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  1. RAC to apologise to 1 million customers for breaking insurance renewal rules The RAC will be apologising to more than 1 million customers for falling short on rules on insurance renewals. The motoring organisation has become the latest – and one of the largest – businesses to be rapped by the Financial Conduct Authority watchdog. Rules introduced by the FCA a year ago require firms to clearly show the insurance premium a customer paid last year alongside their proposed renewal premium. They also require firms to show a “prominent, clear and straightforward message” to encourage customers to shop around. https://uk.yahoo.com/finance/news/rac-apologise-1-million-customers-breaking-insurance-renewal-rules-121828308.html
  2. Hi. Just needed some advice. I currently work in the care industry. At our place we do sleep ins as our clients need 24 hour care. A letter was written complaining that in light of recent rulings regarding sleep in pay, the employer was underpaying us under the national minimum wage. This was discussed in our staff meeting with all the staff names typed on it. The area manager wanted to know who sent it. They were very dismissive of the letter. The area manager commented on the poor way it was written. They wrote directly to the individual concerned saying they would look into it. As per company procedure, they failed to respond within the 10 working days. In fear of being singled out and the effects it could have, an anonymous letter was sent to the company. It stated that they had broken the law by not paying the minimum wage. It also said we should have been paid the full amount from the end of July. It requested that a response had to be made in 14 days on how they were going to address the back pay. It also expressed concerns of what may happen to the sleep ins and how it could affect our residents. Whilst not everyone saw the letter before it was sent, then the manager has shown the staff since. Whilst some did not give their consent, all agree, including the manager that the contents were right. Our concerns were over the monies owed to us prior to the 27th July 2017, the monies due since then and proposed changes to our sleep-in arrangements. This also include our residents would not be covered. We wrote this as we feared our jobs if HR found out. 1) The company tried to find out who wrote the letter. They got all the staff to sign if they knew anything about the letter and did they give authorisation. Most of us signed we did not in order to protect our identities, but we all signed “but we agree with the contents”. We all felt the company was more focused on who wrote it, rather than address the issues. 2) Over the last few days, they have called us all in individually after the company had an emergency manager meeting. We were all told verbally that the company has until March 2019 to pay. In addition, they said that they would be waiting for an appeal due in March over sleep in pay. From what we have understood, the ruling regarding back dated pay by the inland revenue only applies to pay owed up to the 27th July 2017. Normal enforcement by HMRC applies for pay after this date. A number of care companies already pay the correct amount, but the company still only pay £35 for a 9.5/ 10 hour sleep in. We are often up during the night and rarely get any extra. 3) We were all told verbally that the company may have to consider closures if this is pursued. We all felt that this was delivered in a threatening manner. 4) In terms of moving forward, they have proposed that our sleep ins will change to on call. We were told we could leave the premises at night and come back, but we must be able to return to the premises within 10 minutes (Nobody lives within 10 minutes). It would be monitored and anyone arriving later will have their contracts terminated. In addition, we asked if all the staff leave the premises, what would happen. We were told someone would have to stay and cover. In other words, we all feel they are trying to avoid their legal obligations and have shown no interest in any ideas or other ways that can address this issue. Most of us feel that the company is trying to take advantage of some of our foreign workers who are too afraid to upset the company. This was given verbally and they wanted us to sign that we had a supervision over this issue. We have also checked our contracts. We have noticed that training is also not paid. Training is a requirement by CQC and other care authorities. All staff must have certain training. This also, we feel is breaking the rules on the minimum wage. Any advice would be appreciated.
  3. Hi, Some advice to pass on to my daughter, please. She and her partner separated in April 2016 and although they have a daughter together it has been like trying to get blood from a stone to get him to pay maintenance so the bank of mum and dad stepped in and now the CSA are involved. Saying all of this she has now had her renewal pack and HMRC state that because he got a job after they broke up in July 2016 that his income must be taken into account and that she owes them 600 plus pounds. Even when I explained that they were not together at any time between April 2016 and now and that in fact she had notfied them of this change of circumstances and had an ongoing single claim, the HMRC advisor was adamant this was fair and correct yet I do not see how it can be. Has anyone been in a similar situation and if so what would you advise me to do on her behalf.
