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Found 21 results

  1. Hi, I wanted to get some opinions/advice regarding an issue I have and wanted to know what the general feeling, or even better someone who has experienced this problem and what the outcome was.... I purchased an Audi A3 1.8TFSI and the car has the same oil consumption issue as the 2.0 TFSI (mainly Audi A5's but A3 and other models also). I went for the 1.8TFSI as I didn't think it had the same oil consumption issue but it appears it does, just less well known. My local Audi dealer is doing all of the tests and in a couple of weeks they will have all of the details to put forward to Audi UK for a solution and a cost and what they expect me to contribute towards it if I have the work done. Audi say that the more main dealer services you have had, the more favourable this will be looked at and and if you were to have the next service with them, this would help also. Through speaking with my contact, he seems to think that the dealer that sold me the car (non Audi) could be liable for the cost of any repairs as he sold the car to me and the car clearly has a fault. I countered this by saying the dealer is likely to say it's a known Audi issue therefore the issue is with Audi and they are liable. Who is liable?? The dealer who sold the car or Audi? Thanks in advance.
  2. Hi All, Not sure if this is the correct forum, I have a somewhat difficult situation I am contending with. in summary; I had a lease vehicle; prior to the end of the lease arrangement I arranged the inspection (Thurs 15th March 2018) and collection (Sat 17th March) with British Car Auctions (BCA) in accordance with what I had to do (inspection within 7 days of collection and end of contract). BCA failed to turn up (i took the day off off work!)! I called BCA who advised that they had made a mistake and schedule my inspection and collection for the incorrect dates. They advised management would contact me and they would rearrange. I received no contact. I repeatedly called to rearrange as I was aware I was now out of my contract date (phoned Audi to advise of situation). Was unable to get a response. Monday 19th March BCA turn up at my front door at 7:45am unannounced to collect the car. I advise that it has not been inspected and the collection date was 17th. Two collection agents then sat in my living room for approximately 2 hours trying to get through to their head office to check if they could collect the vehicle. Eventually advised that they could not, and went on their way advising BCA would contact me to rearrange. Fast forward several weeks of trying to arrange the collection and inspection and fit with BCA's availability and I mange to arrange inspection and collection (difficult as I work away for long periods of time and they have limited availability). Car was inspected Tuesday 17th April (another half day annual leave) and collected Friday 20th (half day annual leave). I have now received an invoice from Audi for the additional rental. I have spoken to Audi via telephone who agreed that this is BCA's error and they should cover the invoice, however Audi are still invoicing me as it is my contract! Audi have tied to contact a manager at BCA and also ha zero success. I am going down the formal complaint route and any tips on acts, cases, precedents or what I should include / not include in the letter would be gratefully appreciated. My first thought was to list it chronologically as above. I can go through phone records if required and list every call made and received (all via my mobile). I would like the invoice covering by BCA, and if possible compensation for the annual leave taken whilst waiting for their failed inspection and collection. Also, to add to this. I queried if I should even be responsible for this complaint as I did not employ BCA, Audi did.(my original complaint was to Audi) They advised that they are satisfied that the complaint against Audi has been resolved and I need to pay the bill and try to recover the costs from BCA. Please help!!
