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  1. I would be grateful if anyone can help me with this please. I joined RAC breakdown cover in December. I have not used the service at all and hope to never need it, but it is there just in case. Other than the initial confirmation email and card arriving by post, that was that. Until 3 weeks ago when I started getting several emails from RAC and others in connection with the RAC, ie FeFoo who were doing a survey on behalf of the RAC. I never gave RAC permission to annoy me with emails and certainly never consented to them giving my email address to 3rd parties such as FeFoo. I contacted RAC initially by completing their online complaints for, An autoresponder said they would reply within 5 working days. They did not. I did the same again and again they did not respond, so I called them to register my complaint about my complaint. I received an email from RAC last week in which they apologised for not responding before and they offered me £15 compensation as an apology for the non-response. However, they told me in the same email that when I joined I did not opt out of emails. Firstly, I certainly did as I am one of those people that refused to give shops my email for this exact reason. Secondly, I thought the law had been changed in that you now have to ‘opt in’ and the default is not to be opted in instead of the old way of opting you in unless you remove the opt in selection – as used to be the case with the likes of Adobe Flash player that used to pause enough time to get you to click ‘accept’ then autofill the additional junk software you did not want, that has now been changed to NOT autofill. Can anyone please clarify if I am right on this? RAC should not be opting me in unless I specifically say that I want to be by ME selecting an opt-in box, rather than me having to look for and select selecting an opt-out box. Ironically, they said in the same e-mail that I had now been removed and would receive no more junk, then sent me more junk the very next day! Any help would be appreciated.
  2. I wonder if anyone could advise me on behalf of my son. His car recently had a problem and he called the RAC out to deal with it. The car, which is automatic, was towed to a garage. The car was hooked up and driven at 50 miles an hour or more, this resulted in his gear box being damaged. His car was repaired for the original problem when it broke down but the garage commented on the problem with the gear box. Renault recommended that a car being towed should not be over 15 miles per hour. This has been taken up with the RAC who have taken 3 weeks to get back to him to say after speaking with the RAC man concerned that they would not be able to help with the cost of repair to his car and other costs. They still had the tracking of the speed and have said it was only going at 30 miles per hour. My son has asked for a copy of the tracking information but the RAC spokesperson who is dealing with his complaint have said they cannot or will not supply him with a copy of the tracking. The garage where the car was repaired have said the tracking information would prove it was the speed that has caused the gear box failure. The car is old and that is what the RAC are saying, it is because of the age of the car. If that is their reckoning why do they not just supply the proof. Is there anything he can do to get the RAC to supply him with the tracking information? Any help greatly appreciated. His car is in the garage by the way and will cost over a £1000 to repair, as my son is self employed and uses his car for his business he has had to get a loan to buy another car.
  3. RAC to apologise to 1 million customers for breaking insurance renewal rules The RAC will be apologising to more than 1 million customers for falling short on rules on insurance renewals. The motoring organisation has become the latest – and one of the largest – businesses to be rapped by the Financial Conduct Authority watchdog. Rules introduced by the FCA a year ago require firms to clearly show the insurance premium a customer paid last year alongside their proposed renewal premium. They also require firms to show a “prominent, clear and straightforward message” to encourage customers to shop around. https://uk.yahoo.com/finance/news/rac-apologise-1-million-customers-breaking-insurance-renewal-rules-121828308.html
  4. Hi I have had 3 x late payment fees of £25 each on my car insurance with RAC which i pay monthly and credit is provided by BISL. I would like to reclaim these can someone point me to a template letter suitable to start the ball rolling ?
