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  1. I would be grateful if anyone can help me with this please. I joined RAC breakdown cover in December. I have not used the service at all and hope to never need it, but it is there just in case. Other than the initial confirmation email and card arriving by post, that was that. Until 3 weeks ago when I started getting several emails from RAC and others in connection with the RAC, ie FeFoo who were doing a survey on behalf of the RAC. I never gave RAC permission to annoy me with emails and certainly never consented to them giving my email address to 3rd parties such as FeFoo. I contacted RAC initially by completing their online complaints for, An autoresponder said they would reply within 5 working days. They did not. I did the same again and again they did not respond, so I called them to register my complaint about my complaint. I received an email from RAC last week in which they apologised for not responding before and they offered me £15 compensation as an apology for the non-response. However, they told me in the same email that when I joined I did not opt out of emails. Firstly, I certainly did as I am one of those people that refused to give shops my email for this exact reason. Secondly, I thought the law had been changed in that you now have to ‘opt in’ and the default is not to be opted in instead of the old way of opting you in unless you remove the opt in selection – as used to be the case with the likes of Adobe Flash player that used to pause enough time to get you to click ‘accept’ then autofill the additional junk software you did not want, that has now been changed to NOT autofill. Can anyone please clarify if I am right on this? RAC should not be opting me in unless I specifically say that I want to be by ME selecting an opt-in box, rather than me having to look for and select selecting an opt-out box. Ironically, they said in the same e-mail that I had now been removed and would receive no more junk, then sent me more junk the very next day! Any help would be appreciated.
  2. Just to let people know about the trouble I have had with budget insurance. I took out van insurance with them in May this year, as well as the insurance I took out break down cover. This month I had purchased a new van , when I tried changing the insurance over to my new van Budget wanted to double my premiums even thou through an online comparison site they were quoting £20 cheaper than I was paying. When I queried this they said that was for new customers and not for existing customers and they would not budge. I decided to cancel the insurance and has to pay £50 cancellation fee as well as £48 for the break down cover as this was non refundable. I raised a formal complaint with them and they did refund the cancellation fee but they will not refund the £48 breakdown cover, so I am now paying for breakdown cover that I cannot use and cannot transfer. Hope this helps some one else JJ
  3. Dont know if this is the correct section: We have a 13 year old boiler and have paid Boiler care cover for 11 years which also covered pipes, electrics etc... Basically their top cover. Over the past year we have had boiler failures around 4 times and its usually the odd filter, pump etc... although 4 months ago they changed the circuit board. They did advise during the last visit that we would really need a system flush at over £500 but we thought this was steep so didnt get that done but at the same time not advised that failing to get that done could cause damage that would result in our boiler not being covered in the future. Yesterday the boiler just wouldnt reset so we called them out again and it turns out that the heat exchanger is leaking which has leaked onto the circuit board. The engineer called his boss but they are refusing to cover the claim because we didnt get the flush done. The options they gave were: Fix the parts at £400 or get a new boiler. So we now have a sticker on the boiler saying its unsafe to use. They said that the cost of parts previously used to repair the boiler is more than the boiler is worth itself, but the way we say it was that thats why we took out the £30 per month cover. Called a few companies for quotes but its also going to be a few weeks without hot water and heating so no good with 3 kids. Im trying to find our contract to read the terms although i know that they will have covered themselves. Anyone else been here with them? Thanks