  4. In September this year I was driving my SORNED 29 year old car to an MOT in Penge as there is a classic Citroen specialist who looks after said cars. I broke down at the traffic lights in Crystal Palace causing untold mayhem during the beginnings of the Friday rush hour. The police passed by, but didn't stop to help. Two young men helped me push the car to safety and allowed the traffic to flow. I waited for the breakdown recovery people to arrive for two hours and when they did, the journey continued to Penge - a mere two or three miles down the road. It was there that we found out the car could not fit on the ramp in the garage on Friday evening the car was left safely off the road but on the pavement where people park, causing no trouble whatsoever. I left a note in the windscreen window with my phone number if there was a problem, clear to see. On the following Monday I started ringing around the garages I knew who could handle the problem of the clutch. On this model, the engine has to come out so the clutch can be accessed to be fixed so it's not a quick one - it is a two day job and the complexity means that most will not touch it. The garages were busy and no one could take in the car - one quote was for November - a few weeks off at this point On the Tuesday I was referred to a service in Erith that specialised in clutches but he could not take the car in till Friday. imagine my surprise when mid week I learn that the DVLA has clamped my car. I asked the DVLA to reconsider by phone only to find that it required the car to have road tax and MOT within 14 days. Funny, but that had been the original idea. However the unpleasant unhelpful voice at the other end of the line informed me that in any refund I would only get about a third back. I waited till the Friday as the car clearly wasn't going anywhere until that day and called the DVLA to de-clamp the car. The money was paid and a young lady arrived to remove the clamp. I engaged her with conversation whereupon the following was confirmed: 1) The DVLA looks out for cars that are clearly owned to penalise heavily. This includes cars that have broken down and cars which have not updated their road tax. 2) The DVLA ignores dumped cars and leaves those to the local authorities (as there is no money to be made in fines so the cost of dumping is borne by the taxpayer). 3) Effectively the DVLA has no problem leaving people who are already stranded through no fault of their own in an even more vulnerable position and uses its right to clamp, irrespective of notes left clearly in the car. In fact a note left in the car seems to indicate to a clamper that the fine would definitely be paid - hence money to be made. I then waited for several hours until the RAC arrived, and by the time they did, the garage in Erith was closing for the weekend. The car was trailered back to its garage and pushed into place . It was a disastrous week just trying to get an MOT, and the end result left me very angry, extremely stressed, substantially out of pocket, and exhausted. The car will stay in its garage for either the duration of the Turpinesque fine or until the fine is returned in full and I can get the car mot'd with a working clutch whereupon I will buy road tax, without conditions of any sort attached. I believe that this fine has been wrongly applied. I wanted the car on the road to be used, not sitting in a garage, just keeping dry, but clearly the odds of having a trouble-free effort to get the car on the road again were stacked against me as much by circumstance as the authorities looking to cash in on an individual's unfortunate situation. If this is the way that they intentionally treat those who are attempting to do the right thing, then it is inevitable that there must be a subsequent spike in illegality regarding un-taxed road use, and frankly on the basis of my experience, the DVLA would completely deserve it - such is the price for random advocacy for highway robbery in the first place. I am now at the point of issuing proceedings against the DVLA and the named recipient will be its Chief Exec Morley. Has anyone else incurred a problem like this H - where the have taken a SORNed car to the mot station and broken down and been clamped. I shall be requesting an FOI on such from the DVLA, but to date their obfuscation means that this is likely to take months. if anyone has any such information about equally unjust fines and clamping on this subject and how they dealt with the matter I would be very grateful to hear from them.