  3. Hi, new user here but long time browser. I am after some advice on a situation I am currently involved in... On 30/04/2018, I was driving home with my wife and 22 month child in my 2016 Audi A4 which has done 19,500 on the clock. Whilst driving, I lose control as if I had burst my tyre and upon regaining control and parking, I inspect the car to find the front passenger wishbone snapped off. The car was towed back to Audi in Coventry to be inspected and I was informed that I must have hit something as there was under tray damage as well as to the gear box liner. The issue is that on 18/04/2018 I took the car to Listers Audi Solihull for its service and health check. Audi actually record any issues in a video called Audi Cam which they provide to customers. Within said footage, you can actually see the thumbnail sized dent in the wishbone where the fracture and eventual crack occurred. I have provided images of the video still that shows the dent; the technicians hand is mere inches away from the dent yet he failed to inform me resulting in the car being driven for under two weeks for it to eventually fail. I have also attached the image of the wishbone snapped. My view is that the technician should have informed me of the dent as the wishbone is a vital part that undergoes stresses and any damage especially one that was visible would affect the performance of the wishbone causing it to eventually fail. The Listers Audi service manager stated in regards to the this "We carry out a vehicle inspection on all cars that we work on in the workshop, this inspection is part of our duty of care to our customers, and is an industry approved process. I have reviewed the inspection and Technicians report on your vehicle and I find that everything was done correctly. With specific regard to the suspension arm I can see that the indentation gives no suggestion that fatigue has taken place in the arm, therefore there is no reason the Technician, who has no knowledge of the vehicle history would suggest the arm be replaced. We could clearly see damage to the undertray and arch liner, but that is it. we were not aware that the vehicle has sustained a significant impact to the underside/suspension, and there was no mention of this on the Job Instruction from you. " I would have had no idea of any damage to the underside of the car as most do not have the equipment to lift the car spot high to inspect and I would argue that's why the car is taken in for a service in the first place. I contacted Audi UK for them to mediate however Listers would not budge to repair the car, therefore am looking to take this to small claims court. An independent assessor from The Institute of Automotive Engineer Assessors (IAEA) has also looked at the damage and confirmed the dent is the origin cause of the part to snap. His view is that it would be 50-50 for the court to award my claim which would be for my insurance excess of £650, The impact on my policy increasing due to the claim, expert fees and court fee to be awarded. I would be representing myself and the assessor would also attend. Do you guys think its worth pursuing through small claims court and any views of my chance on success would be most welcome. Thanks Yans
  4. I Bought a second hand Audi a couple of months back, part exchanging my old car. We are not talking a brand new car here but then there's not much change from15k either. From my first dealings with the garage they always seemed friendly and helpful but communication was always a challenge in that I constantly got different information depending on who I spoke to. Messages were not passed on and emails not answered. Having finally collected the car and after a few communication issues, more problems began to arise. Within a few days the new smelling car started to have a foul odour and it was then that I noticed air fresheners hidden behind the seats, four of them. I stopped to get fuel only to find the fuel cap wouldn't open without being prised open. This fuel cap was covered under the warranty and after complaining they offered to clean the car if I took it back but as it's an hours drive away I declined this offer to remedy this myself. I had also been promised a second key (when it was located) and the service book to be sent on recorded delivery as it was 'away being stamped'. The car was purchased in January and it's now the end of March and I still have nothing even though I have phoned and emailed twice within the last week. They have not responded to my emails at all and as far as I am concerned I was sold a car with a Full service history and actually have a car with zero service history – which if true could be worth considerably less money. I did finally get sent the V5 document but unfortunately this was first sent to the wrong address as they didn't manage to type that in correct so this document is possibly void? Since then I have had another Audi's V5 document sent to this address with another persons name. I'm sure this is just another error from them and is clearly some kind of data breach? I have sent emails informing them of this but once again I have been ignored. I could phone them but as they just fob me off I'd rather keep my communications in writing even if I am being ignored. I really don't know what to do next and have no idea how I stand from a legal point of view? It can't be right that I can spend this amount of money and get treated so badly and although they create the illusion of a professional company I think it's fair to say they are complete cowboys. It's not great that I have been sent another persons log-book either, not sure what to do about that? Apologies from me for the lengthy message but any help or advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.
  5. I bought a 12 mth warranty for over £2k from Audi 11 months ago. It was an expensive warranty but it had no excess and covered everything except service items such as tyres and brake pads etc.. I should say that I have had good experience with this same warranty product in the past; with a prior car purchase. The price also reflected the age and mileage of my vehicle. They quote newer, low mileage cars more cheaply than older, higher mileage cars... now 11 months down the line (I have met all the conditions of the policy on my side) I make a claim for a leaking rocker cover gasket on the engine, leaking drive shaft seals and a leaking water pump. All parts are expressly covered by the policy. the claim is rejected apparently because "wear and tear is the cause of failure". they knew the age and miles on my car and they quoted accordingly. If age and mileage was not a factor, (more wear and more tear) then why vary the price of their policies according to age and mileage? They knew and accepted the age and mileage of my vehicle when they sold me the policy and they priced it accordingly. In theory, no part would fail without use (wear and tear); then effectively no parts are covered by this policy? I have entered a formal complaint which they state they will respond within 5 days. I have insisted they fund the repairs but I am also agreeable for them to fully refund the £2k+ I paid for the policy. I await their reply. I expect to have to make a small claim. Great if anyone can paste a link to a similar case where there was a successful outcome in the small claims court.