  4. Hi Peepz Firstly, new to this forum so Hello to all. I need some help & advise. I had my daughter tablet, a nexus 7 2nd gen 32gb covered for accidental damage for the past 4 years. Last week she put on the side of the bath to use the toilet and it fell into the bath which her mom had just ran for her, She is only 6. It caused the tablet to become water damaged, nowhere on the knowhow's policy does it state anything about water damage. What is more annoying is that it is called whatever happens & they state "mishaps & accidents do happen" but when I used my cover they have rejected it & returned it back to the store. The engineers report has said it could be neglect & that I have to write to head office, which I have but I'm not holding my breathe. What I need to know is, is it worth me trying to take them to small claims court to repair or refund me my money or am I just wasting my time? I have done some reading I know you cant use FOS as these big companies have some sort of get out clause. Will it just cost me too much & take too long that it won't be worth it or do you think I have a case? How can they say a child deliberately did this or it was neglect? it is a very grey area, how do you define neglect? if it's caused by an adult then I can understand but then a child doesn't have that state of mind to even think it. Any advise is appreciated The tablet cost about £225 new about 4 years ago or shall I try watchdog or trading standards etc... really angry that I've paid them all this time for a worthless cover thankz ice
  5. hello i have a cover for my kitchen electric goods my dryer stopped working on 2/10/17 i rang to report this and book a repair this was then booked for the 10/10 repairman said he would have to order the part, came on the 12/10 and fetched wrong part and would contact me when part becomes available, i did not hear from them again so i rang D n G back up on 25/10 said they would replace product and be in touch within 24 hours ive not heard from them, ive tried to ring them but left for over half hour on phone. a month without a dryer, can i cancel my cover. its a rolling cover and only just started 02/10 when i added a new appliance same day i reported the dryer
  6. I bought a car from stoneacre in 2014, i have 3 year warranty with vauxhall until september this year. My engine has failed on the motorway with no warning at all. We have had the car serviced and the book is stamped. However we lost our invoice, the garage cannot provide an invoice due to not having it on their computer system. genuine parts and oil was used. Now vauxhall are telling me that the engine wont be repaired under warranty due to not having an invoice however the book is stamped. can anybody advise me on what to do? thanks!!
  7. Hi I have a claim with a legal cover insurance for a car accident that happen in 2015. This is covered under my house insurance, so it is no no win no fee claim. They have sent me to a doctor. He created a report that was wrong since the beginning. I have object to it but the insurance insist it would not make a difference to my claim. Then the doctor send me for MRI scan for my shoulder that I had issues with since the accident. He came back to say " in his opinion after looking at the MRI scan, the issue with his shoulder, joint to hand, is degenerative and is been brought forwards by the accident by 3 years". I gone with my girlfriend to see him after few months of the accident, I said to him, I lost consciousness at the accident, I have issues with my neck, back, (they are getting better but still cause issues), shoulders, leg was broken and badly injured the muscles, tissue and bad scars. To understand the accident, I was slowed down to 40mph, gone out of the road to avoid them but they still hit me with 60mph. The front right side of the car was damaged, wheel broke off, the door gone into my leg, broke the bone and damage my muscles, nerves. I was holding the steering straight so the car not tip over because I knew the wheel would brake and had my foot on the brakes. So I got all the impact force on my shoulders and leg. He said in the report, I gone with my wife, I have not lost consciousness, he said "I said" that back, shoulder and neck have gone after 3 months of the accident, my leg is been fixed (broken bone), he does not mentioned anything about the rest of the damage on my leg, he does not mentioned to the report that I never had any issues with my shoulder join before the accident, he only show his opinion. I had the accident on 07/06/15 and gone for the MRI scan on 22/07/16. After his second report, after the MRI scan, I questioned the degenerative comments as the MRI was more than a year after the accident and never had any issues with my joints before, he replied: The client had the accident in 07/05/15 and the MRI scan was done on 22/07/16, well within a year time". I asked the insurance to scrap this report as the doctor they have sent me is not capable of creating a legal report, he does even know how many months are within a year, but they refuse, even after I said I pay for the second report from a reliable doctor who can actually create a legal accurate report. They tell me that changing all these errors would not make any difference to my claim and I can only claim 10K-11K. After I seen an independent solicitor he advised me to not release the report if I am not happy. I told that to the insurance