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  1. We've lived next door to them for over 18 years, they have been here since the 70's. They are an elderly couply, they are not the problem. Their 40 year old son is. He sells drugs at all hours, his Dad has to answer the door to them. The son plays loud music, games and shouts. One time, this was a few weeks ago. My mum was in the bathroom and he said to his friends 'yeah, their grandson lives sleeps in the bath'. He keeps spying on us in the bathrrom. When we reported this to the council all they said was 'He's got mental problems, he can't help it'. His mental problems are due to drugs, my nephew has learnign difficulities which he was born with. He has called my 18 year old nephew(same one mentioned above) a pervert, peado. Because he plays with his brothers and sisters. He has now got a camera which we reported today, it's pointing towards the public grass/pathway. We were told we were not allowed to record beyond our garden, not even allowed to record him if he contronts us. His dad has been to see the council, nothing. Police have been round and had a word with them, again, nothing. My brother refuses to leave the house now, he's too scared. My mum wants to move but it's hard because I have been bidding since I was 18, I'm now 31 and have gotten no where as I am on low band. My ESA (or council rent) won't cover the rent until I'm about 35. I tried to move out in 2012 but couldn't due to the council refusing me rent. I know it's a lot to take in but can anyone help us?
  2. Hi I have posted about this before https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?488538-Misled-by-our-landlord-about-construction-noise-pollution-is-becoming-unbearable&p=5134398#post5134398 and now the situation has become even worse and we desperately need some advice. We moved in to a rented property at Christmas last year and soon after a builder came to the house to tell us he'd bough a patch of the neighbours land to build a house! He told us the landlord knew about it and it was why he had moved out of the property. There was a planing process which the landlord knew about and apparently he had arguments with the builder about it, at one point he said he would try and get an injunction to stop the works. After enduring construction works literally in our garden all summer, our enjoyment of our garden has been ruined, we've had to put up with the noise, the dust and the constant lack of privacy. NOW to make it worse, our adjoining neighbour has started renovating their house, so we are now woken up every morning to drilling walls. The whole house shakes and we are woken up in a stressed anxious state every day. We work from home and it's now impossible with the horrific noise. They're renovating their basement and bathroom which won't be a quick job. Im not exaggerating when I say this is ruining our lives. I don't sleep very well anyway so being woken up to this noise from one side or another every day for three months has made me a nervous wreck! The landlord knew about both plans and let the house to us deceitfully. Is there anything we can do? Ive checked about the noise and as someone has already said on a separate thread, they aren't breaking any laws so theres not really much we can do. We took out a 12 month lease and three months of those have been unbearable. We pay a fortune to live here and it's been totally ruined. Any advice would be appreciated! I was already told by a solicitor that whilst it's morally wrong that the landlord didn't tell us about the building works, there's not much we could do legally, however now the other neighbour has started works too, I'm wondering if we have more of a case for damages. Ive taken video and photographic evidence of the noise levels, dust and now the drilling from next door Thanks
  3. Dear members, I'm a student in London. Yesterday I found that both of my account balance became zero and the money has been transferred TO RECONCILE Debit COVENTRY OPS 05 ADV. I went to a nearest branch to ask what happened to my account. They said they couldn't touch the money now and I have to write an email to reportasam (a barclays email, I can't post it here) to clarify the source of my money. After searching on the Internet I realized what happened. At the beginning of this year, my ex-boy friend has purchased a property in London. But in my home country, there is limit amount for foreign currency so he can't purchase enough pounds to buy the property. Therefore, he transferred domestic money to people who are working in UK and let them deposit cash or make payment of pounds to his UK bank account. And then he asked me for help. As a result, a total amount of around 80,000 pounds has been deposited to my account and then transferred to my ex-boy friend's account from January to the end of February. I think Barclays suspect that it might be money laundering and then withdraw all my money. We broke up in March and then I didn't do that again. I get nothing from those transactions.... As a student, all my money are from my parents and now I don't have any money to live. I've sent an email to that address but it does not work till now. What else can I do to get my money back as soon as possible? Please give advice. Thank you very much! Catherine
  4. Can someone explain me why on Experian I am only 73 points to have Excellent (at the moment i am good) AND on Equifax - very poor!!!I have the same info on both files, all correct, no late payments, no CCJ, correct addresses, register to Electoral more than 2 years . I cant understand the logic !!! I want do remortgage and at the moment I don't know what to do . The difference its ridiculous, any ideas why??