  6. I have an A5 with an S-Tronic gearbox fault. The oil cooler has failed allowing engine coolant to flow through the gearbox, which has killed it. Diagnosed at my local Audi center last week, the car is a 12-Plate & Dealer service from New The cost of a replacement box is £12k with the car's value at about £14k The 3-year warranty expired in June 2015, however Audi still treat the car as "young", as it's less than 5 years old. Audi are saying they won't contribute towards the cost of this repair, I've raised it with Audi UK (callback tommorow.) I fully expect them to stick to their guns, I will then escalate to Audi HQ in Ingolstadt, Germany. Failing any joy with them, how do I stand, from a consumer-law point of view? I've been told that "reasonable use" with regards to a vehicle, correctly serviced at the Dealer, would be 5 years. The car is currently 4.5 years old. It also has only 28k miles on the clock, very low milage. My plan, if I cannot get it repaired by them, is to pursue a claim in the county court, but would like to know my chances of success. I've seen, in motoring forums, somebody turn an absolute "no" from the manufacturer, into a "yes", by pursuing them in the small claims court. Which I'm guessing, the manufacturer wouldn't want to go anywhere near, due to bad publicity? I feel like Audi should step-up & sort this issue, however it's going to be a battle.
  7. Hi all, I'll get straight into it. I bought an Approved Used Audi S3 (2015) from Watford Audi on 29/11/17. Car was listed for £24K, I paid a £500 deposit which included the £350 GAP Insurance. I was also intending to drop a £3,000 Deposit on my first monthly outgoing, bringing the payment down from £457.66 to £378.92. I SPECIFICALLY asked the dealer I was assigned if the car was standard as the exhaust sounded very sporty, I thought it possibly could've been a sports exhaust. He assured me the car was STANDARD. I go ahead with the sale on a 49 Month PCP with Blackhorse Finance. Not but 3 weeks later, I am pulled over to the side of the road by a Police Officer who claims my car is excessively loud and urges me to get the vehicle independantly checked. I get the car checked & what is brought to my attention? A centre silencer box has been REMOVED and a straight piece of pipe welded in its place. NOT STANDARD. This classifies the vehicle as "not as described" under the Consumer Rights Act 2015, classing it as unsatisfactory. With this information, I write up a Rejection letter for both Audi Watford & Blackhorse Finance. On 27/12/17 I personally hand the letter to the Sales Manager at Audi, with my partner recording the entire event for proof of delivery. The manager comes off as very apologetic and says he will need a day or so to process through the request and get back to me. A couple of other Sales Associates at Audi get in touch with me via phone so they can arrange for the car to be brought in for inspection. The car is picked up, inspected & delivered back to me with the outcome being that there is in fact a NON-STANDARD modification to my apparently "standard" Audi. Being the New Year, it takes up until Today 02/01/18 for Stephen to get back to me & deliver me the news that at this current moment in time they are "refusing" to accept my rejection of said vehicle. He states that as the problem is not a performance enhancement nor causes any catastrophic failure to the vehicle, it is "fit for purpose" and the rejection won't be happening. I state that I am well within my rights to a rejection as the request for rejection was given to him within 30 days (with proof) which means I have a Short Term Right To Reject within 30 days of purchase, according to The Consumer Rights Act 2015. He explained to me that the current plan is to go ahead with a repair/compensation style of agreement, to which I refuse to accept & state that I am within my rights to refuse this offer and receive a full refund. As it stands now, Stephen has told me that he will need another day or so to take it up with his management to try and source my preferred outcome. Blackhorse Finance know about this situation and they have urged me to try and settle it with the dealer first before they can get involved. What are my options at this stage? To the best of my knowledge I have a right to reject within 30 days as the vehicle is not as described & I am allowed to refuse their offer to replace/repair the car within 30 days and receive a full refund. Help would be greatly appreciated, I smell a court case