claim, I asked them that by asking me to release an inaccurate report is their legal advice but they refuse to reply to this question. They keep telling me we can go back to the doctor to correct his report, but I already asked for the report to be corrected twice and once the insurance company refuse to pass the correction to the doctor as they said it would not affect my claim, and the second time I asked the question about the MRI and and the degenerative comments he did not correct nothing, he just came back with the 13 months is well within a year comment. I just stuck now, if you go from no win no fee solicitors, the take 20%-40% of your claim, probably to do the same job as the idiots that my home insurance sent me. Anyone else had similar issues that can provide with any comments? Thanks
  8. I rang the GP surgery due to having problems with the online booking system, this particular bad mannered receptionist talked down to me in a demeaming manner, telling me to use the online booking system at 7.45am in the morning. I tell her the online booking system is showing the next 3 weeks as not available to book an appointment and question her why? Her response to use it 7.45am in the morning or ring for an appointment at 8am. I tell her I can't because I'm travelling to work that time, she responds thats the only option and she gets more and more agressive during the call, like she's on a power trip. I tell her I'm making a complaint. I ring back after a few days, its the same receptionist, she takes my details (d.o.b), I ask to speak to the Practice Manager, she tells me 'We don't escalate calls to the practice manager. you have to put it into writing'. She keeps on repeating this over and over. I feel I'm getting no where and she's looking for a verbal confrotation after realising its me who and she asks "is it about the complaint against me?" I say no, but she asks "so whats the complaint about about you want to tell the practice manager or is it about not getting your appopintment within the 3 day time limit (I was given it 3 weeks later!!!) She asks "is it about the complaint against me? or about your appointment in 3 weeks time" I tell her its neither, but she keeps interrogating me over and over. Her tone of voice is aggressive, she talking loudly and I can hear her colleagues in the background. She tells me "I can't give you the practice manangers details, put the complaint in writing" and she's questioning me time and time about what issue is about (she's trying to find out why I want to speak to the practice manager, so she can pre-empt and try to cover her tracks before the practice manager receives the complaint. I can hear her colleagues in the background and tell her, she's breaking confidentiality/privacy by talking loud about my matter in from of her colleagues (she's buzzing of the power trip in front of her colleagues". She tells me I'm breaking confidentiality by talking to her in the presence of my family because she can hear them in the background!!! She tells me the call is recorded and we are not getting anywhere and she will end the call. I say her attitude towards me is bad, she's not professional and she's now talking over me, interrupting me constantly, then she slams the phone down. My health is not good at the moment and this effected my health....what can I do now to put her strong complaint in and get this receptionist dismissed because of above and she's openly discussed my issue with her colleagues and she went through my notes when she took the call, trying to find out if she could find out why I wanted to speak to the practice manager. Please help.
  9. Just needed some advice please . I took out breakdown cover in july on the go compare website . It was £27 with max 4 call outs. In august i had a flat battery at my home called them they came out and jump started me everything sorted drove and got a new battery , no problem . Today i get an invoice for £ 30 saying that there is an excess on every call out and i should of seen it on the go compare website . I read all documents sent to me , and it does not mention £30 excess on them , also the lady i spoke to when i needed them never once mentioned there would be an excess cgarge . I rung them today furious and this was there reply below . Dear XXXXXX Thank your call please see attached documention and screenshots of the go compare site were you puchased the policy. I must make you aware unless you pay the excess on the policy you will invalidate the insurance and as a result will be liable for the full cost of the recovery ( cira £204 + VAT ) if you fail to pay the outstanding in 5 working days we will be instrycting our debt collection team to procede to follow official avenues to collect the amount of recovery and you may also be liable for our costs in collection aswell. signed XXXXXX Just wondered if anyone has any advice . The guy has cancelled the policy and was very threating on the phone .
