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  1. Hi All, Not sure if this is the correct forum, I have a somewhat difficult situation I am contending with. in summary; I had a lease vehicle; prior to the end of the lease arrangement I arranged the inspection (Thurs 15th March 2018) and collection (Sat 17th March) with British Car Auctions (BCA) in accordance with what I had to do (inspection within 7 days of collection and end of contract). BCA failed to turn up (i took the day off off work!)! I called BCA who advised that they had made a mistake and schedule my inspection and collection for the incorrect dates. They advised management would contact me and they would rearrange. I received no contact. I repeatedly called to rearrange as I was aware I was now out of my contract date (phoned Audi to advise of situation). Was unable to get a response. Monday 19th March BCA turn up at my front door at 7:45am unannounced to collect the car. I advise that it has not been inspected and the collection date was 17th. Two collection agents then sat in my living room for approximately 2 hours trying to get through to their head office to check if they could collect the vehicle. Eventually advised that they could not, and went on their way advising BCA would contact me to rearrange. Fast forward several weeks of trying to arrange the collection and inspection and fit with BCA's availability and I mange to arrange inspection and collection (difficult as I work away for long periods of time and they have limited availability). Car was inspected Tuesday 17th April (another half day annual leave) and collected Friday 20th (half day annual leave). I have now received an invoice from Audi for the additional rental. I have spoken to Audi via telephone who agreed that this is BCA's error and they should cover the invoice, however Audi are still invoicing me as it is my contract! Audi have tied to contact a manager at BCA and also ha zero success. I am going down the formal complaint route and any tips on acts, cases, precedents or what I should include / not include in the letter would be gratefully appreciated. My first thought was to list it chronologically as above. I can go through phone records if required and list every call made and received (all via my mobile). I would like the invoice covering by BCA, and if possible compensation for the annual leave taken whilst waiting for their failed inspection and collection. Also, to add to this. I queried if I should even be responsible for this complaint as I did not employ BCA, Audi did.(my original complaint was to Audi) They advised that they are satisfied that the complaint against Audi has been resolved and I need to pay the bill and try to recover the costs from BCA. Please help!!
  2. Hi, Having aggravation with a second hand car purchase (in another thread). Feeling a bit of financial pressure. Need to get to Stansted Airport so I thought I'd give a One-way for a £1 rental a go. No luck here either it seems. Booked and paid for a £1 one-way rental from Europcar. Online booking was a bit slow but seemed to go ok. Got a confirmation back and all looked fine. 48hrs before I'm due to pick up I get 2 emails saying don't forget to prepare for your rental and please remember your driving licence etc. 3p.m. today, (19hrs before) scheduled pick-up I get a call from an unknown number to my mobile. It's from the pick-up location for the car and the woman says, 'we don't have a car for you tomorrow, so we're cancelling your booking". I explain that with less than 24hrs notice I'm not impressed and can she please give me a written explanation as to why this is? She refuses and says, "I've told you twice we don't have a car for you". So, I call Customer Services which wastes more time. They say 'It's nothing to do with them and you need to speak with "reservations". Another call and more waste, and yep you guessed it, they say, 'nothing to do with us, you need to speak to the branch.' They do say that the branch should be sorting it out and organising another vehicle, but I'm not sure the call agent has got a full understanding of the problem. So out of interest, I go back to the online reservation and find that there's a vehicle available under the same scheme, with the same destination drop off, for the same dates, but from another not too distant branch. Call Customer Services - No use at all. Can't do anything about it. Verbal acknowledgement that it's not good Customer Service, but they can't do anything. So, I book the vehicle from the alternate location via the web site even though it will be more time consuming for me. Then I go back to the reservation system and there it now shows a vehicle available from the original location for return to Stansted. Just like the one that was cancelled a couple of hours earlier. (I have copied all of this information) Oh. In case anyone else is trying to use this system. It comes up with a "How can we Help You - Web Chat/we'll phone you back" dialog. - This goes to Barcelona and a very nice call agent who is absolutely no use as they can't do anything with these bookings. Question then please: The rental agreement - I believe it's only binding after you have signed at pick-up? , but does a contract exits before this and are they in breach of contract? Certainly their T&C says a whole lot about what the bailee can and can't and how if you don't show for your rental they can charge you £85. Which rather suggests they would like to impose a 'fine' for a customer breaching a contract or have I got that all wrong? Have help greatly appreciated.