  8. Hi New to the site and would be grateful for anyones help here. Myself and my brother both have an Audi lease agreement. Both business PCP deals. Term ends on both cars tomorrow. I have just found out yesterday after contacting Audi Finance that the balloon payment of £24.95k plus admin x 2 will be leaving our account tomorrow. circa 50k. We have today handed the cars back as agreed and taken out a new deal / car each. New cars / deal do not start until March 2018. Unfortunately the Audi garage we deal with had not informed us that we had to contact the finance company and clarify that we would be returning the vehicles, and stop the balance payment due. The guy at Audi who got us the deal says Audi finance should have contacted myself detailing what we had to do with regards to the current deals. Audi could not stop the payments due to leave our account on the 30th, too close to DD date. I have also been told today that they will try take the payment again in 10 days time and if not paid it will default. I was also told by the same gentlemen at Audi finance that there is nothing else I can do. After default it will affect our credit rating. Obviously I do not want to make payment as we had secured a new deal + cars returned. We also do not have the money to cover the payment. Nor can we make full payment. Does anyone know what Audi do after default? Has anyone any experience of this sort of situation? i am not concerned about the credit rating affect upon the business nor am I concerned with losing the next car /deal agreed. (deposit paid and likely gone) My concern is the procedure of what Audi may do after default. Regards
  9. Hello Thank you for looking at this post. NOTE: only 121 audi a8 edition 21 are made for the UK. AvailbLe to order from July 2015. I am a chauffeur and wanted the a8 edition 21 because of my own personal liking to this model In the last week of August 2015 I decided that I want to purchase a new A8 LWB Edition 21. I was dealing with wimbledon audi. I have enquired about the a8 edition 21. I was told that the a8 edition 21 LWB was not available to order and also they could not configure the car on the audi website which meant audi does not make it in LWB verson (a a8 edition 21 SWB was available on the website). I have said serveral times if the a8 edition 21 model was available to order. I was told no and the salesman have confirmed it with a manager. So I decided on a8 LWB which was in stock. Which I decided to buy because based on the salesman telling me the edition 21 LWB was not available and audi did not make it. 5 months down the line I visited the west london audi and couldn't believe my eyes and saw an a8 LWB edition 21. I enquired to the sales team and asked when the edition 21 LWB was available to order and they confirmed it was July 2015. My question is that based on the salesman at Wimbledon audi telling me that the edition 21 is not available in the LWB and audi did not make it in the LWB version which made me to buy the normal a8 lwb .Have I been missold the vehicle I have purchased?
  10. My husband has a Audi S4 13 plate which had to be recovered and taken to an Audi Centre due to electrical fault. On board computer as they called it went mental putting out all sorts of messages and cut power on the car. It turns out that some wiring insulation and sound proofing has been damaged by rodents and the wiring has been damaged but this is not covered by the warranty. Apparently they see quite a few cars coming in with this problems. After living over 23 years in the same place my husband cannot understand why this has happened to this car. After doing some research it appears that in some new cars the insulation is manufactured using 'soy' which will attract the 'rodents' and therefore more and more cars are having to go the garage to be fixed. I'm trying to find out if the insulation in the car is made from or partly from 'soy.' What I would like to know is that could this classed as a 'defect in manufacture' under the terms of the warranty? Why should we have to pay because this obviously was not thought through? Any advice, most welcome.
  11. Good evening all, Thank you first of all for taking the time to read this post. Approximately 5 weeks ago I purchased an Audi A4 B8 2008 with 75,000 miles on the clock, full Audi service history from a company called Brooklands Motor Centres in Leeds, West Yorkshire. After owning the car for a few days I noticed immediately the gear changes where stiff and the clutch pedal went down in stages instead of a fluid motion and there was a loud noise when breaking and sharp turning of the vehicle whilst moving. I phoned Brooklands and they said to bring the car back up for them to inspect, I left the car with them and was phoned a few hours later saying they had changed the front break pads and there was nothing wrong with the gearbox/clutch, within the next 2 days the clutch and gear selection began to get worse, the clutch pedal operation was horrible and selecting first and second gear at times was impossible, I would have to roll the car forward slightly for the gearbox to slip