  5. Under the 2104 Children and Families Act 2014 Councils have certain Statutory directives regarding children who are not in education, for whatever reason. My daughter has been out of education for three years with separation anxiety brought about by her mother's domestic violence. Under the Act the Council are supposed to have provided 'alternative education' for her. The Act says they must work with schools/colleges to identify children in need and consult with them/their parents and other professional to provide alternatives suitable to their needs. Under the Equality Act and SEN regulations she is now classed as 'disabled and with SEN needs. However to date the Council have not followed any of the statutory directives. They have not even contacted me about her. I have complained to them. No result. I have complained to the Local Government Ombudsman. No result. I have complained to the Ministry of Education, told it was not their remit. How can I get them brought to task and get my daughter compensation for loss of education resulting from their not following the law? All over the UK there are families in the same situation.
  6. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3421261/Man-carrying-two-guns-arrested-police-DisneyLand-Paris.html Not another one!!!
  7. Orbit visited my home whilst I worked the night shift 01/04/16 at 20:54 regarding an alleged Southern water Debt. They were told by my recently moved in wife I work shifts from 18:30 until 06:30. They tried to call at 08:00 on the 02/04, then sent a great big fat bully boy round at 10:00. Without an appointment he demanded I was woken up then got all aggressive. No joke the guy was about 170 kilo's. He wanted national insurance numbers and the amount of PIP my disabled wife receives. My partner set a £10 a week agreement in my name. She also asked for a manager to call her regarding his harassment, not surprisingly nobody has called. Should I cancel this payment?
  8. Hi to you all who have taken out loans with this company me also being one I feel we are all same unite here cos we are all similar cases loans done by the company mine has been too trauma to put on here its cost me dearly in my nerves etc I just want to say thank you for saying on here to each and everyone of you I know we all have experienced same things to do with this company, please hang on cos I believe there is now light at the end of the tunnel. BLESS YOU all and try relax , sometimes it just takes one more to move the mountain . I had to remember nothing is impossible is it, release is coming we have to remember its just a loan and yours and my views count , whither its 1 person 2 people 50 people 1,000 plus people with same view multiplication is coming or is not needed because sooner or later it just takes the right place, action, things, people to change things.
  9. Hi everyone, I need some advice. Virgin Media sent me a letter last year saying I would be getting upgraded to the 50MB broadband service. I'm currently on 20MB and I find uploading files tedious. I recently corresponded with Virgin Media on Twitter to find out why I had not been upgraded. They told me to login to my account online and click a button to begin the process. I followed the web form and it did indeed say it was free. However I logged into the main dashboard where I saw the same upgrade option yet it cost an extra £2.85 a month. From what I can gather the upgrade is not free at all and the only reason they state it's free is so customers bind themselves to another 12 month contract. My first question would be is this illegal under UK law? My second question is Where can I report them to inflict the most damage? I've sent screenshots to the advertising standards authority But who else can I contact? I've included a screenshot.
  10. Now i might be wrong and probably am but didnt a new law just come in, something about once you borrow money, you will never have to pay back more than x 2 the amount, i take that to mean £100 borrowed, no more than £200 to be paid back, ever, and £1000 would mean no more than £2000 back, ever, But look on the provident website, they are offering loans like borrow £2000 and pay back £4400 or borrow £2500 and pay back £5500, is this not against the law.
  11. I'll try and make this as simple as possible. In May 2013 I started work in a school as a lunchtime assistant at 5 hours a week £6.25phr. This went up in November 2013 to 6 hours and 15 minutes a week, same pay. Then in March 2014 I was offered a role in the pre-school for 3 hours a week at £7.19phr. My lunchtime assistant role also went up to £7.19phr in September 2014. I have informed tax credits every time with my change of circumstances and when I did in May 2013 (at the start) they said they would inform Income support, which I know now they didn't. I received a letter from Income support in September saying that they found out my circumstances changed and my earnings had gone up so would now be paying me £2.38 a week. They said I didn't need to get in touch. Last week I received another letter to say that I needed to call them because of my change in circumstances in September which I did and also sent them some recent wageslips. Stupidly (please don't judge as I feel so bad and stupid and I'm a nervous emotional wreck right now) I also forgot to inform my housing and council tax which I've spoken to and they said that as I'm on a low wage and claiming income support that's fine and to just wait for Income support to write to me and then to call them. Today it dawned on me (I'm also a carer to my Autistic son) that I had forgot to inform carer's allowance. I again (stupidly!) thought that because I am earning under £102 a week I didn't need to call them. I filled in the change of circumstances online and sent off a wage slip, I would have sent a few more but I've sent the most recent ones to Income support. I'm so worried that I'll be in trouble and feel sick with worry. Can anyone please advise? Many thanks.