  3. Hi, Just had a letter from the local council saying they are going to participate in the "Rental Exchange" scheme with Experian. Perhaps I'm being a bit over concerned, but the mention of Experian, council and sharing information immediately makes me extremely cautious! Should I opt out from this scheme? Incidentally, I have never had any rent arrears, so in theory should have nothing to worry about. Additionally, I wonder how much the council is making out of the deal, given that neither Experian nor the local council are world-renowned names in the field of philanthropy.
  4. Hello My son and three other uni students put £500 each deposit on a house. It was for Sept this year. Since then two of the others pulled out finding somewhere cheaper. It is a bit of a long shot but does anyone know if there is any chance of getting any of the deposit back? It is a lot of money £2000 for nothing but they have been told that there isn't anything that can be done. I just wondered if that is true? thanks
  5. I live in a privately rented house. I have been here for just over a year, I recently requested the landlord whether I can install a few fixtures including a TV bracket on the bedroom wall. I also requested that a tap be fitted outside the house so that I can use it to wash the car, water the backyard plants, etc. I have offered to pay for all fixtures as well labour involved. The landlord has refused both of these. I would like to know whether I need to seek permission for every little thing that I want to do in the house, or if such requests only need to be made for major structural changes. Additionally, the tenancy has not been renewed since January 2018, when it was up for renewal. The landlord almost never answers phone calls, or replies to text messages. And the requests for the works that I've mentioned above had to be made through one of his workers who came by the house. Therefore, it seems to me that the landlord is specifically avoiding contact with me. I am not sure where to go with this, and to be fair, I am not sure that I wish to make any formal complaints, etc. He holds my deposit (not in DPS) and the tenancy agreement has expired. Does this mean the tenancy goes on to a rolling monthly contract? Is my deposit safe? Sorry for the long post!
  6. Hello All, I'm posting this as a form of warning or advice, but in turn hope to glean some extra information based on CAGers' own experiences of either this abysmal company, or other car hire company 'bashing head against the wall' experiences. Apologies in advance for the essay. Sixt, it seems, will live and die by their "Terms and Conditions" contract, which, not unlike many other global and arrogant companies, seek to impose very harsh terms on their consumer; terms which would, in a court of Law, fall foul of the Unfair Contract Terms Act (UCTA), or the EU Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations (CPUTR). Having looked around extensively online for a car rental deal for a holiday in Holland and Germany this summer, I finally decided on a deal from Sixt Rental. They offered the car class I wanted, and the best cashback rate through Quidco. So, doing what I always do after researching on my MacBook, I used a Windows session on the same machine and browsed to their site via Quidco, in order to guarantee that the tracking worked and my cashback registered. So far it has tracked but not been paid, but that is not the reason for my issue. The car was booked in mid-June, for a rental starting in early-September, this giving Sixt nearly three months to 'prepare' my rental car for my arrival. Now, when booking the car online at sixt.com, Sixt has a section on the form that specifically asks where you intend to drive it. So, I answered "Netherlands and Germany", because I was staying with friends near Utrecht, then moving on to Bremen, then Berlin, then Cologne, and back near Utrecht before coming home. I arrived at the desk in Schiphol and (fully expecting to be shafted) I actually got the car I booked, plus some extra loading included (sat nav and bluetooth) so I was very pleased. The assistant did try the obligatory up-sell of a higher class of vehicle, but at £10 a day for 17 days hire, and having already spent around £650 hiring the car it was too much for my budget, so I politely declined. The only issue to arise was the fact I didn't have the card with me that I had used to pay for the car some three months prior, which the assistant was most annoyed with. The truth is, I had lost/misplaced it (not reported at that point in time), but she said she could apply the 'damage deposit' to it still, as an unattended sale. Here's the important bit. Looking at Sixt.com's own web site detailing "driving in Germany" it states that many major cities in Germany now require an emissions sticker to be displayed, but they reassure their customer by providing the warranty: "... when you rent a car with Sixt this is no concern as our vehicles are kept up-to-date and carry the necessary sticker." Off I went to collect the car, and walking through the parking lot I could see all kinds of cars in the Sixt area, with registrations from all over Europe. My car was there, bearing a Dutch registration, immaculate and nearly brand new. I was still pleased. In all honesty, although I now recall reading about the emissions sticker whilst doing my car rental research, like all of the other information I'd absorbed from Sixt and other sites, the