in to first. Luckily my family are all grease monkeys and they checked the work on the front breaks, they all said Brooklands had not changed the pads at all, they hadn't even greased the sliders, the noise continued from the breaks. At this point I was annoyed and returned the car again unannounced and said I wasn't happy with the car and I thought they had made a mistake with the gearbox/clutch and hadn't carried out the work on the breaks properly, they took the car again for a full day and said they had now changed the pads, greased the sliders and changed the gearbox oil. I knew instantly they where trying to make cheap fixes to the vehicle in the hope I would fade away, after the car was returned to me by this point I was furious but gave them the benefit of the doubt and took the car away, the very next day the clutch was worse and by this stage I had my family look at the car who said it sounds like the clutch fingers have collapsed, I instantly took the car back to Brooklands, bypassed the sales staff and went straight to the head mechanic who tried the clutch and said instantly the car needed a new clutch/flywheel and the noise was actually coming from my back breaks and needed new pads and disks. Finally I thought I was over the worst and could look forward to enjoying my new car, 3 days after Brooklands having my car for the clutch repair Brooklands phoned and said 'sorry matthew we had to send the work out and when they fitted a new LUK clucth kit it wouldn't engage reverse or 1st gear so we have to strip the gearbox down and replace the clutch again, 6 days later I finally had the car returned, clutch felt ok but very heavy to engage but the clutch pedal operation no longer went down in stages and couldn't hear the clutch from the engine bay but at times I noticed the pedal would never fully release to it's normal position. Less then a week of having the car the problem returned, the clutch pedal is pushing down in stages and you can clearly hear the clutch operation from the engine bay and the gear changes are so stiff and difficult. I have now returned the car today and the attitude of there staff is unbelievable, they talked to me like I'm a nuisance, in total I have taken 5 days off work, have had no access to the car for approx 8 days and they have no respect for the fact I put my faith in there company to sell me a reliable car for me and my 3 year old daughter and all I have so far is a piece of crap with an expensive Audi badge on. I have notified the company I took the finance out with Santander but need advice on what I can do as a consumer, am I able to ask for a refund or a replacement car, what would be the next sensible steps? Thank you in advance, Matt Wilson
  12. Hi guys, wondering if anyone can give me some helpful advice. I purchased an Audi last year around 8 months ago - It is an Approved Used car and I have Audi finance. I was told (verbally) that I would get free servicing. I never thought anything of this until today when I went to book a service at my local Audi garage and was told that there is no free servicing on the system. I contacted the dealer I purchased from and have been told that the finance agreement didn't include free servicing, and that I would have signed papers related to servicing when signing the finance agreement with the lady who organised it. At the point of purchase, I wasn't to know that a free servicing offer/agreement is tied in with the finance agreement. Anyway - it appears I have no leg to stand on even though I am 100% sure I was told that by a salesman. I even remember having a conversation with regards to where I can take the car to for servicing ie. does it have to be the dealer I purchase from or will any Audi dealer suffice. Also - while looking at the order form today for my car, it states that my car should have cruise control. My car definitely doesn't have cruise control and to be honest, it's not one of the extras that I thought I had and it's not something that I was looking out for however having noticed it on the order form, it's come to my attention that it's definitely not on there. Can this be used as some sort of leverage? I agree at the end of the day it's my fault for not following through with checking if I have paperwork for 2 years free servicing but a part of me just thought that it would be on the system somewhere. Talk about being naive. The sales rep is checking with the advertising company that their Audi garage use so they can check whether the control cruise was on the advert. I've not heard anything back yet but if they do say that it was't - does that change things? I know it's been 8 months and I haven't noticed the cruise control issue but surely if they're using paperwork against me to say that I can't have free servicing then surely I can do the same?