  12. Hello everyone, My partner and I found ourcurrent home online with a private landlord. When we arrived, I noticed therewere three cars in the front yard area of the house, I just assumed thesebelonged to the others in the house. Now the house is a great size, our room ismassive, great garden and kitchen and is handy to work so signed a 6month contract. On the 2nd/3rd day i noticed a few things needed repaired in our room,nothing to expensive but not our job to fix, so I txt the landlord to arrangethis. I found out then that the cars actually belong to the landlord. He sellsthem from our front yard, this means that the others in the house who have cars have to park on the street/road side. So we have people arriving at all times of the day to lookat them. Next thing is that the landlord just lets himself in whenever he wantsfor no apparant reason. Iv read our contract back to front and know this is completely illegal, thathe is breaking all the rules of his side of the contract. Our current situation all kicked of last week when all morning he was comingand going from the house and garden (side gate). Not once did he knock or sayhe was coming in. I got really annoyed (like anyone would) as I was in thehouse by myself and felt intimidated. And when he was leaving I slammed thedoor behind him. now I know in hindsight I shouldn’t have, but he’s now tryingto say that I done it to hit him. and Is now saying that I AM beingunreasonable and demanding. That he does not have to and will not give noticewhen coming to the house, that its his house and hel do as he likes. Said he’ll think about knocking, but if no oneanswers after a min, he’s coming in. After this fairly tense discussion aroundhalf an hr later he txt to say we have 2months to get out. To top this all off, he’s not even our landlord, he’s the landlord’sbrother! What should we do?? As much as I dislike this man, we are in a great house,great location with lovely people, neither of us want to leave but this can’tcontinue Are we intitled to our despoit back?
  13. Hi all Just so you are aware Roxburghe and PCN parking services went into administration yesterday. All staff were sacked without pay and sent home. Thought u may like this news Enjoy X
  14. Hi .. I am a concerned father looking for some guidance regarding rental leases in Uk. my daughter recently moved from sydney to london and took out a rental lease for a flat in an area that seems ok(ish) . The lease is for a privately owned flat in a block that is partly privately owned and part council. when they moved into the flat they knew that some rennovations were being carried out to the building, they were told that the impact to them would be minimal and the rent would be slightly reduced during that period. what they didn't know (and the landlord did ) was that all of the council tennants have been relocated out of the building leaving the building more than 50%empty...infact the building is almost 80% empty . they are now not happy and feeling very insecure in the building. had they know that this would be the case then this would have been material to them making the decision and not going into the contract . they now actually want to break the contract but landlord is saying they have to stay there until another tennant is found . the likelyhood of finding another tennant is minimal as building works start in april. is there grounds to simply walk away ... or any suggestions / guidance from anyone ...please .many thanks .
  15. Quick question to all the gorgeous people here I have had a previous issue with Amazon and their Sellers and I have now had another. The first issue was a seller refused to refund or replace an item they sold me that went faulty within 5 months. Amazon would do nothing about it and the seller is still selling goods through Amazons website. Over Christmas I ordered an item that arrived faulty. I contacted the seller through the Amazon site and they said post it back and they would refund me. I replied to ask how they would refund the postage and had no reply. I contacted Amazon through their online chat and I had the following reply from Amazon: Amazon seem to be happy to list the items on their website and take payment but when there is a problem they refuse to do anything and tell you its down to the seller. Is this not breaching the Distance Selling Regulations?
  16. hi, i need some urgent advice. I was due to let my flat this friday, signed the agreement, ready to move in with my partner. we have now split and i've been told by the estate agents i cannot back out. This will leave my homeless for the short term. Does anyone know what i can do about this? I know ill be inconveniencing the new tenants but there is really nothing i can do.