issue of the "Grüne Plakette" was completely forgotten as three months had passed, but in my mind the reassurance that everything would be ok with the car, because somewhere on their site, Sixt had assured the world in general that was the case. I got to Berlin about five days into my holiday (13th September) and parked on the roadside in the hotel's allotted on-street parking bay, and within an hour I noticed the car had a piece of paper jammed under the wiper blade. The last thing I expected was any kind of fine, as I'd displayed the permit the hotel had given me. My German friends who were with us in Berlin read the notice and were convinced there was some sort of error. The car had been fined €80 for not displaying the required emissions sticker. There was no option to pay it there and then, but reference to the fact the authorities would write to the registered keeper to demand payment. My friends have the green sticker on their car, as every German gets one (they cost €6, are valid for the life of the car, and are issued on production of the car's registration documents, or can be obtained online for €15 - 14 day wait - again by submitting the car's registration documents). My friends couldn't believe that if the car wasn't somehow exempt, that Sixt would not have included the sticker at the time they bought it, considering the minimal cost, and that their cars would inevitably be used all over Europe. I was of course in agreement, and then the memory of the reassurance on their web site came back to me. Immediately I wrote to Sixt's customer services telling them what had happened, and that there must have been some sort of administrative error as the car wasn't showing the sticker their web site stated it would, nor was it included in the car (after making a thorough search of the car, all it had been supplied with in terms of 'legal' stuff was a parking timer disk and a European Traffic Accident Report Form). Sixt didn't respond for 4 days, by which time the car had been given a second fine, but in the ensuing conversation, the person replying appeared to be apologising that I should have been reminded of the need for the sticker by the person who gave me the keys, and then stated that because it was a Dutch car, it didn't need one. I reminded them that they asked me specifically where I was taking the car, and as I'd said Germany, I'd expect the car to be adequately licenced for the purpose. Their response was to send me the link to the TÜV site to apply for the sticker (fat lot of use that was as I didn't have the registration documents anyway) and said it's the 'driver's responsibility'. I felt particularly miffed that I'd been badly let down, given the claims on their web site. In a later exchange of emails, Sixt 'customer services' even tried to claim that the car's registration documents are supplied 'for this purpose' - an incredible lie! Knowing how car hire firms love to whack fines and extra charges onto the card you used for the 'security deposit', plus their opportunistic additional fee for the pleasure, I formally reported my card lost. This worked, because Sixt were unable to whallop my card for their fees as I predicted they would try. I received two emailed invoices from Sixt 16 days after the fines were issued to the car, one for each fine notification, which appear to have been processed on the same day. They have 'grassed me up' to the German authorities (who incidentally still haven't contacted me almost three weeks later) in which they say that they are charging me €24 for each of my "parking violations". Naturally, I have disputed that I am at fault at all, on the basis that: - I hired the car from their web site, where it claimed "... when you rent a car with Sixt this is no concern as our vehicles are kept up-to-date and carry the necessary sticker." - I could not have obtained a sticker without the registration document, which to my knowledge is never supplied with a rental car. In any case, it was disproportional to expect me to lose half a day of my holiday to obtain a sticker valid for the life of the car, when I was only hiring it for 17 days. - I informed them on their web site where they specifically asked me where I intended to drive the car and were told "Germany", and the assumption is that they would supply a car fit for that purpose (or tell me otherwise). Of course, they are now throwing in the extra 'hidden text' that 'of course' the reference to the stickers is ONLY for cars hired for pickup in Berlin (what?!) and that I hired my car in Holland, so got a Dutch car (this is despite there clearly being German cars available for re-hire at the airport as there were dozens there, at or above the class I'd hired). However, their golden 'get out' is that they are saying my claim against them is irrelevant because I've agreed to their Terms and Conditions, they think it's cast-iron that I have agreed to pay ALL fines, HOWEVER they are incurred. This presumably extends to the case that they may have not insured or taxed a vehicle correctly, or failed on some other construction and use matter. They think (or are arrogating) their T&Cs transcend common law. I've pointed out to them that under contract law they are liable for any of my losses arising from a breach of theirs, irrespective of what their T&Cs say, and that I am firmly of the opinion that they are in breach, given the circumstances, but they arrogantly and swiftly always revert the onus to pay back on me, as "it's in the Terms and Conditions". So, the matter is still 'pending', and I will update this thread with developments and any outcome. If I am sent demands by the German authorities, I will have little choice but to pay, although I WILL make a claim against Sixt to recover them, and similarly as I've told Sixt that the only way they will ever get a penny off me is if I am ordered to by a court, then I will be mounting a defence against any such claim. If anyone has any experience of making a claim under the European Small Claims Procedure (ESCP) then I'd love to hear from you. Thanks for taking the time to read my novel! GRMC