  13. Hi all I am new to this forum, hence why my first post is on here! I have an Audi a3 which i purchased through Black Horse in 2010. I still have 19 months left on the HP agreement. Last week i had the engine management light come on, so i booked it into my local garage to take a look. They have found two cylinders misfiring and one has excessive scoring to the bore. All in all an engine rebuild is going to cost me 4.5k or find another engine and have it replaced (again in excess of 1.5k-2k) I dont have the money to fix my car and am wondering what my options are. It is an 08 plate and only done 58k miles so as you can get i am pretty angry with the situation. Black Horse have said they wont have it back unless its fixed so that is not an option at the moment Any help or advice gratefully recieved Cheers
  14. Not mine, but my mothers. It's an A3 2 litre estate (2007 plate) that has just been taken by them for a replacement set of injectors under a recall issued a few weeks back. The only issue is, late last year the car went into the same garage for a misfire and they replaced 2 injectors then at a cost of 1550 pounds (there was some other small work at the time - fluids and a fault in the washer bottle delivery - but the top end parts and labour constituted the bulk of the cost). Naturally mum isn't too pleased with Audi now confirming there was a fault all along. Is it something she could persue for a partial refund and has anyone else had success with similar ? Thanks
  15. Hi, I bought an Audi A4 (2004 model, automatic transmission) for £3400 today. This is my first car in the country and I have never had an automatic car before this. I made the full payment and started to get back home. On way I realised that the PRNDS lights were flashing. I had no idea what was it but then googled about this on web. It seems that there is a big issue with the transmission and people who had this problem before were actually advised not to drive the car (even though it operates fine) as the car is not considered to be fit for driving with the lights flashing! I immediately called the dealer to explain the problem. He offered me to visit their mechanic on Monday (tomorrow is Sunday). I asked him what happens if there is something is wrong with the transmission (as I read on the web) and incurs a big cost. To this he said that he was not liable to anything. This made me surprised as he sold me the car just 2 hours ago!! I believe that he knew this problem already and has sold without telling me. In fact I also asked him before purchasing if he was aware of any technical problems to which he said No. I also said that I dont want the car as it seems to be a problem and if he could take it back. He said he cant take the car back either. Please advise the best possible way out of this. I am worried that this could cost me a huge money! The posts I read said somewhere around £1400. Best regards Saurabh
  16. My husband bought an Audi TT on finance from cargiant in April '12. I am the second driver on the insurance policy. Cargiant talked us into buying their warranty and told us that it would cover anything that might happen with the car in the first 12 months. In September, the engine started shaking, we were both in the car, had to drive it to the nearest petrol station and call the AA. The AA guy did a quick diagnostic and said it was a faulty camshaft position sensor. He also said it would be the best thing to take the car to an Audi outlet for repair, so we searched for our closest Audi branch in London, which happened to be a centrally located Sytner. (The warranty sold to us by cargiant of course excluded the camshaft sensor.) We went there together, were promised that they would fix everything very quickly by a slimy salesman called X, who clearly had pound signs dancing in his pupils when he found out our address. I said I would leave my contact details as it is in general easier to reach me as I have a flexible work schedule and hubby is at work a lot. I did specify that I wasn't the reg. keeper of the vehicle. A week or so later, I was told it wasn't the camshaft and that they'd have to run another diagnostic which would cost £750. I said ok. They didn't know what was wrong for a few more weeks, then X called and said the cylinder head on the engine was broken and that it would be easier to just get a new engine and that because it was a mechanical fault which hadn't been brought on by incompetent driving or anything else Audi would cover 100% of the costs. The cargiant warranty people said yet again the warranty didn't cover the engine. A while after that, hubby&I decided to pay Sytner a visit as they still hadn't done anything, and were told by X that he had 'bad news'. The news was that all of a sudden, Audi had decided to cover 30% of the costs and we'd have to pay the rest, ie £5000. We never saw a written document stating the cost for parts, labor etc. My husband then called his finance company, and they in turn called X, then called hb back, saying that they had been told we'd have to pay £2400. X called hb and huffed and puffed defensively and angrily said it wouldn't have been necessary to call the finance company. Again, nothing happened, after waiting 2 months we got our courtesy car just because I screamed in the Sytner office so much they decided it would be better to get us a car pronto. I spoke to the manager and told her about the ridiculous customer service they had, and she agreed to deal with the case, but she dropped it after a while and transferred it back to the slimy incompetent X. None of the people I dealt with at Sytner ever bothered calling regarding the warranty, I don't know what they get paid for. Again, the finance company called and said they'd been told we would have to pay something over a thousand pounds. So there still was a discrepancy over the amount owed. They finally finished working on the car, but X called and said the timing belt needed changing (as if they hadn't been able to see that straightaway when stripping down the engine) and that it would cost another £2050. I am totally furious as there is an obvious [problem] going on! This is so dodgy it's unbelievable! Sytner never showed us a document of any kind, or an invoice clearly breaking down costs, nothing! How can a legit dealership treat their clients like that? What are we supposed to do now? There is no way I'm lining X's slimy disgusting pockets with money!