  10. Really need some advice on the best course of action here, here's a summary of what's happened. Taking it from the start: I bought my vehicle back in April, a Ford Fiesta, 14 reg. It is covered by the manufacturer's warranty (3 years / 60,000 miles), it's just over 2 years old now and has around 40,000 miles clocked. I am the 2nd owner of the vehicle, having purchased it from a Ford Evans Halshaw dealership. The vehicle was serviced at that same dealership in August, with everything stated as being in good condition. 2 weeks ago now, travelling down the A1, the car broke down, with the engine refusing to start, I had to be recovered from the hard shoulder, and the AA quickly identified no fix could be done at that point, there is no compression when attempting to start the engine, and the drive belt had gone. The vehicle was taken into a ford garage near home. This is a different dealership to the Evans Halshaw I purchased the vehicle from, but is an official ford garage. I informed them of the situation, and that the car should be covered by warranty. The following day they informed me that the auxiliary belt had gone and that it had caused further damage to the cambelt and more beyond that. They said the auxiliary belt is not covered beyond the first year of the warranty as it is a wear and tear item. The garage has made an attempted fix by replacing the cambelt, but to no resolution, and is now in the process of having to remove the cylinder head to inspect further. As you can imagine, the costs are racking up fast, and they still don't know the extent of the damage, worst case is the whole engine needs to be replaced, and that would cost more than the vehicle is worth. In the meantime, I lodged a complaint with Ford customer relationship centre, who took a week to get back to me, just to inform me that they had spoke to the garage, and reiterated the exact info - that I wasn't covered and there's nothing they can do. Frankly, I feel this is absolutely bonkers, the vehicle is 2 years old.. . I don't expect to buy an almost new car, and 6 month down the line have it break down to the cost of thousands or even more. Surely the service should have caught that the belt would go soon, it seems crazy that the cars only done 40k miles and has broke down this badly. Now, even as a wear/tear item, it has caused severely more damage than that - I'd happily pay to replace the auxiliary belt if that went, but it seems like a major issue for it to have caused more damage. I'd appreciate any advice, I don't feel I am responsible whatsoever for this occurring, I find it insane. This is the first vehicle I've ever owned, and I felt I was playing it safe going for something still under warranty and as commonplace as a ford fiesta. I'm still pushing my complaint further with Ford, but haven't had a further response from them yet. Also, in the event my engine does need replacing, I feel I am completely cornered, I have no where to go at that point. I'd be out of pocket massively, with no car to my name too.
  11. ive taken on this for my mother. Long and short of the query is she took out cover for a dishwasher to be fixed with D and G. - D and G agreed to take over the appliance which is over 12 years old if they could fix. - came out twice last year, first visit asked for some plumbing to be done, second visit a fix was done but to unsatisfactory standards. - the appliance still leaks and the door was fitted back on incorrectly. - i stopped the direct debit due to the poor work and asked for it to be written off due to poor service - since then we are getting alot of chasing letters asking to reset up ddi as the plan needs to be honoured as a repair was done. failure to do so, the debt will be passed onto their 3rd party engineers. do i have a leg to stand to in regards to this or is it wise to pay the balance. i feel we have been cheated with the service.
  12. I work 3 hrs every other Saturday on the counter in a pharmacy. The week I work Saturday I take the time off another day so that I am still working my contracted hours in that week. If I book holidays on a week that I am due to work the Saturday, I am expected to arrange my own cover with the other person who also does the Saturday and vice versa. As I am not expected to arrange cover Mon-Fri when on holiday I want to know is this allowed?
  13. I was in a legal dispute with a University over a discrimination issue. It was concluded by Consent of Order and I was awarded damages, but without admission of liability by the University. In the Order it stated the matter against the Defendant was concluded. I have a couple of queries... 1) Could I bring a claim against a couple of individuals from the University - as my previous claim was against the University, not individuals. I am not looking for financial award just a declaration of victimisation. All documentation and Court papers has the Defendant as this particular University. 2) The Defendant was ordered (by consent) to pay damages - but without admission of liability. Would people infer the University was indeed liable - because of the damages they had to pay and that 'without admission of liability' is the equivalent of pleading 'not guilty'.