  17. According to a Roxburghe Dedt Collectors employee today, Gladstones Solicitors ltd, based in Cheshire now represent them...........We all now wait with baited breath? Do you good people not find it a matter of concern that this is the 3rd lot of solicitors that they have had this year, with the last ones, GPB being closed down by the Solicitors Regulation Authority for dishonest practice!!!!!!!!!! Bearing in mind that the OFT have ' Refused to Renew' their Consumer Credit Licience I personally find this most interesting. Happy Parking People
  18. I am with the workprogram ingeus but coming of within the next 3 weeks,now when you first go on the workprogram they ask for your consent,so they can get money for you should they get you a job etc,anyway did not sign it and did not give them my cv either as i told them i don't consent for them to job search internally for me. so about 10 months ago i got a new advisor and i use that word loosely, a few weeks with me he offered me a training role with a c.a.b, the object was to be trained up then be kept on.so i jumped at it,things were going well and then he asked me for my cv to show the c.a.b i said ok but only for the cv not for any internal job search or to be shown to anybody else,he agreed and i made him put a note of this on his computer, now to cut a very long story short,this c.a.b fell througth,but was not told about it despite me e-mailing him and phoning him on a regular basis.but i received from him just over 130 emails for job requests searches,despite me not consenting him to do so,now can i sue him or the company for breaking my consent maybe data protection to,because they cannot find any of my emails regarding this c.a.b i have asked for proof regarding this training project but they seem not to be able to find it. i am going to my local c.a.b but any advice would be help full,many thanks.
  20. Hi there, I have recently relocated to the UK and I just signed a contract to join a company that was not my first option (I had several interviews) I am due to start the role within one Week, even the working hours were more than I expected and the salary is not that good. The thing is that last week I just got confirmation from the role that I was waiting where the conditions and salary are way better. The question is what the implications would be of not starting the role that I signed (ie, breaking the contract and besides the moral implications), and whether there is any other way to limit the consequences (eg, I understand that not starting a job leaves me in better stead than turning up on day one and telling them that I'm leaving.) The contract states that I have to give them 2 month notices before quitting but since the contract has not started yet I wanted to know what are the implications. My contract states that I will be on a "probationary" period for 3 months. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks Luke
  21. I have been fighting since 2009 with the CSA regarding arrears they say I owe. After involving my MP and speaking to a manager it was reduced from £4000 to about £1200. I am still disputing this figure as I have constantly provided proof I only owe about £400 (from when I was paying legal fees to actually get to see my daughter I stupidly stopped paying maintenance) Anyway, my wife phoned Child Maintenance Options today for advice. After explaining the situation to the guy on the phone he says that from the sounds of it the CSA have not acted properly throughout the whole affair. He says that a signed letter I sent in October 2010 by myself and ex partner stating we had a mutual agreement should have closed my case. Instead they kept it open. Then, by phoning my ex partner up a year later telling her I owed over £3000 in arrears and did she want it collected but would have to end our mutual agreement, this also shouldn't have happened. Has anyone else heard of the case being closed when the parents are happy to pay each other? Also, due to the CSA then barging in a year after being told we were happy with our arrangement, they ended my relationship with my daughter and had my ex laughing all the way to the bank (despite most of the arrears being for money I had already paid!)