  17. hello there We bought a car through Audi last year using a pcp financing deal. We part exchanged a car that was also under a finance deal. Audi claimed it was in negative equity, a fact that we denied but in any event they gave us a good enough deal so we went with it. We want to hand the car back but we have been told that notwithstanding the fact that we paid approx £300 per month for a year we still owe them money, around £3,500 due to the depreciation in value of the car against the loan. My issue is that i am sure we were advised that we could hand the car back at any time and there would be no problem, and that the days of negative equity in cars as we had with our former agreement are over. Our understanding was that we could hand the car back and walk away. There is nothing wrong with the car, we just don't want to be tied to the agreement any more and would rather buy a second car outright. Is it worth taking our case to the FOS on the basis that we were misrepresented at the time we bought the car as to the way the financing worked? Has anyone else had a similar problem? Many thanks
  18. An Audi A3 was stolen off the owners driveway in South Manchester on 7th June 2012 The thieves entered the house via the insecure front door and threatened the owner with a crowbar before stealing the keys and then the car itself. The owner however has quite a good CCTV system and has uploaded the theft and images of the thieves on youtube to try and identify them. It's worth a watch and worth circulating further to help try and identify these **** to the police http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=NSvrtmGMmUI
  19. In December 2010, my stepson was involved in an accident. Another car crashed into him and it was the other drivers fault. My stepson contacted Audi Harold Wood and they sent one of their reps to come and look at the damage. The Audi rep informed my step son that they would deal with everything on his behalf and he did not need to contact his own insurance company. He was also informed that a company called Accident Exchange would contact him and arrange for a courtesy car to be delivered whilst his car was being repaired. His Audi A3 was collected and an Audi A4 was supplied. My Stepson's car was repaired and collected on 25 January 2011. Initially the car seemed fine, but the next morning my stepson noticed a strange noise when starting the car. This was very similar to the noise that was pointed out to the Audi rep that inspected the car in December. A few days later the engine management light came on. My stepson returned the car to Balgores Motors who had carried out the repair on behalf of Audi. My stepson notified them of the strange noise but no action was taken, but they did reset the engine management light. Four days later, the same light came on again and my stepson contacted Audi as he was sure that this problem was obviously accident related. Audi advised him that Diagnostic tests would have to be carried out and that the other party’s insurance company were requesting for an independent report as they did not agree that the problem was related to the original accident. Audi produced their own report on 14 March 2011 and they stated that the problems with the car were due to lack of oil in the gearbox. Trinity Insurance (the other party’s insurance company) produced their own report on 6 April 2011. The inspection was completed by a company called Hoopers. This report basically mirrored the report of Audi and stated that the fault was due to the gearbox and was not accident related. By this time Audi had provided my stepson with an estimate to get his car repaired which come to a staggering £4339.86. There is no way that my stepson's gearbox was faulty prior to this accident. On the 28 July 2010, my stepson collected his car from a garage in Southend. They had fitted a new clutch. On the evening of the 28 July 2010, my son was involved in an accident (not in his car) which left him 35 percent burns. He nearly died and was in the intensive care department of Broomfield Hospital for around 6 weeks. Even when he was allowed home, he was not able to drive for a long period of time. In fact he had only been driving for about two weeks prior to the accident. The garage that replaced his clutch has provided written evidence to state that at the time that they were working on the car, there were no problems with the gearbox. My partner and I decided to instruct an Independent expert and he provided us with a comprehensive report. In the conclusion of his report he states; CONCLUSION AND COMMENTS In my opinion it is likely that the items of concern listed below including damage sustained were caused/influenced as a direct result from accident damage/impact from the nearside front. • Plastic under tray. • Transmission nearside casing is damaged below the differential/driveshaft. • Exhaust flexible-down pipe damage. • Oil leaking from transmission. • Transmission casting/cooling fin above the oil leak is damaged. Note: the effects from shock waves/side loading through the transmission case on impact via the driveshaft cannot be accurately calculated but would have been substantial. It is impossible to say with certainty whether all or part of these faults were present prior to the accident. It is however alleged/implied that these items were old faults which had materialised some time prior to the accident. NOTE: Both Audi and Balgores motors had the opportunity to inspect and roadtest the customers vehicle subsequent to completion of repairs and handover, but made no mention of these findings until the vehicle returned for diagnosis following the customers complaint. If the additional items had been included in the original estimate then the vehicle would have been a total insurance loss claim i.e. Written off. As soon as I had the copy of the report and a letter from the garage that replaced the clutch, I wrote to the Audi Harold Wood complaints manager. This comprehensive letter was sent on 30 August 2011. This letter was not acknowledged so I rang