  7. Can anyone advise me please . I have had a 3 seater and 2 seater sofas off a rent to buy company called Local Appliance Rentals , payments £15 a week , now due to a change in financial circumstances have fallen behind by 5 weeks , have had no letters of arrears , just an undated card put through my door which i seen last Friday morning giving me 5 days to pay , tried to borrow money ,but no success. Today a letter been put through my letterbox by hand headed REPOSSESSIONS OF YOUR RENTAL GOODS , stating after repeated attempts to contact me it appears i have no intention of paying or honouring my rental agreement and are now required by law to give me 30 days notice of collection of my sofas ,will be at my house in 30 days time . Can they enter without a warrant ? can they refuse a reduced amount monthly ? also i suffer severe depression, anxiety, which I have lots of evidence of , any advise please. I have only had them for about 4 months over a 2 year term Thank you
  8. In April 2016 I hired a 7.5t van from a company online. They did not deliver on the stated day and didn't tell me it would come the next. A driver from this company was waiting in a Sixt 7.5t van angry that I wasn't in when he arrived, made me sign the document threw the keys in the cab and drove off. I arrived at my destination (a few 100miles) and 2 days later 2 Sixt reps turned up to collect. They noticed old wear and cracking on one of the tires, they were very unhappy with the depot/yard in the south allowing it to be out on the road. The damage was photographed and noted as being old wear. They then saw the rear bumper was very slightly pushed in but the damage was rusted and old, photos taken and notes put on their handheld/mobile that it was not my fault. I asked them to ring their head office just to confirm, they understood why and did so to explain and then allowed me to talk to them. All was fine, notes were put against the account and it was agreed the vehicle should not have been released and they would take it up with the southern depot. Almost 12 months later 28/03/2017 I receive a call from Sixt solicitors regarding outstanding debt for the above damages. They have the wrong name but correct surname, the wrong address (old one), no email and only my mobile. I have no documents from the time and only remember signing their handheld/mobile and found out they have had a head office change since. I don't know what I need to ask for or what proof they need or if there is a precedent to void their claim as it has been almost 12 months. Please help.
  9. Hello I hope you can help please. I signed as a guarantor for my daughter on a property share in June 2014, there were 5 tenants and each had their own guarantor. The claim is for unpaid rent of £1261.82, £3206 for cleaning, repairs and damages + admin fees, court costs & interest totalling £5127. The contract stated that each guarantor was jointly and individually responsible for each tenant. My daughter did not owe any outstanding rent (well documented), the home was not very well looked after but I feel the £3k+ figure highly exaggerated, most damage was caused by cats none of which belonged to my daughter. The security deposit of £100 each was retained by the landlord. The claim form says the date of service is 21st March and the particulars of the claim states: Particulars of Claim (attached)(to follow). I am not and have no way of being in touch with the other guarantors though the claim form appears to have been served to at least two other parents. Do I need to respond within 14 days or await further information? What would be the best defence in this situation? All advice gratefully received
  10. Hi, just returned from Calpe in Spain and we were burgled in our Holiday Villa which was booked through a UK company. On our last but one day we locked all doors, windows and shutters and went out for 45 minutes, returned and all was OK outside, unlocked and went in and after about an hour noticed an iPad, watch, some jewellery was missing, our mobile phones were out on the sofa still there and nothing else was missing, all inside locks were still locked. Phoned the rep, whist waiting spoke to the one neighbour who said same thing happened last summer to a dutch family who had 600 Euro and an expensive pair of trainers taken but their GoPro was not taken, they reported to the rep and police came etc, we did not have insurance and wondered where we stand in that SOMEONE USED A KEY to get in, we had one and the Owner, Cleaners, Maintenance Etc have access to one, also previous guests, people with a grievance may have copied a key ? This Villa company does have a few mentions with other villas nearby on TripAdviser with similar stories, we used the Safe but it was only big enough for my bum bag containing passports, money and car keys etc The Guardia Police came and we filled out a report, they did not appear to be surpised or concerned. So a previous burglary should they have put NEW LOCKS on ? Are the UK Rental Company liable for lack of security and compensate me ? Any Advice please on where to go with this ? Thanks Milocoon