  5. Please move this to the correct topic if this is not the right place please. This is my first post so go gentle My girlfriend (who is also deaf and disabled) took out a RAC membership last October (2015) with RAC Parts and Labour cover which provides cover up to £750 in the event of a parts failure. She also added courtesy car cover. She did this because she knows nothing about cars and wanted complete peace of mind. *Parts and Labour cover seems to be provided by a third party warranty company called The Warranty Group (TWG) In January 2016 her car wouldn't start at the top of a high rise shopping centre car park. RAC came out to her and diagnosed faulty starter motor. The RAC patrolman decided that he would replace the starter there and then and purchased a brand new starter from Euro Car Parts. It seems the RAC bore the cost of the new starter, rather than The Warranty Group for some reason. He replaced the starter in the pouring rain and when he had finished the car started once, then would not start and run again. The RAC man gave up and said it needed to go to an RAC approved garage. It was taken to a RAC garage while my gf was provided with a hire car under her cover. The next day, the garage made contact and said that the car was fine. They tried starting it and it fired up right away. They had not carried out any work or done any tests and it was ready to be picked up, no charge. She picked it up. Fine for one week then battery light came on. RAC came out and diagnosed failed alternator. Back to the same RAC approved garage and the alternator replaced at great cost. She had to pay the bill herself because for some reason her parts and labour cover with The Warranty Group was not live, despite being purchased in October (now Feb) so a ghost claim was set up where she had to pay the bill and claim it back. Fast forward to two weeks ago, September. I was with her this time. She tried starting car and it would not start. Smoke started coming from under the bonnet, opened the bonnet and the starter motor was on fire!! Next to the house and several parked cars. I managed to get some water very quickly and put it out but this could have been a potential disaster. Starter motor is directly under the battery and if that had caught fire it would have been a catastrophe. Called out the RAC who had a look and immediately disconnected the battery. Explained the history to him and he said he would put in his report that the starter had caught fire etc. He took the car away to another RAC approved garage (the one we had used before was no longer RAC approved for some reason) When we received the email report it just stated check all electrics. Nothing about the starter or the fire. Hire car provided to her for 3 days as per her cover. Now we come to the problem. Rang the RAC and spoke to customer care about the fire. My girlfriend believed that because it was fitted by the RAC and the part should still be under warranty, there wouldn't be an issue replacing it. However the RAC appeared to be reluctant to accept any responsibility. First saying that the report doesn't mention anything about the starter so there's no proof that it was the starter. Got put through to a different dept, who then said that because they were treating it as 'an allegation of damage' that it was her responsibility to get the fault investigated and get a report to show that it was the starter at fault and they she would have to pay for all this! They also said that The Warranty Group would not consider a claim (even though it wasn't TWG who fitted the starter but the RAC) as it was an allegation of damage again the RAC. The garage that the RAC had taken it to were not able to look at it for several days, by which time the 3 day period on the hire car would be up. My gf said she would have no car to get to work and as a disabled person she couldn't use public transport. This made no difference to the RAC. Report finally came back from the RAC approved garage, who we discovered had only done a visual check because they "didn't have the equipment to do any tests" saying fire damage to starter motor, wiring loom from starter to fuse box and fuse box. It said in the report "suspected high resistance in wiring" (based on nothing but a visual check) and quoted an estimate of £640 to repair. The RAC jumped on the "high resistance in wiring" bit and said that showed it wasn't the starter! Despite the fact that a manufacturer fault in the starter can cause wiring problems. They then said that they would pass it to TWG to see if they would cover it (even though it wasn't the TWG that fitted the starter but the RAC) TWG came back and said no, they don't cover wiring looms! (checked the terms, and it does say they don't cover wiring looms) The RAC were basically trying to wash their hands of the whole thing. A few emails back and forth and they've now said they'll send out an independent company called Hoopers to check the car and do some tests but they can't give us a date. It's been 2 weeks now that she has been without her car. The RAC simply do not seem to care, the fact that she is also disabled does not seem to matter to them. I think the whole thing is shocking. She took out the top cover with them, with Parts and Labour cover to cover mechanical failures up to £750 and hire car cover so she would not have to worry about being without a car. Instead she's had nothing but worry with this company. *The starter motor itself was replaced by an actual RAC patrolman, not a garage under The Warranty Group. *The patrolman fitted it in the pouring rain, and the new starter not working may be down to the patrolman making a mistake, or failing to notice an existing issue. *The car was taken to an RAC garage where it SHOULD have been investigated to see why the new starter was not working, not just turning the key the next morning and saying it's fine. *The alternator failed 1 week later, this may not even have been the alternator but a failing connection between the alternator and the starter and should have been a clue for further investigation. With the RAC being the last people to have any contact with the starter and the associated wiring, I can't see how it falls down to my gf to have to foot the bill. Apologies for this very long post, and hope I haven't switched you off before you can offer any advice. It's advice I'm after about where she stands in regard to this. Thank you for reading.
