigation". They wouldn't tell me what for, or what is going on. I was then phoning Barclays and being transferred and put on hold for around 3 hours - and still didn't get a response. I was just told to wait 48 hours for an "update". Today I went to the bank - and I was told that my bank account is being closed, as I "don't meet the requirements anymore". I had a meeting with an advisor who told me that I could withdraw all my money out my account. As soon as I went to withdraw (over the counter) I was told I had NO FUNDS. After 30mins of faffing around, they found out that my funds had been held my Barclays and moved for "Safekeeping" - Is this even legal removing funds without my permission? I then spoke to the branch Manager, who rang Head Office and after 1 hour of waiting - I was told that: - They will not let me withdraw funds - They are closing my bank account - I had to write a letter to explain where my funds have come from I just graduated from University, and have always been careful with money. Most of my funds are from there. However, I do buy and sell online - this includes receiving online payments from people I don't know. No one has told me why my account is being closed, or what I have dont wrong. So obviously I am worrying, when I am told my account is being closed and no one is telling me why. I can only come to the conclusion that someone has sent me a fraud payment - but even then, does this warrant my account being closed? Now, I have £10 to my name, bills to pay - and have to wait 3-6 weeks for a response from head office, to find out IF i can get my money back.. Can they just keep it? I am obviously distraught at how they have treated me, as I have had no reasoning behind the closure of my account and them keeping my funds. If anyone can offer any advice on what I can do, or any help at all, I would greatly appreciate it.
  16. Please accept my apologies initially for how angry i am today!. Bought a car from Sheffield Carcraft last year despite very pushy and rude sales as my partner never had credit before she struggled elsewhere. The car was lovely, she enjoyed driving and we were happy. Within 6 months we took the car for its service as it didn't have any history. Thats when the 1st bit of doubt crept in. When my wife went to pick it up, your team had her stood there for 30 minutes plus as they couldn't find the keys, they looked everywhere and couldn't find them. They hen rang the service technician up who said he had mistakenly locked them in his cupboard/drawer and went home. Fair enough mistakes happen. It wasn't until a couple months later that i looked through the service book and noticed that it hadn't been date stamped, signed or filled in. We rang and was told sorry, but we will do this on the next service. We also had to have the car into you as it was struggling to start. Your guys had it in and said they couldn't find the fault, a fault that is still apparent. Fast forward a few months and we thought we would check the service interval, rang up to book it in and booked it in, gave the mileage and also mentioned that it made a strange noise when setting off and was a bit loud over bumps and that was it. Went to pick it up on the day of the service to be told that the Warranty was now invalid because we hadn't kept to the service intervals, not sure how we checked this seen as your engineers didn't write it in but never mind. Conveniently enough though the brakes were 80-90% worn and desperately needed doing and if we paid £70+ they would reinstate it and then do the brakes at our cost. They also said they couldn't diagnose any of our other faults. My Wife said no as she needed to speak to me. I have already emailed your team and the response i got was 'No, if you want it you have to pay for it' Despite me listing the mistakes your engineers have already made. I also wasn't happy with the diagnosis of the engineers regarding the brakes, or the service as a whole so i booked it to have brakes checked at a local garage who stated that 'Yes they are worn, but not needing immediately replacement' However they only looked through the spokes of the alloys. Despite this i still booked it in for new Pads and Discs on the front and to see if the source of my other problems could be located. Now this is why i am angry, 3 weeks or so since the 'Major Service' they had issues removed the locking wheel nuts due to a build up of debris and rust, something they say indicates that they have not been removed for quite a while. They also, almost immediately found the source of the noise over bumps, the spring that fell down in 2 pieces gave it away slightly! The brakes were not in desperate need of replacement but were done, and the other faults they cannot identify as no error codes were coming on, but they have witnessed and are doing more investigation. I am waiting to hear back from Carcraft, although i can pretty much guess their response will be the same as always. Absolutely disgusted with them, and the fact they let my wife drive of in a potentially dangerous car which had 2 child car seats in and are still trying to get me to PAY for them to reactivate a warranty, which as per other issues on here was mis-sold. A detail i wont go into as this is another case i am putting together against them. Please if anyone could advise any further i would be very pleased to hear
  17. My partner has a loan with welcome finance which he took out in 2007 for £10000. He has paid in excess of £16000 and they state he still owes £8900. Where should he start to complain. Every time he calls them he gets different advice. he is now in severe threat of loosing his job as his car is irrepareable and he cant afford a new one due to this debt? please help as to where to start.
  18. Hi all.....approx 10 months ago I got myself a new 3 mobile contract with a blackberry 9810 torch. Initially all was well. The battery stopped lasting and they replaced it. Ok then. Now and on my fifth battery it will barely last one day. So I visit the store...they will send it away but cannot loan me a phone. Apparently theydont have any. They tell meto call customer service....he says the same. They will send it away. In the meantime i will be left withouta phone and paying a monthly bill which i cannot use. Ok then in the circumstances upgrade my phone....i will even pay. NO. You will have to buyanew phone. This is ****ing priceless. RIP OFF BRITAIN AGAIN.