  22. Hi as with others i have read on this forum i too have been victim to the payday loan cycle the story is quite loan but to cut it short i originally was balancing three payday loan companies (Wonga, PDUK, Lending stream) i had to borrow a substantial sum of money from my uncle to pay them off and I'm paying him back £100 per month and now an unexpected bill left me with no choice but to borrow from Wonga again, my debt is now at £1330 which is total loan including interest and charges which is due at the end of this month, my wages are only £1000 and i don't know what to do, i want to arrange a payment plan but I'm afraid to call or email them for fear that they will send letter after letter as i don't want my family to realize the debt i borrowed, i realize it was ridiculous to get in this position, but can i deal with Wonga purely through email? so they don't send me letters and can anyone please advise me what to do? I also have a loan with PDUK that i have defered every month by paying the interest and a little bit of the loan each month but its going nowhere would they accept a payment plan too, i have around £300 spare income i thought perhaps they would accept £50 each per month is this unrealistic? sorry about the frantic nature of the post but I'm worried about what to do next. The success stories i've read gives me hope that there is a solution. Any Help would Be ubelievably Appreciated
  23. This just occurred to me earlier. The other week, I went to Phones4U to buy a new mobile. I chose it, the assistant got the box, everything cool. I open my wallet and hand her £80 in cash (£70 phone and mandatory £10 top up). Assistant: "oh, if your paying in cash, then you can only have the phone if you buy a £20 top up!" Me: "Why?" Assistant: "Because, if you pay by card, Orange will get your name, address, bank details etc, and thus offer the phone with only £10 top up" Firstly, there is no sign in the shop, or indeed in Carphone Warhouse that states you have to buy more credit if paying by cash. Secondly, if I walk into Phones4U and buy a phone on my card, at what point in that transaction have I authorised Phones4U to pass my personal data, ie, everything they can harvest from my Visa Debit Card, to a seperate company, Orange? There are no signs stating that anything I do means I am waiving my data rights and allowing them to pass my details on, I am not asked to sign a waiver, indeed, a normal transaction is, choose phone, assistant scans phone, I put my card into machine, pay, get my receipt, walk out. Surely they are breaching Data Protection?
  24. Hi, i'm new to this site but ive followed on twitter for a while, sorry if this is a bit long but i want to get all the details out. I had a visit from 2 Marstons enforcement oficers yesterday (18/2/13). I was at work when they turned up & the vehicle passenger knocked on my front door, after a minute the passenger knocked again, during this period they noticed i had a camera mounted on the front of my house & took a lot of interest as to what area it covered, they obviously did'nt realise that i have another hidden one covering the front door. A neighbour across the road was watching them & witnessed what the driver did, he looked around to see if he was being watched, (not very good observation skills) then he tried opening my front door by pushing down on the handle. Luckily for him it was locked as i was at work, but i have a dog & he does'nt take kindly to strangers on my property, they would have clearly heard him barking. They then posted a letter through my door & drove around the back of my house, the passenger came in through closed back gates & looked through my kitchen window & i cant see if he tried my back door but he did notice the cameras i have covering the back of the house, on his way out. My neighbour rang me & later that day i came home & found one of their letters through my door, it was for my ex-girlfriend who no longer lives with me but the dog had ripped the envelope so i got their details from the letter. I rang the EO's mobile phone & left a voicemail for them to come back & see me as i had something to discuss with them. Needless to say they did'nt. I also rang Marstons but the woman was oh so unhelpful, siting Data Protection. I rang the EO again this morning & managed to speak to him, he was the one i have on CCTV attempting to gain entry to my property, i asked him to come back today to try my front door handle again as i was in this time but he waffled on that they did'nt need to come back as they had established that the person named on the letter did'nt live here, when i questioned him as to why he tried opening my door, he said he was allowed to force entry to the property as he was executing a Court Warrant !!!!! If that's the case, why did'nt they force entry when i was'nt there & have the run of my house. I have got the contact details of the HMCTS enforcement officer for my area (thanks to other peoples threads for that info) I rang Marstons today for this EO's SIA badge number as i have his surname but need his badge number to complain to the SIA, they hung up on me HAHA. I have just now got off the phone to the EO that attempted to break into my home, i was very civil & told him i was recording the call & had a witness listening, i asked him for his SIA badge number, which under SIA guidelines, he can't refuse to give me, i know this as ive been a doorman for 7 years, he told me 2 things, 1 - he does'nt give me permission to use the recording & 2 - he does'nt have a SIA licence, even though i pointed out i could see it on the CCTV hanging around his neck by a thin blue lanyard. Where do i go from here, thaks in advance
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