  6. Here you go. http://www.motortrader.com/motor-trader-news/automotive-news/ford-technicians-praised-rac-high-quality-standards-18-11-2015 H
  7. Seriously boiling mad - I have had RAC breakdown insurance for last 4 yrs . On auto renewal direct debit . Just discovered after checking my bank online they have taken out £113 ( Last years renewal was £85 ) with no letter sent to state new premium - straight on phone to wait 20 minutes for call center . I have used their service about twice in 4yrs . Demanded a full refund for the absolute cheek of them , got offered a check in the post . ( Firstly in was a £16 refund ) Now waiting for their Complaints section to contact me for a direct transfer as it has maxed out my poor account - will not be using them again or recommending these shysters . Beware if yr on DD payments
  8. purchased rac insurance for my car , they asked for ncd by email I provided and they confirmed by email, 3 weeks later letter arrived on 14 th march dated 11 th march cancelling policy on calling them they said I had not replied to 2 previous letters asking for copy of my driving licence , I not received either letter, started complaint what are my chances of reversing this decision and getting my charges back.
  9. Last night (no doubt in preparation of Barry Beavis's Court of Appeal case in a few days times) the RAC Foundation issued a 64 page statement from a highly respected QC questioning the legality of private parking tickets. The document is stunning and is a 'must read' for anyone with an interest in these dreadful private parking tickets. http://www.racfoundation.org/assets/rac_foundation/content/downloadables/RACF_Private_Parking_Public_Concern_John_de_Waal_Jo_Abbott_February_2015.pdf
  10. Hello All, Bought a used car recently which had 3 months Warranty as above. Had starter motor prob in 2nd month, the garage which have been excellent for customer service replaced motor without quibble. The 3 months warranty is expiring shortly and I am considering taking out the above named RAC Warranty, Gold Parts and Labour Cover at £299 for 12 months cover. I have always had the opinion, rightly or wrongly and reading press reports etc, that these Warrantys are not usually worth the paper they are printed on. The dealer I bought the vehicle at, have been as stated above. I would appreciate any further info/advice from the CAG team and posters, as to have the car Warranty cover policies improved or are they still tied up with Legalities as to why they will not/cannot pay for repairs. "EXEMPLO DUCEMUS"
  11. We bought a Rav4 for 5.2 k from a garage in Honiton, stating we needed it to be reliable for 500 miles per month. We bought RAC silver warranty, but after nearly 3 months problems have occurred, a mechanic friend diagnosed possible sock absorbers, ecu, gearbox vibration, suspension, solanoid, and fluid type leak from somewhere underneath etc. I called into the garage we bought it from, and politely asked if they could take a look. They test drove it, and said possible probs but to take it to their rac approved garage near our home. I asked very politely that because the car was less than 3 months if it was covered by them under the sale of goods act. They became very hostile, and said no it was nothing to do with them, and they had been generous enough to throw in half price warranty ( on the full price of the car which they wouldn't budge on ) When I arrived at the recommended garage , they were also very hostile and said I'd done the wrong thing to mention sale of goods act, which I was taken aback about, I'd been so polite and was asking about it not demanding anything, I'm a nice person not given to "knowing my rights " so it felt a bit intimidating! They said they would look at it but it would cost to diagnose. They kept my warranty ppwk When I told my husband he went down there, also politely but firmly and they have agreed to look at it for free. They have diagnosed a few problems but not the knocking noise I can hear in the passenger side, and the uncomfortable bumping. Now we have to argue the cost of repairs with the RAC, the job will be 800 at least. They make it sound like its our fault for doing 5k since we have owned it, as if we should expect expensive work when doing that sort of mileage, even though most of it is pootling on the motorway. We've had old cars for years and they have never given this much trouble. Last year we bought a freelander for 3k, which after 3 months needed 1500 worth of work on it, we figured its the mileage , so we sold it back to the garage for half the price we bought it for, and