  19. Hi i stupidly took out a loan with PDE, i had difficulties in paying and requested a payment plan which they refused, i have 2 accounts with halifax, one for wages and savings, one for payday loans and direct debits, i had only registered the payday loan/debit account with PDE, yesterday i tried to draw money from my other halifax account and found it had been emptied by PDE i called halifax and they said it wasnt fraud despite me telling them that i hadnt given the other account details to PDE, this is wrong, PDE have accessed my account illegally and halifax wont help me at all, what should i do? i even spoke to a very helpful guy at PDE who also agreed it was wrong, can they do this? help please!
  20. We have been involved with 4 identical complaints against Skandia for the past 18 months. They FULLY ACKNOWLEDGED THAT THEY GAVE INCORRECT ADVICE and which led to a loss of just over £5k. They offered £600 (4x£150) compensation which we rejected and presented our case to the FOS. After the usual huge delay the Adjudicator ruled that despite the wrong advice, buried deep (and I mean VERY deep) in Skandia's terms and conditions, was the correct information [and even that was far from clear as to its correct meaning] so, based "on a very fine balance", he ruled in Skandia's favour. We appealed to the Ombudsman pointing out that the Adjudicator had made some incorrect assertions and assumptions in his judgment which adversely affected the decision. When we eventually received the Ombudsman's reply he failed to respond to four of our points of appeal and then again ruled in Skandia's favour based upon a totally incorrect assumption that we would have taken a particular course of action even if we had had the correct information - and despite the fact that there was factual evidence to the contrary. We pointed this out to the Adjudicator (from whom the Ombudsman's letter had been sent) and asked for the Ombudsman's comments; this was rejected as "the Ombudsman's decision is final". We were then required to accept or reject the decision within four weeks - the post was delayed by a week and we then had the Christmas period when our advisors were unavailable! We asked for an extension which was refused. My advice is that the FOS are a waste of space - we'd have been better threatening legal action in the first place and maybe Skandia would then have seen the light. I wonder, too, what percentage of cases which are referred to the Ombudsman on appeal are actually reversed in favour of the appellant- maybe it's a case of supporting the decisions of your staff (or is that just me being cynical?).
  21. Hi, This is a small warning to hopefully put people off from buying anything from Curry's or Dixons and taking a whatever happens or premium insurance. I purchased a Samsung television in october 2010 from Currys. We have bought a lot of appliances from currys and up till now they have always been reasonably priced and the whatever happens has worked for me in the past, so i took th epremium version as this would (they promised) give me a loan tv, repairs within 10 days in stead of 21 and a better service. The television started to develop a loud buzzing noise from the transformer in december, naturally i rang the tech guys to have it repaired. They gave me a date, however when i asked for a loan tv they replied they did not have one on stock due to the xmas rush etc. I rescheduled for january and as promised they showed up with a loan tv and took my tv. So far so good, i got what i paid for. About 6 days later I got a call that the tv was fixed and they were bringing it back. When the tv arrived I set it up with the two delivery men present, and immediately it was evident the fault wasnt fixed, as the noise was still there. I trie dto refuse the tv as it wasnt fixed but they said i had to accept it and rebook. Tried to do that the same day, however the same story that there was no loan tv. it took another two weeks for them to ring me that they finally managed to find a loan tv, which as it happened came in a box and i had to assemble myself. Awesome service from the tech guys. TV was returned a week later, however fault still there. This time I knew my rights and refused the tv as it wasnt fixed. They wanted to take the loan tv as well which would leave me without a television, so refused that and they only took my tv. Rang up to explain what happened, and they (very helpfull and polite) man on the other side said they woudl start a repair investigation and someone would come back to me. I received a call from an actual engineer at the depot, asking me what the issue was. I explained in full detail and even told him how to replicate to fault/noise. He hang up and said he would come back to me. 3 days later i got a call the tv was a write off and couldnt be fixed. They promised me i would get a voucher code as soon as the loan tv was collected so I could get a replacement TV. I have rung them about 15 times in the last 4 days, been on hold for over an hour, been promised call backs and the code numerous times, however I am still without code and therefore without television. On request I can give you names and times of persons I have spoken to over the weekend and today. Absolutely appaled by the service from the techguys, actually spoke to a person today who admitted he did not really care what happened and what I thought as it wasnt "hurting him in the pocket" if I never bought anything from curry's again. I honestly think that if the people that work for you have such an attitude you can better shut up shop. If he would have been working for me I would have sacked him on the spot. Hopefully I will get my voucher code tomorrow, I will pick up a TV, cancel my whatever happens direct debit and never set foot in a curry's/pc world again. As I am also partly responsible for the IT in the company I work for (and we buy a LOT from PC World business) I will move that away to different companies as well. I know the people that work for tech guys are not directly employed by currys but hopefully the small (to their standards) part of business that I will be taking away hurts somebody in the pocket. Rant over. As stated all I want is to warn people not to buy from curry's or if you do, do not take a whatever happens and just hope it doesnt break after a year when your warranty has run out.
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