  14. Hi Again I come to get great information and help. I was with PayPlan Plus for about 5 years, paying £22+ per month for payment protection. My questions are ... 1 ... Can I claim Payment Protection from a Debt Management Company even though it was a free plan 2 ... Can you advise of the address of payplan as i have since emigrated and no longer have anything from them 3 ... If successful They are not allowed to pass this on as a split to the creditors are they Many thanks for your help again. Very much appreciated especially as I no longer reside in the UK. Grumpy Old Me ... lol
  15. Hi Cagger's I know I've been very dumb I know it, anyway I bought something from Bright house last year and I was told if I did not have contents insurance I would have to take out the OSC. In fact I was dumb again the same year and bought something else and was told exactly the same thing. It is my intention to pay these items off and no longer use bright house. but I have since learnt that you can cancell the OSC at any time and I have already drafted a letter using a template from this site. However, I am reading conflicting information about getting a refund for the OSC I have already paid. Is it possible to have this refunded and applied to my account to reduce the amount I owe? I was clearly missold these items as I now understand the line about having contents insurance is bull****. Thanks people
  16. As this is now included as a forced, non optional add-on, has anyone been able to reclaim it and how can you find out what proportion of a payment is "insurance"? i unfortunately use brighthouse atm and have also used them back when it was crazy georges so i potentially have a sizeable reclaim to work on.
  17. Took out a British Gas homecare agreement a few months back and paid a £99 initial call out charge where they come out and inspect/fix your boiler and then you pay £22 a month for a minimum of 12 months. If they don't want to take on a boiler they reserve the right to not take on the agreement after the initial inspection. They took on my boiler and 4 months down the boiler has broken down again. The engineer came out today and advised that the boiler is not worth throwing more money at and cancelled my agreement. When I spoke with British Gas they said that the Ferroli no longer supply the parts but I just got off the phone with them and they have plenty in stock. I think its due to the fact that its gonna cost them £400 for the part. (combustion box) Can they do that mid way through a policy as it doesn't suit them?
  18. I signed up for a year of cover on a washer dryer and have just found out that they have been taking the payments since 2011 without me realising or indeed authorising it. I spoke to them and they were incredibly unhelpful - a rude and arrogant woman on the phone who said that they were not regulated by anyone and fundamentally they could do what they liked. They claim to have been sending me renewal notices each year which I have not received - I moved property so cannot verify this. Their main line of defence is that when they sent the first renewal letter it said that unless you cancel then it will automatically renew. I cannot believe that this is allowed?!? Can anyone please help me claim my hundreds of pounds back? I could have purchased about 3 new machines now for the amount they have charged!!! Any help greatly appreciated.
  19. Hi folks can anyone give advice please, I have cover with this company and my boiler is due a service, first time it was arranged for a Saturday morning between 08.00 and 12.00 they called at 11.0 to say they could not attend as they had a a very high volume of emergency call out's and they take priority over service jobs, ok fair enough. Then they kept phoning to remind me my service was overdue??, it was arranged again for today and they would be here between 08.00 and 12.00 and guess what, they called to say they had a very high volume of, blah blah blah. So reading through their T&C, as i now want to cancel, as they don't seem to have enough engineers to cover the customers they have on there books, but it say's if I cancel then I could be liable for the cost of 12 month cover just renewed in November, but if they cant provide me with the cover they promise to give then surely they are in breach of contract, and they should compensate me for having to take time off work etc. Any advice welcome thanks.
  20. I have had an ongoing issue with British Gas since my renewal dropped through the letter box in September 2014 for £340/yr. A fairly simple telephone call you might imagine to negotiate a better deal to compare to competitors at around £200/yr for the same level of cover. Anyway, two telephone calls that failed to result in a new price, due to "computer issues". Followed by various methods of them delivering the same £340/yr renewal quote with no explanation. Plus my complaints via on-line message through the website and to various complaints/customer service email addresses has still not resulted in a resolution. The most annoying fact is after the initial phone calls they said I would continue to be insured, and they would take the direct debit at the monthly amount stated. Now they never did this, so i would assume I am not insured, but they have not responded to my questions to confirm this. Please give some thought before you take one of these policies, and not just with BG by the sounds of it. I am going to try and find a good recommended boiler service guy and hope that any breakdowns and repairs are not too painful. Thanks for reading..