decided to buy something younger , and more reliable from a " proper garage " so we'd be covered in the event of problems like this again. Despite the RAC warranty it seems not. What we'd like to do is sell it back to the garage , get most of our money back, and buy an old banger thats more reliable, at least we can work on that ourselves. We've had an mx5 for 15 years used every day which hasnt let us down. Do you think the rac recommended garage are in co hoots with the garage we bought the car from ? Is it in their best interests to do as little work as possible via RAC warranties? And most importantly , if they did agree to take the car back, how much could we reasonably expect to receive from a purchase price of 5k when we have done 5k miles? any thoughts would be much appreciated Jessegee
  12. I was with the AA for years, no problems, but switched to RAC. I called them three days ago, because of a problem, and I only got the tyre replaced tonight. They seem to have contracted a lot of their work out to local garages. Anyone know any different?
  13. Hello, I don't want to bore you with the longest of all stories but.I am in a position where I bought an RAC warranty through Car Craft, it wasn't worth the paper it was written on, I then didn't pay them for years, ostrich style. I now want to get it sorted out. I owe just over £500 - I could just pay it off, but I feel badly treated and mis-sold, like so many of the other RAC stories on here. So: Is RAC warranty the same as PPI as some seem to have indicated in threads? Can I have it cancelled, and my Default stricken off? (i have not paid in nearly 3 years) I did get a note from some debt collectors which I ignored. My life is back on track now and I want a mortgage, this is holding me bask and I need to sort it out. Your best advice please. MJ
  14. Hi. I have contents insurance which I bought through RAC, in January unfortunately I had to make a claim, I was passed on to Key Connect to deal with my damage to the sofa. This Key Connect company is part of Gallagher Heath. I am having to chase the company daily to ask on updates with the claim. They ring my landline which I have asked them not to do as it's only used for Internet, I tell them this every time. They have also been giving cleaning companies my wrong mobile number also. I was told that the sofa was beyond repair and asked for the original price I paid, which I did. After there we have 5 days to process this information, I once again had to chase them for information. I was told that a cheque for the original value would be sent out that week. One week on and no cheque. I rang and spoke to them again to be told I now needed to provide a estimate for a new sofa. If I had not rang them when would they have contacted me to let me know I needed to do this. This whole process is very frustrating. I am being told different things from different people in the company. Once again I had to correct my mobile number with them. The man in the centre said "oh yes it's in the notes your number needs to be change" but it still had not been. Am I within my rights to complain regarding the lack of and conflicting communication ? Also when I went to the original sofa shop for the estimate the sofa closest match to mine is over double the price ! Can anyone advise me with this as I am now worried they will think I am being awkward by complaining and what will happen that the sofa is more than what I originally paid ? Thanx in advance
  15. I recently purchased a 2004 Citroen C8 along with an RAC Gold warranty, i wrongly assumed that it covered breakdown as per the text on the front page of the booklet ( RAC GOLD WARRANTY AND BREAKDOWN) so did not bother changing over my existing Breakdown cover from my old car. Unfortunately my car broke down whilst on the M5 recently but luckily i was close to junction 6 and managed to coast off the motorway and stop on the motorway island. I had the warranty booklet with me and eventually managed to find the phone number on the back cover in small type. When i got through i was informed that the RAC GOLD WARRANTY & BREAKDOWN COVER does not cover recovery , i explained that i had existing cover on my old vehicle but didnt bother changing it over because i assumed RAC GOLD BREAKDOWN COVER would actually cover recovery costs, i then had to pay £25 to do a change of ownership of my old cover. I had to then wait for 2 and a half hours for recovery whilst my car was on the very busy junction 6 roundabout with cars swerving to avoid my car and blowing horns and gesticulating constantly. When the RAC did arrive the fault