Audi Harold Wood and spoke to the Manager. The Manager apologised and asked me to email the letter to him directly and he would deal with the matter. He got back to me a few days later and asked if my stepson and partner were prepared to have a meeting with him. They declined as they had already had a previous meeting with one of the service Managers and it ended with him lowering the car whilst they were trying to take photos of the damage underneath the car. Also people have a habit of forgetting and denying what they say verbally!!!! On 3 October, I received a letter from the Manager of Audi basically saying that they were not prepared to do anything with regard to my stepson’s losses and repairing his car. I responded on 4 October 2011 by sending a letter before claim, I advised them that my stepson would be reducing the claim to £5000 so the matter could be dealt with in the small claims court. I am sure that you can imagine that the cost of storing his car, hire charges, train fares and the actual cost of repair came to quite a bit more than this !! I gave Audi Harold Wood until 18 October 2011 to respond and advised them if they did not get back to me I would issue proceedings against them in the small claims court. I received an email at 5pm on the 18 October from the Manager and he stated that he was willing to have a look at my stepson’s car and carry out further investigations. I actually believed that they were finally going to do the decent thing, but I was wrong!!!!! They collected the car in November 2011 and I received a letter on 13 December 2011 which basically stated that they were not prepared to do anything and my stepson should contact his own Insurance company. I responded by stating that this was not an option that was open to my stepson as his own insurance company washed their hands of the matter because Audi had referred him to Accident Exchange. I also advised that we would be filing a claim in the New Year. A claim was made at the beginning of February this year and we have just been informed of a hearing date of the 26 April 2012, this is to allow the Judge to find out all the facts prior to the claim going to court. I have been asked to provide the court of evidence of a contractual agreement between my stepson and Audi. Unfortunately, I do not have anything in writing other than the fact that they carried out the work on my stepson’s car. I also will be stating that if Audi do not consider that they had any type of contract with us, why did they agree to collect and inspect the car in November 2011? I just hope that Audi are not going to get away with the way they have dealt with this matter and I worry for other people who may find themselves in a similar situation. If anyone has any suggestions or comments, I would love to hear from you and I will of course keep this thread updated.
  20. My sister bought a 2008 Audi TT from a local Audi dealer on an HP agreement not too long ago. There has been a 'ticking' sound from behind the dash for some time, which she's tried to have fixed. Despite repeated attempts, more than five, the reason for the sound was not immediately identified by the garage. She took the car in a few weeks ago regarding the nosie again - and was told the steering column needed replacing! It seems unlikely that these two issues are connected - can anyone shed any light on this? She then picked the car up once the new column had beed fitted and drove away, with her 5 month old daughter beside her. She soon realised however that the steering was not working properly and had little control when trying to turn the car. She very carefully managed to return to the garage, quite upset. This had clearly been a very dangerous situation. Once the car had been checked again the after sales manager told her that because something had not been done to the ABS the steering would not work correctly - he was clealry extremely annoyed (with the mechanics) and offered my sister a weekend away fully paid for the inconvenience, which my sister promptly refused - she just wants to have a car that is safe. Two things; (1) she feels unable to trust the garage now and clearly something has not been right with the car since she bought it - can she refuse to take it back? She has said she wants a different car but the garage have refused. Is this one of those cases where she'll need to go through the finance company as it's an HP agreement? (2) Can she do anything about the dangerous situation the garage put her into? It is only by luck that perhaps something serious did not happen. I should say that as she's just had her first baby recently this is all getting a bit much for her, and I offered to try and find out some info - she could well do without the hassle. Can anyone out there please help? Thanks
  21. H Againi, Just started another thread for another claim ppi claim I am making. I recently started a claim against Audi as I believed that I had had a ppi with them but couldn't at first find the old documents. Over the years I had bought two cars from Audi. Anyway, just over a week ago I sent the SAR to Audi who had previously refused my PPI claim saying I did not have ppi with them. It was an odd thing since I managed to find all the paperwork, account numbers etc. Anyway, I have received all their documents and find that I did have PPI with them after all on my second car and not the first. At the time I was recovering from a surgery I had had several months before. The sales guy had encourage me to buy the ppi given my recent illness. I have since found out that I would not have been able to make a claim as it was a pre-existing illness. I'm not not so sure how to reply to them now. Do I need to resubmit my ppi claim form to them again? or Is there a template that might help me demand that they now pay me back what ppi they have? Could someone also help me work out how much money I may be entitled to claim, they took monthly payments of £19.99 for the 3 years I had the car. Thank you in advance! -JS-
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