  11. Hi All I am posting on behalf of my Ex wife. My Ex and her new partner live in a house share rental, Two of the other tenants have now left, The landlord wants the remaining people to pay full rent,for all three rooms that were let. Also they have found out that the others who have left, there deposits have not been returned. The Landlord is living in another country(south Africa) So the main question at the moment is the rules regarding house share the same as letting a property. they are prepared to pay for 2 bedrooms but not the 3rd. At this moment I have not had sight of the contract, (if any and will be speaking to my ex's new partner later. Any advise would be appreciated. Leakie
  12. Hey everyone, So here is my problem, My friend and I have moved into a new flat last month and part of the moving in deal was a new freezer to compensate the rent increase from the previous tenants. This was agreed upon a month before we moved in, a month has now passed and still no new freezer (they even said it would be arriving in the afternoon when we moved in) . I have emailed the agency and rang them on several occasions although they just lie and say it will be here tomorrow. N Its not so much having or waiting for the freezer but more the on the principle of being lied to all the time and paying that increase for nothing. Its an Assured Shorthand Tenancy under the Housing Act 1998 (amended in 1996) if that helps. Many thanks, Poppy x
  13. Hi Presently we are on a rolling contract and have given the Letting Agents one calendar months’ notice that we are moving out, as per their letter confirming rolling contract. The have replied with the following: 'I can advise that notice has be served on or before your rent due date and will only take effect from the next rent due date being 11th December 2015 which means your final day is the 10th January 2016 this is when all keys have to be returned to our office ' Are they able to do this? I always believed we should be allowed a four week notice of termination? Many thanks in advance, M
  14. Hi I'm posting this on behalf of someone else but need help regarding a CCJ letter that was received from Northampton CCBC for none payment of rent. The letter was sent to the guarantor and is for none payment of rent for November and December. First of all the rent was paid for November and there is evidence of this via bank statement so this should at least be partially disputed. Also the guarantor was originally doing this for his son but this was a shared accommodation. The contract was for 6 months but his son moved out after 3 because the other person was failing to pay his half of the rent. Despite this he kept paying to avoid any legal troubles. From what I have read he is still responsible for the full rent despite these events but could any additional action be taken? Thanks for any help.
  15. Hello, I am new to the forum having joined today. I'd be so grateful for any advice please. In September 2015, I signed as a guarantor for my son's first year student rental in a shared house. I understood then (as now) that each renter and guarantor were jointly and severally liable for any debt or damage incurred. This agreement was signed by each party on the understanding that there would be six tenants in a shared house. However the sixth tenant never showed up and the letting agency have failed to find a replacement renter. This has meant bills have had to be shared by 5 instead of 6. The letting agency gave a verbal assurance that the 5 renters wouldn't have to pay for the missing tenant and indeed the 5 students have been paying a sixth of the overall rental each month. Now they have received a demand from the letting agency for the missing rent from the no-show renter, backdated from September. When our son queried why they were not chasing this person's guarantor, they said they'd made several efforts to contact the renter and his guarantor, to no avail - so now the other renters and/or their guarantors were liable. Today the letting agency has admitted the missing renter never did sign any contract with them, so he has no responsibility to pay the rent and neither do his guarantors. At no point has the letting agency advised the 5 tenants to recruit a replacement, or warned them of their liabilities for the room not being let. Any advice would be so greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  16. I live in a sheltered housing property and I am currently in receipt of housing benefit. My landlord is a social housing association, this year the weekly rent has been reduced, but the service charge has risen dramatically. Currently the service charge is paid for by housing benefit but what happens when Universal Credit comes into force? I believe when UC is introduced the rent is then paid directly to myself and that I am responsible for paying the weekly rent to the landlord. The question is the "service charge" still included through housing benefit when UC is in force? The housing association does appear to be very keen lately in adding these additional services and increasing the service charges with no improvements to the services.