  21. The purpose of exposing the truth about this story will contribute to finding the truth so that justice can finally achieved for us and for other people in the similar situations. I do not have a big group of leaseholders behind me and hence I am completely isolated and silenced. My home has been flooded for 10 years. I was deprived of any dignity in my own home. I experienced that silence to which I was constrained after a decade-long attack on my dignity as a human being before I was removed from my home with my evidence being ignored. The only objective of any exposure is the search for truth. There is no place for the “politically correct.” in a system that privileges parasitic opportunists at the expenses of families and people that cannot defend themselves on equal grounds. Anyone should be given the right to expose their side of the story according to the evidence available. I hope that consumeractiongroup will concede me this opportunity always with respect for the law and, of course, to relevant enquiries. I am looking for urgent expertise and help by consumers who are knowledgeable about planning issues and conveyancing. Some details of my story are available here: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/conversion_in_eight_flats_at_34 if anyone bothers to follow the link and read up to the bottom I will then ask few urgent questions, Thanks a lot, Homeless Gullyver An isolated and silenced leaseholder.
  22. I purchased a 8.4 Inch Book Cover for my Tab S. The 2 poppers on the back have come away from the unit and sadly means it will no longer connect to my Tab S. Ive had this less than 2 months. I approached CPW to help sort out the issue and I was told as its outside of 28 days, they said as there was a limited warranty for 3 / 6 months, I was to contact Samsung. So i spoke to Samsung and they said the Warranty lies with the retailer... So I rang again to someone else at Samsung who said the same thing. So I went back to CPW and yet again they referred me to Samsung. I sent a complaint email to them and yet again they've told me to go to the retailer yet again. The complaint email was sent to the MD of Samsung UK and their support team. They have now come back with this again... What is my next step?
  23. back in 2007 i purchased 3 computers all from pc world and all having the top pc performance package ive had the computers ever since then and the 2 advents which i purchased within a few months of each other have now both got issues blue screening and crash dumping memory the card readers dont function and one dvd player is not working several times over the years one machine in particular has been sent back for the same repair a few weeks ago i went into the store to book a repair at my place of work only to be told they do not do that cover anymore ? i asked for an in house repair i then went back to work got the machine and took it into the shop at marsh mills plymouth i was told that i would have to book it in for the repair it would need to be sent off for repair ? i was told it would take no longer than 7 days i booked it in with pc world to get done i went into pc world 3 days later to still find the computer in the shop ? after 5 days i got the customer support on the phone asking what is wrong with the machine i explained the same as the notes that were left with the machine when i booked it in ? the dvd drive work when it wanted ? the card reader did not work at all ? the fan was going flat out all the time the machine was really noisey ok she said ill make sure the technician knows all the faults when he works on the machine i replied today is thursday and its due back saturday no worries it will be done then i had the technician on the phone asking what i wanted to be saved off the machine i replied everything he told me that if i wanted to save the data and photos ect i would have to purchase one of there memory devices at the cost of £60 i said no way ill send one in to the shop to be passed on to you i went into the shop with my brand new 64GB memory stick the man went to the computer to book the memory stick in then came back to tell me they wont be needing it now ideal i said not really they have done a factory re set and lost all of the data on the tower ? i left the shop as i was shocked and stunned well i got the machine back 5 days later with a letter to say that the card reader had been replaced and a cable was defective and it had a corrupt version of windows ? well i took the machine home to plug it in only to find that the card reader still wont work as it has no drivers the machine is beyond factory settings its bare so i took the machine back into the store as i am not happy with this at all if i had as there agreement says an on site technician i would never have let the machine be wiped clean these people are total jokers if they do not want to honour my warranty where do i stand any help would be great many thanks lee
  24. I don't know whether this is just another conspiracy theory, but some people believe that some recent aeroplane crashes have been caused by them being taken over by remote control devices from the ground. Apparently according to aviation experts, it is now possible to take over the control of most aircraft from the ground. I find this a little scary if true and if there was any possibility of this then it would be covered up by the airlines, aviation authorities and governments. There would be sudden reduction in the number of people booking flights, until some reassurance had been provided, that it could not happen. It is not just the crashes that have been reported, but there have also been reports of flightcrew losing control over aircrafts for short periods or having unexplained problems. Or it could just be that the modern generation of aircraft with a large number of computers/electronics, are being kept in service for too long. We all know that cars with all the modern electronics start to fail after a period, even if the mechanics are in working oder.
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