  5. Hello, I'll try and keep this concise. Parents bought a pair (diamonds cut from the same rough stone) of wedding rings maybe 4 or so years ago. Last year my mother lost the diamond out of her ring, which was considered to be a manufacturing defect rather than accidental damage. After a bit of back and forth, jeweller agreed to replace the stone but this would detract from the idea of having 2 diamonds cut from the same stone. Some more back and forth and they agreed to replace the stones in both rings. About 9 months(!) after all this started, jeweller tells us they've lost the rings in transit. Frustrated to say the least and I'm sure I don't need to explain the sentimental value of these rings to my parents. We asked for money back and compensation (because it really has been an ordeal and a half going through all of this) because they don't want to re-invest in the same jeweller, but rather go elsewhere. Jeweller offered either the original cost of the rings (£600) plus £50 compensation, or £1200 in vouchers (the RRP) to spend in-store at the same place. They don't want to go for the latter option considering what I've mentioned in the previous paragraph, but £50 compensation is a bit of a joke, especially in light of their other offer. I have no idea where to go from here. I'd like to say my parents would be entirely reasonable to expect a greater amount, though I wouldn't want to put any number on that. So my question(s): would it be reasonable to pursue a greater amount of compensation and if so, how might we go about it? Any help would be much appreciated!
  6. Hello Not sure this in the right forum. I have a very difficult situation here that I want you to help me to solve as soon as possible. I have removed names, companies and numbers for now. I have difficulty paying my credit card, which I have for security reasons, what with a house move and Christmas coming along, it will be very difficult for me, financially. I was so desperate that I have contacted loan companies, one of them has contacted me, I feel very anxious about it. I wonder if you can help me with this. I felt that £2,500 would clear my card and have something left over in my bank account for my move and for Christmas. I selected 24 months to pay it off as I was optimistic that I could afford the repayments. Now I know why my bank and other companies turned me down for a loan. On Wednesday I had a telephone call from a loan company. The man on the phone said said that he could offer me a £2,500 loan but under certain conditions. First of all he said that I had to pay a £100 deposit into a bank account. He forced me to pay £100 into the account of someone who is supposed to be the Managing Director. This man then insisted that I purchased £225 in UKash receipts at 2.02 pm and 2.03 pm - one was for £115.00, and the other was for £110.00 at my local off-licence. He made me quote the numbers on the receipts over the phone. He then said that he still had problems with the loan and asked me for a further £350 for in UKash receipts, late saying that he would accept £250, and then he would deposit my loan into my bank account. I have never applied for a loan before, but I have to say that this feels so suspicious that I have had to depart with £325 of my money, and another £250 of it. He said that I would have to get this out of my bank account tomorrow morning as I don't any funds in until my money comes in tomorrow - when my benefit money comes in. I have asked if I could cancel this, but the man says that I can't. I was so distressed over the phone. I have looked up this man's name online and I found out that I wasn't the only one who had been duped by this. I feel sick and drained that my money has gone like that, and I feel that I am not going to get the loan deposited. It is disgusting because I trusted this man. Is there anything you can do to help me with this with the information I have given you? I don't want to get more money out of my bank tomorrow, and I have a gut feeling that I am not going to get this loan. I have been so badly affected by this that I want compensation as well as my money back so I can live normally. I live on my own and I have Asperger Syndrome, and I was already struggling as it was. I am going to move house soon. My family normally have money in supply for me, but because they have been buying furniture for the new flat, I doubt there would be much left at the moment. I only have £17 in my bank account. Tell me how can I pay £1,440, with £325 on top of that, Credit Card bill? I only have 1% of that money in my bank account, and it will take me years to clear it now. I only get just over £300 in benefits. I was clearing the card ready for the house move. Going back a couple of years, I could complete pay it off, but now I can't. I have bank account listing the payment as the UKash slips as evidence. I also have the details of the account number and sort code of this Managing Director as well. Please help me. I have learnt my lesson if one has to be learned.