  17. got turned down by private landlord recently regarding private house rent, son in law has stated he will pay 6 months up front to the agents, but we will have to pay him back, we currently receive some housing benefit because of our low income, how will this effect our h/b I haven't got a clue rang l/a they weren't much help either any ideas . thanks
  18. Hi guys, Wonder if you can help with a couple of questions I have regarding our housing situation. We have been renting the same property since 2002 via a private landlord and rent payments were made direct to them as well as arrangements for any issues that arose with the property. During this time the rent has remained the same so no increases as our relationship with them was very good. Sadly due to ill health they have now instructed a Letting Agent to manage the property as they do for others they own (ours stayed a private arrangement up till now) and I'm a little unsure what to expect having never dealt with one before. The rent having not been increased in over 13 years will now clearly be under market averages (probably by around £150) so I guess my question is can the agency increase it by a large amount with immediate effect? The tenancy was an AST to start but reading around this would have changed to periodic if I am correct so what does this mean and are there any differences? Also I know agencies charge for things like tenancy renewals would we need a new agreement under these circumstances or if they increased the rent? They has also asked if the deposit was protected however our tenancy was prior to this requirement and was not but would they do this now retrospectively and provide us details of this? Thanks in advance
  19. Hi there, We have a really good landlord but I am in a 3rd floor flat and have found out I have MS. Increasingly I am finding the stairs difficult, both with vision and energy. We still have 8 months to go on a 12 month contract. At the moment we are thinking of staying until the lease is up but we keep seeing ground floor properties with adaptations and are worried that nothing suitable will be around in 8 months. (last time we were looking there were no ground floor properties)
  20. This rip-off charge called a line rental is being increased yet again. This won't just be BT, they will all follow suite and up theirs as well, so standby Sky and Virgin customers. We're changing some of our prices from 20 September 2015 Line rental will go up by £1 per month. We've also made changes to some of our other prices and terms. Changes to our phone and TV prices are shown below. To check changes to your broadband package, click here (you'll need your account number and telephone number to log in). Standard Pricing† Calls to UK landlines and the Access Charge for calls to Service Numbers will go from 9.58p to 10.24p a minute. Calls to mobiles from your landline are going up from 12.77p to 13.65p a minute. (But if you have the Unlimited Anytime Calls plan, you'll pay less than half price with a change from 6p to 6.41p a minute. The set-up fee for calls will go from 15.97p to 17.07p a call. † Inclusive calls of up to an hour on calling plans will not be affected. Changes to our line rental and calling plans Line Rental (monthly price) From - To Standard Line Rental £16.99 - £17.99 Line Rental Plus £18.99 - £19.99 Calling plans (monthly price) From - To Unlimited Anytime Calls (if you signed up on or before 20 June 2014 £7.45 - £7.95 Unlimited Evening and Weekend Calls (if you signed up on or before 20 June 2014) £2.12 - £2.26 Unlimited Anytime Calls (if you signed up after 20 June 2014) £7.50 - £7.95 Unlimited Evening and Weekend Calls (if you signed up after 20 June 2014) £3.00 - £3.20 Add-ons (monthly price) From - To Friends and Family International £1.20 - £1.25 International Freedom £6.20 - £6.60 You can get a good mobile plan for less than that, so me thinks it's time to cancel the landline and move over to just mobile. £20 to rent a bit of wire, I ask you, it's the same bit of wire that was there in WW2.