could not be diagnosed so i asked to be taken to a local garage and asked for a recommendation from the RAC patrol man. My car was taken to a garage in Worcester and after 5 days it had been diagnosed as a snapped cam belt and the engine was stripped down showing extensive damage. the RAC warranty people were informed and an engineer was due to go and look at my car and make a report on the following thursday , this was put off till the friday with no explanation or apology , on enquiring on the friday i was told for the second time by an operator at RAC Warranty services that it was not up to them to chase the engineers report up and their only input was to book the visit online then leave it up to the repairing garage to chase the report and outcome ! I was told the earliest the report would be done was by the following monday, monday came and went with no news, so i again phoned on tuesday and was told again it was nothing to do with them and it was up to the garage to sort out, i pointed out that i paid the RAC for the warranty and expected them to take some interest in my problem, she then looked on the system and informed me that they were turning down my claim.... The warranty booklet clearly states the timing belt is covered and i quote …. Timing belts Provided there is proof that the manufacturer’s replacement recommendations have been complied with, and they are free from oil contamination. So no problem there you would think as it has been changed in line with service schedule and they agreed there was no oil contamination but no they turned the claim down for the following reason : We would conclude that the timing belt has suffered an over load failure. There was no evidence of excessive wear, lack of lubrication or seizure to account for the condition apparent. As such we can only consider 2 possible causes for the defect and 1 unlikely cause fatigue: 1 The engine has been exposed to accidental over speed 2 The belt has jumped causing a loss of timing and on reengagement valve contact has developed. Clearly for this to have developed the belt would need to be running undertensioned. I was obviously not happy with this decision and asked to speak to a manager but was told they dont do things in that way and all i can do is request a call back and this will happen within 48 hours, when the manager did call back he explained that because they could not explain the failure it was up to the garage to prove why it snapped ! I pointed out that using that reasoning they could get out of paying any claims for timing belts ever ! He explained the over speed comment infers i changed down from 5th to 1st gear by accident ! i pointed out i was driving down the motorway at the time and not changing gear at all, he noted my comments and said he would investigate further. Meanwhile the repairing garage had received the same report and the owner called me to let me know he was furious with the report and that if i didnt sue the RAC he would as he had never read so much bull s*** and that it was totally unfair and that although he had no personal interest he was going to demand another engineer was sent out and also that he would in the mean time charge the RAC storage costs for my car. This seemed to wake the RAC up and within half an hour i had received a call to say suddenly my claim was now being honoured. I never thought that such a large and what i previously thought was a well respected organisation such as the RAC would act in such a manner and will be widely publicising my experience to encourage people to think twice before taking out a GOLD WARRANTY and also not to accept blindly what their report on the vehicles failure reports. A Google search indicates that a lot of people have suffered similarly and so i have created a Facebook group and will be inviting people to share their experiences.
  16. just got a renewal from RAC today for an insane £5976 over a 1000 times more than the best quote i got online. Didn't hink much off it as it but re reading the letter they where going to automatically take payment with the card details i gave them when i first applied. So they where going to take neark £6K without my authorisation. Also they kept my card details stored on there system which is a breach of the payment card industries guidelines. If you currently with RAC then check and double check how muc they are charging you and make sure they are nt automatically take payment. I dont think RAC ahve done anything ilegal (altough i may be wrong) but they have certainley acted very poorly.
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