  7. Firstly, Had an 'ECO' grant towards the cost of solid wall insulation all taken care of by Energycare Group of Haynes. http://www.energycaregroupltd.co.uk/about Surveyor came and said it would take a 2 weeks or less in Nov 2013. Work was completed in March 2014 after 50 calls to them. I was told by the surveyor and installers there was a SWIGA (Solid Wall Installation Guarantee Agency). The quality of work was very poor and they had to come back numerous times and caused damage to the property. Due to sight problems in the winter light I relied on their supervisor stating that the work was all ok and was pressured into signing the satisfaction form before the workers left as they kept saying they would not get paid until the form was signed. Complained through their 'Check-a- Trade' organisation they were registered with. Energycare Grooup came out with a pack of lies even though I sent them photographic evidence to the contrary. No result as Check-a Trade are paid by the companies. Complained to SWIGA but after more than 20 phone calls, letters and E-mails there was never any response. Complained to Ofgem as they are supposed to 'monitor' these organisations but again no response. After 3 months found that EnergyCare Group had not registered the work with SWIGA so not covered bt their ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) process. Found Energycare group had arranged an insurance backed warranty if they ceased trading but it was worth over £15000 less and no ADR process. Had purchased Legal cover with the house insurance through 'Wisecall Claims Assistance'. When reading the document that was sent, it is only a 9 month policy as they will not accept claims within the first 90 days of commencement of the policy. I thought at first this was only for new policies but it is in fact on renewals also. Never mind I thought, my claim was after the 90 day period so submitted a claim which Wisecall said to go through their underwriters, AU insurance services. The claim was rejected because I had not notified them within 90 days of the damage occuring, having lost 3 months going through SWIGA! Wise call said to send a letter in writing to their nameless managing director. This was done on 26th Aug this year. By 6th November, still no reply or acknowledgement so contacted Wisecall and they gave me an e-mail address a copy of original letter was resent to them. Still to date no acknowledgement or reply. I have been told to sue Energycare group for 'Breach of contract but dont know how or what redress that would bring. I have checked on the OFT Unfair contract terms and sections 2.4.2 and 2.4.3 seem relevent regarding time limits being imposed where a claim could not be brought earlier but still have no idea how to proceed now so any comments would be very welcome. statch ps Was also told to seek redress through Ofgen as their companies contributed to the cost so should help but ofgem very evasive and at first said it wasn't a consumer issue then after telling them all calls were recorded and contacting my mp a message was sent to get back to them, this I was unable to do at the time as I was in hospital so now just trying to pick up the pieces again.
  8. Hi i stupidly took out a loan with PDE, i had difficulties in paying and requested a payment plan which they refused, i have 2 accounts with halifax, one for wages and savings, one for payday loans and direct debits, i had only registered the payday loan/debit account with PDE, yesterday i tried to draw money from my other halifax account and found it had been emptied by PDE i called halifax and they said it wasnt fraud despite me telling them that i hadnt given the other account details to PDE, this is wrong, PDE have accessed my account illegally and halifax wont help me at all, what should i do? i even spoke to a very helpful guy at PDE who also agreed it was wrong, can they do this? help please!
  9. I hope they fix it quicker than they did the flyover as this is Olympic territory......shame:x http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-18751083
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