  21. Hi I am a sole trader. We took a water cooler on a trial basis last year and began getting fortnightly water bottle deliveries. In August, deliveries stopped and we recived an invoice for a rental and sanitization charge (which was being billed in advance) To date, no-one has been to do this. We asked them to collect the cooler and cancel our contract - What we didn't know was that we were in a 5 year contract!!!!!!!! It turns out that an ex-receptionist signed the agreement which is in my name - surely this is not legally binding as I'm a sole trader? Can anyone advise? thanks! Craig
  22. Hi there, I am posting here as I have a bit of a dilemma which is getting me confused hopefully some of the learned forum members can help out. I went to Cape Town on holiday arriving on the 10th march. I booked a car online with orbitz for a BMW 1 series for 10days. The price for this was R4616.07- £256.08 I have an email which states it is my 'purchase receipt' 1. When I got to Sixt/First car rental at Cape town they told me thats a mistake we dont have that car at that price even though the payment hadnt gone through at that time it appears now looking back the payment went through 9 days later so in theory...I was entitled to that BMW at that price as I had already paid for it! BTW I paid for this on my TSB credit card! 2. After a 12 hour journey and no sleep I wanted to get the car and get the hell out so after an hour talking with the manager. I was sold another car a Toyota for R4040- £224.44. I paid for this on my Barclays debit card, by this time my TSB credit card was maxed out! and would not got through. 3. Now back home and going through my statements: I see the £256.08 Orbitz charged to TSB & £334.87 (R6192) charged to my Barclays Debit card as you can see this is not the R4040 which I was supposed to be charged for the Toyota. So I have two incorrect payments HELP! Credit card and debit card wont do anything until I contact said companies. Major gripe! and waste of my time Thanks for taking time to read and any help is really appreciated have a great day!
  23. Hello I have a friend who has used this advice forum a lot and it comes highly recommended This is my first posting and use of this forum Over the last 6 months I've found myself in a really tricky situation. I lost quite a high powered job, high income and so on, had no savings, high outgoings etc and stopped paying cards, mortgage and so on. I've recently been re-employed and look well back on track. But long story short, I've been declared personally bankrupt in court in the last few days. I took a long look at the options, took advice, it was the right thing to do. Whilst not pleasant much of the process seems straightforward. However one item is pretty tricky and is like to ask for some advice on it please. I live in separate rented accommodation, but I own another flat. The Mortgage is £155k, the mortgage company currently value it at £140k Mortgage payment is £750/Mth, service charge £150/Mth = total £900/Mth The flat is rented out for £900/mth (to two Chinese student with poor English skills) They have paid £900 deposit plus a full year Upfront to cover 1st September 2014 to 31st August 2015. They paid a year upfront as this tend to be normal for foreign students. The money was paid direct to my mother and is held in her bank account as I intended to shield it from my personal bankruptcy. However, since late August around half had to be used for day to day expenses and there is £5800 balance remaining. The mortgage on the property has not been paid in 6 months and a repossession order is in place with a hearing booked for Monday 1st December. The official receiver has indicated she's not likely to be interested in the flat as its in negative equity and therefore it's up to the mortgage lender if they wish to force a repossession. However she is keenly pursuing the rental money held in my mothers account. If the lender insists it is repossessed then the students will be evicted at some point. They rightly should expect the remaining balance of rental money. However the official receiver is demanding I hand it the rental money immediately. I fear if I hand it over now the tenants will not not see it and not only be asked to leave but will also be left without any rental money to find a new place, along with this being hugely disruptive to their final year studies. The thought of this is a heavy burden to me and I'd like to know what my options are with the tenants and the situation as a whole. Aside from dropping them right in it, I can see them pursuing my legally for the rental money. Ultimately I'd like to keep the flat, setup a plan for payment with the lender to settle the shortfall and get it back on track. I wondered if there was any way I could do this. Any advise or guidance would be very helpful. Kind Regards, Rob
  24. Hi. Just need some information regarding hire or rental purchase, is there a difference ?? Reason I ask is, 10 month ago I got a computer on hire purchase from Perfect Homes, I went here because the cost compared to brighthouse was almost half and a better spec and also was only £20 more expensive than the well known computer shops. Don't get me wrong, I was and I am happy with my purchase but unfortunately I have hit some serious financial difficulty and costs have got to be cut in my household, I am cancelling my ties with virgin media so internet will have to go, my mobile phone has gone and also the car, I rang the store to explain that there is no way that I can now afford the payments and is there a possibility you can collect and take it back, they said no because I didn't take any insurance out with then. When I made the purchase we had our own home insurance so declined there's as this would have cost a extra £4 a week (maybe a little more) but apparently this also covers you incase you want to return the item with no adverse affect, don't get me wrong even if I knew this I wouldn't have took it out anyway and I am not sure if it was mentioned in the purchase procedure. Any way, back to my point. I want them to come and get it back as its a hire agreement, do I have any rights or am I stuck with trying to find the money every month for something I no longer want to hire.
  25. Did you know that you can save in excess of £50 with BT or £60 with Virgin Media by paying your line rental annually. Now that has to be worth it.
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